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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 177 KB, 789x1012, lil_peep_by_illastrat666-dcmaqr7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3595623 No.3595623 [Reply] [Original]

what do you think?

>> No.3595670

Its fuckin rad

>> No.3595676

Why do you even come on this board? You obviously aren't looking for critiques or even trying to improve. Why do you do this?

>> No.3595682

to get my dick stroked

>> No.3595690

Fucking terrible shit

>> No.3595701

Jealous faggot

>> No.3595703
File: 32 KB, 269x358, ht_spanish_painting_jesus_badly_restored_thg_120822_wmain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btfo by old spanish lady

>> No.3595706

you are a lying piece of shit

you say "i use photo reference"
next day you say "i don't trace"
yet another, it's "all freehand, no reference"
then it's "i don't use photos!"
all that to defend this steaming crap that is awful to begin with

fuck the fuck off you scheming shit

>> No.3595712

What difference does it make. It’s better than that crap you call art faggot

>> No.3595718


>> No.3595728

hammerhead nigger jesus.

>> No.3595729
File: 117 KB, 1600x1067, GTY_2_Headed_pig_MEM_151124_3x2_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, any /beg/ drawing is better than your incest-style faces that look like something went terribly wrong

but the best part is, you don't even see it.

>> No.3595737

Critique it if it’s so bad

>> No.3595744
File: 1.84 MB, 3187x2390, 6F620804-2C7A-4953-AE2C-E743C3B6CB00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3595750

Stop tracing, wigger.

>> No.3595756

please explain to me what you yourself think about the position of the eyes and the nose bridge.

not to mention lazy, non-existent background, as always.
you are a disgraceful photobasher, nothing more.

>> No.3595761

i didnt think it was possible to be dumber than illastrat

>> No.3595789

How can you trace a canvas

>> No.3595790

It’s lit

>> No.3595794

You're not Steven Armstrong

>> No.3595859


>> No.3596031
File: 27 KB, 400x400, sid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3596040

keep it up pal. i enjoy your artworks and your quality posts each and everytime, dont let those crabs turn you down, man. hope i see more of your work on here soon

>> No.3596052

RIP mac miller

>> No.3596069

R.I.P. lil peep

>> No.3596088


>> No.3596147

It’s stylized

>> No.3596204
File: 1.73 MB, 3927x2947, musky greens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait so you painted lil peep when Mac Miller died?

Also who are these people and why come I never hear of them until after they drank too much sizurp?

>> No.3596205
File: 1.68 MB, 516x472, musk smoke face.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also you should do a smokey Musk meme

>> No.3596220

I started lil peep before Mac miller died.

>> No.3596245

Graphite transfer.

>> No.3596246

thread hidden

>> No.3596250

Nah nigga. This is all me

>> No.3596251

Well you asked so i answered with a real way. i didn't accuse you of anything you defensive prick.

>> No.3596253

Could go viral tobh, you should post it on twitter and insta

>> No.3596257

It’s on instagram. Got about 30 likes. It’s fine art. Very meticulously done. I don’t think the general pubic knows how well painted it is.

>> No.3596273
File: 3.58 MB, 4032x3024, 137. REEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t think the general pubic knows how well painted it is.
yeah that's MY problem too!

>> No.3596278


>> No.3596280
File: 1.91 MB, 2459x3335, 63. Bamman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could post it to some kind of subreddits like /r/hiphopheads or something. But might want to wait for them to quit circlejerking about Mac Miller first. Or just title it like "lets not forget lil peep" or something idk

>> No.3596356
File: 762 KB, 300x170, 1533690819231.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3596366

hope you're taking notes here jimmy, cause you and illastrat have more or less the same absence of skill but presence of ego. See how it seems kind of weird how proud he is of this shit painting? it's the same thing with you and your shit paintings.

>> No.3596393

What’s so shitty about the painting?

>> No.3596410

didnt know lil peep had fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.3596414

by far my favourite one of yours

>> No.3596427

his left eye looks like its falling off his face

>> No.3596531

I don't know a lot about painting, but to me it is wonky and unappealing. Also the colors put me off, like why use pure black for the tattoos, are you 5.

>> No.3596536

sorry for the honest crits. You have done a couple of paintings in different styles that were better.

>> No.3596541 [DELETED] 

69 + 708

>> No.3596542


6ix9ine + 708

>> No.3596799

If they could bottle your self delusion, they might find a new energy source.

>> No.3597082
File: 739 KB, 1564x2048, 83491E1D-A001-4CFD-824F-14B3191BA5E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Working with color tempature.

>> No.3597179

your anatomy skills are at -457.87°

>> No.3597247

My features are exaggerated. What about my anatomy lacks?

>> No.3597253

your features aren't exaggerated, you bleeding moron.
they are OFF
like the one eye is in montreal and the other is in fucking shanghai

>> No.3597256

That’s obviously an exaggeration.

>> No.3597257

that is fucking incest failed abortion face distortion-tier

>> No.3597259

you know what? you should have whacko meme painter Jimmy teach you his autistic tracing method. at least you'd stop painting these obscene fucking faces that look like someone punched a piece of dough with a baseball bat for two hours straight.

>> No.3597261

The correct definition is expressionist fine art.

>> No.3597265
File: 2.27 MB, 3024x3780, 31AC8613-370F-4FDD-B304-F59AC964A809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would grid if I wasn’t satisfied with my faces. Most of which is intentional.

>> No.3597267 [DELETED] 

1) you are almost a hundred years late to be an expressionist
2) no expressionist painted therapy art pieces from digital camera photos
3) you are blind to your own mistakes and you can dig your own grave at this point, artistically speaking - no progress is possible, if you are that blind and ignorant
4) you are a lying piece of shit (i don't trace! i do trace! i don't use photo references! i do! etc.)
5) even calling your shit art brut would be an insult to all the windowlickersm, down syndrom folks and other disabled people doing art brut

>> No.3597270

1) you are almost a hundred years late to be an expressionist
2) no expressionist painted therapy art pieces from digital camera photos
3) you are blind to your own mistakes and you can dig your own grave at this point, artistically speaking - no progress is possible, if you are that blind and ignorant
4) you are a lying piece of shit (i don't trace! i do trace! i don't use photo references! i do! etc.)
5) even calling your shit art brut would be an insult to all the windowlickers, down syndrom dudes, psychotherapy patients and other disabled people who create art brut

>> No.3597280

You seem to invested in my failure to be taken seriously. I am calling racism

>> No.3597290 [DELETED] 

you seem to intimidated by criticism.
did it hit you that hard, babyboi?

>> No.3597293

you seem too intimidated by criticism.
did it hit you that hard, babyboi?

>> No.3597301

My girl went to the top art school in the World. She is the top tattoo artist in the state. All I do is art. Why would she be with me for 4 years, have my baby or settle if she didn’t view me as her artistic equal? My dick is not THAT big and I don’t have a lot of money. I’ve won the city guild, am in galleries and coffee shops. I’ve been in juried shows second to my girl. What do all these guilds and art institutions see that y’all dont see?

>> No.3597303

If y’all didnt call me nigger or weren’t racist I could take y’all seriously. But I can’t.

>> No.3597307

you know, there are lots of levels of art out there. there are lots of galleries for all these types and grades of art out there, too. because like shit galleries and gallerists, there are people with shit tastes out there. and your art is for people with a shit taste.

picture the fact that there is "Barbie - the movie" and "Melancholia" by Lars von Trier. now, you are on the Barbie side of the spectrum.

>pic related
there are galleries selling this kind of junk to people for a thousand bucks. it means nothing.

>> No.3597308
File: 72 KB, 736x584, 6fbd6d59b05494f1766db4f43982887a--modern-abstract-art-abstract-art-paintings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
... and nobody in here called you that, you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.3597320

Well, like I proved 8 months ago, I am in the top galleries in my area, I am a member and winner of the top guild award, I have a solo exhibition coming up and I’ve placed in multiple juried shows. This is more convincing than some random ANONYMOUS Internet forum that poses as being quasi professional but comes off opposite. Nobody that allows race to determine whether somebody is an artist or not is credible. I went to art school too and done well.

>> No.3597332

>This is more convincing than some random ANONYMOUS Internet forum that poses as being quasi professional but comes off opposite.
then why do you come here, great master Illastrat? why do you shitpost your fucking awful paintings with the same wording every fucking week?
>"So?" ..... "what do yall think?"
you get rekt for painting deformed faces and kindergarten backgrounds. you don't like it? then fuck off.

>Nobody that allows race to determine ...
NOBODY ever made this a race thing.
YOU did!

and recently, people have doxed you for allegedly being a white boi. and you mostly paint black rappers. you are the racist here.

>> No.3597335

I get call nigger all the time on 4 chan

>> No.3597344

I come here as entertainment.

Actually, largely it is a race issue, maybe not for you (which I doubt). Stop speaking for other people faggot.

>> No.3597352

you are a narcissistic asshole, shut off from all criticism. that's why you come here. you parade your tiny dick and you don't care if the crowd laughs.

>> No.3597371

Why would I care? This is 4 chan. Y’all make an utter mockery of art. I have too many accolades to care.

>> No.3597498

I think it's high time you sat down and learned your fucking facial anatomy, that's what I think.

>> No.3597659

I know facial anatomy

>> No.3598029

This the same girl you called out for tracing and said you hated on. You two must be desperate to stay together.

>> No.3598031

Take your freaking meds, you loon.

>> No.3598046

prove it then. draw or paint a realistic one just once to btfo us.

>> No.3598048
File: 1.74 MB, 4032x3024, 3AA77476-7507-4322-8AC8-7FB1F71CB69C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go

>> No.3598051

What's the matter, Cameron? Posting picks off the internet won't make you any more black, don't you know that?

>> No.3598054

Thats not what we asked for.
Also my dick is bigger and i'm a white. but i have the common decency not to post it.

>> No.3598064

It’s a hyperrealistic painting

>> No.3598065

Yeah but its not a face is it.

>> No.3598067

I posted Rihanna’s face

>> No.3598068

I'm giving you the chance to finally btfo us with your amazing talents and concede defeat to your glory, but i dont think that is really going to happen because you dont have the skill.

>> No.3598070

you mean this?

while better than you usually do, its not that great or realistic.

>> No.3598077
File: 1000 KB, 2048x2048, 32D987AA-D8CB-4309-BFFD-57A5AED56F08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It’s better than what your white “masters” could do. Also, no, it’s not photorealistic but yes, it’s realistic. It’s what drawings looked like before mechanic assistant.

>> No.3598080
File: 771 KB, 2426x1992, 59C85F43-2F71-403D-BED2-9C35650ED568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3598081

>comparing yourself to da Vinci
ok ....

>> No.3598082

this one is interesting.

>> No.3598086

My drawing is better. Plus I didn’t use the camera obscure to do my art

>> No.3598090

>my drawing is better than da vinci
nigga, I would fade you for saying some shit like that to me irl

>> No.3598091

It is. I am the next Van Gogh. Y’all just late at recognizing it

>> No.3598093

van Gogh wasn't that good either imo.

>> No.3598096

U never seen a Van Gogh painting in person then

>> No.3598100
File: 464 KB, 1000x1000, 7E4FA75B-E2BB-4F93-9B35-BC969F2FE18E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same technique as Van Gogh. I mold the paint like clay and shape it

>> No.3598108


Well you're both mental so you got that going for you

>> No.3598247

So you think Rhi's face looks like a manky cock?

>> No.3598248
File: 274 KB, 1250x1128, Sneck hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next Van Gogh everyone! Can't you see it??? And if you can't you're just a racist!! Woohooo!!

>> No.3598256
File: 241 KB, 750x738, IMG_2001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine really wanting to paint lil peep (RIP)

>> No.3598308

I don’t get what you mean. It’s a popular reference