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3595337 No.3595337 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I learn more about sequential art and how to do comic paneling right?

I struggle a lot coming up with comic panels, where to use closeup, where to zoom out, flow of a page, etc.

>> No.3595343

try reading comics

>> No.3595348

I do that and make mental notes, but I can't seem to master it on my own.

>> No.3595645

There aren't as many books on theory about specifically sequential art, but some I would highly reccomend:

Making Comics, by Scott McCloud (and in general, any of his books are good reads)
Drawing Words and Writing Pictures, by Jessica Abel and Matt Madden

And if you want an old school cartoonist giving their two cents: Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative, by Will Eisner. Previous two book recommendations already cover info in this book with more detail, but it is still an interesting read from a great cartoonist.

>> No.3595763

Thanks a lot, I will check these out.

>> No.3595767


Here is a little blog full of neat little tidbits on comic making.

>> No.3595770

don't show beastars to normies

>> No.3595830

In addition to >>3595645 book recs, there's McCloud's Understanding Comics, fantastic read.
Framed Ink is another book solely dedicated to panel composition.
Another field you might want to look into is film and photography. I've been meaning to make a thread asking how useful it'd be to study film/photography fundamentals but I digress. Studying those you'll find more info on shot composition and choice of frame for sure.

But really, your best source of info is going to be reading comics. Read em, reread them, analyze them, break them down, you'll learn just from reading.

>> No.3596561

framed ink

>> No.3596682

Making Comics by McCloud is all you need to start. Keep in mind that there isn't a single right way to do comic paneling, there are a set of basic rules to avoid confusion, but other than that the paneling is a matter of tradition and personal taste: mainstream American comics are different from mainstream French comics and manga.

This is what I mean when I say avoid confusion:

>> No.3596712

>mental notes
Write that fucking shit down.

Also, read Hitchcock/Truffaut.

>> No.3596939

Drawing Words and Writing Pictures, by Jessica Abel and Matt Madden

Is there a .pdf or digital copy of this that can be shared?

>> No.3597363 [DELETED] 
File: 412 KB, 709x682, Beastars Vol.3 Chapter 22 Together With Bill s Shadow Mangakakalot.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3597507

try Strip Panel Naked on YouTube. I been watching a lot of their videos lately and I've learned a lot so far. The videos are fairly short, between 5 and 10 minutes each, and give a good analysis of what certain panel layouts are used to convey certain ideas and themes within a story.

>> No.3599367

Op here, lots of good reads, thanks a lot all.

>> No.3599395

Beastars is one of the rare cases of furries done right.

>> No.3599415
File: 39 KB, 321x322, 1457364050601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that deer looks cool
not a furry tho

>> No.3599426

He's a cool character too.