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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 786 KB, 984x2507, 1355626096-1139661-www.nevsepic.com.ua[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3587866 No.3587866 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop comparing myself to other (often younger) artists who are better than me? Always brings me down and then I don't feel like drawing anymore.

>> No.3587873

oh man

i hate it when people like you see my work and you can see their insides falling apart thru their eyes.

get a fucking grip, man.

>> No.3587874
File: 808 KB, 1120x1600, 10-Coeurs Vaillants 1956 27.3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found an interesting blogpost cataloging some of Jean Giraud's early comics.

He drew Western comics for several years before he had his breakout success with Blueberry, and worked on that for nearly a decade before he started drawing under the name Moebius. So it's tempting to compare yourself to prime era Blueberry or Arzach, but the fact is that those were the result of 20 years of work in the comic industry.

>> No.3587875

>reddit spacing
>posting on /ic/
Kek I don’t think he’s taking about you Kruger Sama. 99% chance you’re /beg/

>> No.3587877


or look at the works of older artists. james gurney is p old and he's one of my favs.

>> No.3587878

Practice not being a faggot before you try to practice any other skill. I'm talking shit but really, it'll carry over to every other one of your pursuits.

>> No.3587894
File: 284 KB, 1000x1000, 1522877179483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomer detected

>> No.3587895


>> No.3587896

This. Villpu is old as fuck too and he draws daily. I know tons of senior citizens who draw constantly and are actually good. It's called improving, do it as often as possible consistently throughout your life and you'll always hit new personal peaks. Improve your fundamentals and build your skillset and style.

>> No.3587903

stop spamming "Just Draw' in every thread you faggot. Is this a new meme or something?

>> No.3587904

Just draw a box for 16 hours a day.

>> No.3587908

That is interesting, thanks for sharing.

>> No.3587920


>> No.3587922

Stop shitposting and JUST DRAW

>> No.3588541


>> No.3588552

How old are you OP? Most people here are like 12-30 years old.

As long as you're not an unironic boomer with grandkids, you've got nothing to be ashamed or afraid of.

>> No.3588565

Dont be a faggotophobe

>> No.3588604


>> No.3589362

Fear=/= disgust

>> No.3590150
File: 2.73 MB, 3560x2974, 200. hideaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I stop comparing myself to other (often younger) artists who are better than me?
Just focus on doing better than yourself?

idk I don't have that problem really. Too self-centered. And I'm not really focused on doing stuff that is competitive. But all that envy and bitterness and resentment and whatever other shit is ultimately just self-destruction and whatever.

You can't control what other people do. The only thing you have control over in your life is you. And if looking at (often younger) artists fucks up your vibe, stop looking at them. They don't matter.

>> No.3590155
File: 1.50 MB, 370x288, windy african american lad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admire their art and their work ethic-and remember that ultimately the only person you're competing with is yourself. It doesn't matter how good OR BAD somebody else is. It's about what you can do. I don't think jealousy makes a good motivator, but I suppose that's a subjective thing, too. Some people might find butthurt the purest and most potent source of artistic fuel


>> No.3590253

>sergio toppi
EXCELLENT taste my man

>> No.3590678

You grow a pair of balls or you just grow up.

>> No.3590773

T. Boomer

>> No.3590776

who gives a fuck

>> No.3590782

He really is amazing. I was reading The Collector the other day and it took me like 10 minutes just to read one page because I couldn’t stop gawking at the art. Most artists save the really nice drawings for splash pages or other big moments but with Toppi literally every panel is a masterpiece.

>> No.3590874

Steal. They are not here to be admired. They are here to be plundered. If you see someone better than you or with better technique than your own steal as much as you can. Incorporate what you like in your own works and discard the rest.

>> No.3590916
File: 6 KB, 400x400, 1489855904501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cares how old you are. If you created the greatest painting ever but you're 99 then people will care about the painting, not your age

>> No.3591113

Stop lying to him. If you are 20 or older and just starting then it’s over. You have no chance and should pursue something else or stick to being a hobbyist. To many oldfags on /ic/ waste years of their lives because they’re deluded into believing that they can still make it. 99.99% of pros were already good by 20.

>> No.3591285

Best post in this thread by far.

>> No.3591337
File: 2.45 MB, 2760x3685, 196. kimnihilation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I kind of take back what I said before this is the real memes

If they're doing things that you can use, why wouldn't you give it a gander?

Art becomes magic to me when you don't even know what you could "steal" to be able to replicate what the artist is doing even if you wanted to.

>> No.3591339

I can't tell if you actually mean that or if you're just shitposting to make the person you replied to feel bad.

>> No.3591343
File: 2.07 MB, 2570x3260, 11. Purity of Essence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it depends on what they're trying to do.

If you're trying to compete to get some kind of technical drafting shit yeah you're probably fucked by all the kids that intrinsically understood the "loomis" meme when they were 6. That shit is etched into their personality.

But if you're just trying to make cool art, there's no dang threshold. Art is storytelling. If you're a great storyteller, you can elevate eh art. If you're an amazing artist, nobody gives a shit about the conversation piece.

Saying you can't get into art if you're older than 20 is like saying you can't get into being a magician. It's all a hoax! It's a money laundering scam!

Just give yourself goals and plan on failing. Let them sort it out in the post mortem.

>> No.3592128

This is true. See how no one can name pros who started at an older age? Don’t say Van Gogh because he had excellent drawing skills before painting.

>> No.3592291
File: 120 KB, 640x640, terada katsuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Success is a long term thing most of the time. Or rather, it's easy to compare yourself to pros like your work and their work, and forget to compare their experience and yours. I've been watching these videos on this channel lately:
And both Katsuya Terada and Yoshitoshi ABe talk about their 25 years of pro experience. If you want to really get good then you're in this game for the long haul, you should learn to enjoy it and not compare yourself too much to people further ahead, or who are starting from a different point that you, etc. Everyone has their own path, there's even people who start in their 30s and "make it".

>> No.3592304
File: 611 KB, 750x812, 1533176235069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akira Toriyama started when he was 23


He's rich as fuck and definitely anybody's definition of "making it."

In fact, I seriously doubt anybody has "made it" harder than Toriyama in the last 25 years. His bank account was even in the Panama Papers leak because he's so fucking rich all that money can't even fit inside Japan.

>> No.3592309

Did he really? Not saying you’re wrong, I’ve just never heard that before. Got a sauce on it?

>> No.3592313


>At age 23, I drew my first comic. …Then submitted → was naturally rejected, submitted → rejected, at which point I was taken under the wing of my current editor, which brings us up to now.


>> No.3592443

Oh cool. It does say that he was a graphic designer and used to draw stuff for work but I guess he didn’t draw comics in earnest until 23.

>> No.3593333


>> No.3593334

If pic related is your art your opinion is invalid.

>> No.3593335

If pic related is your art your opinion means nothing.

>> No.3593343
File: 2.03 MB, 2754x3553, 252. clarke kek 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ad hominem
>ad hominem
NGMI kiddo. your parents will be relieved when they find your body hanging in your closet :)

>> No.3593345

Doesn't change my point. You can't comment on whether you can be good in your 20+ years when you're not even good.
You can improve and get better past that age of course but you seem to be the last one that should comment on it, given your skill. If anything it's proof of the contrary.

>> No.3593354

have a deeper purpose with your art
like how could anyone else be 'better' at your art unless it's pointless garbage

>> No.3593359
File: 3.51 MB, 2914x3726, 188. cerseez nuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't change my point.
You didn't have one. Your mind is ruled by delusion and fallacy. Hence why you're NGMI. Hence why you'll be doing your parents a flavor when you cease all motor function.
>You can't comment on whether you can be good in your 20+ years when you're not even good.
Better than you clearly.
>You can improve and get better past that age of course but you seem to be the last one that should comment on it,
Going by your logic you offer even less. You are a zero sum cuck that produces nothing, is unwilling to post your work, and feels the need to attack those that do. You're going to die a virgin probably.
>given your skill.
I sold a PRINT of the Dr Strangelove painting for $150. It is relatively well-framed, uses the phone motif in a fun way, captures the mood of the film, and was a fun experiment in black acrylic painting, etc. I'd even go so far as to say that it's unambiguously better than anything you'll ever do. Prove me wrong LMAO. So even if my "skill" on that piece isn't up to snuff for some impotent do-nothing poindexter, the market has already spoken.
>If anything it's proof of the contrary
"Proof" of what? Are you even capable of reading? How does a painting negate this:
>You can't control what other people do. The only thing you have control over in your life is you. And if looking at (often younger) artists fucks up your vibe, stop looking at them. They don't matter.

Nobody will mind when you're dead. Your parents will tuck your little ding dong in your pants and take the belt off your neck and just be glad that at least you didn't shoot up your middle school.

>> No.3593361

not reading all of that

>> No.3593364
File: 661 KB, 4032x3024, 283. Is he though.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't think you could if you wanted to.

>> No.3593366

Does it matter if I couldn't if I wanted if I wasn't going to anyway? Wow, you got me there, bro. XD

>> No.3593367
File: 2.25 MB, 2889x3463, 231. i love it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody will mind when you're dead. Your parents will tuck your little ding dong in your pants and take the belt off your neck and just be glad that at least you didn't shoot up your middle school.

>> No.3593368


>> No.3593374
File: 2.18 MB, 2769x2743, 193. (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got like 290 more of these.

>> No.3593373

The man wrote 3 sentences and made you so mad that you managed to turn that into an essay.


I see why you only do unfunny reaction images now.

>> No.3593375

So post the good ones?

>> No.3593377
File: 2.99 MB, 2813x3727, 192. eat the mems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The man wrote 3 sentences and made you so mad that you managed to turn that into an essay.
Not really that hard to write a couple sentences in response to greentext.
>I see why you only do unfunny reaction images now.
I'll likely never see anything that you do.

>> No.3593380

Sorry to break it to you. There are no good ones.

>I'll likely never see anything that you do.

>> No.3593381
File: 1.95 MB, 3478x2746, 21. Roseanne and Dan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my worst paintings are better than anything you'll ever do.

Prove me wrong LMAOOO

>> No.3593382

That’s retarded. So no one is a better artist than you because being “better” doesn’t exist?

>> No.3593384
File: 2.40 MB, 2767x2818, 179. the whole gestalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm implying that you're a do-nothing faggot and an impotent coward. They'll forget your name at your funeral.

>> No.3593389

They're all the same in quality though?

>Prove me wrong LMAOOO
No I don't care to make my presence known on this shit site. A lot of my followers/commissionees are tumblrinas. I won't sabotage my income to prove to some below-average artist that I'm better than him.

So I guess you got me there?

>> No.3593395
File: 14 KB, 216x290, 1509429634715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention I'm an animator. My skills surpass you in two fields. That and I sculpt in 3D and do motion graphics. All of which I get paid for and am at least decent at.
You have one skill that you're not even decent at that you're gloating about and it's pretty fucking pathetic. Gain some skill first before going around claiming to be better than others.

Tho I can make a quick animation 4 u if u want bb.

>> No.3593402
File: 1.40 MB, 2702x2677, 146. I'm a demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No I don't care to make my presence known on this shit site.
I don't care about how you excuse why you're a coward. That's between you and your dog.
>A lot of my followers/commissionees are tumblrinas.
Sounds pretty gay tbphwyf.
>I won't sabotage my income
By posting your work you're "sabotaging your income?" What a nonsensical excuse. Why do you lie anonymously? Are you retarded?
>So I guess you got me there?
Funny thing is, had you actually read >>3590150 instead of getting triggered by my pretty picture, you'd have read the part where I said:
>You can't control what other people do. The only thing you have control over in your life is you
You choose to be a sniveling bitch cracker. You choose to be a coward. Come on let's see your furry porn anon. Don't be shy.

>> No.3593429
File: 1.07 MB, 3024x4032, venus looking at dern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not to mention I'm an animator.
Did you animate pic related then?
>My skills surpass you in two fields.
Well unless one of them is acrylic portraiture I'm not sure why I would give a shit. You could probably dig a better ditch than me too.
>That and I sculpt in 3D and do motion graphics.
Seems weird to stress that you sculpt in 3d. That is implied. And unless you post one of your sculptures I'll just assume I'm better than you at that too. And every dipshit in Korean does motion graphics. Not impressed.
>You have one skill that you're not even decent at that you're gloating about and it's pretty fucking pathetic.
Not really gloating. It's a challenge to do better. I post my shit. You don't. You're a coward. KYS.
>Gain some skill first before going around claiming to be better than others.
I'm unambiguously better than anons with no pic related. Not even an argument. You swearing that you're like super skilled doesn't mean it's true. For all I know you're just lying as an ego defense.
>Tho I can make a quick animation 4 u if u want bb.
I do. What part of this was hard to understand? You're on the art board. Do art you fucking faggot.

And still, none of this is an argument. I can be well educated, and have a solid understanding of things like motivation and psychology and artistic production... while also making and shitposting memeschlock. The idea that you'd trust random anons just means that you're a fucking easily duped asshole.

>> No.3593447

This. I found some of Arthur Rackham's early work and throughout his 20s he was breddy average. The 'get gud in 4 years' meme started with certain digital environment artists in mind, but in reality it takes way longer

>> No.3593666

>git gud in 4 years
I feel like this shrinks like every other year. Before it used to be at least 6 or 7, then people started saying 4, then 3, now on /ic/ they say you should be pro in a year or two by grinding properly. Sinix takes it even further by saying you can become a pro in 6 months.

>> No.3593715

you are a disgusting human being and it shows.

>> No.3593999
File: 1.30 MB, 2017x3819, KYS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody poops

>> No.3594199
File: 30 KB, 637x491, 1528313347074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to look through random deviantart galleries to see artists go from bad to mediocre or kinda good to professional. Feels comfy and cathartic.

>> No.3594492

Honestly I enjoy how Jimmy gets anons to go from >>3593335 to >>3593715

>> No.3594594

That second person is not me though. What?

>> No.3594602

Just a heads up that's me. I actually completely forgot about this argument when I started animating. It turned out pretty good and it was actually pretty fun so I worked on it for a few hours and posted it on an animation discord chat without thinking. So you probably won't be seeing it. Sucks2beU.

>> No.3594605

>Just a heads up, that's not me*


>> No.3594642
File: 1.29 MB, 3018x2476, 108. Daddario Demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a heads up. I don't care. Wouldn't really have any way to know if you were lying either anon. If you want people to know who you are you post your fucking work. Otherwise you're all the same (you) text generator as far as anyone is concerned.
>It turned out pretty good and it was actually pretty fun so I worked on it for a few hours and posted it on an animation discord chat without thinking.
Yeah I mean you're welcome. That was the point. I come here to get agitated by edgy assholes that try to make me feel bad and then I go and produce art about it out of spite.

You're not competing with me, and the only time you're only ever really "winning" is when you defeat your lazy asshole self and you choose to produce something. You did the right thing. Good job kiddo!

>So you probably won't be seeing it. Sucks2beU.
Oh I mean I'm sure it's garbage. I don't give a shit. The point is you did something. Keep it up.

>> No.3594650

Not reading all of this.

>> No.3594651

The young only can draw about trivial stuff. You can draw about life.

>> No.3594657
File: 1.88 MB, 2371x3090, 40. Costanza at Bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you think anyone cares that you choose to be a impotent loser?

I don't write this shit for (you) my dude. You're likely doomed anyway.

Funnily enough you just keep illustrating my original point made >>3590150 that you couldn't read.
>You can't control what other people do. The only thing you have control over in your life is you.
Just imagine how much of an ebin troll on your mom it's gonna be when she finds your body tho. I bet her face is gonna be like :D

>> No.3594659

Your style will sure be cult. It excels in spicing up mediocrity, its like Loomis on laughter gas.

>> No.3594660

Thats a good one.

>> No.3594680

Not reading any of this. We done?
Can't you just stick to writing one sentence you schizo?

>> No.3594688

>Just imagine how much of an ebin troll on your mom it's gonna be when she finds your body tho. I bet her face is gonna be like :D
Imagine thinking this is an insult

>> No.3594694
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 1528749203319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, i don't care much for those kind of discussions, but i must say that you're one annoying cunt

>> No.3594695

You do that cause you're feeling down. That's a personal issue you have to work on. About looking at their stuff, think just about how you'd do that and not about who did it.

>> No.3594811
File: 1.58 MB, 3965x2011, 153. pop!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not reading any of this. We done?
I wouldn't know would I. No idea who you are. No idea what you think "we" are doing.
>Can't you just stick to writing one sentence you schizo?
The world doesn't start and stop at your convenience. I don't regulate my behavior around the wishes of illiterate liars.
>You can't control what other people do. The only thing you have control over in your life is you.
How is that an insult? It's a prediction based on demonstrated behavior.
>Jesus, i don't care much for those kind of discussions
I don't care.
>but i must say that you're one annoying cunt
I have no idea who you are but you seem pretty boring.
I'll take it.

>> No.3594816

>The world doesn't start and stop at your convenience. I don't regulate my behavior around the wishes of illiterate liars.

Nothing wrong with that. It's fair game if you're complaining about me not reading your stuff.

Name something specific you want me to animate. Has to be short because I have work to get to.

>> No.3594922
File: 44 KB, 600x600, 1505495965906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is that an insult? It's a prediction based on demonstrated behavior.
Nice save.

>> No.3595042

well i may be boring, but you still a cunt, just die

>> No.3595054


>> No.3595059

Give up art, Anon. If you have that mentality you're not enjoying art enough anyways. And if you're not enjoying it you will never improve. It'll be a downward spiral from here, Anon.

>> No.3595063

Subtle crab

>> No.3595071

heh you know these people may hate you, but i love you because i know for certain that people tend to improve right, its natural. but you, youre special. you haven't improved in the slightest. you may not make anything out of your art since you will probably live out your entire life in mediocrity. it does give me hope that i will actually do something with mine, because i have improved in a short span of time. XD dont bother trying to break this up to try and answer it, im not being mean its a compliment and you should take it. at least if you do, you have accepted mediocrity.

>> No.3595080

True and based.

>> No.3595799

that pic is ugly. just like your disgusting post.

>> No.3595801

this retard is trying to shill all of his vincent van vomit images with a delusion of "pretending" to be a competent painter. LOL.

>> No.3595803

not reading that

>> No.3595902
File: 835 KB, 1125x1438, 3111D185-CBA3-4651-A041-112D21BA8DF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread
Jesus Christ, this is a pretty common feeling in pretty much everything from Sports to engineering. Is this board filled with underageb& or are you all trying to act superior by pretending that you don’t have negative emotions? Comparing yourself to others is a very common thing in life and pretty much every art pro has talked about the negative affects it’s had on them. Anyways OP, the best way to deal with it is to just push through it and do your absolute best. Try to use other peoples work for inspiration And don’t compare your work to theirs since you don’t know what path they took to get there. Just compete against yourself and try to constantly improve. Also like another anon pointed out, try to understand how these other artists are better than you and steal everything that you can.

>> No.3595915
File: 772 KB, 1147x1600, 1955 coeurs vaillants n° 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love that style of drawing, i truely despise modern anime, weebs turned it into shit.

>> No.3596879

It's called perfection paralysis. You see how good people are, you know you can't do that good, still you try, see how you fail and then you sink into sadness and stop trying altogether.

The solution is to stop giving a fuck. You're seeing through a competitive lens, and it's not a competition. Not every drawing you make needs to be a masterpiece; it doesn't even need to look good. Try seeing ALL you drawings as doodles and experimentations you made for fun instead of finished pieces and showcases of your skill.

You just need to draw, and i trust you will if you truly like drawing. Good draftsmanship is not about getting it right the first time, it's about getting the bad drawings out of you so you can improve, and it's about improving out of love for the craft.

>> No.3596919
File: 485 KB, 1584x1008, they live 2017 unt 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beavis and butthead
>but i love you because i know for certain that people tend to improve right, its natural. but you, youre special. you haven't improved in the slightest.
>you may not make anything out of your art since you will probably live out your entire life in mediocrity.
already better than you'll ever be at anything. Prove me wrong LMAO
> it does give me hope that i will actually do something with mine, because i have improved in a short span of time.
Your pic related tells a different story
>XD dont bother trying to break this up to try and answer it
> im not being mean its a compliment and you should take it.

>> No.3596922
File: 1.82 MB, 4032x3024, hindsight benefit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom is hott
I'm not "pretending" to be shit. I'm just doing stuff. You must be the gal that gets triggered that people do things.
i like the narcissism of some anonymous 14 year old commenting on how they can't read. Who told you it's cool to brag about how you're incapable? Is this mommy's fault? Or was daddy the faggot?