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File: 76 KB, 778x1100, DmFS3LhUcAAQkoJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3588174 No.3588174 [Reply] [Original]

>animu brush

what brush do you guys use to get such smooth anime rendering? And how to customize a PS round brush to be as blendy as possible? More in the next episode

>> No.3588325

the normal semi-soft round doesn't work, it leaves traces even when doing all the transfer tweaking

>> No.3588811
File: 177 KB, 850x1200, Dl--0phVAAA7Nbj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phew there are literally no westerners who can paint like this.

>> No.3588813

Are you all the same person? I refuse to believe there's been more than 1 anon posting Pyra all week.

>> No.3588837

>are there losers who save hundreds of pictures of a single fictional 2d girl and post them on art board while also asking how to make anime art so he can make low quality ecchi erotica of his ''waifu''
anon you dont realize how devoted some waifu fags are

>> No.3588847

It's more like
>There are some losers that don't draw but like to shitpost about drawing on one of the slowest Tibetan wall-scroll enthusiast imageboards because there's no other alternative

>> No.3588855

thanks you reminded me to get back to work

>> No.3588874

I realize it because I am one I just refuse to believe people like Pyra this much cause she sucks

>> No.3589233

Pyra aside, how the fuck do you get PS brushes to do this kind of work? None of the defaults get the desired effect

>> No.3589252
File: 35 KB, 270x298, 023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really though, how do you achieve these brush settings in PS? none of the defaults come close

>> No.3589257
File: 3.20 MB, 1200x5144, shading_tutorial_by_erotibot-d8fwwbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a nice "hentai style" rendering tutorial that uses a coloring style similar to the OP and 3rd pic. Even though the artist is using CSP in the tutorial, he's using basic hard/soft eraser and round brushes that almost every art program has by default.

This tutorial is a nice starting point to learning how to render in that generic "anime style".

>> No.3589258

you just use the smudge tool, you use a brush with scatter, or if you have CC there's the mixer brush

>> No.3589263


>> No.3589267

actually no, there are like 5 people posting this chick. It's very popular with nips this week since the dlc for the game released

>> No.3589268
File: 646 KB, 967x517, 1313144545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin this, I know there are some weeb fags here who have the "secrets"

>> No.3589269

Hey thanks man. i can see what the person is saying in the tutorial. It's not really how the Nips do it, but it seems like a good alternative to get that soft style.

>> No.3589271

how do you actually make a nice clean round shape with the lass tool? .. it looks quite proportional in this tutorial

>> No.3589272

I feel like there is just some secret book in Japan that shows it. Like really only Japanese people seem to be able to do it

>> No.3589342

Extremely easy to do in ps with a hard brush and a good smudge brush

>> No.3589363


Hard round, airbrush, soft eraser and lasso tool. The only reason you fags can't do this is that you are looking for some magical thing to make you good instead of actually grinding. I have a feeling that all of you combined have put 3 hours of practice in in the past 2 weeks.

>> No.3589461

Other anon here, I don't use lasso tools but instead I use hard eraser to get the hard edge I need, both could archive the same results anyway.

>> No.3590021

I don't think you realize how hypocritical you sound.

Wanting to know how they draw their art is the same shit you do with practicing and following the steps of Loomis.

Loomis is your 'magical thing'

>> No.3590033

I'm one of the weebs that has the secret I don't like a lot of people on ic so I don't share it sorry guys

>> No.3590124

>what brush do you guys use to get such smooth anime rendering?
Hard round and soft round. Learn to blend bro.

>> No.3590128

I doubt you know any secret lol. Post your work, oh great sensei kun

>> No.3590295

I don't believe you, literally no artist ive seen uses the default brushes

>> No.3590780

anime's one helluva drug

>> No.3590880

>default brushes

spotted the art-fagglets

>> No.3590926

why do thin lines always look jagged with digital

>> No.3591020
File: 29 KB, 1440x1080, Anti-Aliasing-Beginner-Pixel-Art-Tutorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aliasing. that's why people work at a large size canvas and downsample to a lower res. there aren't enough pixels to store information of thing lines so the pigment gets split. Depending on the location, if the line is halfway between pixels you could end up with 2 grey pixels instead of one black pixel, or if you have a monopen then there has to be a smoothing algorithm to select which pixels are going to be drawn.

>> No.3591084

default round brush

>> No.3593403

Can any of you actually paint? it's just any brush with a hard edge with lasso tool and airbrush for rendering. I don't see the big deal.

>> No.3593804

I am new to digital and am having trouble transitioning from traditional to digital. Which is why i am looking for tutorials on this specific style

>> No.3593922
File: 313 KB, 1440x2039, Pyra bikini (Custom) (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just drew this today. Would appreciate some anatomy advice or any other advice.

Can someone teach me how to make a clean gradient shade? Is it just using soft eraser?

>> No.3593951

Kill yourself.

>> No.3594001

OK retard

>> No.3594026

use a soft brush to shade

>> No.3594037

Want some genuine advice you will hate to hear? Stop worryimg about gradients and go back to the beginning. You skipped a shit ton of steps. Basic anatomy, perpsective, and human proportions are way more important than what you are trying to do.

Start by studying the torso, forget hands and faces. Her shoulders are wider than a padded football player, her upper arms are about half as long as they should be, and her ribcage is just wrong. Art is about studying, study all those things individually. Sycra has videos where he breaks it down into simple shapes, Proko has very in depth anatomy tutorials. Start there, then read Loomis.

>> No.3594041

The right boob is bigger that the left boob.

>> No.3594047

I will. Thanks.

>> No.3594052

So you people are saying hard round. Okay.

But what about all the other settings? Pressure size? Pressure opacity? 100% opacity? Watercolor or dry?

>> No.3594444

Use a hard round and then smudge/blur it out. The blur tools of SAI and CSP work alot better here, but you can achieve a similar wet blend with either mixer or smudge in PS.
Use this to achieve fast gradients without much work. For example on the legs of OP's Pyra.
To achieve subtle color gradation use a soft round with pen pressure set. Go real fucking light multiple times until you achieve the effect you want.
Increase "softness" to get an airbrush. Use selections for hard edges etc.

>> No.3594445

It's more technique than it is a brush desu.

You can use a hard round brush with the blur tool.
Hard round with a soft round or an airbrush.
You could even just use a soft brush, but I wouldn't recommend it.

As long as the technique is good it won't make a huge difference.

Just start with basic cel shading, find and define your shadow areas and lit areas first.
Don't skip the first step, If you can't make basic cel shading look good no amount of soft shading is going to save you.
Once you're done with that you can move on to working on the edges.
Find the areas that have gradual plane changes and soften them up, the more gradual the plane change the softer the edge.
Leave some hard and firm edges in for contrast and structure, it makes a huge difference.
Then you can go in and lighten up the shadows with reflected light if you want.
And you're done.