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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3587273 No.3587273 [Reply] [Original]

>y-you too

how to make art friends? preferably nice people who are fun but dedicated to art and improvement..

>> No.3587349

>making friends

Well known artist here. I have thousands of followers on instagram and a you tube channel that's growing. Not telling you who I am but I'm up there.
You will NEVER make a real friend in art. Anyone who says they want to meet you and how you're an inspiration is a liar. All they want is to ride your back for followers and a step up.
Some are nice and genuine in the beginning but as soon as they hit 10,00 or hell even 1000 followers on any platform they show their true self. The denial that your shout-out is what gave them an audience is what they tell their fans. "oh, yeah I talked to Anon, just a few times though, did a small collaboration that's it" or "I had these followers before my video with Anon, I was already blowing up"

Artists, will always leech of your success. On instagram, you tube, hell even at art shows. They sometimes buy your stuff, post it online, tag you and the followers rush in just because they mentioned YOUR name.
I get you have to hustle and cultivate an audience but don't act like you being nice and chummy is not at a front for yourself. I don't mind shout outs but fucking hell just ask don't smile through your teeth like some sycophant.
You want friends? Make sure they're not artists.

>> No.3587354

>have shit followers (i.e. most people, if you're cynical)
>someone is nice
>followers have drone mentality
>this is somehow that someone's fault

At least I do believe that you're an artist, you have the required autism.

>> No.3587359

Hi sinix. I’d friend you IRL tobh. Ross and Jet are hacks tho stop hanging out with them.

>> No.3587360

You sound bitter. Have you ever considered your warped perception might be the reason others distance themselves fron you? If you alienate your friends by being so focused on success, you weren't looking for friends, but potential promotioners and business partners.

>> No.3587366

Try working in animation, or in a big studio in general. Go to figure drawing classes. Don't be a dick. Most people doing art are cool

>> No.3587377

If you're talking about online then I kinda understand with your type of position but irl? Half of my friends are artfags and just do it for fun so the business shit isn't something I've worried about. Granted, I'm not popular so it no one would care about exposure either way.

>> No.3587382

>Well known artist here. I
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.3587385


>> No.3587386

You're either Sinix, Noah Bradley, the cubebrush owner, or Ahmed. These are the only confirmed "well known" people here.

>> No.3587393

I could see making friends while being already gud being difficult. Maybe try joining discords or art communities under a different name and only posting sketches. Some of my best friends I've made through here and other art communities, but I don't have any fame for them to lust after so it's easier.

>> No.3587412

>Noah Bradley
I didn't know he came here, that's pretty sweet. He's always seemed like a really chill guy.

>> No.3587416

Nobody seems to notice he shares his stuff for free here first before putting them on his website.

>> No.3587422

I just ask everyone if they're free when I'm free to talk about art or work on stuff together. For art friends, I just focus on fun. I don't see other artists as competitors.

>> No.3587432

It's because he draws art with an architectural focus and not anime waifus that 95% of this board is into.

>> No.3587436

I understand you anon.. but you shouldn't give up so easily. There are people/artists out there who are sincere, genuine, and just want to be friends, talking about the same interests and shit. Sounds to me like you let one too many "followers" close to you.. they are not friend material most of the time, but depends on the person ofc.

>> No.3587438



>> No.3587439

Don't forget about moderndayjames. In a interview he did for that "Art of Life" YouTube channel he confirmed he browses /ic/.

>> No.3587479
File: 1.42 MB, 3264x2445, IMG_2118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate other artists and think they're all hacks and I'm the only one making anything of value. I have no followers and everyone hates me.

>> No.3587495

Have you ever considered that the common denominator in all of these interactions is YOU and that YOU are the reason you keep failing to make genuine connections with other people?

>> No.3587514

that's a nice one, bit more interesting than usual, bit anime too though

>> No.3587552

what if i actually want to be your friend sinix?

>> No.3587574

This makes sense. I see it a lot in japanese artists on twitter. If some of them are irl friends I guess it's another story.

>> No.3587577

When I first saw this, I was hoping that this would turn into a art friend thread where people share their social media.
That ok, it's my fault for thinking /ic/ was better.

>> No.3587592

We used to have "Self Promotion Threads" that would be bumped constantly and they were the saddest things ever

>> No.3587603

that's very doubtful, japanese have a different mentality, you don't see deceit, rage or hate. Especially nip artists consider everyone who draws a colleague/friend, someone who does this little niche hobby too, inspiring each other, loving the characters the other artist creates etc. Ofc you need to reach a certain status first and create unique art, someone who is beg is someone who lacks resolve and passion, and that's not very inspiring, Well if you want to be part of that world that is, it sure ain't easy

>> No.3587607

this isn't tumblr

but you can try to catch some friends by posting your blog post or drawing

>> No.3587608

Never on /ic/
We're all too mentally ill for that normie stuff

>> No.3587781
File: 165 KB, 342x342, 1519501816886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to make this specific kind of friends
Sorry but no one needs such a shitty friend like you.

>> No.3587782

Fuck off you roleplaying anime posting faggot

>> No.3587785

Hey bitch, don't you go bullying my friend or I'll knock your motherfucking ass out. You got me?

>> No.3587808


>> No.3587811
File: 334 KB, 578x626, banancat1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its easier to make art friends if you meet them off social media (ie. on a platform where no one can see your follower count- like discord)

>preferably nice people who are fun but dedicated to art and improvement
ive met lots of cool people fitting this exact description in the /las/ discord. we have no automated welcome messages, so youre welcome to lurk if you want.

>> No.3587817

Im curious
What discord are you you talking about? I wanna lurk

>> No.3587827

Not that guy but here’s sinix’s one I go to.

>> No.3587829

Not really true. Most of the artists I'm friends with aren't that well known, and neither am I. We just stay in contact because we have a lot in common. You're mostly going to be making friend with people who are at around the same skill level as you and have similar life circumstances.

>> No.3587842

You sound awful m8

I've never had that experience. I'm small online but big irl and have never used my big name digital friends for shit. Artists irl trade prints and go to each other's shows, even if it means travelling a few states. I've got a nice show in a month in a well known gallery in Chelsea and my gal pals are throwing me a party for the opening, They even baked.

What sort of shit are you a part of? Anime? I can see that happening in anime or my little pony or something, but not anything else.

I have no problem giving out my friends' business cards to galleries/collections I've shown at toward the end, or one in passing I think they'd be a good fit for if I'm meeting the curator or director, I've even shown with them a few times. They're reasonably successful, so why not help? We all lend a hand when needed. For instance I want to do a series on one of the triple crown trails in the US, so they're going to send out new shoes every few months, visit every so often to hang out and take the work I've finished to their place to mail to mine, and petsit while I'm away for 5-6 months. I don't know why you assume "art friends" aren't genuine. They can be just as genuine as anyone else.

Make better friends man, it might just be you. Are ALL of your friends shit, or do you believe that a reasonable expectation of help is manipulative? When you're friends with other people in the art world it's a different dynamic than of a regular interpersonal relationship. Maybe you're just stuck up, but I don't think asking for a shout out is all that skeevy. You just sound bitter.

>> No.3587847

search for the /las/ thread. its in the OP

>> No.3587994

>discord beg faggots

back to the meme channel with you faggots

>> No.3587999

hm sounds like las isn't that bad..

although I'm a bit worried ppl will post weird shit to my social media when I disclose my identity

>> No.3588104

>church of x
Last time I went to these self proclaimed churches the site owner was so full up his ass he made an 5 paragraph bio about how he is a child prodigy.

>> No.3588153

that's what I thought

>> No.3588209

Oh. I haven’t talked to them yet. Probably shouldn’t.

>> No.3588263

I'd love to make art friends but I've noticed that it can be a very steep hill to not improving, many artists are scared to critique their friends and this turn into the biggest white knights possible and I want to be able to improve

>> No.3588279

anyone recognize what program or app this is?

I've been looking for a decent mobile drawing program since I got the note 9.

>> No.3588309

Rip. I want them to improve but I don’t want them to leave my sorry ass. Maybe artists should just stay away from each other.

>> No.3588323

>Maybe artists should just stay away from each other..

"and stay alone forever". No fuck that

>> No.3588339

Haha agreed. I do this to the studio I previously worked for. I started instagram three months ago, now thanks to tagging and forced interaction we basically share followers. If I had other "art friends" I'd only leech off them too, I mean what else are they good for? Never made a single friend in art college either, those people are like broken records always going on about their comissions, exibitions, collabs and sales. Sometimes I manage to treach out privately to the agencies that hired me and ask them to tell me their success stories and give me tips. That's also how you get dribbble invites.

>> No.3588368

i'll be your friend anon
mediabang i think

>> No.3588662

thanks, but i'm an idiot and figured out what it was minutes after I posted

it's actually Ibis Paint X, it just looks different on phone mode vs tablet mode.

>> No.3588672
File: 126 KB, 738x390, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to make more art friends, especially /ic/ type people who are dedicated to the grind and want to improve their art
>A good chunk of /ic/ is /pol/tier dudes who hate lefties and still let the n-word and f slur fly around like nobodies business

I'll just stick to following the blogs of people i like and hit them up one day.

>> No.3588689

It's working!

>> No.3588815

do you fap to animu?

>> No.3588924

we're on /ic/ anon, who doesn't?

>> No.3588995
File: 124 KB, 1110x798, 6a6bd365484705e899d970431b26d51c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does yatamomo count?

>> No.3589171

>oh no he says the bad words
I consider myself center-left and it's getting harder to defend you from the /pol/-fags each day.

>> No.3589192

Sinix ahahahahahahahaha

>> No.3589413

What the fuck happened that a bunch of people are claiming >>3587349 is Sinix? I never imagined him being this salty.

>> No.3589418

The fuck is the f slur? Fuck? Are you 10 years old?

>> No.3589504

LAS one is good, sinix is fucking awful (not surprising). follow the light, anon

>> No.3589510
File: 9 KB, 420x420, 32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to LAS/DAD discord every few weeks
>Check sketchdump channel everytime
>5 sketches posted since the last time I checked
>Draw all day

>> No.3589545

Not everyone post in the sketchdump ya know, most people post work at dad.gallery

>> No.3589556

Anyone know about GitGudStudio and barcode's discord server? I heard some good things about it, but it seems they're private as fuck

>> No.3589587

But I'm /beg/ tier anon, I don't want to get condescending comments about my shit skills and my lack of motivation by anime posters.
I got /ic/ for that.

>> No.3589635

try las_houses. all the competitive dads dump their shit there for the houses game

>> No.3589713
File: 1.40 MB, 800x1868, 1 week of sketchdump posts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 as in- that's as high as you can count? i don't get it.

>> No.3589740

hm are there any good artists in the last discord?

>> No.3589741

Who drew the raven

>> No.3589769

>Adding to my OP

No, I'm not Sinnix.
I try to be nice to other artists, I never portray myself as "popular" or well known. I behave like I'm just a regular guy trying to get my stuff out there and doing my best to improve my skills because as far as I'm concerned, THAT'S WHAT I'M DOING!
I'm not good or great, I'm still learning and improving and I just happen to take the work and practice serious. Maybe that work ethic is non existent with other small artists or they feel it's not important but I do. It's not my fault people took the appealing art being offered to them.

I swear, I go to small art shows and you get to talking and shit with someone whose work interests you and they ask you your name and info and BAM!
"Hey I know you, wanna collab" or "Oh cool, can you drop my name sometime? I'll even pay you!"
It's annoying. I built my base slowly. Just like them I started small art shows and put myself out there. Risking time and money. That struggle was valuable. It made me work harder and made me study the basics like I was autistic. I DID IT WHY CAN'T YOU? Work, like I did and you can to.
People work really hard and hit a wall and give up and decide, "maybe I'll do furry art, or chibi shit, or any other garbage genre" they'll make money that way. YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN AND WORK AND WORK UNTIL YOU GET OVER THAT WALL!
Success is on the other side, not to mention the ability to do art you're proud of and grateful that people recognize your struggle and love your shit because you practiced a ridiculous amount of time
Artists who leech your success never worked as hard as you do and so "friendship" is the easy way to make it. Don't believe people. But Goddam I wish I had art friends who didn't stare at you from under their noses

>> No.3589774

is there any place where people do this just for fun

>> No.3589786

Discord don't just dump all unread posts to you when you open a channel. So if you left for 3 years, you won't get 3 years worth wall of unread messages you need to scroll through when you came back.

>> No.3590694
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Friendlet BTFO.

>> No.3590721
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>"Hey I know you, wanna collab" or "Oh cool, can you drop my name sometime? I'll even pay you!"
>Artists who leech your success never worked as hard as you do and so "friendship" is the easy way to make it. Don't believe people.

that's your problem for letting such people get to you, or rather, considering those people as what OP was originally referring to as "art friends".

Tone it down bro, I have a couple art vids on yt with over 1 mil views each, no need to feel paranoid and think that people are out for sucking your dick for exposure. There are plenty of chill down to earth (and fuckin good) artists, who don't even fkin care about some meme popularity, but rather having fun improving and sharing their interests with fellow art friends, while still doing art as fulltime work ofc.

I mean I would be glad for you if you could find a nice group that can give you a feeling of happiness and comfort, but you seem like the person who hushes everyone away solely with his attitude, even the good guys.