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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 323 KB, 1280x1476, kim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3584914 No.3584914 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the ultimate use of being able to draw well from imagination?


>> No.3584916

I take it youre new here? Everyone here knows Kim.

>> No.3584919

I wish I can have as much fun and freedom Kim has for drawing

>> No.3584921

>sexual fantasies
If you are able to externalize the images in your head very well on a piece of paper what else would you do anyway?

>> No.3584924

No matter how good these drawings are from a technical level, how can you not be embarassed to show these in public?

>> No.3584929
File: 111 KB, 311x304, 1529120957331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i woke up one with that level of skill, i would pretty much draw all day and night. Why would i do anything else. Unfortunately, drawing has a steep learning curve. Sometimes being unable to tolerate your bad drawing exhausts your will power so you draw less and less. The main reason i draw is to get better not to have fun. I mean how can anyone have fun watching a crappy drawing they are making. Unless ofcourse you're delusional and think your drawings are good when they're not.

>> No.3584942

This guy is really good technically but can you really call his art beautiful? The imagery looks kind of revolting to me.

>> No.3585000

The style itself or these pornographic drawings?

>> No.3585003


>> No.3585012

you have to be over 18 to post on 4chan. and definitely over 23 to post on non-/beg/ related /ic/ threads

>> No.3585016


... Yeah, you can? What kind of stupid thing to say is that? I don't know what your tastes are and I frankly don't care. It looks great.

>> No.3585022

You can. You have things backwards. It's not
>If I could draw like KJG then I'd draw all the time and have so much fun
>If I drew all the time and had so much fun then I'll be able to draw like KJG

The enjoyment of just drawing whatever you want is imo the biggest thing overlooked by most of this board.

>> No.3585028

I guess the fact the it's pornographic but not even appealing to look at. I guess if his aim was trying to make the human form look kind of disgusting then he accomplished it.

>> No.3585032

His sexual fantasies is probably what got him so good at drawing from imagination in the first place.

>> No.3585041
File: 183 KB, 720x711, imf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont disagree with you but I'm just asking how in the fuck I'm supposed to enjoy it when i see how unappealing my drawing looks. It's not just matter of getting the anatomy wrong. You can have a well drawn anatomy and perspective done from reference but it can still look boring. Appealing style doesnt seem like something you can force on to your drawing.

>> No.3585048

Just enjoy as best you can and learn from mistakes. Kim said in an interview that he never dwells on how good or bad a drawing was, once he's done it it's gone, he just moves onto the next one.

>> No.3585050

There is nothing close to sexual drive for most men. Good for him for channeling that drive into attaining valuable skill. But lets not pretend like he doesnt have certain natural dispositions that help him excel since he was good at young age.

>> No.3585062

This is true. Thanks for posting this, anon.

>> No.3585063

that's dumb. the sexual drive is a small part of what makes a man. only in modern society has it obtained such important, as it's the only drive to be freely indulged by the masses, aside from consumption.

>> No.3585068
File: 90 KB, 720x745, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can believe what ever you want but even below the conscious level mens drive to attain power is heavily linked to being attractive to the opposite sex.

Also how do you explain the porn industry being bigger than movies and sports?

>> No.3585070

>implying that any of the kids here respect the rules

>> No.3585074

>only in modern society has it obtained such important
Ofcourse when society becomes more free they will express their true nature. Sex has been repressed for ages but in "modern society" you can clearly see how important drive it is.

>> No.3585086

It's about time you come to terms with the fact thar you exist here today because of all those years of successful reproduction. As far as evolution is concerned you are only here to propagate your DNA. Of course you can have many drives that are useful and important but you're not above your biology.

>> No.3585090

i exist for tons of reasons, sex is just one of them. if men didn't have the will to fight, the will to eat, the will to grow, the will to explore, etc.

pretending it's all about the sex part like because it's essential it's the only component is a modern sickness.

>> No.3585100

Sexual drive is the worst drive. It's nothing more than being driven by your sexual dopamine response, which only purpose is to make you reproduce. It shouldn't drive you to do anything else.

>> No.3585103

Kek, I didnt say you're only here for sex. I was just explaining why its a big drive. your need to eat and fight is engineered by your biology so that you can survive long enough to pass your gene. But that doesnt mean you cant enjoy eating and watching people fight. You can make your life meaningful beyond what evolution has prepared for you. We dont have to fight over this.

>> No.3585107

Why is that he never does anything properly finished or even focused, he's sketches are all over the place. It's like he has this great skill but doesn't know what to do with it.

>> No.3585109

This is his personal sketchbook. Have you seen his finished pieces or are those not focused enough for you.

>> No.3585112

I've seen a lot of work from him and all i can see is a bunch a very well done scketches with tone of things going on, specially weird sex fetisches, but nothing close to be creative or with a messaje. Sorry if i'm insulting your art heroe, is not my intention.

>> No.3585115

He can paint and used to make comics, but his fame and success for the past few years come from the whole insane sketches without an underdrawing thing so that's what he does the most now.

>> No.3585126

Exactly. Which is why I'm confused why KJG's sketchbook looks like that of a horny highschool kid, just with exceptional technical skill added to it.

>> No.3585200

I mean it's not REALLY imagination, you have to realize he's drawn all of that there before, that's why he's able to draw it 'from imagination'. You can get to that level as well, it just takes a lot of time.

>> No.3585228

obvious he uses some sort of lens

>> No.3585236


Fuck off, not again with this "drawing from imagination is drawing from reference too" meme

>> No.3585244

What would you do if you wake up tomorrow with the ability to visualise and draw/paint anything with no reference? What career would you persue?

>> No.3585251

Most of fineart can be done with reference. Probably work as an illustrator/concept artist in films/games considering thats where the most demand is for imaginative stuff. Also they pay well if you're senior designer

>> No.3585287

This. Can’t think of a single KJG image that I’d save

>> No.3585293

This is one of those styles that's impressive since he can do it from imagination, but I'd never fap to it. Reminds me of 2D French porn.

>> No.3585306

Why would he be embarassed when he's that good? It's because you're conditioned to the idea that drawing this stuff must take a lot of effort and concentration that you find it embarassing that thats what he decided to draw. These are 5-10 minute absent minded doodles for him.

>> No.3585323


It's because people aren't passionate about what they draw. Actually, most people aren't, but if you're in a school setting or have colleagues and friends keeping you on your toes it keeps you going with a good attitude.

>> No.3585330

in his defense these are just personal sketches, though i must admit im not that familiar with his work. can someone post some of his finished pieces?

>> No.3585354

the fuck?how is it a sign of immaturity or whatever to not show off to everyone what makes your peepee hard?

>> No.3585358

kinda takes the fun out of it when your drawings look like shit

>> No.3585363

I think that's the point anon, you need to have fun even when your drawing is shit

>> No.3585406

those look so fucking gross.

>ultimate use
anime/manga is already well accepted as having the crown of imagination. nothing else is even remotely close. inb4 you're an autist that hates popular things.

>> No.3585409

>you exist here today because of all those years of successful reproduction
you also exist here today because of technological development. where would we be if we never had fire? dumb af argument desu. if you think propagation of your DNA is so important then no one should ever be using condoms. you shouldn't even be wasting your time with sex. just amass wealth to pay for impregnating people.

>> No.3585417
File: 112 KB, 1920x1080, confusedblackgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the base desires of plebs that never achieve anything in life is proof that sexual urges are the pinnacle drive of man.

every animal reproduces. it's not some great fucking achievement. it just perpetuates the cycle of life.

>> No.3585448

wow you sound like such a mature adult

>> No.3585453

you know i had to do it to them

>> No.3585472

Anon, stop being a spoiled bitch and get to drawing. Enjoy your work.

>> No.3585545

Style can be adopted in a sense. You can take little parts of things you enjoy from other artists and put them together, creating your own style. As long as you don't blatantly copy/plagiarize someone else's work, you're fine. Also, I feel like you shouldn't ever look at your drawing and despise it for being "unappealing". Rather, try looking back and enjoy the fact that you've made as much progress as you have since you started. Works for me at least.
GL on your journey bud

>> No.3585591

I imagine the guy who invented fire got laid constantly.

>> No.3585603

>Also how do you explain the porn industry being bigger than movies and sports?

Believe it or not, because it has more Jews.

>> No.3585612
File: 41 KB, 645x729, 76576547654765472754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invented fire

>> No.3585631

i find them appealing, it's a very raw take on sex

>> No.3585643
File: 24 KB, 816x547, skill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3585654

If he didn't draw porn, I'd consider him a 10/10 artist. (so he's a 8.5/10 to me)

>> No.3585825

This is your brain on anime.

>> No.3585847


exactly this for so many reasons

>> No.3585896

what's wrong with porn

>> No.3585897
File: 98 KB, 500x484, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pol logic.
It wouldnt be that big if there wasnt a lot more demand(consumer) for it.

>> No.3585898

>the sex drive is a small part of what makes a man
maybe towards your later years.
imagine a young blueballed kim jung gi, about when he was studying art his hardest. that was when his sexual drive was at its peak, as it is for most men.
kim jung gi and perversion are inseparable desu

>> No.3585912
File: 838 KB, 1507x2048, 1418873472669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KJG draws anime.

>> No.3585923

i wouldnt call it anime, korean style is so different, and kim jung gi especially just has his own style. is he just like any twitter nip/weeb that pretty much tries hard to be the same as everyone? no. can he, and btfo everyone in that sphere? sure.

>> No.3585942

That's because there isn't one anime style, you are the idiot pretending there is. Also, KJG is all about technical wankery with no purpose. Most serious Japanese artists try to be story tellers and their art is just the language with which they tell the story. KJG can't BTFO any professional mangaka or animator, they all have accomplished far more as artists than he did, regardless how well he can sketch random animals having sex with women in fisheye perspective over and over again.

>> No.3585956

>calls me an idiot
>calls kjg wankery
i think you tried to illustrate a point but i am so assmad that i will skim over it and meme you instead. (You)

>> No.3585964
File: 1.00 MB, 324x184, IMG_6321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb bitch is gonna scope herself.

>> No.3585968

cringed. imagine if the rim of the scope pushes your eyeball out...

>> No.3585971

It doesn't. My friend scoped himself on his first deer, didn't feel a thing but he looked like he was abused. The worst it could do is shatter the skull around the eye.

>> No.3586003
File: 167 KB, 486x369, 1525207_646130495429088_509504481_n(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meh story
Just because you dont find his drawings interesting doesnt mean others dont.
Story telling is just one use of visual medium. It can serve more purposes.

Why is ic so narrow minded? If you dont like someones art doesnt mean you have to insult it or spend your time justifying why they suck compare to an artist you gush over.

>> No.3586009

/ic/ is like the one place you can bash on lauded artists

>> No.3586018
File: 167 KB, 938x632, 1532444584566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes sense. A place to vent the bitterness and jealousy that accumulates while browsing successful artists' work on places like instagram.

>> No.3586052

Definitely. The other side of admiration is smallness.

>> No.3586260


we all know him personally in fact. I myself have sucked his cock several times but I know at least a few anons who he buttfucked and a couple of girls that let him shoot ink in their vaginas.

>> No.3587288

Exactly how insecure are you?

>> No.3587595

Thank you for that I accualy have art block and now I realized how stupid my problem must looks from 3rd perspective

>> No.3589090

Am I the only person that isn't impressed anymore by Kim? Maybe that's the wrong word, but the stuff he puts out is so incredible, and his ability is so unreal, that it has desensitized me. It's like when Tom Brady goes out there and throws for 300 yards and 4 scores. . . Like, sure, that's great, but it's so common place that at the end if the day I barely give it a thought anymore.

Inb4 pussy hater. His water colors really turn me on though.

>> No.3589098

ew, shut the fuck up. you're so disgusting, christ. are you secretly in love with him or something, jesus.