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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 44 KB, 900x900, sad cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3568161 No.3568161 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW i want to be able to draw cute, beautiful things.
>TFW i can only draw freakish monsters

I like drawing monsters but i want to draw fairies every once in a while god dammit and they just turn out shit

>> No.3568167
File: 2.31 MB, 3024x4032, I beat the shit out of some kids today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I just want to make movies

>> No.3568168

look at the cute art you like, see what makes it cute, it can be soft lines, reflexes on eyes etc

>> No.3568204
File: 20 KB, 559x568, 1446416686147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my curse
>offered work on a legitimate project
>not drawing people's OCs or furry porn like an actual legit project
>start working on it
>mfw art isn't the career I thought it was going to be
>i absolutely fucking hate it
>im pretty miserable actually
>want to call it quits but then I would have gone through all this training and grinding for nothing
>dont have any other skills
Please don't glamorize the industry, anons, or you'll wind up sadposting about it to strangers on 4chan like me.

>> No.3568221

>want to illustrate
>imagination and memory are completely tactile and not visual
>literally can't picture an image in my head to draw it.

its hard to even explain.

>> No.3568230
File: 257 KB, 1200x798, 1533725053596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>build a following out of drawing retarded fetish shit
>urge to delete everything
>realize i've funded grindies (heh) solely to settle as low as this
>all the fucking time i am making up songs in my head and have always had a strong interest in music
>realize i didn't even want to draw in the first place
>i just took it because i was too retarded to even take the time to learn how to play synths and music shit in general
>every fucking day more determined go purge everything and have a fresh start
>every fucking day more discouraged because i could have learned something that legitimately piqued my interest and create something worthwhile for all these fucking years
i fucking hate myself

>> No.3568232
File: 234 KB, 424x600, stanfancard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to draw porn of cute characters
>all the characters I find cute are children so I can't show my nsfw art to the general public without being labeled a pedo
Every FUCKING time.

>> No.3568251
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, confirmed for autism.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the secret is to have a patrician fetish like lewd exposed armpits in a formal setting.

>> No.3568252
File: 1.36 MB, 4811x6067, 3- Confirmed for Autism. Acrylic, 8x10. 5-12-16jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong file

>> No.3568253
File: 1.27 MB, 3024x4032, confirmed for autist too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong file.

>> No.3568254
File: 1.55 MB, 3465x2609, confirmed for artism(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.wrong file

>> No.3568255
File: 858 KB, 4032x3024, ear cuck 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w.rong file

>> No.3568256
File: 718 KB, 500x281, confirmed for autism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrrong file

>> No.3568257
File: 2.85 MB, 3024x4032, monster in the sheets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong. file

>> No.3568308

>Want to draw cute uguu
>Most followers are underage girls
>People think I'm a young girl myself

>> No.3568328

Elaborate? Sounds interesting.

>> No.3568332

I cant learn to paint clothes
I cant, for the love of me, learn how to
I don't know why is it taking me so long to get it. It's beeing far harder than any other thing i tried to learn to paint.
I'm not just talking about folds, everything i try to make regarding clothing is massive garbage.
I'm not even a porn artist, i need to learn how to paint clothes.
of course i have tried doing studies, several in fact. but i just can't get it to click on me
What the hell is wrong with clothes?

>> No.3568342
File: 157 KB, 724x1044, IMG_20180807_185708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to draw like my favorite mangaka and doujin artist
>Cannot no matter what figure out how they make their lineart look nice
>Have only been able to not go crazy about this by thinking it's all analog or they use Paint Tool SAI instead of CSP, or they all have Cintiqs
>This has been plaguing me for nearly a year

I just try not to think about it nowadays

>> No.3568346

If you're lucky, maybe you can find their streams at pixiv and study how they work more closely

>> No.3568380

This is why I took drawing only as a hobby. It's a hellhole in the industry especially for someone living in a third world country like me

>> No.3568434

I can't make social contact.
It just stress me out and I often cannot relate to what others talk about.
Not being social is a big problem sadly for almost everything.

>> No.3568437

I have the same difficulty, to the point I have trouble drawing clothes.
But don't worry anon, you'll get there eventually.

>> No.3568463
File: 2.62 MB, 3024x4032, bad brush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the secret is to just phone that shit in brah

>> No.3568467


Is industry work really that bad? I mean I doubt a lot of jobs in it are enjoyable but at least you'd be using skills your interested. If I have to choose between having an industry job and being a wageslave at a retail store, why would I ever pick the latter?

>> No.3568472

idk but from what I've heard it's hard to find art related job in my country and even if I find one, the pay and stress attached to it isn't worth it. I'm comfy to earn at least above average being an ITfag

>> No.3568547

are you the same person?

>> No.3568548
File: 36 KB, 482x427, tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally sit down and draw
>comes out poor but is loads of fun and want to improve
>plan to draw again later or next day
>months pass

>> No.3568550
File: 1.58 MB, 308x320, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try to paint things that apply to our time
>People praise my work for having 70s/80s vibe

what the fugg

>> No.3568553

Don't worry anon, "normal" jobs are even more miserable.

>> No.3568555

OP here. No, that's not me

>> No.3568585
File: 290 KB, 525x525, aq66n24ejv401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3568661

>been sketching for a while but recently took the dive to actually improve
>definitely improve on paper
>on draw pad cannot even draw a straight line
Why does god taunt me

>> No.3568728

I know this feel all too well. Even on psychedelics I have a hard time picturing shit.

>> No.3568962 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 500x500, pain in the ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not a whole lot to elaborate on. I've been mentored by an established commercial artist and he put me in contact with a company that wanted an illustrator. I had kind of a bad feeling about this from the start but I didn't want to be ungrateful so I took on this project. It's been a lot of stress ever since.

First of all I've had a lot of pretty major stuff not related to the project happen in the last few months. Not going to get into it but it's all very high-priority and life altering stuff so I had a lot to juggle to start with.

Then there's the fact that I'm still pretty inexperienced and am embarrassingly slow at drawing. (seriously I'm like a sloth) So I've got that to work through. Which I guess will all get better with experience but right now it's hell and I'm really beating myself up over it. I feel like I wasn't prepared for the pressure.

Then there's the project itself and the guy I'm working with. He's obviously really new at all this too, which I can't and don't really hold against him, but it's also making my job harder. I don't know what his vision for this is, and I've not been told much of anything about the characters, or any of the worldbuilding.

I've basically been drawing them with personalities that I've given them which he hasn't seemed to mind. He hasn't really communicated what he wants exactly and there's been parts where he's ourtright contradicted it. I feel a little bit like I'm not only doing the art but writing the whole thing except it has to be in the confines of someone else's prompt.
Sorry for the longpost guys

>> No.3568964
File: 54 KB, 500x500, pain in the ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a whole lot to elaborate on. I've been mentored by an established commercial artist and he put me in contact with a company that wanted an illustrator. I had kind of a bad feeling about this from the start but I didn't want to be ungrateful so I took on this project. It's been a lot of stress ever since.

First of all I've had a lot of pretty major stuff not related to the project happen in the last few months. Not going to get into it but it's all very high-priority and life altering stuff so I had a lot to juggle to start with.

Then there's the fact that I'm still pretty inexperienced and am embarrassingly slow at drawing. (seriously I'm like a sloth) So I've got that to work through. Which I guess will all get better with experience but right now it's hell and I'm really beating myself up over it. I feel like I wasn't prepared for the pressure.

Then there's the project itself and the guy I'm working with. He's obviously really new at all this too, which I can't and don't really hold against him, but it's also making my job harder. I don't know what his vision for this is, and I've not been told much of anything about the characters, or any of the worldbuilding.

I've basically been drawing them with personalities that I've given them which he hasn't seemed to mind. He hasn't really communicated what he wants exactly and there's been parts where he's ourtright contradicted it. I feel a little bit like I'm not only doing the art but writing the whole thing except it has to be in the confines of someone else's prompt.

Rn I'm trying to find other ways to apply my skills as an artist and make money that isn't.... well, this.

>> No.3569003

Find jpgs of Doraemon, draw him (as a practice)
Fuse it with your style.
And you'll have a new personal style of drawing cute things.

(Important) Also try to be calm and harmonic while drawing cute stuff, (don't listen to rock/rap music)

>> No.3569010
File: 41 KB, 400x416, 1516046808177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can draw cute, beautiful things
>really like drawing cute, beautiful things
>but drawing cute, beautiful things makes you a faggot
>I fucking hate faggots
hate showing people my work because I know I'm instantly labelled as a fucking faggot in their mind
god dammit women have it easy

>> No.3569015
File: 5 KB, 200x210, 1519918105424s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to draw in ink in a particular style but I can only draw well on a vertical board with charcoal or pastel in a realist style I dont even like

>> No.3569027

>caring about normie opinions

>> No.3569029

>attempting to mask your social ineptitude with elitism
oh yeah totally gmi

>> No.3569032

Hardly. If you think the vast majority of people are worth associating with, you're low iq. You should already know this because of the association people make between what you like to draw and who you are.
Not wanting to be everyone's friend does not equate to social ineptitude. Also you're on 4chan, stones in a glass house and all that.

>> No.3569034

>using worst wojak
You ARE a faggot.

>> No.3569650

>draw so much fucking weeb shit and cute shit you forget how to draw a style you want in digital

>> No.3570273
File: 6 KB, 253x243, 1471658079603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want art friends
>not good enough at art to attract anyone that isn't a socially-inept weirdo
>even when I do become friends with a good artist, I'm the one who turns into the socially-inept weirdo
>they start ignoring me to go hang out with artists who are actually good, giving and getting tons of fantastic art while I sit by myself

>> No.3570276

I want to become a painter but I'm severely color blind, so I'll never fully know how my paintings look.

>> No.3570278

I only have one real art friend and they are way better than me. For reasons I'll never quite understand they actually went out of their way to talk to me and have me a lot of support and feedback.

Felt pretty good.

>> No.3570282

that could be interesting if you just guessed constantly with weird colors

>> No.3570287

Is that you, Diana? Sorry.

>> No.3570295


>> No.3570299

I don't know who that is.

>for reasons I'll never quite understand
pretty much this. On one hand, it's cool that they gave you the time of day. But on the other, with some people it's hard to tell whether or not they're only doing it out of pity.

>> No.3570314

>try watching a stream
>the guy is far, far faster than me
>the brush changes sizes at a whim, not through any incremental command, something akin to a quick mouse scroll maybe?
>it's not pressure, because pressure very obviously manipulates the size of the actual output, not the brush itself
>freely switching between full opacity, partial opacity and blending modes while increasing/decreasing brush size at the same time
>observe the brush tool for good two minutes, it doesn't seem like the guy ever changes the brush, just manipulates its size and modes
>no fucking idea how he does it, but I can tell it saves a whole lot of time
>the accuracy is also amazing and he almost never goes out of the areas
>it's all done in the same software I use
It looks like magic. I figured out the last part, about not going out of lines, but I have no idea how he did all that other shit so fluidly, something I'd need multiple different brushes and a lot more key presses even with macros already set up. The drawing techniques he was using were really nothing incomprehensible, it's animu and its simple coloring after all, I just couldn't understand what he was doing with the tools themselves.

>> No.3570368

Who were you watching?

>> No.3570382

if you've got the scratch, there's color correcting glasses for the colorblind

>> No.3570419

>I want to draw porn and adult shit
>I'm accidentally good at drawing cute adorable things that look like they were drawn by a woman

>> No.3570544

cute porn is the best kind of porn, anon

>> No.3570578

>can only indicate forms using straight lines and angles

>> No.3570687

I don't remember, it's all moonrunes.

>> No.3570705
File: 85 KB, 720x480, GoArt_20180819_032547_1551703032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can make amazing colorful pictures digitally
>Cant draw or paint for shit
Pic related is something i did last week.

>> No.3570722

>I'm drawing digital
>I like illustrations and paintings that are very painterly with a rough look, like sketch being visible in some places of a finished piece
>I make a good sketch and lay down some colors
>I start to render things
>Feel like I'm half-assing the job so I render more
>The original feeling of the piece is lost and my shit looks artificial
I just want to stop fucking my own shit up. But every time I get to rendering I just render the shit out of everything and make it clean and smooth and polished but that makes the piece boring and soulless. HELP.

>> No.3570743
File: 2.08 MB, 1920x1080, 1533929678538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only draw cute girls and organic material, like viscera and plants.
I cannot draw robotic/mechanical objects or archetexture. I can draw muscles but I can't draw man faces.

>> No.3570747


>> No.3570757
File: 155 KB, 600x683, 1531693026204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slight texture brush + drawing with a big canvas and lowering the resolution before uploading.
That usually makes lineart look more professional instead of really fake-y and digital.

>> No.3570766

Sorry for the late reply.
Yeah, sounds like a real pain in the ass. Hate it when commissioners are unspecific assholes, and when you tell them they need to specify what they want they go, "uhmmm i dont really know how to say it so... just do something and ill tell you if youre right :)"

>> No.3570770

this was literally made with an app that puts a filter over pictures you fucking koala

>> No.3570790

I've never been able to apply practical sketching and probably never will
I just throw lines that mimic the form and start over again and again until I get something that clicks

>> No.3570868
File: 92 KB, 412x351, feels bad pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you anon.

I've been drawing since I was like 10. Wide array of styles with western comics and Van Gogh-like being my prefered. Went to art school for this shit.

Sister draws shitting furry art and gets paid. I get turned down for refusing to work for exposure. They way of life I guess.

>> No.3570870


That sounds like an interesting concept. Do you have a link to your portfolio?

>> No.3570873

probably you aren't very good

>> No.3570892

You're probably right.

>> No.3570903

fucking this

>> No.3571028

draw shitty generic, characters and they're all flat and look like shit. I rarely draw anymore, I need to pick up a book or do some sort of studies, otherwise its pointless to draw, im just drawing the same shit over and over with no improvement in sight

>> No.3571380
File: 1.09 MB, 1919x1080, sorry_for_beg_tier_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, to be fair I didn't even think about making one, after all, I still consider myself a /beg/ tier.

Pic related is what I'm working right now. Even overlooking that horrendous nose... My lines seem too clean? I don't know how to describe this, I really want that more painterly style but for the love of god I can't help myself but smooth everything over.

On the left, there are my past drawings that also showcase this. The oldest is the on the top.

>> No.3571452

whats the point of the grid if you dont even follow it?

>> No.3571474

Added the grid after I made this shit and kinda left it there. Maybe if I painted it with a grid from the very beginning it wouldn't look that bad...

>> No.3571513

>wants to do mecha, character creature design
>afraid of doing movie compositions and backgrounds
>afraid of joining artists groups due to fear of being backstabbed or mocked for being out of touch on many things
>shit tier at perspective
>does not have the technical brain to make good mecha
>character design is merc-wip tier
>okayish on creature design, but dislikes the flood of christmas cake women going in that department while slobber their mouths on popular male creature concept artists.
>undecided whenever to go specialist or stay in the jack-of-all-trades route
It's a curse that's hard to get rid of.

>> No.3571526
File: 11 KB, 264x274, 1425058403900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can do great sketches with energy and life
>no one likes the shit i actually spend time on

>> No.3572223

My fundies are poor and I have shaky hands.

>> No.3574146

<Love abstract and Surrealism
<want normies to see i'm talented so I make realism
<realism work is boring and lifeless
<get compliments anyway.

>> No.3574147

>forgot how to greentext

>> No.3574157

I have some sort of disability that prevents me from drawing without cringing harder and harder exponentially. Looking at my own art seems to pain me so much that I'd rather be a useless NEET despite being aware of how horrible that is.

>> No.3574169

feels bad man

>> No.3574272

Maybe using a gaming keypad: https://youtu.be/YYcYBXaW_Xo
You can map opacity changes/size etc. to keys.

>> No.3574278
File: 230 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_2018-08-21-21-07-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naturally talented
>never refine or make use of it

>> No.3574285
File: 137 KB, 336x326, .-..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to draw porn of guys
>Visual library is all gay
>Whenever I try to expand it, more gayshit shows up

I didn't want this. Not like this.

>> No.3574339
File: 31 KB, 480x268, 1530804103069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3574449

Draw what you want sell it as adopts.

>> No.3574453

>It's a hellhole in the industry especially for someone living in a third world country like me

Its fantastic if you freelance though. Since you live in a third world nation it doesnt take much money to live a decent life

>> No.3574456

become the next lmsketch

>> No.3574470

>can only put in the effort to make something presentable if i enjoy the concept
>the only things i like are things so niche its hard to reach like minded people

on a related note, what are websites that specialize in ryona or guro

wish i was just a generic normalfag with a big tit fetish life wouldve been a lot easier

>> No.3575365

>have a good life
>well, probably objectively regular
>but enjoy it nonetheless
And that's my story

>> No.3575449
File: 16 KB, 640x619, 1528827916596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to make art friends
>most of the artists which i like their style online supporting lgbt, drawing gay shit and crack ship supporter also cancerous
>better artists are way too cool for me to talk, they got shit load of followers so i got no chance
>sister got fans in her instagram, she tries to promote me so i can speak some of her followers
> her followers are furry,lgbt,rick and morty,deviantart tier artists

>> No.3575558
File: 2.05 MB, 3024x3024, 241. Doc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what should i did this with painting?

>> No.3575563


The vast majority of modern artists have left-wing politics and support LGBT.

If you have a problem with that you're never gonna make any friends (and rightfully so).

>> No.3575600

Whew, throwing in the (and rightly so) was a little ironic don't ya think?
I mean u right tho

>> No.3575602 [DELETED] 

>want to draw serious and cool stories
>can't imagine any so I just draw cute girls

I need to take a storytelling class

>> No.3575604
File: 140 KB, 800x1000, lapidot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to draw serious and interesting stories
>can never imagine any so I just draw cute girls

being unimaginative is suffering

>> No.3575607

cute firegirls save girl from house
cute firegirls save a cat
cute firegirls get stuck on a ladder
cute policegirls catch criminals
cute policegirls hide from criminals
cute military girls fight in a war that has exhausted all able bodied adults, using power frames and robotic weaponry

>> No.3575628
File: 208 KB, 800x1000, lapidot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not that I don't want to draw men, I just can't come up with any compelling stories that are serious, so I just go back to drawing cute girls doing cute things because I don't have to justify why they're being cute

>> No.3575714

Can you post an example of your ideal painting? I think you and I might have the same taste on this (i didn't start painting yet because I am a beginner so rn i just draw)

>> No.3575724
File: 582 KB, 480x270, I am a gundam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being able to draw bigger scaled stuff like people or faces. I always get stumped or fuck up unless I draw from upscaled thumbnails...which aren't really thumbnails in my case but drawings that are about 1/2 the size I want the final to be.

>> No.3575727

git into 3d modeling

>> No.3575764

Not him but while I read that is easier than 2d art isn't it still hard to learn? You still need some kind of fundies surely?

>> No.3575766

if you can draw 3d shit then you can do 3d shit

it helps to already have drawing skills

>> No.3575828

>blessed with extreme talent
>no creative ideas/message worth selling
>can only do shit from observation
I don't think selling tiny watercolor postcards of flowers is gonna cut it. hopefully something comes to me

>> No.3575837

I hear /ic/ in my head while I draw.

Be warned.

>> No.3577290

most casual conversation now revolve around people sharing funny meme pictures you don't have to respond if you're the one showing the pictures.
those just make it easier to differentiate between colors, not totally correct it.
There are a few colorblind artist that make it into news interest pieces every now and then. You could also work with a limited palette and just go by the name on the tube and color theory. Just make sure you have a high enough light/dark contrast. The most you have to worry about is muddiness, especially if you're red/green color blind.

>> No.3577484

Well, I bet they have terrible taste in memes, which will only isolate them further

>> No.3577488
File: 264 KB, 1536x2049, F0AE48D3-6BD2-49B3-A1BC-CCE168E78FC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken scratch

Not being able to finish a sketch completely

>> No.3577490
File: 2.63 MB, 3024x4032, 174. yall got any more of them memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do tiny watercolor postcards but instead of flowers do like fucking garbage

watercolor action scenes

>> No.3577500

thank you though.

>> No.3578532

take inspiration from weird shit, like religions, weapons, numerical patterns and history. there is a lot to work with, and a lot of that you can make your own. id recommend going to >>>/tg/ and reading through some of the ideas threads, you might be able to find something that inspires you.

>> No.3578667

put that at 40 percent opacity and make new lines on top in a new layer, you will learn to not scratch

>> No.3578909
File: 1.18 MB, 1456x976, LdptH6Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Want to draw sexy women with nice ass
> Fail at poses, feet and hands
> Still have nice ass

>> No.3578914
File: 47 KB, 645x968, 1488163758423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too much of a turbo brainlet to make an online portfolio

>> No.3578923
File: 41 KB, 612x612, hi9lpLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Friend of mine told me once it's bad to fill up my socials with WIPs and sketches since no one wants to see that, they want finished works
>Now I don't post for 2-3 weeks because that's on average how long it takes me to think of and make something finished looking
>Everytime people message me I get anxious or distracted so I make people who want to commission me wait almost a week at worst for my response
>Love this one series to death that isn't popular in the West anymore, but that's never the less all I make fanart of since I want to make a fanbook for the series. Get barely any clout cause of it.
>Still only draw just cute girl pin-ups, haven't bothered with dudes aside from doujin-style silhouette people
>My progress on comics is a dead snail because I can't make full scripts and I don't have the chops to wing storyboarding the whole thing.

>> No.3578984
File: 77 KB, 251x231, 1450086833323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want to be good
>tfw am bad

>> No.3579046


Why would you want to delete everything?

>> No.3579096
File: 716 KB, 921x582, Never Give Up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just draw anon, give it a year or two if you're a beginner you can get good results if you're dedicated and draw every day while applying those studies

>> No.3579195

you don't need to have "the chops" you need to have the balls

>> No.3579196

>tfw no gf

>> No.3579228

You’ll be grinding in music just as well only to end up writing furry songs anyway.

>> No.3579565
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i want to draw cute things too, OP. maybe one day...

>> No.3579793
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>Don't particularly like drawing
>Frustrated with my lack of progress
>Wish I could just give it up and forget about it
>Have a lot more fun playing guitar and writing

Despite this...

>I am always compelled to do it

It feels like a bad relationship that has gone on for decades between two people who don't really like each other but couldn't really live without each other. I just can't shake the habit of looking at something and wanting to draw it, or having an idea and needing to put it down on paper. When I travel, even for weeks at a time, my suitcase contains one or two changes of clothes and is otherwise packed with art supplies and Loomis, because I'd rather be smelly and gross than not have access to artistic release.

It sucks, because I'm not obsessed enough to have the drive to get really good. I'm only obsessed enough to be disappointed with how shit I am. I banked my entire life on making a career of it and failed because I'm driven enough to care but lack the character to do anything about it. Now I'm facing thirty and having to basically pick up where I should have left off at 18. And despite all of this bitterness I still have to draw.

>> No.3580213
File: 3.10 MB, 2200x1500, inspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something along those lines. Creating a balance between refined and rough drawing and doing this in a sort of painterly fashion. It feels less "digital" and gives you that "hand-painted" feeling.

>> No.3580254


Hey, as someone who's worked retail, call-centers, and other normal jobs, even the boring miserable art jobs are a step up from dealing with the general public.

So don't feel too bad.

>> No.3580280
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> i want to be able to draw cute, beautiful things.
>i can only draw freakish monsters
But maybe the cute is freakish and the monster is beautiful?

>> No.3582008

who's the girl?

>> No.3582017

one of my favorite artists said, it's better to have a shit job moving boxes or waiting tables than to have a shit art job, because at least at the end of the shit normal job you can go home and draw

>> No.3582023


At least when you're doing a shitty art job, you're improving your skills. There's nothing like feeling you need to get better and practice, and having no time for it because you're trying to pay bills all day.

>> No.3582072

I live in a 3rd world country and this is true.
There are more possibilities, anon. >>3568380

>> No.3582076

Kill yourself cishet. the majority of criminals are heterosexuals and the world needs less of that.

>> No.3582210

In photoshop you can add the brush resize command to one of the stylus keys and then drag to resize while holding that key. Saves lot of time. Depends on how much time you wanna spend on doing macros and shortcuts it can really streamline your process

>> No.3582223

Try to breathe deeply, relax and concentrate on one thing. That usually helps my shaking. Also ypur mindset going into drawing should be clear and without being too attached. Just...breathe :)

>> No.3582225

I feel like anytime I try to animate with krita, I feel like I'm just wonkily dicking around

first time really animating too

>> No.3582270

>into bara
>want to draw bara, need real life references
>only find really ugly proportions and end up copying other peoples art without looking at real life references

>> No.3582322


I suppose you're right Anon.

>> No.3582345

>majority of criminals are hets
>majority of people are hets
>why am i replying to bait

>> No.3582502
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My curse:
>Do 3d course, was literally only taught modelling aka havent found any jobs that'll take me in.
>Even worse couldn't focus on 2d drawings for the past 3 years so am medicore and can only draw 3/4 angled girl heads.
>Knowing a degree is worthless and going in just to grind a portfolio was worthless since no job experience and was told to look up shit online 99% of the time.
>Learning that art > fun, drawing becomes less of a fun hobby into something that will determine if you'll have food on your table and straight up hell if you dont grind out good work fast and accurate to what is tasked and you in your own time have to research, ref and put things together to do so and often working even if out of the job hours to make it through schedule. Art becomes a business.
>I absolutely cannot for the life of me socially interact and make connections, maybe online, but that's an even larger competition.
>Procrastination/never gonna make it thoughts that creep up.
>Buying legal copies of softwares even if i know i could torrent because i want to be a good boy but knowing ithat it's a scam (especially yearly/monthly ones)
>Knowing that because everyone artist and their grandmas make character and knowing that environmental art is therefore superior due to the ratio and still having 0 idea how to draw enviros and do lighting, perspective and textures.
>Wanting to make an art blog but knowing im also my biggest enemy by not doing what's right and drawing everyday to make progress and improve also wanting art blog friends to make it together.
>Knowing despite me having uni and all my life problems i could've still had time improving all these years but didn't and it's my fault and i should be drawing right now and nothing's stopping me but me.

>> No.3582526
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>want to draw cool mechas like G1 Transformers
>suck dick at perspective and blocky forms

>> No.3582533

good thing it's the easiest part of art :-)

>> No.3582535


I bought photoshop to make myself draw more in some twisted autistic way. It works

>> No.3582548
File: 144 KB, 720x960, Eb7T3Nq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Lazy brainlets who are being lazy faggots

>> No.3582569

get the bang for that buck anon, good stuff.
currently drawing in ps too.

>> No.3582571
File: 224 KB, 1662x1244, received_295752787642468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw shitty art i made last year w no effort or knowledge of any of the fundementals was selling much more often and getting much more praise then the work I put effort into

>tfw crappy focus and shitty work ethic stop me from practicing the way I want to practice and instead I end up producing sub par doodles every few days out of impulse

feels bad bros

>> No.3584700

lel just let the isolation strengthen you. Gain skills. Eventually, people will follow you and approach you. Filter out the ones you don't like, only let the ones you like in. If you have the fame and skills, you don't need to go to people to befriend them like it's some job application, they come to you.

>> No.3584867

I always draw characters in boring poses, just standing, or just a bust, nothing actually dynamic...

Btw check my art http://icshdrn.tumblr.com

I never post on here this is an experiment

>> No.3585543

I HAVE NO FUCKING PATIENCE. I panic and start rushing. I don't know why. I lowkey feel intimidated by polishing/finishing process.
Also, everytime I draw something for more than 20 minutes it ends up looking worse than it would if I just left it as a sketch.

>> No.3585656

well, just use that in your process, you can either concentrate on styliazation that incorporate the speed, or you can work 20 mins, take a break or work on something else, then hit another 20 min burst when you're ready.

>> No.3585666

I have none because i'm grinding my weaknesses.

>> No.3585704

I'll be ur friend anon

>> No.3586038

not me tho

>> No.3586044

I'm literally the opposite, can't stop drawing something till it ends up cute/beautiful
I want to be able to draw ugly things, but brain won't let me

>> No.3586050
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>> No.3586051
File: 95 KB, 586x535, 199478DD-519B-4FA8-8EE7-DE0EF72895B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extreme depression making it impossible to draw
>get on meds to fix this
>meds make me feel emotionally numb making it impossible to draw

>> No.3586054 [DELETED] 

what's with the plaid, is there a chick under that desk?