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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 522 KB, 720x1061, Ronald.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3558717 No.3558717 [Reply] [Original]

Critique my art pls :)

>> No.3558720
File: 868 KB, 720x1016, Hannah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this one too

>> No.3558723

Nice art bro

>> No.3558727


>> No.3558731


>> No.3558742

I like it

>> No.3558745

Thank you! This is my first time using 4chan for critiques, I heard it was a good place to get honest art critiques so I thought why not give it a try.

>> No.3558767


>> No.3558769

Pyw or gtfo with your sad excuse of a critique, you "ducking" ween.

>> No.3558774


>> No.3558775

Really gay.

>> No.3558786

Spoopy occultism. I like it. Nice style, as well

>> No.3558807

Not a fan of the rendering, looks a bit muddy. Might be in part to your choice of colors. I think if you'd work on compositions and add some contrast to these they could really pop.
Oh and something's off about the face in the second pic. Makes me think it's a dude for some reason.

>> No.3558810

Is this a boy or a girl?

>> No.3558814

eyes are too up, almost where the brow ridge should be.

>> No.3559297

is he supposed to look really slouched or hump-backed? It seems his neck is almost at a 90degree angle from the shoulders.

>> No.3559301

I dig the colors and you painted it well

>> No.3559359

The first thing i see is that the shadows offer little contrast.
Do you shift the hues to make shadows?

>> No.3559449

this shit screams identity politics. I guess it's become problematic to make attractive characters due to the fact it would specify their gender. You fucking faggot.

>> No.3559509

Pyw fag or stfu

To the ones who gave me helpful criticism, thank you. I will try to work on my flaws and update with a sketch soon.

She's female

>> No.3559726

where his neck at tho

>> No.3559742

Underneath his head, the character is supposed to be viewed in a bird's eye POV type of perspective.

>> No.3559750

Terrible perspective (and by extension faulty anatomy) and lackluster composition. If you could fix these two issues it would make your work look a lot better. Those are the first things I would look into, OP.

>> No.3559769

You conveyed that really poorly.

>> No.3559781

I'd like to see YOU convey that correctly anon, I'm sure a pro like you can do so effortlessly.

Try for taking the time to point this out, perspective isn't my strong point. As for the anatomy, what parts of the body look wonky?

>> No.3559794

Expression is creepy so I'd advise drawing thousands of faces until you can simplify an expression to a few lines.
The arm on the left isn't in perspective it just looks like how it'd be drawn if you were side-on.
The hand in the pocket is a bit fucked.
The arm on the right and the legs are passable.

>> No.3559811
File: 34 KB, 600x600, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no YOU

>> No.3559824

Yeah,,, I thought that. I thought he gave some pretty honest and Correct critique to be honest. The dude looks like he has no neck due to their strange choice of perspective

>> No.3559826

Yeah, this makes the nose bridge look far too long and results in (I'm presuming it's a girl) the character looking like a man, in woman's clothes.

>> No.3559837
File: 664 KB, 720x1061, 2C40B693-40D2-4BA1-9310-E8D785D15B52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3560541

I apologize for any misunderstanding, I meant to type in Ty** but instead my autocorrect corrected it to "try"

>> No.3560544

Haha yeah, I guess I did mess up with the perspective. That neck is very necessary now that you've pointed it out. Thanks once again anon.

>> No.3560545

He's a male in men's attire.

>> No.3560549

Creepy is what I was going for, but I guess I have to go back to the fundamentals to fix these mistakes.

>> No.3560713
File: 236 KB, 1060x1661, 1521571520657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty gay indeed. Obviously made by a girl. Show your vagene and open bobs buetefull.

>> No.3561113

I'm a guy, you fag.

>> No.3561130
File: 988 KB, 1192x872, Randall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3561140


What's up with the aliased banding? Looks like you converted the images into indexed color.

>> No.3561164

Being a passive aggressive cunt won't improve your art, filthy tripfag. And don't try so hard to fit in with what you perceive as board culture.

>> No.3561603
File: 37 KB, 500x371, 15067148657340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course you are, sweetheart. Just show me you male boipusi.

>> No.3561615

I love the first one, very nice but the second one is eh. Keep it up OP but please don't make seperate threads, just post in the Draw Threads if you want critique.

>> No.3561654

Same faggot, get a life and jack off somewhere else please.

What do you mean??

Oh okay, could you link me to one? I'm new to 4chan

>> No.3561656

God you are a cringy faggot. The issue isn't your art (which is bad) but your attitude. You are just annoying so fuck off

>> No.3561661

I find it sad how your responses are instantaneous. Seriously why are you even on this board to begin with? Its obvious you don't draw often seeing as you rather periodically check the catalogs for some trolling fun. Welp, I have to get back to my studies, I hope you have fun dicking around some more mate, with your progress (you haven't pyw to prove me wrong lol) its clear as day who isn't going to make it. Now begone with you, you middle aged creepo.

>> No.3561678

This nigga got KO'd

>> No.3561687

Well you certainly type like a woman or a fag.
Get off your high horse and seriously look at your "art" and you will see how terrible it is.

>> No.3561698

Your pictures are crazy to people tripping
this is another shout into the wiiiinndddd

>> No.3561700

Honestly OP I think your art is good but good god your attitude is toxic.

>> No.3561752

Use the catalog and crtl + f "beg". Also lurk 2 years before posting

>> No.3562197

Shoo shoo gains goblin

>> No.3562432


>> No.3562671

Didn't you post this a couple weeks ago and ask for feedback?