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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 992 KB, 2048x2048, D91BDDE5-24E1-4FA2-909F-727B62E3C11B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3559248 No.3559248 [Reply] [Original]

There’s a huge misnomer as a response to my “egotistical” ravings that I am on par with Chun in terms of skill level, tenacity and willingness to learn. I’ve been waiting YEARS for this dude to produce one work of art I could faithfully get behind. Chun, I like you, but you slighted me yesterday with that post. I really think you are not a good painter, you are wasting a huge deal of resources, and actually it is you that is not a good leaner. As someone that went to a state school, grew up in proverty, and financed my own art education, I didn’t have the privilege to go to RISD, students league, or NYC living. You have all that and out of all that you suck. Like, the word delusional gets thrown around a lot. Well, my narcissism is warranted buddy. Here you are, an Asian “artist”. People already give you the curve...and u SUCK. I am black, people hate me off top, then I am an artist that has no privilege of race or finance. First, You say my art is flawed, all art is flawed. I don’t see your criticism, perfection doesn’t exist. Next, I never said seriously that I am a master. I do have a very distinct voice that allows me to feed my baby. I am always learning. You threw me under the bus yesterday. That was wrong.

>> No.3559264

but all his friends and professors say he's good, don't you know?

>> No.3559265

literally nobody gives a shit, kill youself you absolute nigger

>> No.3559279

I love you Illastrat stay strong

>> No.3559292

I said it's not a weakness to admit one's flaws. There are shortcomings to your paintings but you cannot see them because you are blinded by your own ego. I am a small fish swimming in the big ocean. The biggest fish tell me my art is good. My eyes are wide open to what is possible. You are a big fish in a small pond. Only if you open your eyes, instead of saying my art sucks, you would know what's out there too.

I didn't say your art sucks. I said your art has not fully matured yet, and some professional artists say your art looks amateurish as of now.

>> No.3559294

Real friends tell each other what's really wrong. Fake friends flatter and kiss each other's ass.

Know who is your real friend. Know who is telling you the truth.

>> No.3559312

What did these same professional artist say about your art? Chun, you are full of shit. Of course my art is flawed. The whole point of it is that I celebrate its imperfection. Focus on your “art.” Nobody gives a fuck what your artists friends say if they don’t tell you the truth about your “art.” It’s not good.

>> No.3559318
File: 301 KB, 1920x1074, cold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you explain this picture of him visiting you at your famous 777 then?

>> No.3559334

They say different things. When there is something to fix, they tell me to fix it. My art is not perfect.

But when they like something that I did, they say simply, "It's good" "I like it" "You did a good job Chun"

The professional artist who said your art looks amateurish said my art has depth and substance.

Illastrat you are blind. You stomp on other people's achievements to protect your own ego. I will listen to the big fish swimming in the great ocean. The truth you speak of is selfish misguided delusion.

If you insist none of my art is good all these years, and you are a small fish in a small pond, while the big fish tell me otherwise?? It's you who is the problem. It's you who is blind. It's you who is the small fish in a small pond. It's exactly same thing when you produce something of merit, and ppl here tell you it sucks. You are doing that to me and my art. You can't see. You are blind.

Open your eyes. Know what's out there. You gotta keep learning. Not on your own. That gets you only so far. You need to paint from direct observation.

Of course you won't listen. Who will when someone is preaching?

I don't like preaching. Only telling you the truth as a friend.

>> No.3559335

Chun, I am telling you, if your artist friends didn’t rigorously criticize your art as amateur but criticized me as such then I can guarantee they have alternative motives why they don’t like my art. I am better than you by miles. Strangers on 4chan wholeheartedly vouche. You paint like you don’t know what you are doing...hastily.

>> No.3559340

What are those alternative motives that you speak of?

They tell me to fix things all the time. They are telling me the truth.
I am telling you the truth.

>> No.3559350

Chun...you have NO fans on 4chan. People vouche for me on a rountine basis. Mind you I have racism to endure, finances, and personal issues. You know I am learning acrylic. These paintings aren’t perfect. But I at least have strangers vouche for me. I commend you. You are good at galvanizing artist but you are not good. EVERYONE on this board agree. To assume you are better than me is absurd. Only the racists will agree to that.

>> No.3559354

You are implying that you are better than me in a underhanded way

>> No.3559361

i'm a fan of chun, especially his newer stuff

>> No.3559366

ITT pot calling kettle black

>> No.3559370

Who cares? I have fans on instagram, ello, and in real life.

There is no better or worse in the sense that our art styles are apples and oranges.

You have talent.

However my art is more refined and developed. It's further along in its growth. Perhaps because I am in school. I am surrounded by professionals and students who give me opinions and knowledge.

I am a ripening apple. You are a green, unripened orange.

There is no reason to believe apple to be better than orange or orange to be better than apple.

I am just saying you need learn more and develop your craft more. It's not fully realized and mature. I never said my art was better than yours. I said it's more developed and refined. Your art has potential. It has the potential to be a big orange given enough sunlight and water. But you are denying yourself that. You are isolating yourself in your own world and thinking you are a big fish, but in a small world.

And if you really can't find a single painting you like of mine, while i see merits and potential in your paintings, it's you who is blind. Not me

>> No.3559372

Don't worry boys, the both of you are terrible artists with no hope of learning due to your gigantic egos. Brian is miles ahead of the both of you combined and he is still pretty bad too.

>> No.3559377
File: 122 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_1914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever man I'm a concept artist now, didn't you hear?

>> No.3559383

Honestly, I told you on Facebook, I don’t like your art. You keep saying it’s more refine using subjective terminology without any concrete proof. This is what people have been telling you. Your art sucks and you are your biggest fan. Like you have no eye. Everything is cerebral with you, thinking. Whereas my art has grit, your are is super sterile. I don’t like it and you are too egotistical to understand why.

>> No.3559385
File: 167 KB, 719x960, F858F3CC-0B3C-4883-932F-B759F597F7EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am better

>> No.3559390

Brian’s not better than me

>> No.3559399
File: 512 KB, 720x720, C84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ isn't your personal blog and nobody gives a shit about your sob story. Post your art and get wrecked or fuck off to tumblr.

>> No.3559457

>This is what people have been telling you. Your art sucks and you are your biggest fan
>I don’t like it and you are too egotistical to understand why.
are you talking to yourself?

>> No.3559461

Good thread boys, I love me a good autism showdown. My money is on illastrat, his autism is at peak performance.

>> No.3559463


He is. He is still shit, but a lot less shit than you and Cumbum

>> No.3559466


the only reasonable thing is to ignore these threads and hide them. there is no hope in talking sense into these two Charles Mansons.

>> No.3559496
File: 672 KB, 2413x802, icautists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is. When it comes to the /ic/ traditional autists, you are just one step above the jimmy guy, and thats because he still uses grids, traces and brags about it. Then you have Cumbun who is pretty decent but his autism is holding him back. And then Brian, who is pretty good but /ic/ hates him for some reason.

>> No.3559536

das raciss

>> No.3559538

If you need to know why we hate Brian you haven't been here long enough, he used to be a raging retard

>> No.3559556

do you understand how ironic using the term misnomer incorrectly is, illastrat?

>I am black, people hate me off top
people don't hate you because you're black, they hate you because you're an annoying retard.

>> No.3559608
File: 216 KB, 960x706, EB59B9F7-894E-49EE-B704-A2086EC94B9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chun is not better than me. Neither is Brian. Post better than pic related coming from the two

>> No.3559614

Why? Go away

>> No.3559627

Because you literally compare one of my worst paintings. Post one of my best since Brian, jimmy, and chun’s Best if being used

>> No.3559642

You're all shit, but you are the worst, for going on and on about race, money, your ugly wench, your non-existent talent, and threatening to go away and take your brown paintings with you....but then coming back because you can't live without the attention.
Go and get some meds.

>> No.3559678
File: 2.68 MB, 3024x4032, red brie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm the best of the bunch!

>> No.3559685

*most reddit of the bunch

>> No.3559700
File: 2.31 MB, 3024x4032, I beat the shit out of some kids today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /tv/ is just reddit ground zero

>> No.3559936

link to thread?

>> No.3560069
File: 169 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 5-7-18 at 1.35 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the jimmy guy
that's my slave name. My meme name is Jimbeaux, and it's pronounced either like "Jimbo" or "Jimbuck," depending on how the person wipes their ass.

>> No.3560079
File: 34 KB, 349x642, IMG_1917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on us he's only pretending

>> No.3560084

>greasy hair
>shitty clothes
>uneven ratty tard-beard

Exactly what I figured this waif lunatic looked like.

>> No.3560128
File: 2.18 MB, 3024x3024, tfw america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you stand to wipe it's jimbuck
>if you wipe from the front it's jimbuck
>if you pronounce it ".jif" it's jimbuck
more to follow
either way its written jimbeaux maybe

prove me wrong dip

>> No.3560134
File: 2.63 MB, 3024x4032, yall got any more of them memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3560140

Jokes on us you're only pretending to be retarded, right?

>> No.3560142

Wow good joke, I guess you're just pretending to be a retard? Wow good joke, retard

>> No.3560143

if its one of your worst why did you use it on a thread where you talk about soulfull art? if even you think its trash then dont upload it

>> No.3560147
File: 2.00 MB, 3008x2869, To catch a muah?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're french it has to be pronounced like jeambeggh
>if you're dutch it has to pronounced memebux
>scandinavians have to say it in their american accent

>> No.3560151


>> No.3560152
File: 2.30 MB, 3839x3022, Robert Deniro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spanish languages have to say (rolling j) jaaaambo
>italian languages have to say ay jiminybisket

>> No.3560155

could someone explain this shit to me?
is it just gay tripfag drama
also I've also been off ic for a while but what's with the massive amount of portraits like >>3560147 being posted?

>> No.3560163

Wow good joke, retard!

>> No.3560164

It's a guy pretending to be retarded, it's a really good joke we all find very funny

>> No.3560165


>> No.3560167

>bong and a box of cereal in his room

jesus christ millenials were a mistake

>> No.3560172
File: 2.66 MB, 3024x4032, trash man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's yojimbo for the japs

>> No.3560175

we're laughing at you, not with you
you're not part of this

>> No.3560176
File: 3.77 MB, 4032x3024, i dont believe you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this the living room dog
then why are my pants off?

>> No.3560197

His retard impression is so spot on that I can't even tell if he's really a retard or not! that's how good he is!

>> No.3560202
File: 2.87 MB, 3024x4032, do you want to get off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in Afrikans it's pronounced Gemgold

>> No.3560203

Someone needs to make a compilation of every time Illistrat said he would leave and then didn’t.

>> No.3560206

In American we call him a retard, but at this point i think he might just be pretending, that's how good he is at art, life, love, sex, and pretending to be retarded

>> No.3560209

this guy is funnier than >>3560202
but it doesn't stop >>3560202
from trying. pretty sad honestly.

>> No.3560212
File: 1.68 MB, 3210x2551, 78. Cringe Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prove me wrong

>> No.3560221

Oh god now he's complaining, getaloadofthisguy.jpg

>> No.3560223
File: 1.01 MB, 1777x2046, 33E9A807-875E-4848-818A-7415BE2EC2A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It’s just not my best. Compare that to the other 3 is true by technicality. I am way better than Chun.

>> No.3560224

Get memed, bozo lul why even bother arguing if you're just gonna get buttblasted at every response bozo

>> No.3560226

You mad?

>> No.3560229
File: 151 KB, 1000x795, 1533951323029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a load of this bozo lul! hey I made my own memeschlock art, I think it's better than yours so you can stop now, im way better than you, bozo

>> No.3560231

come on bozo reply you fucking bozo

>> No.3560270

Is this the infamous Dark Brian? Genuinely terrifying.

>> No.3560301
File: 2.36 MB, 4032x3024, pffffft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3560303

Jesus dude... you got blown the fuck out... idk if you deserved that honestly

>> No.3560306
File: 2.31 MB, 2983x2862, jizz in pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fill like I did tho

>> No.3560336

come on man, that guy was being way more "demon clown" than you, he beat you at your own game. you seem pretty lame in comparison to whoever the fuck that was.

>> No.3560343

You just seem like a normal guy compared to whoever that fucking maniac was that was insulting you... sorry man 4chans not usually that mean. I know you're just a guy trying to have fun on the internet, you didn't deserve to get treated like that

>> No.3560347

If it makes you feel better I think your paintings are okay... idk why that guy was like that. You have okay colors and I know you use grids but that's okay... idk

>> No.3560350

You fucking bozo

>> No.3560351
File: 2.54 MB, 3024x4032, pfffscht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u ok tho??

>> No.3560354

I'm fine I just get angry when I see people like you get bullied for no reason

>> No.3560417

So uh

Where are the mods..?

>> No.3560554


you are definitely better than chun and you are also definitely not good. go back to fundies

>> No.3560563

chun is way better that illastrat, you really have a bad case of plebitis if you cant see that

illastrat is only good in an outsider kinda way, his art has value because it's an interesting style coming out of a completely untrained guy and from a new context.

chun is an actually educated and really does belong to the contemporary american art tradition. he has a real gift for color and does good work with the brush. and on top of that he has an interesting perspective. he really could be an actual sellable artist but i suspect he's mad as a hatter, so he can't get anywhere.

chun has a lot of advantages over illastrat as far as art goes, and it shows. illastrat does have a place though, don't get me wrong, but he won't get there until he starts experimenting more, there are many pieces by him where you can see the light coming through, but he never seems to be able to run with it.

i'm not either of these people by the way. but they are both real artists, they both do pretty good art, they deserve respect and if you can't see what's good about either of them then that's a you problem.

>> No.3560690


Hi Cumbum

>> No.3560709

nope, i just have a proper arts education so i don't judge people's work by how closely in resembles anime or a pc computer game

>> No.3560710


Dude, stop, it’s so blatant it is you. You are an embarrassment.

>> No.3560721 [DELETED] 


>> No.3560723
File: 5 KB, 191x210, cold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>3560563 (You)
>>3560709 (You)

>> No.3560730

Chun / Illastrat
A match made in...

>> No.3560734
File: 394 KB, 1969x1210, illlastrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3560735


Doesn't prove anything, most people have
several internet connections. Fuck you.

>> No.3560745

yeah but i think you believe i'm not chumbun now, or you're a idiot, either way or both even

>> No.3560892
File: 992 KB, 1629x2048, 721D7B52-F496-4B8C-8C1F-1EEFEEE77D2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is obviously Chun.

Completely untrained? I am not self taught. I went to art high school, art college and I took numerous private courses Chun. Also, I don’t like your use of color most of the time.

>> No.3560897

no i'm not cun goddang it, the best i could do was the (you)s. i thought i had read that you were self taught a few days ago so my mistake.

hey while you might answer, how long abouts do you spend on each piece ?

>> No.3560904

The whole illastrat-is-self-taught is actually a racist meme. All black musicians, painters, atheletes and actors are considered untrained naturals despite their schooling. You never read that from me. The fact that Chun can’t paint with oil shows that I am better. Also, I paint with a limited primary palette. Chun blows bukus of cash on paint.

It takes me 2 to 4 hours to paint my shit.

>> No.3560908

what's your favorite piece of yours?

>> No.3560909

I don’t have a favorite piece

>> No.3560913
File: 492 KB, 1024x1355, 1525641793912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i thought you might say it was this one

>> No.3560918

I hate that. I don’t like Chun’s work. I have no favorites

>> No.3561434

That being said, Chun is a good dude. He is a Facebook friend and I’ve talked to him personally on the phone.

>> No.3561596

I like the guy who paints celebrities with awkward facial expressions.

>> No.3561611

Lmao I just finished reading this rom comedy of a thread
you idiots are funny and all bad, stay delusional

>> No.3561650

Thank you illastrat. You are a good bud

>> No.3561966

what the fuck this thread about.

>> No.3562128
File: 2.24 MB, 3024x4032, 38. Sadam Sandler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that makes one of us. #bazinga

>> No.3562187


Holy shit go to Facebook you salty FAGGOT keep this gay drama on social media.

This isn't deserving of a thread.
