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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 334 KB, 846x1200, pbjd7imUZW1td53jko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3556162 No.3556162 [Reply] [Original]

>can /ic produce something like this?

but unironically. Anime isn't too hard so you should be fine

>> No.3556167

>anon unironically considers this a masterwork

>> No.3556168

Top zozzle

>> No.3556169

Nah everyone will shit on it and call it the worst thing ever without even trying to reproduce anything close to it because haha waste of time they're totally 1000x as good as this dude.

>> No.3556171

>Thinks people trying to get good at drawing will waste their time trying to replicate anime
Those trying to improve will do more beneficial practice to make the most of their time

>> No.3556177

shouldn't you be drawing, faggot?

>> No.3556179

Everyone here says it's so easy, and that this looks bad, but I have never seen anything greater than or equal to this level of quality on this board. Only thing that comes close is... idk, that merc wip? That guy's pretty good, but the pose is stiff

>> No.3556183

Yeah like posting on /ic/ for hours shitting on art.

>> No.3556198
File: 7 KB, 225x225, lil'pollock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not drawing
Nigga all messed up.

>> No.3556203 [DELETED] 

>Anime isn't too hard

This is how I know you can't actually draw it.

>> No.3556205
File: 8 KB, 226x223, hisoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even just anime
is there any faggot who draws cubes and muscles all day that can produce artwork with an interesting style?

>> No.3556235

>>Anime isn't too hard

This is how I know you're weeb trash who praises ilya as the best artist ever.


>> No.3556243

Takes 10 years to master a skill. No point in trying to produce something interesting until you master the fundamentals. If you don't understand fundamentals, all you will be able to draw is anime.

>> No.3556245

>all you will be able to draw is anime
Perfect. That's all I need to be able to do. :^)

>> No.3556250

Anon, you're tastes will refine as you age. You won't be 14 forever.

>> No.3556253

is it on or off, or is it analog? Like does one day after studying for years it just clicks or is a gradual understanding

>> No.3556254

so in other words you can't produce artwork with an interesting style

>> No.3556261

I am saying I wouldn't try to write a novel until I understood grammar.

>> No.3556288

it's a generic pixiv anime style. You could spend 3 months studying artists who use it, practice it diligently, and come out with something similar but slightly different. Granted you are an experienced artist, have a decent quantity of draftsmanship, and have been drawing for ~3+ years. Some people who improve very fast could do it with less experience, but most people aren't like that.

Unfortunately, I assume the average /ic/ user has bad characteristics in spades.
1. They haven't drawn enough.
2. They over-emphasize fundamentals, rather than the specific ways fundamentals materialize in artwork.
3. They don't want to be derivative.
4. They overemphasize the value of accuracy in stylized art and art in general.
There's probably many more.

The current tendency to push realism to learn anime is misleading. It helps to acquire draftsmanship and form sense. However, there is no logical path for deconstructing realism to create heavily stylized anime art. Learning to create stylized art is a study unto itself, which is not yet acknowledged enough.

That is because anime-stylized art is idiomatic in the same way that a dialect of language is idiomatic (and there are many dialects). It mixes drawing that is flat and drawing that has form. Without spending a great deal of time observing and practicing it, you will not do it harmoniously. Your shapes will be boring where they should be interesting, and vice versa.

One should not re-invent the wheel of the anime style. The wheel should be learned, observed, studied; expression and individualism reveals itself in how you design the rim of the wheel. It's a minor contribution. Realism can grant you tools for constructing the wheel, but the tools cannot do the job without careful observation of that which one is trying to construct. Surrender yourself. Become part of the collective. Allow yourself to be pulled up as have others. Become soft and malleable. There are many ways to express the same idea.

>> No.3556292 [DELETED] 

I see you too have learned the ways of talking out of the ass.

>> No.3556307

>Anime isn't too hard...

>less than 1% of IC could make something original of equivalent level.
>IC must really suck since it's so easy to do.

>> No.3556314

very nice anime tiddies and hips

>> No.3556327
File: 44 KB, 636x350, anime_girl_lineart_by_xxjhenyfer-d8v7wff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ are a bunch of parroting retards who can't draw to the level of OP even if they tried

it takes a good time to get confident enough to produce work of that quality. And that's even with using references for the pose etc

People shit on anime because its trendy or they're normalfag tourists who cant appreciate it

even pic related would be impossible to draw for 99.9% of /ic/. It takes confidence to exaggerate features in such a slick way

>> No.3556329

false equivalency
in this scenario "grammar" would = "basic perspective and anatomy"
if you were a writer you would spend 10 years memorizing every writing element and every character trope/archetype and end up shit because you never spent a single minute writing an actual story

>> No.3556354

lmao massive cringeworthy cope!

>> No.3556359 [DELETED] 

T. got meme'd into loomis and still can't draw anything after wasting so much time drawing boxes

>> No.3556381
File: 14 KB, 300x300, Turd_Polisher_300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the turd polishers.

Also, gesture = prose.

>> No.3556382

Thats a common NGMI trap.

Similar to perfect being the enemy of good. Not doing anything, or finishing anything because it's not going to be perfect. This is the exact reason IC generally fails at making art, over emphasis on preparation and pre planning with out just jumping in and doing, which is how you actually learn something.

In your hypothetical scenario of writing a novel the best course of action actually would be to just write the novel regardless of poor grammar. But simultaneously as your writing learn proper grammar and sentence structure. Especially because the first thing you write isn't going to be your best idea. So by the time your 5 books in you can write better because you've been studying and the work your making is exponentially more interesting than what you first created because you've been writing and developing ideas for longer than someone who waits until mastery. You think tolkien only wrote once he mastered english for example? If you spend 10 years only grinding fundies by the time you've "mastered" them someone who simultaneously did studies and imaginative work would be light years beyond you. Technical ability is meaningless with out good ideas. Companies hire you for your ideas, not how well you render a life like deltoid or vase of flowers.

Literally no person I've ever seen give a lecture, make a tute or personally watched develop online over the course of years has ever gone about getting "good" the way you describe here >>3556243 Your just constructing imaginary walls to insulate yourself from the fear of being shit.

>> No.3556389

>Companies hire you...
I am not on this path for employment. All I care about is mastery, getting closer to perfection everyday, even though perfection is unattainable.

>> No.3556393

Fantastic post.

As a writer, grammar means jack shit when writing a novel. Well written does not equal good storytelling by a long shot. And like >>3556329
said, you will end up shitty if you never just write.

>> No.3556394

t. cant draw at all and doesn't like anime

shoo shoo back to starbucks normalfag

>> No.3556405
File: 41 KB, 645x729, 8d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just write. Okay.

>a boi waz wulkin duwn da strat and he saw a squrral and the squarrel smiled rally big at him and dat made boy vary happiest and dat gud fer errone!

Wow! You are right. I don't need to focus on anything. I can just write. I feel that if I keep doing this I will improve. Fucking brainlet. The equivalent in visual arts in drawing anime with copious turd polishing.

>> No.3556410

Are you retarded? Writers have editors for a reason. What’s more important is the story structure, pacing, word choice ,themes, etc. Grammar takes a backseat.

>> No.3556411 [DELETED] 

Go back to /b/.

>> No.3556415

Please. Prose is the most important thing in writing. Which is just the applied craft of mastering the fundamentals of written language.

>> No.3556416

are you seriously suggesting an anime style is inherently bad?

>> No.3556423
File: 60 KB, 600x399, women-laughing-and-having-fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literal autism

>> No.3556426

jelly detected

face it, OP's pic is lightyears ahead of anything you will ever produce lmao

>> No.3556427

I thought that was a well established fact.

>> No.3556440

>The current tendency to push realism to learn anime is misleading. It helps to acquire draftsmanship and form sense. However, there is no logical path for deconstructing realism to create heavily stylized anime art. Learning to create stylized art is a study unto itself, which is not yet acknowledged enough.
The how idea about learn realism is not to understand reality enough to be able to change freely? this is like, the basics of stylization.

>> No.3556449

If the story was good you would just hire an editor and be done with it. A lot of successful writers aren't very good at grammar, or they have a disability like dyslexia, but can tell one hell of a story. They get an editor and proof reader, and go on about their day.
If your story is boring, no is going to read your shit no matter how good the prose is. Some people like prose, but no one only reads for the prose.

>> No.3556451
File: 52 KB, 600x600, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave it to a brainlet like you to only think of things in extremes

>> No.3556460

qualitty thread

>> No.3556532

In my experience, individuals who go down such a path often have trouble abstracting backwards. Such individuals over time assimilate drawing information that is both how things actually are, and how things aren't, i.e. stylization, either through their own experiments or through their observation of others' stylized art. Thus, when one draws they have trouble keeping both sets of information separate. Freedom without restraint is not a good thing.

In my opinion, it is not solely the comprehension of reality that allows one to change freely (and I do not deny that usefulness!). It is the simple understanding of the scale of how the elements of art can present themselves in a drawing, and the ability to render each element along its entire scale. The ability to draw simple vs complex, render drawing with thin, thick, sporadic line quality, to render hard to soft edge, to paint with different lighting schemes. To draw form or to not draw it. That's just the surface. Of course, understanding the characteristics and structure of subject matter can be helpful. But you only need enough of that for one's own needs, and those needs seem to always increase over time anyways.

But once that freedom is accomplished, once again, you must restrain yourself otherwise you will just be a loose cannon. That is why I place so much emphasis on how the elements, how fundamentals actually present themselves in artwork.

Freedom grants you the ability to restrain your art in whichever way you want. However, we are much too confident and proud of our abilities to make those decisions.

>> No.3556542

>wall of theorycrafting
Post work as proofs of your credibility.

>> No.3556592
File: 725 KB, 1483x1920, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3556700

Second this.

Whatever >>3556592 is, isn't proof of anything other than not studying makes you bad at drawing. Show examples of artists who were decent then studied too much and turned objectively into shit.

Typical IC bullshit. Create a bunch of head cannon for how art works with no context or examples to prove anything you just said. The point of drawing from life and studying isn't to master the human form in ultra realism and only work on that for 5 years, never making any imaginative work. You do both at the same time, and one informs the other. You know like how every artist ever got good. Someone becoming shit because of study too much isn't evidence that studying is bad, only that doing anything to the extreme is bad. Thats just common sense.

Anons on IC are now totally ignorant or openly denying known methods of improving. As another anon said I can't wait for school to start back up again so all the 14 y/o's will be out of here.

>> No.3556724

the drawing is good but it's a real shame because it's wasted on fanart of a shit anime with shit designs

>> No.3556727

Quit whining about ic. Meta shit doesn't belong here.

>> No.3556735
File: 144 KB, 512x724, 0263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It angers me how artists on /ic/ will see this absolutely perfect 10/10 anime picture and most of the time start trying to notice flaws just to bring it down, as if they didn't know that this art is already top tier anime fanart.

Have you ever watched anime? Anime looks like pic related. That's already good enough even if you can notice "anatomic flaws" or "lightning issues" or whatever, and OP's picture is even better yet people try to downplay it, makes me think they hate the medium as a whole. They would probably also read Onepunch Man and say Murata isn't anything special.

>> No.3556752
File: 40 KB, 540x359, Dj4luIzV4AA0JEH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing this garbage to murata

>> No.3556780

/ic/ is shit. What else isn’t new?

>> No.3556787
File: 2.12 MB, 1368x2048, 35077711_2192510664099136_8568911362741239808_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never claimed to be a brilliant artist. I myself am the individual I talked about that in the past had problems with stylization; a lot of different ways of drawing things in my head that are a pain in the ass sometimes to assemble. And, the remedy for myself, is to pay attention and study stylization. To go to the source, and not to make things up.

My drawing shows that I'm not studying enough, I know.

I never said studying is bad, or that drawing from life is bad. They're great.

I did not say that a path of realism was bad. I merely am making an observation that there are some individuals who go along that path and have trouble with stylization until they specifically put time into the study of stylization. That individual was myself. I also have other problems now, I know.

When I study, I often go to the source. Study some good old Huston. I really like his stuff. I need to do that more.

Maybe there are individuals with similar views you mentioned, that studying too much will make you shit. Nor do I ever strawman that the point of drawing from life is ultra realism and to never do imaginative works. I am not one of those.

Doing anything to the extreme is bad. I agree. That's why freedom needs to go hand in hand with restraint. Not doing anything to an extreme, as you said.

Img attached is an example of someone who does not stylize harmoniously. It is clear that they are not studying stylization, but have some experience with realism. They would benefit from studying others' stylization at the point they're at.

Somehow you are disagreeing with me, yet I am agreeing with you on everything. I apologize that my words have done so.

>> No.3556793

>Literally no person I've ever seen give a lecture, make a tute or personally watched develop online over the course of years has ever gone about getting "good"
Most of those people have actually been drawing for 10 years or more whether it was concentrated or not. I didn't doodle in school and had to learn to just draw in order to cover a lot of ground in the basic skills I never learned.

>> No.3557079

The first thing you make is going to suck no matter how much you try to learn before hand, so just let yourself suck.

>> No.3557088

Good anime style is one of those things that looks easy but actually isn't. /ic/ can't do something like that because that artist knows the fundamentals and how to exaggerate realism to create an attractive stylization. They probably could create a pic that would get on the front page of pixiv (believe it or not, Japanese have their "normies" too who can't tell technically bad art from good art as long as it looks pretty) if they were familiar enough with elements of popular anime art like JK with sparkles, flowers everywhere, bright and bold colors instead of tumblr pastel palette, and stylization scheme. So it is easy, if it's all you look at and you begin to recognize patterns in the art that produce an appealing anime look, but it won't look as good as the pic's artist's because you don't have the same foundational knowledge that went into drawing it.

>> No.3557105

completely out of my ass numbers based on observation, but it usually seems to take about 3 years for them to go from beginner-intermediate to pumping out pieces like op. however, pieces like op are about all they practiced and can do depending on their studies.

>> No.3557108

It's doable

>> No.3557235

That's cool and all anon, but do you have any counter argument? I'm guessing that you agree with everything the other anon says except for the part about getting hired by a company.

>> No.3557382


>> No.3557416

I guess i can do it in paper but i have absolutely no idea how to make it digital and professional-looking

>> No.3557438

thank you for this motivation bro
underrated post

>> No.3557464

Theoretically, but not in practice.

>> No.3559005
File: 460 KB, 848x1200, I-tried-to-unlock-it-for-ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried

>> No.3560739

>can /ic produce something like this?
can you?