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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 130 KB, 750x819, f349003b271485f03a1368c43c985b82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3550628 No.3550628 [Reply] [Original]

What's /ic/'s stance on Cesar Santos?

>> No.3550630

I think he's great.

>> No.3550646

a modern master

>> No.3550663

He's good enough I want to see him working under candle light to compare with his other work so we can better determine how it influenced historical paintings

>> No.3550716
File: 208 KB, 1132x724, 1533341462634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay. He doesn't draw anime

>> No.3550946

He's a great classical painter and I love his philosophical stances on art. Seems like a decent guy.

>> No.3551001

I've met him before and he's a really nice guy and he's really passionate about what he does.

>> No.3551036

he likes Jordan Peterson so he's a racist misogynist homophobic bigot nazi evil incel Trump supporter

>> No.3551057

Since when did jordan peterson became those things. The media has brainwashed you well.

>> No.3551085

He was clearly being ironic but Peterson is definitely a mad retarded charlatan. Sad to see artists like Aldoori and Santos fall for his dumb shit, I guess being good at art doesn't necessarily make you a smart person.

>> No.3551136

Genuinely curious as to how Peterson is a fake? I've only seen a handful of interviews of him, and he doesn't seem retarded, nor do I think is he some grand philosopher of our generation. He says some pretty obvious stuff to me, but I think it's what some people need to hear, 2hich is fine. Something I don't like regarding Peterson is how his followers repeat his stuff word for word, and they go into this odd recital of sorts like they're acting in a school play. Which is ironic because he talks about the dangers of ideas/ texts controlling, rather than you using them. But this doesn't have to really do with him as a person. Also I like Cesar's art, and he seems pretty chill.

>> No.3551149


>> No.3551152


Peterson is so boring. Literally the only revolutionary thing he's done was say that he wouldn't call trannys "xir" or "ximself" or whatever made up word the Canadian government is trying for force people to use by law.

Other than that, he's just your average leftist Canadian college professor who is good at talking about Jung and Nietzsche.

>> No.3551161

He is very vague and often contradictory in his statements even though he says you should be “precise in your language. He claims that the movie Frozen is reprehensible propaganda and that any art with political messages is not “true art.” However he is in love with Dostoyevsky’s work which is filled with political messages. Or even Pinocchio for that matter. Whenever he seems to agree with something, it’s alright but when he disagrees with it it’s propaganda. Going by his definition of true art, 99% of art is propaganda. Not to mention that he is most likely a climate change denier as well. I agree that he says some good common sense stuff like clean your room, face your fears, take control of your life, etc but it’s nothing new and it is vastly outweighed by the negative schlock he peddles.

>> No.3551169

He’s not leftist at all, he even did a Prager U video my man.

>> No.3551170

Yea, I agree he isn't really saying anything new. In fact, a bulk of his lessons are simply about analyzing classic stories. People like to prop him up as a great philosopher, but it's not like he advertises himself as one. This title is just a bi-product of his following. Doesn't really mean he's a fake retard though?

>> No.3551179

Yea, that's true. He is vague in interviews. I noticed he likes to talk in a lot of kind of pointless hypotheticals where he doesn't really state his opinion on a matter. Haven't really heard his opinions on art, I'll look more into it because it does sound pretty biased.

>> No.3551225

Phony garbage.

>> No.3551442

not a fan

>> No.3552434

Very cool art and I wish I had skills like that. I am starting to get bored of his Youtube content though, too much meaningless rambling and he is starting to sound like a broken record. I have faith that he improves the quality of his content though, definitely has potential becoming a much better Youtube channel.

>> No.3552480

he's good but for fuck sakes the dude needs to shut the fuck up already

>> No.3552481
File: 145 KB, 433x666, aface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is funny i drew a guy like that, not skillwise obv, and mine was in mspaint

>> No.3552659

I forgot to mention he needs to stop rapping in his videos as that is appropriation of black culture.

>> No.3552988

extremely bad taste, but he knows how to paint. still shit tho

>> No.3553017

>average leftist Canadian college professo
lmao yeah you must be a credible source for why he is fake

>> No.3553364

His art is trash

>> No.3553420

Looking up to him and his approach to studies.

>> No.3553422

>Jung and Nietzsche
lol, ok

>> No.3553465

Kinda gives off 3D CGI vibes.

>> No.3554164
File: 2.59 MB, 2937x3099, the whole gestault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Genuinely curious as to how Peterson is a fake?
He's a manipulative cult leader that leverages his academic titles to pander to edgy virginal "rootless white males." He's an agent of influence for corporate and foreign interests that helps to implicitly normalize whataboutist malignant thinking. He gives uppity faggots a sense of academic entitlement when they act like sniveling retards about poor people and minorities and shit.
>Something I don't like regarding Peterson is how his followers repeat his stuff word for word
It's a cult.
>and they go into this odd recital of sorts like they're acting in a school play.
It's a cult.
>Which is ironic because he talks about the dangers of ideas/ texts controlling
He's a manipulator. He knows all about the "dangers" and is using them for fun and profit.
>But this doesn't have to really do with him as a person.
He's a piece of shit that is exploiting virginal teens and NEETs with a horseshit ideology that mostly just rewards people's shittiest instincts because it's easy.

>> No.3554185

I wish only edgy teens and neets fell for his stuff. Unfortunately lots of older people seem to be susceptible to this dudes grift. Plenty of artists I follow seem to be drawn to him as well. I think even Dave fucking Rapoza follows Peterson’s work in addition to Aldoori and Santos. Aldoori even name dropped Jung in his newest Patreon video like he knows what he’s talking about.

>> No.3555169
File: 63 KB, 1270x628, ynv3dcfe87l01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP haters are all sound the same.For some reason you really want to make him uncool and will bash people who like him.Your critics are calling his fan base neets and edgy while posting on a Korean cartoons board riddled with said neets.

try what he advises ,if works for you,great! if it doesn't move along.
He has stated many times he is "the messenger" and not the one who wrote the message.

>> No.3555222

He is my lord and savior.

>> No.3555250
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>dub trips
Anti-JP redditors btfo.

>> No.3555258
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, 264FC37D-5137-4279-B2F2-2CD63A91ED65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okie dokie buckos. But do you guys mind explaining why Kermit always talks like a wizard?

>> No.3555259

You should be talking to his adherents that hail him as the "savior of the west". No one is saying you shouldn't "clean your room" but he also packs in a lot of mysticism inbetween aphorisms and speaks on disciplines WAY OUT of his purview.

I feel you can get the same information anywhere, and better articulated.

>> No.3555274

I'm impressed by his art, at the same time jealous that I can't afford the art training that he had.

>> No.3555878

well he couldnt afford his full course thats why he had to finish it in 1 year and not 3 , still better than nothing but id say 90% of his success was his work ethic and passion about art not some art school secrets

>> No.3555912
File: 12 KB, 510x289, media_xll_9112141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see post about my God on /ic/
>try to spread my religion
>people only respond talking about Peterson

>> No.3555926
File: 527 KB, 1366x768, Cheesesticks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic bait my friend! Upboated!

he talks like Frank

>> No.3555930

>peterson fan desperately trying to defend his cult leader
>punctuation and grammar at an elementary school level
Like clockwork.

>> No.3557999

He went to my highschool before I did, cool dude, kinda inspires me

>> No.3558094

his point of view on artistry vs meaning is interesting

>> No.3558300
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Feel the same way. He's incredibly talented in his technical ability but his subjects and messages bore the piss out of me or make me cringe.

>> No.3558429

This picture reminds me of my childhood in the Bronx when my aunt would forcibly take me to the Applebees that was frequented by blacks and tattooed Puerto Ricans. It always had this disgusting sweaty feet smell, and the seats were filthy. One day I ordered the mozzarella sticks, they were literally swimming in oil and grease but I had to eat them anyway. The aftertaste refused to leave so I gulped down several liters of water. Pretty sure I died of water intoxication that day

>> No.3558431

nearly died*

>> No.3558608

I was really surprised how Proko made him his bitch with the Sargent studies. Both the serious and blindfolded attempts

It didn’t just made me question Santos abilities, it made me take Proko a little bit more serious

And lol at the Peterson hate. Yeah, he is annoying and his followers are worst but you are repeating leftist propaganda. I think his last book was just written to prove that leftist don’t even read what they claim to hate

>> No.3558672

Haven't seen this video, gonna watch it now

>> No.3558776

100% agree. He has so much talent, but uses it only to reference other things. If he did more original work, he would be one of the best around today

>> No.3558819

santos is a textbook example of a person who puts too much focus on "being an artist".
if he sacrificed this he would be exponentially better.

proko is just a dork with a high tech skill. fart noises and Californian spark.

>> No.3558825
File: 198 KB, 800x791, F74A2435-D9FF-47F4-838D-57424E1F4B62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s very skilled but like the other anons said, his work is boring. I like the work of other contemporary artists way more because in addition to being technically skilled, they all try to take their art somewhere different. I think Santos fails to cross the line from emulation to innovation.

>> No.3558828

This is a really interesting painting, who did it?

>> No.3558831
File: 354 KB, 700x700, B8FCBB6B-1BD1-475C-A6F6-7F52BD019A0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s by Denis Sarazhin,. I really love his work, you should definitely check him out.


>> No.3558832

Thanks mate

>> No.3559057

impressive to normies
boring to artists

what is the place that his art takes in our time? i don't know. it seems old, stale, calculated, of yesterday.

>> No.3559061

I love Sarazin's landscapes, his bodies works, not so much. They clearly sell, but I can't imagine who's be putting these on their walls.

>> No.3559063

paintings aren't for people's walls, they're for the grand galleries, where the plebs can see them

>> No.3559068

That's not where his pictures are going, though.

>> No.3559072

well then that's a great travesty

>> No.3560579

Santos is everything i hate about contemporary realist/atelier style artists. They all try to become modern masters and most of them seem to ignore the last 100 years of art and what's been fucking going on and paint boring brooding scenes and people in an attempt to dramatize it like an old master.

His whole i'm going to copy every single great artist before me shtick is awful and its sad that people even look up to him.

He IS good technically though, but that's not that impressive, they all look like that from florence.

>> No.3560707
File: 123 KB, 800x1380, f707a9e63cbe7f8bf0fc47bdc7e83292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurr durr crap lover

>> No.3560720

The guy certainly studied too much Schiele. Hands painted like this make me wanna puke.

>> No.3560858

I kinda hate pieces like these. De kooning is long dead, as are the rest of the abstractionist. It's not really challenging to take on an art movement that ended half a century ago. Why does it seem like the ARC types obsess over 10-20 years of art history. There was so much more going on at the time, especially with illustration, which was figurative and innovative.

>> No.3560887

i think it's a bit like the stuckists but without the self awareness.

>> No.3561261

Shit, then again all of angel academy graduates are shit.
His rapping at the end is cringe as shit. He comes over like a total sociopath that just exists to sell you shit.
He'll be very successful. Probably already is.

>> No.3561307

>his favourite artist is Bouguereau

That's all you need to know.

>> No.3561405
File: 208 KB, 950x783, hat hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Crap lover? I love manet, monet, degas, delacroix etc etc. The last great realistic painters of our time were the french and that was 100 years ago.

It's only plebs who don't know art or art history who go wild for people like santos and the atelier club and suck their dicks when they are hardly relevant anymore. That painting is crap as another person pointed out.

If we had more people like pic related then the art world would be a better place. What the academia doesn't understand is that almost every great artist after the mid 19th century PUSHED painting past the limits of what was being done, hence people like ingres, courbet who are not similar in anyway to people like santos. Yet they're trying to take realism back to before it became actually inventive. It's embarrassing .

>> No.3561444
File: 400 KB, 1500x1000, cornwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The last great realistic painters of our time were the french and that was 100 years ago.

>> No.3561457

>ARC types


Really though, this dude is nobody and the work posted is average.

>> No.3561527


Yes and without the french there would be no dean cornwell painting like how he did, he was mostly an illustrator anyway. His impact on painting was so minute compared to any of the great french post/impressionist painters.

>> No.3561571
File: 380 KB, 2276x3200, stanhope_alexander_forbes_ra_study_for_the_fish_seller_on_a_cornish_be).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the corrected future, DC will be one of the greats. History forgot about Vermeer for long time too, fame at the time isn't a guarantor of art history longevity.

>> No.3561626

What is it about Courbet? Cos I'm looking at his paintings and some of them look whack especially the faces. He should've been a landscape painter instead.

And so what if Cornwell was an illustrator? Are illustrators not artists?

>> No.3561630

Just because Cornwell had an artistic lineage doesn't mean all the best painters died in the 19th century (how fucking terrible that would be). As for impact, I personally don't think historical significance is an objective measure of ability.

What does him being an illustrator have to do with his ability to paint?

>> No.3561653

I think the best argument for watching Jordan Peterson's videos is also the best argument for not taking everything he says to heart, and it's that the information he presents should only be used to compliment the other philosophical stuff you read or whatever and that you ultimately draw your own conclusions from it.

I think some people tie themselves too strongly to certain ideas in a way where conflicting points of view are seen as dangerous and need to be eliminated. I think it's healthier to explore viewpoints different from yours, and continuously take what you find useful and update your beliefs.

>> No.3563403

That's exactly right, illustrators are not artists, illustrators are illustrators, doesn't mean that illustrators don't know their craft but don't mix them with artists.

>> No.3563505

Crock of shit.

>> No.3563510


get out

>> No.3563521

fine artists need a new word i think, now that artist as a term has been so debased that a guy working at subway is a 'sandwich artist,\ maybe something like 'parasite' would suit

>> No.3563537

damn I guess I really need to get out now

>> No.3563908

At the end of the day they all put paint on a canvas so what difference does it make?

>> No.3563917

>but you are repeating leftist propaganda

I bet you think liberals are leftists too.

>> No.3564299

According to Rackham Illustrators are closer to medieval illuminators and Renaissance painters than they are to contemporary artists. So you’re right, ‘artists’ are different, ‘artists’ are frauds.

>> No.3564680 [DELETED] 
File: 3.41 MB, 2889x4333, Francesco_del_Cossa_-_The_Annunciation_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that what you tell yourself?
Please explain how this painting by Francesco del Cossa that represents the annunciation is closer to a illustration than to contemporary art

>> No.3564682

Euh yeah they are, radical left that is.