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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 38 KB, 540x761, 2f8bdbcd0719068ca924f93925e9932b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3550352 No.3550352 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the realest nigga to ever come out of /ic/?

>> No.3550362

no one yet
tehmeh was ok but his shit still sucks
and whats his face...catbib? pretty sure hes dead

teal is a pedo which says enough

>> No.3550364

What does ic even want to see out of an artist here?

Ruan Jia is a one-trick pony hack, Craig Mullins is overrated, nobody gives a shit about Jaime Jones anymore, every mentioned artist, living or dead has some nitpickable flaw that makes them a hack, etc.

So what is ic's vision for the ideal artist type?

>> No.3550365


>> No.3550366
File: 328 KB, 651x789, oldfoals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catbib. Rip in pieces.
Also Foals, was like 15 when he did pic related ages ago. Possibly dead too/went into fine art.

>> No.3550367

im better than that

>> No.3550369

Maybe you are indeed, I was simply implying that finding Loomis&co at 15 and putting in the hard work like he did means he is probably much better now some 6+ years later. Or maybe he plateaued, who knows.

>> No.3550371


Yeah he was pretty great. There was also dot/brushcommander.

Anyone remember deathelm? He was a better shitposter than Brian and cumbum combined.

>> No.3550372


Oh and this guy was absolutely hilarious too, way back in 2007/8 or something.

>> No.3550374


Goddamn now that I check out his deviantart he has not improved a smidge in over ten years.

>> No.3550376

How old is this guy?

>> No.3550378
File: 1.27 MB, 2000x1808, 1312267890392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3550380
File: 1.25 MB, 2992x2124, 1303639755920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot about onevox.

>> No.3550386

There were a few people from conceptart.org that used to post here and were great. Sucks I can't remember names, especially since they completely fucked over the original conceptart.org.

>> No.3550391

I miss Guy!, I wonder where he is now...

>> No.3550392
File: 694 KB, 1539x1000, 1521134808720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a better place.

>> No.3550397

Illastrat. He a real nigga alright.

>> No.3550399
File: 461 KB, 898x1298, raupture___for_alex_by_janaschi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3550400
File: 110 KB, 255x195, 1420094315225.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3550401

Too bad he regressed hard.

>> No.3550403


>> No.3550419
File: 674 KB, 1439x1800, Space_Astronaut_Concept_Art_01_Long_Ouyang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My vote is for Long Ouyang because he's actually worked on legit good projects

>> No.3550420

Algen only posted in one thread ever afaik

>> No.3550422

So in all seriousness, what actually happened to Catbib? His last update on tumblr, artstation and DA is from 7 months ago and those are the only sites he's been using to my knowledge.

>> No.3550424

I ran into catbib at a con last fall. He was alive and still doing stuff just not uploading anything.

Most of the stuff tehmeh uploads is professional stuff done on tight deadlines, his personal work is very high quality.

>> No.3550431

What was the name of that one guy who taught at Feng's and got kicked out or something?
We shitposted so much about him it really felt like he was here all along.

>> No.3550435


>> No.3550441

I depends what you mean by 'came out of /ic/'. As far as I'm aware /ic/ never 'made' an artist. Niggas like catbib were good long before they even posted on /ic/.

>> No.3550460
File: 174 KB, 1526x853, DvWqbd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3550462

He is working in Moon Studios, as his Artstation says.

>> No.3550469
File: 41 KB, 547x433, -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's dead.

>> No.3550501

I miss catbib

>> No.3550734



>> No.3550737

>Ruan Jia is a one-trick pony hack
you do realized he has painted in many different styles including craig mullins right?

>> No.3550739


>> No.3550745
File: 377 KB, 960x1707, 006y2r82gy1fcikgvujxtj30qo1bf114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no love for wakkawa? all his shit is really aesthetic, and contrary to all others, he was very active here, and just as crazy as the average /ic/ poster

>> No.3550756

Pin ups after pin ups after pin ups. It gets boring despite how technically sound they are.

I remember him saying he wanted to work on the aliens franchise but I never saw him upload something remotely related to that.

>> No.3550758


>> No.3550770

It's cattbib

>> No.3550772


>> No.3550781

this, but unironically

>> No.3550783

Guy is trending right now on reddit, who else could beat that?

>> No.3550797

you too can become trending on normies sites if you draw sameface with stiff bodies over dependent on reference and boring uninspired palettes
and yes I am a salty, salty crab

>> No.3550809

hi firez, go fuck your shit

>> No.3550811

aw shit, kek. I remember that, whatever happened to this guy? Did he surpass Ruan?

>> No.3550814


>> No.3550857

Yeah, actually, I do know this. It's everyone else that seems not to.

>> No.3550858
File: 202 KB, 2048x1280, 12052645_1514730278821287_6602920996957530426_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean who is the best artist that used to lurk here from time to time?
Because no one came out of here. IC used to be less cancerous, but ever then it was not a place you wanted to be your main study hub. Now days I don't even bother to post anymore, giving tips is even more pointless- mention fundamentals and grind in one sentence and watch salty crabs sperg. IC is only useful for getting some rare pdfs and shit, otherwise just find some forum or discord.

>> No.3550866


>> No.3550879

I posted his work a while back, people here said it sucked. To be fair to the people here, I have noticed that Dmitrys can't do any good perspective paintings. They're all looking straight on from like a character sheet angle.

>> No.3551031

Tim Lochner.

>> No.3551039

There’s no way Algenpfleger is this lewd.

>> No.3551044

that's what happens when you only draw from reference

>> No.3551066

no it isn't

>> No.3551079
File: 68 KB, 704x528, mpv-shot0037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the king reading this

>> No.3551343
File: 217 KB, 1080x941, 18380239_1195119927283351_133775509577269248_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he died from cancer

>> No.3551347
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, 1469116989709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am genuinely happy for him, he's probably one of the few who started here and actually made something of themselves.

>> No.3551350


>> No.3551360


>> No.3551361

he did't start out here retard, he just shilled

>> No.3551375

It's not bad. But you can tell he spent way too much time on it.

>> No.3551376

Mabel Ye

>> No.3551421
File: 192 KB, 1000x1000, 20180111f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oekaki Ham.

I'll shill out for you any time bro I just wish you had Twitter or something instead of Blogger.

>> No.3551426

>a 15 year old was smart enough to learn how to draw and paint early
>mfw 23 and i never painted shit before so i have to learn it from the very start
>mfw i had the time advantage

>> No.3551431


ITT jealous fags

>> No.3551432

for a 15 year old this is pretty fucking amazing not gonna lie, i couldnt draw portraits until i was well 3 years into drawing and i was 20 then

>> No.3551479

He posted like last week

>> No.3551492
File: 33 KB, 680x544, 1530554369847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah Ham a cute

>> No.3551523

is that nilefar?

>> No.3551528

No it was some guy who typed in all caps and hyped himself up saying he was going to surpass Ruan. He made his trip something like "RUAN JIA I'M COMING FOR YOU CUNT!" He was /beg/ tier if I remember correctly so that art might not be his. I remember Nile though, he really aped Ruan's style but he wasn't autistic about it like this guy.

>> No.3551541


tehmehs work was so different in 2013 when he posted on ic weekly

his recent work feels lifeless, i hate it

>> No.3551752


I never used loomis or any other method or book. i taught myself how to draw/paint by trial and error. "does it look realistic? no? erase and try again." nothing fancy.

I've gotten better at drawing from imagination and my stamina is better but that's just because I'm older and am in better shape. I still don't practice though which is a problem.


haha alright let's see what you made when you were 15 then hotshot


6 hours isnt bad for a teenager.


thanks :)

>> No.3551767


Do you have some recent work? I’m mighty curious, I remember being blown away by that portrait years ago and I had it saved to my computer at the time.

>> No.3551795

If you are him then unironically post proof like timestamped latest painting or something, it's hard for me to believe some random post
I just wanted to ask a skilled painter how they do some things since I'm getting into painting now (digital tho).

>> No.3551798

also, seconding this >>3551767
I'm really curious of how someone could improve from that after many years

>> No.3551841

I wanted to chime in as someone who's reached the top of /r/gaming and /r/all, and has had several other popular posts on reddit :

The amount of exposure you get from a top reddit post can be underwhelming. Remember - exposure is nothing without actionable, measurablr results. A top post will net you a few amount of followers. I think I was lucky (and heavily pushed my IG) and got about 200 new followers from my best performing post. As another anon said - you can do this too. It's really not that hard. Just takes a bit of luck to get out of the /r/new posts, so if your work doesn't take off, then you can just try again on a different day.

The point im trying to make is that reaching the top of reddit is - at most - a small boost to followers, and perhaps an extra goodie too (ie. Print sales, a small commission, etc.). It's really not indicative of any sort of real success.

>> No.3551877

ok i respected you, but now you sound like an arrogant cunt

>> No.3551885


No nothing recent. You can check out my blog
jozefputryczart.blogspot.com or my tumblr jozefputryczart.tumblr.com

I'm getting a tablet again so I might make something within the next couple weeks.


I dont have a camera you're just gonna have to take my word for it. If you are looking for technical advice you can email me (jozefputrycz@gmail.com) with whatever problems you're running into and we can work together on it.


lick my balls

>> No.3551894

literally the worst type of person, dont hesitate to kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.3551896


literally laughing out loud at how pathetic u r rn

>> No.3551899

What happened to tehmeh? Does anyone know where he posts updates apart from his Artstation?

He posts like 1 old thing a year now.

>> No.3551901


last time i checked he worked at jagex

>> No.3551914

i paint better than you retard, my 2 year old pieces would trump your newest piece right now

>> No.3551927

when did she post here?

>> No.3551942


lets see it then.

>> No.3551958


Pretty good. The line drawings aren’t my cuppa but there’s a definite pull to your stuff. I think you just need to push yourself a bit more jnto doing more than sketches and you’ll be golden. Keep it up and ignore the jealous faggots here.

>> No.3551962


For a time she was posting here very regularly. I think around 2016? Probably was driven out by the crabs though.

>> No.3552056


Thanks man. yeah I definitely need to push myself more. I'm going to be making stuff again and posting it on my patreon: https://www.patreon.com/putrycz which should motivate me to make more stuff/improve.

>> No.3552152


Is this new work? Can't find it anywhere with reverse image search

>> No.3552199

>If you are looking for technical advice you can email me (jozefputrycz@gmail.com) with whatever problems you're running into and we can work together on it.
Oh well it was just a technical question about painting but i solved it.
Nice of you to post email but i doubt you'd be willing to coach a beginner painter over the simplest obstacles

>> No.3552213

he works on a mobile game series. been on the project for a while but as i understand its coming to an end. he doesnt have a lot of time to do loose personal work

>> No.3552221
File: 370 KB, 1537x1183, jana-schirmer-casca1kleinpost4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a second, Jana Schirmer was on /ic/?

>> No.3552224


No. Not that we know of. And Jannes posted here like once under his name.

>> No.3552353


Why do you doubt that? Fundamentals are the most important. "Advanced" questions are often less interesting because they usually boil down to flawed fundamentals.

Don't worry about what level you're at. Shoot me an email if you're having trouble and we'll work something out. I'm only an asshole if you'e rude to me first don't worry ;-)

>> No.3552382

It's 90% fiction here.

>> No.3552389

Not a single worth while artist will ever come out of /ic/
Prove me wrong.

>> No.3552396

There's probably a few sincere students over the years. Tbqh that's an accolade for 4chan.

>> No.3552416

Just wanted to say that going down this memory lane and realizing I'm still shit after all these years makes me want to make it even more. Have a good time drawing anons <3

>> No.3552724

Depends on what you mean by that
If you mean a generic "live off your art" you just have to be willing to do porn or whatever

>> No.3552756

is this photobashed? looks amazing tho wonder how did he get the painted look in the background if so

>> No.3552759

Using the term "worthwhile" is just to give you an excuse to call any decent artist from /ic/ not "worthwhile" because it's entirely subjective. Let's instead use the word "skillful." There have been plenty of skillful artists who posted regularly on /ic/ who are better than you will ever be and THAT makes you very mad.

>> No.3552764

Peter Mohrbacher aka OneVox makes 7800$ per painting on Patreon. (1-2) paintings a month. He doesn't do porn.

>> No.3552770

Why does something feel weird about the shape of his heads?

>> No.3552774

Isn’t this Jace

>> No.3552785

Sure but most people don't get that outside of /ic/, and to be honest skill doesn't automatically equal success

>> No.3552786

Maybe because his heads are more into the realistic proportions territory but with anime features instead of the big moe head proportions?
I actually want to ask him this next time he posts here but not sure if he even reads replies.

>> No.3552793
File: 1.85 MB, 1107x8000, 1458404350542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel that 4x is the most improved after finding /ic/

>> No.3552800

Yeah, I had some of my artwork on the frontpage several times. You don't get much out of it except for a few followers and print sales. Not worth the hassle. It's like a Daily Deviation.

>> No.3552808

Yeah too bad he never posts here or on his blogs
He must have grinded pretty hard in a short span

>> No.3552859
File: 425 KB, 1920x783, jana-schirmer-steps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the background is photobashed with blur and overpainting.
Also Jana Schirmer is a girl.

>> No.3552867

>is a girl.
I wll never not be mad jealous of cute girls who are also good at art

>> No.3552877

are you a girl?

>> No.3552944

I don't really think using photo textures for specific things like roof tiles counts as photobashing, she's always been too much of a beast at painting/drawing to have to actually photobash.

>> No.3552947


>> No.3553009

Thanks, been hoping for some steps
ye, but the buildings seem to be added straight from photo in the fourth step for example

>> No.3553026

For some reason, I really hate his stuff.

>> No.3553028

He likes capeshit and moebius, it is what it is.

>> No.3553035

Moebius was great, it's not that. There's just something about his characters, his drawing, idk. Too many lines in the faces? The weird exaggerated features. Yknow what it is? All of his drawings are like...ugly. His women, his men, they all have this ugliness to them that I can't really put a finger on. even their bodies are kind of ugly.

>> No.3553036


I JUST figured out why they're all ugly, face wise. The noses. He draws noses bulbous and or too big and too low. Horrible

>> No.3553047

Oh well maybe I'll hit you up with an email sometime but for now would you mind if i posted a study and you could critique it?

>> No.3553081

His art looked waay better in my distant memory, I guess my eye is starting to develop a bit more

>> No.3553085

Me just you wait and see

>> No.3553105


Yeah just make a new thread or use one of the draw threads and link me to it.

>> No.3553289

dot/tugelbend prolly

>> No.3553322

>I don't really think using photo textures for specific things like roof tiles counts as photobashing

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.3553672

No I'm just deeply familiar with what photobashing actually is. Drawing and painting everything and then applying a texture for superfluous detail for a some background structures is different from Frankenstein'ing an entire piece from google images.

>> No.3553674

No, it'll be me.

>> No.3553792





>> No.3553805

not that it matters but what has become of you Anon, i hope he inspired you to go further beyond

>> No.3553807

Me eventually

>> No.3553814
File: 73 KB, 1120x714, 7b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry bros im already way ahead of you

>> No.3553821
File: 46 KB, 358x292, 1397269620783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm tryin to critique this one nigga and I can't for the life of me remember that term people use when an artist takes an existing design and changes it because they like it better

Help me out before I just sound like pic related

>> No.3554133


>> No.3554197

No i wish i were. not even a trap or tranny but
>mfw there are girls out there with better art skills than mine, with a happy normal life, and are also attractive and cute and loved
It gived me existential crisis

>> No.3554217

How do you deal with it

>> No.3554303

On second thought don't you have a discord? Meme chat I know but it works pretty well, I already use it for art related servers

>> No.3554308
File: 37 KB, 313x313, 1515517125911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same way anyone copes with this kinda shit. Just try to stop focusing on others and move on. And try to do the best of what you've got.
>tfw I know a girl like that on the internet that has more skill than me and I'm lonely enough that I'm developing a half crush on her even though I met and talked to her just recently, because my desire of being friends with someone like that who shares my passion (and is overall nice too) is so great I am desperate to not let it go.
I wouldn't be nearly as patethic if I just had some art friends. But I have no idea how to meet someone like that irl and where I live interest in this stuff isn't as common as other countries

>> No.3554318

Redditors only care about themselves and their upvote farm.

>> No.3554807
File: 221 KB, 1080x1350, tumblr_p70f6l9yVv1snrye4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fanof this niggy

>> No.3554809

is this a vore thing?

>> No.3554812

I think skinwalkers or witchers.

>> No.3554832


What's his tumblr? He never replies to me when I ask.

>> No.3554837

Me, obviously

>> No.3554885

Literally first link on google search by image. He s on some kind of breakdown, he deleted everything on DA.

>> No.3554893

He just posted his piece from the drawthread on insta yesterday. He probably just can’t share as much professional work due to NDAs and shit.

>> No.3554913

looks like shit,especially his samey looking girls

>> No.3554968


Post your work

>> No.3554974

Posts like this encapsulate the NGMI mindset that has unfortunately become increasingly prevalent on this board. Proclaiming a work as 'shit' due to some nitpicky detail regardless of the actual skill on display. This type of smug, self-satisfied whole-sale dismissal is typical of some one whose eyes have become accustomed to only seeing flaws and mistakes, missing the forest for the trees. Such an outlook hinders the poster from actually learning and observing anything as they are oblivious to the good qualities a piece has, and the fact even intermediate level art has valuable lessons that can be gleaned and applied. This also makes the poster kind of a drag to interact with.

>> No.3554993

Girl getting out of wolf kind of looks like Amanda Seyfried and girl on ground looks like Liv Tyler, dunno what you’re going on about unless your some pajeet that thinks all white people look alike lol.

>> No.3555041

butt blasted because im right lmao

>> No.3555046


>> No.3555087

>all white people look alike
they unironically do

>> No.3555185

theres many really high profile artist that hanged out on ic for a while. they dont want to be associated with this website however so you will never know about it

>> No.3555203

request help

>> No.3555212

and so do all asians, and all black people, and all races you don't belong to, fagtron

>> No.3555276

catbib's alive, i still talk to him, tehmeh makes cool work and is exploring what he wants out of art, all his commercial art isn't really art, but he's selling out really. he's great tho.
Jana was never on /ic/ Hannes might have been once

>> No.3555709
File: 342 KB, 904x1300, 016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i paint like catbib
i looked him up and he's near perfection in my eyes

>> No.3557939

She's technically good, but her art is completely uninteresting and holds absolutely no artistic merrit beyond technical skill. Seems like a lot of female artists have a hard time communicating symbolizm and visual poetry in a non-cringey way, or just completely ignores it all together.

>> No.3558485

Jana never photobashed. Nor hannes.

>> No.3558493

It's weird. His sketchbooks seemed insane the first few years. Like amazing skill, that he claimed was from imagination, purely from grinding 24/7. Then he went pro and he just became another generic fantasy artist. Couldn't handle the deadlines?

>> No.3558500

Same. Genuinely inspirational when he hit up draw threads. Insane talent.

>> No.3558511

It was from his most creative period, where he hung out and collabed with janaschi, posting on conceptart.org every day. His skill exploded seemingly in a few months. He got tendonitis in both wrists because he learned to draw with his off hand while his good hand recovered. Algen achieved what we all want, complete insane immersion in his art goals.

>> No.3558535
File: 3.05 MB, 4032x3024, with friends like these.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably someone that clicked here once as a goof and never came back

>> No.3558537

It's all in the value grouping and edge work. And of course having taste. Unfortunately none of these things can really be quantified or reduced to a helpful formula.

Possible victim of industry burn-out.

>> No.3558833

To be honest great progress is everyone's goal but personal health is too high a price to pay
No amount of skill can make up for an early death because you sit for 16 hours straight doing nothing but drawing. If you wanna draw lots that's fine but take frequent breaks to break up those sitting sessions, stay hydrated, get fit in your off time etc.

>> No.3558867

Wise words. I'd rather have a slower but healthier progress. Hell, I don't care if it takes me 10 more years to get to a similar level. Art can be such a beast not only to physical but mental health. Balance is key.

>> No.3561957
File: 205 KB, 909x1300, 014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I fucking love Suzuki's style, it's such a dynamic and refreshing style from some of the trash shonen out there. Hero acadamia is dynamic but to the point where you can't understand shit.

>> No.3561959
File: 772 KB, 2246x896, entropy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not it

>> No.3561991


He got friendzoned by jana didn't he?

>> No.3562074


Kek. I always had this notion they were an item but apparently not so? What is Jana up to nowadays btw? I never see anything new by her pop up.

>> No.3562177

Also you'll probably get just as much done anyway. Drawing and painting is already mentally taxing and physical tolls will only impede energy and progress

>> No.3562540


>> No.3562551

They were dating for a while, during the period he was improving the most. People in the /ic/ thread asked him about her mentoring him, to which he went on a rant about how mentorships and collaborations are worthless and didn't help him at all.

She's married to Matthias Verhasselt I think.

>> No.3562867

this dude looks exactly like me

>> No.3562896

Post your superior male grasp of communicating symbolizm and visual poetry, faggot

>> No.3563060

What sites/communities are useful then?

>> No.3564030

Where can I see what this nigga did while trying to get good?

>> No.3564484

Yeah I also felt he needed to change the way he does noses, but he posted here again a while ago and he fixed that pretty well.

I think it comes from the fact that he uses a semi realistic style, where he wants realistic noses that dont match the rest of the face or something. His anatomy is fucking top tier though, dont know what you saw.

>> No.3564490


>> No.3564509

I think it's 4xiszero.tumblr.com
He posts seldomly to say the least. What a shame

>> No.3564518

Which nigga drew this?

>> No.3564520

it's pronounced nigger

>> No.3564521

Step back in line, wh*toid

>> No.3564526
File: 707 KB, 950x950, ebUYzM5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3564531

my painting goal

>> No.3564545

Funny he deleted it and other earlier/study stuff

>> No.3564546

Based and redpilled. Just checked his stuff out. Was he /beg/ before coming here?

>> No.3564612
File: 187 KB, 503x1006, lilia_in_adol__s_armour_by_catbib-d56ljxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is image he did in summer 2012 if I recall correctly and like half a year after he leveled up immensely.

>> No.3564750

>half a year after he leveled up immensely.
I'm too new to /ic/ to have seen him post here, did he ever post what he studied/progress/etc?