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File: 118 KB, 944x627, 443 Frank Auerbach 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3543095 No.3543095 [Reply] [Original]

Other one is nearing the edge.

>> No.3543099
File: 204 KB, 583x755, OnHonesty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A recent work.

I showed this to a gallery owner recently, they looked a little sick and said it was homo erotic.

>> No.3543104

you would figure a possibly leftist art gallery owner would be into that.

>> No.3543107

So I thought, I think she just reckoned it was gross and that no one would hang it in their house.

>> No.3543149

She's not entirely wrong. If this was painted with a more colorful palette it wouldn't be so off putting

>> No.3543157
File: 125 KB, 468x661, TheNightWatchman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, he does look rather sickly and emaciated

>> No.3543162

Oh, this is another painting by me. the scan makes it look pretty bad, but I dont have a camera

>> No.3543238
File: 715 KB, 795x1000, july-29-2018-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did more to this. I'm gonna try to do three more nude paintings this week, and two traditional clothed portraits

>> No.3543245

Breddy nice but that outie belly button is disgusting.

>> No.3543275

you should check out serusier, and bonnard meybe

>> No.3543285

I dont like the black mass in the top right. I think it detracts from the composition and seems out of place.

>> No.3543287

This is good. finish the thighs a little more pls.

>> No.3543326

I like this a lot anon I can see how the subject matter might be off putting too some but I'm sure there is a market for it somewhere.

>> No.3543413
File: 746 KB, 798x1000, july-30-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to add depth to the thigh

>> No.3543435

can you also try to mellow out that purple cause her thighs looks so bruised it hurts.

>> No.3543440

it's got to dry by tomorrow for a show im entering so im done for tonight

>> No.3543806
File: 1.70 MB, 3024x3024, wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very legitimate

>> No.3543812

I believe they're trying to portray a tree, but I wholely agree.

The contrasting darkness takes away from the unity of the painting

>> No.3545160
File: 20 KB, 300x246, 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/beg/ here, I blew the last of my money on goauche paints to start with painting
I suck bad, I tried watercolor before and it was way easier
how the fuck do I use this stuff?

>> No.3545165

very manfaced to me. unless thats what you are going for

>> No.3545232

then why didnt you stick with watercolor?
also, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9r1iojjvdQ
next time look up what you are getting into instead of blowing your allowance on stuff

>> No.3545253
File: 2.33 MB, 1000x1369, schnippen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in what way does the scan make it look bad? I loathe taking pictures of my paintings with my camera so thought about getting a good scanner

>> No.3545260

I read it was just the same as watercolor, but you could use it opaquely too

>> No.3545280

how do I choose what colours to put on my pallete ?

>> No.3545305

then thats how you use it, less water to make it opaque, more to make it like watercolor

>> No.3545307

look at or think about what your painting and work from there. add paints as needed.
speaking generally
white and a lil black
naples yellow yellow ochre cad yellow light
cad red light alz crimson indian red
van dyke brown and burnt sienna
manganese violet
cobalt / cerulean / prussian blue
and sap green
tints and shades move vertically down the side of the pallet while hues move horizontally across the top. thatll give you a nice pallet setup

>> No.3545368

dont listen to this retard >>3545307
you dont need all these colors.
it depends on the subject of the painting and your medium. Usually 4 colors is enough, I personally use the Zorn palette for my portraits + 1 extra color for accents/background. You can always go with the primary colors + black/white, it really depends. But the worst thing you can do when you are just starting out is having too many colors on your palette

>> No.3545375

Good mixing complements and a compromise between dynamic range and convenience that you can live with. Direct complements seldom mix a neutral, you aren't going to hit the kind of saturation you get from a single pigment straight out the tube (and may not want to in most cases) by mixing two colors, and convenience trumps everything.

Most people with a full pallette have a warm and a cool for each 'primary' they're using, some convenience colors like earth tones or greens, and a really saturated lambo color for extending the range somewhere. Most people don't use a full pallette and have what they find they need for the work they do. A floral painter is going to need a range of garish pigments and greens, landscape you can get away with ultramarine, burnt sienna, and like a nickel azo yellow for years.

>> No.3545394

well i have no idea what hes painting or what medium what i posted would be a good setup for painting a figure in a scene in oil because the paint will last quite some time on there so its better to have things ready and available

>> No.3545453

yes but too many options will end up being overwhelming to a person just starting out. It might work at the start, but then he'll end up forgetting what colors he first mixed to produce a certain color and it'll all end up a mess. The amount of colors you gave him is a little bit intimidating

>> No.3545478
File: 519 KB, 1000x812, july-31-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's this so far. entering it into a show on sunday so I gotta finish it by Thursday probably

>> No.3545931

What kind of paintings do you want to make?

>> No.3545973
File: 138 KB, 1000x667, DSC_0242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monet study. thinking about showing it to the cute girl at the art store
I like the figure in this one

>> No.3545975

but is that her shirt you see behind her right arm?

>> No.3546257

Go for it!

>> No.3546260


I have the same set. It's fun to use once you get used to how much you can dilute the paints with water.

Please watch this bastards video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvvYIkG5D_8
He has plenty of guides on gouache and watercolor.

Gouache is very versatile media, maybe you should try it to neutral colored (grey, sand colored) paper to do life study of a glass of water or something. It's also very different from traditional watercolor as it's opaque and you can do a lot of correction. After passing the initial stage of learning the very basics of painting, gouache is very simple and easy media - much easier than watercolor where you really can't correct your mistakes and have to rely on "happy accidents".

>> No.3546290
File: 157 KB, 500x583, size500_book_colorandlight_cover1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No kiddings I'd recommend for you to flip through this book (it's found on every art book thread) and watch some Gurney videos (>>3546260). For me they gave so much and I had a direction where to start from. They are great because they don't give you a formula how to mix a certain color - but give you an overall idea how color works. Color is relative and a neutral grey in cool blue background will look almost red (google "strawberry illusion")

Like >>3545368 said - you can pretty much get away with the primary colors. If you want to extend that palette, you can go for one cool and one warm color per primary. e.g. for extending red color you could use Winsor Red for warm and Alizarin Crimson for cool - for yellow color you could use Cadmium Yellow for warm and Lemon Yellow for cool.

But for this you should understand about warm and cool qualities of color and how to use them. Effective paintings use well defined color schemes that you pretty much know before starting. You want to ask yourself - do I want this painting to be warm, cool or a mixture of both. If you want a warm painting, consider adding cool highlights and vice versa. If you want to use more colors e.g. for overcast landscape painting, then group your warms and cools. Use warm colors for lights and cool colors for shadows.

If you want to paint a red barn with sunlight on it's front, use warm red for the front wall like winsor red and mix it light value. For shadow side wall, mix a cooler color with darker value from the red and alizarin crimson (very cool red) to get almost a tint of cool purple in shadow side.

If you are just getting used to painting, the easiest and most effective way to learn manipulating the paint and it's value is to lose the color mixing completely - try a monochromatic painting. Do a value study using only one color (reddish browns are great for monochromatic studies). Do a painting of a skull using only Burnt Sienna or Burnt Umber.

>> No.3546293
File: 585 KB, 1024x576, strawberries yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a demonstration of color relativity. A neutral color (in this case neutral grey) will look warm (in this case red) on a cool background (cyan blue)

>> No.3546646

Can I use watercolor brushes with gouache without destroying them?

>> No.3546647

What is your original ref for this?
I'm also working on a small Monet study, expecting to finish it today.

>> No.3546721

What watercolor brands should i look at for maximum lightfastness? Im working on a gift for someone and i want to make sure it lasts a long time.

>> No.3546748

Single pigments rated for their lightfastness. The short list of definite 'no's off the top of my head are genuine rose madder, alizarin crimson, genuine carmine, napthol reds, any green that isn't pthalo or viridian (most convenience greens are made of shit that makes no sense and a bunch of zinc white that bleaches), and "hues" because it's not worth the research figuring out what's in them. Everything else should be alright, although you can check ratings, many pigments have similar enough substitutes that are lightfast.

Brand doesn't matter much.

>> No.3546791

As an idiot that uses olive green and emerald green I take offense with this

>> No.3546799
File: 135 KB, 571x460, Monet---Les-rochers-de-Belle-Ile-460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a reverse image search of a photo from a museums website and found a larger one. Post results of your study tho

>> No.3546855

Some are better than others. Go look them up and post the results.

>> No.3546901
File: 676 KB, 1000x807, august-1-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished it

>> No.3546902

Thanks I guess. I was going through handprint, which everyone seems to swear by, and several brands were noted for poor lightfastness, even if they were single pigmented paints

>> No.3547051
File: 289 KB, 679x906, IMG_5407 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine's 8x10 inches, taking this photo made me realise how blue it is, and how much white needs to go in. I paint at night, and I can see how that really affects the colours & brightness of the overall effect.
Going to tidy up etc tonight.

>> No.3547139

holy shit I wish I was you
tfw the cute art store girls treat me like an autist
tfw I'm an autist

>> No.3547170

Nice, fun to see another. is that board or canvas? And the saturation looks pretty high all around not just the blue, but photos can do that. I use Naples yellow and portland grey to lower the saturation on lights and darks.

>> No.3547172

honestly, I think she is more autist than me but that just makes for an easier target. One day you will find your sperg to sperm on.

>> No.3547304
File: 345 KB, 533x672, IMG_20180802_242333312_HDR - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished it, got a crappy phone pic.

>> No.3547309

It's on acrylic primed mdf this time.
I'm trying to use colours close to something Monet would have used. I usually paint pretty dark, so the idea is to force me to use more white.

>> No.3547312

>tell the gallery owner that they're being homophobic and that they need to check their privilege
>sue them for money

>> No.3547656

Yes you can, as it is water soluble media. However you are going to have really hard time with that as gouache is often used a lot thicker and watercolor brushes are very soft. Cheap synthetic brushes with little bit of springiness would be ones I recommend. They work the best.

>> No.3547760

what technique and ink did you use?

>> No.3547788

Wow because it still actually look like it was made on an ipad.

>> No.3547908

its oil painting

>> No.3548021 [DELETED] 

*sigh* it's a new day. I have a few cigarettes so that's good. It's very hot here and I have a low mood. It bothers me sometimes painting when I feel less inclined as I fear that it will translate into the painting. But I should put in the effort, sometimes when I get going there is a transformation. I had a lousy day yesterday as way of explanation. I've got a self portrait to work on, the shoulder and chest came out better than I could hope for, the face has been scrapped off as few times, now it has new paint dried ready for the next attempt. I really want it to work so I'll put up with starting over as much as needed. The church yard, it's pleasing, a bit quant but I still have a vision for it. I will work that next.

>> No.3548023

*sigh* it's a new day. I have a few cigarettes so that's good. It's very hot here and I have a low mood. It bothers me sometimes painting when I feel less inclined as I fear that it will translate into the painting. But I should put in the effort, sometimes when I get going there is a transformation. I had a lousy day yesterday as way of explanation. I've got a self portrait to work on, the shoulder and chest came out better than I could hope for, the face has been scrapped off a few times, now it has new paint dried ready for the next attempt. I really want it to work so I'll put up with starting over as much as needed. The church yard, it's pleasing, a bit quant but I still have a vision for it. I will work that next.

>> No.3548094

It came out well.

Certainly it is a delicate piece, it cannot cope with much more overpainting in some areas and while a lot of effort has gone into its vista it could all be for nothing if I make too many more mistakes on the central theme. It's not too much of a problem, if it ends up a scrap canvas I can start again but I have such desires for it.

>> No.3548159

Nice looks alot better than the last pic.

>> No.3548181
File: 762 KB, 1000x793, august-2-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided it needed more work done to it

>> No.3548324

Stop, you won't get it better than that unless your aim is totally hulicinatory.

>> No.3548332

Who gives a shit if it's homoerotic? Hate the gays if you must, but people depict artwork of lots of things the mainstream disagree with.

>> No.3548335

Honestly I'm not super thrilled with the work I did of that model, I don't think her look translated well into my style

>> No.3548379

Well I can't really comment as it's such a unique piece. Apart from, there is a contrast between the figure and its surrounding though that could be a compliment to the art. I'd advise keeping this unless you have your own standard to adhere to.

>> No.3548381

I like oils way more than guache or acrylics but damn I hate having to wait for 1 week before the oil dries. A simple commission takes a month.

Do you guys think oil will work well on wooden panels instead of canvas?
I used to paint with acrylics on wood and they would work fine, I'm not sure I want to waste expensive oils on som wooden panel tho

>> No.3548420

I had a breakthrough with a composition, it's going to be a peculiar piece yet it came from somewhere inside me. Having the idea in my head and knowing it's a possibility is exciting and daunting. How can I make it live up to my mind's eye? It's a Christian tale bringing in recent conflicts, see? It's going to be a mouthful / eye watering. I shall persist. Maybe it's needed, maybe one day someone will look at it and understand it and it takes out something in them that needed what I need in painting it?

>> No.3548434

>Do you guys think oil will work well on wooden panels instead of canvas?
only if you prime the wood first. If you dont the wood will absorb the paint, and it'll become matte and yellow over time.

>damn I hate having to wait for 1 week before the oil dries. A simple commission takes a month
what kind of style do you paint?

>> No.3548450
File: 376 KB, 968x1163, IMG_5417 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished that Monet study last night & it's dry and in a frame today, What are you on about?

>> No.3548452

What if the wood is varnished?

>> No.3548462

Thanks anon. I'll see if I can score a few cheap brushes then. Thinking about getting a few different sized square brushes, I don't know why but I really love painting with square brushes.

>> No.3548469

no, varnish has its own oils that seep into the paint. Use white Gesso, it is cheap and effective at making a lasting surface that is easy to paint on

>> No.3548537
File: 2.79 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20180802_234041244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my printmaking bros at?

>> No.3548568

Apparently so.

Dad's department,

>> No.3548630
File: 740 KB, 1000x753, august-2-2018-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tested out a limited palette on a small still life

>> No.3548641

i like the bits of red peeking through in the shadows. have you ever tried painting like you do but with a tiny tiny brush?

>> No.3548684

>limited palette
>colors all over
yeah ok buddy

>> No.3548688

Was only five colors and zinc white

>> No.3548694

not very limited still

>> No.3549149

Nice indeed.
What were your colours?

>> No.3549285

>on a fucking internet image board
This is why I fucking hate traditionalist faggots. They get hate boners for digital but 99.999999% of the art they look at is either printed or digitized.

Just needed to get that out.

Also, we live in a simulation so everything is digital no matter what so what ever.

>> No.3549294

are you mentally challenged?

>> No.3549302
File: 516 KB, 1427x2000, 9fe767b9214f92edd15478793802874e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your problem? Just because I use computer doesn't mean everything I do must involve computer.
I like paint, I cannot see all paintings in person but through computer I can see painting on other side of world and get inspired to paint more.
I show people my sketchbook and they give me compliments, opening my sketchbook is more powerful than showing my blog on tablet or smartphone.

>> No.3549336
File: 1.86 MB, 4032x3024, D1030D06-7D3A-4046-AAFB-67AFD6B6A861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else make their own pigments? Pic related: some flake white that I produced.

>> No.3549339

What a great Boug that is.

>> No.3549473

I really appreciate the study but why did you choose a frame that's so thick? Whenever I frame stuff I go for frames with much thinner borders

>> No.3549475

I'm not even into traditional at all, but I'll still post in this thread just to call you a faggot.

>> No.3549521

I sell my paintings quite often in frames like this. I'll see if I have a slimmer frame for comparison.

>> No.3549597

It's pretty grim, really. Your color palate is horrific, the composition is ridiculous, the lineation is queasy. It just about worked with the outside scene but you're doing yourself a disservice if you keep this one.

>> No.3549600

If I keep this one? It's just a thing I farted out in an hour

>> No.3549613
File: 440 KB, 810x774, Foreshortening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kill me.

>> No.3549664
File: 487 KB, 962x1208, IMG_5466 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quite like this thinner frame. actually...

>> No.3549737

It looks more refined.

>> No.3549760

is there a good book which goes very in depth on rendering specifically in guache or watercolor? specifically guache, because it seems more suited for what I want to make.
I've read color and light, but I need something more step by step in the mechanics of actually putting paint to paper and getting a good result for realism or stylised. trying to get better by experience alone and no guidance isn't working so well

I can't watch videos though because reasons

>> No.3549775
File: 61 KB, 553x1000, Amano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My art style is pretty line oriented, except instead of pen and ink I use prismacolors. Is that a no-no?

>> No.3549797

try to throw out the term "rendering" and replace it with values, color, and line. You don't do an outline, you use line, then you create form with value, and color is an extension of value, but with temperatures.

"rendering" isn't a term you will find in any art book, art history book, or critique of fine arts in traditional mediums. If you use that term in front of a fine artist they won't know what you're talking about, or they will know where you're getting it from and think you're uninformed on the subject.

>> No.3549801

>You don't do an outline
Outline is actually a term used in fine arts but there's a greater depth to the term in a fine arts context as opposed to an illustration context.

>> No.3549811
File: 169 KB, 1036x960, TN-Endgame_on_the_Mountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I guess I just saw the cover of the book "how to render" and thought that's the name for it
I mean a book which will detail the whole process of making specifically a guache painting. I know I've seen something exactly like this for watercolor somewhere but I want to know if theres one for gouache

>> No.3549816

like I said, it's fine in an illustration context, kind of a confusing term in a fine arts one. The goals of fine arts painting never involve "rendering" the subject because most of the time a fine arts painting is purposefully excluding parts of what "rendering" encompasses for artistic effect.

>> No.3550070

it is quite boring to look upon

>> No.3550075

Ive always wanted to, how cost effective/time effective is it?

>> No.3550390
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, 2540076170001_5651798019001_5651797803001-vs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got some brush strokes in here, really excited about it. Fucking hell.

>> No.3550543

Lead white is the easiest to make. Steep lead in jars with acetic acid, provide some sort of carbon dioxide source, let it sitter a few weeks Scrape off the crust that forms and let it settle in water. Dry it and grind it into oil. Lead costs 80¢/lb where I live. A lot of other pigments require furnaces. The iron oxides are also easy to make.

>> No.3551268
File: 742 KB, 1248x1150, ence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretentious abstract art coming through!

>> No.3551311

I actually kind of like it, the smears look like little ghosts or something i assume not on purpose.

>> No.3551323

Oh wow thats incredibly helpful, lead white is pricey/rare where im from but its so useful. Thanks for the tip!
so long as im in bfa i have furnace access.
anything pricey i can make cheaper?
I have a low budget with expensive taste when in comes to oils.

what lovely marks.
as far as abstract goes this is pretty unpretentious

>> No.3551676
File: 218 KB, 1820x1461, 30052341_849070531946550_5724568245776263457_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent work.I really liked it but I had to sell it,guess the demanding buyers liked it more than me.

>> No.3551716

tis intentional actually

i was hoping there'd be like fleeting glances of negative-space figures amongst the impasto ones

>> No.3554290

Anyone here have done plein-air painting?
Been wanting to get out of the house more and paint more from life I thought it might be a good way to get some painting experience while also getting some fresh air and I think it will also be a good exercise to get out of my shell since I'm often a bit isolated.

So I'm going to put together a simple kit, probably with gouache or watercolor since that is what I have on hand but I still have to figure out how I'm actually going to paint, maybe get a compact tripod or a small wooden box that I can sit on my lap with all the paints and paper in one place. I really want to avoid too much clutter and hassle.

>> No.3554453

It's a massive pain in the ass. I'd look at James Gurney's various setups for ideas on how to handle it. I think he has tag for it like "gear" or "watercolor" on his blog.

You can get away with those tiny altoids kits, a brush and some waterbrushes, a watercolor block, and some water bottles if you have a nice flat place to sit. Otherwise you have to go full kit wanker, which is why I rarely paint outside. One of the boxes, with or without legs, or an easel you can mount your pans to would be ideal. Or some kind of collapsable end-table that doesn't exist.

>> No.3554468

unless you're missing red yellow or blue you don't have a limited palette

>> No.3555127

Painted this apple today. Moving from greyscale to color, this was supposed to be an exercise in managing value between 2 colors.

>> No.3555129
File: 253 KB, 1494x1163, IMG_20180807_160713374_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3555296

I see penguins!

>> No.3555348
File: 573 KB, 1536x2128, C57EE672-ABB5-4800-9259-EBE67DD37CEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carbon black will form from heating plant matter in the absence of oxygenheatig animal bones will create bone black. Should a greasy residue form, do not collect it. That substance is known as Dippel’s oil- a chemical weapon.
Mashing mercury and melted sulfur together, then dry-distilling the mixture will make vermilion. Heating cobalt monoxide and alumina together at 1200 C will produce cobalt blue. Other pigments are usually made by precipitating salts: not my area of expertise. Pictured is the lead white I made earlier, weighing approximately 1.1 kg (2.6 lbs).

>> No.3555364

Additionally, there are various ways to synthesize iron oxide. Red iron oxide can be made via electrolysis with an iron anode and sodium bicarbonate in solution. Dehydrate it by heating to 200 C. Mix with clay to create Ochre.
Mix with clay, and Manganese Oxide to create Umbers and Sienna pigments. I’m not aware of exact ratios, but you probably can find something online.

>> No.3555386

you can just grind up rocks

>> No.3555846

Good work, anon.

>> No.3555875

If your art is line-oriented you should prioritize improving your drawing skills.

>> No.3556032

I live in a formerly glaciated area, we only have limestone here.

>> No.3556080
File: 682 KB, 1000x859, august-8-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did more to this painting

>> No.3556158

>that pelvis

Brian you used to be good at drawing

>> No.3556175

I'd argue I'm still good

>> No.3556189

it's so awesome

>> No.3556230
File: 232 KB, 1280x902, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3556232
File: 264 KB, 1280x962, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are both plein air oils. How do you take a good photo of a painting these images look like absolute ass but irl they look just regular ass

>> No.3556284
File: 143 KB, 1000x922, DSC_0298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have insight into my style? Is it just weird outsider art? Realism? Impression? Any thoughts on style would be great

>> No.3556290

Looks like Joaquín Sorola and he is an impressionist

>> No.3556310

Just looks like a guy copying a photograph

>> No.3556312

Wow that's what I did :'(

>> No.3557132

Is this a good or at least decent easel?


>> No.3557136

I think the torso is too short

>> No.3557142

Absolutely those flat brushes are very fun. Two flats small and large + one round brush is pretty much everything you need with gouache, at least in the beginning.

>> No.3557166

Yeah I think that'll be enough, I do not plan to work very big yet.

>> No.3559281

Depends, what do you plan to use it for?

>> No.3559284

i have one like that and there's a bit of an issue with the legs spontaneously collapsing, also a bit more bulky than you'd think for carrying around

>> No.3561371

>nickel azo yellow
>quinacridone rose
>burnt sienna
Any other colors or non staining substitutions you'd rec for a limited pallette?

>> No.3562490

You can get away with it. Its usually better to use brown for outlining if you're planning on coloring it.
Black can look weird when there's black clothing etc.

>> No.3562502

just go with the Zorn palette.

>> No.3562512

both saved in my inspo folder
good job guys

>> No.3562579

I don't do portrait.

>> No.3563230


>> No.3563238

so the zorn palette is really for skin and indoor lighting

mix it out and you'll get the gist

>> No.3563334

Just replace the black with a blue like french ultramarine or something like that.

>> No.3563336

then you don't get the beautiful rich colours, which is the whole point

>> No.3563386

Zorn is shit for watercolor. Who else even uses nickel azo? Can you even get the duotone shift with it in oil?

>> No.3563576
File: 97 KB, 960x540, hills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the sky in this one.

Things in the distance lose the brightness of the colors. You can use that to better seperate between foreground and background.

>> No.3563578
File: 333 KB, 540x960, 2018-08-12 17.45.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz rate

>> No.3563601

they also go more blue (in earths atmos anyway), that's why the moon appears to be such a deep blue whereas from space it's actually only slightly blue

>> No.3564735

The way the hair meets the skin and the lower neck area is extremely crude. Work on blending the edges more.

You should use more skin tones and choose both warm and cold tones to create debth.
I have issues with the eyes as they seem unlife-like. You should study eyes more.

But keep working, anon and you will improve.

>> No.3564760


>> No.3564776

that's the only interesting part of the picture

>> No.3564957
File: 181 KB, 1000x650, thumb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting a series of thumbnails (3"x2") of simple, random landscape photos to try and get a handle on oils.

mixing to the right value level with transparent colors is the struggle-bus.

>> No.3564958
File: 54 KB, 1000x563, thumb 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


r8 plz

>> No.3565120


y'all got baited

>> No.3565246
File: 191 KB, 950x629, IMG_4963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit painting is really hard. Just kind of seems to turn into mud for me

>> No.3566127

What? Are you serious?

>> No.3566145

You may find it easier to blend on a smoother surface. Many who do portraiture find cheap canvas a pain in the ass to work on. If you don’t want to spend more money on linen, then use cardboard or maybe wood.
Blending is essential to realistic portraiture and you seem to be getting there and when you have made some more paintings, you will find it a lot easier to do. You have made a good start by working in the same colour. That way you can learn how to shape.

>> No.3566193

Well, you have used the wrong blue. It may help by mixing orange into it, but it depends on the blue you use.

>> No.3566916

if you're used to drawing with pencil or charcoal, here's a tip from what I've recently learned:

in pencil and charcoal, you choose a value level as you're applying medium to your surface. You select the value level by applying more or less pressure. If you find you have the wrong value, you just change it immediately while you're working on the surface by pressing harder or erasing.

In painting, you select your values *before* you apply the medium to the surface. If you find you have the wrong value while you're working on the surface, the temptation is to fix it while you're there, as you would with drawing. However, the only way to do this is by mixing with whatever the nearby values are.

Don't do that. Instead, wipe off your brush, use the empty brush to scrub off whatever you put on that was 'wrong', return to your palette and choose or mix up the correct value.

>> No.3567082

You should name your production Asphodel. It gives me that kind of vibe.

>> No.3567083

Looks Slavic.

>> No.3567084


You need to work on your value my man. Theyre looking pretty muddy.

not sure if that's what you're going for but I that explains the gallery's reactoin

>> No.3567088 [DELETED] 
File: 261 KB, 576x1024, 39270932_494478537689789_5931277499936800768_n (576x1024).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commission of a friends dog

I really want to call it done

>> No.3567863
File: 595 KB, 1000x989, selfportrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coffee + acrylic

looking for critique/advice to improve bc my method is essentially just painting and re-painting like a fucking caveman until it looks like what it's supposed to be or I don't want to work on it anymore

>> No.3568071
File: 929 KB, 3024x4032, they live face 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>painting like a fucking caveman until it looks like what it's supposed to be or I don't want to work on it anymore
that's literally what Acrylic is tho

>> No.3568076
File: 1.43 MB, 3024x4032, they live face 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3568370

Is there any secret to super smooth graphite shading beyond paper type and using a tortillion? Short of getting an airbrush. I'm aiming for that Tom of Finland quality.

>> No.3568374

The smoothest blend is a super soft paintbrush and grinding up your own graphite powder on some sandpaper. Bristol paper will give you that soft airbrush look.

>> No.3568378

thanks, that's helpful. I'll give it a try.

>> No.3569776

looks like a close up of knitted fabric. I don't hate it.

>> No.3571687
File: 604 KB, 750x1000, august-19-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did four drawings of this girl in different styles today

>> No.3571689
File: 661 KB, 750x1000, august-19-2018-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3571691

do they know you're drawing them normally?

>> No.3571692
File: 552 KB, 750x1000, august-19-2018-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3571694
File: 690 KB, 750x1000, august-19-2018-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, she's gonna sit for a painting tomorrow... I asked her if she'd pose nude and she said she'd feel more comfortable with that after I've drawn her a few more times (so I tried drawing her a crapload in person today to speed up the process)

>> No.3571910
File: 2.15 MB, 970x947, cc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waterliliputs 3

>> No.3571974
File: 1.29 MB, 2000x1500, bargue 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used graphite for this drawing in case any of you are wondering

>> No.3571997
File: 833 KB, 750x1000, BarguePlate1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love to see some Bargues, good job man. Here's one I did recently.

>> No.3572041

Nice job too, I just don't know if it's the picture, but the shadows in your drawing look very light

>> No.3572065

Nah that's how it looks. Didn't go above HB in this, wanted to go for a limited value scale.

>> No.3572067

You need to work on your drawing skills man. Seems like you don't know how to check for accuracy because the tilts are off, the features aren't aligned with the face. You can improve your skills tenfold if you learn some techniques to check for accuracy, like plumblines, negative shapes, angle extension etc. Then practice that and get better at accuracy.

>> No.3572132
File: 538 KB, 1000x574, tractor 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice on how to make Acrylic flow better? i tried a matte medium but I still can't get long consistent strokes.

>> No.3572136
File: 300 KB, 640x1137, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started using oils again and my love for theme is even stronger. Thing is: i suck at blending. Color theory is still far since i wanna get use to the paints and their proprieties first.

This is my last study (sorry for the cringy instagram text, i don’t have a better pic atm)
Any crits?

>> No.3572139

I have no experience with acrylics but maybe your surface is too rough and porous which could cause the paint to suck into the surface making it hard to spread and flow, maybe you can fix this by priming your canvas with something else beforehand.

>> No.3572142
File: 1.99 MB, 3024x4032, stone ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using retarder makes it more greasy and easier to get longer strokes I'd reckon. I've been goofing with a bit of retarder and water for a while this year. I think a little gloss varnish is helpful too.

Matte is like the opposite of what you want for fluidity or flow or whatever. Good for texture though

>> No.3572147

bit of extender can help, can be a bit tricky to get a nice mix if you don't want it to be completely runny though

>> No.3572148
File: 2.37 MB, 2819x3390, Stone wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also did you do a gesso layer on the canvas first?

Like what >>3572139 is saying if you're going straight on canvas with acrylics they canvas eats that shit up.

>> No.3572161

I try to avoid gloss, painting look manufactured, but looking for retarders made me realize, they make literal "flow improver".

>> No.3572163

Ah, this is on an old store bought, "pre-gessoed" canvases, probably should have thrown another coat or two on it for safety.

>> No.3572211

Post painting

>> No.3572969
File: 36 KB, 768x1280, mfp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3574698

Yeah I would say prime canvas more also use a longer brush loaded up with a thinner paint to water mix mabie drop some pva in the mix

>> No.3576969
File: 485 KB, 440x480, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one mentioned how short the forearms are?

>> No.3576972

distance between mouth and nose is too short no one mentioned this either?

>> No.3577528
File: 543 KB, 818x1000, IMG_1960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just had really big lips, and her mouth is always a little open when I draw her

>> No.3577560

This is the kind of work I expect to see in the trad generals. Great suff, and not from photo ref.

>> No.3577683
File: 301 KB, 819x809, IMG_6184 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got myself a pupper this year, so not much plein air painting from me. Have a SL.

>> No.3577684
File: 368 KB, 875x867, IMG_6029 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one.

>> No.3578046
File: 614 KB, 1391x1932, Buddha, Dark Blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right here boi

>> No.3578075

this is what we want. good stuff.

>> No.3578094


Keep on painting and posting, you're gonna make it.

>> No.3578291
File: 305 KB, 319x478, woodtest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

experimenting with something smaller than usual and using different inks because no one sells oil/waterproof here. Has anyone done stone printmaking?

>> No.3580220

my advice on acrylic paint is "don't use acrylic paint at all"
it's shit. use oil.

thinking you learn shit by starting with acrylic and moving on to oil later on is like thinking you can learn how to juggle by eating the foreskin of a newborn.

>> No.3580426
File: 107 KB, 490x1008, 20180826_183339-490x1008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny tiny painting of a normal sized jar of olives. R8 pls

Killer, keep it up. Can't wait till I'm comfortable enough in oil to tackle some bargues/casts

>> No.3582865

bump so this doesn't fall off the page

>> No.3582879
File: 761 KB, 797x1000, august-28-2018-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, slow thread. glad we have it though. I did more to this, I don't post in this one as often as I should

>> No.3583544
File: 527 KB, 1100x1440, the chest eaters study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting this here too. pls no bully about it. It's happening no matter what. If anyone else wanted to do their own version of a chest eaters/potato eaters meme that'd be dope.

>> No.3583565

the background is way too bright and its taking away from the lovely brushwork in the foreground. try using some atmospheric perspective

>> No.3583751

The painting makes me a bit dizzy.

>> No.3583763

Very Yoshitaka Amano inspired. But I love the simplicity of it and the fluidity

>> No.3586424
File: 613 KB, 828x983, 5 track tractors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding an extra coat of gesso really did help on the 5th panel at the bottom.

>> No.3586552
File: 239 KB, 750x1334, 515EBAE1-660B-4884-A586-D4465D407400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s a good type of white paint/ink to go over watercolors for highlights/fixing mistakes?

>> No.3586555

gouache would be the usual thang, chalk is okay too or other dry mediums like that

>> No.3586556

you can also use a razor to get back to the paper, or wash the paint off

>> No.3586584

Thanks! I’ve tried acrylic but it doesn’t sit well over watercolor, will gouache be closer to true white? I can’t find it at art stores here for some reason but will order online.

>> No.3586795

use a bigger brush and define things with bigger strokes/shapes. Your brush economy is more hyperinflated like zimbabwe

>> No.3586799
File: 2.62 MB, 4032x3024, problem bozo gesso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gesso is life

>> No.3586906

that is probably a good idea. it might also stop me from spending 30 to 40 hours on one canvas.

>> No.3586913

A lot of artists use hardboard.

Prime both sides before use, sand it for the tooth you want.

>> No.3586916

>these rules

>> No.3586923

I dont agree with those anon, I'm loving this and the colors are the main reason. the blue and the purple hair and all the other colors, really cool, do more paintings in this direction.

>> No.3589191

anyone here with experience selling? I heard you can price paintings by the hour or by the square inch, but when i do the math it ends up being more than I think someone will pay. $600 is a lot for a decoration.

>> No.3589195

by size is more usual, $600 is relatively cheap if you art is actually worth buying at all, there's not really a market for like $50 paintings because buying a painting by an actual local artist is like a status thing. if it's on ebay or something though there's a lot more leeway, still i would put it above $200 so people know they're getting something good, otherwise they may as well buy one of those chinese ones for $20

>> No.3589206

oh and the other thing is that it's really slow selling paintings, it may take 6 months or even a year to sell a painting, it's a small buyers pool, that's why most painters need a supplementary income even if they're pretty popular, if it just so happens that none of your, say, 20 paintings happen to sell this month then you're out of luck, but next month maybe 3 sell and you're in the money. it's sort of standard issue for luxury goods.

>> No.3589326

just use masking fluid, let mistaked happen or rub them out with a damp towel.

nothing beats the white of the page, anon

>> No.3589410
File: 2.77 MB, 3858x3168, weaver at the loom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing a Van Gogh meme for Labor day.

And since I'm also doing Selftember, I figure I'll make it a self portrait meme at muh work station while I'm at it.

Anyone else trying to do a peasant painting study for Labor Day?

>> No.3590614

no..that's a cute idea though

>> No.3590618
File: 2.26 MB, 4032x3024, memer at the zune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks bud. Finna redo it as a watercolor and and acrylic at some point.

>> No.3590621
File: 33 KB, 400x519, old man in sorrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a concept today that I had in January to do a self portrait reflected on the black mirror of a tv screen, called "Dead Dog."

it'll partially rip off pic related or a similar type of pose being reflected on a tv screen, with a window next to it showing an empty yard.

Anyone have any suggestions for how best to do an image reflected on a black screen?

>> No.3590645

looks like a sea of nuns

>> No.3591570

setup a 5-point perspective grid (look up fisheye perspective). modify it a little so it isn't a perfect sphere and is a bit more square.

>> No.3591582

find artists on insta who have work that is visually similar and same material to yours. DM them with some price inquiries like you're gonna buy. Knock 20% of so your stuff actually moves.

>> No.3591584
File: 1.21 MB, 2437x3092, 7. Squints Suspiciously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3591939

>possibly leftist
are you ill?

>> No.3593247
File: 578 KB, 1616x2889, goya saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on this as a selfie portrait. Should it be a burrito in the hands?

>> No.3593255

how about a dick

>> No.3593259
File: 1.81 MB, 2668x3353, 82. awkward question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
