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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 122 KB, 1024x614, teaserpromo__suki_s_maximum_size_by_milkybody-dcitf6k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3546489 No.3546489 [Reply] [Original]

Thats fucking it, just end me for I was not meant for this fucking world, I dont know how it work, like not get it at fucking all.

>Draw shit related
>Earns $1433 monthly


If I want to start making money with my art, somewhere in the $1000 ballpark, what the fuck should I do?
I could understand fetishes and stuff but that doesnt even look appealing, its obviously not the fundies or the skill that counts so WHAT!!!???

I swear I start a regime and burn all Loomises books in the world, I clone Hitler and VilPOO and force them fight for life in cage matches.
I will sprinkle some gay shit in atmosphere that will change light refraction angles so never will never be able to see proper perspective.
I will fucking nuke Japan just befuckingcause.
Thats how fucking angry I am.

>> No.3546496

you just get your art out there then in a few years of building up a following you can have a patreon too, or you can sell art before that if you like. $1400 a month is the same amount that i got on unemployment btw

>> No.3546500

So why don't you cater to a niche fetish as well? No one's stopping you.

>> No.3546508

Fuck you I am so fucking mad I am one step from drawing this degenerate filth myself.
I am going to eat now and then get to it just because I spite this world.

> $1400 a month is the same amount that i got on unemployment btw
Well I am making $400 a month, at least I did on my previous job.
Now I am in the middle of a job search, no benefits and shit and currently oogling offer that will pay $500 monthly.

Dont tell me you get 3x this for doing nothing because I will fucking go to US and start a campaign to cut all fucking benefits and sent all NEETS into the mines.

>> No.3546515

Rent is 500 a month minimum. Let's start there.

>> No.3546519

>people selling pornography make money

oh wee what a miracle

does your work also give people climaxes?

>> No.3546520

If you were working full time this would be a good bit less than minimum wage in my state. Though I doubt the artist in the OP works anywhere near that much on his art

>> No.3546525

yeah my rent was $300 a week at the time so 1400-1200= not that much money lol

>> No.3546542

Donpatreon artists declare their income and pay taxes?

>> No.3546611

>implying that OP's pic gives people orgasm

well then you're part of the degenerate normie population which are so fuckin tv-zombified that they drink wallmart feces water and masturbate while watching their mom change her 3week old dirty underwear

>> No.3546627


of course. but when you make peanut level money (patreon or otherwise) you pay no to peanut level taxes.

>> No.3546663

Lol 500 rent..... Try 2000 where I live if you want a roach free, low crime life.

>> No.3546670
File: 132 KB, 960x1280, 1373381207.milkybody_mabo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel your pain,but at least I don't look like that
>hopefully you don't either

>> No.3546676
File: 46 KB, 401x289, jackie-chan-face-meme-540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when you're phenomenally retarded and you think the whole world of professional art revolves around porn patreons.

If you really can't think of a way to make a living with your art beyond
>porn patreons
>furry porn
>Tumblr personal commissions from fast-food style commission charts to draw peoples 'OC'
Then you need to take a good hard look at your life and reflect on how you became such a naive moron.

>> No.3546693

Ok mr smartypants, give us some feasible and viable alternatives to making money from porn art. Many of us are listening.

>> No.3546700

>Everyone is stupid! I am smart! What? Explain why? No, why would I?

>> No.3546735
File: 37 KB, 500x280, OM9Zt8t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> give us some feasible and viable alternatives
Everytime I call out porn artists on /ic/ as being ignorant to other opportunities in the world of art & design, they get defensive just like this. However, there's this issue in that you could list all the different types of opportunities and industries in the world that need artists, but they'll always be dismissed as NOT feasible & viable. To tell me that you can't think of any other opportunities for artist beyond porn patreons speaks volumes about how naive you art - and that's okay. It's okay to not know. But just be willing to listen.

I think this problem of dismissing other alternatives stems from a lack of understanding regarding the path you must take to get involved in those opportunities. For example, any old moron here can see a successful porn Patreon artist and think they've got it all figured out. They just need to grow a social media following, draw porn, start a Patreon, and watch the money roll in. It seems like an easy 1-2-3 step process.

On the contrary (while still focusing on 2D illustrative art), how do you go about landing opportunities available to illustrators? You want alternatives - how about:
>editorial art
>book illustration
>concept art
>medical illustration
>tabletop / board game illustration
>poster art
>sci-fi / fantasy illustration

Will you tell me that these aren't jobs for artists? Of course you will - you'll dismiss these as not being viable because you just don't know how they work. You don't know how to become an editorial artist who regularly illustrates the worlds largest magazines and newspapers because it's not some 'easy' 1-2-3 step process you can dissect like running a porn patreon. And because it's hard, you'll never accept it as being real and you'll swipe all these industries under the rug while failing to take responsibility for your own ignorance and act like >>3546489 instead.

>> No.3546736

that's pretty hot

>> No.3546741

Get out more you miserable pile of nothing. Like the other anon said, there's much more than just porn patreons. I guess when you have mediocre skills you feel threatened by them, but if you had actual good skills and an interesting style you wouldn't be bitching about some couple of hundred dollars.

>> No.3546742

What use is the money, if you don't have dignity?

>> No.3546747

What the fuck is wrong with you?
Doing porn is a job like any other job out there. There is absolutely no difference.

Although yeah, people MAKE it have differences and porn is considered low-tier porn. However in reality there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

I'm not a cuck that things porn is some kind of low tier art. It's just another kind of art, considered low because religion is still stronk in our society.

I love doing children book ilustration but I also do porn on the side.
Do you even know what will happen if my clients know I do porn?
I will be on the streets. You are what is wrong with society. Sexuality should be something normal. Not sonething that needs to be hidden as if it were some weird taboo.

Taboo makes autists. I mean just look at furries man, they are so discriminated against they are forced to form closed communities and become retards. Instead of making more things like zootopia they end up being diagnosed with schyzophrenia

>> No.3546751
File: 9 KB, 480x360, 1531527147401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this guy literally brain dead?

>> No.3546754

No. I'm writing from my phone so I can't check my spelling.

I'm not brain dead. I just think porn shouldn't be considered this horrible dark thing you need to use in incognito mode.

>> No.3546758


>> No.3546762
File: 369 KB, 649x649, d6f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you smoking? How is this a releveant to my post at all?

>Doing porn is a job like any other job out there
>porn is considered low-tier porn. However in reality there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.
>I'm not a cuck that things porn is some kind of low tier art
>You are what is wrong with society. Sexuality should be something normal. Not sonething that needs to be hidden as if it were some weird taboo.

At no point in my post >>3546735 did I imply that making porn is "low tier", "taboo" or that there's something wrong with making erotic art. You're responding to to things I didn't say. Quit projecting. In case you need it spelled out for you (since you apparently can't read) - I was calling out ignorant /ic/ users on why its wrong to think porn Patreons are the end-all-be-all of the world of art - NOT that making a living doing porn is wrong.

>> No.3546767

I’d fuck him unironically

>> No.3546784

Yeah you are assuming everyone wants to do porn and bring up things like packaging and murals as jobs comparing them to porn

You are the one who can't read.
Why would you tell people who want to do porn to do milk package design??

You are stating the obvious.
>hey guys yall stupid. You know I have a friend who works as a designer. Lmao what a bunch of losers.

Fucking retard

>> No.3546806

> I just think porn shouldn't be considered this horrible dark thing you need to use in incognito mode.

face it, people who draw and look at fucking beg porn drawings, are sickos. Never have sick fetishes been pushed so much than at the current age.. and it's not even about a normal fetish anymore, but faggots look for even more extreme weird shit just to differentiate themselves from "normie" fetishes.

Get it, it's not a matter of fetish, it's just people wanting to be special snowflakes again, and watching fucking orc babies get foot lettuced by furry dicks totally speaks to their degenerate minds.
Or what did you expect who your audience and patreon supporters are, fucking gamer girls, highschool thots, hipster §0yboy's, ecelebfags? No, they are some 35 year old neckbeards who masturbate in their mom's toilet while watching your fucking animu porn drawings.

>> No.3546825
File: 326 KB, 569x398, cry baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the matter with you? What are you talking about? Are you not reading my posts, or are you just glossing over them and then replying to what you think I said? Quit responding to things I didn't say or imply.

>Yeah you are assuming everyone wants to do porn
No I'm not. Will you show me where I said that?

>bring up things like packaging and murals as jobs comparing them to porn
What's wrong with this? These are examples of art jobs that aren't porn, provided as a response to the two people who were not aware of different types of opportunities available to artists beyond porn.

>Why would you tell people who want to do porn to do milk package design??
I wouldn't tell people to do 'milk package design' if they were interested in porn, and never implied that I would.

>> No.3546841

youre probably the only sane person in here, these retardos dont understand concepts when it comes to practicality, and that making a living from art is only a dream. they cant face the reality of what the art world is in its current state, and how its always been in commercial. and its the only viable way for normie artists to make a living from.

>> No.3546850

>Sexuality should be something normal. Not sonething that needs to be hidden as if it were some weird taboo.
you must be underage, making it taboo is the only reason people do it, asides from making babies

>> No.3546854

i think the only cry baby is you bucko from getting BTFO

>> No.3546871

Its all fine and dandy but all of the above mentioned require much more skill than some patreon tier fetishism, especially when this /beg/ level skill can earn you few times what you can earn working regular job.

Like posting /beg/tier shit is suddenly a viable option to make a living from art.

>> No.3546876

You dont even have to leave home, deal with deadlines, boss that treat you like shit, working 40+ hours a week and all other stuff.
Just sit in your room, listen to anime songs and push out same stuff without having to compete with someone who can draw like a xero.
Like fuck, easiest cash there is, now how the fuck do you get that.

>> No.3546948

No. He is just hating on porn artists because "there are other alternatives".
As If people didn't know how to wageslave. Kek.
Just telling you frem. You shouldn't try to shame people who are different than you just because they choose to not wageslave

No. I already said I part-time drawing porn.

Keep on working 40 hours a week at an office. Nobody will tell you anything breh.

>> No.3546973

you seem pretty assblasted that theres more profitable methods than porn

>> No.3546995
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd mostly agree and say this is a thing reasonable to point out. For different types of art related work, there are different requirements and different styles of work that are usually expected. Some types of jobs require a stronger understanding of the fundamentals which only comes with practice and dedication. Of some of the examples I listed, storyboarding, concept art & (for the most part) sci fi & fantasy illustration all seem to be pretty demanding in regards to requiring a strong understanding of the raw fundamentals. I don't think this necessarily makes them better fields than the rest though.

You have embarrassed yourself more and more with every post you've made. This post is no exception.

>As If people didn't know how to wageslave. Kek
>You shouldn't try to shame people who are different than you just because they choose to not wageslave
>Keep on working 40 hours a week at an office.
You are the quintessential example of the type of person I'm talking about. In your mind, if you're not drawing porn then you're a 'wageslave' working in an office. How could you possibly convince yourself that this is a reasonable thing to say? You (again) say I'm hating on porn art & porn artists - I'm not. I'm hating on people like you: immature, delusional morons.

>> No.3547025

Not really. I'm ass blasted because people think porn artists don't like what they do and then complain about porn artists being sluts or something.

Go wageslave like a retard doing milk packaging. Wageslaving and wasting your time in something you don't like is a shame. Doing porn isn't because normally, usually, people who draw porn actually like drawing porn? Kek.

You just had your mind cucked by society and think porn is dishonor for the famiry or something.

or else you wouldn't have written this >>3546676 saying there are other alternatives. We all know we could do all of those things. At the end of the day, is a choice.

I might be a moron but you are also shitposting on 4chan with me so you might as well be an autist.

Welcome to the club bucko.

>> No.3547031

How much antacid do I have to eat to reach this level of autism.

>> No.3547040
File: 159 KB, 1024x1325, floating_vena_by_milkybody-dc9cn5t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking through the artist's deviant gallery and it doesn't seem that bad for standard fetish art. The rendering looks appealing enough and the anatomy isn't the worst shit I ever saw.

For some of my fetishes personally I don't like it when the porn art looks too realistic. I enjoy the "crude" edge a lot of amateur art has. Maybe when I become decent enough I can make a little pocket change from having a secret fetish patreon.

>> No.3547045

I dunno, you are already here breh

>> No.3547213
File: 3.65 MB, 400x224, incredulous.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>easiest cash there is
>now how the fuck do you get that.

>> No.3547356

I appreciate you, mikeposter. There are people who hear you every time you explain this, even if it’s not the dense motherfuckers you’re speaking directly to (it’s never the dense motherfuckers you’re speaking directly to).

>> No.3547566
File: 59 KB, 960x882, 1532764553806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean just look at furries man, they are so discriminated against
>Being a butt of a joke because of their own autism is discrimination

>> No.3547684

If he doesn't mog you, please leave 4chan.

>> No.3547787

I disagree, porn art is something society should frown upon. Porn artist contribute nothing of value and it is a waste of their skills. Most of them do it only for the money anyways, so dont project that it is something more than that.

Judging from you salty replies, you seem to have some deep insecurities about your piss poor carer decisions.

Enjoy your bucket bucko.

>> No.3547799

>porn has no value

Is this why porn is a multi-billion dollar industry?

>> No.3547841

>$1400 a month is the same amount that i got on unemployment btw

>> No.3547890

So you believe that the only value there is monetary?

McDonalds is a multi billion dollar business, yet it is regarded as a shitty fast food chain that does more harm to society than good.

It's sad to see that you cant sell your art without drawing some over higlighted tits. ngmi

>> No.3547899

I highly doubt you can sell your art without doing the same. Haven't you seen entertainment in general? They're all selling sex. The entire culture has been reduced to that. In the movie industry there are big exceptions, but nigga you can't compete with them.

>> No.3547961
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 2edz092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haven't you seen entertainment in general? They're all selling sex.
Wahhhh everyone is selling sex wahh the industry is making me wahhh

Jesus christ dude do you even hear yourself.. You kno that making art takes creativity? Guess what so does selling art. If you really incapable of thinking a bit and forming an original idea rather than just copying the lazy formula of selling sex, then the creative field is not for you. Please return back to your hole and stop spreading misinformation that the only way to make it financially is by producing shitty furry porn on patreon.

>> No.3548007
File: 757 KB, 651x815, chrome_2018-08-02_09-09-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see this shit all the time (always by you, mikeposter) and i want to agree but i just dont feel like my art fits in to anything besides personal commissions. im like a shittier version of pic related. most of what you listed would either want an illustrator geared towards graphic design, or a painter.

>> No.3548032

>he doesn't do art for free...
heh... NGMI

>> No.3548169
File: 26 KB, 701x394, MV5BOTA0NTg3ODgtMjZlMC00MGJiLTk3ZTEtMjdlM2ViZWFiNDFlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDQzMDg4Nzk@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people who hear you
That's nice to hear, and ultimately my goal when sharing some of the things I know. There's undoubtedly a bit of tunnel vision on /ic/ in regards to what it means to be a professional artist, and - again - my issues have never been with other peoples personal preferences but rather with people like the sperglord above sweeping entire industries under the rug and spreading a harmful & unrealistic perspective of the world.

> i just dont feel like my art fits in to anything besides personal commissions
That's totally fine! There are plenty of people who seemingly get by just fine on personal commissions. As with anything else - you'll just have to create the right work (your portfolio) and show it to the right people (those most likely to commission you) in hopes that you make a positive connection. Hopefully you can manage to do this on a regular basis and get a lot of repeat clients.

>most of what you listed would either want an illustrator geared towards graphic design, or a painter.
I gotta say - this isn't necessarily true. Most of what I listed is raw illustration, but if you see some of the things I shared (like packaging, branding, advertising, etc.) and think more 'graphic design', then you should understand that illustration can play a huge role in these types of jobs, and that 'graphic design' is a pretty vague term. For example - have you ever bought beer and really enjoyed the artwork on the cans and case? That's packaging / branding illustration. Perhaps they also needed the artist to create some lettering for the beer - or perhaps they handled that part in-house. Is this type of job graphic design? Not really. For a lot of projects, the typography and layouts will be handled internally - they just needed to hire an illustrator to create the imagery.

>> No.3548221


Settle down.

>> No.3548237

>Porn artist contribute nothing of value and it is a waste of their skills

Tell me what is the difference between doing illustrations for souless smartphone game companies and doing your own porn comics.

Both are entertainment. You might like one more than the other. And if you like porn. There is nothing wrong with that. I'm not ashamed of doing porn like you imply. I just hate it when people look down upon you because you do porn. You wouldn't get it anyways.

And I am salty when people treat me like if I were a lower kind of artist. Value is granted by what? What are your standards for a piece's value?

I understand why you would think porn is a low thing to do but I really don't think instinct is a bad thing. Intellect has an appeal too.
But it doesn't make it better imo

Porn art is treated like comedy-movies. comedy is always seen as a low kind of art. Have you ever asked yourself why drama and tragedy are respected but comedy isn't?
Porn is the same, you can do mindless comedy as well as mindless porn. But I do like to write romantic stories with porn in them. It's something natural for humans to have sex.

But yeah, you win whatever.
I just disagree with milkpackaging poster in his eagerness to tell people to try and not do porn and try graphic design instead, just do whatever you want to do and let it go.

Be furee. Draw your waifu.

And I'm not sweeping industries. I said before. I also do illustrations for children. I have done a bunch of design too. I just don't understand why you believe that people think porn is the only way?

Instead of shaming porn artists why don't you tell people to just do whatever the fuck they want to do?

If anything we need more quality porn.

Unless you are at a level like sandro and are a designer like him as well. I really don't think what you say has value besides stating the obvious.
>h-hey guise. You know you can also sell illustrations on conventions???? Clap clap. I'm so smarto

>> No.3548287

You just have to realize skill doesn't automatically relate to how popular or how much money you make. And vice versa.
Just stop crying about other people's success and go practice or create a following of your own.

It's really no rocket science or anything.

>> No.3548291
File: 16 KB, 520x200, Dumb-and-Dumber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a cuck that things porn is some kind of low tier art. It's just another kind of art, considered low because religion is still stronk in our society.
>just look at furries man, they are so discriminated against

>Go wageslave like a retard doing milk packaging
> Doing porn isn't because normally, usually, people who draw porn actually like drawing porn?
>You just had your mind cucked by society and think porn is dishonor for the famiry or something.

>I'm not brain dead.

>I highly doubt you can sell your art without doing the same. Haven't you seen entertainment in general? They're all selling sex.

>Porn art is treated like comedy-movies. comedy is always seen as a low kind of art. Have you ever asked yourself why drama and tragedy are respected but comedy isn't?
>Porn is the same, you can do mindless comedy as well as mindless porn. But I do like to write romantic stories with porn in them. It's something natural for humans to have sex.

Lmao. Jesus christ.

>> No.3548351

Do you really think all those coments were mine? Kek.

Anyway. Instead of greentexting me. Why don't you use your head and answer me back?
Not like I care. But you know, when someone tries to dumb a discussion, you know they aren't adding anything because they know they dun gooffed.

Sorry again bucko. Keep telling people about milk packaging. I'm sure a lot of them will try to make fruit illustrations for a yoghurt line or something.

Not that that's bad or anything but... it is kinda lame if you are trying to go for something else.

Anyway, have a nice day milk packaging guy!
Remember not to point obvious things next time because people aren't as stupid as you make them out to be! :^3

>> No.3548355

Plz kiss

>> No.3548364

>concept art
>... game illustration
>poster art
>sci-fi / fantasy illustration
lmao typical ngmi tier fantasies

if you're on /ic/ and considering these you've missed the point entirely

yeah good luck getting a commission in your area from someone you don't intimately know

>> No.3548394
File: 64 KB, 996x682, 1518885081294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell me what is the difference between doing illustrations for souless smartphone game companies and doing your own porn comics.
And you pour your heart and soul in that furry gangbang piece? Please take another look at this annon's post here >>3546735
And the jobs he listed are the mainstream jobs, there are plenty of ways to earn money with sfw art. I genuinely believe you are autistic since at this point youre just grasping straws.

>Porn is the same, you can do mindless comedy as well as mindless porn. But I do like to write romantic stories with porn in them.
"I watch porn for the story" *tips fedora* :^)
It takes more effort to write a paul blart comedy than to write a porn. Again grasping for straws.

>If anything we need more quality porn
No we dont, porn does more harm on humans psyche and society would live better without it.
If anything we need more quality art. But i guess you're not smart enough to make it, since you rely on porn to survive.

>Do you really think all those coments were mine? Kek.
oh annon pls ;^3

>> No.3548438

>"I watch porn for the story" *tips fedora* :^)
You could. I don't see why not really. You are just closed minded. Porn is a good add on romance or viceversa. And yeah, you didn't even comment about the comedy thing. Porn can be good and can be bad, just like any kind of art. It's also up to taste.

>porn does more harm on humans psyche and society would live better without it.
Who told you that? The nun at church?
Porn is bad when you watch it everyday and fap like a madman. It isn't bad to masturbate while you get help from images you know?
Again,adding absolutely nothing. That's like saying carbs are bad.

>And the jobs he listed are the mainstream jobs, there are plenty of ways to earn money with sfw art.
Yeah we all know this. It's obvious you could you know, be drawing silly cartoon cows for that milk packaging. Again, Everybody knows this. They see these pictures everyday. Now, not everyone wants to draw fruit for yoghurt lines anon.

Anon, I'm afraid I must fuck you to cure your porn fear.
I bet you are one of those people who make a scandal when 15yo animu girls and boyos get sexualized.

Anyways anon. You are terribly retarded.

Literally just go fuck yourself plz.

>> No.3548525

>No we dont, porn does more harm on humans psyche and society would live better without it.

>> No.3548586

he has a point, whether or not he knows how significant it is
in short the mass production and consumption of porn is like abuse to an individual and encourages short-sighted mindset in society

>> No.3548593

That isn't a point. If anything it sounds stupid and religious

>> No.3548610

Look up studies, porn has been proven to have negative effects on the mind. It's not a religious opinion, but a fact. I'm not saying that you can't enjoy porn, but I am saying you should read a fucking book and stop talking about things you don't understand. You're only arguing because you're defensive.

>> No.3548626

>negative effects

Everything in moderation, monkey

>> No.3548639

What are facts, monkey?

>> No.3548682

Bless these posts. The SFW path is clearly superior To all that artwhoring : good luck showing your degenerate commissions to any reasonable person asking you about what you do for a living & showing them examples. Good luck having much respect from people who see you as the guy who draws horse penises all day. Good luck making your relatives proud of you with these things... Good luck having your art shown To the whole world without having To censor it (thus restricting your fanbase way more than going SFW )...

>> No.3548697

I just want art I can feel proud of making, art that brings me nice memories even when I'm old. I don't want to picture some neckbearded fat fuck having some wanks every time I look at my babies. I don't care if I get less money, I love art too much to make it a whore.

>> No.3548716

why not have a smutty art patreon and a SFW/tasteful art patreon?
Literally draw your fetish, everyone has one, when you feel horny.
You can still make serious art but you know which one is gonna bring home the bacon.

>> No.3548720

I do both things. My family and partner know about it. Even my mother knows. Has 0 problems with it because she isn't a normie.
Kek for being a normie with a normie family faggot.

"Normal work" now that is something I'm not really interested in.

>horse penises

I have taste bucko.

>> No.3548724

They are deductions resulting from assumptions, orangutan.

>> No.3548728
File: 34 KB, 335x378, hmmmgelion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want the money but you arent willing to sacrifice your pride like the inflation-drawing onions boy

>> No.3549040

Yo imma need some sauce on this puppy

>> No.3549072

another episode of "anon cant read"

>> No.3549076

why are you all glorifiying drawing jailbait masturbation utensils for creepy pervs so they can nut all over your "artwork"?

I bet I'd a lot of people here would be very good at drawing porn but they wouldnt be an arist anymore, they would be a prostitute.

>> No.3549078

my fetish are real women.. I could never fuck a anime girl so its pointless to fap to one imho

>> No.3549082
File: 488 KB, 1314x2557, 1421169046896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$1433 monthly
Like a babby.

>> No.3549179
File: 11 KB, 250x277, 1465518742845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone draws inflation porn, the least they can do is learn anatomy.

>> No.3549203

Hey! You want the secret?
People like something they can put themselves into.

Fat people spend a lot. Why are they fat in the first place? They are the pure essence of consumers?

With these in mind. Draw as much fat people. Get them to be your audience. Every single filthy mutation . Yeah, provide them sustenance. Let them eat the shit they want.

If you want to find food, follow the fat people.

>> No.3549205
File: 94 KB, 600x469, 0163a22ae56cbb9450ff9a18de087d6272930e7eecced3c2e15f056a48914e42_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if most fat people want to be reminded that they are fat.
>If you want to find food, follow the fat people.

>> No.3549220

"Exorcizo te, immundissime spiritus, omnis incursio adversarii,..."

>> No.3549227

If you really think about it, the way it goes is that society nowadays try to set the idealistic beauty bar very low. People nowadays hate to see what they cannot be and ideally want to see more of things that seem to be below them. Gives them a sense of superiority.
I'd imagine those who pay for shitty SJW artwork to think like:
"Forget that beautiful aesthetic shit. That shit's too generic and boring. I scroll through them and somehow, that one FUCK UGLY tumblr tier shit is so different. I stop scrolling through. Somehow, I appreciate how the artist worked so hard on making it fuck ugly. His/her/its artwork makes me feel like I am part of a society. This artist depicts my kind."
Moreover, there are weirdos out there in the world who would pay top dollar to see their fetishes. The "artists" who do normal stuff far outweigh those... Mutations.
As far as I can remember from my social sciences, the kind of people pointed by OP earn more because they, as suppliers of a product, are not frequent. They can demand more money to the interested consumers. Only fucked up people pay fucked up sums for fucked up products.

Artists who are like OP have to compete. So they get less money. People prefer cheap. Don't want the customers to go to the next artist.

In conclusion, OP, please find something to make you unique you can exploit for money if you do not want to go to the valley of death.

>> No.3549235
File: 99 KB, 1024x721, happy_titty_day__by_milkybody-dciymtj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrelated is unironically objectively better than any recent turd from Sakimichink.
Even though this dude is mostly drawing some fetish nonsense, his fundies have clearly improved over the years.
You can't even blame him for drawing generic mercs.wip or stale moba fanart.
He deservedly /made it/.

>> No.3549249

I'd fuck that catgirl

>> No.3549363

>Actually good anatomy
Yeah, that is not bad.
Sakimichan got some nice rendering but its basically same old shit
Just a smexy chick with awesome shading and dynamic pose hanging in a swirl of colours.
There is no idea or originality or thought toward the setting or theme, just awesome craftsmanship. something an AI will be able to do in a few years.

>> No.3550627

This thread is a fantastic example of how childish and delusional some porn artists can be. I've never seen a subgroup of artists as immature as porn artists. Maybe concept art kiddies come close.

>> No.3550639

Motherfucker looks like a Chad

>> No.3550660

Talez peaked a long time ago. His worst offense currently is the fact that his coloring keeps getting more and more unappealing.

>> No.3550828

> you can't attentionwhore with it so it sucks

>> No.3550851

Mate, you're gonna hate most of your art in the future.

>> No.3550854

I think he looks cute.

>> No.3550880

I don't hate my past art even if it sucks more, all those pieces are stepping stones.

>> No.3550919

coming from literally who with art that looks like what. he makes good looking stuff.

>> No.3551028
File: 473 KB, 585x619, Arm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3551030

Anyways, not only does this kind of shit happen often but his coloring is objectively getting worse. The nig needs to stop with the over blending and shitty hue shifting.

>> No.3551165

Expected, from people who "draw breasts & penises all day lol fuck puritans"...
Finding your art embarrassing because you improved a lot > finding it embarrassing because you improved AND the subject is shameful?

>> No.3551281

If you desserved it you'd be making it.
But you don't, and it's all your fault.

>> No.3551288
File: 61 KB, 700x759, DcwLlV8UQAEW4JP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the people critting your work
the absolute state

>> No.3551633
File: 94 KB, 775x960, IMG_20170912_041755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're just pretending to be an idiot.

>> No.3552344

While his stuff could be better I don't think you are in a position to red line it.

>> No.3552373
File: 391 KB, 676x543, chrome_2018-07-03_19-25-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you actually retarded or are you rping anon

>> No.3552374

I wasn't trying to redline how it should be, but how it is. Her arm is being crushed as seen by the volume of the protective gear and the forearm size (also the broken and wobbly bicep and tricep lines.) , if I could go back and make it clearer what I was trying to demonstrate I would've.

>> No.3552375
File: 27 KB, 184x193, unknown (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I forgot to put the text, amigo.Seemed obvious to me, but I guess not to you.

>> No.3552390

>all that matters is whether normies respect it or not

>> No.3552392
File: 1.35 MB, 1211x1920, tumblr_ouy0mewJkx1vs9x5bo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also for comparison to show how his coloring is deteriorating in visual appeal.
This was done in August 2017


>> No.3552393
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x1150, tumblr_owhwx1BK1s1vs9x5bo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3552395

his colors are no longer flat and youre complaining because...?? because it doesnt look like a cel-shaded anime?

>> No.3552400

I guess what I'm saying falls on blind eyes and deaf ears. No point in trying to discuss proper visual technique and appeal then, I'm done with this thread. Have a jolly one, folks.

>> No.3552409
File: 174 KB, 373x298, overlay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While his style is kinda wonky I do think the arm fits within the cloth. Maybe the gear just wrapped around the arm. It's not something I would point out as being bad compared to the rest of it. It's all done in a pretty loose style.

DESU I'm more bothered by the rear arm but that doesn't seem to bother other people.

>> No.3552420

become shadman