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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.11 MB, 894x894, bad ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3543459 No.3543459[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In your own words, what mistakes exactly did this artist make?

>> No.3543461

Just trace it

>> No.3543464

>No understanding of anatomy, it's all just made up forms that almost look human
>adding shaodows with black instead of hue shifting, makes the skin look dead
>perspective is wrong
>proportions are off, her torso and neck are too long, legs too short, arms different length
>that face looks like ET and not a human head
>values are bad, there's no occlusion shadows
>rendering is not good, the artist has rendered stuff in a way they think it should be done and not actually thought about how the light and forms are interacting
>idea is weak, why is she naked with a sword? what is that kirby?
>cast shadows are not correct

The artist probably had a lot of fun with it and maybe learned alot, stop bullying

>> No.3543466

He was paid $75 for it.

>> No.3543487

all of them

>> No.3543492

Forgot to give the fish eyes.

>> No.3543493

literally the definition of polishing a turd

>> No.3543495

It doesn’t matter what others think, only what the artist would take from it and whether they were satisfied.

>> No.3543496

honestly asking: why has this thread been deleted in the past? which is the particular rule it was breaking?

>> No.3543521

Forgot to use Loomis

>> No.3543528
File: 328 KB, 573x665, 1498416788244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here to post this.

>> No.3543530

He picked up a wacom pen in the first place when he should have been reaching for the rope.

>> No.3543541

Not knowing anatomy & not posing yourself.

Biggest example: Top hand was drawn too small in order to show the face, but the arm should be bent the only way it can to allow a person to hold a hand above their face like that while laying down, which is with the elbow NOT making contact with the ground, but the girl's elbow is touching the ground, so the hand WOULD cover the face from that perspective, but that would ruin the image, so they wrongly made the hand smaller rather than redraw the entire angle of the camera + have the elbow correctly off the ground.

2nd biggest example: Similar problem explains why the belly is "too long"... it would normally have been blocked by the upper left leg foreshortening, but rather than redraw the perspective/pose entirely, find a way to be satisfied with most of the bellow/torso being "blocked" they just lengthened it, etc...

3rd: Head/chin; anatomy is just absent. At least one study of a tilt-up Loomis head could have got them a basic idea, instead it's just a ball with chin-face pasted on top.

>> No.3543579
File: 216 KB, 1741x894, reeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see this image I get so engrossed by it. I notice something new every time.
It looks like a doll that's slowly deflating to me.

I am no anatomy expert.
The proportions are off. The hands and feet are too small. The hair isn't connecting to the base of the skull where it meets the neck. So it looks like she is bald wearing a wig. The weight in her breast are not being spread out. That arm holding the sword is too long. The sword looks like a pipe and not a katana, which I assume that's what its suppose to be.
I didn't know how to make the legs better. And I can't draw anime.
Wtf is she stepping on?

>> No.3543696

The artist doesn't know how to draw, and made a mistake when they decided to render on top of a poor drawing.

>> No.3543704

Its so obvious it was made as a joke

>> No.3543764

he sure showed us! lol

>> No.3543768

yeah really XD

>> No.3543801

Looks like a grey alien mid body snatch.

>> No.3543821

This may be a good training for noobs, actually. Sometimes the best way to avoid mistakes is to see mistakes.

>> No.3543894

>which is the particular rule it was breaking?

It's too fucking ugly

>> No.3543918

your drawing is not perfect but better. i think he has no understanding of forms thats his main issue

>> No.3543925

the artist who drew this is like an alien who was told what a human looks like but had never seen one before, and tried drawing it from his head

It's super artificial

>> No.3543934

baby feet

>> No.3543980


>> No.3543989
File: 483 KB, 641x431, clocks_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3544836

Holy hell kek

>> No.3544877

left has more soul though, yours is literally soulless

>> No.3544890

Literally everything about this is wrong, from the structure to the rendering. There is nothing in this that's done well.

>> No.3544912

even if it was well executed it would still be a piece of shit

>> No.3545450
File: 288 KB, 1653x645, fanart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty hard pose to draw for beginner. Tried to do my version and it is hard indeed (work in progress I guess...)

>> No.3545458

all the attempts ive seen to correct this suck ass congrats on the original creator its the ultimate troll to keep people looking stupider and stupider
and yes, I will take a crack at it to make myself look like an ass as well

>> No.3545668

Sause? Is this statement real?

>> No.3545673

THE absolute state

>> No.3545674

i wonder if this guy knows his image has been posted here and laughed at for weeks now.

>> No.3545676

He had hope

>> No.3545677

I think this image is an optical illusion. A human being could not hold this pose on an actual dock or pier, with one leg in the water, one foot resting on a post/support, one arm gripping a sword embedded in the pier, like i don't think theres a way to show this as natural and realisitic

>> No.3545692

>sword in the other hand
>flipped pose
>no discman
what a retard. lol

>> No.3545701
File: 1022 KB, 245x189, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3546031
File: 588 KB, 217x199, barf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit skin
>brown nipples

>> No.3546341

relax, dickhead, its wip. lol

>> No.3546345

How can such bad artists have so "completed" rendering? all i can manage is a half assed sketches but with correct proportions

>> No.3546346

>work in progress
>already at color
Nothing's more pathetic than an incompetent retard trying to cash in someone's being bad to get some epeen points

>> No.3546357

Honestly anon, being able to finish rendering a piece even if you know it is shit, is what makes these bad artists excel so fast. You need to start making finished pieces or you will be stuck.

>> No.3546360


This image legit makes me physically sick every time I look at it.

>> No.3546377

accidentally erased the top of the eyes on that pink blob thing

wtf dude

>> No.3546437

What's wrong with having colour in a WIP?

>> No.3546490

You’re rediculous. Its hard pose to draw, i tried it and got some exp. And you’re just shitting all around with strange accusations. Keep calm and do some drawing, it’ll help you.

>> No.3546702

Just goes to show that artists should enact the pose they want to draw before they draw it.

>> No.3546729

much better meme than merc wip

>> No.3546740


>> No.3546795


>> No.3546904

Ignore the crab, the guy thinks you imperatively need to add the colour at the end and there's no other way of doing things. That should give you a hint as to what his skill level is.

>> No.3546908

Also I like what you did there. It's not perfect but it's not bad at all.

>> No.3547174

Thanks) Totally agree it’s far from perfect to say the least. Anyway it’s a good practice for me I guess.

>> No.3547194

Nice work anon, your pose looks a lot better than the original.
Ignore the crab, you can tell by how he only speaks in memes that he is retarded.

As a critique,he position of the right leg looks kind of unatural, with the feet sticking out and the whole leg at an angle. Why not make it aligned with the body? Also, her head is up as if she was on a pillow.

>> No.3547227

The head seems small in your drawing. Other than that I can't really critique much else being a noob at anatomy.

>> No.3547252

Keep doing the /ic/ 'challenges' and ignore the crabs, it's fun and it's practice.

>> No.3547975

Yes, leg is definitely off. Tried to pose my leg in that position and it's impossible to. I endeavored to keep some similarity in pose, but it looks it brings too many visual errors.
Initially head was even smaller than that! I enlarged it a bit, but may be not enough. It's hard to say for sure. My eyes are used to look at anime styled heads and they bigger than "normal" heads sometimes.
I will)

>> No.3548207

Good luck tovarish)))

>> No.3548669
File: 590 KB, 3020x1500, pruplehair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly could not decide if she was pregnant or not.

Anyway, pretty much everything was wrong from anatomy to perspective to rendering, so here's a really terrible basic sketch where I tried to do slightly better anatomy at least.

>> No.3548672

lmao fag yours is very close to being as bad as the original in terms of perspective and here you are talking out of your ass like a big deal

>> No.3548718
File: 2.64 MB, 3020x1500, 34567854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn this pose is incredibly difficult to draw. i'm totally giving up on that stage left foot too, fuck that shit haha

>> No.3548723

kind of interesting how every attempt at this showcases each artist's weaknesses

>> No.3548725

yeah it's a fun exercise, surprisingly. made me want to attempt drawing more complicated poses with foreshortening. turns out ic actually IS good for something

>> No.3548735


>> No.3548783
File: 430 KB, 2500x1143, pier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't make it lewd enough.

>> No.3548798


>> No.3548802


>> No.3548805
File: 812 KB, 697x657, picklesuprise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does that mean, senpai? :33

>> No.3548891
File: 32 KB, 500x700, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not investing like 5 minutes in design doll before starting

>> No.3548908

I'm starting to think this perspective is just janky on some advanced principle or something because it looks awkward even here.

>> No.3548909

Oh, it looks like it's in Ortho view. Try switching to perspective.

>> No.3548952

The one thing that fascinates me most is the huge bloated belly of this...thing.

>> No.3548957

she has roid gut

>> No.3548969

isometric is the best aproximation, since in OP pic parallel lines doesn't even converge towards the horizon

also, isometric gives you the impression that the girl is being observed from a long distance with a telescopic lens, which helps to construct a story for the illustration

>> No.3549343

This is a fun thread idea: post some absolute abominations that barely make sense, and have anons try to decipher and "fix" it.

>> No.3550689
File: 675 KB, 1122x776, fanart2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rendered it in more "realistic" style. Changed leg and head. Cant say where I go with that. WIP as usual X)

>> No.3550730

is not bad but, what's the point if it doesn't even resemble the original anymore? different pose, hair, facial expression, paraphernalia, etc. you could had as well started your own thing from scratch

>> No.3550754
File: 2.34 MB, 4032x3024, rev1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's harder to draw because the ideas presented in the initial image are bad and stupid.

why lift the leg closest to the viewer? you get a less clear shot at the vag. why does she have a sword and a CD player in that pose? she's not the least bit threatening. wouldn't it make more sense if she were luxuriating with a bottle of booze and listening to music in the sun?
why's her hand like that?
so i changed a bunch of shit. i don't have the skills to depict what i see in my head, but i enjoyed the challenge of trying.

>> No.3550766

I think she was supposed to be pregnant though(?)

>> No.3550777

even more nonsensical

>> No.3550800

someone casn have purple hair and still be "realistic"
youve got some weird inconsistencies (what are those knees and elbows?) makes me think you referenced half of this and phoned in the rest

>> No.3550839

I analyzed original work, its errors in perspective, anatomy, color scheme and composition and then tried to fix all of that. Just an exercise. So that's the point. To maintain original story should add all those props. Maybe I'll do it later.
I agree, purple hair not contradicts realistic render. Maybe I change color scheme to get original hair color if I'll manage to do it appealing.
Inconsistencies are understandable. I'm not a pro, it's WIP and just a training. So nothing surprising. And one of the subjects of training is to do pose out of my head. So I didn't use any refs for this.

>> No.3550873

>didn't consider refraction
not gonna make it

>> No.3550881

actually good. nice one anon

>> No.3550907
File: 376 KB, 750x1000, fanart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe i'll paint this

>> No.3551146

I mean, if I could draw what is on the right here >>3548783, I’d consider myself pretty set.

>> No.3551153
File: 622 KB, 1194x908, 38ae01a791197f3a9202dd5fdebb39ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3551156

you got the leg right dude, nice...
I feel this pose/angle is cursed though, it always seems off

>> No.3551184

none of your shit works compare to the beauty and grace portrayed within the original portrait. it was perfect and you're ruining it with your fail copies.

>> No.3551195

thanks for the (you) my dude

>> No.3551199

Everybody needs to accept there is such thing as a bad pose.

>> No.3551205

i won't be fully convinced until some cute girls post pictures of themselves doing the cursed pose

>> No.3551393

just tried this program

its fucking AIDS. i'd rather use MMD

>> No.3551422
File: 83 KB, 1156x323, the truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3551450

Well yeah, even bad art is still art.

>> No.3551477

I'm convinced the Devil made this image and implanted it into /ic/ to destroy this board.

>> No.3551481
File: 113 KB, 359x387, 1532827092536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3551488
File: 166 KB, 960x688, 21616096_742724282577916_6142440068607136791_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it up and go back to your boxes, Anon. No mere human could ever capture the magic of the original picture. None of your redlines or redraws will ever match the wicked quality of the original art. This piece was cursed to be one of a kind. It is 100% unreproducible. It cannot be improved- it is already perfect.

>> No.3551507

it will NEVER look natural. piers and docks aren't that short. human beings can not comfortably hold a sword while laying down. you cannot possibly comfortably angle your pelvis away from your hips. the chick in the image has scoliosis and a massively long spine, in addition to a ton of other problems

its literally an optical illusion but i think the comically small pier/dock means it will never look natural even if u changed the pose

>> No.3551547
File: 65 KB, 1000x1000, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or wasting like 2 hours in daz. i like the result, but shit is unintuitive and clunky af

>> No.3551557

the boobs are still wrong they look like theyre unaffected by gravity right now

>> No.3551559
File: 478 KB, 1856x1534, boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is great besides that

>> No.3551578

i think its a 3d model

>> No.3551609

how do i paint like you

>> No.3551626

>I am no anatomy expert
it shows

>> No.3551654

stop reposting this retarded neoweebs shitorials

>> No.3551658
File: 268 KB, 1024x768, 1531058269480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you hate anime then why are you here
youre like a vegan in a butcher shop retard

>> No.3551669

Nice brush strokes.

>> No.3551673

>4chan is anime
Maybe fucking 13 years ago

>> No.3551694

Well, that's the easy one.
As you can see I took my pretty meh pose from my first attempt as a foundation, then selected render reference and palette I want to get (for this version I used one of the paintings of John Waterhouse) and then just tried to repeat the impression.
Thanks) It's Photoshop and for me it was painfully difficult to get realistic stroke from it. Maybe I don't know some secret technic for that kind of task. Or maybe I just should use Corel Painter instead :|

>> No.3551697

Is this exported and rendered in a different program?

>> No.3551712

Why do these niggers always say "hurr get off 4chins if you dun likez the animes"?

>> No.3551726

For (you)'s probably. I don't know.

>> No.3551762
File: 1.13 MB, 990x950, pixels on screen, 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3551763
File: 2.44 MB, 2500x1143, welldone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried me best

>> No.3551771
File: 57 KB, 487x710, appp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me realize how bad I am at drawing certain things

>> No.3551772
File: 15 KB, 474x248, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3551781
File: 34 KB, 894x894, fugg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3551848

why didn't you just do the pose irl and take pictures like I did

>> No.3551850

people keep placing it resting on the dock but I don't think that's what the artist was trying to do

>> No.3551857

you must be the visual autist's father

>> No.3551907


>what's the point if it doesn't even resemble the original
anon the original is 110% shit

>> No.3551909

meant to also reply to this

>> No.3551930

pics, anyone? plz respond

>> No.3551939

the original is shit but the perspective is also more technically difficult to draw than the pic you called "nice"

>> No.3551947

I know this is a joke but that looks hairy as fuck

>> No.3551959

the pose is cursed. It's impossible to pose like that. Every attempt made looks weird as fuck

>> No.3551993

tfw ic gets tricked into actually drawing

>> No.3552062

pretty sure that's the default matcap at the lowest quality level

>> No.3552070

You’re right, original perspective combined with pose is more difficult to draw. But as I altered the pose (cause it was ugly), I chose new perspective, which, I thought, suits new pose better. Without that accent on space between the legs.

>> No.3552072
File: 77 KB, 380x349, proxy.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never not have a massive belly laugh when I see this photo. It's a fact too, anyone is free to leave if they don't respect the history of this place.

t. 30 year old boomer

>> No.3552084

seems more like you just wanted to stay in your comfort zone

>> No.3552124

crazy, because he was paid around 75 doleritos for it.

>> No.3552178

Well, maybe you’re right. though can’t say i felt that comfort ) But I think I didn’t push myself as I could either. I’m pretty lazy after all.

>> No.3552189

i said neoweeb you faggot nigger retard jesus christ why is everyone stupid nowadays

>> No.3552209

source or bullshit

>> No.3552303 [DELETED] 


>> No.3552342


>> No.3552885

That's a yikes from me

>> No.3553006


This actually ended being an interesting thread.

>> No.3553048

Try to get cleaner lines even in the sketch phase. Messy sketching is a meme and will hinder your progress because you aren't sure if your lines are in the right place or not. If you force yourself to be clean, you'll force yourself to be accurate.

>> No.3553747
File: 204 KB, 612x840, dsdsds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, here's mine

>> No.3553790

i like what you did with the foot on the pink monster thing. still don't understand what the original author intended with that

>> No.3553808

The thumbnail made it look like she was prego

>> No.3553945

Best one

>> No.3554053

Which one. You talking about lewd >>3548783

>> No.3554294

Why is she holding a giant thumbtack

>> No.3554299

None, it's perfect /thread

>> No.3554337

whats mmd?

>> No.3554648

Mikumikudance it's a free animation program

>> No.3554898

i'm dying help

>> No.3554905

This is 3D? Looks like a painting.

>> No.3554911


why are you guys bullying tumblr kids ?

>> No.3554914

HOW does that look even remotely like a painting. You're looking at 3d/photobashed art too much anon

>> No.3554915

a render of a daz studio 3d model
if your level is good enough you could use it to do a sneaky overpaint, and nobody would ever notice

>> No.3554953

People who draw like this are giving critique and bashing the original?!