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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 34 KB, 340x270, IMG_3276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3539823 No.3539823 [Reply] [Original]

I'm new to /ic/, but checked the catalog/archive/sticky and didn't see anything -- any sculptors here?

Particularly, stone sculpture. It's something that really appeals to me, both in terms of how pretty the medium is and the permanence of what you make. Also, gargoyles are neat.

I've been doing the typical exploratory googling and found some introductory guides, but was wondering if anyone here can suggest books/youtubers/etc., or just show off your own pieces and maybe talk about how you got into it.

>> No.3540060

Bump. Why everyone pretends sculpting does not exist? Put a statue in your garden you cheapfags

>> No.3540193

Don't be so impatient, /ic/ is very slow
I've seen some sculpture threads here but mostly clay.
/3/ is about digital sculpture but I always imagined they had some basics about it.

>> No.3540328

oh that was another anon, i could tell immediately it's nice and slow here, no complaints

I'd also like to figure out whether it's worth my while to mess with any other 3d media (wood, clay, linoleum) if I know in the end all Im interested in is stone.

>> No.3540662

Sculptfag here, and I have to say it's pretty fun. From my experience I was able to pick it rather quickly due to my years of 2D art.

>> No.3541225
File: 1.55 MB, 3465x2609, confirmed for artism(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically if you're not drawing anime tiddies on a tablet everything is trash according to /ic/

>> No.3541408

Marble carver here. You all wanna make me vomit

>> No.3541411

whats the point of the maquette when everyone knows you use grids LOL

>> No.3541570
File: 153 KB, 876x702, 1531677780803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you might be the biggest dunning kruger on this board, all of the paintings you post suffer the exact same problems and you seem to be stuck in the same process of shit. these aren't good, and only capture the photo reference because you use grids and they're all in absurd poses

>> No.3541614

What do you think of the charcoal grey or deep seafoam green soapstone here for some starter material:

>> No.3541633

We don't think traditional paintings are bad.
We think YOUR paintings are bad.
Just accept it instead of finding excuses mr dunning.

>> No.3542346

Sculpt stone, mistakes are permanent and the sculpture stays for hundrends of years. Thats the Chad way.

>> No.3542474
File: 2.38 MB, 3024x3024, aniston face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats the point of the maquette when everyone knows you use grids LOL
It's a dummy round for a larger one I'm finna do next year.
>all of the paintings you post suffer the exact same problems and you seem to be stuck in the same process of shit
yepyepyep. Bet you've never made an acrylic portrait in your life. And it's always funny because you're the type of person that posts anime memes, and you're calling others "dunning-kruger?" What relevant experience do you have in anything other than shitposting about how special you think you are?

like, what do you think the dunning kruger effect is?
>These aren't good
Yeah they're great.
>and only capture the photo reference because you use grids and they're all in absurd poses
You're not telling me what's wrong with any of this. Post your work while you're at it you coward.

>> No.3542491
File: 2.62 MB, 3024x4032, bad brush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We don't think traditional paintings are bad.
Oh no quite a few of "you all" are very actively opposed to everything that isn't digital. A lot of you get triggered by people producing analog media because digital is still seen as something that weeb faggots do and you're insecure about it. And I love the irony of people with edit+undo and thousands of dollars of computer assistance at their disposal talking shit about someone using a ruler to get exact proportions when prepping a canvas.
>We think YOUR paintings are bad.
Well yeah I'd hope so. I fundamentally despise your incestuous hivemind of virginal losers and your stupid middle school autism rules that you prop up to justify why you don't actually produce anything.

If I was getting positive feedback from you sniveling cucks I would A: have never come back and B: changed up everything I was doing probably. If YOU don't like it, it'll probably be successful lol. Your instincts are garbage.
>Just accept it instead of finding excuses mr dunning.
I'm very intrigued by how you define the dunning-kruger effect, anon. I've made 300 paintings that intentionally demonstrate mistakes and accidents. The learning curve and innovation from ignorance is on full display. The entire point is that it's partially a rejection of illusory superiority and self-importance and stuff. Plus I've created a novel aesthetic that I don't think can really be recreated by anyone else. Plus it's a race against Van Gogh, who famously used grids and every other crutch available at the time, and constantly argued with other artists about it.

Dunning-Kruger to me, is someone like you who likely has zero experience or frame of reference but feels the need to stress how much better they think they are than someone that fundamentally doesn't give a shit. If you were actually well-informed or skilled or whatever you'd demonstrate it, but instead you just call people meme words that you don't really understand.

>> No.3542494

Dat portrait. Moar

>> No.3542504
File: 2.18 MB, 3024x3024, tfw america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and only capture the photo reference

>> No.3542506
File: 2.30 MB, 2916x2915, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure why that greentext was pasted tbphwyf

>> No.3542507
File: 2.00 MB, 3008x2869, To catch a muah?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this kinda shit?

>> No.3542509
File: 2.88 MB, 3024x4032, wells haha faget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3542517

Thats da way

>> No.3542518
File: 3.02 MB, 3024x3725, chloe gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3542519
File: 3.51 MB, 2914x3726, cerseez nuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3542520
File: 2.87 MB, 3024x4032, do you want to get off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i finish the hair on this?

>> No.3542528

>hahha my art is bad on purpose i swear I'm not just bad.

Dunning-Kruger is not someone with low skill (like most of ic), a Dunning-Kruger is someone with low skill who can't recognise their low skill, someone like you. You are so bad you can't even tell how bad you are.
Your portraits are absolute trash, you copy the reference accurately, you can't render at, you just paint splotches of whatever shade og shitty brown happend to be on your brush in approximate the right spots without considering light at all, you can't even mix up the right colour so everything you paint looks like it has some strange disease.
Being able to xerox a photo is the most basic skill in art, and you fail at even that, instead you compensate by painting 20 per day with zero improvement and calling everyone with a well adjusted sense of quality stupid. Nobody needs to show you their work, by saying your stuff is bad they're not implying they're better, this is a basic thing to understand when you're taking critique.

Nobody here likes you and you don't like us either, so stop spamming up the board with your pathetic attempts at art.
You're not Van Gogh, you're one of the tens of thousands of pathetic faggots who replace skill with "muh artstyle" and bored housewives who just want to smear around some paint without care for the results, you are not a master, stop thinking you are.

>> No.3542539

Yep need some finalizinh

>> No.3542545

stop samefagging

>> No.3542625
File: 470 KB, 1090x1494, Screen Shot 2018-07-29 at 10.57.45 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3542633
File: 771 KB, 3024x4032, july trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahha my art is bad on purpose i swear I'm not just bad.
I don't think I've ever unironically suggested that I think I'm "good." I'm ok with being "bad," particularly by buttblasted kid talking shit standards.

The entire point is that "being bad" is kind of part of aesthetics. Van Gogh's work was "bad" by pretty much all contemporary standards. Everyone told him he was shit constantly too. And yet he persisted for a fucking decade like a goddamn weirdo making "bad" art.
>Dunning-Kruger is not someone with low skill (like most of ic), a Dunning-Kruger is someone with low skill who can't recognise their low skill, someone like you
Except I'm pretty aware of my "low skill." In fact I actively try to harness it and develop it as a wabi sabi type of meme.
>Your portraits are absolute trash
damn straight. I call it memeschlock. And you can't even do that prove me wrong lmaooo
>Being able to xerox a photo is the most basic skill in art
No it isn't. You're being disingenuous.
>instead you compensate by painting 20 per day with zero improvement
No I work on like 10 per week with echoing repeated passes over time in a fibonacci pattern. There's been a ton of improvement and evolution in technique and everything else. You're being contemptuous because you're upset.
>with a well adjusted sense of quality stupid.
I don't care about your "well adjusted sense of quality" when what that functionally translates to is you saying nothing of practical value while anonymously projecting about how "well adjusted" you think you are. Nobody cares you awful fucking faggot..
>Nobody needs to show you their work
Nobody needs to do anything you pussy. You don't need to anonymously write essays about me and yet here you are :).
>Nobody here likes you and you don't like us either
I'm sorry to hear about your feelings kiddo. Love ya!
>You're not Van Gogh
Yeah I'm jimbeaux lol. I'm the trashy cashgrab sequel. Get read ya dweeb.

>> No.3542643
File: 1.30 MB, 3018x4030, boob envy grid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are not a master, stop thinking you are.
A: Who the fuck thinks of themselves as a "master?"
B: When the fuck have I said anything about being a "master?"
C: Why the fuck do you tell yourself that you have to be a "master" before you embark on a project?

I flatly reject the idea of whatever the fuck "mastery" is to a pathetic teen like you. Seems like a gay nonsense pedastal that faggots circlejerk about to justify why they choose to be sniveling, pathetic peasants.

Stop thinking it matters. You don't seem to know a fucking thing about art production or theory or anything else. Like, you don't actually demonstrate any reason why you choose to act like such a tryhard self-important cuck at strangers. Like how do you think being a faggot at me about what I'm doing helps (you) get better?

Why do you get so threatened by people that don't care about the same intro-to-art practice shit that you retards do?

>> No.3542660
File: 25 KB, 394x458, 1517467612052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It keeps getting better and better

>> No.3542664
File: 2.66 MB, 3024x4032, trash man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw master baiter

>> No.3542723

the screenshot you posted just proved you're samefagging, nice job

>> No.3542735
File: 2.36 MB, 4032x3024, pffffft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to see you demonstrate how.

Why (you) try so hard m8? Who hurt you?

>> No.3542739

If you're aware you're bad why are you ooze with a sense of smug superiority in every sentence? Why do you belittle everyone who dares to use a tablet? And why do you feel the need to spam several of your unrelated paintings in every single thread?
I have never seen a more insecure person on this website.

>> No.3542741 [DELETED] 
File: 424 KB, 1090x1494, 1532876294038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3542744
File: 3.79 MB, 3657x2866, cruise the void.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're aware you're bad why are you ooze with a sense of smug superiority in every sentence?
Are you sure you don't have inferiority issues? I'm just stream of conscious righting. Dictated but not red.
>Why do you belittle everyone who dares to use a tablet?
Mostly out of spite for the amount of shit people give me for grids. I don't mean to belittle anyone other than to maybe inspire them to brach out and do different shit out of spite. My favorite teacher in high school was a confrontational asshole that would trigger kids into doing better just to spite him.
>And why do you feel the need to spam several of your unrelated paintings in every single thread?
Running out the clock till I get to August mostly. And mostly just out of spite.
>I have never seen a more insecure person on this website.
You certainly have. Post a picture of your dick faget.

>> No.3542747
File: 2.28 MB, 3024x4032, clarke kek 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

srsly bub you should go back2reddit. If I was safefagging >>3542545 would show a (you) for >>3542539


>> No.3542748

So you admit you hold spite for people better than you.

>> No.3542750

>types like this
>calls others redditors

>> No.3542760
File: 2.68 MB, 2956x3939, me on the right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know that I "hold" spite. I think it can be a powerful motivator though. And I'm talking to anonymous kids. Why the fuck would I think you're better than me? Why would I think you're better than anyone? How would I know? Why would it matter?

Do you think you're better than everyone? Do you think you're better than me? Why would you think I would know that? Why would you think I would care?

tbphwyf I doubt you're even very good. Much less would I ever think you're "better" than anyone, anon. I guess you could say I "hold spite" for people that remind me of what I was like 15 years ago. And /ic/ is basically just a sludgepit of all that adolescent self-importance and virginal bitterness that gets muh cringegears grinding. Your ire burns my fire bb.

>> No.3542764

I'm not talking about myself you retard.

>> No.3542767
File: 93 KB, 742x958, baint?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

include me in your /r/4chan post good sir! upboats all around haha

>> No.3542775

>And /ic/ is basically just a sludgepit of all that adolescent self-importance and virginal bitterness
So the perfect embodiment of you, you think you sound cool when you type shit like this?
You don't, you sound like a 13 year old edgelord's conception of cool.
>i sure destroyed those libtard cuck loomis nerds with my superior intelligence and spite *tips fedora*

>> No.3542778
File: 556 KB, 1536x2048, costanza bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who do I hold spite for then? I like subversion and entropy and shit but idk who "better than me" I'm supposed to be spiting. Generally more interested in "spiting" norms and conventions and memes and stuff.

But it's definitely mostly a past-self-spite thing than anything else. Dumb ass stupid piece of human dog shit retard. Read a book dimbus.

>> No.3542781

>36 replies
>12 posters

Only replies relevant to the thread.

Holy Shit, I was actually beginning to feel sympathetic for you, but that superiority complex and this sheer amount of defensiveness, made you make an ass out of yourself. You almost ruined this thread, so let's get back to>>3539823 question and stop this foolishness.

>> No.3542784
File: 1.79 MB, 3024x4032, 28. Mike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So the perfect embodiment of you,
Well yeah kinda. It's a series about 4chan. Peasant paintings. It's all kind of very specifically about reflecting (you).
>you think you sound cool when you type shit like this?
idk I'm just writing it and firing it off. Dictated but not red.
>You don't
I'm sorry to hear this. Do you think you sound cool when you ask people if they think they sound cool? Or do you ever wonder if maybe you sound like a fucking faggot?
>you sound like a 13 year old edgelord's conception of cool.
You're reading. I "sound" like the voice in your head LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO get hosed ya goober

>> No.3542786

>Dumb ass stupid piece of human dog shit retard
That's some cool words your middle school friends taught you, maybe you'll learn to use them with some more grace.
>Read a book dimbus.
Aren't you the guy who laughs at anyone attempting to teach themselves formal technique? What book do you want me to read anyway, do you have an autobiography about the "past-self-spite thing" Or did you say it because all the cool kids on the 4channels say it and you wanted to fit in?
My last reply, this thread is unsalvageable just like all other threads you infest but we might as well try to get back to the original subject.

>> No.3542797
File: 1.66 MB, 3024x4032, 30. Zinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy Shit, I was actually beginning to feel sympathetic for you
Well ah jeez I mean well gosh yeesh ah boy.
>but that superiority complex and this sheer amount of defensiveness
Again what specifcally am I doing that is about demonstrating that I think I'm superior? I work like 60 hours a week on this project and have been as a matter of obsession for over a year. It's a lot of time spent thinking about all this shit. I don't really think I'm "superior" than anyone. I fucking hate myself and everything I've ever done and will ever do. I like arguing with anonymous trolls as a way to workshop ideas. Sorry if that makes you feel inferior. You should kill yourself about it.
>made you make an ass out of yourself.
Ah jeez there we go oooh boy dang gosh frick

>> No.3542813
File: 1.92 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's some cool words your middle school friends taught you, maybe you'll learn to use them with some more grace.
Ew do you think you sound cool when you type shit like this? Are you 15?
>Aren't you the guy who laughs at anyone attempting to teach themselves formal technique?
No. I encourage it. I also encourage learning and experimenting with "informal" and personal techniques. Shit isn't a dichotomy. And just because I do my own thing isn't an attack on what you're doing.
>What book do you want me to read anyway
It was a joke books are 4 nerds. I think the documentary My Eight Year Old Could Make That or whatever, and that concept, is a fun thing to understand though. And the whole Mondrian thing, wabi sabi, lichtenstein, warhol, and whatever?
>do you have an autobiography about the "past-self-spite thing"
idk that's kinda the concept I'm working on. the idea of killing your self and working against yourself idk?
>My last reply, this thread is unsalvageable just like all other threads you infest but we might as well try to get back to the original subject.
the threads stay alive for days and I'm only here until August. You act like threads being active for a few hours is a fucking bad thing.

You like muh sculpey eva green?

>> No.3543851
File: 209 KB, 420x271, IMG_3313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in gods name happened to my fucking stone carving thread. I just wanted to learn to make gargoyles.

>> No.3543957

I'm sorry anon, better try some other time
Also I think people on /toy/ may know something about sculpture

>> No.3543959

The painting spamming autist is what happened

>> No.3543987

I never got into it much, but we used blocks of plaster of paris for really cheap material to do proof of concept or practice with forms. It doesn't cut like hard stone, and not as durable, but it can help you go through to process a few times before you commit to something in a nicer (and more expensive) media.

>> No.3543998

I've worked a little bit with Oamaru stone, and a very tiny bit with that light fake stone. I don't personally enjoy stone very much, but it might be because I was using rough stones and always, always came away from a sculpting session with my knuckles scraped and bleeding.

I like ice, but it melts so fast. You work it for a few hours, look at it for maybe one more, and then it's gone. Also: terrible for people with bad circulation in their hands, chill blains after.

I want to try working with wood, I think, but I'm having trouble finding a supplier. I can go down the beach and find a bunch of driftwood, but it's not suitable. Ideally I want a soft, dry wood.

Sculpey is fun, and it's very different building something up in sculpture, rather than slowly chipping away at it. I also like papier mache for this reason, and have found papier mache sculptures to be more durable. If I drop it, it's more likely to survive the fall.

Not a fan of regular clay because I do not have access to a kiln for firing and it's messy.

Also not a fan of glass blowing. I have tried it, but it's fucking terrifying. Especially when you're sitting there, shaping your glass with your hand, and there's nothing between the molten red glass and your hand except a bunch of wet newspaper. Like, that's terrifying. And you gotta have strong lungs because glass doesn't like to be blown.

>> No.3544012

>Blocks of plaster of paris
YES. Thank you anon, i'm gonna start with that before I fuck with stone, what a nice idea

>> No.3544042
File: 852 KB, 3024x4032, cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3544053
File: 799 KB, 4032x3024, the cunt that knew it was fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What in gods name happened to my fucking stone carving thread.
You went to a board for how best to draw anime tiddies on a tablet and you wanted an actual production discussion.
>I just wanted to learn to make gargoyles.
ewe do (you) sister

>> No.3545853

just a lil bumparoo, this thread became helpful in the end

good link breh

>> No.3545872

When will you fucking leave this board

>> No.3545900

hey hate on his paintings all you want but he did actually link me to pretty much exactly what i wanted