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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 561 KB, 681x1000, traditionalgeneral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3516657 No.3516657 [Reply] [Original]

Annah the Javanese Edition

Post paintings, drawings, and sculptures done in traditional media here.

>> No.3516677
File: 2.62 MB, 1389x738, Satellite-Image-of-Wheat-Crops-Urthecast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does found art count?

>> No.3516706

your own art you dunce

>> No.3516713

it is mine, i found it, i present it as abstract expression, rather than merely as a photo of some land

>> No.3516717
File: 846 KB, 1500x1000, kttZAAi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3516905

Off to a great start I see

>> No.3516945

Aireal photography isn't traditional media post a drawing

>> No.3516950

the photo isn't the art, the land is

>> No.3516970



>> No.3516983

I'm going to have to draw something today just to save my own thread

>> No.3517011
File: 1.50 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_1687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright here's some pool chairs

>> No.3517017


Wow Brian, perspective?

>> No.3517045

if that's what you see, you need to get your eyes checked

>> No.3517181
File: 232 KB, 576x362, track tractor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

acrylic 8x5

>> No.3517188

Going to go out of my way to draw something traditional then. Normally I only do digital.

>> No.3517251
File: 3.18 MB, 4032x3024, dearIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3517275
File: 1.38 MB, 710x959, photoref.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing a portrait from photo ref, struggling with the eyes. I personally dislike using photo ref very much, and very rarely do it myself. This time I had to do it.

>> No.3517285

With light both above and below the eyes the pupil should also reflect some light

>> No.3517288

yeah, the reflection in the pupil would be a finishing touch. right now the eyes are fucked up and need work

>> No.3517292

show the ref then.

>> No.3517299

nah, don't have permission

>> No.3517304

Okay but it's hard to see what would result in a better likeness then. All I can say is that the circle for the iris on her left eye (image right side) seems too far down. Maybe on your ref her head tilted more upward than it appears on your image?

>> No.3517326

you're right about that. the funny thing is that in the ref the eye is even further down, but it doesn't look wrong or weird at all... sorry for not posting the ref, I get that it's hard to crit without it. But faces are fucking weird in how strange they can be put together and still look totally normal, but if you do a similar deviation in a drawing it looks horribly unnatural.

>> No.3517344 [DELETED] 

we already have a /beg/ containment

>> No.3517366

here come the crabs

>> No.3517383
File: 62 KB, 650x433, stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a convenient storage solution for their wet paintings and stacks of dry ones? This will get out of hand very fast.

>> No.3517435
File: 266 KB, 960x960, IMG_20180712_162641_598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A tree study from yesterday (?)

>> No.3517443

this is mine and I just realized that I want to do proper construction in the future. #notetoself

>> No.3517449

I need to do more of these exercises/studies

>> No.3517488
File: 354 KB, 1300x1300, eas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made an easel and did my first outdoor sketch

>> No.3517702
File: 535 KB, 749x1000, july-14-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

v resourceful

here's the smug girl I drew at the beach but in painting form

>> No.3517752

what runescape beach did you go to?

>> No.3517803
File: 1.31 MB, 1308x1775, Screenshot_2018-07-13-23-12-00-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wood carving attempt

>> No.3517812


I told you the face was very bad. This is worse.

>> No.3518141

What kind of wood?

>> No.3518249

Noooo idea

>> No.3518264

Do you have a pic?
I mean, I want to study it too.

>> No.3518470
File: 460 KB, 750x1000, july-14-2018-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a fair today and drew some animals. they had a camel

>> No.3518471
File: 426 KB, 750x1000, july-14-2018-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a cow

>> No.3518472
File: 398 KB, 750x1000, july-14-2018-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and some rabbits

>> No.3518610

I like the face, I'm just not into how her chin connects to her left cheek, maybe its the lack of shadow under the lower lip, I dunno.

>> No.3518712
File: 532 KB, 735x1000, july-14-2018-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this better?

>> No.3518728
File: 1.62 MB, 2774x2448, IMG_0771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3518816
File: 977 KB, 1511x2028, Liebler's Model I 01 - small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liebler's Model I

Acrylic on canvas, 40 x 30 inches, 2018-07-14

Done from direct observation of a seated model, clothed

Nosebro you owe me $500

>> No.3518821
File: 644 KB, 758x1000, july-14-2018-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright I finished it. was tough getting her sweat to look right

>> No.3518833

>Done from direct observation of a seated model, clothed
>was tough getting her sweat to look right

the two types of artists

>> No.3518837

totally confused

>> No.3518870

still looks like semen

>> No.3518872

Good lol

>> No.3518879

>mfw this is better than most traditional fags can do
but /ic/ told me that you will advance MILES thanks to traditional

>> No.3518886

Her upper arms stand out a bit, being more orange, just like her forehead.

>> No.3518893

Did you get to fug her?

>> No.3519026
File: 54 KB, 262x300, oldStuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. But to be fair I think they are right. I used to draw in hand years ago before getting busy with other stuff. Then I discovered digital painting. The only teaching I've ever had is videos from New Masters Academy and they only teach traditional.

Of course there are differences between digital and traditional, like one is subtractive color while the other is additive. But traditional and the old masters can teach you a lot about brush and stroke economy. There's also a lot of other stuff like value/texture grouping, form language and contours, color temperature like understanding how saturation, value and hue all play together and can replace each other. I could go on but basically there is a lot that many old masters who only do traditional can teach you about digital art.

Only tools, no rules, but still approach it like a student. Learn what makes traditional good and take that into digital.

>> No.3519285

hi brian

>> No.3519311

So what kind of tools should I buy to start watercolor painting? Any tips in general? I'm planning to learn watercolor painting on thick 300 gsm papers first. Also how the fuck do you do small details with watercolors? My drawing experiences only involving drawing pens, pencils, and charcoals

>> No.3519332

Buy some cheap tape that you can use to frame the area you paint or the colors will run. That's what I've seen watercolor painters do. As for small details, let it dry and use a fine brush perhaps? Or maybe try and mix some color pencil in?

What I saw from Steve Huston a few days ago is that in his sketch books he mixes gouache and watercolor. As for the surface it needs to be hard so that it doesn't absorb the water quality too quickly. It doesn't matter much. Can be anything from cardboard, wood, illustration board, baking paper etc.

To keep his paint wet I think he used a paper towel soaked in water that he lay the paint on.

There were probably a lot of other details too.

>> No.3519586

Just paint.
Good paper helps a lot, a nice synthetic brush gets you going and for paint it doesn't matter as much, student-grade paint is fine.

Practice, try to work from life and study how the paint behaves on wet or dry surfaces, how the paint blends with other paints on the paper, stuff like that, experiment.
And most of all, try to have fun and as a beginner, don't try to control the paint too much since you will just end up frustrated. Also be patient, details are easily done on dry surfaces, on wet surfaces the paint will bleed. Which can be nice but for small details it's better to wait for other layers to dry.

>> No.3519589

>So what kind of tools should I buy to start watercolor painting?
Paint, palette, brushes, paper, tape, board to tape paper to. Beginning is pretty simple. There are endless amounts of videos and blogs for the colors and kinds of brushes.

>Any tips in general?

Be patient, keep it simple starting off. It's a different mindset, because you're going from light to dark, using the white of the paper to set your whitepoint. Watch videos. Don't get too ambitious, start with trying and getting a solid grip on how to do the basic washes, before moving on to more challenging stuff.

>I'm planning to learn watercolor painting on thick 300 gsm papers first.

A bit overkill for non-finished work. Get a decent preglued pad for the starting steps. The heavier stuff can wait.

>Also how the fuck do you do small details with watercolors?

Small brushes. You should have brushes from several inches for large washes, down to the 0, 00, and 000 rounds for detail work. Doing details with watercolor is like doing linework with a small brush.

>> No.3519596

Man, that shit looks like it came straight out of /beg/
Gauguin is overrated

>> No.3519617
File: 318 KB, 720x740, WC 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was being cheap and bought one of those dried oval water color sets like they give to children.
Turns out, really hard to mix colors with those.

>> No.3519619

Do like a painter and mix the colors in advance on a palette.

>> No.3519633

that's what i did, it's just labor intensive to scrape enough pigment from those bricks, where as I could of bought the good tube stuff and saved some hassle.

>> No.3519639
File: 393 KB, 565x981, jesusinhell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really old oil painting I did framed by catholic prayer box

>> No.3519650

hi, its brian, my wife cheated on me and I took her back so now im depressed and paint other women all the time to get back at her but the pain of her betrayal eats away at my soul every day, how about you?

>> No.3520075

youre blind to the difference in what you produce and what you quoted you could reproduce.

>> No.3520103

Anyone have any good resources on getting started with oil pastels?

>> No.3520157

I always hated that korean buck tooth girl.

>> No.3520300
File: 632 KB, 1944x2290, image-112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3520807
File: 428 KB, 1458x1458, IMG_20180713_141836_185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3521538
File: 688 KB, 733x1000, july-16-2018-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished this. I'm submitting it to a national show. Hopefully it gets in

>> No.3521539

that face is such an eyesore

>> No.3521542

Cause it doesn't have anime eyes?

>> No.3521549

lol its just fkin ugly m8

>> No.3521550

good luck

>> No.3521552
File: 691 KB, 1000x784, july-16-2018-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also did more to this. I think its probably done

>> No.3521554

implying those eyes are any better than anime stylization
theyre just as stylized and lack just as much three dimensionality.

>> No.3521558

uh oh I offended the weebs

>> No.3521605
File: 654 KB, 746x1000, erectioncomplete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright NOW its done. I finally got it to give me an erection. She needed a bead of sweat running down the other breast too

>> No.3521606

I said that face was as bad as anime faces how the fuck does that make me a weeb

>> No.3521610

I paint with my dick, leave me alone. I can't help what turns me on

>> No.3521785
File: 567 KB, 736x1000, july-16-2018-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright NOW im done trolling lmao

>> No.3521841

It has a hint of that brian realism that I really admire, but as a whole I can't say I like this a lot personally. Dark eyes and yellow forehead? the chest area is the best (- the sweat)

>> No.3521843
File: 1.58 MB, 999x730, lakeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did these while hiking today

>> No.3521845
File: 1.59 MB, 991x717, firepls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3521849

I agree.
Best thing you can do is crop out the titties and keep it at that.

>> No.3521865

I spent the most time on the titties and titty sweat, glad you like them

>> No.3522594

Traditional is just a meme.

>> No.3522609

God brian this is why, your paintings got thrown out in park slope.

>> No.3522906

Honestly you should've put more effort and detail on the face, it's kinda jarring to see these extremely detailed sweat droplets on the tits and on top of that a face that looks like a crude 3D model with large polygons.
Despite all that, I think it still looks rather impressive and I wish I could paint like that.

>> No.3523959
File: 1.77 MB, 2448x3060, IMG_1731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew my friend

>> No.3524052

Looking good, I'm curious though, how do you get friends?

>> No.3524588

>Pleb general

>> No.3525123
File: 195 KB, 800x968, 800px-Porcelaine_chinoise_Guimet_261101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So any of you ever paint in pottery wares (like those antique chinese vase)? How's the market for those kind of wares? I'm originally thinking of doing this just to try different mediums in drawing but if it's sellable I don't see why not doing this for fun extra side income

The more complicated/detailed ones are of course hard to draw but the ones like in pic related don't seem that hard honestly

>> No.3525143


>> No.3525211
File: 578 KB, 996x996, img_20180718_112855_181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking around with a pen, place beyond the pines is such an aesthetically pleasing movie. Messed up the bike perspective hardcore woops

>> No.3525219

you can get a lot of nice pots for pretty reasonable money. i don't think many people would buy painted stuff, unless you mean like with glazes, then worth a shot if you have access to a good enough kiln

>> No.3525241

yes... first off it's not painting, it is glazing. you need to use glazes to color the surface of pottery, or you can actually use watered down clay that is a different color from your clay body (look up slip decoration, marbling, mocha diffusion). i honestly would recommend to everyone to try pottery, whether it is hand building or throwing on the wheel. pottery has a steep learning curve, but is very forgiving as if you fuck up you can just throw it back in the reclaim bin and make another piece with it in a few days, or if you are glazing you can just wipe the surface and start again. when it comes to a market, it really depends on your local community, or online sales like on etsy (which will depend on your online following mostly) there are a lot of really good communities for pottery. different cities may exhibit a love for different styles of pottery. start looking into galleries in your area and see where the interest lies. usually you can also find studios that will be open to renting out space and selling clay in most cities, or if not maybe you can arrange a mentor ship. would not recommend one of those "paint your own pottery" places because most often they do not even know how to fire a kiln properly.

honestly pottery is such a great art form i wish there was more about ceramics on this board!

>> No.3525248

It's just so expensive to get started, and a year of solid practice in clay is a ton of money. I'd imagine the time it takes to get pottery sellable is much shorter than painting, but it's still a big investment

>> No.3525327

you are making the hands too big

>> No.3525331

Must have hurt.

>> No.3525393

Hah, this is awesome, good job anon

>> No.3525900

So that's glazing? I didn't know if those kind of wares aren't actually painted lol my mistake
Neat man thanks, I'm seeking ways to make money off art and strongly considering pottery lol. In my limited knowledges and experiences, most normalfags won't buy a painting (even the good ones) because they will always feel like they're being ripped off when they're paying for a picture. But if it's both a tangible and fuctional object and the higher price of it comes from artistic/aesthetic reasons, people often will be more open with that

>> No.3526573


>> No.3526610

Looks like pine.

>> No.3526621 [DELETED] 
File: 1.43 MB, 2783x2162, 99EA2146-F5E3-4063-ADF4-D95F4F4A326E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best in the thred

>> No.3526990

Don't you have some family or friends that can do an intervention?

>> No.3527094

You know no one loves him, you don't have to rub it in

>> No.3527553
File: 539 KB, 1000x755, july-19-2018-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew that girl again, her friend was there this time.

>> No.3527558

Did you get to fug her?

>> No.3527561
File: 2.55 MB, 2500x1374, lifeDrawing_All.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some life drawing from yesterday, gestures, some 2-3mins, and one or two 10mins poses too

>> No.3527564

What a chad

>> No.3527596

what the fuck is that first one? your shape language needs work... it's really hard to tell what I'm looking at in some of these

>> No.3527601

topless session when?

>> No.3527603

eventually hopefully, she's still pretty young I wouldn't want to pressure her into doing something like that

>> No.3528440

How do you even go about it? Did you just walk up to them or something?

>> No.3528772

id already drawn the one girl once, and she was at the beach and told me to come down and draw her, her friend wanted to be drawn too. Usually I just go up to who I find attractive and ask nicely.

>> No.3528821
File: 244 KB, 972x1215, IMG_1739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I know you guys already know this, but if you do a drawing for someone take a picture of it before you give it to them because most people don't know how to photograph artwork.

This is a drawing I did of my friends girlfriend but I don't have a great picture of it

>> No.3528929

I'm also Italian which helps

>> No.3528938

i do envy your confidence, if i drew like you i'd never let anyone see it, hell i draw like me and i still don't

>> No.3528948

Uhhhhh because I'm bad?

>> No.3528949

no confident, that's a compliment surely

>> No.3528978

Post your work

>> No.3528998

I didn't used to be confident, I look really weird so I'd get nervous in front of other people, I look like some kind of weird mix between a bunch of races so people have a hard time getting a read on how to act around me

>> No.3529028

what sort of thing? might be hard to find girls at the beach as it's winter here (and nighttime)

>> No.3529041

>if i drew like you i'd never let anyone see it

>> No.3529158
File: 531 KB, 1000x797, july-20-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started this

>> No.3529195
File: 678 KB, 1000x814, july-20-2018-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished it for now

>> No.3529203

Those are some heavy-boned fat legs.

>> No.3529207

trust your dick, anon

>> No.3529303



>> No.3529357

so nosebro promised chumbum that he would pay him money if chumbum painted as realistically as possible?

>> No.3529388

A pedantic bet between two bad artists that /ic/ doesn't care about anymore

>> No.3529398


>> No.3529407

you and brian both remind me of a stagnant pond, we sort of need you to leave for good if /ic/ is to change.

>> No.3529408

yes, get those fucking artists out of here, /ic/ needs...um..more..of something else!!

>> No.3529767
File: 279 KB, 1500x1013, 1475557294347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i said id pay him 500$ when he can pull one of these.

>> No.3530080
File: 219 KB, 457x600, L_0018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3530480
File: 679 KB, 1000x797, july-21-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright I finished it for real

>> No.3530484

any reason the cast shadows have more texture than the clouds and sand?

>> No.3530485

fuzzy blanket

>> No.3530490

Let us see the girl's face, bro

>> No.3530494

cool stuff. Saved

>> No.3530498

makes sense, but it doesnt give off that impression because the rest of the blanket isnt textured

>> No.3530520
File: 678 KB, 1000x808, july-21-2018-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found stylistically for how I like to paint it's better to put the texture in the shadows and mid tones, and make the highlights as flat as possible, but I toned down the value of the cast shadows since they were definitely too dark. There's bigger issues with this piece revolving around where the shadows are placed but the drawing it was based on had shadows done after the fact, and it was originally just an outline, so a lot of it was just made up.

>> No.3530532
File: 50 KB, 900x637, Moon%20and%20sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. Time for some harsh but honest critique.

From color choice, brush strokes, blending, understanding of form/lighting, anatomy, texture... It's all amateurish. That bump in the coastline obscured by the tanned girl seems more like an accident. Why are you trying to saturate everything like if it was a kid's drawing.

I added an image of a good painting.

>> No.3530560

There was an attempt

>> No.3530572

If you want to get anywhere near an acceptable skill level years from now then you got a long road ahead of you and if you can't even acknowledge that then you will never even take the first step.

>> No.3530576


>> No.3530595

>he can't acknowledge it

Meme-painter tier.

>> No.3530601

I just want to paint pretty naked girls

>> No.3530608

No. You just want to spam a global art board for critique of images for attention. Then get triggered when people critique your shit.

If you just wanted to paint naked girl then you could do that on your own. If you just want to share for up-votes then there are plenty of places for that.

In short, you're delusional.

>> No.3530836
File: 1.08 MB, 650x785, morelake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more lake stuff

>> No.3530840
File: 374 KB, 1700x1835, bowie_by_nikomega1-dc1hajl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3530842
File: 524 KB, 2200x1700, paper_paint_and_pallete_by_nikomega1-dc1hbl0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3530843
File: 215 KB, 1520x1984, Anhedonia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3530845
File: 209 KB, 956x1055, view_of_my_window_in_the_middle_of_the_rain_by_nikomega1-dcfxksn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3530967
File: 552 KB, 1458x1458, IMG_20180710_123915_274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning watercolor.

>> No.3531223

I just throw my old stuff out. The quality just isn't there for it to be worth holding onto. I take a good photo of it before I dump it, so then I can have a ref later to see improvements.

>> No.3531227
File: 71 KB, 700x700, fridgeshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for my wet paintings I'm using a fridge shelf leaning agains the wall
I guess you could also do the same with a grill rack

>> No.3531235

whats wrong with Brian posting in the traditional general? He's pretty decent, he's just trying to develop a different style. Stop being so close minded and let him do what he wants. Better than most that spam this board more than him.
Telling someone to change his style isnt a good critique, you should be telling him how to improve it. Question people's decisions first instead of bashing them straight away.

>> No.3531317
File: 138 KB, 1110x816, 14-dunning-kruger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats wrong with Brian posting in the traditional general?

I don't see anybody saying that there is something wrong with him/you posting in itself (I assume it's "you"). He's not "pretty decent" though but that's fine too since this place got plenty of room for beginners. The problem is a well documented physiological effect that we're observing here.


You/he is at the "I know everything stage" (We got plenty of those around here).

There's nothing wrong with being bad since this is a place for learning. There's however something wrong with not acknowledging that you are bad and there's something very wrong when that situation involves an obvious visual evidence like a piece of art.

>> No.3531334

Dude no one is thinking about what race you are wtf thats super irrational. Unless you are surrounded by racists who act different around black people or white people.
Also, nice drawing dude its good to be confident disregard that L o w - T poster.

>> No.3531338

I honestly think your work would look a lot better if you blended out more of your edges. Like only have high contrast areas near the focal point and leave a lot of lost edges. you outlined the arm with black, but the arm and the yellow background would look very good blended into eachother slightly, as not to pull too much compositional weight. I guess this might be a case of 'Muh style' but you have nice sense of value, your forms are very dimensional. But your lack of lost edges does flatten out your forms.

>> No.3531703

Im not Brian, and he doesnt seem the kind of guy to refer to himself in the 3rd person.
And I dont know what you mean, from what I've seen he reacts well to good critique. Everytime I gave him a critique or questioned something he always acted on it or explained why he did it. If Brian likes to cook rice, dont force him to cook pasta.
>There's however something wrong with not acknowledging that you are bad
but he's not bad, his fundamentals are strong. He may not choose to apply some of them for the sake of "muh style", but he's still above average on this board.

>> No.3531886

A large majority of critiques of my work is someone who just really wants me to say "Hi I'm Brian and I'm bad at art here's my latest piece" for some fucking reason every time I post. Like if I don't tell everyone I'm awful at art before I post something I'm being delusional. Apparently simply the act of posting my work is me implying all this ego and delusion about myself. I don't even know what I say sometimes that triggers people like that it happens seemingly randomly.

>> No.3531907

>making up excuses
These responses
come off as pretty delusional.

>> No.3531916

I feel like there's a sharp divide between the people that realize I'm okay, and will probably make a living at this over time, and the people who are just out of their minds "brian is the worst artists on /ic/ he's worse than chun and illastrat". I seriously don't get it. I feel like I'm decent, I perform well at local art shows, my work is of a higher quality than most local artists around me, galleries seem to like me, it's all I do all fucking day, why am I not allowed to have a dream of making some money with this? Apparently that's delusional.

>> No.3531932

It's fine if you got some local galleries that like your stuff but I don't care about that. From my standard it's beginner tier and this is a place where we critique art that gets posted. I don't care that you are "Brian" anon.

It's not like anybody is forcing you to post here so you are not a victim.

>> No.3532296
File: 310 KB, 800x600, july-22-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my latest painting

>> No.3532428

kinda looks like she's standing in the room

>> No.3532544
File: 642 KB, 1000x756, july-22-2018-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my actual latest painting

>> No.3532546

Wow 2deep4me.

>> No.3532554

what surface are you painting on? looks like paper

>> No.3532557


>> No.3533242
File: 2.07 MB, 3024x4032, Venus De Stracted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont like it. the face looks like a caveman and the sweat looks WAY to much like jizz. she should be beading sweat it shouldn't be dripping off her tits.

I'd say the face should have more details around the eyes to give a more obvious expression, then hands shouldn't like like she has a birth defect, and it shouldn't look like you jerked off on her. You're supposed to wipe the jizz off when you're done ya doobus.

The boob gravity in the loose top is very aesthetic tho

>> No.3533251
File: 680 KB, 3024x4032, trash pile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should try doing still lives of shit that hasn't been being done for 600 years. Like do a pile of trash with a cellphone plugged in to the wall or something.

>> No.3533264
File: 1.66 MB, 2102x3961, 73. Goose Enjoying the Oscars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3533315

As for me I like your composition

>> No.3533351

woah wtf? You like hand drawings now?

>> No.3533676

how do you submit shit to shows? axing for a friend

>> No.3533681

ofc I replied to the wrong post and only noticed it now, it was meant for >>3533264

>> No.3533704
File: 613 KB, 521x480, 5697789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

graphite pencils

>> No.3533705
File: 893 KB, 3024x4032, hepburn hand drawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said I disliked hand drawing. Pic related was drawn by hand with no grids or whatever yesterday. And I spent like all of middle and high school hand drawing constantly. I was just like all the assholes on here.

I mostly just A: like to argue about why I (and plenty of other actual artists) justify using grids and graphite transfers for paintings. And B: Want to encourage more people that are learning how to draw and do artfag shit to be able to use grids to get a better appreciation for scaling and proportions and replication and all the other junk.

So many anons here are constantly circlejerking about being muh fundamentalists so much that you're limiting your experience and never advancing beyond trying to perfect a skill that most people don't even care about. Drawings are just doodles to 75% of the population.

You're supposed to take what you learn from drawing to apply it to a type of more useful production. Like printmaking or painting or animation or whatever. And a lot of you poindexters get trapped in trying to achieve some bullshit pedestal standard of drawing ability before you allow yourselves to actually just try "making it."

Turn that $5 baby goose drawing into a painting and you can sell it for at least $50 to SOMEBODY you know what I'm saying?

>> No.3533716

try going on entrythingy dot com and looking for shows in your area, and outside of that google "art associations near me" and try to get involved in smaller local shows. there are smaller galleries all over the country that host juried shows. You usually pay about $20-$30 to submit a piece, and winning in smaller shows usually nets you around $100-$200, with the opportunity to have your art in a gallery for people to buy. The real point of juried shows is to build a resume though. If you go to an actual contract gallery in your area and ask them if you can be on contract with them the best thing you can show them outside of being in other serious galleries or having a client base is to have won a shitload of juried shows.

I just won a show where the juror was the owner of a larger gallery that I'm trying to get my work into which is a big deal for me, even if the area I live in is small potatoes.

>> No.3533735

lol'd hard at the cartoon face and ultra realistic tits. Get the face and boobs in the same genre and we're talking.

>> No.3533775

you kept calling Hand Drawing bland and boring. How is that not disliking it?
>like to argue about why I (and plenty of other actual artists) justify using grids and graphite transfers for paintings
Thats true, there are tons of artists that use grids and transfers, it's to save time keeping things proportionate. But the majority of them (the good ones at least) already know how to draw. Look their videos up on youtube, notice how clean and fast their line is.
Its pretty bad when you are using such a big crutch like gridding but still need to go over your lines a dozen times
>you're limiting your experience and never advancing beyond trying to perfect a skill that most people don't even care about.
Its not about perfecting it, its about getting decent enough at it that it stops being an obstacle. And if you think such a fundamental skill like drawing doesnt affect other skills like (figurative) painting, you are dead wrong. It shows on your paintings that you have no idea what you are doing. You are the one limiting yourself by refusing to learn such a simple fundamental skill, you just need to learn it, not master it.

>> No.3533780

need to work on your foreshortening, those elbows shouldnt be that small

>> No.3533835
File: 2.26 MB, 4032x3024, spaceships and shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you kept calling Hand Drawing bland and boring. How is that not disliking it?
Something can be "bland and boring" and I can still appreciate it and have lots of experience doing it. I like eating bacon in spite of the fact that cooking it can be "bland and boring."
>But the majority of them (the good ones at least) already know how to draw.
And what's funny to me is that you dipshits NEVER stop it with the fucking retarded hand drawing rules. You NEVER do any other techniques and you actively mock anyone that does. You're keeping yourselves sitting in a ditch like a basic bitch ad infinitum.
>Its pretty bad when you are using such a big crutch like gridding but still need to go over your lines a dozen times
Half the people here are using fucking $700 dollar software and hundred dollar tablets and $1500 computers without EVER learning how to fucking draw on paper.

Not to mention MOST OF YOU SHOULD BE USING GRIDS given how likely it is for you assholes to fuck up proportions. Nothing wrong with learning how crutches work when you're hobbling around like a crippled retard.
>And if you think such a fundamental skill like drawing doesnt affect other skills like (figurative) painting, you are dead wrong.
Never said it did goddamn asshole. Why the fuck do you all think that anything that clashes with your faggot dogma means it's attack on what you're doing? EVERYONE HERE ONLY TALKS ABOUT DRAWING. I'M TELLING YOU THE GROWN UP REALITY THAT YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW TO ADVANCE BEYOND IT AND WHY IT DOESN'T ACTUALLY MATTER NECESSARILY.

It's like you spend all your time learning cursive and you think that'll make you a good writer.

>You are the one limiting yourself by refusing to learn such a simple fundamental skill
I probably draw better than you. I was probably better 15 years ago than you are now. Fuck off, anonymous cunt.

>> No.3533853

Ultra realistic? wow, thank you ;)

>> No.3533943
File: 1.31 MB, 4014x2052, spaceships and shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3533949

yeah, I think I've seen your stuff before. but digital. Something mermaid with ultrarealistic boobs and cartoon face on some purple blue background?

>> No.3533951

you should try life drawing, you actually have potential... go to a figure drawing session and report back.

>> No.3533986

uhm sorry, but nope, I only do traditional

>> No.3534053
File: 1.11 MB, 745x1055, 1502763099906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's good. I actually found the pic I was talking about on my hd.

>> No.3534086

wow, looks really nice...

>> No.3534102

>dickbrains will defend this

>> No.3534139

is great to know no one is defending it

>> No.3534241

i threw up a little. ive never seen such an ugly creature.

>> No.3534248

I like ugly creatures, by far XD

>> No.3534291

I saved it from /ic long ago, I don't know why. It has no real reason to be in this thread.

>> No.3534313
File: 1.17 MB, 632x874, treerock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3535450

Does anyone else get anal about tools and process?

I'll think I don't really care until I'm at a workshop and some chucklefuck (leading the class) is using fugitive meme 'colors' and doesn't know the difference between opaque and transparent pigments. Or the asspain you can stir up from all sides when you get your friends together and make test cards and find out whose pet brands are shit and which student grades aren't. That was a fun one. We all learned something that day.

What wasn't fun was an (admittely drunken) argument with an alleged floral painter over the fact that traditional RGB mixes some dull fucking secondaries and the primary value structure isn't all that great either.

>> No.3535493

Uhm, no. I didn't get anal, dude. Do you?

>> No.3535500

Not nearly often enough. Which would explain the contents of my sketchbook.

>> No.3535604
File: 231 KB, 954x689, 0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pastel is life but im not good at living

>> No.3535613

it's fucking great stop fishing for compliments by using negativity towards something that you know looks good

>> No.3535775

Do you look people in the eyes? Those are normal eyes from some races.

>> No.3535894

thanks bro however ive been admiring pastel masters for ages and im nowhere near their technique and works yet so yeah

>> No.3535968

Wow, you all used to be a lot more rubbish than this. Well done!

>> No.3536064

>find out whose pet brands are shit and which student grades aren't
Could you share the results?

>> No.3536123

I don't have the cards, but it boiled down to w&n being overpriced as shit, random pigments in the pretentious brands (DS, Senellier and one other one obnoxious fucks gush over) not being active at all wet in wet or responding well to rag paper, student grade synthetic organics like quinacridones and thalos not being discernably different, euroshit not being quite as saturated (not really a surprise as it's euro preference). One of them consistently had backruns that looked like coffee stains or bad student pans. I think it was Rembrandt or da vinci that had so much brightener it looked like chalk when it dried. Or maybe the Japanese one with the German name.

The short of it was that every brand had a glaring flaw in at least one heavily used pigment. Most performed pretty well but none were all that spectacular compared to any of the others. None of us had a full set of earth tones to see who had the best harmony and who could mix green or a perfect dark neutral with nothing but prussian or ultramarine blue. Compositions of paints may have changed in the last 8 years.

I really want to do the earth tone challenge but I'm not made of money. My pet brand's burnt sienna is just...brown.

>> No.3536156
File: 639 KB, 791x1000, july-24-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the first layer of this

>> No.3537136 [DELETED] 
File: 708 KB, 796x1000, july-25-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second layer

>> No.3537142

I make my own lead white. The pH is a bitch to control, though.

>> No.3537143
File: 736 KB, 801x1000, july-25-2018-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smoothed out the fabric with my finger

>> No.3537172
File: 711 KB, 806x1000, july-25-2018-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed the background and added a brown outline to things

>> No.3537182

Cool. Kinda dangerous but cool.

>> No.3537291

W&N is only 'overpriced' because you're paying for it not being a local -to-you brand. Europeans have the same with brands like Daniel Smith, Gamblin, whatever.
I can get it cheap as chips here.

Pigment bores are the ones standing in the corners at parties for a reason.

>> No.3537307

It's not the pigment so much as how it behaves. Some aren't very active or get retarded when you mix paints. The point was that we had fun finding out everything is equally shit, except for the ones that were worse than chinkshit. It was more a rant on knowing the competition than making a prescription on what is best, which is all I hear about. I don't really care about pigment until it turns to shit in a mix or fades in a week. For people who get autistic about specifically not using white, watercolorists don't seem to care that their favorite convenience green is made of opaque white and garbage.

W&N costs almost twice as much as other euro brands here. The color harmony is really good but not for the price.

>> No.3537324

do you guys think >>3537172
is using pigments well? I could tell you guys my color palette but I'm just curious if what I'm getting out of my colors is what you're looking for in your paintings. I feel like I've gotten brands and a color palette that suits what I do almost perfectly.

>> No.3537329

Resident autist uses shit straight out the tube. We're talking about the subtlties of mixing, also watercolor.

>> No.3537389

I don't use it straight out of the tube though... my palette is 11 different paints and that painting has about 30 different colors

>> No.3537712
File: 1.34 MB, 688x938, swimming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3538701
File: 658 KB, 795x1000, july-26-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a stylistic choice with making the highlights super bright, but other than that I feel like this is a pretty tame painting

>> No.3538835
File: 1.55 MB, 3024x4032, KYS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

srsly tho do a still life of like your computer and phone and some chinese take out or something.

you know. as a goof!

>> No.3540645
File: 687 KB, 781x1000, july-27-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's a finalized version of this. I'm not super attached to this one even though it's brought to a pretty good level of finish

>> No.3540679

pretty good Brian. I'm a fan of that realism shining through in some areas I think that is gonna be really good eventually. Are you aware of what I'm talking about, cause sometimes I don't know if you know this.

>> No.3540687
File: 711 KB, 781x1000, IMG_1801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im guessing you mean these areas

>> No.3540753
File: 320 KB, 781x1000, red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I guess so more or less. It's difficult to pinpoint cause it's like fleeting glimpses. But this fold of the fabric is the most prominent.

>> No.3541164
File: 1.30 MB, 3018x4030, boob envy grid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not? niggas been painting fruit for centuries. And it's not like people are impressed by a person's ability to paint a bunch of colored spheres sitting on a blanket.

I'm just sang it'd be a whole lot more interesting to do something that takes your tradfaggot autism to make something that incorporates contemporary subject matter. Be a lot more interested than endlessly le wrong generationing to 18890 or whatever.

Who cares how good you think your technique is when your subject matter is boring?

>> No.3541169

beautiful haunting work.

>> No.3541222

Can I just paint what I like? If you think that's such a good idea why don't you do it?

>> No.3541334
File: 2.12 MB, 3024x3024, top gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can I just paint what I like?
Sure. Would you like an gold star sticker too?
>If you think that's such a good idea why don't you do it?
A: This is a critique board.
B: You have no problem anonymously talking shit at strangers who "paint what they like"
C: I actively solicit suggestions and advice and critique and guidance. Almost every painting I've done has been something that a random stranger liked and told me to do.

I'm just saying you paint boring tryhard bullshit with no personality that would only really impress people that have been dead for 100 years. Despite all your unearned self-importance and fundamentals masturbation you're not really good enough to justify staring at your fruit pictures and circlejerking about your technique or anything. Like wow you really captured the essence of what it looks like when you prop a bunch of fruit and blankets on stuff. Now do something thats relatable to people that don't care about fruits and blankets maybe?

Traditionally executed still-life that reflects contemporary life: kino. Fruits and blankets: schlock.

>> No.3541352

You're a fucking lunatic and you bring nothing to this board but your ugly-ass grid paintings that would be indistinguishable from the kind of crap middle aged ladies paint to pass the time were it not for the reddit-tier subject matter. Stop posting so much when you have nothing to say. Instead, go and take your meds and maybe you'll finally make it out of your grandma's attic someday you creepy faggot lmao

>> No.3541381
File: 2.60 MB, 3024x3765, oh boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're a fucking lunatic and you bring nothing to this board but your ugly-ass grid paintings
pscht like 150 of them are graphite transfers bub
>that would be indistinguishable from the kind of crap middle aged ladies paint to pass the time
didn't you go to art school though? Did you just bow out of art history when things got to the 20th century to avoid spoilers or something?

I'm honestly interested in your opinion on niggas like Mondrian and Lichtenstein and whoever else. Have you seent the doc My Kid Could Paint That or really spent much reflecting on like what art fundamentally IS in a post camera world?

Being unimpeachably technically skilled isn't the qualifier anymore, if it ever truly was in the first place. In fact, if people think you're a fucking retard it makes it seem that much impressive when you don't fuck up. Nobody actually cares about your skill they care about the product.

>Stop posting so much when you have nothing to say.
or what?
>go and take your meds
jokes on you I'm out of LSD right now
>maybe you'll finally make it out of your grandma's attic someday
All my grandma's are dead though. Egg on your face ya goobus.
>you creepy faggot
bruh did you actually use that tinder profile that opens with you whining about how you think an ex cheated on you? Were you doing a bit? Did you get any biters with your "im obsessed with muh ex but I'd like to paint you" bait?

And I'm not sure why you're always so upset. What're you so insecure for?
are you actually tho?

>> No.3541404

>pscht like 150 of them are graphite transfers bub
you say it like its a good thing. I remember doing those when I was 8

>> No.3541452

stop replying to this person please

>> No.3541454
File: 2.30 MB, 3839x3022, Robert Deniro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you say it like its a good thing
No real reason it's a bad thing as far as I'm concerned. I think everyone should try doing graphite transfer paintings as a way to relax and do creative meditation and production that lets them leapfrog over the fabricated artfag barriers to entry.

Thinking of selling pre-graphite-lined canvas panel do-it-yourself kits of the greatest memes of the 80s, 90s, and today.
>I remember doing those when I was 8
Cool! Pscht I wish I had graphite paper when I was 8. I just drew everything from imagination and junk. Didn't get into applying technical replication shit until I was 28 tbphwyf.

Also it's weird how much you talk shit about attempts at approximate replication you're farting out cavewoman jizztits >>3521785
and claymation hands >>3529195 when you're not drawing askew apples and bananas ***by hand****!?!

I actually remember doing still lives of fruit and blankets when I was 8. I won third in a reflections contest in fourth grade for a pastel still life of fruits and blankets. So I'm not really sure why you always gotta be so uppity. It's always the most adolescent people that feel the need to stress how much they aren't children anymore. Who gives a shit when you learned how to do something? Particularly when what you are doing isn't even impressive?

I remember trolling the beach doing the artfag thing to talk to girls too. But I was like 17 and Titantic was still a meme.

And how does any of this negate the reality that it's not actually a bad suggestion for you to do a contemporary or subversive still life of things that are more impressive and interesting than spheres and blankets? You're not actually addressing the idea you're just being a reactionary asshole for some reason.

>> No.3541456

nigga! that's not me! stop assuming everyone that replies to you is me!

>> No.3541458

>And how does any of this negate the reality that it's not actually a bad suggestion for you to do a contemporary or subversive still life of things that are more impressive and interesting than spheres and blankets? You're not actually addressing the idea you're just being a reactionary asshole for some reason.
I literally just went to a gallery asking if they'd be interested in my work, and they said they would love work by me that's somewhere between the weird shit and the conservative shit that I do. I'd rather take the advice of a successful gallery owner than yours, I'm sorry. I even mentioned to him that you were telling me to paint computers and dartboards and he said shit like that never sells, and they wouldn't even put it in their gallery.

>> No.3541459
File: 2.10 MB, 3024x3927, im a nice boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok I take back the jizztits and claymation hands. and all the mean stuff tbphwyf it's all just shitposting.

>> No.3541466

what do you people have against jizztits, there's a fucking porn thread on this board

>> No.3541467

is your aesthetic harsh lines of alternating colors and visible brush strokes that give the illusion of crazy wrinkles and distorted human faces? that's what all of your paintings look like. just wondering if it's a stylistic choice.

>> No.3541471

I feel sorry for your family man

>> No.3541481
File: 567 KB, 1584x1008, stone thumb july 5, 2017 and 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is your aesthetic harsh lines of alternating colors and visible brush strokes that give the illusion of crazy wrinkles and distorted human faces?
sounds about right. It's all a process of acrylic layering and substance abuse. Start with a base gesso layer, then do blues and purps layer then do reds and yellows and pinks then do highlights and shadows.

Or do something completely different who gives a shit. I do different pemdas on most of them.

>> No.3541483
File: 2.75 MB, 2779x3475, IMG_20180725_164704_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3541485

i like it. jaw shoulders and neckline might be a bit too heavily outlined though, making it look a bit cartoony

>> No.3541494
File: 2.61 MB, 4032x3024, me three.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>said they would love work by me that's somewhere between the weird shit and the conservative shit that I do.
YEAH EXACTLY! I'm saying that your still lives are probably your strong suite but the subject is generic.
> I'd rather take the advice of a successful gallery owner than yours, I'm sorry.
Like a still life that features a phone with a bunch of missed calls illuminated on the table. Gives you a different source of dynamic light being cast on your fruitspheres and blanket ripples too. You're still doing a traditional circlejerk painting but now there's a narrative and a contemporary subversion ya digg.
>I even mentioned to him that you were telling me to paint computers and dartboards and he said shit like that never sells, and they wouldn't even put it in their gallery.
It probably does never sell to most of the people shopping for art in galleries. idk if galleries are necessarily the future of art distribution at all tbphwyf.

>> No.3541495

thank you and you are right. i can never be sure how heavy i should do the outlines. i change it several times before i finish.

>> No.3541506
File: 2.93 MB, 3024x4032, blue hamm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give the hair a smidge but dope otherwise

>> No.3541509
File: 62 KB, 640x1136, vogue thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my idiot sister wants me to paint this for her.

>> No.3541512
File: 886 KB, 4032x3024, goya bogie and mickey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she wasn't a fan of the Goya's drowing dog squeakquel I did for her fucking papillion

>> No.3541525

Doing a "master" copy is really relaxing. Just days of chilling at the museum and checking the white balance of your photos and feeling some dead fucks brustrokes before the heist.

>> No.3541526

You talk like you "know" what you're doing but every single painting looks unfinished.

>> No.3541529

okay so I do a painting of a phone. then what? a million more paintings of phones? you paint pictures of faces you find on google images i'm not exactly sure you're the repository of great ideas you think you are...

>> No.3541531

A still life of meaningless garbage from this millennium would show some self-awareness.

Are you ever going to show that you can actually paint? Just one master copy or generic realist portrait would do.

>> No.3541535

>Are you ever going to show that you can actually paint?
genuinely fuck off

>> No.3541537

All the cool kids copied a dead guy just to show they could. Reubens wore it better IMO.

>> No.3541539
File: 34 KB, 384x288, blue lawrence 2018 red lawrence 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You talk like you "know" what you're doing
Yeah I mean I do "know" what I'M doing. idk if it's what other people are, have, or should be doing. I've made very minimal effort to research acrylic portraiture or whatever. Picked the most frustrating medium for portraits and went from there. Trying to fabricate innovation from ignorance.
>but every single painting looks unfinished.
they all are! They were originally made under the delusion that they'll be finished (and often destroyed or ruined) on camera for an episode series about a person going insane. They still are, they just originally were, too.

And I'm currently on #290. Trying to make it to #300 before taking a 1/3rd of the way vacation for August. Then going back to work on doing something with all the shit I've done so far. As far as I'm concerned they're all props for a video project that is currently in production.

here's some edited timelapse footage of the first year process https://youtu.be/45GkUiuRmjM?t=1116

>> No.3541554

why is every post from this Jimmy guy so painful to read?

>> No.3541560
File: 847 KB, 3024x4032, trash meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submitting art to competitions as Jimbeaux

>> No.3541561

You aren't going to get into any shows with this stuff...

>> No.3541564
File: 764 KB, 3024x4032, 2017-201?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk I took a picture of my dick and sent it to the GROW competition

>> No.3541574

is there a discord server for traditional painting?

>> No.3541580

>see this
>want to talk to these people
Reconsider your priorities in life.

>> No.3541604

what is your goal as an artist? is it simply just a side hobby that you just enjoy doing? or are you genuinely trying to make money doing these paintings and pursue a full-time career as an artist?

>> No.3541680
File: 735 KB, 3749x2810, the asshole that knew it was fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is your goal as an artist?
idk. my goal as a producer is to beat van gogh in total paintings produced in less time before being shot in the chest.
>is it simply just a side hobby that you just enjoy doing?
nah I hate this shit. Painting is gayer than 9 dudes sucking 11 dudes dicks. Literally cancer. Makes me think of what old piss tastes like.
>or are you genuinely trying to make money doing these paintings
It is a full time career. Funded through 2020 if I wanted to continue living like a piece of shit. then once I'm done with the van gogh race, assuming I survive getting shot in the chest and the cancer I'm convinced I have or the hereditary condition of dying from misadventure, I'll just never do another painting.
>and pursue a full-time career as an artist?
I'm a scientist bruh. I'm so 2008 and you're so 200late.

>> No.3541724

I don’t know if it’s cool to shill discord’s here but if any of you are looking for a beginner friendly art community with funny boys in it. https://discord.gg/RvHW2RS Need more dedicated people who want to improve, most of us are bad

>> No.3541731
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, confirmed for autism.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>okay so I do a painting of a phone. then what? a million more paintings of phones?
I mean it doesn't have to be a phone or whataver. Just the idea of "conserving" traditional methods and applying them to things that are relevant to the time that you are alive. Art history is a reflection of human history. Like >>3532296 is more interesting with the fucking beige ambiguous atmosphere adjustment cube you got in the background. Do a still life of the beige technology cubes you have.

>you paint pictures of faces you find on google images
non they're almost entirely found on /tv/. Most of them in threads where I was soliciting suggestions. Many of them are from the webm threads.
>i'm not exactly sure you're the repository of great ideas you think you are...
Yeah but in terms of being a suppository, I'm the goddamn best there's ever been. no homo tho

>> No.3541754

>my goal as a producer is to beat van gogh in total paintings produced in less time before being shot in the chest.
whats the point if the quality of your paintings is no where near Van Gogh's? not even the medium is the same.
you can easily create one of your paintings per hour, 5 a day if you paint 5hours. how is that a challenge? Oh I forgot, it probably is a challenge for someone who cant paint and relies on grids and tracing to draw and paint.

>> No.3541797
File: 817 KB, 2165x3992, roondecision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats the point if the quality of your paintings is no where near Van Gogh's?
A: There is no point to anything
B: It's funny to me to focus on everything but the concept of "quality." The idea that self-destruction and total production and marketing being more important than actual technical skill is the bit.
>not even the medium is the same.
Well yeah it didn't exist yet. That uppity contrarian hipster dickhead would totally fuxed with acrylic.
>you can easily create one of your paintings per hour, 5 a day if you paint 5hours.
Do it then. Nobody cares about what you tell yourself you're capable of.
>how is that a challenge?
how is anything? And the painting aspect is like half of the project when you do time math for all the goddamn editing and eventual marketing and shit that'd need to get did for it to actually be a success probably.
>Oh I forgot, it probably is a challenge for someone who cant paint and relies on grids and tracing to draw and paint.
Yeah I know right. Like look at you. You're clearly really good at painting given your pic related and you can undoubtably hand-draw perfectly or whatever and yet you're just not?

It's the whole "my 6 year old could do that." And the response is "well they should have" or whatever. Gnome sang?

Like the President of the most powerful nation in history can barely read. Lost all of his dad's money on fucking casinos. Real stupid piece of shit. He just lied for attention and shamelessly self-promoted for 30 years and he got to be Der Kommissar. No reason I can't be the first official unofficial Van Gogh sequel.

But it's like an edgy rebootquel that only focuses on gettng the trashy parts right. Gonna cut a finger off 300 paintings from now. Is there a term for pre-phantom-limb pain?

>> No.3541804
File: 1005 KB, 3837x2873, deisel bod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how is that a challenge?
like we learn to run when we're three. how is running a marathon a challenge?

>> No.3541844

you obscure your points so much it's useless having a conversation with you. post work if you want crits, but stop posting this bullshit.

>> No.3541938
File: 560 KB, 796x1000, july-28-2018-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got to paint this girl for cheap, feels nice to do a nude study every once in a while, especially in your own studio

>> No.3541999
File: 684 KB, 797x1000, july-28-2018-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished it

>> No.3542010

Your critique didn't offer of anything of value to him because you're coming from the wrong place. His goal clearly isn't to emulate Dmitriev's style and your advice consisted of vague platitudes with no direction. Just saying anon.

>> No.3542206

How cheap? How did you get her to do this?

>> No.3542440
File: 2.21 MB, 3024x3024, jokes on you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you obscure your points so much it's useless having a conversation with you.
what's being "obscured?" I'm telling you egg sackly why and how I justify doing stuff.
>post work if you want crits, but stop posting this bullshit.
Or what? You'll be upset?

>> No.3542552
File: 2.59 MB, 2937x3099, the whole gestault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is dope. dont like the hands but the rest is neat

>> No.3542562

$25 and I drew her in public and asked if she was interested in posing nude

>> No.3542575
File: 2.88 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180726_141128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First painting, acrylic. Please say something good or bad about it.

>> No.3542587

>Or what? You'll be upset?
It's not a threat, it's my opinion on how you should conduct yourself in this thread in order to be a positive contribution.

>> No.3542589

really cool how don't blend and it looks professional.

>> No.3542601
File: 2.18 MB, 2790x2765, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9/11. Claws are slightly confusing but otherwise it's breddy cool. good use of the medium too.

>> No.3542616
File: 2.10 MB, 4032x3024, pop!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's my opinion on how you should conduct yourself in this thread in order to be a positive contribution.
you're anon. Fuck your opinion. Why should I care about how you'd like me to respond to (you)s?

And also literally commit suicide you self-important piece of shit. I was responding to specific questions that were asked. Don't ask questions if you're not actually interested in getting responses you impotent niggardly baby.
>It's not a threat,
Nothing you do is. You'll never be seen as threatening to anybody. Mostly just annoying and boring.

u smell like poop probably too get rekt u hoser

>> No.3542646

>you're anon. Fuck your opinion. Why should I care about how you'd like me to respond to (you)s?
So, you need a full name and address to respect people?
>I was responding to specific questions that were asked
You give maybe 2 actual answers per 17 paragraphs of shit. And the little information you're willing to give is mentioned as a side note cause you know it is nothing, like
>The idea that self-destruction and total production and marketing being more important than actual technical skill is the bit.

I mean what the fuck man... Are you claiming this is art? Probably not am I right, you're gonna describe it as something very obscure wrapped up in 4 paragraphs of bullshit cause you know you won't get away with calling it art. This is literally what people with no skill do to be artists, "oh I make utter shit? well my man the art itself isn't the art lol it's the endevour that me painting shit and NOT claiming it's art THAT makes it art friendo so stay up for the shitquel and my triloshit coming out later where me just being an asshat on drugs is the whole bit" I'm not saying you should stop, I'd rather you do something than nothing, but you need to check in with ground control once in a while or you'll just be annoying people.

>> No.3542650

dude there's no point in arguing with this autist, I know its hard resisting because his points are always so retarded but just report him and move on.

>> No.3542659
File: 716 KB, 802x1000, july-29-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did more to this... tried to render out the hands more and added more to the background. also added an outline in some spots

>> No.3542670

Yeah, I'm done. My main problem with the guy is that I don't like drugs. He's welcome to post his work but the pseudo-artistic drugs babble is hard to ignore. I don't report posts.

>> No.3542849
File: 2.78 MB, 2917x3650, confirmed for artism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean what the fuck man... Are you claiming this is art?
yeah sure. are you saying it isnt?
>This is literally what people with no skill do to be artists, "oh I make utter shit? well my man the art itself isn't the art lol it's the endevour
yeah you should try that. Nobody cares about how much you tell yourself you could endeavor to not be a useless faggot if you felt like it.
>where me just being an asshat on drugs is the whole bit
Sometimes yeah?
>so stay up for the shitquel and my triloshit coming out later
It's "squekquel" https://watchpaintdrytv.wikia.com/wiki/Squekquel
>or you'll just be annoying people.
yeah its nothing personnel. looking forward to it being over tbphwyf.
>but you need to check in with ground control once in a while
tell that to the mouth spiders pfft

>> No.3542852

you can just end it now. no one is stopping you

>> No.3542858
File: 2.33 MB, 3745x2959, drinking bitter better drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My main problem with the guy is that I don't like drugs
pscht nobody is making you do them ya doobus. And I'm mostly just OCD and bipolar and shit and this is an avoidant activity that I do when I'm procrastinating regardless of substances being abused. Like I'm sober as fuck right now.
>pseudo-artistic drugs babble is hard to ignore.
yes everything must be autistic and soberly conducted at all times whie you apply your loomis memes to drawing titties on your gaming pc.





no one is stopping anyone kiddo.

>> No.3542869

>And I'm mostly just OCD and bipolar and shit and this is an avoidant activity that I do
That's why I'm not telling you to stop

and I'm done.

>> No.3542902
File: 2.06 MB, 3024x4032, I Rally Dont Care.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's why I'm not telling you to stop
>and I'm done.
Sure thing kiddo. You'll probably never be done dealing with whatever traumatic abuse or faggot autism it is that makes you a sniveling asshole at people that goof with the doors of perception.

You tell strangers to kill themselves because you're a teetotaling coward lol. Was it a junky in your family? Whoever it was that hurt you, it was probably all your fault. You drove them to do it LMAOOOOOO.

>> No.3542936

You tell people to kill themselves all the time you fucking psychotic moron

>> No.3542989 [DELETED] 
File: 2.11 MB, 4032x2858, I said I'll do this until the day I kill my self and I'm still here so I'm doing something right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally say to kill your self. Like a psychology work-flow meme.

I would NEVER and say something like "literally commit suicide you self-important piece of shit." Don't be a goofus.

>> No.3543006

Ah cool, I wish I was as confident, been thinking about joining some model drawing sessions to get a better feeling for drawing from life.
Also, what kind of medium do you paint with?
Oh and please consider studying hands a bit more, they seem to be a bit lacking compared to the rest of your painting.

>> No.3543010

not him, but why do you enjoy arguing with everyone on this board? it just kinda feels like 2013 le epic trole u mad XD 4chan we are anonymous level shit. it's like almost every thread i click on you're trying to make someone angry.

is it this sort of existential fear that if you are ever genuine with someone they'll take that as a weakness and you might truly get hurt? just honestly wondering because you spout memes and try to troll everyone and it's really childish.
i understand doing it a few times, we've all done that, but you post on this board all the fuckin time and it's all the same shit.

>> No.3543032

2013 was well after the era of le epic trolls, being that you're so young you might not of heard this one, 'don't feed the trolls,' well, this particular troll had put on 200 internet pounds in a month

>> No.3543050
File: 2.56 MB, 3024x4032, Avatar 2 The Real True True.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not him, but why do you enjoy arguing with everyone on this board?
idk. Arguing inconsequentially helps me clarify my instincts.
> it just kinda feels like 2013 le epic trole u mad XD 4chan we are anonymous level shit.
It's kind of an active rejection of all of that. Unironic confrontation and conflict-seeking that leans into being uncomfortable and unemcumbered or something idk?
>it's like almost every thread i click on you're trying to make someone angry.
And it fucking works so dang easily. Plus it's like really the same 3-6 dingdongs with their various beefs that slither around after me choosing to engage. It's a slow board.
>is it this sort of existential fear that if you are ever genuine with someone they'll take that as a weakness and you might truly get hurt?
I mean what's frustrating to me is that I ACTIVELY try to be "genuine." I very specifically spell out why I did/do something or the underlying ideas behind muh process and then I just eat shit for having a "superiority complex" or being "obscure" or "drugs babble."
>and it's really childish.
This place is full of children tho.
>i understand doing it a few times
I don't.
>we've all done that, but you post on this board all the fuckin time
I actually don't post "all the fuckin time." I post in manic spurts like once a financial quarter. this is just the long dump before I'm past the 1/3rd way point. It's a whole fibonacci autism thing. Go fuck yourself.
> and it's all the same shit.
Hey I have specific continuity to how I respond to shitposting on 4chan. It's "the same shit" because every fucking thread it's the same assholes saying the same things that I respond to in the same way. Time is entropy.

>> No.3543060
File: 652 KB, 792x1000, july-29-2018-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did a painting of a girl i'd met downtown a few times, she wanted to pose nude for a painting.

>> No.3543068
File: 500 KB, 750x1000, july-29-2018-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's a quick drawing I did of her

>> No.3543075

well it depends on what we're talking about but the whole we are anonymous thing peaked in 2011-2012, trollface peaked in popularity in 2012, and "u mad" also peaked in 2012. i dont think a single year off is "well after the era"
trolling as a concept has been around forever but that's not what i meant (plus it used to be more commonly called flaming). i mean when it verged into the mainstream and it was common all over the internet and even in the world to be a le epic trole, not just on 4chan.

>> No.3543081
File: 448 KB, 990x1192, Screen Shot 2018-07-29 at 6.14.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long do you get them to pose for?
You draw a bunch of angles with them or just focus on one or two?
You do photography with them or is it all about drawing?

I'm trying to get a studio going with models but I'm mostly just interested in high speed footage of weird faces and sneezes and being startled and stuff to then make prints or something probably idk. burn that bridge when I come to it.

>> No.3543087

>how long do you get them to pose for?
usually just until we feel like stopping
>You draw a bunch of angles with them or just focus on one or two?
depends on the model, some really like their breasts, some really like their butt, some really like their face, just whatever they feel like
>You do photography with them or is it all about drawing?
Nope, and usually we talk about how creepy photographers are at some point

>> No.3543112
File: 2.68 MB, 3024x4032, red brie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and usually we talk about how creepy photographers are at some point
yeah it always seems like axing to take pics would be uncomfy.

idk how to do a casting call for models that'll let me take pictures of them while they have a leaf blower get blown in their face with a high speed camera or eat spicy or sour shit and whatever else. Nose scrunch paintings are the future.

>> No.3543146

Okay good luck with that

>> No.3543224
File: 1.23 MB, 3024x4032, 38012341_10103022462772483_7489798334245240832_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3543479
File: 852 KB, 3024x4032, 38187169_10103022772067653_3037592375732994048_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3543694

>axing to take pics
Is that like threatening with an axe to get pictures?

>> No.3543769
File: 2.48 MB, 3024x4032, 80. Check em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bet you'd get some good pics

>> No.3543853

what medium is this in?
I like it

>> No.3543858

is it possible to paint night scenes in gouache or watercolour or should I go for oils?

>> No.3544040

anything is possible if you believe in urself