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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 324 KB, 1200x1893, tim-lochner-untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3541981 No.3541981 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any guides to getting good linework digitally? How the fuck do you do it?

I've seen some pretty great explanations for how to do linework with traditional media, but it feels to me like one of the areas where digital differs the most. And attempting to look up anything for "digital linework guidelines" online only yields results of tumblr kids showing how to use a black brush at 100% opacity to ink something in perfectly flat and even lines.

>> No.3541984

I feel like the line work in OP sucks, its all itchy and uniform in thickness. There’s also a bunch of values added in which make it deceiving

>> No.3541986

I like doxy's lineart hack

>> No.3541989

everything else is so nice that it covers the sloppiness of the linework

>> No.3541993

that's gorgeous but WHY are they in a hot tub in plug suits?

>> No.3541997
File: 171 KB, 738x747, 1532373836840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tim Lochner definitely doesn't even have the most impressive digital linework, he's just the first person I could think of out of my (very limited) pool of artists. He uses pretty much every general trick related to edge thickness and value, but you're right that individual lines are uniform in thickness and opacity.

I've seen some very good linework even here though, pic related for example.

>> No.3542002

Today I learned doxy is a man. Very freaked out.

>> No.3542004

how does that freak you out is it not obvious

>> No.3542013

No difference whatsoever. Although I'd suggest not using 100% hard round brushes to do lines with unless you're either using line stabilization or have some next level accuracy with a digital stylus. Having some slight texture on your brush allows for more leeway.

Other than that the basic principles of line weight and economy still apply.

>> No.3542023

Nah you're just lonely

>> No.3542028

And how about you share this..............

>> No.3542035

I definitely disagree, at least from my personal experience. It's possible to get nice transitions between hard and soft on the same line with a pencil. But when I attempt the same in photoshop, it feels like the brush has a cutoff point somewhere in the middle where it switches suddenly between "95% opacity" and "5% opacity".

>> No.3542056

you basically can't replicate pencil lines, but you can just clean up as you paint

>> No.3542066

you reply to the wrong post there, anon?

>> No.3542069

Where does he post this?

I couldn't find it on his artstation

>> No.3542072

Nevermind. I'm blind af

>> No.3542089

Mess around with the tip feel curve in the wacom driver. Also try using the tilt instead of pen pressure.

>> No.3542099

Good advice, I'll give it a shot.

>> No.3542142

is this supposed to feel both sketchy and 'finished'? because it does to me. i dont really see the artist using this to push it any further, even though he could.

i'm just wondering what the point of such a piece is. placeholder on portfolio? or for the aesthetic?

>> No.3542167

yikes linework

>> No.3542173

Not everything needs to be overrendered, I think this piece does a better job at conveying a mood and idea than a "serviceable" sketch would, without taking up weeks of the artist's time.

>> No.3542184

yes. i suppose an artist like the one in OP doesn't need to worry about overrendering. me, I have not made a rendered piece ever. And I guess a part of me is saying I am being a coward for shirking it. But i really, really like the aesthetic of stuff that still has sketchy lines.

>> No.3542185

have you ever drawn anything that's not that chick?

>> No.3542188

Just look up lineart hack on YouTube (there's two identical versions, only one has better audio)

>> No.3542368

Just use whatever brush you like on huge canvas size.

>> No.3542449

>it's not clean so that means it's bad
you'll never make it

>> No.3542687
File: 192 KB, 1500x928, DhwFWddXkAA2Juk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His linework looks fine to me, but then again this is /ic/ they basicly shit on anything except for random no name amateur artists

>> No.3542690

>i'm autistic and can only use and accept one line thickness
You must love Dragonball Super FAT outlines

>> No.3542753
File: 164 KB, 736x736, D8D92151-8991-4FA1-A3E6-8A9B8393D9C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is super rendered, and same dislikes as before. The line work isn’t the selling part, I’d even say the lines are the weakest part of the drawing -everything else looks fine.

I meant more like pic related - the colors are flat, but the intricate lines, are expressive, and rendering would occlude the effort that went into inking.

>> No.3542754
File: 143 KB, 699x933, 212D00D9-9C66-4284-BEB5-79F7EBDDBEA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same with this one - if you are into anime girls

>> No.3542765

So basically add black areas which indicate shadows + sharp, stabilized CSP G Pen lines.

>> No.3542771

Good artists don't need a stabilizer.

>> No.3542805

Lol ngmi

>> No.3542814

when I become good my hardware and software will work perfectly and accurately and not give me line wobbles that aren't from my hand? cool

>> No.3542831

wait so you consider this good?

that's not how line weight works. Also this is not an anime girl in anime style, looks like some tumblyrite tried to draw anime

>> No.3542836
File: 16 KB, 246x246, 754724582487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop making fun of him he'll finish it one day

>> No.3543248


show yours...

>> No.3543249

can i get a source for this one?
cool as hell

>> No.3543261

This line work is garbage, it's flat, hard black, and apart from some simple thickness changes has none of the subtleties found in good traditional linework.
While this is shaded, the linework here is also rather obviously boring flat black, and there's a lot of areas (forearms, horns, calves) where you can see he stopped and started his lines over and couldn't blend them very well.

>> No.3543272

>it's bad because it's black
Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.3543606

What's wrong with black lines?
Actually I kinda feel colored lines look better but idk how some artists do that, all I know is I can lock transparent pixels on the lineart layer and color the lines like that

>> No.3543621

post perfect lines

>> No.3543638

>What's wrong with black lines?
black =/= bad is the go-to dinning kruger "i'm a real artist!" thing to say since people completely misunderstand it when people mention not using black for shadows etc
tl;dr they're dumb lol

>> No.3543643

just draw >>3541981

>> No.3543646
File: 70 KB, 639x853, __matoi_ryuuko_and_senketsu_kill_la_kill_drawn_by_dowman_sayman__d11995a5d3cdaa92f7affa7c1ff7ca0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like dowman sayman's line work.

>> No.3543682
File: 119 KB, 1200x1824, tumblr_mkn7crCnTa1qka5cpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This line work is garbage, it's flat, hard black, and apart from some simple thickness changes has none of the subtleties found in good traditional linework.

lmao. Can you imagine being this much of a pleb and dunning kruger?

>> No.3543686
File: 272 KB, 810x842, tumblr_n7utfeEddv1ryhaqto1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3543687
File: 198 KB, 592x813, tumblr_nboagelHXF1ryhaqto1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3543689
File: 142 KB, 810x700, tumblr_odp67mnL021ryhaqto4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3543691
File: 574 KB, 1280x1119, tumblr_o0l4gvSD1f1ryhaqto2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3543732


Flat, hard black doesn't mean the linework is garbage, the fuck are you talking about?

Tons of great lineart is done in black ink with hard shadows.

>> No.3543738

Sounds more like it's unique, he could clearly make more clear and uniform lines. Isn't it better to have something recognizable than something too clean that anyone can easily recreate with a PC?

>> No.3543753

>Sounds more like it's unique

Not that guy, but messy linework isn't unique. There's nothing that appears deliberately stylistic about those messy lines. I'm not criticizing the artist, the drawing seems like more of a sketch than a finished piece and spending ages on lines isn't always the best use of an artist's time, but there's really no need to 'muh style' sketchy linework.

>that anyone can easily recreate with a PC?

You can't just magically create good-looking clean linework on a PC, or people would do it more often. Usually when people use pen tools and stuff it looks horrendously flat, and it's still time consuming. Good clean lineart takes skill just like any other aspect of art.

>> No.3543757

SHIET! That's not me! Pretty honored to be posted desu

>> No.3543767

Well, now that I'm here. I just chicken starch with a textured brush with pen pressure opacity, then just erase it, it's a lot faster that to try to get a perfect line mashing ctr+z.
For me it just feels a lot organic and you can organize your line weights a lil bit more, if something needs more you can always add it anytime

>> No.3543772

Use a textured brush for the eraser as for the brush itself

>> No.3543834

ugly tumblrface get out

>> No.3543843


>> No.3544047
File: 85 KB, 672x950, DivMZtMVQAEI5h2.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How lineart like this

>> No.3544276

t b h just read One Punch Man lol

>> No.3545873

>not understanding th difference between linework and spot blacks
Both can look great, both can look bad. But they’re different techniques.

>> No.3545880

i wanna put my dick in

>> No.3546349


the linework is good. not excellent, but good. you're retarded.

obviously these are better but they are also probably final layers not sketches.

this is final layer line art not a sketch.

>how the fuck do you do it

carefully. and with layers. have high standards. redo the line until it is perfect. there isn't some kind secret trick you use. it's just trial and error and learning about your own biases and correcting for them. common sense. know yourself. etc.

>> No.3546364

Pretty sure you have to be Asian to achieve this. At least I've never seen evidence to the contrary.

>> No.3546372

This isn't good. Not enough line weight and no broken lines to better suggest form.

>> No.3546378

What are you talking about? That moron was quoting a drawing saying it's garbage because it uses flat, hard blacks and no line weight. Maybe try and read the context of a discussion before adding your completely pointless drivel to it.

>> No.3546381

That only tell something about you and it's not flattering.

>> No.3546714

this sucks you faggot