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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 245 KB, 1500x844, shen-yh-0924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3539697 No.3539697 [Reply] [Original]

How THE FUCK do I render like this lads? Just looking at this fills me with a sense of completion like no art really does. Im not really asking for what books to read about values (that would help though), but I really want to know what kind of a brush this guy is using and what principles does he follow to get that look

>> No.3539701


>> No.3539714

>make your main shapes with big blocks
>add smaller blocks for value
That's literally it. I know you want shortcuts, but it's all simple shapes and—you guessed it—value.

Don't believe me? Zoom in. Look at that torso. It is basically two blocks of colors.

>> No.3539719


it's absolutely flat buddy, just work on shapes

>> No.3539745

christ the absolute state

this. its extremely simple shit, *barely* implying 3 dimensions with second color.

>> No.3539753
File: 705 KB, 709x655, 1498705997869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> artist just laid down a bunch of blobs and blocks then added details after
>try to copy this process
>still looks like shit

>> No.3539757

that's cus you don't understand form/your foundation sucks

>> No.3539794

maybe look for some anthony jones tutorials, they're good. you could read color and light additionally.

>> No.3539813

people are really into bounced light, its like that one cherry on top that sells the whole piece.

>> No.3539821

>people are really into bounced light
like its a trend and not a real world phenomenon happening all around you right now

>> No.3539836

wow i can smell your intellect from here

>> No.3539842

and I can smell your retardation

>> No.3539847

yikes man. yikes.
btw it is a trend, a huge one. i can tell you dont draw for an audience, if at all, because youd know of those little things that make the piece. like light scattering over the surface of water. or foams on wave crests. clearly, your #1 hobby is pretending to be smart on an anonymous imageboard...

>> No.3539849

correct I don't draw for an audience I draw for myself. apparently drawing for an audience makes you not know what the fuck bounce light is lmao

>> No.3539853
File: 22 KB, 268x215, 1504033590091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading your posts
you're not even good at pretending to be smart nor condescending...

>> No.3539856
File: 413 KB, 543x461, khaled snap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you be anymore fedora?

>> No.3539857

im not pretending to be smart or trying to condescend you just sound retarded saying reflected light is a trend

>> No.3539859

>nearly braindead

checks out

>> No.3539862

aha, there it is. you've made your biggest mistake. now you read my first post back and see that I never used the word 'trend,' you just led yourself to believe that i did and got retardedly angry at it.

The sweetest part? I worded it that way. In-ten-tion-al-ly. To bait niggards like you. Hehe.

>> No.3539863
File: 2.77 MB, 512x512, 1532138798111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least samefag with some discrepancy.

>> No.3539864

are you autistic
>btw it is a trend, a huge one

>> No.3539869
File: 40 KB, 340x171, samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want to accuse someone of samefagging but don't even check number of posters nice job brainlet

>> No.3539872

Thanks for the (You)s you cringy brainlet haeuaheuaeauheauhe

>> No.3539875
File: 73 KB, 848x664, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fyi, when you paint over the (you), the blue underscore extends exactly 1 pixel beyond the last number. you erased one pixel too much.

Nice try tho.

>> No.3539882

look at the poster number you dumb faggot

>> No.3539883
File: 108 KB, 399x404, 34702248_2067924440114709_8299437791670960128_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to stop posting, anon.

Pic related, you.

>> No.3539885

>t. backpedaling larper

>> No.3539887
File: 115 KB, 634x697, a22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you BTFO him so hard.

>> No.3539898
File: 864 KB, 1402x1231, 33113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 posters
actual samefag
kill yourself

>> No.3539922
File: 59 KB, 910x752, 1528756843821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... you have a problem.

>> No.3539924
File: 117 KB, 794x719, 1499204069037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was just pretending to be retarded!
The thread. kill yourselves.

>> No.3539935


>> No.3539968
File: 63 KB, 594x54, aaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute fucking state of dunning kruger
Of course I know that this is almost flat you fucking crab faggots

I was asking for the brush used to make pic rel which sells the whole piece

pretty cool resource

>> No.3540114

The brush you paint with doesn't "sell" your piece retard, the OP pic looks good becausethe values and forms are solid. Just looking at the thumbnail you can already tell. You could be using MS Paint crayon brushes for all anyone cares if you know what you're doing. Don't be lazy and just download a bunch of Photoshop brushes and see which ones you think work well.

>> No.3540130

>The brush you paint with doesn't "sell" your piece retard
>artstyle doent sell the piece
typical ic shitter, just fuck off

>> No.3540140

his color blocks are really flat in terms of hue shifting. not trying to call him a shitter, just something to consider. this seems like it was meant to be more of a compositional set up than a "render."

>> No.3540146

He's right : you can have the best brush in your hands, if your hands can't draw, your brush won't be of any use. Having Da Vinci's brushes won't magically make you an art genius...

>> No.3540151

Broken records, I know about le fundamentals, but in this specific case I am interested in the brush the artist is using since you cant paint exactly like him if you dont have the fucking brush

>> No.3540206

Make one, troubleshoot until it works

>> No.3540282

Does anybody have a download to his brushes? All the zips that he gave them out are down.
>inb4 just imitate them

>> No.3540304

>How THE FUCK do I render like this lads?
is your very first sentence you absolute retarded trash faggot. Stop implying like you know what rendered means, it's flat with some generic texture brush meme strokes in a few parts

>> No.3540308

>it's flat with some generic texture brush meme strokes in a few parts
how do I do these meme strokes then fren :3?

>> No.3540313

It seems like he’s just using a simple textured chalk brush for most of it. Do a couple short quick studies of this piece to figure out what he’s doing and then if you feel up to it, try doing a big study of the whole thing. For the small studies zoom in on some of the areas that stand out to you, like the characters body and cape which have very light values and are composed of like 2 values each. Think about why they read so well and clearly despite the minimal value changes and then try painting just those 2 things for yourself. Then move on to more complex areas like the face which is a bit more defined. Notice stuff like how even the brightest values on the face are darker than the values on the cape and body. Why is that? Break it down. Color pick and try to understand how the artist is varying the saturation of the his colors and try to understand the interplay between warm and cool and light and shade. Keep slowly breaking down and doing micro studies of the whole piece while you ask yourself these type of questions.

>> No.3540322

>It seems like he’s just using a simple textured chalk brush for most of it.
absolutely based
42 replies for someone to actually be knowledgeable enough to say something so simple lmao

>> No.3540324

>I was asking for the brush used to make pic rel which sells the whole piece

fucking lol
man things must be so magical when you're this fucking beginner level

>> No.3540339

This piece would look like shit if you made the same strokes while using a regular round solid/opaque brush
dont even try to argue it wouldnt

>> No.3540346

The chalk brush comes with photoshop, everyone and their fucking grandma uses it. It’s not some secret hidden brush. And if the artist made this same exact painting without the textured chalk brush it would still look decent, the brush just adds some tooth and texture to the piece.

>> No.3540352

I wouldn't try to argue with someone as ignorant as you, that's for sure lol
I bet you think Loomis is "a meme" too LMAO

>> No.3540356

>The chalk brush comes with photoshop, everyone and their fucking grandma uses it
So that invalidates my point how? I wanted to know what brush he used, doesnt matter if its common
>And if the artist made this same exact painting without the textured chalk brush it would still look decent, the brush just adds some tooth and texture to the piece.
it wouldnt, the texture the brush gives it an illusion of colors blending when hes not actually doing it (you can see it clearly on the cape and his torso, normally you would use a different value to blend these two colors, he achieved a transition of values by creating a dither effect with the properties of the brush)
He also painted believable plants by using single strokes, not possible with a solid brush.
Am I seriously the only one that sees this? The absolute state.

>> No.3540363

hey sorry to interrupt
but there are beginner boards here (Search for /beg/ in the catalog!) for people such as yourself :)

>> No.3540364

post work

>> No.3540378

>He also painted believable plants by using single strokes, not possible with a solid brush.
>Am I seriously the only one that sees this?

Well, you're a naive fucking beginner who is completely undervaluing the notion of having solid fundamentals and instead autistically ranting about the few little graphic things that you think are only possible "thanks to the brush" like any other fucking beginner attempting to rationalize why they like X image without even being able to comprehend the basics of drawing or painting.
So yeah, you're the only one seeing it because you're fucking blind more or less.

>> No.3540385

>undervaluing the notion of having solid fundamentals
Never did that?
>autistically ranting about the few little graphic things that you think are only possible "thanks to the brush" like any other fucking beginner attempting to ration
But I love those little graphic things and I wouldnt be able to appreciate them If I didnt knew how blocking in the values and rendering a piece goes?
Nice post, really makes me bring out the old camera for a quick snap

>> No.3540390

>Nice post, really makes me bring out the old camera for a quick snap
Must take a lot of self portraits if this is how a thread you make goes. Thanks for wasting everybody's time though, just go ask your random beginner bullshit in the beginner thread next time.

>> No.3540398

>Must take a lot of self portraits if this is how a thread you make goes
yeah I like to print out your posts and pose with them faggot
>attempting to rationalize why they like X image
I hope you know that you are so arrogant and autistic you actually think you know why I like something better than I do myself, you must be such a good artist to have an ego like that, mind posting your work?

>> No.3540401

I'd ask you to post your work, but not in here.
Please go to where you belong (/beg/) and link it back here, thanks pal.

>> No.3540402

>beginners know everything about art and exactly why they like everything even when they can't even tell you what "rendering" means
why even try to compete anymore

>> No.3540424

He is a mster of value & color, so focus on those

>> No.3540427


>> No.3540432


>> No.3540557
File: 145 KB, 902x695, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately download the massive brush pack on deviantart and http://digitalbrushes.tumblr.com/ and try them all until you get the right one. No one makes their own brushes so it's likely that this MiA fanart is using one of them from any of these packs. Anon the best way to use someone else's style is to do a master study of theirs. Copy this piece you like so much as accurately as possible. Then study from real life and paint from that.

Try and paint without using texture brushes for blending initially because a lot of noobs get tied up with splashing as much texture on as possible.

I used Gurney's Light and Colour, Mullins' Schoolism Course and villppu's drawing manual. It's possible to read/watch all these sped up in one day and supplement with some basic ctrlpaint if you don't understand rendering. This guy is likely using 100%opac brushes in PS unlike mullins who likes less % but the theory is the exact same. Never paint anything without refs and you will achieve this quickly.

>> No.3540889
File: 141 KB, 632x660, hannes___brushes_by_algenpfleger-d3im99g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a really common brush you can find in a bunch of free brushpacks.
Google "Algenpfleger brushes", it's in the first row, the one with px size 73. By the way, I completely agree with everyone that's been telling you that the brush doesn't matter. The magic of that awesome new texture brush some pro paints with fades after like 20 minutes of painting with it yourself, so have fun.