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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.79 MB, 4213x2962, my style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3522908 No.3522908 [Reply] [Original]

I know that nobody on /ic/ can come close to my skill, but I'd like to see you try.

>> No.3522915

You automatically win because the losers here just do digital animu drawings that they should have grown out of or gotten good at by now.

>> No.3522933
File: 42 KB, 1320x720, audrey-hepburn-fashion-history-entity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesnt even look like the reference.

>> No.3522935

That's a good thing when creating original work you manga drawing fuck.

>> No.3522938

Good job anon, looks more like the ref, nice values btw

>> No.3522945

Another manga amateur spotted

>> No.3522950


Samefag detected.

>> No.3522952 [DELETED] 

One of those was illustrat saying it was shit the other one was someone saying it was good? How is that same fagging, anon lost his glasses..

>> No.3522954

your ego will hurt you in the long run
people with skills have no desire to compete in order to please it

>> No.3522969

how can people even get an ego from drawing, it's just something you do for fun.

>> No.3522971

Leave this board.

>> No.3522972

I'd rather not participate in your petty games. Now if you'll excuse me I have a momo art to finish

>> No.3522976


>> No.3522978

As if you make a living doing this. It's a hobby, treat it as such.

>> No.3522981

I make money from art and design

>> No.3522990
File: 1.36 MB, 1361x957, attempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as good as you because of the digital meme, but I tried to follow the actual reference as well as combining the elements of "older age" and other design features from yours.
Just here to art, really.

>> No.3522996

Not bad but certain parts of it need to be more flat to make it more creative and artistic instead of so illustrative.

>> No.3522999

better than op

>> No.3523002

So working more on achieving a focal point? Or just render less to make it 'pop'?

>> No.3523003

That undo button really works wonders.

>> No.3523006

What you have now is very illustrative.
Which means very well done but also not that different from the original subject.

If you flattened some of the colours it would look more creative and less like something you could still see in real life.

It's important for art to look like something that can't exist without creativity in the age of photography. Not that photography can't be creative too.

>> No.3523008

I see, thanks.

>> No.3523011
File: 605 KB, 1200x1201, klimt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like take Klimt for example.

Instead of painting the dress how you would see it in real life he got creative and painted a pattern.

It makes the work different from a photo that anyone could easily take but won't score any points with the I only care about understanding manga art crowd.

>> No.3523014

>implying it was a choice

>> No.3523023
File: 91 KB, 568x960, 1521426664489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another gold dress, not that it's relevant, just i have it on my computer and it's a kinda cool inspired by klimt kinda thang, so i show it to you

>> No.3523024

I like that.

Is this digital?

>> No.3523025


Please disregard this "critique". It is complete trash and listening to it will only hurt your work.

>> No.3523031

You do realise not all art is illustration right?

>> No.3523034

no, theoretically it's egg tempera or something similar, the artist is andre remnev

>> No.3523035
File: 60 KB, 564x798, natalie foss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all art is simply an illustration.

Don't just try to create from reality or what's been done before.

The whole art world isn't manga books and anime conventions.

>> No.3523036

you need to step up your shitposting, nigga.

>> No.3523040

inb4 the body is drawn wrong and the hair needs more detail

>> No.3523339
File: 979 KB, 1937x2727, IMG_20180717_171304530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3523399
File: 1.15 MB, 4213x2962, 1531821068460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops time to get banned

>> No.3523417


>> No.3523479
File: 3.70 MB, 2108x1482, leavethisboardalready.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you're doing good Illastrat, I see you're still as proud as ever

>> No.3523666

I like ilastrats version better

>> No.3523667

yeah me too, for some reason that one really makes you appreciate illustrats

>> No.3523738

Is it weird ilastrats version looks more alive and fitting to the reference?
And the other one looks dull and statuesque?
Or have my tastes in art just gone to shit from all my years lurking on this board.

>> No.3523751

Nice try ilustrat

>> No.3523763

Honestly so sick of seeing illustrats ugly ass brushstrokes, putting a very well rendered piece next to his steaming pile of garbage is damning
A++ anon I love yours

>> No.3523785
File: 438 KB, 2184x2112, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3523945

wtf are you on about, painting over a mistake is literally the same shit. git gud nigger.

>> No.3523946


>> No.3523970

this is illastrat's best piece

>> No.3524344

tfw hes samefaging that hard

>> No.3524362

>Selling the skin before he has caught the fox, on an oceanworld.

>> No.3524363

I agree this is probably the best thing hes done its not good but better than his usual stuff (like if its a thumbnail it actually looks ok.

>> No.3524392

Why does it look like you paint with human shit?

>> No.3524520

Not bad, shame it's digital.

>> No.3524522

Because you only look at manga illustrations so you get confused by other kinds of art easily.

>> No.3524727

It looks like you haven't painted for long. Like you just look at a photo and then smear paint poorly in with approximately colors. I can understand on the posts in here that it is one of your bests. I think it's a happy accident though, they happen for every artist. I don't have the feeling that you try to visualize the result you want but instead just try to block in what you think you see on your reference.

It's funny that you say you don't like comics and digital because the way you outline reminds me of a comic artist who have yet to learn proper line weight.

Painting is expensive so for that reason alone you could probably benefit a lot from digital when you go down the path of hundreds of practice paintings.

What you have now just look like a practice piece a normal student wouldn't dare share. You are not even doing something interesting with the colors. Even a still painting is about communication and story telling. Take the viewer on a journey inside your painting in some way.

If you are just copying photos then you need to be a lot better for people to notice your art on its own terms (As in you not trying to force it down their throat).

>> No.3524884
File: 150 KB, 570x738, Nimeta46w5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did that study almost exactly two years ago

>> No.3524982



>> No.3525119

im all for creative and different from a photo but i dont like how this looks at all

>> No.3525127
File: 1.63 MB, 2636x2115, 63CFABC1-8345-499F-9756-9B3A676E72A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I been busy with music.

>> No.3525133

why didn't you leave like you said you would

>> No.3526307


>> No.3526347
File: 91 KB, 1000x1390, 20180718_232330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step aside fags you can't compete with my mastery

>> No.3526395
File: 2.11 MB, 2730x1919, Project Capture (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. phone poster with no prior experience, took about 5 mins I guess

>> No.3526441


It looks enough like the reference that you recognized it....

>> No.3526750

Hell ye, I remember watching EL OP and loving it even before I knew who Klimt was. Also adding something from the western sphere.


>> No.3526986
File: 20 KB, 523x359, audrey-hepburn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him and nope. I had no idea that was suppose to be Audrey Hepburn until it got pointed out.

>> No.3528211
File: 1.66 MB, 4213x2962, Audrey Hepburn - Style Comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was inpatient with the paint bucket tool, didn't bother cleaning up the edges. Hope it's not as noticeable.

>> No.3528474
File: 433 KB, 1209x1612, plzcritique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to watercolor and color in general please critique

>> No.3528484

Almost looks like you painted straight out the tube.

>> No.3528493

I'm afraid even that critique goes over my head, I added very little water basically just wetting the brush while mixing is that bad?

>> No.3528504

it doesn't look like watercolour

>> No.3528513

Sorry anon, I'm a novice in watercolor too but I'll try to help.
Maybe you should practice making some flat washes with a single color and experiment with the amount of water. Watercolor paint is made to be diluted with water so don't be afraid to use water and don't be afraid of your colors becoming too light or dull. Watercolor as a medium takes some time to grasp because it's such a wet medium and the paint can flow so freely that it can be hard to control, don't treat it like it's oil or acrylic paint.
You need to experiment with your tools a bit more, see how the paint behaves on wet and dry surfaces, how colors blend and how they look when layering.

>> No.3528536

love this

>> No.3528540

Thank you, thank you I have experimented somewhat I just saw someone in another thread say don't add too much water and I went toout are the other way and made it look like shitty oil but that's obvy not the appeal of watercolor I will play around more with washs

>> No.3528544
File: 71 KB, 564x798, headfix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her skull is a bit small
But apart from that i like the colors, and the face is pleasing despite the boring expression

>> No.3528608

The smaller skull looks better.

>> No.3528612
File: 2.32 MB, 4213x2962, 1531821068460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3528632

I think it's important that you judge for yourself, maybe go on youtube and watch some people do watercolor to get an idea of how to pull off certain things.
Just don't take any advice too strongly, experiment with it and make your own judgments.

>> No.3528635

needs thicker lines at the very least. but that is a nice expression.

>> No.3528643

I saw you post another referenced portrait in another thread and you're making the same mistakes. Your just copying the expression and the pose, you're not understanding what makes a person unique. If you say "hurr durr it's because it's stylized animu" I'll kick you in the collarbone

>> No.3528644

You made it into an emo dude.

>> No.3528651

this is my first time posting here...

>> No.3528884

Not that guy but the same can be said about the OP except replace "animu" with something else.

>> No.3528980

chill dude. just a drawing XD

>> No.3529021
File: 321 KB, 1440x1920, 2018-07-20 audrey hepburn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here i made a 'proper' portrait for you

>> No.3529030

She's such a qt

>> No.3529032

now that's not really your "style" though is it

>> No.3529048

Not that poster but style is simple a degree of lack of skill. A "good" style is consistently catching something true and appealing about the motive.

Hunting style for styles sake will only lead to failures like thinking the image in the OP can somehow be justified by calling it a "style".

>> No.3529053

what the fuck are you talking about was this written by predictive text generator

>> No.3529060

There's nothing wrong with how it is written. If you have a problem reading it that simply tell something about you.

>> No.3529065

I hope your art skills are strong because you sure as shit can't read

>> No.3529091

style isn't because of lack of skill though. what does "catching something true and appealing about the motive" mean? did you mean about the subject?
I would not imply hunting style for styles sake is a fucking good thing when I say "that's not your style" im talking about how he just reproduced the photo with nothing personal added because some anons critiqued his style

>> No.3529102

>3529060 (You)

>"catching something true and appealing about the motive" mean?

It means that other people think you caught something true and appealing about the motive.

>when I say "that's not your style"

...Then in that process you define what you think "style" is. I'm the one saying that style can't be used to excuse a crappy result.

Learn to read.

>> No.3529105

All of you fucking people, for the love of god, scale down your pictures. You don't all need to upload 4000x4000 images, nobody cares that much about the 3mm brushstroke you're especially proud of. Cut that shit down to 1000x1000 or it takes longer to load than my attention span has time for.

>> No.3529108

the fuck does "style cant be used to excuse a crappy result" have ANYTHING to do with what I said originally

>> No.3529109

>what does words mean

I give up.

>> No.3529115

my whole point was that photocopying the original source image is not a style and this is a "draw in your style" thread
you are the one who lacks reading comprehension

>> No.3529121

You are an idiot anon. What you call a copy still shows a style. You may just be too dumb to see it. Besides people are showing styles so it's irrelevant if the copy the source, like OP obviously tried to do too.

>> No.3529122

poorly xeroxing a ref image isn't a style

>> No.3529129

why not? If that is how someone paint then why wouldn't you call it their style?

>> No.3530268

op's fault for uploading a fuckhuge canvas

>> No.3530278
File: 2.93 MB, 3024x4032, zip it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cut that shit down to 1000x1000 or it takes longer to load than my attention span has time for.
the time it takes to resize every random photo requires more effort than you likely deserve, anon

>> No.3530280
File: 127 KB, 662x828, downloadfile-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your obsession with hating manga art amd those who like it only shows your own insecurities in your own respective medium/subject matter

>> No.3530283
File: 3.51 MB, 2914x3726, cerseez nuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like you traced the reference on an ipad or whatever and smashed edit-undo for awhile. What a poindexter.

>> No.3530356

are you a retard, anon?

>> No.3530359

After reading through that exchange I've concluded that you are the retard Anon.

>> No.3530405

>looks like you traced the reference
>coming from Mr. "Why learn to draw when you can use grids?"

>> No.3530413
File: 73 KB, 480x640, vikander rly face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coming from Mr. "Why learn to draw when you can use grids?"
Well, A: My art education began like 25 years ago. I "learned how to draw" by going to art school one day a week for like all of my grade schooling. Won the fuck out of some reflections contests when I was in elementary school. Pic related was hand drawn the other day.
B: I'm doing an entire series that is about the transference from technology to canvas. Over 100 of them are graphite transfers too.
C: Appeal to hypocrisy is something that pathetic communistic faggots do and you should strive to do better. Or just kill yourself.

So back to
>looks like you traced the reference
what I said was
>looks like you traced the reference on an ipad or whatever and smashed edit-undo for awhile.
but you don't care about that because you're a disingenuous tryhard piece of shit that was trained wrong on purpose.

>> No.3530415
File: 1.63 MB, 2396x3031, 74. Zach Tantrum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If that is how someone paint then why wouldn't you call it their style?
it's not "painting" for one thing REEEEEEe

>> No.3530430

normal people call it a digital painting. You need to learn to communicate with normal people properly at some point. Please.

>> No.3530437

I hate this "expressive brushtrokes is all that matter, fuck being clean" modern meme.

>> No.3530440

You are in a board in which 90% of the users goals are simply to drawing attractive characters. Whatever you understand for "art" is not welcome here.

>> No.3530446

>My art education began like 25 years ago
25 years and you still chicken scratch and dont know anything about values and color theory. YIKES!
>Pic related was hand drawn the other day.
yes and it took hours, while it should've taken 15 minutes max.
> I'm doing an entire series that is about the transference from technology to canvas.
so basically you are drawing from photo references, nothing special about that
>Over 100 of them are graphite transfers too.
and are you bragging about that?

>> No.3530513
File: 60 KB, 1023x728, D0E1E1B2-E51E-4091-9364-B3DC5DDCF239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is hands down the funniest post i’ve ever seen on this board. the grids, the chicken scratch, the hair and forehead and ear...damn i think we’ve peaked

>> No.3530613
File: 1.03 MB, 3024x4032, vikander rly 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25 years and you still chicken scratch and dont know anything about values and color theory.
Do you have much experience drawing for paint? Drawing on canvas? Do you not really "get" what the point is of all the "chicken scratch?"
>yes and it took hours, while it should've taken 15 minutes max.
It didn't take hours. It just took longer than it needed to to get to the same point. AND AGAIN, AS ALWAYS, the point is that ANYBODY is capable of this. It isn't some magical skill only posessed by self-important anonymous animu kids that are desperate to validate themselves to themselvse but would rather talk about how special they are then demonstrate it.
>so basically you are drawing from photo references, nothing special about that
Nothing needs to be "special." It just needs to be done.

And it's crazy how you think that basic draftsmanship IS "special." That's the first shit you learn before you're supposed to start branching out to different monetizable mediums and strategies that people would actually be interested in buying or soliciting your services for. Nobody cares about hand drawings.
>and are you bragging about that?
Absolutely. How many of ANY type of painting have you done? You're good at doing what I (and every one else) was good at doing when I was 14 and you're confused that nobody outside of your self-defeating cult really gives a shit how the sausage is made.

Do you have any background in printmaking or painting or art history or anything? Or you just like saw a loomis video on drawing tits and you feel the need to stress how special you are, anonymously?
>this is hands down the funniest post i’ve ever seen on this board.
You should consider killing your self.
>damn i think we’ve peaked
Your life is likely going to be one frustrating plateau. Nice animu meme though. You should try talking to grils some time kiddo.

>> No.3530619

Closer to human than what makes up most of Illustrats subjects

>> No.3530661
File: 42 KB, 640x320, Adrian-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres no point in chicken scratching, one thing is loose sketching, the other is needing dozens of tiny lines to make a simple shape.

>Nobody cares about hand drawings.
its not about hand drawings, its about your inability to draw, which shows in your paintings.
pic related, this useless "hand drawing" is all you need to start painting and if you have a good eye it should only take 10-15mins max, but you only know how to color between the lines why would you care.

>Do you have any background in printmaking or painting or art history or anything?
I do, I've painted with almost every medium, but Im just focusing on oils atm. I also have experience in a bunch of printmaking techniques, like serigraphy, lithography, Monotype, linoleum and even Chalcography, plus a few more that I cant remember or cant translate into english. But why does it matter, it doesnt change the fact that you are still trash even after all those years.

>> No.3530752
File: 3.02 MB, 3024x4032, refnvision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theres no point in chicken scratching
aesthetic flourish. i do what I want. There's no point in anything.
>the other is needing dozens of tiny lines to make a simple shape.
I'm nothing if not manic.
>its not about hand drawings, its about your inability to draw, which shows in your paintings.
Which, AGAIN, is ok with me. In fact it's kind of the point. The entire circlejerk appeal of Van Gogh is that he had an amateurish impulsiveness to what he did. I've always been more drawn to the idea of innovation through educated ignorance or childish spontaneity or however you want to describe it. It's a wabi sabi aesthetic I strive for. Clashing of the Mondrian concept with entropy and imperfection and impusiveness and junk. Structure subverted by disorder and human chaos.
>pic related, this useless "hand drawing" is all you need to start painting
No shit. I've done quite a few paintings from nothing. Generally for me the canvas approach is about the process. The first thing you do is cover the lines with a bunch of gesso. Painting isn't about the fucking lines it's about the process afterwards, which is why it's amusing to me how triggered you assholes get that I don't sit around drawing triangles on the canvas or whatever. Doing a graphite transfer for a lot of them involved more effort than it was worth but it's the process.
>but you only know how to color between the lines why would you care.
Yeah exactly. It doesn't matter. It's coloring a doodle. That's what art is.
>I do, I've painted with almost every medium, but Im just focusing on oils atm.
Neat. I'm not. Everybody is "focusing on oils" because it's easier and more blandly appealing. I paint with acrylics with a printmaking layering technique where I work on a bunch of paintings as the colors come up. I kind of actively and fundamentally did not give an uppity shit about what the correct approaches may have been. And every effort and failure and success is captured.

>> No.3530759
File: 3.07 MB, 2912x3722, came and saw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But why does it matter
I'm interested if you have any frame of reference at all that I can use to my benefit.
> it doesnt change the fact that you are still trash even after all those years.
Is pic related your work? And how much does it trigger you that you'll spend your entire life being less interesting than people that you're certain you're better than?

Does this translate hombre?

>> No.3530769
File: 658 KB, 4032x3024, mobile battlestation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this drawing isn't amazing
egg on your face dimbat

>> No.3530800

>Everybody is "focusing on oils" because it's easier and more blandly appealing.
No, everyone is focusing on oils because you can do more with them and the outcome looks more refined.
What do acrylics have over oils other than drying faster? Even gouache does that, why dont you work with them? Most of the acrylic paintings I've seen always looked very amateurish, or something that could pass as oil.
Most people who choose acrylic over oils its because they are cheaper and easier to get into and as not complicated as oils, also less toxic, not because they are "harder" to use than oils. Different tools for different jobs.
Why dont you paint with oils? You are racing someone on a bycicle while you are driving a car.

>> No.3530849

still going off, huh? chicken scratch is firstly an inefficient stylistic choice. why not outline value blocks? maybe that would help your problem with muddied values and colors. :( that being said i can’t control how you choose to present your art but i can guarantee that you’ll find no artsy camaraderie here so i don’t understand why you’d continue to engage?
>it’s crazy how you think basic draftsmanship is “special”
yeah bc i’ve seen So Much of that in your work. almost makes me think that it is special. hmm thinking emote
>nice animu meme tho.
thanks! i just rewatched the chunin exam arc :) it was fun
>you should try talking to grils sometime
:((( oh no :((( my unfounded arrogance regarding my prowess in artistic endeavors has driven off all of the females

>> No.3530850
File: 1.44 MB, 3024x4032, 37544518_10103010604476603_7187067817789751296_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, everyone is focusing on oils because you can do more with them and the outcome looks more refined.
*air wank gesture

>> No.3530861

christ this looks like a burn victim

>> No.3530885
File: 45 KB, 500x521, 1fc6b3e21153115edfe77a7e82346a68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm crying. I'm literally crying. How the fuck do I draw like you two? I want to learn this non-outline style so badly, holy fuck..

What is it even called? I want to google this right fucking now

>> No.3530887

its called painting anon.

>> No.3530889

are you retarded?
digital painting

>> No.3530892

fancy brush settings in photoshop is doing most of the work i think

>> No.3530893
File: 2.48 MB, 4032x2279, you're locked in here with me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3530894


I know, I draw digitally too, I just.. use outlines and have a manga/comic style.. I want to learn how to have a more 'painterly' touch like >>3522933

But my crutch is that I rely on outlines. I want to know how to begin to break from that, so I can start painting digitally like this.

It's beautiful.

>> No.3530896

its time to watch istebrak videos and pretend shes flogging you when she scolds people for drawing anime and being dependent on line

>> No.3530897


I can learn the painterly style from istebrak?

>> No.3530989

Is that Emma? Jesus fuck what did you do

>> No.3530996
File: 331 KB, 1082x1260, CoFydQTXEAA_ImF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even with grids

>> No.3531049
File: 291 KB, 774x1033, lady_a_by_pastelchu-dchwckb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3531050

Istebraks specialty is painterly portraits (from imagination/frankensteined from many different references)
So yes if nothing else you will learn how to do painterly portraits

>> No.3531183
File: 1.36 MB, 3024x4032, get rekt you goobus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name like 82 things wrong with this literally perfect technique ill weight

>> No.3531192

Alex Valle LOL

SFV is trash

>> No.3531219

>SFV is trash
It be do

>> No.3531663

She looks like a fucking goblin with the creases and tired skin of 100 year old eldrich abomination. Her eyes look like the depths of hell.

If you were trying to make a monster parody, congrats you've succeeded. Atleast you captured enough of her likeness for me to recognize her.

>> No.3531788

Op is burning all you suckers.

Learn to paint you digital hacks.

>> No.3531853
File: 2.04 MB, 2135x4014, stone grump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She looks like a fucking goblin with the creases and tired skin of 100 year old eldrich abomination
sounds pretty stupid.
>Her eyes look like the depths of hell.
probe it
>If you were trying to make a monster parody, congrats you've succeeded.
is english a language you struggle with?
> Atleast you captured enough of her likeness for me to recognize her.
yeah focus on the positives thats it gurl

>> No.3531981

Lol you are so fucking conceited, no wonder your subject is shallow hollywood "haha i'm making them do funny faces" portraits.

You're not important.

>> No.3532137
File: 913 KB, 3024x4032, get rekt ya doobus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol you are so fucking conceited
fun fact I was listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6UAYGxiRwU yesterday when I was drawing pic related on NBOH and LSD.
> no wonder your subject is shallow hollywood "haha i'm making them do funny faces" portraits.
Yeah it's a series that's a reflection of who I am as a person. Which is a self-obsessed narcissist with a death wish. Cry more about it ya poindexter.
>You're not important.
I'm the most important person in my life. Why do you think people care about your opinion on relative "importance?" Do you think you're important? Or are you a contemptious faggot because you think you'll never be important and you project that anonymously at strangers?

>> No.3532162

Lol well atleast we agree you're a narcissist. Any addition to this discussion only serves to stroke your ego, people lioe you live in complete disconnect to reality
( and appropriately , so do your drawings to anatomy. Fix that giraffe neck lol fuckin /beg/ man).

Have a good one m8. Dont act like this in real life.

>> No.3532254
File: 1.00 MB, 3024x4032, get rekt ya doobus 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol well atleast we agree you're a narcissist.
It was never a point of contention. Every single person here almost certainly is. And it says a lot about your delusional sense of self that you think you can throw narcissism stones at anyone, anon.
>Any addition to this discussion only serves to stroke your ego,
As opposed to what you're doing when you anonymously desperately argue at strangers about how much better you think you are than them?
> people lioe you live in complete disconnect to reality

What would you say you're doing when you say "people like you" other than very actively disconnecting from "reality" to refer to strawmen stereotypes in your head? What you just did is the foundation of delusional and irrational cognitive behavior.

>Have a good one m8.
You're an uppity nitwit and you unironically have psychotic features in the way your brain processes thought. I just pretend to be crazy. "People like you" can't help it.
>Dont act like this in real life.
"People like you" don't understand what real life is. You're a mewling, whataboutist coward and you were trained wrong as a joke. Don't act like you act ever.

>> No.3532258

Kill yourself

>> No.3532261
File: 1.99 MB, 3024x3005, if you get the opportunity you should kill yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.3532266
File: 160 KB, 1602x900, Screenshot (234).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't understand. I'm following istebrak on the face, and my brush is just not doing what hers is doing.

I FEEL retarded. Why am I struggling so much with this? I can't figure out how to even get my drawing's skin to look like that!

is it my brush? my settings? What am I missing?

>> No.3532273

Try using a basic round or basic square brush with full opacity to lay down the basic values that you have then use the painterly brush to smooth out skin and such. I think you're trying to immediately get to that painterly look but you have to build up your values and shapes before you can.

>> No.3532315

I dunno if this helps or if Photoshop has the same brushes, but worth a watch I guess

>> No.3532356
File: 2.59 MB, 2937x3099, the whole gestault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're spending too much time looking at the detail you're working on and you're not looking at the framing and space and whole gestalt of the image enough maybe?

And you're using some fake paint brush stroke that looks retarded and isn't really the kind of brush you would use to do that irl. You want rounded soft edges.

>> No.3532362

not whomever youre hashing things out with, just a lurker. but i have to say i cant wait until you grow out of your thing youre doing right now. its like namefagging but worse, you really intend to join the ranks of chun brian and illastrat, huh? well good luck, also your paintings are shit

>> No.3532434
File: 893 KB, 3024x4032, hepburn hand drawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not whomever youre hashing things out with, just a lurker
I didn't think you were. Was actual critique tbphwyf.
>but i have to say i cant wait until you grow out of your thing youre doing right now.
Me too.
>its like namefagging but worse, you really intend to join the ranks of chun brian and illastrat, huh?
No I don't really give a shit. Don't know who chun brian is. Mostly use this as a means to archive arguments and progress pics and stuff for later personal reference.
>well good luck, also your paintings are shit
Are you the dude that posted >>3532266 ?

What the fuck I was actually trying to give you suggestions for that fucking shit you posted. It doesn't seem like you have any spatial awareness at all. The nose and everything is already fucked and you just started. Whatever the fuck istebrak is it isn't working. Get the basic form figured out before you start getting uppity with fancy brush strokes.

Just hand drew pic related on canvas with no eraser. Took 2 episodes of Brooklyn Nine Nine.

>> No.3532552

all that chicken scratching, ew

>> No.3532585
File: 680 KB, 3024x4032, trash pile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chicken scratching
Are you the guy that posted your deformed digital brush strokes meme? Is this like a meme for edit+undo children or something?

Have you tried drawing on canvas? And are you talking about the lines in the hair to mark highlights for paint and whataver? I don't necessarily understand the chicken scratches meme when we're talking about canvas drawing. Is there an actual reason it's bad?

>> No.3532645


Yeah, I admit I was trying to jump into it. I really don't know how to build up my drawing, when it comes to rendering. You want manga/hard line style? no problem..

but this takes a hell of a different mind set, I'll work on it using all your advice. thanks guys.

Holy shit, thank you.

A grid? ah damn! Didn't think to. That's something my dad always does haha.

No no that makes sense, yeah I was just jumping in. I thought it was that simple, like you just blot down some darks, then start shading over it with lighter shades. I guess it's more than that.

So just go with a round brush, full opacity?

Huh? No, I posted that image not him.

I'm trying to learn how to be more painterly and not rely on outlines. Turns out I'm gonna have to restudy lighting, form, and values... shit.

If you have any advice at all on how to render/paint/painterly in digital, I'd be grateful.

I am struggling to understand how to lay down a foundation for the painting, and then work my way up. See I thought It's just stroking in directions along the planes of the face using certain shades, and blending with a texture brush afterwards or something?

I'm trying to achieve the skill of >>3522933

The hair looks easy, a comb or hair texture brush no problem. Then go over that with a white on pressure-opacity.

But the face... shit. I can't understand it yet.

>> No.3532656
File: 567 KB, 1584x1008, stone thumb july 5, 2017 and 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Huh? No, I posted that image not him.
sorry for being mean I was just talking shit because I thought you were the other one. Just keep grinding and try things and see what works and what doesn't.

But for the one you're emulating, it looks like they got the basic shape of the head and basic tones first then used the paint brush guy for highlights and flourishes?

i dont have recent experience doing digital but the same kind of approach that I used on >>3532137 to >>3532254 might be useful? Where you go in first with a bigger softer edge to get the basic under layer, then go in with a finer points on top?

>> No.3532772

ah, don't sweat it.

Hm, okay. I'm going to look up any vids on how to get basic shapes down without using lines -- like a blotting method or something.

yeah, that makes sense. okay.

Thanks man

>> No.3532836
File: 74 KB, 777x489, 5tOJzQa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's probably referring to the fact that each line was made by a series of short lines that overlap each other in order to form the correct curve. chicken scratch is basically just multiple scratchy lines when a single line would do just fine. it's normally the sign of a beginner, since beginners don't have good control of their pencil and can't draw a curve in one stroke. the only "reason its bad" is that it looks bad and messy, and that it's important to be able to draw lines with curves without having to rely on the chicken scratch technique.

here's a very basic example of a very messy, chicken-scratchy drawing i found on google. even the finished product has scratchy, messy lines despite the artist "cleaning up"

the point isn't that you should be able to have perfect lines for your entire sketch without a single mistake, but your entire drawing definitely shouldn't look scratchy and messy.

>> No.3532886
File: 1.77 MB, 2426x3185, 84E1EE50-7985-46B7-A619-EF0854BFE3DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, drew in 3 minutes because am bored, don’t expect anything just wanted to contribute for once.

>> No.3532984

oh god no

>> No.3533229
File: 485 KB, 1584x1008, jlaw whatsoever thy hand findeth to do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's probably referring to the fact that each line was made by a series of short lines that overlap each other in order to form the correct curve.
yeah the pencil breaks if you try to do long lines on canvas in in my experience
>chicken scratch is basically just multiple scratchy lines when a single line would do just fine.
I've been exclusively painting with acrylic for like 2 years. Long lines seem weird to me now.
>but your entire drawing definitely shouldn't look scratchy and messy.
unless you do it ON PURPOSE?! All about that novel aesthetic bb

>> No.3534587
File: 576 KB, 1080x776, Screenshot_2018-07-23-23-15-20-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3534592

I didnt even realize that was supposed to be audrey hepburn. I thought it was just supposed to be an ugly russian woman so thats what i drew kek

>> No.3534596

Looks like she was stung by bees desu

>> No.3534731
File: 3.95 MB, 4213x2962, IMG_0438 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well.

>> No.3534899

Practice your lines dude
Chicken scratch would be a weird aesthetic choice

>> No.3534902
File: 1.70 MB, 3024x4032, 29. Fep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chicken scratch would be a weird aesthetic choice

>> No.3536429
File: 132 KB, 800x567, autism hug box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone's "style" is doing the same numbers and circles and splotches shit that OP did

>> No.3536495
File: 1.83 MB, 4213x2962, 1531821068460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3538630
File: 1.06 MB, 4263x2962, toolazytofinish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3538793


>> No.3538909

I don't use acryllic, but I use oils, so excuse me if I'm wrong but aren't you supposed to sketch using your paint? I've also seen watercolor and fellow oil painters sketch using a thicc colored pencil.

>> No.3539232

let's be honest here no good advice is going to come from the anon that made all of the shitty acrylic paintings in this thread