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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 483 KB, 750x1060, CE970443-15DC-47EB-A5E7-05965417A7AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3530222 No.3530222 [Reply] [Original]

Shadman Drama Part 2.

>> No.3530224

Can someone explain what’s going on with him?

>> No.3530235

nobody cares sketman

>> No.3530239
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x2397, kimdecision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3530295

How the fuck did the last thread hit the bump limit, what is happening?

>> No.3530311

I'm a lolicon myself, an unironic one, but faggots like Shadman who repetitiously deny being a pedophile/hebephile then write some circumlocutory essay instead of just making art are such fucking pussies. It shows how people like him are truly just attention whores who want an edgy reputation with retarded teens on the internet instead of actually having passion for the subject of what they draw. He doesn't just post his art on a website like Pixiv where lolis are allowed cuz his art style is fuck ugly and Nip lolicons will hate it (collectively they have at least some degree of taste unlike Shad's followers) which means he won't be popular and won't be perceived as edgy but as a shit artist.

>> No.3530313

Fuck off pedofaggot, your days are numbered for your sick filth

>> No.3530321

kill yourself pedo

>> No.3530325

Fuck off pedo, you give a bad light to 2D loliCHADS

>> No.3530346
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>> No.3530350

Get some reading comprehension, did I say I was attracted to 3DPD little girls? I have strictly 2D loli art on my HDD and SSD and it is mostly Japanese. But you can't be a lolicon and deny being a pedophile or even hebephile because it's literally meant to be a representation of a little girl, otherwise you are admitting your loli preference is just a flat teen/adult with a huge head which isn't even true loli, pleb.

Teens, redditors, and moralfags need to return to whence you came.

>> No.3530352
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>> No.3530355
File: 137 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get some reading comprehension, did I say I was attracted to 3DPD little girls? I have strictly 2D loli art on my HDD and SSD and it is mostly Japanese. But you can't be a lolicon and deny being a pedophile or even hebephile because it's literally meant to be a representation of a little girl, otherwise you are admitting your loli preference is just a flat teen/adult with a huge head which isn't even true loli, pleb.


wtf is going on here?

>> No.3530374

>Posting common reaction images instead of invalidating anything I said about Shadman
If you don't understand the terminology used in anime communities on an anime website you should return to reddit.

I would like someone to present a negation to the idea of Shadman being nothing more than the soulless embodiment of a brand in typical manipulative capitalist fashion, utilising the pathos of underdeveloped teens and immature adults to generate an identity that is simply a subversion of what nu-internet social media fags are repulsed yet simultaneously provoked by, in order to feed his narcissistic desire for (pseudo(in))fame and money. I don't anticipate a legitimate reply because this board is filled with commercial art faggots and instagram/twitter/discord/tumblr wannabe-celebs.

>> No.3530381

You can clearly tell from his writing style, that he’s the schizo with the beg tier portraits.

>> No.3530387

>If you don't understand the terminology used in anime communities on an anime website you should return to reddit.

Please fuck off

>> No.3530398

>attention whoring for money is bad
>keep pedo-drawings pure

>utilising the pathos of underdeveloped teens and immature adults

If they want to make money selling lolly art then there are nobody else to chose from.

>> No.3530422
File: 1.99 MB, 3024x3005, if you get the opportunity you should kill yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like a real faggot anon. nobody cares about how you justify your antisocial deviancy. kys.

>> No.3530427

What beg tier portraits? By schizo you mean that Jace or Illustrat or whom, because there are lots of schizos here being an art board and all (art historically being an interest populated by all flavors of mentally deranged). I actually am schizoid, which while really not schizophrenia is semantically and categorically associated with such, but I draw anime, not that I'm unable to draw proficient portraits to the contradiction of that either.

No, but (You) shall.

People should pay money for art if that's what they want. But art becoming like a corporate product, artists using data based on trends based on innate but plebian patterns, to capitalize, is ultimately what is going to cause the decline of paid art, the signs of which are already visible in anywhere on the non-linear spectrum of art from the quality of the shit imitation-dada and 'abstract' art which millionaire retards hang or display in their architecturally unaesthethic mansions to the amateur porn art drawn by patreon whore neet from SEA. Art has always been made for money but back then it actually indicated subjective value to the client, the value assigned to art in the internet age is based purely on meme factor, therefore, there is no individual or group-individual intention for the art to have been made, so there is no 'reason' for the transaction to have been made to begin with, and this is what I have a problem with.

When did I justify anything faggot. If you want justification look at the thread where some fujoshit shotacon keeps claiming how shes 'not a pedo' like an absolute weakling.

>> No.3530452

Did you just call OP's stuff a "corporate product"?

>Art has always been made for money but back then it actually indicated subjective value to the client, the value assigned to art in the internet age is based purely on meme factor, therefore, there is no individual or group-individual intention for the art to have been made, so there is no 'reason' for the transaction to have been made to begin with, and this is what I have a problem with.

So now that people no longer have the state or church dictate good art for them and they can choose with their own money you think they are too stupid to know what they want because you don't like their choice?

>so there is no 'reason' for the transaction to have been made to begin with

This is where you jump off the rails completely to try and justify your view. Of course that's a reason. Supply/demand.

I think that by packing your arguments into elaborate rhetoric you have managed to fool yourself into thinking it sounds smart.

If you want your own pure lolly drawings then you will have to make them yourself. It's not only taboo for good reasons, it's illegal in many places of the world.

>> No.3530464

>being a pedo
>drawing pedo stuff
>selling pedo drawings
Not illegal but degenerate

>abusing kids
>possessing pedo images of real kids

Being a pedo is not a crime. No one chooses what they are sexually attracted to. Its when you act on the desires and there is a real victim it becomes a crime.

>> No.3530471

>drawing pedo stuff
>selling pedo drawings
>Not illegal but degenerate


>A jobless animation fan has made legal history as he was convicted of having illegal pictures of cartoon children.

>Robul Hoque, 39, is believed to be the first in the UK hauled before court over his collection of Japanese Manga or Anime-style images alone.

>> No.3530474

I'm willing to believe Shadman was "j-just kidding u guys!!" but, as the saying goes, you play with fire you get burned.

>> No.3530476

seems like he didnt bring his loli license

>> No.3530479

>drama thread

>> No.3530487

I mean the making of art is progressively resembling corporacy. Shadman's ostensible ideology may be diametrically opposite to corporate populism but he operates on the same mechanics.

>So now that people no longer have the state or church dictate good art for them and they can choose with their own money you think they are too stupid to know what they want because you don't like their choice?
Not talking about the church or state, those are even worse memes than social networks memery. (You probably brought those up to avoid the accusation of being a moralfag or cappie liberal, both associated with redditry.) But what I'm saying is the value of their money is meaningless, when they are influenced by social media's statistics of likes and retweets as well as specific imagery in a way like advertising although there are subtle nuances behind each motive to contribute a statistic. They choose to pay it but the aesthetic intention is not theirs but based on patterns which occur, engendered from sociopathic manipulation. But yes I do think they're stupid when they think Shadman's art style looks good. Although its subjective and a popular opinion may be treated as objective, with enough exposure to art comes taste and better (more refined, only in the sense of precise) taste could be a better opinion.

Reason comes from individual motive, supply/demand is not reason in this sense.

Not even trying rhetoric neither do I think it's smart. Just how I write, it's an attempt to be dictionary-precise if anything.

I do make loli drawings that are nowhere on the internet, do not live in a country where's it's illegal. Art should not give a fuck about taboo which is a religion-propagated conviction anyway. I just care that Shadman with his statistics is creating shit taste in art, in this wicked way which is eerily similar to corporatism.

>> No.3530491

that's why I fear drawing gross porn and being found out

is shadman just an exception?

>> No.3530493


to the trash it goes

>> No.3530523

Imagine consenting to having people like this around a school or a kids park

you are fucking sick and this should be punished by death

>> No.3530543


You're probably a pedo or at the very least an apologist.

Shadman is definitely a sexual predator and has interest in children. Don't defend him.

>> No.3530546

All these moralfaggots from reddit kek

>> No.3530548

I'm only a lolicon for 2D pure lolis. 3D children are disgusting and annoying brats.

>> No.3530549

hes a bad artist, his technical skill is dumpster tier. but he is just soooo daring and controversial. my god if this is what people find deep nowadays i hope the fucking planet gets nuked.
what reason on this planet do you have to draw child porn besides being a fucking pedo?

>> No.3530551


>> No.3530562
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Or maybe you just haven't met the right kid yet?

>> No.3530567

pretty much this. kids in movies are attractive, just the ones in real life are annoying. just like with adult women. my point is real women suck.

>> No.3530570

So you puke an entire dictionary just to say
> I dont like art like Shad's because it looks shit and I wish people to have superior, more refined tastes, like me!

This is unironically embarassing anon. Literally an "unwashed masses" attitude.

Stay in your room and draw your child porn. If your drawings are as bad as your articulation of art ideology, its best kept hidden.

"Corporatism". Lol gtfo.

>> No.3530573

but she doesn't look like anime

>> No.3530575

>kids in moves are attractive
>real women suck
my god youre sick in the head

>> No.3530578


>> No.3530584

Could be the silver lining. I've often had kids try to act cute and adult like to get my attention from adult women (Just kids being kids). Maybe people with pedo tendencies don't invoke that response in kids.

>> No.3530585

seething about pedophiles? yes absolutely, get a therapist before you hurt a child

>> No.3530593

that won't happen, 3dpd kids aren't attractive

>> No.3530594

I remember "hitting on" my uncle as a child because I didn't understand the implications or what the fuck I was doing. it is an adults responsibility to understand that the kid doesn't know what the fuck theyre doing, theyre imitating what they see in movies and media. its really not hard to not prey on kids.

>> No.3530609

All emotion but no thought put in to your opinion. What do you suggest doing? Round up everyone who draws under age characters in sexual way? Where do you even start? Thought crimes arent punishable by law (in US).

>.. Shadman has interest in children.
No fucking shit. He wrote those tweets because of fear.
>Shadman is definitely a sexual predator.
Do you even know what that means? You have no proof of him actually molesting kids
>Don't defend him.
Never defended him. Just stated how the law works(in US). Public shaming is good but you cant just start rounding people who drew pedo shit along with someone who rapes kids..

>> No.3530623


Haven't he had enough time to hone his art skills to just draw stuff that wont get him in trouble? This more feels like an attempt to save/revive his kiddy-drawing business with a little advertising.

>> No.3530627

well said brother, I concur.

>> No.3530666

Kill yourself seriously

>> No.3530725

he's being rational which makes his haters angry to the point they make fake account of "him" freaking out to their attacks now.

>> No.3530731

>"his haters"
youre very retarded if you think its the people who hate pedophiles and Nazi imagery and not bored trolls doing this. also lol

>> No.3530760

No one cares man, stop posting this shit.

>> No.3530765
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>kids in movies are attractive

>> No.3530854
File: 43 KB, 640x480, pedo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm calling the police anon.

>> No.3530862
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>> No.3530872

>what reason on this planet do you have to virtually steal cars, mug stores and kill people for fun besides being a fucking dangerous sociopath?
Are we gonna ban GTA next, Charles?

>> No.3531028

If that's how you interpret it then ok brainlet, but you neglect my original point, that being that Shad is a coward. It's clear from his tweets that he wants to be regarded as a revolutionary contrarian genius for drawing the same subject matter people have been drawing for decades except they did it out of sincere predilection for it rather than attention seeking meme-savvy teens pandering capital-generating. But then he backs away from what he ostensively believes in because it's not 'safe' and this behavior is analogous to what corporations are doing to exercise influence. It's not even about refined taste but having sincere taste, Shad like most e-celebs is a narcissist who does everything 'ironically' because postmodern insincere culture shames everything real, and people act like he is the new picasso or something just because they perceive it as subversive when it's actually fucking not.

>> No.3531040

> if thats how you interpret it then ok brainlet
Lol. Try not being an arrogant prick, no one's impressed.

> shad is being a coward
He said he's not gonna stop.

> it's clear from his tweets that he wants to be regarded as a revolutionary contrarian genius
Headcanon. You're literally making shit up about his psyche, either from envy or personal hubris, I dont know and I don't care.
> they did it out of sincere predilection for it rather than attention seeking meme-savvy teens pandering capital-generating
Are you really pulling a " No True Pedoman"? Are you complaining he's not a true pedo? Is this for real? Do you realize you belong in a mental ward?

> But then he backs away because its not 'safe'.

He literally said he's not gonna stop. Jesus fuck you could not be any dumber.

Your post is so petty. You know next to fucking nothing about the dude and you pretend you figured him all out based on secondary sensationalism, and then you go on some asinine tirade about postmodern cynicsm like anyobe gives a fuck.

You want to talk about narcissicsts? Look in the fuxking mirror, you autistic pedophile twat.

>> No.3531231

I like shotacon and am a straight woman anon.

The fuck are you on? I'm not a pedo I'm just a fucking fujo

>> No.3531239

>sane functioning member of society

>> No.3531241

>"I'm gonna actively try to get people mad at me"
>"wft? why are people mad at me?"

"""Troll""" mentality is so fucking retarded. If he's trying to get people mad then why does he act surprised when people are mad? Shadman is an attention whore, a manchild and, worse of all, a shitty artist. I unironically would love to see that piece of shit being arrested.

>> No.3531529

This is more like playing with a picture of fire and having people claim you're committing arson

>> No.3531531

You’re a pedo and a fujoshi
Seek therapy you sicko

>> No.3531622

>m a lolicon myself, an unironic one, but faggots like Shadman who repetitiously deny being a pedophile/hebephile then write some circumlocutory essay instead of just making art are such fucking pussies.
Or rather, they are smarter than you and at least try to make excuses in case their real life identity ever gets compromised.
If you are so brave, why don't you run around the streets and tell everyone you are aroused by little girls? That would show them!

>> No.3531628

what a fucking moron.

>> No.3531648

Am I the only one who thinks he has Asperger's and maybe some spectrum autism? Like some form of mental illness that isn't entirely sexual but he has a lack of understanding the societal norm.

>> No.3531654

Not that anon but therapy is more expensive than browsing yaoi doujins on the internet.

>> No.3531656

>Am I the only one who thinks he has Asperger's and maybe some spectrum autism?

Those are the same things.

>> No.3531711

Lol what. Isn't this shit about Shad getting b& from twitter, not arrested in real life? I don't even put any real life info on the internet, excuses won't help if you are so retarded you let yourself be doxed in the first place.

>> No.3531859

So, most of you are just jealous of his success is that it?

>> No.3531890
File: 662 KB, 1200x1697, 2018-07-21-hela-odinsdottir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of you can't even draw this good.

>> No.3531892

can you really call that any shade of 'good'

>> No.3531906

the absolute state of shadfags
what the fuck is this anatomy holy shit

>> No.3531933


>> No.3531937

Why? I'm not attracted to kids and I'm not going to believe furries fuck their pets.

You are the one who is sick not me

>> No.3531951

Since 4chan became a normie site the sjw's have increase so much, holy shit. Reading this thread gives me aids.

>> No.3531956

/ic/ is a normalfags board

>> No.3531958

Every board on 4chan is now.

>> No.3531959

You like shota, you’re a pedo. get some help

>> No.3531963

>I know better than you what you like
>2D animay is totally 3D bro

>> No.3531964

Hating pedophiles makes you a fucking sjw now? Looking for any excuse to validate your attraction to kids. You freaks really need therapy

>> No.3531966

you literally said you liked shota god damn kill yourself already

>> No.3531967

>can't make the difference between 3DPD and 2D
Either SJWtard or normalfag.

>> No.3531973

Then “normalfag” isn’t an insult. You can keep sperging about real kids being different from 2d kids I’m not arguing that that’s not true. I’m saying you’re still sick in the head and it’s only a matter of time before you’re looking at real kids.

>> No.3531980

I very much doubt this is a Shadman plan, a ton of people are attacking him on Twitter now for what he's draws. If he gets booted from Twitter he's in trouble.

>> No.3531982

Yeah normalfag is an insult, it's to define faggots like you who talk and debate about things they have no clue.
>it’s only a matter of time before you’re looking at real kids.
Lmao stop projecting your insecurities into other people, maybe I would if I was a norman who can't make the difference between 3DPD brats and 2D idealized Anime style.

>> No.3531987

>t. esl pedo
You need therapy

>> No.3531988

>no argument
I win.

>> No.3531991

>saying I win on 4chan
Do I need to tell you how autistic that is? Jesus Christ that’s embarrassing

>> No.3531992

>still no argument

>> No.3531998

Normies end yourself.

>> No.3532010
File: 1.86 MB, 228x170, seething.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-must..call...people...normies...to validate...my attraction..to kids..

>> No.3532016

>hating on non normies to increase your standing among other normies
End self.

>> No.3532022

No anon. Your waifu isn't a 3d person and will never be close to a human. Even if that makes you sad please understand people viewing the world differently aren't all sick pedos.

>> No.3532031

This board would be so much better without the fat females bringing their shitty drama here
Can you imagine what kind of bottom of the barrel female you need to be to post here on a board full of fat anime boys who pee in bottles

>> No.3532034

Look at this sore loser hahahaha

>> No.3532039

I’m about 90% sure that the people posting “hurr durr stop drawing anime” are fat bitches who are jealous because we’re choosing cartoons over their sorry asses hahahahahaha

>> No.3532125

Boy howdy, this sure is a great thread all about artwork and critique.

>> No.3532191


Yep, totally not a bunch of bitter art school failsons salty about someone who draws whatever he wants and lives comfortably

>> No.3532549

I'm a fellow shotacon here. I draw both loli and shota but more motivated when I draw shota boys. Some backstory of me why I'm what I am now.
>be me 8 y/o
>accidentally watched my hot uncle, he was 20s back then, undressed and bare naked, never saw adult peepee before because it was a taboo in my society
>get uneasy feeling but throbbing inside
>can't forget that moment
>start doodling naked men although /beg/ tier and highly abtract because curiosity, no fapping yet, just hard peepee I kept to myself
>fast forward to me aged 15-ish
>feels gay but non-acceptance society back then scares me, so hide it like a pro
>tfw fell in love with another boy in class, definitely he's not gay because hot stuff for girls
>never get romance even after finished school
>now in late 20s, already had sex with hook ups, no true soulmate yet
>unsatisfied/fulfillment sex
>tfw missed feeling like a curious kid/juvenile
>hook up can't satisfy my shota tendency because mostly just smaller guys than me. bigger guys are exist but they're beyond my reach/never got the chance because rejected.
>frustrated and cried a lot alone.
>imagine self as the shota
>draw self as shota with adult men/women
>feels better
anyway, can't really made money out of this because I'm not japanese. I wish there's also acceptance for "adultphile" (?)

>> No.3532859

>Shadowmist helped me with the sketching.

So, honestly if someone is doing the work for Shad, what the fuck is he doing?

>> No.3532875

I stopped peeing in bottles at least two days ago.

>> No.3532903

>did I say I was attracted to 3DPD little girls? I have strictly 2D loli art
>you can't be a lolicon and deny being a pedophile

>> No.3532962

I know art tends to be a hobby for the braindead, but how can you have reading comprehension this bad? I am a pedo but not attracted to 3DPD kids, like heterosexual otaku are only attracted to 2D girls, trapfags are not attracted to corporeal trannies/crossdressers, etc.
I've been a lolicon since being like 6 and seeing an 8 or something y/o girl's pussy on a playground and growing up watching anime with young girl protags. I didn't know what porn or sex was back then but just drew erotic scenes depicting girls I imagined were about the same age. I was attracted to girls but disgusted by women back then, but ever since becoming full schizoid around middle school I started being repulsed by real girls and seeking loli art to satisfy hormones.
Not only SJWs but also cryptonazi moralfag republicunt redditors from /pol/.

>> No.3532965

Pedos literally are degenerates and proven to have low IQs

>> No.3532995

American Asanagi

>> No.3533004

If you get butthurt at nude young teens cartoons then you are a coward reactionary who is never going to make it, especially if you are a woman and gets jealous from the act or image instead of appreciating the beauty of virginal beauty. Reproducing mundane, mediocre social customs is the opposite of art.

>> No.3533006

>appreciating the beauty of virginal beauty
>in a discussion about shadman
AHAHAHAHAHAAHA holy fuck pedos will never cease to amuse

>> No.3533009

this is why the white race is losing, cant even morality anymore

>> No.3533053

>lolicon, a subject of art which is japanese in origin
>white race
Ok. Also your 'morality' comes from a fanfiction written about some jew, you nazi retard.
This. /ic/ would flourish in artistry if /pol/ or anyone with the mindset of such as well as tumblr roasties are deported by making it so uncomfortable for them they leave, sadly impossible with normalization of 4chan and reddit tier mods.

>> No.3533071

wasnt there a point when retards like this weren't on /ic/ what the fuck actually happened to this board

>> No.3533077

>be femanon
>have boyfriend who is a 3D environmental artist
>critique eachothers work
>make massive gains together
>been together for 7 years
>only browse here because of old habits from when I was a shit artist
>not fat btw

>> No.3533089

Sorry for being autistic but you mean retards as in anti-lolicons or lolicons?
I forgot how old /ic/ is but events like chanology, fappening, gaymergate, and US election brought the most moralfaggotry in the form of republican boomers and SJWs sitewide. Also the influx of redditors trying to change the culture to what they perceive it to be, the_Drumpf, aggregators for ebin maymays, for specifically /ic/ tumblr and reddit hearing about it in their respective art spaces, all trying to enforce their authoritarianism.

>> No.3533094

Just how easily baited are you guys? Wasn't 1 thread enough?

>> No.3533095


>> No.3533127

What part of the anatomy don't you like

>> No.3533154

He draws hat kid the best compared to everyone else

>> No.3533183

he's right though. You admitted you'd rather die than educate yourself or be part of the community. You are, de facto, a proud normie.

>> No.3533185

yes. Especially when you sue the word pedophile like it's a magic incantation that make you yell at your screen and in your deluded slave head, "win"

>> No.3533262

just fucking nuke this thread already

>> No.3533338

ITT jelly salty little dick bitches

This dude has hot girls who cosplay as him/his art and gets paid a comfortable wage while you have to drag yourself out of bed to an alarm.

Just fucking admit it, also reported because this shit is off-topic drama

>> No.3533422

What does this mean someone helped Shad with the sketch?

>> No.3533869

>I'm not going to believe furries fuck their pets.
Weeew lad, did you join the internet yesterday?
My bad, you are a women

>> No.3533940

Police states don't count.

>> No.3533980

Explain to me what that weird bulge on her knee is supposed to be, and why her glutes are stuffed with trashbags that are encroaching onto her hamstring.

>> No.3533992

shadman burned down my house and child porn collection

>> No.3534093

was that even a sentence or just a string of buzzwords? 99% sure you dont even know what the fuck you are trying to say lol

>> No.3534157

>low IQs
I beg to differ but most pedo caught in the newspaper are big names with big games. they're only exposed because of betrayed and lost the game. So no. you're wrong and retarded by making assumptions like this.

>> No.3534520


Post work.

>> No.3534760
File: 35 KB, 589x636, 1505461949834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I thought I was going to be original in making this joke

Why even live?

>> No.3534767
File: 116 KB, 1500x1075, 71KHxwUSVNL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with peeing in a bottle/having a chamber pot under the bed ?

>> No.3534782

You are gonna have to draw a lot more furries to get out of somalia. Grind fundies.

>> No.3534943
File: 454 KB, 1400x943, FA089CBC-9330-4B9D-A7FF-0EC76C3C4B3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now Shad’s a racist as well.

>> No.3534990

He gave her a big bubbly ass. And of this whole picture you're looking at the knees?

>> No.3535058


>> No.3535065

>> 3534767
My grandmother used to have one of those, my two cousins used to run around with this shit full of piss threatening throw one in another.
Terrible times, terrible terrible times.

>> No.3535083

Plus the tits being higher than they should be and the right shoulder being longer than the left.

>> No.3536013


>> No.3536027

My gf is 14 and I'm 22, how do you feel about this?
Totally legal here btw

>> No.3536208

Lolis are 10 and under, not teens

>> No.3536415

Not bad. Good for you. Did she already learn how to suck, or did you have to teach her in long withdrawn sessions?

>> No.3536431

I started dating her last year (without her parents knowledge) and after I popped her cherry, she finally started to learn how to suck.
I met her dad in february no long after she turned 14 and the family already accepted me, everything is alright. The sex is great though, too bad she's not going to be this young forever, however I do love her and I can see a long life by her side.

>> No.3536441
File: 2.38 MB, 2844x3595, 71. Dent Pfft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When did I justify anything faggot.
what would you say you're doing here?

Also kind of everything you do is about justifying your impulses to yourself when you get down to it gnome sang

>> No.3536445
File: 3.04 MB, 3024x4032, awkward question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is racism like a gay thing?

>> No.3536453

The color and value on these are so shit

>> No.3536456

Best post

>> No.3537698

Honestly? disgusted.

>> No.3540465

Am I the only one who thinks that shadman just doesn't draw well. I mean, does anyone else think that his characters dont look right?

>> No.3540528

No, I think most people think that way. Most better artists aren't willing to make similar content to him though, so he has become popular by catering to other people's fetishes. He also has a pretty consistent output, so his followers can rely on him regularly posting artworks of similar quality. However, his stiff characters along with shiny rendering combine to make artworks that disgust me slightly when I look at them.

>> No.3540549

People who aren't artists have a way lower standard of what comes across as good art, especially with porn.
Some people with weird fetishes that not a lot of artists do will accept trashy art. The narrative of porn can EASILY outweigh how well its drawn.
It's why people like Shadman, Transmorpher DDS and Shiin make a living and why people always its easy to make money off furrys even if you have bad art, it's because its true. Its why patreons of VNs or comics with god awful art can make so much money.

>> No.3540723
File: 167 KB, 750x499, Justin-Payne-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3540938


I seem to notice that too with each board getting infected. Its kind sad actually.

>> No.3540997


His earnest attempts at defending, explaining and rationalizing it to people bitching about his work is a bit baffling. If you're gonna solicit indiscriminate attention as an edgelord in a mainstream normie hub then that's your choice, but how can you actually be confused at the reactions that ensue? Why not just ignore them entirely while making more art to piss them off? If he gets banned he gets banned, writing an essay explaining stuff isn't gonna do shit

>> No.3541167
File: 387 KB, 1000x1414, 2018-07-27-momo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is now at the bottom of the barrel. I think this proves 100% all he will draw now is memes, and whatever is trending on Twitter.

>> No.3541177

Pedo is for thinking's men
Just look at all those rulers of the world who are pedos

>> No.3541179

Where do you live? I want to move in

>> No.3541190

Hi shadman


You guys are all suckers for giving this guy this much attention. If drawing nazi-scat-pedo-beastiality is what will get him attention and people complaining about him then that is what he'll draw.

>> No.3541226

Paraguay, you're welcome to come

>> No.3541241

what is your point?
having a boyfriend doesn't mean you are not at bottom barrel