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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 33 KB, 960x540, 25551837_10155819057265185_8992436436894979204_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3524390 No.3524390 [Reply] [Original]

I am getting so sick of being labeled "some dude mad that redesign of <insert female character> doesn't make his pee-pee hard." I don't care about any of these stupid characters looking 'sexy.' I do care that they are drawn so aesthetically unappealing.

This has been an issue with American cartoons since the fucking '90s (much of which I blamed on Ren & Stimpy). What's worse is that this is the current style which include Erica Henderson's Squirrel Girl, Sugar's Steven's Universe, Adventure Time, the new My Little Pony, the new Teen Titans, and etc. I don't know what this style is, but it's so barf inducing. What's even worse is that it's not even cute, not one bit.

This ugly ass shit is why I stopped watching American animation save for the occasional Disney shit. Maybe if I was a tween I could get into it? But I just can't. At least in Japan even with their super cartoony faces the characters have some semblance of having aesthetically appealing designs? The super deformed stuff looks cute. Half of the shit designed now just looks like blocks with the occasional curved line.

That being said, I don't mind She-Ra being a more muscular woman. That's not the problem. The issue is that I've seen like umpteen artists draw Noelle's redesign better than the style that the redesign is drawn in.

>> No.3524398

Besides Disney and the Cheap HB cartoons that were made in the olden days, America really never had an "animation industry". Everything else was outsourced to south korea.

>> No.3524402

The only thing that truly bothers me is the face and head shape read as Male no matter how hard you try not to see it.

remove the extra hair and all I see is a boy in a frilly leotard.

I don't care about the show, but I can't deny that the artist did a piss poor attempt at making her look like a girl

>> No.3524415

>mlp is asthetically unpleasing
How does it get so much porn then?
But other than that, you basically expressed my own sentiments about western animation in general.
>Dude they’re fucking ugly so it’s funny! LOL!
I never realized how much Ren and Stimpy ruined cartoons.

>> No.3524423

America very much had an animation industrom from like the 1920s to the 1970s when things started getting outsourced more. But you had numerous studios making theatrical shorts in the old days.

>> No.3524430
File: 92 KB, 500x393, Keiko-Murayama-Goku-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noelle didn't even do the design work, you retards.

Keiko Murayama & Jisoo Kim did the design work.

> Maybe if I was a tween I could get into it?

It's almost like this is... a children's show?

>> No.3524433
File: 183 KB, 1200x1200, she-ra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides the somewhat masculine face (only at certain angles?), I think it's a great design and don't get the fuss. Never cared for the Barbie doll look. She looks like Korra, tough but not exactly unfeminine, but you'd think based on the bitching she was some SU gremlin.

Anyway what's with these "childhood ruined" dweebs who most certainly would not have cared if not for the controversy? Who the fuck cared about She-Ra.

>> No.3524434
File: 54 KB, 862x485, Dh2tOeBU8AApjFf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and both of them are from Japan / South Korea, respectively - so it makes no sense that OP is bitching about American animation while wanking off about Japanese animation like the shit tier weeaboo he is.

>> No.3524435
File: 238 KB, 1617x3000, Season_3_Nicole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does mlp get so much porn then?
Autistic manchild furries who like bright colors
This is literally why gumball's mom is so popular despite looking like pic related

>> No.3524442
File: 1.59 MB, 400x303, 1WgP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd honestly be fine with a manly looking she ra if her art style wasn't so lazy and half assed.
Like any DeviantArt user can draw the new version now, it takes no skill whatsoever
It's such a downgrade from the old show and it's just infuriating

>> No.3524453
File: 1.91 MB, 432x324, 9wH9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> downgrade

> from 80s American children's animation

> drawing the old She-Ra took skill

> like the animators didn't literally use the same body for every female character in that show

Are you on crack? Are you on crack cocaine, anon?

>> No.3524464

Not that anon but in comparison to the new show its better

>> No.3524473

can everyone in this thread PLEASE watch the actual show to remind themselves it looked like shit: https://youtu.be/jWhQiJoW-oo?t=1075

>> No.3524504
File: 16 KB, 353x372, IMG_20180718_010839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still looks better than this straight outta how to draw manga book shit

>> No.3524523

Post your work

>> No.3524526

Do some real art for real art people such as gallery owners instead of drawing animu for non art loving nerds.

>> No.3524573

Keep this shit in /co/. I see enough of it there.

>> No.3524576

How is PYW relevant when comparing the old cartoon with the new one? Will his opinion somehow be invalidated if his art isn't up to your standards?

>> No.3524971

Do they both live and work in Japan and South Korea or are they both ethnically Asians who were born and raised in the US or moved to the US? That’s a fucking huge distinction.

Also, there’s nothing wrong with their art. That being said someone had to redraw their designs for the project and they STILL had to be given art direction from someone. I’m pretty sure if their designs went out in their own style i’m Pretty sure that there would have Been less of an issue with them.

>> No.3524972

Korra is drawn way better.

>> No.3524975

The animation in the 80s was crap and those designs left something to be desired at time, but at least it’s ok on the eyes. That being said it doesn’t mean that the new one is better.

>> No.3525325
File: 36 KB, 663x579, 18491756728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Anon, She-Ra is the heroine we need right now.

>> No.3525359

I actually like the design. And normally I'd hate sjw pandering....but it might be the onions laced foods in eating every day from my work vending machine that's messing with my brain.

>> No.3525363

I typed S o y unless there is a world filter now....

>> No.3525468

How autistic do you have to be to write that unironically. You're on ic, even beg can tell that Korra has a different body type

>> No.3525490

Korra's a woman. A sexy woman.

>> No.3525497

I guess I'll study teenage girls so I can do her r34

>> No.3525514

>Besides Disney and the Cheap HB cartoons that were made in the olden days,
>besides the beginning and middle of animation history
fixed it for you, you fucking philistine

>> No.3525520


"She" has the body of a male olympic swimmer, literally nothing feminine about it. It's a dude in a wig

>> No.3525539
File: 541 KB, 915x597, stop it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only thing that truly bothers me is the face
Pretty much this.
I'm really feeling indifferent for this show, like I can't even bother to really care.
But I'm really starting to despise this animu influenced shit. First, let me say, I love anime and I'm a HUGE FILTHY WEEB.
But I'm getting really tired of what were originally western cartoon get this anime remake treatment, like really oversimplify their faces with huge eyes, very small nose and a mouth with no restriction when trying express emotion. It looks like a cheep Chinese knockoff and hell even some Chinese anime look better than this shit.
I understand that animating more realistic faces take way more time, effort and money, but it would be cool to see a original show with the 80s aesthetics get animated today, with much more fluidity, dat be cool.

>> No.3525543

It baffles me that some people get so overly emotional about this stuff. It's like GamerGate or Star Wars and they just won't admit the real reason why this shit triggers them as much as an SJW sees a straight white male character playing a transexual woman. Everything is a crisis these days and western civilization is evidently on the brink of collapse.

>> No.3525553
File: 83 KB, 704x528, Ruby_Gloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Western cartoons look like ugly deformed paper dolls that can only be seen at 3/4 perspective.

>> No.3525556

people have been like this for decades. if anything this whole shitfest fits right into human continuity. everything will continue working, but everyone will continue to be screechy and annoying, just over new things every time

>> No.3525563

So now it's how authentically Japanese or Korean they are? Define the difference. How immersed do they have to be?

>> No.3525584
File: 32 KB, 266x204, [shrieking autistcally].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that the official art? the more i look the worse it gets
>cauliflower ear
>no line weight
>ms paint-tier inking
>nose that makes the skull look super deformed
>blob hair & cape
>uneven sword
>the fucking airbrushing
it's like every aspect of this drawing was designed to trigger my autism in the worst way possible

>> No.3525594
File: 176 KB, 1500x843, catra_and_adora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess im autistic cus it looks cute to me

>> No.3525602

True. Maybe it's my own myopic view of history and the particular times we're living in, but it feels like there's an extra layer of ridiculousness. Like, say, outrage over a feminist who crowdfunds so she can critique some games, or how much a Korean actress playing a Chinese actress is "cultural appropriation" to the tumblrinas. It feels extra petty and pointless.

>> No.3525603

god id fuck that cat bitch so hard

>> No.3525614

Why would you ever think it was a question of ethnicity and not design philosophies?

>> No.3525615

is that like a frame from the show? if so that's very cool though i think maybe a more cel looking background might mix better with the very flat colors, like the simpsons for example.

>> No.3525658

I've only heard about this supposed outcry on She-Ra.
Is this the real official image? It looks awful. Like a 12 year old drew it.
WTF is going on with the hair on the side of her head where the wing tiara thing is......what IS this?

>> No.3525660

Nah, in this she looks cute.

>> No.3525665

>This ugly ass shit is why I stopped watching American animation save for the occasional Disney shit
Well, the reason you were SUPPOSED to stop watching American animation is that American cartoons are for 10-year-olds.

>> No.3525695

i think the issue is that in like 2016 there was lots of back and forth between the 'sjws' and cishetwhitemales, and it was really fun. everyone got to call people stupid, and make memes, and get angry about pop culture nonsense that doesn't matter.

but then most people got bored of all that, so there's nothing fun to fight about. so losers like you who can't let it go try to kick up sparks about every little thing hoping it'll catch and you'll finally have something to talk about.

so here you are, enraged that they're remaking a shitty saturday morning cartoon from the 80s, one that looked like shit (but had cool toys) and has no relevance to anything important at all. and you just can't see that you're the crank, the weirdo, the idiot and yes, ultimately, the cuck.

>> No.3525706
File: 58 KB, 670x377, she-ra-netflix-glimmer-bow-adora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

parts of it looks good, some parts dont.
this purple characters looks some uninspired steven universe oc (maybe it's the same designer what do i know)

>> No.3525710

appealing comfy colors and shapes like bee and puppycat, i still like it.

>> No.3525717

lmao, this
American cartoons don't appeal to you because they're not supposed to. You are literally not the target market. Meanwhile, American kids love that shit.
You're supposed to be watching Game of Thrones and shit. I know, there is no solid animation for adults in America, and it sucks, but that's just how it is. Even if the animation for Steven Universe or MLP was good, it still wouldn't make it any less for children simply because of the premise.

>> No.3525733
File: 172 KB, 632x573, 20180603_024840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, looks like we got sewage spillover from /co/. What fun.

>> No.3525772

You are a fucking dumbass. There are plenty of Westerners who work in Japan’s anime industry that prove you wrong.

>> No.3525776

>reducing a discussion about the differences in aesthetics across cultures to some Sjw shitfit

There’s nothing worse than an ignorant asshole trying to insult someone else.

>> No.3525779

A good show appeals to anyone regardless of age. Why do you think Animaniacs was popular with adults, too?

>> No.3525890

What are you replying to, that's my point? Learn reading comprehension.

>> No.3525902

I don’t think it’s the bright colors only, the character design is honestly attractive in a cute way. The characters have all the markers of a young animal/child. Small snout, large eyes, etc.
I don’t know about gumbsll stuff though. I assume it’s just pervs or maybe she has a “sexy” voice. I mean /co/ wanted to fuck that one raccoon based purely on voice.

>> No.3525908
File: 14 KB, 400x224, 1530629011503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>young child

>> No.3525934

i don't even care about the cartoon. it's the condescending female base that thinks being a cunt is some form of moral superiority and the secondary cuck dudes that babble shit like "as a man im appalled at my gender" that pisses me off

like no dude it just looks bad this isnt about gender. people shit on the thundercats reboot too.

>> No.3526010

Only the french and nippon can save the character design aspect of animation. Fuck americans especially those who let the loud ugly women into their industry.

>> No.3526014

man you people are so weird lol completely fixated

>> No.3526293
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, big_1471840610_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mainly her voice and character, I think. Nicole is the most well adjusted and mature out of the Watterson family (besides Anais), she genuinely loves and is dedicated to her kids and her husband, and is overall a very sympathetic and likeable character. Her ability to kick major ass is also a plus.
Helen Parr from The Incredibles or Carol Kincaid from OK K.O. are characters that people like for similar reasons, thiccness aside.

>> No.3526458

can we just delete /co/, their existence is completely depressing.

>> No.3526736


These look better than the promotional image. These characters have real structure and shape.

>> No.3526739

>do fine art
>/ic/ still bitch about some of the horrible art that gets sold for millions

>> No.3526758

I actually thought that the ThunderCats reboot designs and animation were great, but the story was super sleep inducing.

>> No.3526763

I don't mind the Japanese influence, but I think in some cases it isn't really executed that well. Avatar the Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, Black Dynamite, and The Boondocks are better examples of a better execution. Coincidentally, they were all done by the same person who went to Japan and Korea to study and work in animation there.

In this case >>3524390 >>3524433 looks like Americans trying to utilize that same style, but not realizing what makes it work. It's like trying to combine both styles making for a face that seems to lack structure.

>> No.3526775

>and both of them are from Japan / South Korea, respectively - so it makes no sense that OP is bitching about American animation while wanking off about Japanese animation like the shit tier weeaboo he is.

This is what you, originally, stated. You are saying that I'm bitching about American animation and praising Japanese animation even though both character designers were Korean and Japanese. The point itself is fucking retarded, because you are conflating to the two and it doesn't make any sense.

Japanese and Korean artists working in the American animation industry are going to be following a different design aesthetic from the ones working in Japan. There are foreigners working in Japan who also have to follow Japan's design aesthetic and can do it quite well. It just proves that you entire argument was ridiculous from the start.

>> No.3526838


>I am getting so sick of being labeled "some dude mad that redesign of <insert female character> doesn't make his pee-pee hard.

Then stop being mad.

>> No.3526864

>another asshole that can't fucking read

This seems to be a pattern.

>> No.3526876

Different anon, now I'm convinced you're not reading what you respond to.

>> No.3527483

Nope, just gay