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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 16 KB, 214x317, MV5BNDI5NTkwNjM5MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDU5Mjc3MzI@._V1_UX214_CR0,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3521992 No.3521992[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Rebecca Sugar just confirmed that both her and the gems are non-binary. This is literally shattering the glass ceiling/unheard of: we have a successful show made by a non-binary person. How does this make you feel /ic/?

This person is an amazing artist, I'm so proud of her.

>> No.3521996

Sorry anon I’m gonna have to arrest you for that micro-aggression. Gulag for you.

>> No.3521999

who the fuck is that and why should I care, and more importantly why should you? Do you feel personally attacked or something?

>> No.3522000

Gems are non-binary, but go almost exclusively by female pronouns, and not one goes by male pronouns........ sure ok

>> No.3522001

Can’t tell if this is a she or a he.

>> No.3522002

thats the point anon

>> No.3522005
File: 34 KB, 335x378, hmmmgelion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you just misgender THEM

>> No.3522010
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>> No.3522016


Makes me feel like the term "Non-Binary" is so wishy-washy and meaningless that you could apply it to almost anybody.

I like plenty of "girly" stuff, but I harbor no illusions about being part woman. (Other than having an X-chromosome, like everybody else.)

Seriously though, the term means nothing. It's just something people adopt to make themselves feel special. Applies to lots of other things too.

My ex-roommate decided he was asexual, despite having had way more sexual experiences than I ever did. Now it's part of his identity and he posts about it on Facebook. Before that he was bisexual, but I guess he's not anymore?

Oh and he's a vegan now, despite being a carnivore the entire time I knew him. (Still puts fish-sauce on his food, though.)

Point is, people are flakes who want themselves to feel special and different, and non-binary is so vague that you can apply it Dykes, Faggots, Trannies, Bisexuals, Asexuals, Virgins, Sluts, Incels, Castrati, Hermaphrodites, etc. etc. etc.

Out of all the labels people choose for themselves, this one is the most meaningless and empty.

>> No.3522022

Had to look that up. Every time a new term they use for themselves gets somewhat know they change it. Fucking why?

Is it that everything none-trans say sounds like an insult to them?

>> No.3522023
File: 1.12 MB, 382x356, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3522027

is this even an /ic/ thread or is this a /pol/ thread, i haven't seen any talk about art

>> No.3522028
File: 31 KB, 322x438, IMG_20180715_173559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All gems are non binary
>They all go by her
>Entire crew never shuts up on twitter about how they are all lesbians

>> No.3522029

You just made this exact thread in /co/
Nobody cares

>> No.3522032


Context please. I don't know who.

>> No.3522041

this happened like over a year ago. What does this have to do with art. This is akin to jk Rowling saying dumbledore is gay. And you adding “she’s an artist btw so this is relevant.” Nothing in the work indicates what she’s saying is true and she just wants brownie points from the fandom, just like you want (you)s from the retards on this board including myself.

>> No.3522124

Looks like that kid from Stranger Things if he practiced Reform Judaism.

>> No.3522125

She made a show about gay space rocks and their pudgy half-human friend.

>> No.3522146

I don't really care what she does or how she chooses to present herself or think about herself, but if it makes her happy I support her.
It costs nothing to not be a dick for no reason even if you don't believe it's a real thing.
I mean, I do not believe pansexuality is real but I don't go around telling pansexuals shit, I'm more of a "whatever floats your boat I guess" trype of guy.

>> No.3522153


>> No.3522167

Seriously, I watch the show because I binged it until season two/start of three and am invested because I love lore, despite the fact the show is made by lgbtq-whatever-the-fuck-jackasses and I still see how this show is a “kids show” yet jams acceptance in your face, apparently not enough to push me away though.
And yeah they’re goddamn lesbians, they made it pretty damn clear that even the manliest of gems is a female gem.

>> No.3522201

This is the only acceptable response to these threads.

>> No.3522620
File: 771 KB, 469x372, you_know_you_wanna.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does this make you feel /ic/?
I don't give a fuck.

>> No.3522626

la creatura... el orco... la puridad extinguida...

>> No.3522647


>> No.3522651


Its her fucking show. She can do whatever. I don't care.

>> No.3522667

>we have a successful show made by a non-binary person.
That's cheating, anon.
The show became a success when she still was a woman.

So it doesn't count.

>> No.3522672


this is just another way of saying "ugly" isn't it

>> No.3522689
File: 2.58 MB, 2985x4000, 1435066137837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id rather have ruan jia threads than this shit, atleast theyre relevant

>> No.3522690

Hasn't it always been confirmed the gems were non-binary (despite they all look and sound female)
Seriously, when is this fucken trend going to die, who the fuck cares what you are or what hole you may or may not fuck.
Get a fucken personality.

>> No.3522699
File: 483 KB, 658x924, 1313553176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruan jia
love that guy

>> No.3522717

>womans name
>looks like a woman
>dresses like a woman
>acts like a woman

yeah, nonbinary

>> No.3522927


>> No.3522930

Based and Clearpilled

>> No.3522941

>It costs nothing to not be a dick for no reason even if you don't believe it's a real thing.
>le go along to get along xD
>implying it wont be your fault when the delusions you help facilitate mutilate people

People get convinced they should be disabled and gauge their eyes out, people get convinced their 6 year old needs hormone treatment because of all those real(tm) conditions people pretend there exist etc.

Several generations of people already grew up on ritalin, mostly needlessly, because of lazy educators and parents listening to dumb medical professionals listening to greedy corporate pharma shills.

There is always a consequence for buying into bullshit, if not individual then societal, because ultimately peoples' success relies on adequate judgments of reality. Some cases look harmless, but eventually they come back to kick your ass anyway.

>I'm more of a conformist appeaser type of guy.


>> No.3523022

good goy

>> No.3523039

This timeline is fucking shit. I don't give a fuck about whatever you have between your legs, stop pretending to be a speshul snowflake. You are a human being, and like all manmals , human beings are either female or male.

>> No.3523044

What the hell happened? She used to be sort of decent but now she looks like a grandma at her early thirties

>> No.3523048

I don't even know who she is.

>> No.3523075

what are gems and non-binary? in english please.

>> No.3523077

Bugs bunny was a transvestite in the Truman administration. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.3523081

what about intersex people?

>> No.3523095

we're not a pawn on the trans chessboard fuck OFF

we have a birth defect and are still men and women. We experience "gender" like everyone else - some people are socialized the wrong gender and that can fuck them up, but that would fuck anyone up.

We're not a third sex. FUCK OFF.

>> No.3523109


>> No.3523117

Sounds like hell, especially in this climate.

>> No.3523123

but what about intersex people

>> No.3523129



>> No.3523130


>> No.3523135

go look up intersex in any social media outlet, and what you'll find is

"male and female, nothing else" "but intersex"

it's the only time people use that word, it's tiring. When you're actually intersex you get used for personal social wars by friends who are trying super hard to be "progressive" but it's all BS. Then you have one less friend. Stupid shit, man.

I like to troll "nonbinary" people because they have no idea what not being male or female is like, and it's "intersex appropriation." That's fun, but the rest is retarded.

>> No.3523148

>Not believing pansexuality is real
>On 4Chan
>Not believing "if it moves I'd fuck it" on 4Chan