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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 322 KB, 1800x558, mountain-huang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3518560 No.3518560 [Reply] [Original]

For fucks sake, how can ruan be such a good teacher??

>> No.3518564

interesting style vs. another overrendered soulless asian piece
get some taste fag

>> No.3518569

nice try fenggot

>> No.3518574

no taste philistine

>> No.3518576

you can tell this person had a decent concept of form and then ruan taught them a rendering technique. its impressive for sure but probly not as impressive as youre trying to imply

>> No.3518579

He’s a genius obviously.

>> No.3518583

What is it about before-and-afters that triggers contrarians so hard? The pose in the first picture is pretty stiff, especially those arms.

>> No.3518593

>contrarian incel

one of those ruanfags again

>> No.3518595

why do they have no nips

>> No.3518601

>>contrarian incel
get better insults ruanshitter

>> No.3518602

When will people stop conflating light and rendering?

You can have the best knowledge of light and form in the world, but paint super loose and loosely render.

On the opposite end, you can render the fuck out of something but not really understand how light or form works. Render is not another word for light & form.

>> No.3518608

Imagine being so autistic this becomes a big deal.

>> No.3518622

That's not being autistic, there really is a difference between the two. For instance, you could have very highly rendered pillow shading.

>> No.3518632

if youre rendering correctly light and form is inseperable from it. doesnt matter the "level" of rendering detail if the form isnt reading and there isnt a consistent light source youre doing it wrong
so why are you being a pedant?

>> No.3518633

Being willfully ignorant in regards to a topic we continue to incessantly bitch about in the same threads every week on this board is a pretty much a big deal.

>> No.3518637

teaching someone to render properly is teaching them to understand light and how it affects the subject
youre retarded

>> No.3518654

Rendering is not a fundamental. You take a painting to a level of polish and finish that you personally like, and that's called subjective taste.

Whether you spend one hour on a piece or 10 hours has little to do with how complex the lighting is, or how accurately the forms read.

>> No.3518661

literally what does that have to do with what I said

>> No.3518666

As a third party I suggest to stop arguing. You don't discuss anything meaningful, you just fight over semantics.

You are both right in some way.

>> No.3518729

more than enough for you lol

>> No.3518730

As a fourth party I suggest you shut the fuck up and let them talk. I come to ic to read exactly the kind of banter.

>> No.3518747

Underage faggot, please leave.

>> No.3518753

ruan is just chinese sakimi

>> No.3518754

Nice try, the devil. It figures that you'd be the anti-semantic one in this thread.

>> No.3518956

eat shiett retoad

>> No.3518962

fuck off embryo

>> No.3518978

I wonder if we could download videos from him somewhere....

>> No.3518981

how long is the time span between the two?

>> No.3519015

nips have no nips, what a surprise

>> No.3519039
File: 59 KB, 900x900, tank_austin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this much of a /beg/

is right plain and simple. when you render something you are defining the object as clear as can be. the more well defined it is, the more rendered it is. rendering, lighting and color are all completely separate concepts that simply working on one wont make you better at all of them. with rendering you understand better edge control, being able to soften areas and just manageable with layers when need be. with lighting you focus on values and their subtly when painting in grayscale. the direction of light, occlusion, ambient and how it bounces dont really play much in there because theyre sort of self evident. thats why you confuse lighting with rendering.

>> No.3519040

you retards need to stop divorcing rendering from light or you will never make it. you sound fucking stupid speaking like this. there is no color there are no edges no defined object without light.

>> No.3519042
File: 1.75 MB, 2560x1440, IMG_03032017_212222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theyre completely separate concepts you dumb nigger, i want begs to leave this thread.

>> No.3519047

>dat anatomy

>> No.3519056

til scott robertson is a fucking beg

>> No.3519058

left doesn't show their starting knowledge at all

>> No.3519062

beg detected, lurk more.

>> No.3519064
File: 125 KB, 500x515, peepo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to see your work

>> No.3519075

nah i dont share with brainlets

>> No.3519088

>you retards need to stop divorcing rendering from light or you will never make it. you sound fucking stupid speaking like this. there is no color there are no edges no defined object without light.
Finally someone that actually knows what they're talking about. It's all interconnected.I hate this autistification of art where everything has to be so pedantic and so missing the point of it all.

>> No.3519106

ah you fucking begs are always looking for the easy way out, not everyone is a prodigy yeknow.

>> No.3519108

>im wrong time to act like I was trolling le whole time

>> No.3519111

>uh oh he got me this time, i better call him out before he does!

>> No.3519113

It's you who wants to make everything easier by thinking you can just separate elements. Fucking dumbass.

>> No.3519120

im smiling to the fact that you will never make it, stay true to that logic of yours friendo.

>> No.3519122

Post art, you def made it, correct?

>> No.3519507

well just 1 semester of his class, (or maybe 8 months dunno how long he stretches it)

>> No.3519527
File: 109 KB, 2048x2048, chsluna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't separate light from rendering, you render planes because there is a source of light, however faint it may be, it gives information to the form.

Imagine looking at the moon from within the space, but there is no sun in the vicinity to emanate light. All you would see is absolute pitch black. Turn on the sun, and suddenly the moon would get a clear rendered shape, with a lit side, and one side in pure black (the light from the sun can't bounce back to illuminate the back side of the moon, since there is nothing behind it, the light rays would just travel far into the depths of space until they become too faint).

>> No.3519534

they all actually do like a ruan's rip offs. they will get jobs in industry thou, so it is all that matters for them. after that throghour years of training unique style will emerge.

>> No.3519540

I wasn't saying light has nothing to do with color, edges or form. I was saying light is conceptually different from rendering, specifically.

Just because two things tend to work in tandem with each other doesn't mean they're both the same thing. That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard.

People who think they're the same thing are the people I was addressing. So calm your tits if you're not who my post was addressing.

>> No.3519571

So this is the caliber of anons that spam Ruan threads and then shitpost/"critique" in them.

>> No.3519613

sigh youre all fucking brainlets, just because theyre separate fucking concepts doesnt mean were separating them, why do you retards think so primitively?

>> No.3519625

actually you are the one separating one universal unified concept into separate ideas, trying to prove that a chick can hatch without an eggshell.

hm.. I guess this makes you a primitive brainlet? Go back to the basics anon

>> No.3519626

im not a fan of his work, but couldnt you just watch some of his painting videos
how dumb can you be to not learn his workflow from these

>> No.3519629

literally fucking quote me you dumb ass

>> No.3519641

most autistic thread in this board right now. congrats mongoloids.

>> No.3522220

I agree with this.

I hope the 2nd pic is just a study and he goes back to his original style.

>> No.3522825

How so?

>> No.3522831
File: 27 KB, 306x384, ruander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might think Ruan has no artistic vision and nobody can discredit you for that, but he knows exactly what and where to render and clearly this person has learned well from him.

>> No.3522982

It's just a wip. Ruanjia leaves nothing that loose in his finished work.

>> No.3523448

Stop shilling this mobody please

>> No.3523452


>> No.3523456
File: 2.83 MB, 5836x2627, 1435065806267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is finished, are you gonna tell me nothing looks loose in here, newfag?