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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3517724 No.3517724 [Reply] [Original]

Is it due to the artist’s surroundings and culture? Is it a specific way they do their lines? Composition? There’s gotta be some kind of answer.

>> No.3517749
File: 574 KB, 500x667, anime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime is easy

>> No.3517750

Copying is practice to them. Copying is stealing in the west.

>> No.3517758

Welcome to the board newfag i see you just joined if you are somehow under the impression that people in the West think copying is stealing and not practice

>> No.3517782
File: 273 KB, 707x1000, hw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a thing called "in house" style. Get this, it just so happens studios and comics publishers in Japan, stay with me now, have an in house style just like how any studio in the west has their own in house style. And now just wait a minute--keep up with me--their art colleges just so happen to prepare them for work at one of these big name publishers by tailoring their portfolio to that specific studio.

When was the last time you saw call of duty concept art book out of Japan? Very rare. But panty quest loli bikini warriors 2 artbook, published by Wakamo Inc? A dime a dozen. Because that's their industry---hoooooly shit????

Now you're right, it is their surroundings. Anime is 90% of what they do. But the country as a whole has a lot of shit artists at their own in-house style just like the west has a ton of shit artists who can't copy old school Disney work or Loish wannabe #485845. It really isn't that difficult to get.

You just find an art college website in Japanese and see they teach anime for employment in their sweat shops. It isn't
>mah asian genes passed down for 400 generations
>mah strict asian parents
>mah asian cock
For fuck sakes.

>> No.3517903
File: 366 KB, 529x389, movie7-37end001_0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get good man we're all gonna make it

>> No.3517907

Maybe because it's really annoying to get what they're learning from unless you know jap.

>> No.3518605

hint, most anime and manga charecters are ment to look like stylized asian people. Because the default person in those countries would be asian.
Learn to draw asian faces and then you can see why anime faces are so round and smooth.

>> No.3518624
File: 111 KB, 750x1081, ef42f1f6a10412449b4b1033a29537f67a80ae72_113808_750_1081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm... don't think so
some manga (pic related) get to look kinda like asian people
but the basics of modern manga stylization (Tezuka basically) was actually inspired by Walt Disney
Be real
Manga chara have big tits because all japs are flat, they have huge eyes because japs are slint eyed freaks, they have crazy hair colors because all japs have black hair etc... it's a fantasy thing

It's just that manga is all they have in terms of drawn stories
Europe and the US both have comic cultures that allows for more variety in style and storytelling

In Japan, every single kid draws and reads manga
That's why they're better at it, they don't really have the luxury of looking into other styles so they're natural at it

Also, "asian faces" sounds like a dumb weeb being racist without realizing it
There are huge differences between say a chinese face, a vietnamese face and a japanese face in width, shape of the features, skull, profile etc...

>> No.3518720

Hard? I think barely anyone is trying to emulate Japanese cartoons.

>> No.3518771

There's mangaka doing classes in japan just like there's good draftman or digital artist doing classes in the west

So it's easier for nips since they can have a mentor to teach them

>> No.3518910
File: 70 KB, 500x500, 1433716247384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There’s gotta be some kind of answer.
there is. over and over on this board people tell you but you don't want to hear it because you want to be spoonfed your unrealistic dreams.

>functional art culture
>art at the core of japanese society
>society with high standards of quality
>very few cargo culters/ clueless post-modernists breaking everything
>not making art into failed science

the list goes on but basically go fuck yourself. just spend a few days on this board and should know why western countries suckass at art.

>> No.3518918

anime isn't hard. there's just very little theory on how to draw it. It's the type of thing where you just have to keep hacking away at it until it looks the way you want it to. Most people give up before they arrive to something close enough and we end up with that ugly westernised anime style.

>> No.3518921
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just have to keep hacking away at it until it looks the way you want it to.
so fucking wrong. maybe if you count the trash shows that somehow managed to air in the 90s.

>> No.3518922

No, no. I am correct. It is something that can be understood and most people give up before they grasp it fully. I don't care about whatever it is you're yammering on about.

>> No.3518928
File: 29 KB, 1024x576, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im right you're wrong!
>no i won't listen!