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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 72 KB, 618x455, hot take.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3516953 No.3516953 [Reply] [Original]

Why has Shadman gained this reputation of 'edgiest artist on the internet' meanwhile there's some artist out there drawing some actually wild, questionable shit that barely has a following? His art's not even good.

>> No.3516963


>> No.3516966

because I literally don't know the names of any other pedophile or edgier artist. Doesn't take rocket science to know this anon

>> No.3516968

Shadman is the Marquis de Sade of our times.
He puts up some fucked up shit, but people don't know he doesn't actually fap to the crap he does. He just does it for shock value.

>> No.3516971

>he just does it for shock value.

it's hilarious you actually believe that.

>> No.3516972

The answer is marketing.
Notice how even though you don't like shads art, you are giving him free publicity even by pointing out flaws, comparing him to other artists (in a negative light) and more or less referring to him. By mentioning his name you make people do 1 of 2 things.

1. if they already are familiar with shadmans art then well... >shadman
2. if they aren't familiar with shadmans art, well now they are. It's now the viewers judgment call. Given that the internet is mostly used for porn and human beings are mostly degenerates, it's no surprise how he has gotten so popular.

Even if you happen to be shadman or one of his marketers shilling out his name right now, it doesn't matter if I reply to this thread or not. There is a sucker born every minute and someone will always take the bait. At least one can find comfort in getting the last laugh at imagining the cease and desist orders/ lawyer bullshit he has to go through,. Also I can imagine the vast and diverse social networks that he's managed to create under the foundation of copyrighted underage nudes.

>> No.3516974

Why is mandatory to make a useless Shadman post from time to time?

>> No.3516980

Show me a livestream where he faps to his own shit.

>> No.3516986


I keep reading that but that's complete bullshit, if he didnt get off to this shit he wouldnt draw it. Fight me.

>> No.3517003

you expect me to watch his livestreams? fucking lol. If you have someone draw that stuff for that long and still don't accept that's he's a closet pedo you're autistic. in your retarded ass brain it's "if he says he doesn't fap to it then he doesn't and his sole reason for making it is to make other people upset". Here's a lesson anon, all his interactions on the internet is a character, anything he says you take with a grain of salt. and get his dick out of your mouth.

>> No.3517015


His content is fucked up but not enough where most people won't be able to get an erection.

That's the difference between Shadman and a degenerate deviant art artist who has a niche fetish.

>> No.3517022

Because he does lots of flavor of the month stuff and memes that ensure that his work gets noticed. It's shock value but it gets people talking about it, unlike say, Sonic urinal transformation porn.

Terrible comparison.

>> No.3517025
File: 553 KB, 744x581, 1523067876661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btw I'm a nerd el oh el

>> No.3517026

>t. pedophile

>> No.3517028

>t.Alicia """"nerd"""jpg

>> No.3517038

ohh THATS what you meant. you think females cant be nerds because youre a high school autist

t. cant wait til summer's over

>> No.3517039
File: 20 KB, 224x300, 1463349964706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drawing 14 year olds makes you a Pedophile!
Achktchlyually the correct term is Hebephile which is a young Woman in her prime budding fertile state.

>> No.3517047

stfu already you nasty shemale

>> No.3517053
File: 125 KB, 500x515, peepo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3517055

>normie degeneracy, no real deep fetish but things people already know they are shocked by
>mostly western cartoons rather than some weaboo obscure shit, bringing a different audience in
>le sjws btfo comics. lots of money there
>own community, not just a deviantart account
>guy's a workhorse

>> No.3517057


Begone kiddy diddlers

>> No.3517058

Why the fuck girls want to be "nerdy" and shit?

>> No.3517062

And thats what I told the officer as he hand cuffed me.

>> No.3517065

>prime budding fertile state

14 is outside the window during which a woman is most fertile, most capable of carrying a child without spontaneous abortion and least likely to give birth to a child with lethal birth defects.

>> No.3517068

Yeah im sure the judge and the police will understand if you tell them that.

>> No.3517077

You're actually wrong. The younger a woman is, the less likely there is to be birth defects and birth complications.

>> No.3517079

loli hillary clinton

>> No.3517082
File: 781 KB, 640x873, shadman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sick of you fucking idiots. He's ACTING innocent to FOOL morons like you, get it through your head.

>> No.3517083

absolutely im sure a baby girl or a 5 year old can give birth (if they can) with no complications whatsoever amirite.

>> No.3517084
File: 431 KB, 693x640, 1460673333351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but they do have some merit, pregnancy fucks your shit up and I wouldn't want a 14 yo to go through that shit even if they're able to get pregnant at that age there really isn't a reason to unless we where on the brink of extinction as a species or something.

>> No.3517116

you need to stop watching tv shows where high schoolers are played by people in their 20s

>> No.3517137

Oh sure. A girl that hasn't even finished puberty and still has an underdeveloped body is going to be perfectly fine in pregnancy.

Fuck off.

>> No.3517146

lol but he doesn't fap to his own porn.
he just does shit for shock value.

what? are you upset that he isn't a pedo or something?

>> No.3517152
File: 22 KB, 651x719, 1518272445071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>B-but he doesn't fap to his own porn!!
>This fag is taking his word on it

>> No.3517154

Dude, what did I just say? Just because he SAYS he doesn't fap to his own work doesn't mean it's true. Would you believe him if he said he had a 3 foot long dick too? I'm sure you'd be willing to suck it for him.

>> No.3517644

oh no someone faps to drawings

>> No.3517651

>Drawing kiddie porn for years to shock people

This is retarded. Stop talking.

>> No.3517670

But Violet IS hot though.

>> No.3517693
File: 554 KB, 494x495, eyeroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look, someone on twitter complaining about a non-issue. i wonder who it could be
>brightly colored short hair
>thick rim glasses
>""nerrrrd xD""

she could be helping organizations that actively fight things like human trafficking, but that might require her to exert herself

>> No.3517694

if you go on her twitter for 2 seconds you see she doesn't wear glasses and shes lost 70 lbs
keep sperging and sitting on YOUR fat ass tho

>> No.3517696

If you don't think Shadman's art is complete garbage, you need help/

>> No.3517698

I’ve never seen Bruce Timm whip his dick out and tug it to Harley Quinn, yet I still mysteriously know that he does.

>> No.3517706
File: 167 KB, 374x1012, peakperformance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no, you got me

>> No.3517708

>fatties exist
>fatties put down fork
>b-but y-youre stil f-fat!!!! FAT!!!

cant wait til summers over and the autists go back to middle school

>> No.3517712

"fatty, fatties"
wow i cant even right now. she's just big, fuck you

>> No.3517715

if youre going to larp as an sjw white knight you should know they "reclaimed" the word "fat"

>> No.3517718
File: 39 KB, 507x525, 1530396576136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Shad thread
Why aren't you DRAWING?

>> No.3517721
File: 37 KB, 686x576, 1446417298633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hone a skill that allows you to create whatever you want from scratch
>use it to create whatever you want from scratch
>people who don't pay your bills tell you NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!! because it offends them

I don't care for him or the content of his work but what is this trend of telling people what they can and can't fucking draw with their own fucking hands? Or write, or whatever else. Pay him to draw what you want instead or fuck off. Whether you like it or not it's a fucking drawing. It's literal thought policing.

>> No.3517726

>put down the fork

Fasting is legitimately very good for you, I would encourage her and anyone else really to try it. Just look at the cancer rates in countries where fasting is a part of the religion/culture and tell me I'm wrong, nigga. I'm on about a 48 hour one right now. My thoughts are getting a little more food-ccentric but I'm fine otherwise heh

>> No.3517729

>literal thought policing
wew lad

>> No.3517735

why do women starve themselves instead of going to the gym?

>> No.3517740

Top woman respecter here
I love sjws and lolis

>> No.3517743

I'm not a woman, and I have a home gym that I use regularly though.

>> No.3517747

A trend means it's only been recently happening but it's been happening since the beginning of mankind anon. and you're thought policing argument is fucking retarded

>> No.3517748

If you cannot separate fiction from reality, you are either psychopathic or an undiagnosed schizophrenic. Please check yourselves into a psych ward so you don't cause harm to those around you.

>> No.3517755

masturbation is different mentally than reading a book or playing a video game anon.

>> No.3517762

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.3517764

>samefagged over half the thread

Honestly I can't tell if you people are trolling or not anymore.

>> No.3517768

Fasting is GOAT. Best thing you can do for your health.

It's not starvation and you can still go to the gym.

>> No.3517771

People are retarded
Off topic: god I want to fug helen parr.

>> No.3517772

imagine making this your online moniker and expecting people to care

>> No.3517829
File: 1.01 MB, 2337x764, pedophilia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong fucking thread for this discussion but you cant deny biology. Waiting until 20 or 30 to have kids is a very uniquely western thing.

More on topic: normalfags are stupid. People on 4chan use the >shadman meme with an accompanying leaving_the_thread.gif file because his art is ugly, badly done and inspires your boner to grow soft in threads full of otherwise passable art. Normalfags (again: stupid) thought these things were meant to signify MORAL revulsion, rather than mere artistic and technical revulsion, and thus it's become a meme to treat Shadman like the most depraved artist on the internet. Because they don't know what a fucking meme means, because they're stupid.

>> No.3517861

It's obviously your own first summer here because you're surprised that anons insult everyone

>> No.3517867

Wtf is this shitty ass thread, who the fuck cares

>> No.3517916

He shilled/commissioned shills to post discussion templates about him daily on image boards and other social media for months on end until he finally forced traction into meme status and got the underage babby's first edge phase audience he always wanted.

>> No.3517918

>He just does it for shock value.

Anon... I-

>> No.3517920

sounds like what Sam Hyde did.

>> No.3518299

He's good at marketing himself, aka what 90% of aspiring artists fail at.
Also he has a mostly underage fanbase and takes advantage of their naivite

>> No.3518309

>can’t deny biology
>is denying biology in his very post

Men may want to fuck teenagers, but they are objectively, observably, demonstrably less likely to carry a child safely than a 20-year-old. Sometimes men like to fuck other men, does that mean men can carry a child safely?

>> No.3518332

this anon is correct, i will email you reddit gold for this good post.

>> No.3518344

You're fat, gay, and stupid like the girl that you're defending.

>> No.3518380

>The current results suggest that sexual arousal to pedophilic stimuli occurs among a *sizable minority* of normal men who report no pedophilic behavior and is not necessarily associated with pedophilic behavior. Consistent with previous data (Barbaree & Marshall, 1989; Briere & Runtz, 1989; Fedora et al., 1992; Freund & Watson, 1991), 20 % of the current subjects self-reported pedophilic interest and 26.25 % exhibited penile arousal to pedophilic stimuli that equaled or exceeded arousal to adult stimuli. The hypothesis that sexual arousal to pedophilic stimuli is a function of general sexual arousability factors was supported by the positive correlation of pedophilic with adult heterosexual arousal, particularly in the physiological data.

you didn't even read the study

>> No.3518383

>Still thinking that social media popularity is about any other skill than attention whoring.

>> No.3518385

it's a drawing dumbass

>> No.3518400

>Asanagi now has the highest amount of followers out of any NSFW artist
The memes worked

>> No.3518408
File: 43 KB, 540x392, free-speech-churchill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freedom of speech, not freedom from consequences.

>> No.3518425

>say something
>go to prison for it
>but there's still free speech because it was only the lack of "freedom from consequences" that sent you to prison.
There being no consequences for simply saying something is exactly what free speech means, if there's a price to pay for saying it then its not free is it?

>> No.3518430

>kid threatens to shoot up school giving details about location and time
>no one investigates or apprehends him because le freedom of speech
>school is shot up the next day, 20 kids die
>how could we have ever prevented this oh well, freedom of speech LEL

>> No.3518440

>says something
>argue that laws don't protect him because people get pissed off.

Sounds like you don't want laws to apply to you so you can yell "fire" in the theater without repercussions.

>> No.3518443

the problem is not when somebody ''says something back'', the problem is when they try ''to do something back'', suck as limiting your free speech because is not in conformity with their views
>not freedom from consequences for speaking = = not freedom of speech
I don't care and I don't like shad's art, but somebody trying to be silenced because his art is not in view with others is not something which I like to see

>> No.3518453

Nobody is limiting your freedom of speech because they tell you you are a creep and should shut up. You aren't being physically attacked through the internet. The only case where you would be tracked down and put to jail or fined it would be because you broke the law. So don't break the law.

Also, freedom of speech is not a right on the internet in the sense you seem to want it. Many sites are privately owned and they can kick you out if they don't like what you say.

>> No.3518456
File: 98 KB, 500x313, trollphysics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have the freedom of speech to say you want to fuck kids and I have the freedom of speech to say that I want you to stop wanting to fuck kids

>> No.3518462
File: 89 KB, 736x603, 1530245252848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you ask the DRAWING how they felt about being sexualized, though?

check mated

>> No.3518475

notice how both of your examples are not situation in which ppl can respond by ''saying anything back'' but jump to action because that's what your speech asks for? freedom of speech means you are allowed to talk theoretically about a possible fire or school shooting, not trying to induce mass panic by stating those theoretical ideas as facts

freedom of speech does not imply somebody can not prepare or investigate for what you said you will do, but can't use your words as facts to apprehend you without showing some proofs, such as a stash of weapons

>Nobody is limiting your freedom of speech because they tell you you are a creep and should shut up.
correct, but going to jail for saying something =/= ppl telling you are a creep and should shut up
>The only case where you would be tracked down and put to jail or fined it would be because you broke the law. So don't break the law.
thx for stating the obvious. what we are talking about is not what we should do if you broke the law, but what broking the law is
>Also, freedom of speech is not a right on the internet in the sense you seem to want it. Many sites are privately owned and they can kick you out if they don't like what you say.
correct again, but that doesn't mean I can't complain about it

correct, both of us are saying something so both of us have freedom of speech, it's going to jail or getting fined for what one of us would say not be freedom of speech

I did, then drew a speech bubble next to it saying they don't mind

yours was check, mine is mated, mate

>> No.3518482

Churchill? Criticizing free speech? Gee, I wonder why a government prime minister would defend censoring potential opposition and implementing some of the strictest defamation laws in the west. Really, it's a mystery. Better quote him on it though.

>somebody might use -thing- to do bad things so lets ban it
I recommend we ban 'clenching your hand into a fist' too, when we're done with the guns and speech. State-sanctioned amputations for all offenders.

>> No.3518485

>Saying something back

How tf did you jump from words to prison.

>> No.3518495

>notice how both of your examples
Two different people anon. Not going to waste anymore time on this other than pointing out that you sound like a crybaby/stupid kid and not an adult.

>> No.3518501
File: 21 KB, 234x266, really mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moves a stylus across a tablet
>This is the same as abusing a child and messing them up for life

>> No.3518506
File: 38 KB, 524x331, 1500068143185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but you're promoting it. Because as soon as someone reads a loli doujin they start raping children, just like how as soon as someone reads a superman comic they start flying around shooting lasers from their eyes.

>> No.3518510

Or how someone goes and robs a bank after playing Pay Day

>> No.3518513

I don't understand how his art has a "shock value". Internet is filled with underage characters fucking. Not to mention unlimited hentai filled with underage girls being raped. At least Shad puts a disclaimer "All characters are over 18 years old".

>> No.3518516

>Two different people anon.
english (you) has a plural form too, and nice ad hominem btw

>> No.3518519

Just like how Girls Und Panzer is a show that creates pedophiles, and Japan should be more like the UK and switch to raping real girls instead.


>> No.3518521

>causing mass panic and threatening to shoot people is the same as creating drawings

>14 year olds
When will this meme end, from what I've seen shadman draws them with sexually mature characteristics, in the vast majority of human history there was nothing abnormal about being attracted to a young girl that's in puberty. Of course seducing said young girls is immoral because their mental faculties haven't developed yet, but I'm talking about attraction alone.

>> No.3518526

The more likely she is to die from childbirth

>> No.3518532

The FBI had multiple warnings about that Florida shooter but did literally nothing.

>> No.3518533
File: 384 KB, 519x498, 1527982615069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ should have a dedicated general where they draw risqué art of characters from toddler shows, they often have stupendous underage girl characters.

>> No.3518537

color me shocked

>> No.3518539

cant do anything with warnings desu

>> No.3518542

He posted under his real fucking name "I'm going to be a professional school shooter." They had multiple tip offs, including him in his back yard practicing with guns, but did absolutely nothing.

>> No.3518561

This board is so fucking garbage.

>> No.3518594
File: 24 KB, 381x396, 1509595667674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Fucking art-casuals.

>> No.3518598

>shadman discussion

>> No.3518627
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, 1513054423233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't get it
Maybe you should stay in academia and every single other art website ever where you belong

>> No.3518662

you probably have the same skill level as those other art websites, you've learned nothing here except how to act like a true superior, egotistical artist.

>> No.3518663
File: 172 KB, 632x573, 20180603_024840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do retards use these kinds of arguments every single time

It doesn't have anything to do with the 'rights' of fictional characters, it never has, it never will. Let me ask you something, if you read something like, say, that shitty 'Assigned Male' comic, are you going to get mad at the characters themselves for pushing a viewpoint that you hate and being obnoxious little cunts, or do you dislike the artist who holds those views and is an obnoxious cunt theirself, and created that webcomic to push their views in the first place? No more than you would hate the individual letters and words of an article espousing something you hate, I would presume. An idea doesn't have to be 'real' for you to disagree with it.
Honestly, we shouldn't have to point out the obvious but this fucking "YOU ARE LITERALLY DEFENDING THE RIGHTS OF F I C T I O N A L C H A R A C T E R S" meme is so widespread that it's impossible for a discussion of this nature to come up without at least one retard vomiting it out incessantly.

>> No.3518665

If you fap to porn of drawn children it's because you are attracted to tiny bodies that didn't fully grow up. Aka you're a pedo. It ain't rocket science

>> No.3518672

I mean that dude's objectively a pedophile but successful art's rarely about being "good" esp by artist's standards which I get is kind of splitting hairs given the subject matter but c'mon dude. Lots of bad successful artists out there. Stephen King wrote that weird orgy scene in It, remember? Yeah you forgot, didn't you? You slut. You ignorant fucking slut

>> No.3518705

so do you think hentai that depicts rape should be illegal too?

>> No.3518721

>shadman discussion
>you've learned nothing here except how to act like a true superior, egotistical artist.
please remain internally consistent

>> No.3518725

are you one of those people that think videogames make yoiu violent?

>> No.3518731

there's a diff between the scene in IT which was, at least in the words of king, an integral part in the story which symbolized the group becoming adults, and shadman's porn. there's no way of knowing if king actually got off to it, or if he's some kind of pedophile, but the purpose of the orgy wasn't to be hot pornography for the readers or anything.
shadman draws pornography. it's not symbolism, it's not deep art. it's pornography that includes children, made for his creepy fans to get off to, and that's all it is. bad comparison.

>> No.3518733

noone is trying to push their views tho, they know its not ok in the real world, its just fap material and youre upset that some people jerk off in their privacy to fictional characters.

>> No.3518734

why shadman of all people to get targeted for this? there are plenty of toddlercon artists with a decent following and none of them are targeted. you guys are just looking for excuses to hate on shad I think.

>> No.3518736

he's easily the most well-known artist who does this shit

>> No.3518738

There are a lot of lolicon artists I like but I can't stand Shadman

>> No.3518744

>it's impossible for a discussion of this nature to come up without at least one retard vomiting it out incessantly.
Because it's true?
Get a grip on reality kid.

>> No.3518745

I know, but my point is Shad's art is pretty tame compared to a lot of toddlercon artists who draw much younger characters, and in a more realistic style, in more realistic portrayals of stuff like rape. I think the whole witch hunt on loli artists is dumb too (because I'm not an idiot), there are just much bigger fish to fry if that's what they're trying to do.

>> No.3518752

Japan's freedom of speech laws are extremely liberal and there aren't as many mentally ill furries who fight for the rights of fictional characters there, why would loli ever go away.

>> No.3518755

god bless japan

>> No.3518762

i agree that he isn't one of the worst, but in this instance popularity trumps severity. like if someone drew child porn to millions of people but it was "tame", and someone else drew seriously fucked up brutal child porn to 10 fans, i think the first one is more "dangerous." it reaches way more people.
both instances are fucked up, and the latter would be someone who is a much worse person, but that person has much less of an effect on people and, in turn, isn't as much of a problem.
i think the witch hunt is silly too but i can understand why people pay more attention to shad than other similar but worse artists.

>> No.3518784
File: 779 KB, 913x766, 1514460846095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homosexuality was a mental disorder 26 years ago - now it's pop culture. ""Pedosexuality"" is going to become a thing, it's fucking inevitable. Then you'll be enabling real fucking child molesters, not just pedophiles.
Fucking normalfags waving around false morals on obscure imageboards debating niche pornography for social outcasts and pretending it's not fucking meaningless. I'll polish my meat popsicle to lines and abstractions; you do you, and stop turning retards whose sexual fetishes encompass their entire identity into primary social issues to give yourself a fleeting illusion of purpose. Peace out.

>> No.3518803
File: 2.59 MB, 164x250, videotogif_2018.07.13_16.35.27.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3518976

Because he's from the west. Who cares about some nips in the other side of the pacific?

>> No.3519325
File: 74 KB, 412x351, 1474741507187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you nasty shemale
God, I wish

>> No.3519524

kill all men

>> No.3519526


>> No.3519752


>> No.3519761

God I can't wait until 2020 rolls around and Japan tells normalfags to take a hike when they inevitably cry their eyes out about loli.

>> No.3519770
File: 58 KB, 562x547, 11321543765987987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another reminder.

>> No.3519773
File: 100 KB, 870x724, 13215437658708098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3519778

This cant be real
This is the kind of sick irony you only see in cartoons.

>> No.3519802


>> No.3519805

zenith lee guro

>> No.3519816


>> No.3519826

>Also I can imagine the vast and diverse social networks that he's managed to create under the foundation of copyrighted underage nudes.
I have losing my sides.

>> No.3519832

>Homosexuality was a mental disorder 26 years ago - now it's pop culture. ""Pedosexuality"" is going to become a thing, it's fucking inevitable.

No, it won't. With an adult homosexual relationship the participants are always willing, consensual participants. With paedophilia there is no relationship, only abuse, and there's always at least one victim. You think you're ever going to seea child out campaigning for their right to be abused and raped the way gay people campaigned for their rights? You're delusional.

>> No.3519845
File: 234 KB, 1703x511, 1321543765897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With paedophilia there is no relationship, only abuse
Lol. Greatest people in human history lived in times when fucking 12 years olds was normal and healthy thing.

>> No.3519850
File: 245 KB, 1699x525, 132154365867987098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything changed with feminism
Can't wait when in 2050 new age of consent will become 21 so everyone in current and previous generations will be "degenerates" according to new laws

>> No.3519851

We also used to burn witches at the stake. Maybe, just maybe, because it happened in the past is not a good justification for it to keep happening?

>> No.3519854

>We also used to burn witches at the stake
In 19th century?

>> No.3519860

There were witch trials in the 19th century, not that that matters.You're the one who brought up chomos in Greece, I'm just bring up another nonsensical practice from the past. By your logic, it was good and normal to burn women alive because it was a widespread practice at one time.

>> No.3519868

>We also used to burn witches at the stake
They weren't witches, people were exploiting hysteria and superstition to take enemies and social outcasts to court. Many judges at the time dismissed the cases as fraudulent.

>> No.3519869
File: 738 KB, 1268x1645, lolis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nonsensical practice from the past
>"With paedophilia there is no relationship, only abuse"

>> No.3519873

Which doesn't negate anything I've said, it actually makes my point. It was a product of societal ill that we would no longer tolerate today, would we?

>age of consent is a jewish conspiracy.
Try that defense in court

>> No.3519886
File: 58 KB, 682x479, 123432654757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defense in court
Court of liars? In my country porn is forbidden unless you want to go into real jail. What about yours? I think this anti-pornography law should be pushed worldwide because pornography is nonsensical practice from the past.

>> No.3519906
File: 982 KB, 640x873, 1531513508719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like

>> No.3519917

>porn is forbidden
Do you live in NK

>> No.3519926

>If you draw a child, that's a child
No retard that's a drawing, do you have mental illness that can't tell between a drawing and a real child?
If don't then you the one who fucked up here.

>> No.3519934

whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night pedofag

>> No.3519945

>did you ask the DRAWING how they felt about being sexualized, though?
The drawing stems from human consciousness hence it is the human that should be asked about how they felt when drawing it. Using this logic in court would make for some hearty laughs as it would force the artist to explain the intent behind each piece, which the artists should obviously already know.

"no you're honor, this is not a 5 year old girl having sex with a middle age man. Actually she is a 27 year old other-kin". Then go back and look through any public info he/she has written about said art piece and if it conflicts with the story he/she told in court or at an earlier point in time, investigate into it. No it should not carry out as harsh of a sentence as actual sexual relations/rape. They are not committing the act, they are promoting the act through a medium. Again this is where intent comes into play.

And how much smarter and disciplined was the average 7-17 year old back in the times of pic related? What about medieval times when you would see 12-14 year old lords and warriors on the battle field? Why do we not see that now? Oh right, because society is no longer set up that way. From 0-17 (at least in america) you are mostly your parents bitch and there isn't a goddamn thing you can do about it. Therefore they actually don't have all the rights of a US citizen, until 18 that is. This was partly because.
a. Holy fucking shit, teenagers and children are actually MORE DUMB and have LESS JUDGEMENT than an 18-21 year old adult. Why this needs to be stated is beyond me, older men in most cases are manipulative to a young girl because they're dumber than they used to be and the court does not value the perceived incoherent recollections of "a mere child"
b. Women became independent. There was no need to find a husband for a 12 year old when the woman actually had the right to work for herself.

What moron would want a future of "pizza and nap" retarded thots?

>> No.3519958

It's a drawing.
No one is harmed
Nobody is being exploited.

>> No.3519974
File: 63 KB, 393x382, Blacksrelax[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a drawing.
>No one is harmed

>> No.3519981

you need to get laid

>> No.3519988

ITT people are unable to distinguish drawings from reality. Like most people I don't like him or his work, but that doesn't mean he should be censored.

>> No.3520010

BUhh buhhhaahh Cal Of DOODY IS litrAlral merdar Shut EM dOwn Goys

>> No.3520017

Doing that is like saying we should give Nazis a platform to speak out. Do you think hate speech should be allowed? Definitely not

>> No.3520025
File: 52 KB, 600x848, 1530439789033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you draw x it means you like x

>> No.3520116

Imagining for one second that most anons were ever interested in preventing hatred

>> No.3520131

It's legal in the US

>> No.3520148

>Do you think hate speech should be allowed? Definitely not
Who are you to say what's allowed and what's not, you authoritarian cunt?

>> No.3520180

now thats some good bait

>> No.3520183

who let the reddit in

>> No.3520422

>It's legal in the US
Hate speech is not legal in the USA. Saying something extremely racist can get you arrested. It's simply wrong and it's harassment

>> No.3520427

>Hate speech is not legal in the USA
This, people don't seem to know what hate crimes are.I hope this entire site gets shut down because of these disgusting racists/nazi supporters. Or at the very least better moderation and a filter for racist language

>> No.3520464


You're still shocked, it's still working.

>> No.3520468
File: 28 KB, 543x533, i'm with her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was her turn
le orange cheeto.jpg

>> No.3520490

Le edgester mc neck beard.mp3

>> No.3520590
File: 15 KB, 276x183, images[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saying something extremely racist can get you arrested.

>It's simply wrong and it's harassment.
your opinion. As long as rights are not infringed, you can say whatever to whoever.

>I hope this entire site gets shut down because of these disgusting racists/nazi supporters
Go back to wherever you came from then, no one is stopping you. Or you can deal with the fact that people are meming about nazi shit because that has been the culture of this site since forever.

>> No.3520600
File: 699 KB, 1221x768, s9vpasx4gssz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How close are you to transitioning?

>> No.3520603

Just like how shooting people in a game is promoting murder.

>> No.3520629
File: 40 KB, 389x361, 1476923014790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3520644

> quoting Churchill
Is this supposed to be imprssive or opposing to something? Why in the hell would you think quoting the former PM of a literal big brother police state serves your agument?
Cause he's famous an shiet and you're a literal brainlet?

Here's a better quote, said by an actual freedom revolutionary:
> those eho give up liberty for a little bit of security, deserve neither liberty nor security.

>> No.3520648

>t. trenchcoat wearing edgelord

>> No.3520650

Consistency is key.
It doesn't matter how good you are, if you're putting shit out every day you'll get noticed.

>> No.3520652

Woah you sure showed me with your t. Meme

So here's the thing, fugly. No one wears a trenchcoat with a fedora nowadays. I certainly wouldnt.

Where do you go with your non argument from there, now?

>> No.3520869

To think this all started since a lardass found his art.

You do realize if they come after him they might gain enough traction to legitimately end this site too right

>> No.3520880


>> No.3520899

>people who are obnoxious and overweight and bad at art
>people who jack off to child porn and larp as nazis
i think im going with the tumblrturds on this one, pedos should get shot

>> No.3520974

Donatien gleefully tortured underage boys and girls and hinted that he'd murdered peasants for fun.

>> No.3520995

I get it, he says he doesn't.
Why do you believe him? Honestly? I don't get it. I've seen this guy sexualise a toddler, how on earth can you know he doesn't like this shit?

The answer is you can't. You're just believing what is essentially some random guy on the internet, who also draws naked fucking children.

>> No.3520998

I dunno if he faps to it but he's said before that he mostly draws stuff that he finds hot.

>> No.3521000

He likes lolis so that would make him a pedo regardless

>> No.3521012


>> No.3521036

shad is really mild. He doesnt even do real guro

hes just mild enough yet edgy enough that the average slightly weird normalfag can enjoy it.

The real hardcore stuff is too insane for most people. I like him, i dont like his art but at least he's pushing the edge more to our way

>> No.3521038
File: 29 KB, 412x430, 1519070797047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw drawing a psycho murdering and strangling women
>FBI arrest me
>judge: If you draw murders youre a murderer, only murderers do that
>get send to jail
>6.8 nigger celmate
>asks me what im in for
>explain it to him
>he cowers in fear and offers me his boipussy
>aryan brotherhood make me their leader as long as i promise not to draw them getting murdered

true story

>> No.3521041

the comparison is dumb. here's a better comparison:

if you draw guro, it is likely you think about murdering/fucking dead/dying people, and like it.

if you draw underage lewds, you probably like it.

no ones saying shad goes out and diddles kids.

>> No.3521056

If you want to go live like a medieval human then go ahead. You can forgo electricity, running, sanitised water, vaccinations, technology and modern engineering. Toss out all your oriental child doujinshis, your mobile phone, your bed frame, mattress, duvet, all of your clothing and leave.

You don't get to pick just one aspect of uncivilised human society and demand that it's illustrative of a higher way of living. gtfo out of your mother's spare bedroom and go live in a straw hut and you can start rollong oats between rocks and gobbling up small animals, and whatever else crawls up out of the ground. Go live like the savage you are.

>> No.3521060

witch hunts have already decided he's guilty

>> No.3521062

i'm not the one with a problem to diferentiate between fiction and reality

>> No.3521063

i think it's more likely he likes it than doesn't. regardless, there's no real reason to draw it.

>> No.3521065

i thought we had already gotten over this
>there's no real reason to draw it.
money for one

>> No.3521066

maybe it is, and since drawings dont involve real people, and dont hurt real people there is no reason for it to be illegal

but then again we live in a society that bans a plant because some rich guys want to make more money

>> No.3521068

you can get money drawing other stuff. more of it, too.

sure, i think i agree, but at the same time it's so vehemently hated that i don't think anyone has any right to defend him or his complaining. he knows exactly what he's doing, and he knows exactly what everyone thinks of it.

>> No.3521069

nah dawg. i'm all for freedom of expression. he can draw whatever he wants.
It's on you to prove that these drawings can somehow have real iife consequences to actual children. positive or negative

>> No.3521071

he can draw whatever he wants, i said i think i agree. but anyone also has the right to complain about it and react to it how they are.

i also think twitter is allowed to say they dont want images of minors on their website, and are well within their right to ban him.

theres a 15 year old posting bikini pics/ass pics who was doing the rounds recently and has been banned a couple times. it's their website, this stuff affects their image.

>> No.3521074

we do have a right to defend him, freedom of expression.

Why can X be illegal to be drawn and why is Y not?
At exactly what stage does the drawing become illegal?

It raises a lot of questions and non can be clearly answered because its a retarded concept in the first place. People should be able to draw whatever the hell they want when they want.

I dont like furryshit, so I dont look at it. Same for 'modern' art. And same for movies, games, and music or writings.

there is no real freedom though

>> No.3521078

alright i wasnt talking about laws, i was talking about twitter. for sure yeah, i was wrong im not even sure why i said that, you guys have the right to defend him.

but on the topic of what should make a drawing illegal, i dont know. i haven't put enough thought nor research in to that. but it would be the same as anything else, what makes an action illegal? i assume, the intentions and consequences of those actions. but im not going to make any points further than that.

>> No.3521082

oh for sure, thats up to them entirely, it is their site after all. i dont think he posts his work there though, but i could be wrong.

>> No.3521198

Because this entire site has threads dedicated to underage sexual drawings, tumblrtards will lump anyone associated with 4chan as a pedo nazi psycho if they take down shaman due to his comics. (Believe me I don't like him either, nor the fact that he drew real kids but I'm this case the sjws ate attacking him ironically for other reasons than that)

>> No.3521228

He has good taste then.

>> No.3521415

>"wtf? why do people think that a man who is know for drawing children having sex is a pedophile?"

Also, if someone were to see your sketchbook and only found drawings of psychos murdering and strangling women, then, yes, they would think that you're a fucking weirdo too

>> No.3521418
File: 99 KB, 443x585, shadman_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At exactly what stage does the drawing become illegal?

Maybe when you start drawing sexualized versions of real random children, make it public and sell such "art" for other pedophiles?

>> No.3521488
File: 63 KB, 500x368, 1470698479286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's simply wrong
argument of the year right here

>> No.3521511

In the US, the rules are pretty much that. You can draw whatever as long as it's not:

A. Indistinguishable from a real child/a hyper-realistic rendering that is difficult to discern between a simulation or a real photograph.

B. A rendering of a real, existing child.

>> No.3521545

don't people get in trouble over basic loli stuff over there?

>> No.3521551

Why does loli discussion get so much response when only like 3 people here draw loli.

>> No.3521601

The "logic" in that picture is fucking retarded.

>> No.3521653
File: 78 KB, 444x460, 1489307493252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing loli porn is grounds for being arrested without any further evidence of criminal intent
>rape, guro and furry porn is ok though
It's a dumbass fallacy. Show me the law that states you can't draw x and y, because that's all that's happening.

>> No.3521659

nice strawman faggot

>> No.3521671

This is what these retards don't get. Shad drew porn of real children. It's not fantasy anymore.

>> No.3521684

my favorite things anti-pedos say:
>children know nothing about sex! that's why we can't tell them about it!
>you thought you were in a loving sexual relationship with someone you trusted? No no no sweetie, you were actually TRICKED and viciously RAPED, all that was lies.
>SEE?! look how damaged she is! YOU did this damn pedos!
>it's just plain EVIL! I don't need to argue with you!

>> No.3521689

Depends on the state

>> No.3521706

get help before you hurt a child.

>> No.3521756

whoah nice argument

>> No.3521874
File: 23 KB, 409x550, 61LtStB3MUL._SY550_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do wonder.