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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3516832 No.3516832 [Reply] [Original]

One thread relating to the state of the board is permitted by the rules!

Can we make the following types of threads bannable offences?!
>threads about individual artists that are not image dumps
>individual posts asking for critiques - these should go in generals
>posts implying a point - "debate me" threads
>enforce that /gd/ /p/ and /po/ go to their respective boards

Also replace the sticky links with the new 'big sticky' that every general praises!

Just because /ic/ has grown dramatically in popularity along with the rest of 4chan does not mean that we should just give up on moderating this place.
Fucking get it together mods!

>> No.3516858

I think an update to the rules would be good, I also think we should have the rules up the top there instead of it just saying heed the rules with a link, there's room.

I think mainly all we need is for rule 1,

>All images and discussion should pertain to the critique of visual artwork.

to be enforced more rigorously, there's a lot of threads which stay up which violate it but there are especially tons and tons of junk images which shouldn't be allowed.

>> No.3516897

>ban sakimichan threada or threads about drama or a particular artist unless is a dump the images thread

I think the quality of the board would Increase tremendously if we get IDs. Imagine all the larping fags and the crabs gone

>> No.3516910

IDs is a great idea

>> No.3516914

No one cares about your rules. There is no mods/janitors here. We had OFFICIAL meta thread
And another one.
This public ban happened ONLY because thread was linked to /qa/.
And now in 2018 nothing has changed and actually become worse. All janitors who sometimes deleted shitposting (in Teal times) even without reports, abandoned this trash hole. Now we only have barely functioning reports and stray bored janitors.
/ic/ is doomed. You can create any kind of offtopic threads without problems. Just call them "art threads" and discuss movies/games/anime/politics/anything. This board soel purpose is torrent/artbook request threads and shitposting.

>> No.3516919

>individual posts asking for critiques - these should go in generals
directly contradicts >>3516858
>All images and discussion should pertain to the critique of visual artwork.

If we go with OP, then posts for critique can only go in one general thread and people would start all sorts of threads that have nothing to do with image critique
If we go with the other guy's idea then every thread will just a new person asking for critique

Unless you just want this board to be one big general thread

>> No.3516930

Is somebody ass mad that the usual shit posting, Waah I can't get better/make it threads are being pushed out and the special snowflakes of /ic/ are having to come to grips with reality?
Wow I didn't know how bad things were here until OP starting bitching.

>> No.3517330
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>it's an "immigrants try to make their new home exactly like the terrible place they came from" episode
every time

>> No.3517367

>individual artists
I dont think those are wrong exactly unless it's a shitpost thread. Theres a few threads I've thought of making about specific artists and their styles. It would be good to discuss them imo and I dont think individual artist threads are inherently bad.
>debate me
It's just a conversation starter.

>> No.3517400

This board is fun and fine the way it is you communist. Don't you believe in FREEDOM?

>> No.3517419


>> No.3517421

no thats gay.

>> No.3517485

>individual posts asking for critiques - these should go in generals

Easily the worst meme on this board, nobody gets critique in these generals and it's way faster to just make a thread. i don't care what boogeyman excuse you have for being against it this board is artwork and CRITIQUE.

>> No.3517514

Yes. IDs please. Updating the rules and guides should be done but in the end you need mods who will actually clean things up on time to truly get good results. With IDs, it will work on its own and at least make things a little bit better.

There are ways people can get around IDs but it will help a lot with situations where things get derailed because other people jump in on critique/improvement advice for someone else. There is no good reason why this board shouldn't have IDs when it has so many generals and threads revolving around critiquing individuals work.

>> No.3517520

Because ID is not anon. thats why its bad.

>> No.3517523
File: 28 KB, 543x533, i'm with her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can we make the following types of threads bannable offences?!
>>threads about individual artists that are not image dumps
>>individual posts asking for critiques - these should go in generals
>>posts implying a point - "debate me" threads
>>enforce that /gd/ /p/ and /po/ go to their respective boards
It Was Her Turn

>> No.3517527

How am I supposed to use my anon identity to call people autistic faggots when it’s connected to my real life sjw persona

>> No.3517560

While I agree, I gotta say it's a fruitless endevour. We had SO many meta threads - some more, some less elaborate - but NONE ever brought a change. It doesn't matter how eloquently it's written, or how many anons agree, we will NEVER get IDs.
Which is super sad, since thread IDs would prevent mindless spamming/ shitposting/ samefagging.

I'm against board IDs, but thread IDs would really improve this board. Also, we need a mod. There is like one lethargic janny, and while this is a slow board, it's still not nearly enough.

>> No.3517578

Fuck off to reddit if you want to make subreddits/generals on 4chan. Fuck off meta threads

>> No.3517792

But wait, what about us well-known artist in small third world countries? If I posted some paintover for some fellow anon, you could see my style and nationality. That shit would wreck me if they found out I'm posting in the "Incel Nazi image board"

>> No.3517825

Maybe you should just stop clicking on threads you don't like instead of needing mommy mods to filter every little thing for you
> ?!

>> No.3517871


damn, you guys are boring individuals

>> No.3518487

I think the only major change should be making blogposting a bannable offense
>how do I get artist gf?
>(story of my life, which is nothing but /r9k/ posting) how do you hold lads?
>threads about nationality (ban that polish shit)
>all posts that belong to /pol/ and /bant/ should be banne

>> No.3518490

I want Sakimichan wordfiltered to Her Grace

>> No.3518492

filter for "post your work"
just cause

>> No.3518896

>draw my oc threads banned
>/beg/ threads banned
Its that easy

>> No.3518967

Can you somehow become an /ic/ janny?

>> No.3518980

The only boards that need ID's are the boards with confirmed shills such as /pol/ or /biz/, having ID's on /ic/ will defeat the whole purpose of the board which is remaining Anon in order to receive unbiased and honest critique.

>> No.3520931

maybe we should keep a low profile seeing as the board could easily be a critique thread + a resources thread on /i/

>> No.3520938

IDs are probably the only thing that would 100% improve /ic/. That way people can't get salty and pretend to be multiple users in flamewars/arguments, or samefag for self-promotion, which happens sometimes.

Otherwise this board is surprisingly constructive and a really solid place to get fast replies with criticism.

>> No.3521360

>ban debate me threads
Honestly they’re not all bad. Some have interesting points of debate and this board needs the activity anyway.

>> No.3521393

no, they are the same as hitler threads
It's the same old responses every time
>"he's better than you"
>"he's making money!"
>"muh jelousy"
>"you couldn't do this"
>"why don't you just do this then"

There is never any productive discussion

>> No.3521436

You can apply as janitor every once in a while.

It won't change anything, though. The people who spend a significant amount of their spare time on /ic/ are slackers and crabs, meaning we'll either get an absent janny or someone who is unfit for regulating the board.

>> No.3521453

Shitposting aside, there's actually some pretty good stuff here. I hate the e-celeb cocksucking, and the "personalities" that interject themselves into an otherwise useful thread to shit it up, and I think adding IDs would probably clear that right up.

The references are great, and there is periodically some really good advice given. So while the board has it's problems, it's not really that bad.

>> No.3521596

>One thread relating to the state of the board is permitted by the rules!
This was never meant to be a continuous thing, just for one thread when Hiro announced it, but metashitters immediately started using it as an excuse for having offtopic threads up.

>> No.3521926

why would you ban style threads, atleast people are getting together and drawing something and then they can compare their versions of the thing and maybe tell each other what could be improved

its better than lots of other threads