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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.71 MB, 851x2194, hisashi eguchi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3507592 No.3507592 [Reply] [Original]

what is it that motivates you to draw?

>> No.3507598

Based motivation.

>> No.3507601

>literally a tranny

But for me I just want to get good enough to draw comics that look nice enough.
I like some niche genres and the manga and comics that get out out for them tend to follow the same tropes and stories, and I'd like to be able to draw the ideas I have and share them with others.

>> No.3507603

You already posted it.

Not tranny though.

>> No.3507609

drawing line and turning into something is fun

>> No.3507618
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Truly a man of refined taste

>> No.3507627 [DELETED] 

I've been having a hard time getting motivated lately. My friends are mad at me, saying if I put my passion into my art and applied myself I'd be good to go but I just can't seem to get into drawing anything. I really need to get my drive back though because I'm about to be at rock bottom if I don't get some things going for myself but the pressure just seems to make it even harder to get motivated.
Wat do?

>> No.3507630

I've been having a hard time getting motivated lately. My friends are mad at me, saying if I put more passion into my art and applied myself I'd be good to go but I just can't seem to get into drawing anything. I really need to get my drive back though because I'm about to be at rock bottom if I don't get some things going for myself but the pressure just seems to make it even harder to get motivated.
Wat do?

>> No.3507635

Just the pleasure i get from turning the image in my head into a real thing.

>> No.3507642

girls love my drawings

>> No.3507644

And your prematurely receding hairline?

>> No.3507651

go take your E pills lol

>> No.3507663

Don't rely on passion and motivation, you fucking retard. Get some self-disciple.

>> No.3507666

Go back to your roots. Why did you first start. And start doing that

>> No.3507673

Mm, you might have a good point there...
I first started drawing because I loved illustrating stories. I was the most driven when I was pursuing a career in comics but that was also where I ended up being the most demotivated by meeting dead end after dead end. Lately I have been thinking comics are what I need to get back into but I just keep remembering how frustrated I was when I dropped comics because I wasn't getting anywhere. And now that I've been having such a problem feeling motivated to finish even a little doodle, the idea of drawing an entire comic page is damn near painful.
But maybe... I don't know, maybe once I start one that feeling would go away. Nothing else is working so it's worth trying I guess.

>> No.3507687

I mean yeah. But like sometimes you need to stop trying and have fun with shit.
It's easy to get caught up in art try harding, sometimes you just gotta take it easy and have fun. Hell even taking a small break and just reading a bunch of comics would be good for you. It helps inspire you again and maybe reignite that fire.

>> No.3507695

My desire to have people yank it to my characters.

>> No.3507696

I've been trying that too. My friend has a shitload of comics and art books that he's letting me thumb through. A couple days ago he handed me something by Joel Jurion whose art I fucking love but I didn't even know he had a comic. Sometimes I start to feel a little inspired but most of the time I start feeling like shit that none of my work is that good and how it looks so lifeless by comparison. It's like I'm caught in some kind of fucked up loop where everything that should lift my spirits makes me feel worse for needing to have my spirits lifted instead of just being able to snap out of it and do what I need to do.

>> No.3507698

Drink a margarita senpai.
But yeah shit just sucks. Try to find a way to have fun rather than caring. It really does help to shove all the /ic/ stuff to the side and remember why you care in the first place. Just gotta do you senpai. Skill only matters when you give enough of a shit to use it.

>> No.3507701

Thanks anon, you're right. I'll look for a way to give my head a break for a while and see if that helps too.

>> No.3507702

but you still need to have a reason to draw to begin with

>> No.3507712

I remember Asano Inio said something about wanting to be a cute girl. Is this a common theme in contemporary oriental ink artisans?

>> No.3507716

Good luck dude
Always a shame to see people lose their spark. Just keep at it and have fun!

>> No.3507717
File: 644 KB, 737x1000, july-7-2018-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The part where I'm going to be very rich, famous, and fucking beautiful women with whoever I choose to be my wife

>> No.3507740

no wonder your art sucks LOL

>> No.3507745

I dont really get enjoyment from drawing anymore. Or anything.

>> No.3507747

I like to look at drawings. So I want to make them.

>> No.3507749

>Not tranny though
True, it's more like autogynephilia.

>> No.3507750
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>muh agp

>> No.3507762

Listen to Satan

>> No.3507778

I guess the idea of doing it for a living, some day. Not now, and probably not in the near future, but within the next 5 years I'd like to be working for myself. I animate, and telling a good story is the first priority I have.

I actually don't consider myself to be a very good visual artist. I just have enough skills to get by. I want to get better, but I'd rather be a director/writer than a full time animator or artist, in that respect.

>> No.3507788

For me really its cause drawing is just a other part of me I can't show or express in any other way and with that it helps me understand the world and myself more.
In the end it helps me to keep growing as a person.

>> No.3507790

Nobody judges me for being a Dog when I draw.

>> No.3507797

I like drawing my waifu doing cute things.

>> No.3507800
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I wanna turn my fanfics into doijins.

>> No.3507828

Because if I don't make art I'll die.

>> No.3507855


>> No.3507870

probably not far off from what motivates me to jam my penis in a F-cupped 20 yo girl

>> No.3507874

I have found my brother and it is hisashi eguchi

I mean I always knew he was one of my favorite artist - but I never could have expected that our motivations were of the same spring

Bless his heart. The beauty is in the irony of his manliness affirmed by being a productive and respected artist

>> No.3507941

I didn’t realize you read manga. Why do you always draw them nude though,

>> No.3507949

Isn’t there an anon like this on /ic/ and people call him/her schizo? Name started with a J.

>> No.3507958


>> No.3507964

Trans is not wanting to be born a female. It's being a female in a male body.

>> No.3507994

I get tired of finding reference art for tabletop rpgs and want to make my own

>> No.3507997

That makes no sense

>> No.3508000

lol what are you from the 19th century?

>what is this 'transgenre' you speak of good sir?

>> No.3508002

Females are like aliens, if you have one inside you you slowly become a Female yourself. Usually the Female alien infects you in the womb so you come out as a woman, but sometimes men get infected later in life.

>> No.3508033

I don't need motivation, drawing has become a habit for me

>> No.3508052


A trans person is considered to be born the opposite gender of their sex. FtM, MtF. They're already a female/male. They don't wish to be born in that body, they already are as they are.

>> No.3508060

Oh so its like some made up bullshit then

>> No.3508062

sorry commie that's not how biology works

>> No.3508068

I think it's that their brain is hardwired to think that they're the opposite gender. There was an experiment done on a child where, at birth, they replaced his genitals with a vagina and raised him as a girl, but during puberty he started having a lot of anxiety and gender dysphoria issues because, although his body wasn't producing testosterone, his brain was still telling him that he was actually a man. Eventually the parents came out and told him the truth, and later in life he underwent a sex 'change' operation (really they were just giving him back his penis), but still ended up killing himself due to the trauma.

I think that transgender people feel the same way, like their body is treating them as biologically male/female even though their brain is wired to tell them that they're the opposite.

>> No.3508080

I want to be the first one who does something interesting in my family.
Everyone in my family has a mundane job, and i know they all look at me like a loser.
I don't want to a dead end job and end up killing myself.
I want to get better but i feel like garbage right now, I've been practicing but i feel like I've gain nothing.

>> No.3508085

To become the best 2D animator of my country.

>> No.3508088

It's not biological its psychological. It's a misunderstanding of gender and gendernorms and conflating it with physical sex.
A well adjusted person doesnt feel anything about their gender or sex, it's irrelevant. You're a guy/girl and all it changes is your appearance. There's some trends about men and women but to the individual it's irrelevant, how a person acts or behaves is up to the individual and how they were raised. At no part should anything you think or feel be connected to your genitals unless it's about sex.

The claim about transgendered people isnt that its physical or biological. It's just how fucked up are they in the head and is a sex change surgery the only treatment. Which is bullshit either way but dont misunderstand the essence of the argument

>> No.3508089

It's the only thing I get praised for and that I can confidently say I'm better than average at.
It also happens to be something I enjoy doing.
If I can also make enough money to live off of it, that'd be the dream.

>> No.3508104
File: 125 KB, 1000x1172, C2JVdfiUUAAxY93.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sort of the opposite for me.
i wish i was born male so i can be a big fat bear, so i project that frustration by drawing hundreds of musclegut men.
sometimes i fickle the bean thinking that a male beefier version of myself is fucking me raw missionary in the bed.

>> No.3508121

I put all my eggs in one basket

>> No.3508130


>> No.3508152

People have their bodies mapped out in their brain. If you get a limb chopped off, your brain's gonna wig out and wonder where it went (hence phantom limb syndrome).

Transsexuality is like that, but with sexual dimorphism. MtFs didn't get enough testosterone in the womb, so their brains didn't fully masculanize. So their brains think they're not supposed to have that wiener.

FtMs are rarer for that reason. The human brain is female by default. It's a lot more likely that a brain stop halfway through masculanization than it is for a brain to fully masculanize when it's not supposed to.

>> No.3508154

your problem could stem from other factors in life. like depression or apathy. tackle them first, lotta people would question if you ever liked your hobby but i bet you'd still feel unmotivated for any hobby in life other than playing vidya if you got depression or generally feel a pathetic

>> No.3508158

>putting women on a pedestal


>> No.3508159

Every retard already does that.

>> No.3508348

here's the source

>> No.3508512

and here I am, after I just woke up wet dreaming I was a dominant female in a lesbian couple, maybe I should use that as fuel

>> No.3508540

not real science.

>> No.3508550

I too like broscience

>> No.3508616

I thought about that, me having depression or something. Supposedly you lose all interest in things you used to love and I haven't been far from it. I didn't even want to play vidya I would just watch youtube all day and as soon as I stopped to try to do something productive I would just feel exhausted, not do it, and go back to youtube. But I don't know if I actually have brain problems or was just sick of the shitty home situation I was in. In some ways I'm in a worse situation now that I'm basically homeless but I have more freedom. That's why I have to break through this and start making and finishing some shit. I only have a limited time staying where I am before I'm actually homeless.

>> No.3508670

I draw to properly honor God, as he creates so shall I. Consider it design interpolation

>> No.3508676
File: 22 KB, 520x626, 1530907252578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to draw hentai of my obscure waifus
but I'm not very good at it yet

>> No.3508700


>> No.3508775

This is so bizarre. You're addressing me as if I'm someone you recognize

>> No.3508799

I watch cartoons and like the characters, some characters I like are in the background, rarely appear, or are monsters that don't show up again after an episode. Since these ones are so ignored I want to get better so I can draw what I want to see them doing and be proud of the quality.
I also wish to make good porn of them with my specific hand fetish.

>> No.3508801

A man can dream though. A man can dream...

>> No.3510822
File: 278 KB, 688x943, mycrappyfirstpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was in my second year of high school I came home from a party and found my father dead on the floor.

He had a stroke and died very slowly while I was out partying.

For 2 years I tried my best to smile and get along with life but eventually after failing half my classes, my face braking out with acne and my girlfriend braking up with me I just crashed. It seemed like I had nothing and I was absolutely miserable.

1 day after a long day at school I just went into my room and cried. I don't know what happened after that but I just wanted to recreate an image of the black rock shooter anime. For the first time in years I was drawing.

The drawing sucked. I worked on it that whole night and I knew it wasn't great. If anything it was garbage. But during that time while I was drawing, everything wrong in my life was transparent. I wasn't thinking about my dad, my life or any of my problems. Just the art I was working on. When I finally took a step back from the finished piece, for the first time years I was actually happy.

Ever since then I feel like I use art as an escape from my feelings. I know that sounds great in theory but now my life is pretty great and I can't seem to focus on art for more than 3 hours. What should I do anons?

>>Pic related is that terrible image I drew from that night. Yes I know, it's crap.

>> No.3511909

this. also i do it for myself. having spent too much time playing video games, i want to die with something worth acknowledging.

>> No.3511923
File: 2.13 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20180710_105059468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An inner sense of creating a world of my own

A place were I'm truly Free.

>> No.3511938

oh hell yea, i do the same thing to my wife and she loves it. Got muscular for her, the only problem is that i'm a manlet, but the musclegut i'll still try to pull off someday.

>> No.3511940

If you're fulfilled now, then that's all you needed your art for.

>> No.3511946

This shit is so creepy.
Fucking japs. They must be aliens or something.

>> No.3511957

thats very common for men

>> No.3511960

Nothing at the moment. I'm trying to build up a social circle of artists to motivate me.

>> No.3511975

Normalfags get the fuck out of my board

>> No.3511980
File: 412 KB, 1418x1001, Darwinecosystem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea of life on other planets.
I remember when I was a kid I saw the documentary Alien Planet on TV, based on the book Expedition by Wayne Barlowe. I loved it so much i got a copy of the book and read it over and over again. The book really gave me all these cool ideas of what life on other planets could look like. Then I found other "speculative biology" projects on the internet like C.M. Kosemen's Snaiad. After finding so many fictional planets with fictional life all somewhat grounded in science I realized that artists have the ability to create worlds and that's what I wanted to do.

>> No.3511985

What a strange combo of narcissism and mental illness.

>> No.3511991

Only difference seems to be that one got the balls to cut his balls off while the other goes straight to the life-of-regret part.

>> No.3511998


>> No.3512005

I turn my jealousy into motivation

>> No.3512018

The thing that motivates me the most is...You're Mom


>> No.3512021

At my skill level my disciple wouldn't get very much out of me.

>> No.3512032

it's pretty much the only thing I truly enjoy doing

>> No.3512084

...is autoandrophilia a thing?
I have never thought about this. I have never felt like this. I feel like I'm doubting my entire existence rn...

>> No.3512125

"yes" and by "yes" i mean it is but that entire theory is bullshit

>> No.3512132

The theory is bullshit but the sexual fetish is very real and lots of people have either autogynephilia or autoandrophilia with or without being trans as well.

>> No.3512191

>...is autoandrophilia a thing?
After all, many people really like the idea of a gender-flipped self, and often think they would look better that way.

The theory is freudian nonsense tho.

>> No.3512213

>oh hell yea, i do the same thing to my wife and she loves it.
...You tell your wife that you want to be a man when you already are a man?

>> No.3512222

If I would draw girls I would want to be then I would draw bimbos

>> No.3512270

my desire for creepy girls to make yaoi of them

>> No.3512307
File: 30 KB, 512x273, 1531130552222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm learning to draw so that when I become good enough, I will be able to make a killing off of selling commissions to losers who wish to part ways with their money so that they can have a picture of their waifu.

>> No.3512310

i want to be pretty good at drawing

>> No.3512329
File: 233 KB, 777x777, 1519793894394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get good at something is inherently narcissistic

>> No.3512331

this tbqh

>> No.3512339

So when you are good you have no motivation left and will quit?

>> No.3512342

If someone like Sakimichan can make fucking bank selling her mediocre porn pics then I want a piece of that pie.

>> No.3512345

She's banking because of social engineering. It's no differen't from youTube/Twitch stars earning tons of money playing video games or doing random stupid shit. If you want a part of that cake then your art likely isn't what you need to work on.

>> No.3512658

why is there so many mentally ill people here? Can someone tell me off a place where people are fucking degenerates or atleast try to keep it to themselves?

>> No.3512665


>> No.3512698

I want to grind hard so I can draw my favorite characters fucking

>> No.3512809
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, flight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Life is boring and unfulfilling. Art keeps me distracted and lets me create a parallel world that is much more interesting than the one I inhabit.

Odd, though, that I often focus on dreary and miserable themes in my work. Don't know what that says about me.

One a side note, I'm somewhat sympathetic to the quote on your image, OP. Not that I want to be a woman, but... sometimes women seem so pretty and elegant compared to men that I get a pang of jealousy. In addition they get to express aspects of their personality in a big way that are sort of... off-limits to men.

Also they have much more fun with clothes and accessories.

But then again women have often been jealous of the power and opportunities that men receive, and their physical strength.

I suppose that's why a lot of creators write characters that are of the opposite gender, so that they may partake or sample in a way what it would like to be a different them.

Of course, if you could switch genders, the NEW you would not be you at all. Whatever people may claim, your gender is an inherent part of who you are, and a massive influence on your personality, and you couldn't change something like that without becoming a different person.

>> No.3513219

I have a huge imagination and a lot of ideas, and it's taken me until the age of 21 to realize that illustration is the best way to realize these ideas.
I know I'm starting later than most, but I won't give up.

Illustration is incredible. You can create any image in your head with enough effort. It's cheap and anyone can do it. I think that's my favorite part. You don't need special cameras or a studio or actors, you can make a fully illustrated manga on your own.

>> No.3513243

I want to be able to make something beautiful

>> No.3513244
File: 453 KB, 1000x1009, jon-juarez-home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brah, life is anything you make it to be (even in the worst circumstances), art that grows out of the desire for escape can be extremely powerful, but more often than not it has a terribly shaky foundation. Like, I'm trying to say that splitting your areas of habitat like that makes you weaker in the long run. I also did that back in the day, but when I started to try and understand what motivated my favourite artists like Moebius and Miyazaki I realises that it was the nature, the people that inspired them to create, and little by little I was lucky enough to adapt their world view as my own. Sorry if I sound a little preachy, I really do with the best for you.

>> No.3513260
File: 212 KB, 700x855, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing facefuck porn of popular videogame characters

>> No.3514153
File: 957 KB, 1920x1080, Plateau wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life is anything you make it to be

The problem with that is that we all have to deal with the consequences of other people's decisions. All the positive thinking in the world won't help if someone decides to drop a bomb on your head.

Also I'm not convinced this world is worth my time and effort.

Anyway Miyazaki, in spite of all his success and his legendary status, is pretty negative and cynical about the world at large, and his impact on it.

>> No.3514275
File: 599 KB, 821x600, Magic-the-Gathering-Grazing-Kelpie-Eventide-6-x-7.5-Watercolor-2008-Drew-Tucker-Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3514153 This is a lovely image.

I get so hyped up when I see mood in an image. I really admire mtg art when it used to be just the artists own expression.

you're a massive tool.

>> No.3514311
File: 120 KB, 1000x1000, 1492652295839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea that I'll finally be able to draw all the cool stuff of my dreams.
And also drawing quality art of obscure cartoon husbandos