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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 496 KB, 765x1313, redriding_ftrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3504607 No.3504607 [Reply] [Original]

previous: >>3496794

>What is /ALT/?
If you're looking for a place to post your cartooning then you've found the right general. This is /ic/s 1st and only merged hub where both Eastern and Western stylization can coexist peacefully, hence the double title. However, by community demand and long history, this is favorably an Anime general.
>Rules & Guidelines
(1) Any form of cartooning is welcome; so submit and receive feedback from others. (2) Please resize your images before posting. (3) Share your knowledge and (4) Remember to not be afraid of asking for critique. Most importantly I encourage you to keep discussion at a civil level, but you're more than welcome to share your opinions.
>Where do I go to learn to draw Anime?
Read the sticky. ctrl+f artbooks thread. Consult suicide to become Japanese in your next life.
>Community Resources
Hitokaku Index
List of active livestreams
>Use twitch #creative
>yoshikadu2011 (youtube, streams daily)
FellowBro's Book Collection
Tutorial & Reference Collection
Japanese Tutorials & Documentary
>http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=59317 (0033)
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fdt2GaZVIpY [Embed] (dead, update whenever I get to it)


Keep up the great work. Awesome moves. Real proud of you all.

>> No.3504619
File: 728 KB, 5000x5000, tracer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing a drawing of Tracer from Overwatch, I'm wondering if this pose is too stiff, or the proportions are too off (I'm giving her long legs and big feet). I'm thinking of going really stylistic with this one. Crits so far?

>> No.3504621

why would you expect anyone to critique something you did in 5 minutes
why would you even post it
just stay in /beg/ you aren't ready

>> No.3504623
File: 223 KB, 1000x724, niea and ed1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you are getting feedback in /beg/ already also fucking resize your images desu...

c-can I come here?

>> No.3504624
File: 1.99 MB, 1575x2160, Megumin 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3504625
File: 95 KB, 412x533, HK416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Building a block of color from nothing is harder than i thought.
Gonna start detailing now.

>> No.3504628

Dude, it's a WIP sketch of the pose, chill out

People crosspost this shit all the time, again, chill out

>> No.3504630


>> No.3504632

isn't the distance shoulders to boobs to large? they look like they're shrugging

>> No.3504635
File: 91 KB, 1300x740, running.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

you're using too many straight lines which is conveying speed, but not motion. it looks more like a hood ornament than a figure running. also try to think about every line before you lay it down which will reduce chicken scratching and improve your process

>> No.3504641


>> No.3504652

left figure better be niea BITCH

>> No.3504654

fuck i meant right. i am mentally impaired. i love your art though. please find it in your heart to forgive me

>> No.3504679
File: 62 KB, 1135x791, niea and ed2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is! but she seems a little... off?

>> No.3504696
File: 127 KB, 1135x791, red1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the torso is just a mess, doesnt seem like you have a good grasp on anatomy or forms in 3d space

>> No.3504699


>> No.3504702
File: 80 KB, 1135x791, 1530840254169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's her shirt anon...

I guess it's my fault since it's still a sketchb

>> No.3504709

oh thank god, missing some crucial lines there

>> No.3504827
File: 196 KB, 1000x601, niea and ed3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with line work :^)

>> No.3504838

It's bad. You might as well just trace at this point. No pun intended.
This is somehow worse than the shitty tracer gesture. Can you honestly look at this and say it's sexy? It's not.
>redlining stylization
Pelvis area doesn't work like that. Blind leading the blind.

thread off to a great start

>> No.3504842
File: 165 KB, 439x550, 1530512436716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone got a (you) but me.
I feel very sad.

>> No.3504843

uhm...ganbaru zo

>> No.3504844 [DELETED] 

Colors looking good my man.

>> No.3504851


>> No.3504861
File: 208 KB, 1000x653, niea and ed4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you're right it has a lot of errors, i just corrected the hand's perspective and ed's feet were a mess. also fixed her neck which was a bit too high.

>> No.3504864


>thread off to a great start

Post your work

Wait... you are a crab, you are never going to post your own work...


>> No.3504865

actually the pelvis does work like that, post work

>> No.3504871


I agree, >>3504838 post your work

>> No.3504874

I like this a lot! Their expressions and crossed-leg poses look pretty solid to me.

>> No.3504899

Post your work anon, you sound really good.

>> No.3504901

It does not. End of discussion on it.

>> No.3504902
File: 380 KB, 503x507, 1494000466861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT we spot the butthurt limp dick hugbox DA tards
You have to go back.

>> No.3504908
File: 2.75 MB, 1200x1700, Pearl Album.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished this, a piece of Pearl fanart from Splatoon 2. I hope that fanart is okay here(I haven't visited /ic/ in a hot minute so I'm a bit rusty on the generals)

>> No.3504913
File: 715 KB, 1200x1700, beg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3504916


>> No.3504919

What exactly is most glaringly wrong with this pic? I wanted to do another one, but if there is some serious errors, I'd like to to better next time. Can you point them out, please?

>> No.3504922

Post your work used to mean can i see your work to see your level and help each other learn.
Now it just a way to shit on someone as well as spotting crabs that don't draw so they don't have works and only dragging people down.
I miss old /ic/

>> No.3504929

Line quality sux for one thing.

>> No.3504931

Youre not wrong on that one. Advice on how to get more appealing lines? They did look too mechanical to me when I was working on it

>> No.3504942
File: 19 KB, 492x866, elfloli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3504945

Why is she blushing? A swimsuit is nothing to be embarrassed about.

>> No.3504947
File: 1.26 MB, 900x1600, IMG_20180317_100456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn how to do proper line weight. It looks inconsistent on your piece. That combined with the mediocre shading.
This would look great if the lines and shading were done well. You gotta work on that

>> No.3504950
File: 122 KB, 1920x1080, 1522045826833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Upload drawing to pixiv
>take a piss
>Multiple people have liked and bookmarked your drawing

I know it sucks and its cause I was pandering but this is a first for me and I'm so happy.

>> No.3504951
File: 3.53 MB, 1280x720, haveanotherone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3504952

Let's go ahead and fix that. Post your work.

>> No.3504953

>how to appealing line weigth

Anon, use common sense, we can help you, but being this big of a cunt, waiting to be spoonfeeded, makes me lose hope every time I take a look at /alt/. you're not even trying ffs

>> No.3504954

>Post work on Pixiv, tumblr, DA
>No one even look at it
How the fuck can you guys get so many? I been doing it for 2 years now and i still can't get past 100 likes.

>> No.3504955

draw fanart and properly tag your submissions with weeb tags

>> No.3504956
File: 60 KB, 594x1128, walk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3504958
File: 83 KB, 1758x989, niea and ed6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another update on the thing

>post stuff i work hard on
>3 likes in 24 hours
>post shit i spent 2 minutes on
>18 likes in the first hour

>> No.3504960

Tags pretty much. Put a fetish tag and see the numbers fly even if you're drawing stick figure shit.

>> No.3504961

Speaking of tags, what kind of tags are you guys using?
Also how do you guys tag on Pixiv? Since i can't speak nip i have to search japanese words and then copy paste it.

>> No.3504962

I certainly will work on my linework, thank you for your crits! I hope the next one looks better!

>> No.3504963

I do the same, but to be honest I already gave up on pixiv it's too much work and I get more response in tumblr, even if little

>> No.3504965

I just know the tags to use because I speak basic nip. My only trouble is when to use kanji and when to use hiragana because they're so inconsistent and sometimes it's both.

>> No.3504966
File: 532 KB, 1008x995, IMG_20180312_154634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

follow other splat artists you like and study how they draw their stuff. Try to replicate and use this new knowledge on your next artwork

I just use the series' name, characters' name, and if there's a certain theme on your art (r-18, landscape, design etc). Don't forget to put both the japanese and english equivalent of the tag so both eng and jap audience will see it.

>> No.3504973


Nobody cares how "hard" your critiques could be, is like being called a faggot on /b/, nobody take it seriously. People want to see your work to know how qualified your are to make such "critics".

Now post your work, or maybe you are the one who is worried about the hard critics...

>> No.3504979

just move on and work on your next piece you baby. You got too worked up over someone's pelvis

>> No.3504985

where my niggas at? any wips?

>> No.3504989

What? Who??

>> No.3504991

the jacked and the arms have no form, pretty apealling tho
Also can't tell if its a dude or a chick with a skirt

>> No.3504995

The red and the green dont' match the ambient (not the red bg)

>> No.3504999




>> No.3505003
File: 99 KB, 252x252, 20160527160832375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Her eyes supposed to be green a hint of yellow.

>> No.3505011

>no form

How do you mean?

It's a girl in leather shorts, she's supposed to be an anthropomorphic representation of ink. The androgyny is intended, the skirt is not. Hadn't even noticed it looked like one but yeah you're right, thanks.

>> No.3505021

Never mind, I think get what you mean. I didn't add shadows, contours, etc. to give it depth. Yeah should probably start doing that.

>> No.3505045

Post your work anon, come on.

>> No.3505138
File: 199 KB, 820x526, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not same anon but u could go for greyish red i think it will work out fine

>> No.3505146
File: 403 KB, 573x498, IMG_07042017_081413_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3505246
File: 371 KB, 560x644, 1523756045849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dunning-krugers who think people have to be "good enough" to give them (free) critique
Reminder kids: /beg/gars can't be choosers

> it's a WIP sketch of the pose
you do not need help with something so basic. If you do, you're in the wrong thread
>People crosspost this shit all the time
and people beg anons to post work all the time.; don't do stupid shit just because everyone else is doing it

>> No.3505278

You can show from in a lot of ways, but leave shadows as a last thing, more so when you have such a line dependent "style"

>> No.3505282

Post your work anon.

>> No.3505286

I agree, but you're being an acoustic guitar as well, people get mad about the "state of /thread" " because of shit art, of people that clearly have their own contention thread, and still come here to waste everyone's time, like the Tracer retard who fuckin posts that 38 seconds figure in every fucking thread
Every side is fucking wrong, but it could be solved if crabs stayed crabing in the sea

>> No.3505296

just ignore the pyw memers

>> No.3505297
File: 45 KB, 711x669, 1512534179470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I agree, but you're being an acoustic guitar as well
>contention thread
>crabing in the sea

>> No.3505304


>> No.3505328
File: 208 KB, 540x575, 1522665515473.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acoustic guitar

>> No.3505406
File: 8 KB, 235x215, 1530099639120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3505480
File: 1.48 MB, 1080x1022, Screenshot_20180706-070806~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3505492

looking comfy anon, are you the same anon from the cats?

>> No.3505539

Pretty cool. I think a bit extra form on the smoke might be nice? Just a few overlapping lines. But looks nice.

>> No.3505546

are u the mobile game artist anon?

>> No.3505564


He is not going to post his work he sucks, I've seen him in other threads he just fucks with everyone but don't draw much. Just ignore him and post more of your art, anons. Don't waste your time on someone who is beg tier, ignore him or the thread is going to be even more derailed

>> No.3505566

it's the same tags anon, but like, one took me about 16 hours to finish the other was a compilation of doodles, it's like they don't like quality (and I'm not implying I can do quality work)

>> No.3505575

Sometimes more refined work just makes it suck.
For example I suck at coloring, takes me a fuckton of time I I decide to do it, and the end result is it looks worse.
Effort doesnt mean it looks good.
Plus personally I have a fetish for badly drawn ms paint porn.

>> No.3505586

Thank you for the critique, I will fix that on the clean up
I'm not sure.. what do you mean?

>> No.3505588

You know how sometime sketch look better than your finished work? Sketch let people imagine easier so in a sense, it's more beautiful.
That problem going to disappear the more you learn how to draw better though.

>> No.3505611

I'd never done color or digital until about a month ago, my initial attempts were abhorrent, but I'm starting to get used to it and seeing huge gains.

I agree with what you say, but I honestly feel I'm close or past that point already. and the stuff I'm talking about isn't really a sketch, it's colored and somewhat refined too.

I'm not going on a rant either, it's just a weird trend I'm noticing, works get response too, but low quality compilations still get much faster responses, it's absurd, almost feels like cheating. I feel it's just a quantity/quality thing.

>> No.3505618

it sucks because you don't know how to do it and youre doing guesswork to get to a decent result. if you know how to do it from the beginning it wont look like shit. doing masterpieces when you should be doing studies.

>> No.3505633


>> No.3505637

love it!
I want to turn this into a cute 3d art

>> No.3505639

Well I mean I know it sucks, and I'm working on it.
My point was however that effort != results. Putting effort in when you suck just results in more suck.

>> No.3505641

absolutely true and well put!

>> No.3505706

>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person!
how delusional do you have to be

>> No.3505713

There's only like 10 people on /ic/, chances are he's right

>> No.3505824

at first I thought you were wrong, but you're absolutely right, anon! thank you so much, I'm sorry about the late response. hopefully you'll see this ;;

>> No.3505833
File: 170 KB, 720x725, IMG_20180706_232025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought I'd try my brush pen that was lying around, only to remember that it's nearly over.

>> No.3506054
File: 94 KB, 800x1067, 4898AD11-E0E6-40B6-B522-74D3AE2FF372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pure nun with lewd body

>> No.3506084

Do I need to be extremely good at realism in order to do good stylized art?

>> No.3506088

>extremely good
not really
but considering the same fundamentals and basic ideas apply to both fundamentals and realism even if you completely avoided realism and somehow became good, your abilities would transfer to good realism because its the exact same things.

>> No.3506158
File: 273 KB, 1440x2560, Hrnzhct-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna learn some ink

any one know how to use those drawing sticks? I can't ever get the smaller side to work, so I end up using the thick blobby side

>> No.3506161

Well I'm still learning realism because you need to know the rules to break them and all that, I just don't know if I've got what it takes to become like those super amazing guys who do realism, I always implement a bit of stylization in the practice itself. I was wondering if that's still good.

>> No.3506176

now thats a woman in my book

>> No.3506178

are you that faggot ass gang gang? because your shit sucks ass, and you draw the same oc shit over and over.

>> No.3506187

If you become super good at stylization you need the same skills as realism. You're not going to become super good at style or anime shit if you are incapable of doing realism.
You can become passable to plebs but they share the same skillset.

Its not that realism is what makes you good, its that the skills you need are the same ones you see in realism, and realism also gives you the undeniable truth and perfect comparison. You don't need to check if it looks good when doing realism, you have undeniable proof you did good or bad. And when you're learning fundamentals having this undeniable evidence is important.

>> No.3506188


Post your work

>> No.3506217

Saved to my fap folder. Thanks Magister

>> No.3506269

Post link

>> No.3506278


>> No.3506281

>lewd body
>Its literally just cancerous tumors on her chest
they're not even shapely or appealing. what were you going for here?

>> No.3506292


>> No.3506300

Lolicon detected

>> No.3506305

There's appealing boobs, and gigantic cancer fat on her chest. Just making them bigger isn't how you make thing sexy.

>> No.3506306
File: 230 KB, 848x1200, 7C2C2FA6-8B0A-4D93-B428-F638D3519672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3506309

shorten that foot, and maybe the leg too. I'm not sure if its just because the awkward foot, but her right leg looks hella long

>> No.3506312

those nipples?

>> No.3506414

Cowtits are sexy what are you talking about

>> No.3506420

This is not sexy.

>> No.3506493

Where's the dick??

>> No.3506632

don't you mean your HOLY book?

>> No.3506638
File: 808 KB, 1159x1600, IMG_1466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I had not realized that until your post

idk what so off about them. Maybe this is better?

>> No.3506641

her boobs are sagging way more than they should be, nipples shouldn't be that low unless she's 80.
In generally they just look too saggy

>> No.3506644

Should not nipples be one head below the chin?

Also she is getting suspended

>> No.3506648

I'm around family so can't go googling for porn, but nipples are much closer to the center of the breasts, and boobs don't rotate on your chest because you're suspended, the base would rise which is covered in your drawing, but the actual mass doesn't rotate downward which your image kind of does.
Go search for some boobs for proper nipple positioning. Don't use static length like 1 head for details like this because it is dependent on where the breasts themselves are rather than height from the head.

>> No.3506651

she doesn't look suspended. and the boobs dont look glaringly wrong they just look saggy
the ribcage does seem to beopposing the belly and the crotch....her left arm looks odd too
its like you wanted to do a perspective from above but have no clue how

>> No.3506662

Really loving the linework and the subtle shading, but I feel like her boobs are hanging off her ribcage at a weird angle.

>> No.3506665
File: 238 KB, 493x733, 5d91f2eb0fdf23b7c498f2fabdd3ca51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts so far?

>> No.3506673

Neat. Got any more?

>> No.3506755
File: 46 KB, 736x663, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i get a redline or some feedback on this pose?

It's a bit tricky and I can't tell if I got it right

>> No.3506768

What are you going for? If its riding the broom dont have legs dangling down straight. Or just in general dont have th le legs dangling down. Even if they're terrified and it's their first time flying youd be holding on for dear life.

>> No.3506770

I'm going for she's just resting on it, relaxed, the legs are supposed to be crossed together

>> No.3506773

Maybe drop 1 of the arms and use the other as a head cushion? It doesnt look like a very relaxed pose imo, you want something more draping.

I could be wrong but it's a little hard to tell what you're going for. But grasping so hard with both hands takes away from that relaxed feel.

>> No.3506777

I dig it. Makes me want to pick up drawing for 6th time.

>> No.3506791
File: 29 KB, 675x653, help3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what I did, I feel it has to be holding with both hands, and she's looking to a side, there will be some city scenery down

>> No.3506812
File: 245 KB, 660x899, 95f674476cd721edf8b44690ae53d195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kind of
just do it

>> No.3506844
File: 48 KB, 776x744, help4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting final revision, i think I'll be going for this

>> No.3506912
File: 23 KB, 481x560, noble1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-hey guys

>> No.3506921

I can imagine how wierd the chlotes would look if they weren't being wear

>> No.3506923

Fix those nippers and that hand/arm

>> No.3506969
File: 2.07 MB, 1000x721, world's greatest tag team nobody has ever heard of.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Patriot and Hiroshia Hot Dog are #1 in the world, having six star matches in every bingo hall in Japan.
This is the first time I've ever doodled anything in a "japanese cartoon/comic" style with no regard for proportion or accurac, so I have no idea what I am doing really. It was a lot of fun to just grab a couple of pencils and make it up as I went along.

>> No.3507005

it looks like both feets big toes are on the same side. you should check that

>> No.3507021 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 1000x600, G7szWOf[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure whether to have ear holes or not for the hat.

>> No.3507022

best in the thread so far

>> No.3507023
File: 127 KB, 1544x1522, killbill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess who saved over their entire psd file after hours of painstaking perspective and grid work

>> No.3507069

Fuck... back to >>>/beg/ with me

>> No.3507098
File: 78 KB, 516x710, HK416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is the proportion? I feel like the face is a little too wide, not sure. I really don't want to fix things after i polish it so i better fix it now.
Also Paint SAI suck dick, i miss CSP.

>> No.3507119

will it improve the silhouette or not?

>> No.3507121

How does he hear if there no ear holes?

>> No.3507163
File: 27 KB, 515x491, stenchinggarbageonastick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give up to be ache, at least her feet are the right fucking way now

>> No.3507177

Her left foot/leg are fucked, try the pose yourself, Anon

>> No.3507179

She's a loli, looks ok to me

>> No.3507181

Make the sword the same angle as her leg, makes me kinda uncomfortable

>> No.3507203
File: 184 KB, 869x859, stenchinggarbageonastick2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah her leg was wrong, I tried doing it on other angles and pic related is what I'm using for the feet orientation, thank you for the help but I think I'll give it up here and move on.

>> No.3507251

Best thing in thread so far


>> No.3507380

Can you tell me where to get that brush?

Preferably for PS

>> No.3507454
File: 143 KB, 777x777, monoko handstand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished this turd

>> No.3507458
File: 375 KB, 800x1000, color_practice_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this coming out?

>> No.3507469
File: 16 KB, 300x240, CC8120F-zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those nipples are fucked m8
Nips should only be hanging at that angle if the breasts are sagging or you're drawing an orangutan.
What the hell are you even thinking man

>> No.3507471
File: 52 KB, 268x795, 1286016020907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Care Bear except it's a rabbit and it has an MLP mane and tail

>> No.3507474

I have no idea why, but this gives off very strong inflatobear vibes

>> No.3507692
File: 78 KB, 927x957, AnimeGirls2-crop1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you go about coloring and finishing something like this? I feel completely lost when it comes to finishing things and I desperately need to.
So loose, so energetic. I fucking love it.
If you wouldn't mind sharing, are you coloring this all on one layer or several? If you're using multiple layers, are you using any layer blending modes?

>> No.3507694


>> No.3507703

I just open a layer for base paint then another one for shading. Literally just do it, if it doesn't come out good you'd have at least finished it

>> No.3507706

Thanks for the info. About the picture I didn't really word it right. I wanted to get opinions about the style of finish. Cel shaded, painterly, (attempted) smooth realistic airbrush, keep the lineart or get rid of it, that kind of thing.

>> No.3507718
File: 10 KB, 146x132, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh i paint everything on 1 layer, only use another layer with overlay mode if i want to change the tone down the line.

>> No.3507721

in that case I don't think I'm qualified to tell you what to do, I do cel shading because it fits my style and because it's my comfort zone :^), the lineart is cute, you could totally make things work with it

>> No.3507737

Oh okay, interesting. I never thought about using overlay like that.
Well thanks anyway. I guess I can try to feel my way through it again but I feel another incomplete sketch incoming.

>> No.3507761

What can I do to fix that?

>> No.3507811

give the background a lighter tone that will make it clear it's in the distance, the orange pops out too much

>> No.3507823
File: 1.40 MB, 1708x967, Screenshot_20180707-191047~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3507831

i like these alot

>> No.3507881
File: 334 KB, 640x640, (maxprentisvisual)1389640_1289250024423684_821461484_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just slap some base color underneath it. Put some gradient if you want like pic related. Focus on polishing the lineart for the finished piece

>> No.3507883

blog sir?

>> No.3507886

Awesome, I'll met around with the tones then. Thank you! :)

>> No.3508108

Actually, I'm a girl.

>> No.3508180
File: 409 KB, 741x781, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of the colors are permanent. trying to have some fun with pixel art type stuff

>> No.3508219
File: 403 KB, 800x600, 0254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still trying my way around perspective
probably gotta get looking into 2 and 3 point at some point

>> No.3508425

very cute anon, is that water below her legs? or am I reading it wrong?

>> No.3508426
File: 1.25 MB, 5544x4933, wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3508427


>> No.3508429

Don't assume my gender

>> No.3508451

thank you
and yeah its supposed to be water, trying to play around with different surfaces rn

>> No.3508459
File: 2.64 MB, 3571x4821, 037e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3508480

Do you happen to do art for a living?

>> No.3508533


>> No.3508628

That's really cool, I'd press for more details but just knowing that it's possible in the first place gives me hope. Cheers!

>> No.3508629

How do people even come up with stuff like this? It looks so interesting but it seems so random at the same time. Is she actually standing on anything or floating? What's up with the random TV and sink and knives? And what made the artist decide to color it flat like that?
I was always told style develops naturally over time but the more I look at other people's art the more it seems like they made conscious decisions to develop theirs and I can't seem to decide what I want my stuff to look like.
Anyway sorry for the tldr and thanks for the suggestion. I saw a nice cel-shaded picture on twitter and I think I'm going to try emulating that style.

>> No.3508737


>> No.3508838


>> No.3508893
File: 145 KB, 500x1000, erufuda ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did I fuck up? I'm sure something about her face and head is screwed but I can't identify it
I used ref for the pose but changed some of the proportions so that also might be it
Also, how do I make the lines less pixelated? I'm new to digital art, I think antialiasing is on to some degree in the tools though?

>> No.3508941
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_2207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried drawing in sinix his style, any feedback?

>> No.3508991

well it looks like sinix's stuff that's for sure

>> No.3508995
File: 127 KB, 350x689, fb0e80509ec4e2e0d987ab156bb94772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to explain (at least how I do it) here
>>3504370 , idk it helps.

yaow12.tumblr.com im >>3506665 and >>3506812

You just described it how it works tho, style develops naturally over time, you pick up mostly on things you like and then try to emulate/make them show on your own work as you polish what you know, strengthen your core values and keep learning.

As for the colors in this drawing it's actually kind of simple, a gradient from top to bottom of red with the most basic complementary colors of all time, red and blue lol.

>> No.3509135
File: 551 KB, 1341x973, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worked on them a bit more
a few video game characters for my own game

>> No.3509164

>changed some of the proportions
well there's your problem right there, the ref was probably an actual human with human proportions.

Honestly step back for one second, look at the size of that head compared to the body compared to the legs, and tell me you think this looks like a human.

What's the point in a ref if you don't measure?

>> No.3509183
File: 49 KB, 288x276, latino guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck does one draw beards?
I need to give this guy a beard, an unkept one or just stubble, but I can't do it without it looking like a hobo

>> No.3509278
File: 118 KB, 1500x863, 1531091149745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there's lots of beard styles but the easiest way to draw them is to keep your lines as loose and fast as possible, you dont wanna be drawing on the same spot for too long.
1 and 2 are the kind of lines you wanna use to kinda form the mass of the beard.

for stubble fill the part thats supposed to be stubble with a toothbrush kind of brush and then short lines like 3-4, hair grows faster on the moustache and chin area

>> No.3509285

That's a girl

>> No.3509294

Children don't have beard

>> No.3509337

Thank you for these tips they're very helpful! I'll try what you said!

I know, but he came out cute didn't he. I just can't (don't want to) into guys

>> No.3509357
File: 28 KB, 400x397, 1444762238-c40a72663c898073def420778be36b9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that ed i see?

>> No.3509374
File: 225 KB, 800x539, yep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I can't get myself to finish coloring, such a chore ;_;

>> No.3509379

Whenever your arms are being held up, like over your head, your boobs don't sag. They're actually a bit perkier. The one on her left doesn't look too bad, but the nipple on her right breast should probably be up a little more.

t. boob-haver

>> No.3509386
File: 483 KB, 900x600, Yuukarin_hardcorebondage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any (you)s on the colors and composition?

>> No.3509396

Trying to figure out how that bar attaches.

>> No.3509405

I fucking knew I forgot something!

>> No.3509407
File: 210 KB, 1440x2560, t62YjFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which body do yall prefer?

>> No.3509409
File: 25 KB, 378x389, latino gal 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what I gave him in the end desu kill me already

>> No.3509412

there's a massive fat roll on the right character which makes no sense.


>> No.3509425

shit that was completely unintentional, now I can't unsee it

>> No.3509479
File: 243 KB, 1440x2560, gCWJvn8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided to go with the right.. does she have potential anons?

>> No.3509592

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fdt2GaZVIpY [Embed] (dead, update whenever I get to it)
That's the dejieshi no bunpou series right?
I finally finished downloading the torrent over like 2 months from whoever finally decided to get online.
Magnet is: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:912b6fb816b5e5fd4b56689ceb4bf5a337860a15&dn=dejieshi%20no%20bunpou&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3a6969&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a80&tr=http%3a%2f%2ftracker.acgsou.com%3a2710%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopen.demonii.com%3a1337&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.opentrackr.org%3a1337%2fannounce

I'm not sure if the youtube had subs or not, but this doesn't.

>> No.3509650


>> No.3509737

...Because i wanted her to have a huge ass?

>> No.3509741

Don’t listen to that anon he has shit taste. The problem here is your visual library isn’t big enough to start molding bodies onto refs yet. I suggest if you want to draw someone with a big ass you find a ref that includes that. Do lots of big ass studies. Then you will get to a point where you find it easy and natural to plump up refs

>> No.3509751

Thanks, but what is wrong with her ass exactly in the picture?

>> No.3509766

It has no 3 dimensionality because you tried to just make it bigger but it just came out flatter. The gesture overall is stiff. She’s supposed to be turning at least a little bit but her back (and what should be back fat) is botoxed in place. It’s not just one thing that can be fixed you need to just study the thing you want to draw more

>> No.3509774

>It has no 3 dimensionality because you tried to just make it bigger but it just came out flatter. The gesture overall is stiff. She’s supposed to be turning at least a little bit but her back (and what should be back fat) is botoxed in place.
Sorry anon but I have a hard time understanding what this means, maybe if I had a redline I'd get it
>It’s not just one thing that can be fixed you need to just study the thing you want to draw more
Well that's for sure

>> No.3509783
File: 347 KB, 1060x1500, 392DBED2-2EEB-4424-A96F-5DF46D020714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I’m a piece of shit. Sorry

>> No.3509801

To clarify I understand what you mean by that (except the"botoxed" part but I assume that means it looks forced somehow) but I don't see it on the drawing.
The pose aside from a few changes is basically the same, I don't understand how the ass looks flat either

>> No.3509992

The hair man the hair. I dont know if its just the color but man it bugs me

>> No.3510015
File: 849 KB, 795x1125, 2lxzvk2q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These titties don't make any sense.
It's like you want some sort of hang/sag to them, but they lack any and all depth.

Do something like pic, those titties that are at the perfect size so that they don't sag but still aren't small. You know the ones. And plus they fit her body type better than the saggy shit that no one likes.

I'm not saying you should just change your tastes, I just think she benefits from non-sag more than sag.

>> No.3510025
File: 176 KB, 1280x1024, flash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3510053
File: 184 KB, 507x710, HK4163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i turn up the Contrast?

>> No.3510057

god this is bad. this is really really bad. especially those weird prosthetic limbs. actually fucking study these things if youre gonna put them in your art holy shit.
also that arm lmao

>> No.3510058

I really like the background

>> No.3510077


>> No.3510092

is the flag wrong intentionally

>> No.3510114
File: 361 KB, 1000x833, 1530681099432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, i accidentally reverse it somehow, thanks for noticed it.

>> No.3510166
File: 251 KB, 507x710, but im no expert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my opinion it needs a little tiny bit of saturated orangepink to contrast the desaturated red and blue, but just a tiny bit like under her eyes and as highlight maybe.

>> No.3510190

Hey anon

I love it. Just making shit up as i go along, miss those days...

>> No.3510223

>implying firez saw any titties irl except the crackwhore who does modeling.

>> No.3510235

Maybe you should draw the face 10% less wide

>> No.3510249

He's probably seen more pussy than you fuccboi

>> No.3510487
File: 293 KB, 1575x2160, Shinobu - Line art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup crabs, hows the crabbing going ?

>> No.3510511
File: 63 KB, 1400x1200, rwyXDfD[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully the dimensions aren't too big. Gonna try to polish this a bit more.

Good points, gonna keep the hat next time.

>> No.3510519

Looks like he’s wearing a face veil. The light isn’t molding the forms right or maybe you don’t know what the forms are supposed to be? You should do more form studies for light practice and animal studies to know what the forms are, or give some idea as to what they are bc it’s stylized of course.

>> No.3510520

What the shit, who deleted my original sketch??

>> No.3510524

Yeah gonna be honest, I don't really understand how the form of the head works for kemono. I keep using real animals as light references but don't really go all the way, so I just try to compromise and end up with this. Guess I should do more animal head studies, gotta know the rules to break them and all, yadda yadda.

>> No.3510811
File: 98 KB, 881x882, IMG_2247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a start atleast :)

>> No.3510846
File: 299 KB, 920x1240, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rendering practice , any advice ?

>> No.3510856
File: 393 KB, 900x607, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doodlin, trying some stylized bodies

>> No.3510857
File: 619 KB, 1500x1500, 1500189787324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 studies 2 doodles

>> No.3510863

your values are way too muddy. really go into the darks and lights more

>> No.3510877

Based janny, keep it up

>> No.3510879

Nice stuff, do you have any blog?

>> No.3510881

Boobs, clavicle and shoulders dont work like that. Try again crabby

>> No.3510933

Eye closer to camera strays too far from the center of the face, shouldn't be that close to the ear.

>> No.3510936 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 341x301, jrpg_boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3510940
File: 3.83 MB, 2248x1980, big boi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3511044


But crab-kun, you know that the clavicles and the shoulders can go up and down?, and they also look different when the back is arched a little. And you don't have to use natural breasts with a natural fall every time.

>> No.3511047

They don't work like that retard.
Not even him, those clavicals are legit fucked.

>> No.3511050

Not that anon but, listen, I know /ic/ has some definite crabs but that doesn't mean you should come here and brush off every crit as crab tactics.
Besides, crabbing mostly only applies to and happens to people with advanced art.

>> No.3511051

And while I'm at it, yes those boobs are bad too. have you ever bothered looking at a woman in your life?

This is why crabs exist, its because retards like you freak out over actual criticism.

>> No.3511078

Kill yourself
You're that whiner from the last thread

>> No.3511081

I'm honestly curious why your lines are so clean considering how god awful everything else is.

>> No.3511083

Looks like csp or the pen tool from ps

>> No.3511085

yeah but its clean and more or less perfect lines. The forms themselves are fucked but the lines are too good.

>> No.3511087

It's not even the good kind of clean though. It's the sterile, lifeless and hollow kind of clean that is the result of zooming in 10000% and obsessively undo-ing 50 times per second for 3 hours.

>> No.3511089

It's doable in csp if your stabilizer is high

>> No.3511093

fair enough then, I always use pressure sense and relatively low stability since I use the same pen for sketching and lining, and adding weight it just makes things easier.

Feels weird seeing someone so fundamentally wrong with clean lines.

>> No.3511095

solid. id personally lose a bit of the humanity in the face. if not for personal reasons itd be so tumblr kids wouldnt get horny off it like the creeps they are.

>> No.3511100
File: 225 KB, 1575x2160, A 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wrong you crab ! The clavicles and the breast change when the back is arched. Notice how the breast point up when the back is a little arched.

>B-but they are still bad !

Wrong again you crab, the left shoulder is still down so the curve of the clavicle is still a little downwards.

>To the rest of you, marine food with many legs.

I don't see a legit attempt at criticism, so I'm not even going to bother with all of you.


Post your work, I dare you.

>> No.3511101

Take a picture of your chest in the same pose.
you're cringe as fuck.

>> No.3511112

What >>3511050 said.
Most crit in ic is valid if you're going to look past the shitposting. Some are just really vague (eg just draw, read the sticky, loomis). Don't take the shitposts seriously or you'll end up becoming a crab yourself.
I can redline your piece but i'm at work right now

>> No.3511114

>anon post a drawing
>not many replies
>someone points something in the drawing
>anon get many replies in a few minutes.

this is how you get noticed here? I want (you)s too

>> No.3511115

yes acting like a giant faggot will get tons of people calling you a faggot.

>> No.3511118
File: 4 KB, 249x234, 1530917715273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3511119

If you act like an autist then yes

>> No.3511121

i want to ask for crit but im shy

>> No.3511128

Post work <3

>> No.3511131

next time you post, try not to act like a gigantic retard next time and maybe someone will give you a better criticism

>> No.3511139
File: 54 KB, 1200x630, 1519067946204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use a ref next time.

>> No.3511153
File: 68 KB, 600x401, 062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I find the number of sudden replies suspicious, the funny thing is that I only replied one time, to one guy. I responded to him because he pointed something specific. When crabs give worthless replies I just ignore them, I don't have time for them.

If you want more you's just post your work more often, everyone is anonymous here there's no need to take any of this very seriously. You even get valuable advice sometimes, if they are crabs just ignore them, how bad they can be if they don't dare to post their work on 4chan of all places.

>> No.3511156

I like it, got any more?

>> No.3511159

Just reply to yourself pointing something out.

>> No.3511160

>you don't have to use natural breasts with a natural fall every time.

>> No.3511190
File: 18 KB, 422x700, 147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been doing these mouse drawings for like 4-5 months now and I dont think I have improved at all.

>> No.3511194

fuck this is nice

>> No.3511198

Jesus christ just use layers, it shouldn't take you 5 days to do a single bust.

>> No.3511201

please gib blog

>> No.3511252


>> No.3511262
File: 515 KB, 766x1196, 070918_OPM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3511263
File: 583 KB, 720x1167, 070918_DOA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3511265


>> No.3511266

>not recognizing the artist immediately

>> No.3511270
File: 346 KB, 600x973, ftfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u forgot a lil sumthin

>> No.3511271

i see where you are coming from with this composition... but no... it would be a better composition if you cropped out her knees, as right now they are creating a horrible tangent. when it comes to composition you don't want almosts, either go all the way with the crop, or keep it away from the edge. also stop highlighting by throwing soft white airbrush strokes everywhere

>> No.3511272
File: 131 KB, 600x644, 1461948344924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you didn't fix shit homie, get the shit out outta my face

>> No.3511274
File: 272 KB, 500x810, ftfy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mad cause u bad, im just better than you sorry.

>> No.3511275

where's the bulge??

>> No.3511276

>banana boobs
kys hahaha

>> No.3511277 [DELETED] 

hahaha xD its empty! her boobs are so flat its empty!!! what a funny joke hahahaha XD i get the reference!! i know the meme you're referencing!! EPIC!!!!

>> No.3511278
File: 373 KB, 1280x1024, 725cf297a67605df27c968dadb274b65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you like saggy grandma titties or something?

>> No.3511288


>> No.3511293 [DELETED] 

Get a twitter already.


>> No.3511295

i fixed the twitter link on tumblr page, should work now

>> No.3511309

Anyone else?

>> No.3511320 [DELETED] 

Good shit my man.

>> No.3511332

How many of you guys are using Design Doll?

>> No.3511371
File: 19 KB, 255x250, 1525109286465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucking retard

>> No.3511381
File: 102 KB, 517x768, 1530871648029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be bait. No one can be this stupid.. right?

>> No.3511388
File: 36 KB, 640x586, 1511860918994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REMINDER that these are the people who are spamming "crab" and "post work" all the time
needs word-filtered desu

>> No.3511393

i don't post that much yet , sorry

>> No.3511397

then I look forward to seeing more of your works

>> No.3511435
File: 71 KB, 1028x893, leave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want drawparty to fucking leave

>> No.3511445

Look ma, I'm in the screenshot!

>> No.3511507
File: 227 KB, 828x1446, bgsln.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to that anon in the past thread, really was a huge help.
Spent way too long on this either way

>> No.3511522
File: 97 KB, 796x718, 16814565123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything obscenely wrong?
As far I can tell the neck/head placement is kind of awkward, but I don't know if it actually is or it's just me, anyways, I don't seem to know how to fix it, if someone can move it for me pls

>> No.3511550
File: 219 KB, 796x718, 1531225460739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arms appear too short, they should reach to mid-thigh when standing straight up. Unless they are bent towards the 'camera' in which case you should indicate it more strongly with folds in the clothes.

Also, to me, her ankles seem too long and generally too big. I Just shrank them down like 20%

Looks really good though keep it up

>> No.3511562

Thank you, thank you
What do you mean by ankle? sorry for autims
Also, I take that the head it's ok, rigth?

>> No.3511568

Reminded me of that guy who draw creepy bug girls, nice.

>> No.3511569

Head looks fine to me.

I should have said calves not ankles. Just the whole lower half of the leg i shrunk a bit.

>> No.3511573

Is this a tower girls drawing?

>> No.3511599

why dont you leave aswell?

>> No.3511646
File: 90 KB, 540x570, ora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what u guys think

>> No.3511648

I see what you mean with the knees, but do you have a better alternative to this method of doing highlights? Hard ones only work in cel shading. Or do you mean that I'm spamming them too much?

>> No.3511686

Thanks you guys

>> No.3511879
File: 354 KB, 1575x2160, 001 d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi crabs :3

>> No.3511915
File: 43 KB, 558x362, Happy_crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glory to thee, o King, for blessing us, the common crabfolk, with your holiest presence!

>> No.3512315

new thread >>3512313

>> No.3512895

I see what you're going for, but having that much noice on the hair it's fucking me up