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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 598 KB, 600x680, Nikki dancing - shaking to the left and right.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3500808 No.3500808 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread >>3466402

I really need one up and no one's volunteering to make one. Edition.

>2D Animation on Youtube

AMB Animation Academy

SBW Workshop

Aaron Blaise

DokiDoki Drawing

>Books, Basic Program Tutorials etc.

https://mega.nz/#F!M8s0XYjB!mo_9uNAKJUnVD3Ne9X9vgg (NEW)

>Reference Material


Anime .gif/.webm repository


Stoyboard & composition: http://www.floobynooby.com/comp1.html

Play Youtube videos frame-by-frame

or just pause the video and use the , and . keys (This doesn't always work but worth a try)

Kinovea video file frame-by-frame analysis

>> No.3500926
File: 694 KB, 800x800, grr grrrr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small update. I'm sure there's some way to improve this

>> No.3500967

shes cute but I still dont really get what shes doing? if i remember right she blows into the tuba and something pops out? if so you should make her blowing last longer, pugg out the cheeks, show some effort, it goes by too fast imo.

>> No.3500968


>> No.3500971
File: 811 KB, 800x800, grr grrrr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's coming up next. Still not entirely sure how I'm going to handle that part. I'm very scared.

>> No.3500980

i agree with what >>3500967 said, her blowing should last a little longer and be more forceful. i think her action coming out of the blowing is a little too slow if i understand what's goin on, i'd recommend doing all the key poses before tweening anything.

>> No.3500981

oh. I understand. To make it look like there really is something wrong. Got it.

>> No.3500992


Sadly, I can't make sense of what's going on.

>> No.3500996

Then that will be my goal.
once I wake up.

>> No.3501721


I saddens me to think of all the time you're putting into this thing.

>> No.3501748

Holy fucking shit anon that's not how smears work

>> No.3501969

Hey, I remember when that was just a wireframe.

Looks good.

>> No.3502172

This shit is finally finished? It's been fucking months.

Looks great.

>> No.3502173

It was finished awhile ago

>> No.3502192
File: 274 KB, 1080x778, 444122334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have a torrent for ToonBoom or the like they can refer me to?

>> No.3502378


>> No.3502528

The only cracked version on windows of TB is 10.3.

For TB 12/14/15 you can try to use the freeze trial, but if you dont do it right the first time ul have to use a windows restore point to try again (so make one before u do the freeze trick).

>> No.3502580
File: 48 KB, 720x405, Practice Room.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm missing a lot of inbetweens and it's floaty during the jump and fall, this was mainly a test on if I could keep proportions decent and actually move the guy with substance. I will work on those flaws though.

Any tips appreciated.

>> No.3502860

no spoonfeeding newfags.

>> No.3502909
File: 1.12 MB, 600x338, ezgif-2-59101f0d7b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3502913

Hey i recognize that beary

>> No.3502915
File: 70 KB, 380x349, 20 year old boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3503076

yep, quake iii is a hell of a game

>> No.3503171

I know there's a way to do it with flash files, but is there a way to put optional closed captioning in html5 files?

>> No.3503219
File: 77 KB, 853x480, Knight_demo_reel1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stopped being into animation years ago, but recently stumbled across some silly shit I did

>> No.3503220
File: 51 KB, 853x480, Knight_demo_reel2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was a crusader-age knight in the modern world, going around like a batman

>> No.3503223

going on adventures with a cricket bat for some reason, getting into all sorts of trouble.

>> No.3503226
File: 65 KB, 853x480, Knight_demo_reel3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot gif

>> No.3503241
File: 79 KB, 853x480, Knight_demo_reel1_take_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, even found the re-edit I did of the first one

>> No.3503425

*sips* “yep I remember 2D Disney movies”

>> No.3504912
File: 33 KB, 480x270, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble cleanly animating thick lines. I have a character with very thick eyebrows, and every time I try to change her expression the linework in the brow is choppy. This gif is a little old, but I'm still having the same problems so it's relevant.

Would very much appreciate some advice. Thanks, guys.

>> No.3504920
File: 172 KB, 640x480, wize cat vs catattat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me am nub. how is cat?

>> No.3504928

What's that in his right hand for a split second, anon?

>> No.3505049

That looks pretty good to me, it's just missing a frame or two.

>> No.3505418

nice, thick eyebrows. Another example of why 2d is better.

>> No.3505424

Are you implying there aren't thicc eyebrows in the real world?

>> No.3505506

Real world beauty standards are different, most of women I see tend to shave their eyebrows and draw them back with crayons or something. Women use the excuse that men like that shit, but just like nail art, it is for them. I say that because I never met a man who was into nail art, or those fake, long eyelashes.

>> No.3505508

>shave their eyebrows
>with crayons
>women use the excuse that men like that
no female is doing HD Instagram brows for males and no female has ever said that they do

>> No.3505556

Nail art is fine. It's long acrylics that are pure garbage and are completely trashy.

>no female is doing HD Instagram brows for males
I guarantee you that they would put on the generic IG look even if they had a 100% guarantee that no females would be around and only men would. Yet they won't ever walk around the house with makeup on.
>no makeup in the house
>confirmed for no other females outside, only men
>still put on thick brow heavy contour kimkay look when going outside
Something is not adding up.

>> No.3506694

>want to do proper animations
> STILL don't have a basic understanding of timing charts/spacingg
Please /ic/, help a fellow brainlet out.

>> No.3506712


Bad is cat. Back to basic.

>> No.3506714

They do it for themselves because they think it looks pretty you dweeb. No girl is under the impression that guys find hd brows attractive. Am a girl who fills in brows and knows many girls who fill in their brows. For themselves and to impress other makeup lovers (mostly girls)

>> No.3506818

>They do it for themselves because they think it looks pretty
Then they would do it while inside the house too, but you don't where makeup in the house unless you're completely self conscious.

So as I said before, if you don't wear it in the house but WILL wear it even if there are only men around then you're doing it for the men. Stop deluding yourself.

>> No.3506831

Guys, it doesn't matter.

Like, it doesn't matter at all. This is an animation thread, come on.

>> No.3507196
File: 62 KB, 506x711, Cxiyd7TUcAEzdCO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best sources to learn more about "animatic"?

>> No.3507268
File: 130 KB, 960x540, arcs and shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep an eye on how you're applying any arcs my dude. ive noticed that most of the motion in your animation seems to follow straight lines without any real power put into it.
arcs in animation are what make natural things look natural, and what can make a really mechanical character turn into a really expressive character. always keep an eye on how your arcs are flowing from frame to frame during an entire motion, because usually some small things would tend to jitter around strangely even if everything else looks fine. arcs are the epicenter of organic motion, and this is what the bouncing ball teaches.
i made this quick shitty gif to sorta explain what i mean. sorry if some things look kinda jittery

>> No.3507583

How do you animate fluffy things?

>> No.3507656
File: 241 KB, 1920x1080, fall3254625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

latest animation, feel free to properly critique it :2

>> No.3507665

there's not a lot to say about so little

>> No.3507671

>fundamentally i disagree with the concept of "generals" especially on a slow board -_-
yeah ok

>> No.3507685

-_- this isnt a general its an animation thread.

>> No.3507810

The faster you want something to move, the bigger the spacing, the slower you want it to move, the smaller the spacing.

>> No.3507925

this meme is really growing on me

>> No.3508064

Thank you for this.

Also did you animate that on ones or twos? What's the framerate? I'm completely new and I never really know when to skip frames or not.

>> No.3508166
File: 14 KB, 720x540, bounce.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique and insight appreciated.

>> No.3508175

observe a real ball's timing. watch a video. It's not moving fast ebough or convincingly enough.
when stretching, you don't just make something longer you also SQUASH it. you keep it's volume.

when you make something taller you also make it thinner. When you make something fatter you also make it shorter. Keep this in mind.

>> No.3508181

what do you mean by "the linework is choppy?"
Not trying to tickle your balls; just don't know what you're seeing that's bugging you unless you point it out more clearly.

>> No.3508183
File: 31 KB, 800x450, ballthingy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some slow-in, slow-out in there, it will greatly enhance your animation.
As the ball bounces up and reaches for the top of its arc, it should be slowing down, and when it's falling back down it should be speeding back up.
Also it looks like the first bounce is deflected way off to the right when, if the ball is maintaining a constant horizontal speed, its path should mirror arc it just fell from.

>> No.3508222

you have a page? ;D

>> No.3508403
File: 6 KB, 720x540, bounce_2(R).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to get the physics and timing down before worrying about the squash/stretch this time(but I will get that soon), since manually drawing takes longer. Does this arc look better? What about the timing?

>> No.3508832
File: 90 KB, 800x450, jump yhinh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

animated on 2s at 24 fps, or 1s at 12fps.
though framerate doesn't mean shit if the timing is bad. try animating the main extremes before anything else and then add in all the inbetweens later when the timing looks correct. doing animation straight ahead is complete shit for character animation.
i animated this jump at an irregular framerate that fluctuates all over the place based on where i placed the extreme poses.

>> No.3509566

What's the best alternative job for someone who wants to animate but hates the state of the industry?

>> No.3509601

Doesn't seem like there's much opportunity on TV show-wise , maybe if online streaming were more developed but you probably wont make much on YouTube. Maybe commercials and music videos?

>> No.3509674


>> No.3509829
File: 10 KB, 376x214, walk_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like I just don't understand walking. If I don't do it straight ahead I just can't wrap my head around what I'm trying to draw.
Either way my walk cycles are fucking ass.

I tried watching some videos but I think I just can't draw a line properly. All the "contact, up, down, passing" poses just fail for me. I fuck up at the knees or the line just isn't straight enough. How long did it take you to get as good as you are?

>> No.3509866

It just seemed like the brow movement wasn't as fluid as I wanted it to be. I haven't been animating for very long (just a few months), and was wondering if anyone saw problems with it/had advice. I'll add more frames next time, like >>3505049 suggested. Thanks, guys!

>> No.3509979


>> No.3509996

Are there ever any thread challenges or projects or something?

Like the thread challenge would be to animate fire or animate a flower blossoming or something, and then the challenge for the next thread would be to animate that flower on fire.
Maybe put it under the OP so people could have some sort of motivation to do it or something? Like an exercise that doesn't consist of the normal exercises recommended in every animation book?

Just a thought.

>> No.3510007

I like this idea, i always struggle to decide what to animate and seeing different peoples results will probably teach me a thing or two. Fire sounds good lets make that this thread's challenge

>> No.3510046

If I have 2 characters in a scene that do their own thing until half way when they begin to touch.

Do I animate each character on their own layer until they touch and then have a new layer for both characters while touching or what?

>> No.3510067

depends on how intricate them touching is. if touching is just hand on hand for instance, then you could probly just do it on their own character layers, but if it's super detailed somehow then maybe doing a new layer would make sense. really its up to you and how you work.

>> No.3510136
File: 125 KB, 800x450, WALKCYCLE VERSION6sway.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it doesn't look too bad from what you've shown, but then again there's no full context of the motion with the rest of the body. my main problem with it is that there's not really any weight to the motion from what i can see. the body kind of floats forward and lacks any of the mass that a body in motion would have.
animation and drawing are hand in hand. animation can barely exist without drawing, so it's good to have some drawing skill and experience to really help out a lot with animating.
with walkcycles, i personally like to split the entire cycle in halves and use timing to see where each half can go before i start filling all the inbetweens. starting with right foot forwards, left leg back, and then doing the opposite several frames ahead to get the halfways point of the cycle. once i get that, i draw the up, down, passing, and contact on wherever on the timeline, and once again use timing to place them correctly on the timeline to get the motion right. i'd probably wind up with something on 4fps in the end, and continue doing inbetweens until im at least on 2s. in this gif, there's also a moving marker on the ground that's tweened horizontally without any easing, and that gives me my walking speed so the feet don't jitter or slide everywhere during the cycle. doing any character animation straight ahead usually makes some really weird and ugly results. doing pose to pose animation is a lot more efficient and usually gets the job done.
get some experience doodling and studying things IN motion, and eventually the puzzle pieces for character animation will fall into place. if you draw nothing but portraits and busts, drop that shit immediately and focus on the rest of the body and proper lines of action first. body language and lines of action are everything in animation.

also ive been animating for about 11 years and drawing regularly for about 6 years. i've really only started taking it seriously in the past year or so.

>> No.3510365

There used to be, but animation threads don't typically have very many users. So even if you did issue a challenge, you would be lucky if 2 people were able to do it. Not saying to disregard it entirely, just saying that it's probably not going to gather too much traction. But I could be wrong.

>> No.3510494
File: 197 KB, 500x418, bumeran2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a little thing Im working on

>> No.3510622

I recognize your style
inpatiently waiting for your next masterpiece

>> No.3510635

holy shit i love your style

>> No.3510948
File: 29 KB, 412x430, emu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3510949

i cummed

>> No.3510950

fuck off

>> No.3511070

Anyone know a good crack of tvpaint 11?

>> No.3511110

I don't know man, it looks pretty good to me. Perhaps another example of the problem you're having? I do like the animation and drawing here.

>> No.3511308

Thanks, anon. I'm not on the proper computer right now, but there are plenty of other things I'd like to get another perspective for.

I'm noticing that one of my biggest problems is with consistency. A lot of the times the linework isn't the same thickness, or is a little shaky, or has a quality that makes it look out of place. I think one of the problems is my tablet (I have a Wacom Draw... not the best for animations). The tablet doesn't make the artist, but some pieces of hardware are just better suited for different crafts.

I'm trying to get an animated pilot out by the end of next year and I want it to look as good as possible... Thick and thin eyebrows alike! Considering getting TVPaint, but only if I can afford it. Not going to torrent it, I need the commercial license.

Has anyone bought the full version of it? If so, how is it? Was it worth the money?

>> No.3511559
File: 127 KB, 800x800, grr grrrr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm just jumping around at this point, working on the easiest stuff first. I'm not sure at all about the dust cloud here. I feel like I have to take more care into the drawings of the clouds themselves, to make it work better.

My friend also told me to lay off of doing 1s, since I'm doing a cartoon, but that's complete nonsense isn't it? He gave these as examples for why I shouldn't do it:

He says it makes it look like motion-tweened crap but this is complete bull honky, obviously, right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0f5X1J-UOY

don't worry about it! once I overcome this I can overcome anything!
it looks like it works. And I've seen that kind of smearing lots of times before. Though I could tone it down.
twitter's thegutsybird if you need it

>> No.3511590

I agree with your friend 1s arent a good idea, especially when youre still learning. If you want to actually improve its better to get an animation finished and move on to the next one. dont double your workload just to make it a little smoother, and 1s can even make it look worse

>> No.3511604

Ohhhh, geez.
I'll stick to 2s and focus on finishing everything then.

>> No.3511860
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 1486498760823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Toonboom a good program for puppeting animation?
Also where can a nigga find a torrent?

>> No.3511983

I'm pretty sure ToonBoom is amazing for puppet animation. Flash could work, but it's not worth the effort in the end

>> No.3511994

Toonboom has the best puppeting in my opinion. After Effects is probly 2nd, it's just a lot more complicated but it can still do a lot more than Flash. There's a cracked version of 10.3 you can easily get just by googling it, but idk if it has puppeting in that version.

>> No.3512512
File: 69 KB, 787x1328, bumeran (0-00-00-00) copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are probably mistaking me for some other person. But thanks anyways ;)
This is how Im cleaning it up, for the curious

>> No.3512521
File: 15 KB, 560x420, Animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did I miss the DaD?

>> No.3512532
File: 614 KB, 492x742, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry about the lined paper haha

>> No.3512574

is opentoonz worth trying to learn? or should I just find a way to pirate toon boom?

>> No.3512829

I think he means that one anon who posted a laser-gun thing. It was a geometric-shaped humanoid shooting a laser gun while jumping behind cover to avoid bullets in his direction.

...I... I don't have the gif of that one but someone might.

>> No.3512838
File: 685 KB, 400x300, mago-400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh that was mine indeed
Im doing a couple of short animations like this to try this thechnique of straight lines. Very fun so far

>> No.3512842

Well, dude, you're kind of a hero around these parts lol

We don't get many animators in general, and having someone post professional-grade work is even rarer. You've made a lot of people want to get better, which is a pretty cool thing to do

Stay cheeky breeky my dude, keep up the good work

>> No.3512918

I see what you're trying to do there, where the wings tear out of the back.

You're going to have a more effective animation if you include some suspense. Perhaps build up the moment of release. Have a couple of frames dedicated to the skin stretching before the wings pop out, give it some tension and subsequently some impact.

Also... Proooobably best to get rid of that line paper. It's just distracting, especially in animation.

>> No.3513343
File: 3.08 MB, 539x392, new-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3513357

wow anon, really nice, only thing is that pause before the punch from the other guy felt a bit too long

>> No.3513443

rad, thank you for the tips! and yeah, definitely not going to do that again, it was just a bored spur of the moment thing.

>> No.3513689

What did you study because ur really good

>> No.3513763

the drawing is good but for a fight it feels kind of slow even if the drawings suggest it would be fast. it's really good anon just you need to study a bit more on timing and spacing, also some of the hits feel weightless so it's also worth looking into how you can add that extra bit of weight.

>> No.3513855

how do you color so cleanly, if I may ask..?

>> No.3513877

shape layers in after effects
Is vector. Is like using polygons to draw the triangles by hand.

>> No.3513900

That must take a while for each shape

>> No.3513926

Cleaning up is always a chore. no matter the thechnique yes

>> No.3514422

It's pretty easy to find a crack of Flash 8
Is it a good program? I remember using it years ago but I'm worried it's nostalgia clouding my vision

>> No.3515444

Come on, animation, let's stay on top!

>> No.3515638

what's the best animation of transformation of magical girl?

>> No.3515680


Most fluid or most creative?

There was an independent animator who did a transformation involving water. And he utilized it in such a way that was the most creative I've seen. The girl would wave her arms, and condense water from her fingertips, and the water would turn into the costume/weapon. I can't find it on YT, but it was seriously cool. Especially for the time.

>> No.3515688
File: 1.89 MB, 500x281, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the best one

>> No.3515903

yeah, it's the best of the flash series if you're just drawing
only reasons to upgrade would be the dark theme (cs4?) or the 'paint brush tool' in CC

>> No.3515904
File: 1.89 MB, 960x720, doremi henshin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Doremi

>> No.3516008

>What are the best sources to learn more about "animatic"?

>> No.3516443

thanks, based anon.

>> No.3516527
File: 382 KB, 840x648, rat_scared2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on this. Any advice?

>> No.3516534

Hard to say since they look like keyframes so far. I'd say you're doing good.

>> No.3516716

The one where Goku and Vegeta did a ballerina dance and turned into a completely different guy. Short, sweet, and simple, no over the top rainbows and glitter like the other magic girl transformations.

>> No.3516813


>> No.3516906
File: 108 KB, 300x449, 1527293535357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be too stupid of a question
How do I start animating on a traditional medium?
I've never animated before so I'm new at this, but I've only seen people animate in digital, which I guess would be more convenient to use but on YouTube at least I haven't seen anything for someone to get into animation traditionally.
How do i watch the animation once is finished? Do i scan it so i can see it or do i flip the paper? Because it is incredibly difficult for me for some reason.
Am i a retard for asking all of these questions?

>> No.3516964

this one


>> No.3517029

If you want to get into the industry, your best bet is to just go digital since 99.9% of all jobs are digital, 2D or 3D. It's just incredibly cheaper and faster than traditional, and you can replicate the feel of traditional pretty close with certain programs. If you're going the independent route though and are determined for whatever reason to go traditional, then by all means do that. You can flip the papers and get the idea of what the animation will look like, but you won't get the exact feel of it until you scan them in. It's difficult for everyone that hasn't done it all their life, since it's such a barebones way of doing it. I'd really suggest learning digital though, it's so much faster and cheaper once you account for the paper you'd be using from roughing it out to tweening it to inking and coloring, not even thinking of mistakes that'd be solved by a simple undo. But this is all personal preference, you do you mang. May I ask why you're interested in traditional over digital?

>> No.3517386

What's a life? Is it some type of pokeman?

>> No.3517414

Pokemon Go! Outside.

>> No.3517433 [DELETED] 
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x720, Test24.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this animatic any good?, done in flash

>> No.3517437
File: 886 KB, 1920x1080, Test24.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this animatic any good?, done in flash

>> No.3517645

It's very choppy and the poses are super stiff. I also have no idea what's going on, dunno if it's supposed to have audio but an animatic with strong shot design and poses should make some sense without it anyway.

>> No.3517672

It's got a newgrounds kinda vibe to it. But I think there's still room to improve

>> No.3517915

is there any software with vector tools that feel like toon boom's brush? doesn't even need to have animation functions

>> No.3518045

If you mean the animation challenge at dad.gallery, you can still ask banana to join the challenge.

>> No.3518213

Thanks bros, there was audio but it wouldn't post. It's still a WIP, thanks for the critique though.

It's from the animatic week 10

>> No.3518647
File: 3.60 MB, 500x500, bumeran2-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished clean it up at last

>> No.3519164
File: 526 KB, 415x700, tumblr_nb6m33fr121rvvs3go1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inbetween first then line? or Line and inbetween together?

>whatever works for you
Then whats your method for inbetweening and lining?

>> No.3519165 [DELETED] 

where are her feet

>> No.3519167

she lost them in the war

>> No.3519169


gorgeous work anon. keep it up

>> No.3519170

what war?

>> No.3519239
File: 237 KB, 801x450, cyborg army.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3519330

Get the lore before you ask dumbass questions.

>> No.3519672
File: 762 KB, 400x200, 0001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm learning basics of animation. Thoughts?

>> No.3519829


>> No.3519864
File: 370 KB, 850x1080, nagatoro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where else to post for critique.

Is this good? Should I make a blog?

>> No.3519901

cute but this is just copy paste a walkcycle
show us some real stuff you are working on

>> No.3519940

Clean those dot linked to your back hair . Looks like it 's bug flying around because of the smell

>> No.3519948

If your goal was to make a moving cardboard cutout, then you did it.

>> No.3519960

You know those creepy theme park animatronics?

>> No.3520032

If you really think that your critique was constructive, then you're fucking retarded. Stop posting.

There are some leftover dots from her hair: on her head and on her chest.
She's moving her head and arms too much and she doesn't move her torso enough to look natural.
There's some nice flowing of her bangs, but the hair in the back and on her left are way too stiff.
You could also make a guy on the bottom a bit more animated - let him breathe.

Potential is there, but it's still kinda meh. Wouldn't make a blog/10

>> No.3520039

you do know he stole some other artists art to make this shit animation right

>> No.3520150

yeah, so?

>> No.3520165

Well that explains a lot.

>> No.3520195

Very floaty in the beginning, however the snap upwards after the first bounce is very well timed and realistic.

>> No.3520202

Thanks for the crit, Anon!

>> No.3520228

i can't draw but i want to animate. What can i do?

>> No.3520229

as long as he's not showcasing the drawing itself as his own, i think it's fine. either way the animation is flat and boring. it'd be the same problem if he took a 3d model and animated it poorly.

if he put that on a blog and didn't give credit, then that's another story.

>> No.3520232

either learn how to 2d puppet or animate 3d models. or go the super simple stick figure route.

>> No.3520253

Animate circles then turn said circles into characters. It's not that hard.

>> No.3520255

sure you can draw a ball

start out with the bouncing ball exercise

>> No.3520290

>not spheres

>> No.3520784

Hows the TVPaint 10 copy in the OP?

>> No.3520937

it's a demo version but you put in the crack into the main folder and it allows it to stay fully accessible to the full features of the software forever. i added it to my wacoms tablet driver and all works fine with pen pressure though i haven't yet animated anything in it so i can't tell you about performance

>> No.3521077
File: 654 KB, 1536x2566, clusterbun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not animation yet but i'm sketching out bgs for the intro (the clothes designs are also something i'm working on).

Tried out the hankerchief/ear band from fuwa fuwa. Since the station they are exploring has the mysterious tech/items/monsters(?) i figured maybe a number of clones eventually turn their backs on their original mission, and instead become part of the underground black market and seek to cut ties with the whole send data back to homeworld and instead become just a society of clones that is independent entirely.

>> No.3521390
File: 53 KB, 138x100, firstanim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will start again

>> No.3521427

Draw me a sphere without drawing a circle, retard.

>> No.3521430

I don't do animation, and I have nothing to contribute to this thread, but I just wanted to say that this dancing animation puts a smile on my face everytime I see this thread pop up - it's just so happy!

>> No.3521438

Thank you. I'm happy it makes you happy.

>> No.3521439
File: 1.97 MB, 640x360, 1B2A6254-2D3C-4A5C-87BC-534BCA63DD43.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a traditional one and wasn’t worth the time. critique at will

>> No.3521442

i enjoy how dynamic this is. i appreciate how high you're aiming regarding the perspective too.
it looks like he's trying to look cool and battle-ready but then just simmers down because there's no one really around.

>> No.3521464

>not circles
paper is flat, go back to /3/

>> No.3521532

Sorry for the late reply anon,
I'm not really looking to get into the animation industry, In a field with 3dcg and 2d animation its just too competitive of a field for me to catch up plus there's not really any animation industry or any major art related industry where I live (in a warzone 3rd world country sadly)
Picking traditional over digital is just convenience and personal preference really, i feel more comfortable using pen and paper rather than a tablet (I've tried it for some time and didn't like using it at all). Nothing wrong with digital, I just like traditional more and even if I didn't Buying one right now is too much of a hassle because of where I live.
Is print paper ok for it or do i need a heavier/different paper? Because a stack of 1000 pages usually is like $6 where i buy from.
Thanks for the info anon, it was incredibly helpful, i hope I'm not too much of a bother

>> No.3521590

is some of this traced?

>> No.3521614

Any paper is fine as long as you can flip easily between pages. There's animation specific paper you can buy that's been three-whole punched and then can be placed on prongs to keep it steady and easily flippable, but if you're just doing this as a hobby or it's unavailable, copy paper is a-ok. If you plan on going further though, you'll probably also need some form of a light table to onion skin the paper and see your previous frames. All depends really on how serious you get with it, you'll know as you go along if you wanna go further obviously. Glad to be of some help, good luck my dude!

>> No.3521804

That’s amazing anon I’d suck your asshole clean

>> No.3521832
File: 222 KB, 220x220, frustration .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when people talk about animating is fun what do they mean it's so frustrating for me especially when you have to remember all the principles as you draw every frame how do I make it fun while still getting good results. why am I such trash shit that can't even animate to even a quarter of the industry standard or the animators I like without finding it all frustrating and hard

>> No.3521868

The great thing about animation is that both the journey and destination matter
Appreciate the journey and the destination will be better
Take in the destination and the journey was well worth it

>> No.3521880

>muh journey
That's bullshit and you know it.
Beginnings simply suck and that's all there is to it.

>> No.3521883

its not gonna be fun when youre still learning and have to consciously think about all the rules. the fun comes once you internalize them and dont need to think about it all the time. Its the same deal with any skill really

>> No.3521916

I see, I'll try learning how to use the paper as I go then, I do have onion paper so that will also be useful.
I assume the basics are still the same for trad and digital animation so i will start by there.
Thanks again for the insight anon!

>> No.3521917

how long have you practiced? time and constant practice is the only way to get better. the more you do, the less you have to remember the principles and you eventually just do them instinctively. it's a very intense art and no one is instantly good at it. it can take as long as years to get to the level you may want to get at.
many times it's not fun even for the most passionate animators. inking for example is the most monotonous process ever and no one likes it. i'd say just keep at it and see how you feel. if you're animating to have fun and you're still not after constant practicing, then maybe you're just not fit for animating. some people just have different views of fun. people have fun skydiving yet ill never do it because i have such a huge fear of heights.

>> No.3521967


>> No.3521985
File: 2.20 MB, 1920x1080, Windy-walk-final.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll tell you a quick story. Over ten years ago I studied animation. I was fascinated by the craft, but I found the process difficult and tedious, and eventually moved away from it and focused on illustration and other animation related fields.

I don't get to do it often, but I started animating in my spare time a couple of years ago, and it's much more pleasant and enjoyable now.

If animation is very difficult and unpleasant for you, it might be wise to take some time off and focus on your drawing skills. That was the big difference for me. If I could go back in time, I'd delay trying to animate for a couple of years and focus on just increasing my drawing skills.

>> No.3522053

most working animators don't find it fun, which is why it's so heavily outsourced. it's only fun if you really, really, really like drawing. i mean autistically so.

>> No.3522394

Overall the cape moves well but all of the lines on it are causing loads of flicker

>> No.3522796
File: 29 KB, 427x333, mcgregorglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you want to animate but the industry where you live is dead
well, Newgrounds it is then

>> No.3522856

no, none of it is traced

>> No.3523346

Looks pretty shit anon

>> No.3523349
File: 361 KB, 720x663, PersonaBoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3523382

What are some good books like Preston Blair's?
Those that focus more on how to draw with animation in mind than animating itself

>> No.3523388

Drawn to Life 1 and 2 by Walt Stanchfield

AMB on youtube

>> No.3523406

Alright I'll check those out, any specific videos from AMB you reccomend?

>> No.3523447
File: 363 KB, 981x1294, draw75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are scans of this Nat Falk book that I think goes over drawing skeleton guides in more depth than the Preston Blair book.
It looks like the original scans on animationresources.org are down, I found a rar of the scans here though
This is also helpful

>> No.3523509

Thanks a lot man!

Also >>3523406 Nevermind I'll just search for myself

>> No.3523636
File: 1.17 MB, 600x338, retro jump final.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my best work.. but i wanted to practice retro stuff, glowing elements and junk.
Not really happy with it. Doesn't have that retro anime vibe yet.

looks a little blurry and small but i love the expressions. Try to clean your keyframes, and then use animation charts to inbetween the rest.

cool style, love the smears.

You that rick and morty guy? if not you've got a similair style.

pretty good.

>> No.3523644
File: 2.16 MB, 500x375, hot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a goal for the moovement.
Since she's straddling the guy she needs to move her hips more.
Right now she wants me to return the slab

>> No.3523678
File: 153 KB, 600x450, balltest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puppets sound like fun. i will try that
i tried and failed. Great.

>> No.3523688
File: 342 KB, 706x1000, test.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right anon, thanks for the advice. Here is one that I'm putting actual time and effort into. Let me know what y'all think.

>> No.3523689

what programm?

>> No.3523690
File: 230 KB, 459x480, 1528218003707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After Effects and a ton of autism my friend :^)

>> No.3523693

Great I already have enough of the second one.

>> No.3523704

Much better, though it's odd that one boob is moving more than the other, also the eyebrow is detaching with the hair

>> No.3523708

You're right, now that I step back and watched it after your reply I can see various errors to be fixed. I like having control of my animations so I handcraft all movements including the boob movements which caused the slight discrepancy.

>> No.3523716
File: 81 KB, 960x960, me face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider signing up for his library course. It's I think 2-300 bucks but it's over 200 videos, most of which are around 2 hours long. They're in an unedited "stream" format so some of that time is spent acknowledging the viewers themselves, and sometimes when he's done there is a Q and A session at the end which is often pretty topical.

>> No.3523722

Pic related?

>> No.3523730

Being able to see the errors at all are a good sign.

>> No.3523765

Oh, you! AMB has more of an old Disney/Bluth style-I think he has a lot in common with Tom Bancroft artistically. The style is completely immaterial to begin with though, if you're looking to learn the principles of animation I can't think of a better resource apart from the usual suspects like the Williams or Blair books.

>> No.3523787

Post your work faggot

>> No.3523835

well actually i think you have it opposite; your drawings aren't that bad, but your timing needs work. like the faces are nice and the volumes between frames are consistent, but the timing is very clunky and her poses aren't clear enough to know exactly what's going on. i have a feeling if you went to puppeting, your poses may be better but the timing will still be wonky.

>> No.3523852

how do you train timing? Is there a trick or is it just testing till it looks right?

>> No.3524006

it's just a combination of following the principles, filming/finding reference, and plain ol practice. probably the biggest rule is when an object accelerates, more space should be given between frames (and vice versa). if the space between frames is even, then it'll often look very robotic and not feel real.

>> No.3524143
File: 259 KB, 800x443, BOSH thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for advice on where I could improve in any area with the animations I make

Here's my most recent

>> No.3524157

>animation thread
>OP .gif has really shit animation

>> No.3524349

I recognize that doremi

>> No.3524498
File: 155 KB, 559x559, grr_grrrr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the finished result of that bit by the way

>> No.3524596

Is Clip Studio Paint good for animation?

>> No.3524706

Yea I did the RM animations.

>> No.3524710

please keep me posted doremi frend

>> No.3524714

i dont really do animation but i have messed around with it in various programs just to do it and CSP is certainly my favorite one for it you have access to all the stuff you would need on a pretty good interface.

>> No.3524720
File: 7 KB, 224x225, 1512951466354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the way the face stays so still while the body rotates so dramatically is creeping me the fuck out

>> No.3525413
File: 157 KB, 700x700, mesarrr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

animated something for my friend
yes ma'am

>> No.3525422

you need to get csp ex not pro because pro only allows for 60 seconds

>> No.3525440

bery q t

>> No.3525633

nice, goodluck with the bunnies. it looks cool.
ya got audio yet?

>> No.3526000

Yep got a VA, just writing the intro.

>> No.3526233
File: 796 KB, 1201x1201, fucc wip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decent? or No /ic/.

>> No.3526250

cant remotely tell whats going on. I don't understand what her legs are doing what angle shes supposed to be at is she on her back is she on top

>> No.3526328
File: 1.32 MB, 413x543, cwds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll never finish this help

>> No.3526336

Thanks for telling me what you think. I had her on top, hopping or riding as the man thrusts her roughly causing her to spike up. I can see why it looks unclear but I am not sure what to do to clear it up. Maybe reposition her legs to show the front of her thighs and stir that movement? I'm not sure what to do

>> No.3526344

Anon, you didn't need to redraw his lower body. It looks inconsistent and differs from the upper body that doesn't have shaky lines.

It also saves you some time.

>> No.3526348

if shes sitting on a dick and bouncing on a dick her vagina would not be in the front

>> No.3526376

i have to add the flickring to the upper body actually

>> No.3526397

Use a ref boy

>> No.3526616

this some sleep paralysis shit anon

>> No.3526813

Show more of the guy's body so we know he's laying down and she's riding. Right now it looks like the moment when the girl is riding but then the guy starts thrusting at rabid speed while she's on top.

>> No.3526822


>> No.3527214

Tips on making a demo reel? Are fan animations okay (gundam, halo, metroid, etc)? or does the demo reel have to showcase original works?

>> No.3527240

is she having a seizure

>> No.3527319

Nobody is going to care about subject matter(unless it's hard gore/porn, depends what you're applying for) if you are actually good

>> No.3527321

as long as you made the content in the reel, people dont care usually. dont have reels longer than 2 minutes. 1 minute of great content is better than 2 minutes of ok-good content, so definitely quality over quantity. and have your best work first.

>> No.3527508

it looks cool. i hope youre planning to animate a puff of smoke when he exhales? its strange that nothing comes out.

>> No.3527739
File: 547 KB, 720x480, Hello-Nice-Warners-La-Behemoth-Little-Old-Slappy-From-Pasadena.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never animated this many 1s and 2s before, but that's because this is my 1st time using TV Paint. I was easy to adapt unlike Adobe Flash CS5 which is a mess...but I hate how many 1s there are in this simple scene I'm rotoscoping

>> No.3527786

Is there a book on how to make those 2D/3D blend animations from games like Dragon's Crown?

>> No.3527787
File: 372 KB, 350x432, i11565251088.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.3527938
File: 314 KB, 154x254, DC_-_Amazon_Sprite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only bone, squeeze/stretch and replacement of two to three base artworks are involved. the sheen/light work is made on another layer with a little fade work at correct timing.
from your example:
static - head, wooden staff
stretch/squeeze bone - the hat and flaps, hair, legs, torso, left boob, left arm, the violet cloth's flap wrapped at her waist
replaced framed artwork - the purple skirt (3 different position), the right forearm (2 different position), right boob (2 different position)

>> No.3527944

this guy does exactly what youre talking about (I think so at least)
his whole gallery is full of process pictures and videos how he does stuff like this

>> No.3527975

sorry, was meant to be « switched » instead of « replaced »

>> No.3528016

Something like this?

Maybe the same effect can be replicated on Maya?

>> No.3528050
File: 352 KB, 600x338, walkline.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those look great.
looks like Jackie from star vs., I can't really read whats going on though
>animation thread
>doesn't post a animation or give critique

>> No.3528089

shouldn't the cheek fold when the leg come towards us?

>> No.3528103

this is so stiff it looks traced from a 3d model

>> No.3528124

yeah, good point.
it's not traced or rotoscoped, but I'll try and fix the stiffness in the future

>> No.3528143

>depends what you're applying for
I dont know what Im applying for, I thought I could make some finished pieces and slap them together for a reel. Do you know of any keywords I can google so I can do some research? ty for tips!

>great content
Can you explain what good content? Do cinematography techniques fall under this as well? Also ty for the tips!

nice consistency!

>> No.3528210

i mean just having some great animation is better than churning out a ton of decent animation. the people looking at your reel have to go through tons of other reels, so you want to draw them in as soon as possible. if they don't like the first 15 seconds, they'll just stop and move on to the next reel.

it doesn't hurt to have decent shot design, but it all depends on the job you're going for. if specifically animation, what's more important is the character and how they move, emotion changes, etc. but if you're going for a storyboard reel for example, then dynamic shot design should be one of the top priorities.

>> No.3528216

Animate her face, deform the body because right now the "pieces" that make her up are too detailed to not deform more. Also the bangs wouldn't deform that much. Look at rondo duo's animations.

>> No.3528338


>> No.3528358
File: 80 KB, 395x347, 1530078829822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely amazing

>> No.3528499
File: 334 KB, 1200x900, 1531278698784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3528611

This whole 1s and 2s animation are they talking about how many space you have between each frames or is there something else I'm missing

>> No.3528648

i dont know what you tried to accomplish here
just do a simple ball bouncing in a loop or across the screen to get a sense of timing

krita has straightforward tools for animating

>> No.3528847
File: 16 KB, 192x173, TFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you get all your shit for free on the internet

>> No.3529112

I for one use After Effects. But there are other programs out there like the already mentioned Spine or Live2D.

>> No.3529117

That guy uses actual 3D. The League of Legends or the Dragon's Crown animations used 2D. And that anon wants to work in 2D but making it look 3Dy.

>> No.3529120

if you watched his processes and looked at his other uploads youd see that its not true 3d, its as much 3d as spine is

>> No.3529127

You are right but what I meant is that he actually builds 3D models (even full ones like the Annie one) which can take more time than for example what it takes me to do something like this >>3523688. He was looking to make animations like DC which aren't that complicated. But if he wants to create some really complex stuff then that method is good.

He uses the AE method I use for the Revelation Online animation for example.

>> No.3529194

will do thanks!

>> No.3529760

it's the other way round

>> No.3530002
File: 424 KB, 960x540, circles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it isn't. the lower the circles in the gif, the more space is given between frames.

>> No.3530007

fuck me, i mean less space is given between frames

>> No.3530125
File: 53 KB, 763x540, apol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think by "spacing", they though of the amount of space inbetween key frames, rather than shapes. it'd make sense if that's what he meant. like when you expose a frame in the middle of an animation for 6 frames so the animation visually gets slower at the price of a choppy framerate, but requires less drawing.
i posted this shitty apple animation before, but as the apple is rolling off the table, i think it's animated on 4's to save time drawing, and it moves onto 2's when it begins to fall because the motion physically will be moving faster. changing frame exposure by understanding the whole "low framerate for slow, higher framerate for fast" stuff.

i could be talking out of my ass tho. i just caught up

>> No.3530533
File: 698 KB, 720x480, MANIACS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished up all the frames

>> No.3530538
File: 2.76 MB, 720x480, MANIACS2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the OG scene

>> No.3530590
File: 155 KB, 1280x718, Hercules-disneyscreencaps.com-6193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing sucks in Flash, Open Toonz, Pencil and Krita
>Clip Studio Paint doesn't have audio
>Open Toonz's workspace is a mess
>FireAlpaca has no real timeline in its animation workspace
>Manual "onion skinning" in SAI's layers is too tedious
>have to pay more than twice as much for Toon Boom just to not use that fucking vector brush

>> No.3530605

use tvpaint my dude

>> No.3530615

Find me a good crack

>> No.3530617

Holy shit are you me

I can only find one for tvpaint 10 but it is so good. Fuck buying a dongle to use a program though.

>> No.3530633

>Fuck buying a dongle to use a program though

>> No.3530637

Just looked it up, holy shit, fuck animation software

>> No.3530640
File: 41 KB, 784x140, dongle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you mcfucking kidding me? What happens if this stupid dongle breaks/gets fried/doesnt get read by pc? You have to buy a whole new license?

That is the stupidest fucking thing i've ever read, fuck TV paint. I'm sticking with toonboom, not even gonna bother checking out tvshitpaint now.

>> No.3530649

>What happens if this stupid dongle breaks/gets fried/doesnt get read by pc

you still own it so i assume you could contact customer service

>> No.3530961

Dont lie. You're obvioualy using the 3d model as a base. I can see the clipping m8. I seriously hope you dont imply you're more precise than industry pros and a PC. Plus there are some seriously uncomplimenting frames that could only be a result of a tweened 3D animation.

>> No.3530965

Dont bother. UI is cluttery and honestly there are better alternatives. If you want american-ish tweened cartoons, Toon Boom and Moho can both do a great job.

Clip Studio Ex has full animation features and is actually really good for classic 2D, its used in My Hero Academia and various other animes as a replacement for RETAS ( which was made by the same company, btw).

If you're only planning animating for Web then Animate/Flash is still popular.

>> No.3530968

Its the most popular for its time but why would you need to go that far back when CC is so easy to crack?

>> No.3531022

Clip studio currently has no audio which is kind of annoying.

Seriously if it had audio I wouldn't even consider anything else. Until then it's either tvpaint, photoshop or flash.

Toonboom a shit.

>> No.3531027

Moho/AE and Clip can work together.

Like I said, CSP is for traditional 2D. Audio is ot part of the animayion process, thats an editing job and needs to be done in an editor. CSP is an illustration software first and foremost. Its animation tools are great because it allows you to leverage the full power of its draw engine and vectors while doing animation using common methods like onion skinning.
It wont do stuff like control timing bend or add music because editors do that. In a production pipeline, an animator doesnt deal with that sort of thing, its someone else's job.

>> No.3531041

Audio is a pretty big part of animation unless you make anime.

>> No.3531051

is toon boom bad?

>> No.3531064

i get csp is an illustration software so that's fine to focus on that. but the audio can be important to have when you animate, especially for lip-syncing. it obviously varies depending on the project of course, but still, just look at any disney musical where they had to animate to the rhythm of the music and get the timing of the movements just right.

>> No.3531071

Just expensive

>> No.3531105
File: 471 KB, 629x480, das a good one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, you're not making a fucking musical

>> No.3531118

i never said i was, that was just an example of when studio animators need to have the audio in a production pipeline. if you wanted an example for when an independent animator needs the audio, take literally any time voices are used. in order to lip-sync, you need that audio.

>> No.3531186

Some of us are

>> No.3531671


I'll say it again, Its made to function in a traditional pipeline.

In an anime production you have directors, writers, storyboarders who often function as secondary writers, character designers, animation director, keyframe animators, in-betweener animatora, colorists, and editors. VAs and composers are asset suppliers.

When you build the storyboarders, stuff like timing and talking time are already predecided and tested. Voice over often happens over the gengas, not finished episode. The in betweeners then match it as necessary.

If yoy are doing independant animation, naturally this makes things more difficult. But fitting the frames with the timing is an editor's job. And CSP is bot an editor, is just a place to draw your frsmes at. If you want a fully all-in-one anim software, look into Moho or Animate.

>> No.3531672

Did you try Moho?

>> No.3531694

So you just copying that? What's the point?

>> No.3531712

not him but that's one of the best ways to learn. its better to copy by eye than trace though. I do it a lot

>> No.3531713

Hey guys what's a good software for pixel-art animation? Aseprite?

>> No.3531863

No one here is making anime in Japan you retard. Literally stop shitting up the thread with your nonsense of not needing audio. You're fucking embarrassing.

>> No.3531878

> hurr why cant I make my web toon furry porn in Clip

Fuck off retard. We were talking about animation software and I even recommended other software for their needs.

Keep your autism and check and go lick some ice.

>> No.3531893

>hurr my weebshit pipeline

I doubt you really have knowledge of pipelines apart from what you read about your favourite anime.

Audio is a big part of animation nearly everywhere else as multiple people have already stated. You sound like an autistic weaboo.

Clip studio won't be a contender outside of Japan until audio is implemented so you're just gonna have to deal with it despite all your fan wankery.

Seriously stop shitting up the thread with your "knowledge" when it's entirely irrelevant unless you're working in a jap studio and really, who the fuck is?

>> No.3531975

Man your obsession is really sad to behold. For alll your whining you didnt contribute an ounce of knowledge.
And I didnt "read" about it. There's detailed documentaries and animators flat out telling you how it works.

I dont know whats your beef or where your insecurities come from but thats not really my problem. Dont reply to me again pls.

>> No.3532134

ur a big cute idiot lol

>> No.3532218

Please link any sources you have that say sound isn't important in animation, especially to an animator.

I'll reply however much I want as even if my replies add no extra knowledge they still equal or exceed the knowledge you are putting forth.

Multiple people in this thread have disagreed with you within this thread.

Even when I am making animation that requires no sound, the one time I need to animate to it and have to fuck about using external programs is the one time that program let's me down and that is why I won't invest time into utilising that program.

>> No.3532233


I like clip studio and now you're making me not want to use it lol

>> No.3532389
File: 234 KB, 1280x720, swor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3532466

what is the alt software for RETAS? I mean that where it has a binary brush lineart that can be filled easily for every frame and smoothed for final animation?

>> No.3532477

>he didn't hit the coke ones but his moves are so impressive that the coke exploded in awe

>> No.3532615
File: 824 KB, 600x450, ezgif-4-f5e7f1d3cd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique my shit anons

>> No.3532697
File: 43 KB, 884x360, runcyclephases.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like she looks really floaty compared to how fast the trees are going by, and her forearms are really stiff too. remember in between every step her whole body should be dipping up and down, right now she kinda feels like she's gliding based on how much force she puts into every step.

>> No.3533032

Maybe this is stupid, but does anyone have tips on learning to draw figures for animation? Do you reference a lot, just grind anatomy/figure drawing?

>> No.3533042

yeah pretty much its a lot of constant figure drawing and reference. eventually you may only need reference for the actual action you're animating, but i really recommend doing some quick figure drawing before you get to work anyway. it really loosens you up and helps get those confident poses, at least for me. it also helps to look at your pose as a silhouette so you can really define the negative space and make the pose as clear as possible.

>> No.3533324
File: 19 KB, 560x315, rip robin williams.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for Clip Studio Paint ex?

>> No.3533330
File: 303 KB, 686x518, combat-test.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cropping is a nightmare but this is looking cool so far

>> No.3533407
File: 190 KB, 690x519, combat-test2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3533437
File: 1.99 MB, 540x303, 1519284484469.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its kind of disgusting how good the animation in one punch man was

>> No.3533713

Thank you. I'll try doing that.

>> No.3533718
File: 220 KB, 600x600, Illustration2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread will archive soon.
Someone please make a thread afterwards

>> No.3533753

incredibly good. keep up the good work.

>> No.3533802

I'm not lying, it's not rotoscoped or traced, it's entirely 3d. do you think it could pass for 2d if I fixed clipping. What else would you recommend?
Thanks, but see above.

>> No.3533909

is this goku vs krillin?

>> No.3534027

Yeah boy!

>> No.3534079

>it's not traced from a 3D model, it is a 3D model
well you should have bloody said so

>> No.3534090
File: 711 KB, 407x560, 0722wip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it look good? Never animated humans before.

>> No.3534119

He didn't ask if it was a 3d model, he just said it looked traced. the medium shouldn't matter anyway, just critique it, which the others did by saying it looks to stiff or I should add a crease.

>> No.3534205
File: 1.88 MB, 500x281, small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about this loop of an jumping flour sack?

>> No.3534385
File: 9 KB, 500x500, floursketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like its head should kinda guide its bottom up til the peak of the jump, then let its bottom guide down with the momentum build up from the jump to the next platform. i have no idea if that makes sense so heres a quick sketch of what im tryin to say lmao. also i think you should push some of the squash and stretch a bit more.

>> No.3534470

too good to let die. Bump