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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3490760 No.3490760 [Reply] [Original]

what are your relationship related art feels right now anons?

>have no art friends anymore used to have a fuckton
>feeling depressed because i keep trying to talk to old art buddies, but I've stopped because theres no use forcing it
>tfw no art friends and no cute af art bf
>I'm thinking about trying to befriend people on the discords, but I'm retarded and shit at talking to people.

Also my arts shit.

>> No.3490768
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>be me 2 years ago
>completely shit at art
>look up to a good artist
>ignores me because not a decent artist
>get good 2.5 years later
>make a twitter, dude eventually finds me because of retweets from other artists he follows
>follows me
>block him

>> No.3490770

I'm proud of you dude

>> No.3490771

So fucking petty lol

>> No.3490775

why would you want an art bf it sounds insufferable like have you seen this place

id much rather a very supportive nonart bf

>> No.3490790

Yeah I kinda agree, but most of the people I know and meet are art related and some are really nice and intresting, but Its unlikely that id try and get a relationship on here kek

>> No.3490796

unironically based

>> No.3490840

post work

>> No.3490854
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>> No.3490865

I want to be your friend, OP

>> No.3490873

We're all friends here OP, in one way or another.
You can share your discord, I'm sure there are people in a similar position as your's here.

>> No.3490921

confidently can say im starting to get better than who used to be my twitter idol, now i am feelin devilish because he was always rude to me when i talked to him and he even once stole my idea for art presentation on twitter. i retweeted like all of his shit.

>> No.3490942

I used to have an art friend 2 years ago. They've started work recently and we haven't talked much since. I feel like we're drifting apart since I know their job takes a toll on their body and wouldn't be assed to reply to my discord messages. :(

>> No.3490954

Thanks guys

Btw does anyone know the discords everyone goes one? I only have 2 rn, and feel free to post your discords so I can add you.

>> No.3490956

please no more social threads on ic

you could be doing work rn

>> No.3490965

for who anon
what's the point

>> No.3490970

Internet friends are not real friends

>> No.3490975

Anon my thread isn't hurting anyone, having friends as an artist is hard. i wanted to talk about that, and i would be drawing if it wasn't 30 degrees and 3am

>> No.3490976

Who hurt you?

>> No.3490981
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>Meet a couple of cool people over here
>Get their twitter and follow them
>Talk to some of them alright experience
>Depression kicks in stronger than ever
>Drop art get angsty
>Stop talking to me and unfollow
>Some other block me
I still admire and respect them, they make amazing art.
But I couldn't help but cry once I realized I'm incapable of maintaining a cordial relationship with people because of how fucking broken I am.

>> No.3490982
File: 498 KB, 500x283, cryin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get accepted into dream art school
>have a crush on guy I work with
>2 months until I'll have to quit and move away to go to school
>too autistic to tell him how I feel

>> No.3490983

I feel you anon , I also find it terrible to feel that people are gone out of your life, i still cry about a close art friend who is a successful youtuber now

>> No.3491004
File: 7 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start digital art/drawings
>Meet that one good artist people know in the community and ask for art trade
>We become art buddies but also close friends
>We share inspirations, ideas, commission wips
>Very happy
>Artist friend backstabs and ACS like someone completely different
>Sad and no art friends
>Didn't draw for a month maybe
>Didn't get any new art friend yet because no luck
>Didn't hear from her again

>> No.3491015
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>> No.3491024

holy fuck same.

>> No.3491041
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>meet an art friend on drawing site
>become super close, tell him personal things about me, he does the same
>best friend
>he taught me almost everything i know about art, his work is incredible
>stop using site bc it made my bf unhappy
>reconnect for a week or so after months of not talking, really missed him
>go back to not using the site
>look back at his work and think of our convos and how much he taught me

I lost an amazing friend because Im incapable of handling having more than one close relationship in my life

>> No.3491047

I'll be your friend c:

>> No.3491052

>>Depression kicks in stronger than ever
>>Drop art get angsty
>>Stop talking to me and unfollow
I hope you're not this anon I unfollowed recently. I can take self loathing post, but shitposting other artists due to your own insecurity and getting petty behind their backs is something not worth following over. You might wanna evaluate what you post

>> No.3491055

It's your bf's fault desu

>> No.3491056

/las/ discords are pretty chill and friendly. Come join us

>> No.3491104

Maybe I am. In any case, I'm sorry you had to know me in this way.
I want to change and just stop thinking of everybody as threats who want to poke fun at my failure, but at this point I believe is impossible.
I'm sorry again, this is dumb.

>> No.3491128

I want you in me.

>> No.3491137

You might not be him/her but hang in there anon whoever you are. Don't give up and keep drawing

>> No.3491162
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>getting better art art
>find chill online art group
>chat a lot, get stuff done
>realize no irl friends, to into art to care atm
>~3 months later
>now lonely af and haven't heard anybodies voice in weeks
>too nervous to go out and make friends, no connections to curb anxiety with
>tfw just wants to hug a friend

i'm glad i have people to talk to about art but sometimes i just want like a high five or something man, i'm kind of going crazy

>> No.3491187

i will hug you

>> No.3491205
File: 50 KB, 282x424, 1529711254914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make art friend
>bad at accepting criticism from new friend because my brain defends itself by saying "this nigga can't even line up two eyes"
>feel bad about being so petty and try to see the negative comments as valid criticism
>art friend takes obvious inspiration/influence from me and then tells me how shitty whatever I worked on is
>stop talking to art friend

My therapist thinks other people are often jealous of me because I'm trying very hard to get what I want out of life and I'm good at things I apply myself to while seeming humble to others because of my crippling lack of self esteem and confidence. I berate myself every time I question someone else questioning/roasting me. People only seem to get along with me when I let them only talk about themselves or show off their own work. I'm not an egotistical asshole, I don't like anything I make, but I can feel myself improving in all areas of my life including art and no one wants to hear about it.

I just want to be proud of myself for once, but when I feel like I can be, people in my life knock me down a peg. It feels bad. I'm doing my best.

>> No.3491209

>what are your relationship related art feels right now anons?

Bitter and self-deprecating. Probably for the best I don't have art friends but I'm really open to art rivals/nemesis.


susi upsets me.

>> No.3491218

slug jelly please

>> No.3491227

>I'm really open to art rivals/nemesis.
Fuck you.

>> No.3491234

What the hell is an art rival. You guys are nuts, real life isn't anime

>> No.3491246


You seem pretty full of yourself though

>> No.3491250



>> No.3491256

>having friends as an artist is hard
I think you're just having trouble finding friends and pinning it on something related to art?

>> No.3491261

>tfw I'm too awkward to strike a conversation with other artists

>> No.3491273

If you interacted with me you might have a different viewpoint. Knowing your strengths is as important as knowing your weaknesses and denying that you have any doesn't do you any favors.

>> No.3491285

What a bunch of faggots.

>> No.3491295
File: 37 KB, 429x410, 1288020343243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for art-discord servers. Please share.

>> No.3491326

desu I highly doubt he even remembers you

>> No.3491335

>one art friend
>my only actual friend
>became friends in junior highschool over 12 years ago
>remain internet friends through MSN, then skype, then discord
>talk a few times a month
>"talk shop" about storytelling, drawing, art a few times a month for hours
>can even talk politics & philosophy sometimes
>our interests intersect, but aren't identical
>give and receive good, relevant, respectful feedback during the RARE moments we directly share our work with one another
>feels good man

>enter this thread
>feel schadenfreude

>> No.3491342

This except I never had any art friends and I dont want a bf

Social stuff on psychological test are either low or extremely low but im kinda proud of it

Also discords are scary

>> No.3491350

>making friends with people on 4chan
>people who identify as artists
>in 2018
i feel bad for anyone who tries to make friends on 4chan in this day and age. there's just mentally ill 19 year olds on here now.

>> No.3491371

nigger just befriend actual artists at life drawing sessions
or people that work in the industry
hobbyists will always drop out, they ain't worth your time

>> No.3491442

Post invite

>> No.3491445

Nope not really, I have irl friends, but I miss having art friends as i felt so much closer to them.

>> No.3491449


I don't draw around other people except on my course, and their all chavs.

>> No.3491456

T-teach me senpai

>> No.3491459

Not your personal blog. Unsubsribed

>> No.3491464

Fuck off fag or post feels

>> No.3491465

It's on the OP of /las/. Check the catalog

>> No.3491473

Thanks anon

>> No.3491485
File: 2 KB, 125x92, 1529830237202s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>always been into art
>spend 4+ years of my life taking art (more so digital art) seriously
>finally at a good level of skill
>decide to start posting art online, hoping to make art friends
>mfw its been 3 years posting my art
>mfw ive made no art friends
>mfw i realise its because im autistic + have 0 social skills whatsoever

>> No.3491508

most artists are very feminine minded. or they're recluses like you.

If you're the type of person who quietly , exclusively likes to obsess and improve by slaving away at a passion or interest,and likes to keep a handful of close friends, you're not going to mesh well with most artists. most artists are flamboyant, over-socialized, and over-emotional in all the wrong ways. walking drama factories. 9/10 times you add someone, they're gonna have 400+ steam/skype friends and any conversation you have is going to be juggled and half paid attention to.

you may as well just try to get a normal friend

>> No.3491512

>feel schadenfreude
only difference between you and the other sissy fags in this thread is that you are also an asshole.

>> No.3491524

I wouldn't say all or most artists are like that, i know a lot who aren't like that actually, but those kinds of people do exist.
I also do have a few good friends who're "normal" but its hard to talk about art with them cause they have no idea what im talking about half the time.

>> No.3491544

my fiancee won't grind fundies with me and just doodles in MS Paint instead, but I'm glad she's drawing again after a shitty childhood

>> No.3491555

or he could befriend japanese artists. They're much more reserved and chill. western millenial artists are just loud and obnoxious

>> No.3491558

God I'd love a japanese penpal. Drinking with jap salarymen is so fucking fun. Too bad none of them speak english. And I'd be way too ashamed to ever show them my retarded attempts at drawing anime

>> No.3491563

stop mocking me casper

>> No.3491567

ok but how do you meet jap artists when 90% of the people you know and sites you use are from the west

>> No.3491571

They can interact with minimal english, plus there's always an online translator. I used to comment and rt japanese artists' works (still do) on my feed the next thing I know we're exchanging art trades and giving surprise drawings on birthdays it's really heartwarming.

>> No.3491579

Also majority of asians interact in twitter, the next is either insta or tumblr. Twitter already has a built in translator so they'll easily translate your comment when they can't speak that much english. If you don't know where to find them, go to your fav artist on pixiv they'll almost always link their twitter there

see my response here too>>3491571

>> No.3491580

are you DMing over twitter? ...C-can I just DM random japs over twitter?

>> No.3491585

no.. don't DM them. Japs and koreans are non-confrontational and will get easily awkward if you dm them I think. We communicate on twitter posts mainly, some of them have separate private accounts so we mostly talk there too.

>> No.3491590

I did this with a local concept art outsourcing studio.

>I applied in person on a con, they were rude in telling me I wasn't good enough, never even looked me in the eye
>Five years later I'm gud
>They contact me trying to hire me and apparently forgot they told me to fuck off years earlier
>I told who I am, what they did and why I will never, ever work for them and why I tell every one of my peers to never work for them either.
>Blocked them all on social media afterwards.

feels so damn good
I should probably thank them because that shit started a fire in my heart, which made me work my ass off. Now that I got my vengeance I got kinda lazy lel

>> No.3491600

Doesn't twitter have retarded verification protocol? I'm not going to permanently tie my phone number to a twitter account that posts naked anime people on it

>> No.3491607

If I remember, they do use emails mainly for verification. I have a side-account with an email that I generated from 10-min emails. If twitter ask you to link your phone for extra verification, you can always unlink it afterwards

>> No.3491622

the community is based around drawing every day, but it’s not required

>> No.3491626

I'm on there, but i feel uncomfortable posting my work because its so shit, how is the atmostphere on there?

>> No.3491633

summer lovin.. havin a blaaast

>> No.3491662

artists of diff levels regularly post there
they're pretty chill in giving crit as long as you're not being acting like a dick

>> No.3491672

Sorry for the typo

>> No.3491679

>be me 9 months ago
>be at art school
>be surrounded by hedonistic faggots with no respect for authority
>rage builds
>threaten roommate
>get kicked out
>still want to kill everybody
>don’t talk to anyone anymore

>> No.3491687
File: 1.80 MB, 2899x2236, 2E60DE15-5D4D-4C4F-BD37-DC880C5282C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should probably elaborate
>in high school
>have crush
>don’t tell her b/c she didn’t like me
>want to die
> graduate hs
>she goes off to fancy art school
>I go to shitty art school because I don’t have math grade requirement for architecture
>hate roommate
>hate classmates
>expelled and banned for life
>sit on my ass painting and watching videos until spring semester
>in community college
>surrounded by idiots.jpeg
>gril back in town on summer break
>think I saw her yesterday
>completely pissed
>I just want to forget about her

>> No.3491696

>but I've stopped because theres no use forcing it
and that's the kind of "well, you didn't call or write either!" that will eventually turn into a forever alone hikikomori loser.

>> No.3491712

>t. future school shooter

>> No.3491732

ask her if she remembers you, after small-talk ask if she's still into art. She'll say yes obv, then ask her if she could teach you a thing or two since you've gotten a bit rusty during your time overseas. If she says no, just thank her for her time and go your way.
At least she'll check out your ass after you walk past her

>> No.3491735

dude you're stuck in community college from getting expelled lol you're an idiot too

>> No.3491744

I went to elementary school with her.
I was a real dick early on high school. I was recognized as the schools resident bigot. I started to change my views on things around tenth grade. I had overheard that she thought dating friends would be too messy. After graduation, I became depressed, and stopped talking to others. She doesn’t owe me anything. I just have to get over it. I hope things go well for her.

>> No.3491748

I don’t want to hook up with her. I just want to go back to high school. The break with routine and the solitude has fucked with my mind. It’s better to get her out of my head.

>> No.3491754

You’re right about that.

>> No.3492666
File: 40 KB, 838x438, IMG_0220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet art buddy through mutual friends from /ic/ skype group
>me and new art buddy become close over a year
>start to catch bromantic feels
>join US military, no letters from friend because he's in russia
>come out of boot camp and see how much he improved, go back to drawing together again
>months later, confess bro feels
>friend begins to flirt and bro feels become more than bro feels
>end up in LDR relationship for 2 months
>qt art bf gets conscripted into russian army against his will

inb4 we kill eachother in the next ww3

>> No.3492677

Only skilled people there. I wouldn't be able to breathe knowing who is judging my shit, sorry.

>> No.3492682

post his work

>> No.3492684

satan trips confirms it

>> No.3492718
File: 84 KB, 625x621, huge mistake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> one time had to sit at a table with insufferable hipsters
> 3/4th semester over
> decided to sit elsewhere, next to chill artist
> like his style
> forgot to ask his contact after semester is over
> mfw

>> No.3492763

>art isn't good enough to pay money for
>5 yrs later, art is then good enough
?? Makes sense ?? Don't know why you got so triggered. Shouldn't you secretly be thanking them for pissing you off enough to improve?

>> No.3492766

Oh just read you said you should thank them, ignore my autism

>> No.3492773

Nah one friend I met on /mlp/ is amazing af, and some people are actual good people

>> No.3492832

Calm down Elliott rodger

>> No.3492846

I'm trying to focus on art but my friend keeps asking me to hang out for hours on end so that makes putting hours into art impossible.

>> No.3493374

Make like, a compromise.