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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 591 KB, 1280x570, 1517040459373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3476366 No.3476366 [Reply] [Original]

This genre of art always features light and carefree designs, either abolishing the patriarchal image of what a woman is supposed to look like, or just every-day situations featuring one or multiple LGBT characters.

Post those sweet tumblr and twitter gems, anon-kun

>> No.3476421
File: 50 KB, 683x960, 17690396_265239850602169_1306402939_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically like these. Not because I care about feminism or LGBT whatever, but because it's cool to see well-known characters drawn in a totally different style.

>> No.3476424

This is like they're trying to make people look uglier than they actually are. Or just British.

>> No.3476428

every character posted thus far has more visual interest than anything the crabs who read this thread have ever created change my mind

>> No.3476438

These things always fascinate me due to how far they go to "break gender norms" to the point that it looks like some sort of fetish art. Like how in that picture the artist gave some girls masculine unsaved legs while also having strong jaw lines. There is also some others with males having feminine features like wide hips and hour glass bodies.

>> No.3476448

>fetish art.
lmao it does remind me of deviantart inflation shit

>> No.3476453
File: 97 KB, 683x960, stillgay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I could make this look not gay with a couple simple tweaks but I was wrong.

>> No.3476456

What always bothers me in these things is the lineart. It's normally very jagged and inconsistent. Sloppy.

Not that all lineart has to be dainty and thin, variation in line creates for an interesting dynamic. But look at >>3476421, and her left leg. One line is broken at the thigh, and the other is shaped like she got a bad lipo for her cellulite.

I have a really cheap, crappy tablet that makes it hard for me to get consistent lines (as well as a condition where I shake sometimes), so I want to be understanding of this, but it happens too many times to just look over it.

It's like no one cares about the quality of the design, they just want to make it look different.

>> No.3476488
File: 25 KB, 320x367, xvhfFM9gRKx_wMRruhfs_U6EtxYQkqiZzccmjIGRG7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was just a different style it'd be okay, but they're blatantly tacking on random features to the characters' appearances to make them go against beauty standards and for "diversity". It's shallow, stupid and disrespectful to the characters themselves. Let's take OP's pic for example; would a school idol ever go outside with unshaved legs? Why is Umi (who embodies literal epitome of traditional Japanese beauty when it comes to anime characters) a hairy Indian? Not to mention that they end up completely fucking up the character design itself. I know it's dumb, but this is one the things that make me really mad whenever I see them being posted.

>> No.3476492

>One line is broken at the thigh, and the other is shaped like she got a bad lipo for her cellulite.

Knowing these types, I wouldn't be surprised if this was done on purpose. They will add stretch mark and cut marks to make the character seem more "real".

>> No.3476493

why the fuck do you care is the real question

ignore it like the world or block the artists you hate

>> No.3476627

I do wonder if these "girls" are actually trannies?

>> No.3476636
File: 59 KB, 591x591, 1526377989809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3476960






>> No.3477143

I don't have a problem with making female characters that aren't traditionally beautiful, it's my modus operandi in fact, but this crap goes straight past the 'draw women like they're real people' and straight into 'draw women like they're sparkledogs' territory.

>> No.3477255

Because drawing minorities as ugly bitches gives them "diversity" points from white feminists. It feeds into their martyrdom fetish and reinforces their bias that minorities are ugly and inferior.

>> No.3477329

I know I should and usually I can get over stuff like this, but when it comes to tumblr art I just can't let go as easily. I know it's stupid, but that's just how I am.
Is a good explanation of what makes me so mad. They say they're doing it to be "diverse", but all they're doing is slapping stereotypes on existing characters and making them look like caricatures. Diversity comes from who the character is and their background, not from something as shallow and surface-level as their melanin concentration.

>> No.3477423
File: 82 KB, 568x649, HURTFEMINISM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder for troll threads.

>> No.3477438

Imagine being such an incel that not only you have such an image saved, but also thought a thread about bad tumblr art was the place to post this.

>> No.3477456


>> No.3477461

3/9 characters are fat I don't understand what youre trying to say anon

>> No.3477492

troll threads deserve troll posts.
what are you complaining about?

>> No.3477567


>using the word incel unironically

>> No.3477570
File: 339 KB, 654x900, 1441019419137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3477627
File: 128 KB, 640x711, 0A1EA2E0-82E5-42B4-8B19-26D9F7D272CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3477649


>> No.3477657

that's not because it's bad art, but because you're even worse at drawing. :)

>> No.3477667

thats genuinely disgusting.

>> No.3477682

phew.. back to discord with you fag

>> No.3477698

>Incel is a term that is only used as jokes because it is never real in the first place.

>> No.3477704

It's basically pro-ugly art.

The problem is there is no pro-ugly movement to attach it to. No one wants to admit the existence of ugliness, it is not socially acceptable. Either because of self-consciousness, consideration, or both. It's kind of an odd one to ignore seeing how being ugly can ruin a person's life.

What is also interesting is females are almost exclusively featured and involved in this. I suppose one could make the argument it is because females are more harshly judged by their looks, but also the argument the male ego is more oppressed and suppressed and therefore won't be expressed.

>> No.3477718

Probably one of the worst takes I've read here, second to the feminist conspiracy ones.

>> No.3477721

>The problem is there is no pro-ugly movement to attach it to. No one wants to admit the existence of ugliness, it is not socially acceptable

well there kinda is, they want it that way for some reason >>3476636

women not taking care of themselves, not eating properly, not shaving, not washing themselves, running around topless. They basically want to become men.. or dare I say, they want to replace men.

>> No.3477735
File: 32 KB, 587x207, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3477737
File: 724 KB, 777x595, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3477744

You know who else uses the term incel unironically?

>> No.3477746
File: 89 KB, 630x473, 1469844101014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a joke picture meant to be fucking hideous? I can't believe someone actually drew that without the intent to be horrendous.
Also, their fingers look like they were chopped off halfway and it's spooky.

>> No.3477747

>well there kinda is
In the sense they try to rebrand unattractive features as attractive. This is to a large degree a losing battle however, both because the existence of beauty necessitates the existence of ugly but also because many aspects of what constitutes beauty/ugliness probably are very much inherent to the human mind.

In my view the pragmatic approach would be admitting the existence of ugly, not necessarily as a fixed concept reinforcing certain ideals which may or may not be cultural, but simply to be able to adress the issue AT ALL.

Your feminist conspiracy of male replacement or whatever is ridiculous /pol/-tier drivel.

>> No.3477748

I like the idea but it feels like the artist started sticking random parts onto the original characters like a child who got bored with the action figures he had and tried to invent something new.

>> No.3477751

I actually adore this, but they forgot her Zero Suit so I'm not sure how she's being kept alive.

>> No.3477754

I was mildly on board with you until
>not shaving
How is not shaving not taking care of yourself? Admittedly I shave myself because I prefer trading the inconvenience of shaving for the convenience of being hairless, but objectively there's nothing wrong with letting yourself be hairy. Subjectively I think hairy pits look quite pretty sometimes and would like to try growing mine out sometime.

Men who want women to resemble hairless, prepubescent children make me nervous.

>> No.3477756

>another one of those pseudo-sophisticated mouthbreathers

go outside a bit you faggot

>> No.3477758


c'mon man you gotta be joking..

>> No.3477760

>Hello I am triggered faggot with no argument
Nice to meet you my man

>> No.3477763

No. I think men who can't cope with a bit of natural hair on a woman must be emotionally underdeveloped.

>> No.3477774
File: 666 KB, 1280x1152, tumblr_oyvg8wimSo1wpv2mxo1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3477794


Armpit hair offers a breeding ground for bacteria and makes it harder to wash effectively. Also it looks damn weird when people raise their arms and unfold small wings made of hair like the web ones Spiderman has in his armpits.


And I think hairy women look like monkeys from the old planet of the apes movies. You have the right to be however the fuck you want, but people also have the right to call you ugly/stinky/fatty/a freakshow if you look the part.

>> No.3477798

Indeed. Similarly, you have the right to throw a tantrum when people rightfully call you out on being an asshole. You also have the right to retreat to whatever chauvinist circlejerk you came from to marinate in aggregated contempt.

But don't be surprised when people despise you, autistic fuck.

>> No.3477803
File: 25 KB, 408x439, 1528443771644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that tree trunk right arm

>> No.3477829



>> No.3477834
File: 268 KB, 1536x2048, 20161212_alexandrinasteinbrenner_cf004815-clean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>armpit hair offers a breeding ground for bacteria and makes it harder to wash effectively

I take it to mean that, as a man, you are also participating in the removal of your leg, armpit, chest and pubic hair, in order to maintain your own standards of cleanliness, right? Or is it only other people's hygiene that concerns you and you dgaf if you look/smell like a sweaty ape? Goodness I can't imagine my boyfriend's reaction if every time I went to suck his dick I turned him down because he hadn't waxed that day.

>but people also have the right to call you ugly/stinky/fatty/a freakshow if you look the part

Because I can appreciate the natural look that makes me smelly and fat now?

Imagine getting to this stage in human development where leaving your body unmolested means you're a "freakshow".

>> No.3477880

why make them all fat with vitiligo

>> No.3477900

You are a woman, not a man. There are double standards because men and women are not equal, they are different. Stop fighting reality and just submit and you'll be happier. Or not. But either way you won't win.

>> No.3477903

>Imagine getting to this stage in human development where leaving your body unmolested means you're a "freakshow".
It's called being civilized.
Perhaps you should stop washing, stop wearing clothes and go out and shit in the street if you love being "natural" so much.
The rest of us will keep complying with social norms that keep us pleasant to be around, hygienic, and attractive to the opposite sex.

>> No.3477936

>A-at least my art is better than 0.1% of people!
Thank god retards like OP exist, it means less competition.

>> No.3477941

Outside of the gross leg hair and shit I like this. Every character is different and you can get a good idea for their personalities just by looking at them.

>> No.3477946
File: 474 KB, 1280x1440, tumblr_p4gkv7syOU1sx6v15o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3477961

Hi nice to meet you triggered faggot with no argument

>> No.3477964
File: 271 KB, 1024x768, otakon_aa-d59eq4i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why are so insecure you faggot lmao?

>> No.3477965

this, the other dude is just some unwashed feminist hippiefag

>> No.3477966


Okay, let's break this down. It's almost certain I'm not removing my body hair from all these areas. So you constructed a verbal trap that has only two options. Either I do what I'm unlikely to or I am an ape-looking smelly guy who only demands from others to live up to his standards. Also you toss in there that you have a bf because you feel your looks are in question.

Anyway, men are naturally hairier than women and like you yourself said, women don't find it repulsive. Personally I take care of my pubes and armpit hair because I don't like them. Once I've achieved my goal physique, I'll try trimming the whole body.

>Because I can appreciate the natural look that makes me smelly and fat now?

I was speaking about tumblrite looks in general because it also applies to those things and is relevant to the thread theme.

>Imagine getting to this stage in human development where leaving your body unmolested means you're a "freakshow".

And here you are making a fool of yourself by trying to make shaving out to be body molestation when everyone else thinks otherwise. Tattoos, piercings, obesity. This is body molestation. Imagine being so hurt that you'd rather try to justify your laziness through mental gymnastics than take care of your body.

>> No.3477971
File: 16 KB, 327x327, edgehog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Razor-sharp wit!

>> No.3477974

Are you implying that anime is bad, you cuck?

>> No.3477994

As an asian I will never understand white landwhales trying to draw poc as ugly goblins for the sake of diversity. Are these retards generalizing asians, blacks and brown people as ugly? Why not just draw them normal, fucking idiots.

>> No.3478010

creator of op img is neither white nor fat you sperg

>> No.3478020

i've seen the artists blog, all characters are drawn like this with the ugly freckles and shit

>> No.3478075

Can't win or lose if you're not playing friendo.

>also you toss in there that you have a bf because you feel your looks are in question
Having a romantic partner is hardly indicative of whether or not I'm attractive. I could look like Sloth from The Goonies and still have a partner because objectively for every woman out there's at least one man willing to poke her groke. My appearance is irrelevant to the discussion, as is yours.

>that you'd rather try to justify your laziness through mental gymnastics than take care of your body
Who says I don't take care of my body? I didn't say that. Are you implying that because I don't have an issue with body hair that I don't take care of my body? Why are you trying to strawman me?

btw molested doesn't mean what you think it means. At its basal definition to be molested just means to be disturbed in some manner, and shaving absolutely is a disturbance of the body.

I shave everything from my pits to my arms to my asshole because I prefer to feel and appearance, but that's my personal choice to make. I've even had electrolysis on my legs so they are permemantly hairless. I can still respect other people's decisions in maintaining their body. It doesn't have to be black and white you know.

>> No.3478088

Fair enough. I believe you mentioned having a boyfriend though, unless I am mistaking you for someone else. Nonetheless the only way to truly not play short of not being alive is living outside of society.

>> No.3478149

Its kind of painfully obvious when people are just making characters more diverse for brownie points. Its like they check it off a list instead of actually having fun with making a character different. Its waaaay more satisfying when a drawing is done cause an artist WANTS to make it that way, instead of the artist thinking they HAVE to change somebody to be darker or gay.
(it also feels more genuine when people draw their own characters this way instead of grabbing somebody from a show and going "ok, now you're black cause i dont know any other race out there other than black, lol uwu. )
there's plenty of good art out there of diverse characters - but it can get drowned out by the absolute shit people put out there so they can look "progressive" instead of actually giving a damn.

>> No.3478269

What I don't get is if these artists are making them different for the sake of diversity then why are they doing it to non-white characters? All of these girls are Japanese is that not non-white enough or do only black people count?

>> No.3478284

It seem to me they're quite delusional. Animated characters are not meant to be realistic even with the backtory. These pic >>3477735 >>3477737 >>3477627 for example are no different than sonic "oc"s >>3477971 .

>> No.3478334
File: 121 KB, 500x750, 1521096013880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smelly and fat
>natural look
This shit. This fucking shit. It annoys me to no fucking end when as a fucking mutt-human, whose diets unavoidably consist of
>ambiguous meat-blends harvested from animal slaves pumped full of growth hormones
>genetically engineered crops raised within clouds of noxious chemical mist
>IV drips of sugary-acid energy drinks, liquid feed and hormone solutions
you dare to claim that any part of your abortive appearance is natural. You do not emit the smell of death to others without grooming because you are natural and healthy. Females do not sprout hair like fur and men do not develop breasts because they are "unmolested".

We are human cattle in a human farm. Those who produce this artwork have had their dwindling human instinct "to rebel" against this sordid fate co-opted into its perpetuation; that embracing the disease is the cure for supposedly greater societal ills. And just as they embrace it, they are its vector: inflicting disease and infirmity both mental and physical upon every cherished icon they can, and using this as a vehicle to promote this decay in reality. Tumblr art is not the promotion of what is natural, it is a malicious attempt to make the unnatural natural.

>> No.3478403

Holy fuck.


You're the example of what not to turn into when you grow up.

>> No.3478411

>Animated characters are not meant to be realistic
i'm so glad no one actually believes this and the industry will continue to evolve away from this ass backwards thinking

>> No.3478486
File: 23 KB, 337x372, 1521394982940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's Boku no hero academia characters

>> No.3478490

I unironically like this

>> No.3478701

I didn't realise it was them until you pointed it out.

>> No.3479050

>uhhh uhhh i have no counter argument so i'll just say you can't get laid!!!

>> No.3479179

>Poke her groke

You're alright, femanon.

>> No.3479192

found the tumblr artist

>> No.3479205

Negative, retard. I only draw anime girls with big tits. I just know how to ignore art I don’t like

>> No.3479338

that only makes it sadder lol

>> No.3479352

Because it was traditonally men need to look rough while women needed to look smooth. The common pattern with these artworks that they resemble cuteness while hiding true ugliness. If a chink artist draws an average woman or a tumblrina as they are, they will not aesthetically pleasing. Even you would be revolted.

>chalvanistic circlejerk
It has always been an aesthetic in most cultures pre Industrial era, only became more of a necessity afterwards to minimize diseases. Plus women are not clean to begin with due to their biology.

It's an equivalent of learning how to draw young and old people, providing variety but in a more extreme measure with aesthetic faults. Unfortunately they see 'normal' as too boring and cliche.

Though that anon has a point that 'unatural' is the average population. It's more contaminating a void than decaying in reality.

>> No.3479365

>It has always been an aesthetic in most cultures pre Industrial era
Except I'm not criticizing the "aesthetic" to begin with.
>only became more of a necessity afterwards to minimize diseases.
Yeah body hair is the worst vector for bubonic plague and all kinds of deadly diseases. Good thing hairy arms are universally banned from healthcare everywhere being the sanitary problem it is. Oh wait, it's not? You better go school them as the expert you are.
>Plus women are not clean to begin with due to their biology.
Are you scared of their period blood? Please elaborate.

>> No.3479388

>"period blood is clean you bigot"

Period blood is composed of dying embryos, mucus, dead and decomposing blood cells, uterine lining, hormones, etc. It's not clean. Do you also go around telling people they're fecal-phobic bigots too?

>> No.3479394


>> No.3479403

>cannot differeniate between necessity and complusury
Who says it was banned in the general public? It was more common sense, yet there are always a minority who are exceptions.
>being afraid of period blood
Though another hurdle for hygiene for women, it's no different to shit, piss, vomit, or cum for men. The ones who see period blood as the boogeymen are third-worlders and Orthodox Catholic priests who would rather prefer an asshole over a roast beef vag anyway.

>> No.3479405

t.shit-vomit-cum guzzler

>> No.3479413

Seems to me like whoever of you posted the previous post thinks women are "unclean" and I would like to know the reasoning behind this statement because it seems rather crackpot to me. Period blood is in no way sanitary but I don't see how it's any worse than shit for example.

>> No.3479419

>inb4 that's not a valid arguement
Assuming you are a girl(female), try to eat your own period blood and report back on the results.

>> No.3479421

>don't be afraid of period blood
>it's ok because it's as clean as shit

Are you not aware of the fact that women also get infections and are carriers of viruses, etc., in their moist members? I think your problem is that you're reading value judgements in our statements but we are simply stating facts. You believe in "science" right? The value judgement is in saying that all your progressive SJWism is backwards nonsense.

>> No.3479422

>one night stands to fill the void
>20 years of just being a child until they hit the 40 year old wall and realize what it means to have no choice or life

>> No.3479423

Found the parody

>> No.3479424
File: 59 KB, 800x450, lewl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't say women are universally unclean, although the leftist bent of them tend to be filthier. They're unclean during their periods though. By your own admission period blood is tantamount to shit, so can you imagine trying to make the claim that a man who has diarrhea and shit nonstop flowing out of his asshole for an entire week is clean? What a joke! When a baby walks around with a shitted diaper no one believes that baby is clean in that moment. We take off the diaper, wipe it clean, then change the diaper. With women though, it's ongoing for days. The orthodox third world priests have more wisdom than the Berkley free-bleeding feminazis.

>> No.3479428
File: 63 KB, 754x635, teehee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigh when will you neanderthal crybabies learn that you have no right over our bodies?

>> No.3479434

Chill dude. You can be a hairy monkey if you want, most of us just prefer you aren't. Not much more to it than that. Personally, I don't mind trimmed and well kept pubes, and kinda enjoy it sometimes, but the rest can gladly go. Doesn't matter if you want to think it's entirely socially constructed or stemming from evolutionary pressure in the first place, that won't change a thing.

Also, I like how you (?) actually went for that "calling people who like shaven girls pedos" thing. Please, I know you're a woman, but you could at least try to be somewhat intellectually honest.

>> No.3479436
File: 70 KB, 608x391, Piedmont_atrocities_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy the freedom before your free doom, sweety. :^)
If not Klaus or Marek, Achmed will do it.

>> No.3479439

instead of making whiny threads like this, you could be drawing

>> No.3479446
File: 386 KB, 1200x896, feminist enjoys burning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it is the high time for the old tradition to return and save the west. Do you prefer grilled or smoked, free bleeders? Seems you love so much free bleeding, please let my legions to facilitate the process. Do you prefer steel, iron or the old school wooden stake?
>tfw it's not white men will do this but rather the "minorities" that they love so much to protect.

>> No.3479464

Chill my dude, I'm a guy, I posted that free bleeding pic as bait. Nonetheless, you are right on in your comments friend.

>> No.3479473

Currently drawing grilled whales

>> No.3479478

>You're the example of what not to turn into when you grow up
There's absolutely nothing of worth provided in the rest of the post; a total lack of critical thought or understanding shown, but they(she) still throw in, as if by instinct, a social insult.

An example to who? The group they are secure in, the majority, of course. You and your ideas are not popular with the big group and they make sure to remind you, because they think a lack of social acceptance (by the rest of the ambiguously gendered hormone horde) hurts you as much as it hurts them. It's a big part of why they are so inclined to make EVERYTHING acceptable, and everyone accepted. It's what killed the art world and is killing this board - multiple hugbox generals, critiques dismissed for hurting too many feelings, and most remaining critiques reduced to book recs because their personal advice won't be widely accepted.

And, the reddit spacing. They really ought to start handing out bans to cross-siters. You have tumblr, deviantart, reddit, social media...but you insist on spreading to here, where you are neither wanted nor needed. You are cancer by definition. Stop posting and lurk more or get the fuck out; you will not enjoy your stay.

>> No.3479566

>grown men being scared of the cooties
lmao good luck with that

>> No.3479570

t.brainlet with no real argument

>> No.3479572

Wishing you the best of luck losing that virginity wearing a hazmat suit

>> No.3479610

t.my hole is the only thing I have of any value and also the only thing I can understand to carry value

>> No.3479616

Hazmat suit is excessive, lol. Just proper hygiene and grooming practices is enough, which was basically the original point of discussion on this.

>> No.3479660

t. never seen such a hole even though 50% of people have one
My original point was don't be a douchebag and then act as if it is an injustice when people despise you. >>3477798
Then you come along with unrelated dumbfuck statements on hygiene and then you pretend as if i want to smear menstrual blood on everything as you get called out.

>> No.3479678

This thread is an example of why structuring your buisness (art/commissions) around niche political based markets is a losing battle. Not only are you tying yourself to a fad but popular culture could turn against it, your message becomes toxic and new customers dry up. It also seems dumb to hitch your wagon to an ultra specific group whose message immidiatly turns off 50% (probably more) of potential customers because it's often followed by political correctness sermans about acceptance and inclusion.

If you do it just for tumblr keks or social media/making friends then whatever. I'm only talking in terms of making money. (as a career that needs to span decades) I'm sure some of these social justice warrior artists make dosh, but I don't see it IMO as a lasting career. Even in this thread the discussion only devolves into fighting about the political message the art is easily forgotten. The vast majority of people who buy art buy it because they want something cool to look at or something that provides entertainment.

I've unfollowed a lot of female artists on twitter because the lgbt crowd seems to be inexplicably tied to preachy rants, whiney and generally bitchy to those who hold different world views to their own, all the while espousing acceptance of diversity. I get tired of the negativity and as your average customers age goes up so will they. I see plenty of mainstream artists who try to break the "norms" with their character designs or other art, but these tumblr artists are too ham fisted with it.

>> No.3479705

The only one getting anything resembling despising is you, ya annoying cunt.

>> No.3479712

I tend to think of being despised by mental midgets as a good thing.

>> No.3479724

Lol, you didn't even respond to everyone's arguments here. You did the typical shaming tactic to avoid responding.

>> No.3479726

What arguments?

>> No.3479743

>mental midgets

LMAO. As if you give a shite about anything intellectual. You're here on an art forum defending sjw propaganda

>> No.3479757

Is it SJW propaganda to say armpit hair won't spread the bubonic plague? And that females in estrus aren't contaminated by the cooties?

>> No.3479765

> acceptance of diversity
they're hypocrite to be honest. they don't want to include age and maturity when it comes to love is love preaching.

>> No.3479772
File: 8 KB, 275x183, uhwhatthefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3479804

>le edgy people burning people alive and kids too OMG XDD
these pictures remind me how disguisting and shitty human world is
Thanks for reminding me about reality, faggot
Hope you'll get cancer and die

>> No.3480152

Its not possible to add in varying ages in the extremist agenda. You try to ship a 30 and a 40 year old and they'll cry pedophilia, lmao.

>> No.3480154

nice strawman, anon
I think you mean shipping an 18 year old and a 50 year old which is legal but creepy and libtards will call you a pedo for it

>> No.3480243

are you scurred now, whales? >:^)

>> No.3480247

make it possible then.

>> No.3480713

Why can't people make them look different and Japanese. Why don't they ever look Japanese. They try to be diverse but end up giving everyone different ethnic features because either they're too stupid to tell two Asians apart, or too incompetent. It wouldn't be that much of a problem to make them look different, attractive or decent looking, and Japanese. Just reference the fucking VAs faces.

>> No.3480731

Haha I shave, but only because I have hyperhydrosis. Got em.

>> No.3480922

a truly sick mind

>> No.3481046

t. Roastie getting toastied :^)

>> No.3481053

Not that anon, but I do think there is some credence to the idea of women trying to emulate men. It's not as insidious as them trying to replace men, though.

In a lot of media, when people try to make strong female characters, they often end up giving them a lot of traits that are male. The most popular example is them being able to stand up to a man in a hand to hand fight, or some drivel. I feel like there's a current trend of people trying to make female characters more male-like to be superior, as opposed to making their superiority based off their feminine traits alone, like say, being clever or being pretty.

>> No.3481058

Glad someone else noticed that. I started telling people a few years ago that all those "badass" women who shoot guns and are aggressive and decisive and "don't need no man", these women are actually men with tits. No woman in real life acts like that, and what is interesting is that there are numbers of women who are starting to get tired of "badass women" being the measure of femininity (because it's not feminine at all despite what the roastie in this thread thinks), and are beginning to want to see actual strong women characters who are strong in female traits.

>> No.3481060

I'd say it's less of a trend and just boils down to bad writing and a lack of creativity.

>> No.3481064

I agree that is a part of it in probably a lot of cases today. The "badass woman" though was originally just a male fantasy. We like hot women and action, so a combination of the two is fun to see. At some point it looks like it became conflated with the "strong independent woman" ideology out here.

>> No.3481068

>they often end up giving them a lot of traits that are male
The obvious counterpoint is that they are challenging the definition of what is "male" and what is "female". It's a manifestation of the "we can do that too!" inferiority complex that's been instilled in women since the 1900s.

>> No.3481070

I think the badass woman trope has its place, don't get me wrong. Brienne from GoT is a good example, because her strength and her being a woman is a big part of her character. She can step up to a man, but it comes at the cost of her never being able to live like a woman in a country with strong gender roles. That's alright.

Laura Croft is shit tho. Samus is actually an alright modern strong female, at least the classic version. She's basically a girl who's fighting a bunch of other girls, and there's even that whole subplot with the baby metroid, which baby rearing is a pretty feminine concept. But I may be reaching on that last one.

>> No.3481074

Ironically, this has ended up making a lot of media where experiences exclusive to women are under represented. SJWs want to make a bionic commando WW2 fighter, something that never existed, while ignoring the actual sacrifice of female revolutionary fighters.

>> No.3481080

it's a natural progression when you have an entertainment industry that is highly resistant to change. the audience is partly to blame for this as well. everyone keeps buying tickets to see these movies, buys the game, or tunes into these shows. money flows in, advertisers are happy, execs are happy, and on it goes. every now and then you'll get something that steps outside of the box, but if you're a writer and/or artist and want to make something truly different you have accept the fact that you'll always be "indie".

>> No.3481086

>SJWs want to make a bionic commando WW2 fighter, something that never existed, while ignoring the actual sacrifice of female revolutionary fighters.
except SJWs are not in charge of the entertainment industry and by advertising metrics a movie about a bionic commando WW2 fighter (wonder woman) will outsell a movie about an obscure female revolutionary fighter.

>> No.3481103

do lesbians do anything other than obsess over nintendo/marvel lesbo headcannons?

>> No.3481104

I was referring to the woman in Battlefield World War 2 or whatever. Wonder woman isn't even a commando, she's from Olympus or something.

And SJWs have a strong pressence in media, are you kidding?

>> No.3481110

>And SJWs have a strong pressence in media, are you kidding?
look up the definition of the word: trend.
whatever you see in the media is the latest trend that makes money. advertisers do not care about anything but generating money. if the general public had a sudden interest in kicking puppies you would see thousands of commercials, movies, etc. about kicking puppies. supply and demand.

>> No.3481122

??? It being a trend and there being an SJW presence aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.3481128

ok but to suggest ____ is only in the media because of SJWs is to ignore how the entertainment and advertising industries actually work.

>> No.3481156

Not it doesn't? It goes by your model. SJWs just have the most demand right now. Most people are SJWs, because that's the trend that's in. Being contrarian for contrian's sake isn't an argument anon sorry

>> No.3481165

once again showing your complete ignorance of the industry and how it works.

>> No.3481239

We agree on how the industry works, pay attention.

>> No.3481257

This pic just falls apart when the women in question have nothing to do with "feminism". In my country for example these types of people don't exist. At least I never heard of anybody meeting somebody like that. Is this only an american thing or is this prevelant in other 1st world countires apart from sweden? If so which ones? I need to know what to avoid.

>> No.3481418

It's a fake boogeyman made up by right wingers.

>> No.3481486

>roleplaying as triggered SJWs so you at least can pretend you're victorious ITT
/pol/'s growing more pathetic by the day.

>> No.3482072


>> No.3482720

>being this whipped

Have fun dying a forgotten failure anon lol. Of anyone here, you're the biggest slave to the people you claim to hate.

>> No.3482737
File: 75 KB, 600x480, klk tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's cool to see well-known characters drawn in a totally different style
is it really cool though? It can be interesting or humorous, but I rarely find these reinterpretations aesthetically cool or pleasing.