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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 77 KB, 592x597, Dave_Rapoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3457130 No.3457130 [Reply] [Original]

someone to grind along with for 10 hours a day everyday

>> No.3457132

find an artist on picarto

>> No.3457135

Grinding is a meme.

>> No.3457182


>> No.3457238

Do it

>> No.3457318
File: 7 KB, 264x224, 1525699024045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing is also a meme. The only way to get good is to read every book about drawing, without ever picking up a pencil.

>> No.3457320

I draw 12 hours a day.

>> No.3457340

I'm a bad /beg/-tier shitter, but I'll do a scheduled stream of me ngmi'ing for several hours a day if people are interested

>> No.3457363

dude I'm hella interested

>> No.3457378

I'll see what I can arrange in the coming days

>> No.3457400

Why can't you do it by yourself?

>> No.3458950


>> No.3459207

That would actually be dope. If I had no job or wouldn't be a student, I would shut myself in and stream ten to sixteen hours a day. To any of you neets out there: do it and then stream on twitch.

>> No.3459220

only if it's 10h+

>> No.3459256

kinda odd that there's not a single person doing that on twitch

>> No.3459281

Genuine question for you guys, do you have a baseline requirement for who you would watch? I could only do it for part of the day, since in the evening I would need to do traditional studies, but the idea is appealing to me. I'm really shit so maybe it would be motivating to you guys.

>> No.3459282

Also, picarto or twitch? Or is there a way to do both?

>> No.3459298

no anime shit

>> No.3459329

Noted, i think i would want to focus on fundies anyway

>> No.3459389


ive set up OBS, Twitch, and made a playlist with some VGM. im a bit scared to do it, especially since i dont have a study plan designed around this, and i fear no one is actually going to want this

>> No.3459413

what's the channel

>> No.3459420
File: 63 KB, 570x697, 12 - o39FvHQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


twitch "dot" tv "slash" poloski_art (this spam filter is killing me)
welp, this is a test run, ill be attempting a still life and maybe some 5 min poses after or somethin. everyone come have fun and no bully, grind along

>> No.3459512

Still going, please come study with me so we can get better at art!

>> No.3459776

come on ic, only a couple of you came to draw, I really would like to see some more people eager to study or draw in general. its still open

>> No.3460029

good stream homie

>> No.3460048

is it true Dave got so good because he spent a year in jail practicing and couldn't get a real job anywhere because of a criminal record?

>> No.3460051

No, he got so good because he was already decent.

>> No.3460054
File: 499 KB, 1489x905, CLIPStudioPaint_2018-06-05_20-59-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to everyone who came. Here is the end result of everything, minus any breaks and ctrl+z of course. I will be doing it again tomorrow, starting fairly early. Please please come draw with me! Today we reached 9 hours.

>> No.3460142


>> No.3460151

He wasn't in jail, but no one would hire him because of the criminal record so he had no choice but to get good and make money off art.

>> No.3460449

that's great man, keep it up.

i might join today

>> No.3460649

i'm interested

>> No.3460666

~12 est, be there fellas! Gonna try to slap on the extra hour today and hit 10 instead of 9. Doing some traditional studies right now.

>> No.3460788

Alright lads lets go, get your digital workstations or sketchbooks ready and we are gonna draw as long as we can. GMI

>> No.3460852


>> No.3461038

you guys should draw and stuff

>> No.3461147

Almost like you guys dont want to make it or something, sad!

>> No.3461572

10 hours boys, thanks to all for joining, please come back again tomorrow!

>> No.3461614

I can be that guy.

>> No.3461617

I think we agreed on starting around 11AM tomorrow

>> No.3461884

thanks for doing this, hope you don't give up.

>> No.3462010

Yeah I'll try to open at 11
Today's gonna be my third day so I hope you might join us
As long as you guys continue to draw with me, even if only a few hours, I will never give up

>> No.3462131

Alright guys, stream is starting soon, do you want to make it? Then get ready to draw.
twitch "dot" tv "slash" poloski_art

We will be warming up soon!

>> No.3462324

Is this still going on?

>> No.3462328

Yep, 10 hour streams.
Every day

>> No.3462536

/ic is still a circle jerk for Dave I see

>> No.3462550

We don't need another hero
We don't need to know the way home
All we want is life beyond the Thunderdome

So what do we do with our lives?
We leave only a mark.
Will our story shine like a life,
Or end in the dark?
Give it all or nothing!
>saxophone solo

>> No.3462788

thanks guys for another good 10 hours today! i learned quite a bit and you guys were helpful. 11 est again tomorrow.

>> No.3462792
File: 195 KB, 849x1000, DfBGIdpUwAEoiCU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any reason not to?

>> No.3463029

shit I keep missing these

>> No.3463405

Every day. 10 hours. Why not come join us now? We just started. Come one and draw, fellas.

>> No.3463414
File: 495 KB, 642x1040, 1490770545941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monitoring this thread to guffaw at the faggots who will eventually start complaining about not seeing any results and being grossly mislead.

protip: 10 hours of mindless grinding for the sake of doodling will not yield results. A half hour of gesture drawing with critical thinking and mindful observation would be more beneficial.

>> No.3463417

why dont you come join us and give critique then? we could benefit from your years of mastery, great one.

>> No.3463423

I just gave you an evaluation of your work ethic and approach you are trying to attempt which is incorrect as well as another approach that will yield better results without the mental fatigue and exhaustion. But if you insist on being a smart ass and being defiant, go right ahead fuccboi I'll be here lurking.

>> No.3464569

why do you say it's mindless grinding?

sure there's less thinking involved in the latter portions of the stream, but that's to be expected if you stream for so long.

also, inefficiency is always going to be present even if you're being "mindful". mileage is king, i'd rather have more hours with less efficiency than a few hours with a higher efficiency.

>> No.3464577

30 minutes is all you need to get good retard, how do you think the chinese cartoons i love were made?

>> No.3464612

It depends on what you're doing. Don't crank out quick gestures four hours a day. Don't practice lines and circles four hours a day. Those kind of exercises aren't the kind to yield immediate results, but will pay off if you do a little consistently. But something like a bargue plate requires those long hours. If you worked on it for only thirty minutes a day, you might only finish the initial linework of a plate in like, a month.

>> No.3466001


>> No.3466002
File: 25 KB, 768x385, where-is-the-money-768x385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I think its in 10 minutes, let me take another look

>> No.3467171

lad is streaming day 7

>> No.3467208

Why shouldn't it be?

The information he gives on his streams now, and over the last 7+ years is vastly more informative than any bullshit anecdotal crap IC parrots. He's a real world example of an artist who sucked, got better, tries new shit, improves and makes money off his work. What examples from here do we have? Basement dwelling neets who don't make art and just wax poetic about how to make art and the best way to do it? Very helpful anon.

IC is useless except for drama threads.

>> No.3467245

hello fags wanna watch my stream too?

>> No.3467288

ic moves slow whatever. find me on twitch @ roodleypoodleydoodley. streaming whenever

>> No.3467298

are you streaming for 10h+ every day?

>> No.3467301

eh my longer drawing streams go for like 4-5 hours but thats bc ive burned out really hard in the past trying to shoot for 8+

>> No.3467432

best of luck, hope you make it.

/ic/ now has two heroes doing pretty long streams, time to make some gains crabs.