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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3461735 No.3461735 [Reply] [Original]

How do I force myself to complete a single drawing??

I just get too ambitious and then run out of steam half way and then stop.
I tried to draw for fun or for myself but like the same thing happens. It'll never make it past the sketch or the inital gray scale/color placing.

>> No.3461736

Just finish it. Stop being a little bitch.

>> No.3461766

while you're still ambitious, leave the sketch and come back to it in a few days with renewed interest.

>> No.3461892


for real, just finish one and you'll know how much effort and time it takes to finish an ambitious picture. Then you can plan better for the next one and pace yourself better

>> No.3461929

I think I read somewhere it takes a pro 20 something hours on 1 piece or 3 working days. So spend 3 to 5 days on 1 piece and then see after if you can push it even more rather than making the noob mistake in pushing it out 1 day.

>> No.3461934

Ambition and motivation are memes. Getting the job done is how you get the job done.

>> No.3461959

Just fuckign draaaaaaaaaaaaawww

Jesus Christ this fucking board. Stop making shitty threads every time you hit the slightest bump. Figure something out for yourslef for once fucking retardddddd

>> No.3461975

This isn't a... Wait a second what happened to question thread? Do I seriously have to make 50 percent of the generals on this board?

>> No.3462017

Why would you want to finish it in the first place?
Most likely is shit, so all you would be doing is polishing a turd (unless you want to practise rendering but that fucking stupid)
If your initial sketch is wrong, or if the grayscale is wrong all you would be doing is waste time.

>> No.3462046

You'll never get good if you don't finish pieces. It puts you into a mindset where you will never attempt anything difficult or put in the effort to make it look as good as possible, because you already plan to stop working on it after the sketch because "It's shit anyway".

This is also what ends up creating the dunning kruger crab. You do nothing but studies and sketches and never finish anything. Which means you have nothing to judge your skill level objectively. You start to believe that you are far better than you actually are and all those pros who make mistakes are hacks and you could totally paint like them if you spent as much time on an image. But you won't spend the time on it, because then you would realize how low your skill level really is and out of fear of that realization, you stay in your study and sketch comfort zone where you never have to commit to anything and you always have the excuse that it was just a quick sketch.

>> No.3462072
File: 15 KB, 1753x94, just finish your shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe start with a different method. maybe instead of doing linework, start painting and blocking in solid colors to start wit. change the method you use and maybe your outlook on drawing will change.

>> No.3462553

you just described like 80% /ic/
couldn't have said it better myself

>> No.3462563

1. Get as far as you can until you get stuck.
2. Look for reference, take reference, build a 3d model for reference, do some studies, etc to get unstuck.
3. Repeat steps 1-2 until done.

You get faster and faster by going through these steps

>> No.3462646

Damn I'm gonna finish one piece in the next week cause this post just shat on my whole life

>> No.3462748

Finish something less ambitious then.

>> No.3462856
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>> No.3462879

Plz do us all a favor and stop posting Sakimishit crap.

>> No.3463009

thanks for that anon I actually feel inspired to finish my shit now