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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 405 KB, 2048x1085, 1527129907212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3450604 No.3450604 [Reply] [Original]

Hows that art progress coming along frens

>> No.3450617

>someone's still postin my fellow korean meme
I feel so validated

>> No.3450750

But seriously how did he do it?

>> No.3450777
File: 504 KB, 1000x855, 2018Improvement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing my best.

>> No.3450780

There's an entire discussion about that in his twitter since people keep asking. Better learn the talk of the Koreans if you wanna know the answer.

>> No.3450784

Twitter has an option to translate.

>> No.3450785

>Using google/bing translate ever


>> No.3450786

Well you're doing good.

>> No.3450791

>Learning an entire language

>> No.3450794

>Not wanting to talk to your ching chong buddies all the way preventing alzheimer


>> No.3450816 [DELETED] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1024x1024, PhotoGrid_1527691775015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3450826

What are you talking about? I feel out of the discussion here
Share pls

>> No.3450829

The progress in OP's pic was done by one guy in a single year.

>> No.3450837

it's easy to progress from shit to shit

>> No.3450899
File: 604 KB, 1947x1270, my progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how am I doing so far?

>> No.3450903

newer looks stiff and gay

>> No.3450911

you look like you draw with your dick and not with your brain. try again.

or fudge your way through shitty poses of static characters with a lack of gesture. your choice.

>> No.3450923

You fucking suck please quit art
Just kidding. Never post your work here dude the NGMI retards here will crab bucket you to death.
Great work so far and you're improving very nicely. Can't wait to see how you progress in the future.
FYI I'm following you and I have high hopes for you. Make us proud, anon.

>> No.3450924
File: 806 KB, 1469x1959, 20180529_163013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea what I am doing :/

>> No.3450925


Sorry wrong póst LOL

>> No.3453461
File: 47 KB, 740x444, 전후1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he said he grinded for 6-8 hours everyday

>> No.3453462
File: 46 KB, 740x444, 전후2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3453464
File: 47 KB, 740x444, 전후3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3453465
File: 52 KB, 740x444, 전후4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3455319
File: 47 KB, 986x731, compare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3455335

shorté arms lol

>> No.3455339

i am at 2

>> No.3455388

>he said he grinded for 6-8 hours everyday
And then...

>> No.3455471
File: 1.40 MB, 1410x812, yhyhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good old times man..

>> No.3455491

I'm sorry anon but the first one made me chuckle.

>> No.3455521 [DELETED] 

Nice improvement dude.
Not sure If it's a style think, but I feel your lines are holding you back. But you have improved, well done.
Always cool to see somebody go from bad to gud, nice work anon.

I am closing on that magical 3 years of drawing. There has been a nice amount of progress, but I still feel I could have done much more.

>> No.3455526
File: 572 KB, 1550x1004, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice improvement dude.
Not sure If it's a style think, but I feel your lines are holding you back. But you have improved, well done.
Always cool to see somebody go from bad to gud, nice work anon.

I am closing on that magical 3 years of drawing. There has been a nice amount of progress, but I still feel I could have done much more.

>> No.3455567

You should be happy that i didn't post my older stuff. I do not know what I thought by drawing these abominations.

Thanks anon, im really impressed how clean and appealing your recent art looking, inspiring stuff.

>> No.3455587

3 years doing 3/4 bust shots has really paid off. Now just do the same for all the body parts in all positions and you gitted gud.

(read: im envious)

>> No.3455630
File: 53 KB, 748x632, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just started learning portraits in 2016, don't know why I was trying digital. In 2017 up until i finished hs I mostly only did traditional, and now I only do digital (besides my sketchbook) I also did a lot of photo studying (all bottom row). I'm pretty happy with the progress, 2017 elf was at Christmas, latest was in April (been learning 3d/only sketching)

>> No.3455632
File: 118 KB, 1197x678, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong image

>> No.3455648
File: 1.32 MB, 4293x2200, Regress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3455651

Looks like you just didn't continue your value studies and vent straight to color.

>> No.3455656

I do agree with values not being dark enough, but I'm too lazy to fix that. Post your work my friend

>> No.3455660

You didn't regress anyways. Your anatomy and drawing skills got much better. So did your values, but they could be better before having moved on to color. You need to be more confident in yourself.

>> No.3455740
File: 1.04 MB, 1519x741, Progression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd have far more to post than this, from when I was about 14 but it was all destroyed before I moved out in December last year.
Feels really shit man.

>> No.3455748

And then what?

>> No.3456037 [DELETED] 

Is that supposed to be 12 days or 12 months or what?

>> No.3456074

exactly. And then what? How long till you get where you're going? How far? Where?

>> No.3456083 [DELETED] 
File: 612 KB, 1100x514, le progressu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bretty gud gains, I think

>> No.3456084

> Too much effort to learn a new language
> Probably doesn't have enough conviction to draw

>> No.3456085
File: 612 KB, 1100x514, le progressu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bretty gud gains, I think

you're doing amazing! keep going

definitely improving. Work on your cross hatching, it could be cleaner

good color choices

amazing! I like the (probably Ruan Jia inspired) saturation/rainbow effects in some places

>> No.3456099

is that like a sexy thing for gays, not using a condom?

>> No.3456102

>for gays

I think everyone would agree that sex without a condom feels better?

But yes, some have a fetish called "stealthing" which is secretly removing the condom during the act, unbeknownst to the bottom.

Some just do it as roleplay, where the bottom is aware of it, etc, much like fake-rape fantasies.

Others are evil and do it IRL, sometimes purposefully transmitting STDs. Pretty fucked up.

In this drawing obviously the bottom knows and doesn't care.

>> No.3456104

ive seen plenty of hentain doujins where that's a thing "if i get pregnant will you take responsibility? owo" etc

>> No.3456107

I'm gmi because I'm drawing instead of learning a language

>> No.3456405

Breeding/barebacking is a thing yes.

>> No.3456410


>> No.3457017
File: 185 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled_Artwork 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top left was start 2017, first digital painting. Right was a few months later. both were when I was still to young to be allowed to post.

bottem two are current WIP's

how did I do boys?

>> No.3457018

How did you get so good?

>> No.3457028

woudnt say I've gotten good or anything but I think helped alot with getting better was just looking at alot of art and thinking about alot of art.

>> No.3457033
File: 661 KB, 3840x2160, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting this here, my dragons are coming along.

>> No.3457484

Amazing progress

>> No.3457524
File: 95 KB, 1172x704, 1yraprt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not much but I'm proud.

>> No.3457527

All you need to do now is learn how to draw cars.

>> No.3457529

worse, sorry

>> No.3457551

Yeah I know. not gonna derail the thread for myself but I'm trying to find a balance between clean work and interesting work. I'm too low IQ to do both at the moment. More popular anyways so that's somthing.

>> No.3457561

It's not worse. Proportions are better and linework cleaner, two very essential things. Keep on practicing!

Are you doing some figure drawing on the side? It could help with giving your characters more energy (gesture) and practice perspective and form.

>> No.3457566
File: 98 KB, 843x849, 05-05-2018_figures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate the encouragement. Im not happy with it but qutie frankly the improvment Im proud about is the mental part, finishing work, taking my time, and posting things even if Im not happy. I've been studying a lot. goal for the summer is to work FROM references and not just copying them.

>> No.3457567

Not that anon, but how do I go from figure drawing to actually being able to draw characters?

>> No.3457577
File: 34 KB, 1141x552, NotMuch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but I found this KNKL video pretty helpful


Short version though is to learn the loomis meme or any other form of construction of your choice alongside your life drawings so that you can eventually skip the mannequin structure and focus on exaggerating the anatomy in a stylistically interesting way. I found the level 1 to level 6 breakdown in the video to be the most informative. Most of /beg/ is level 3 and I found myself that trying to copy references using the simple forms and then drawing the line art over that was a real boost to my confidence.

I'm probably not good enough to give any practical advice but this is the approach I use and if nothing else it's given me the confidence to not just scrap everything and start again.

>> No.3457590

Yeah, that's relatable and a good goal. Been there myself. Keep it up!

By also drawing characters and poses from imagination. You'll suck first, but it gets better.

Also gesture and perspective is half the deal, when it comes to stylized imaginative work. Some fun ways to actively practice perspective is to draw a figure from reference and then redraw it from another angle. For gesture you can also look at animation you like, or sport and music videos. Do your timed gestures, then draw some pages of gestures from your head.Practice to mindfully apply your knowledge, but allow youself to be intuitive with gestures. Experiment and allow yourself to mess up, but then review what you did and learn from it. Learning to draw is not a mindless grind.

>> No.3457595

He could break new ground by drawing airplanes instead.

>> No.3457608

hahaha you actually think theres any improvement here

>> No.3457784

Thanks anon.

>> No.3457989
File: 80 KB, 614x725, IMG_-ca8noq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't find a cringe version of this thread so i'll post. here.

Avoid same angle syndrome.

>> No.3458032

looks like different attitudes to making the pic, not progress

>> No.3458042

Is bottom row just purely from ref? If not, pretty amazing gains. If so, still great!

>> No.3458043

I mean, this looks like a 'draw this again' kinda thing, so it makes sense to use the same angle.

>> No.3458060

Are these a year apart?How long are each of these?

>> No.3458069

I think they're 3 months apart.

>> No.3458125
File: 427 KB, 960x724, 시다.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 months apart

>> No.3458132

at least the first one was less generic. sheesh

>> No.3458157

How did they do it? How do they make fundamentals so easy to digest?

>> No.3458160

I used a reff for those. bottom right one was not rly a copy but more guide lines, and left to that was trying to copy a pic.

>> No.3458207

top kek

>> No.3458411
File: 425 KB, 1000x750, Help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I improved upon was finding my own colouring style, getting anatomy a bit more correct in my own style and getting rid of raping out the pastel colours. This is what you get when you just draw the same shit over and over again for two years straight without actually studying.

>> No.3458614
File: 1.68 MB, 4058x750, progresspic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well document it here. These are almost all the digital drawings I have done. First one was a month after starting. In september I just decided to start spending retarded amounts of time per piece. Don't know if the turd-polishing was to any benefit, but I'm happy with the result so far. The final one took much, MUCH less time than the ones leading up to it.
God it hurts to look at the first ones.

>> No.3458621

BG is completely flat and the character is from a boring angle with a boring pose, just follow some pixiv tutorials and you'll be there

>> No.3458681
File: 495 KB, 1500x1972, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never finished my work I'm too lazy.

>> No.3458911
File: 842 KB, 1500x2500, 20180604_progression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't make it.

>> No.3458914

>has made more progress than I have
You are a strong person, anon.

>> No.3459005
File: 698 KB, 3840x2160, fuckitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A kindly anon told me to grind my fundies and I did. I don't know if the art is better, but I'm definitely making it faster and easier.

>> No.3459006

>Please give me some advice
What's your goal anon? although you did mention about want to draw better, need to make sure if there's something else in your mind so others can give you the better suggestion.

>> No.3459500
File: 3.05 MB, 1134x3707, progress2018v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

updated this pretty recently

>> No.3459883


>> No.3459892


>> No.3459904

>not recognizing Godshot

>> No.3459908

Can you point me in the right direction regarding coloring? Anything you read/studied that substantially helped you?

>> No.3459971

>>3458614 Stop polishing them turds and just learn some facial and body anatomy. Do that for a few months and I'm sure you'll laugh looking back at these.

>> No.3459973

If the latter drawings aren't from reference then you've made tremendous progress imo.

>> No.3459983

still drawing boobs like shit. do you not realize there are like a million tutorials for drawing tiddies online, right?

>> No.3460019

I think you should stop coloring and shading and doing backgrounds man.
Learn figure drawing first. Just do quick scketches. You will progress much faster then doing full detailed renders.

>> No.3460070
File: 721 KB, 842x389, process.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Read Color & Light by Gurney. Look at process videos of artists you like and xcopy their workflow-- combine the stuff from people you like into one process. Frankly speaking, I don't even really know what I'm doing most of the time. But I think if you can reduce the decisions you make regarding color into how it affects contrast (like differences in value, complements, warm vs cool etc.) then it greatly simplifies the thought process of picking color. If you need a quick base then you can't really go wrong picking an overall base color and mixing the other midtones you're going to use out that color. After getting a bunch of those colors in you can then play with the contrasts by bumping saturation of certain colors, having light interactions or introducing some interesting hue shifts. I draw a lot of influence from street-ish art so I tend to use a lot of saturated colors.

So yeah, copy stuff you like, try to figure out why a certain aspect is working, apply it to ur next work, probably fail horribly but then come out better since now u actually have something tangible to compare with what u were trying to do. Since u conceivably can understand why it works in the art u like then u also know how and why u failed which u can then keep in mind for ur next try. That's pretty much me for the entirety of my progress image.

>> No.3460371

>someone actually asks for my blog
nani the fuckign what
http://cutest-little-shit.tumblr.com/ i dont post much since I tend to only post stuff I've finished and having hard time trying to get shit done.

>> No.3460566

This is a really helpful post for someone feeling really intimidated with colouring. Thanks!

>> No.3461317
File: 2.53 MB, 2435x2285, progression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel like im stagnating a bit, but im trying to focus on things like learning colour theory and perspective at the moment so most of my stuff is just design, documentation and studies rn

kind of scared im actually regressing in certain areas tho

>> No.3462028

gitting gud

>> No.3462040
File: 37 KB, 960x546, smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't track progression if your work is always destroyed/deleted

>> No.3462103

Thanks for the advice, I have to do both of those things more. "Completing" pieces is still a big part of my motivation and honestly I might not draw at all without a relatively big, constant main project. Here's to another year...

>> No.3462251

>gay as hell
That said our recent stuff looks much more calculated and thought out than your earlier works. You're working some good designs into these characters. Keep it up.

>> No.3462625

Anon is probably female, anon

>> No.3462626

Not him, but that makes it even gayer.

>> No.3462650

Good point.

>> No.3462660
File: 637 KB, 2062x1734, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3463234

definite gains
think you should maybe work with bigger brushes when youre building up a drawing, though. It looks like you've gone right in with rendering the small details.
Good stuff though.

>> No.3463335
File: 2.39 MB, 3306x5367, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt realise how bad i was only a year ago until this thread lol

>> No.3463431
File: 1.23 MB, 2500x2000, 1528472039304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to find a new shading style so i went for a really simple redraw to show what ive learnt with anatomy and linework.

>> No.3463447

The one on the top left looks like pepe

>> No.3463448

Thanks for not being a fucking anime fag. I'm so sick of this board because nobody appreciates classical style here. If you draw something realistic they call you unimaginative. Anime and manga and robots is the only thing these teens appreciate

>> No.3463450

You're fucking awful

>> No.3463474
File: 960 KB, 3889x1452, 2_by_unknown356472-d9ejtka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i just started, it was goddamn tryhard for me cuz i even dndt used tutorials and other material, i guess year ago i stoped tryhard, sadly

>> No.3463476

Why anime/japanese? Can someone please fill me in why this board is so obsessed with anime and japanese art styles? It's all anybody draws here, some cute/sexy asian anime babes with big eyes. What the hell?

>> No.3463484

is that a serious question

>> No.3463486


>> No.3463494

I think its the art style. Believe it or not but there are people who don't like realistic style too.

I like the anime art style but i still study from real life because it helps much better than staring at anime and wondering how the fuck it works.

>> No.3463503

You have a much better understanding of form now, congrats.

>> No.3463508

post your work anon, let's see how good you are.

>> No.3463514

Not the same anon but i see this, "post your work anon" kind of comments and it makes me think...
can't he just post someone else's work and pass it off as his own?

>> No.3463516

stay strong brother
my work from imagination is still trash so no blog until i can do that at least competently

>> No.3463519
File: 105 KB, 542x577, head better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, i've been drawing for more than three years now. also check these

>> No.3463521

It all good and take your time for yourself to improve. Even if you cant draw from imagination
you still have some good reference art and your guild lines are great in fact it can even help you to draw from imagination and create a style.

>> No.3463522

Oh honey you got worse. The anatomy and the lineart is worse than the original one. Baby what happened?

>> No.3463528

haha that is terrible anon, I'm really sorry, but the eyes look terrible and the lips fuckk, learn how to draw hair before trying to act like you know how to draw.

>> No.3463529

is this a meme

those eyes are awfully defined and have no sense of depth behind that whole part of the face

>> No.3463530

they literally didn't the lineart in the first one was awful and looked like some kind of Tumblr bullshit, the 2018 one has a interesting movement, and style.

>> No.3463532

>3 years

>> No.3463533

i dont think its fair that people are saying you didn't improve. I think you did(in some areas).
I do like your new art style.I would suggest to study from real life and do some figure drawings.Before you create a style please study from real life.Work on perspective too because the wings look off and also her belly button is in the wrong position and her pelvis is small.Idk what's going on with the feet...
Maybe tell me what style you were going for or at least who you were mostly inspired?

>> No.3463540

I've been doing figure drawings for years, I changed those parts as a style choice, also because the character in the original picture was meant to be a fairy. The feet were because i had planned to make her an animal fairy before, but i thought i had already spent enough time on it so i just did some simple colour.

>> No.3463541

I feel like you cant just show progress in one picture, I bet if we saw all the other recent works you've done we would see the overall improvement more.

>> No.3463543

what is your art schedule when studying figure drawings?How many times a day or week do you study?Also, do you study from real life reference, someone's else's stylized drawing or from imagination?

>> No.3463547

on weekdays I have college until around 3 or 4 then I come home and do gesture drawings for an hour, then I do work from imagination for 1 or 2 hours, and before I go to sleep I do figure drawings for max 3 hours.

>> No.3463552

do you have a discord?
I want to ask for your blog there i feel like people here
will take advantage of it.

>> No.3463555

I don't have a blog right now sorry! I appreciate the thought though.

>> No.3463616

Yes it is a serious question. Why do you like anime art style?

>> No.3463618

It's a meme you dips. Haven't you seen it reposted here a billion times?

>> No.3463644

nice back peddle

>> No.3463708

r u stupid

>> No.3463741

blog ?

>> No.3463766

Not him but
Really lol

>> No.3463769

are you retarded?

>> No.3463801

That jump from 6 to 7 is nuts

>> No.3463806

you're on an anime board you fucking nigger

>> No.3463843

fucking chan culture faggot

>> No.3463844
File: 107 KB, 495x298, B5E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 4chan. An anime board.

>> No.3463849
File: 214 KB, 736x413, 2134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, meant to quote >>3463476
And >>3463474
I like your style

>> No.3463924
File: 539 KB, 850x1000, first year2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will leave it blank for 2019 because I didn't do shit. Game over for me lads, was fun while it lasted. Keep it up

>> No.3463930

>that improvement from 2016 too 2017
>even further gains in 2018
Must feel good to be making it.

>> No.3463934
File: 952 KB, 2000x1700, ferretlight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Must feel good to be making it
I lost it, dude. only average drawing I did since is pic related. But thanks for the compliment, maybe I can start over one day

>> No.3463940

needs more ferrets

>> No.3463950

the art is cleaner but worse. the left has better expression and gesture simply because you probably spent less time on it trying to make it look good as the right one

The cloth fold on the boob is also wrong (right pic). The left boob is in front of the right one based on the crease, so you want to follow through with that in the clothing. Basically its just backwards, you wouldnt normally think about stuff like this but improper wrinkles can throw an entire drawing off just by being the wrong way.

Focus more on gesture drawing and posing, clothing comes last.

>> No.3463985

>maybe I can start over one day
Why start over when you can just continue where you left off?
Or do you feel like grinding boxes?

>> No.3464001

I mean, it will take some time before I come back to where I was. But drawing boxes is always good practice.

>> No.3464010

>better lineart
first one had none, second is clean lines with good gesture

>better anatomy
no. first one had wonky proportions. 2nd one is heavily stylized but consistent

hard to judge improvement by 2 cartoony drawings, but the 2nd one is way better. simpler doesn't mean worse

>oh honey
way to be a salty bitch

>> No.3464575

this one got worse

>> No.3464610

damn straight

>> No.3464614

Is no one else seeing how shit these are

>> No.3464616

pretty awesome. Got a blog?

>> No.3464617

>clean lines
>good gesture
You're joking, right?

>> No.3464691
File: 13 KB, 228x300, fuck dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist is making slow but clear gains, anon.
Shading and form is better, designs are more thoughtful.

What are you doing with your art?

>> No.3464712
File: 40 KB, 714x960, 1528240924922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate these fucking threads, its all just peoples opinions on peoples progress and a lot of the critique on progress is from beginners. Id people feel happy with how they have improved who cares, these threads are pointless.

>> No.3464738

ill be honest with you I prefer 2016 over the top 2018, not sure why though

>> No.3464745

just because they're an icky gay/woman doesn't mean there's no improvement.

>> No.3464747

>can't even see how good he's gotten

legit tragic, you need to be less harsh on yourself man.

>> No.3464767

Improvement or no its fucking cringe

>> No.3464786

legit your second drawing has like 1 value.

>> No.3464787
File: 7 KB, 264x224, 1525699024045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3464947
File: 1.36 MB, 1600x1000, ross_boston_dragon_con_print_by_drewgreen-d5bgy7k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3464948
File: 174 KB, 900x1260, tumblr_p99fn7o1gn1qgt3neo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3465053

you fucking animal holy shit thats funny

>> No.3465080

Google "bug chasing". Gays are sick

>> No.3465086

Can you post your work please? To me, it looks like amazing gains for 3 months but you still shit on it and made it sound like they haven't improved at all. I see a lot of improvement but you failed to mention any of that. Are you by chance envious of their progress?

>> No.3465087

>implying straight people aren't freaky enough to bug chase

>> No.3465094


>> No.3465169

it just looks like he's drawing a different character... can't say he got better or worse

>> No.3465176

let me see where you are applying said fundies in your artwork

>> No.3465177
File: 38 KB, 640x640, 3f81561aa710ae753085063baa4b73da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"check these dubs" in 2016
>actually gets dubs


>> No.3465215


>> No.3465220

You have improved
How much did you draw?

>> No.3465225

boy, those dubs were contagious!

>> No.3465229

that looks like a downgrade if you ask me

>> No.3465237

First one gives me cancer so defo improvement just in changing styles.

>> No.3465240

Pointless for you. I find it interesting to see peoples improvements.

>> No.3465374
File: 1.64 MB, 1440x1122, forest art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3465480

>scratching the drawing instead of actually shading
I dont get this shit.

>> No.3465495

Great progress, Anon. Keep it up

>> No.3465503
File: 2.78 MB, 1500x5017, drawings_jun_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over - i can't maintain the volume of drawing needed to prevent regression, it was a good ride while it lasted

>> No.3465511

your work has look the same since 2014, literally havent improved since then. looks like highschool doodles

>> No.3465589

Nobody asked you.

>> No.3465665

shitty bait

Fucking awesome, anon. Just try learning new things to keep pushing out of your comfort zone.

>> No.3465730

>left handed
Talent isn't a meme after all.

>> No.3465740
File: 7 KB, 138x142, loobis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically Loomis would help you

>> No.3465805
File: 456 KB, 1800x2308, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut my life into pieces

>> No.3465928
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1180, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i'm such a weeb

>> No.3465933

Pretty nice.You started to draw whole body drawings but i feel like the faces are lacking.
Keep going and goodluck!

>> No.3465939

thank you! :)

>> No.3466501
File: 1015 KB, 1272x850, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna make it boys?

>> No.3466542

So to me, it kind of looks like you're dong the same things over and over again. Now that you've moved mostly to imagination, you haven't really improved your technical aspects.

Do you have any artists whose style that you like? I'd recommend doing some style studies and move away from your current workflow and stylization. Try a few different styles different artists and try to copy their technique. Then come back to your own thing after a few months to see if you can get a fresh perspective on things.

I think you doing too many pieces of your own work is actually causing you to not break to the next level, because you're unsure what to push and don't have a visible goal, so you just end up doing the same thing over and over again.

>> No.3466550

Looks like you've already made it.

>> No.3466622
File: 43 KB, 150x150, bensw_profile_image_f45bce34eb002f9a_300x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck i mean jun '17 and jun '18.

>> No.3466625

Does everyone on /ic/ like big butts?

>> No.3466800

God I wish my work had this kind of flavor. Everything I draw is so predictable, I'm nowhere near this inventive. Don't even talk about color.

>> No.3466835

Yeah I don't know why you prefer it either anon.
The dude clearly improved.

>> No.3466841

Don't give up, tableguy.

>> No.3466842

Does nobody realize that these are 8 days apart?

>> No.3466843

I did not. Good catch.

>> No.3466845

It really doesn't look like improvement to me, it just looks like two different styles.

>> No.3466860

>31 December 2017, 23:59
>1 January 2018, 00:00

>> No.3466861


>> No.3466863

It's alright I probably spent like 5-10 hours on the one in 2016 and the top one in 2018 is like a 30 min doodle practicing building volume with hatching.

>> No.3466866

I draw a few hours a month because I just never feel like doing it. Can't blame anyone but myself.

>> No.3466898

please draw cars as well anon

>> No.3466920

I really reaally dig the upper right one. Do you have a blog?

>> No.3466925

what's your blog again?
I really like the first row of 2016. Way less noise compared to the current year where everything is just too saturated and noisy, and so many things happening on a single piece. I think working on composition might help you?

>> No.3466928

is this sugarbeetle

>> No.3467006
File: 79 KB, 540x229, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3467042

the overmans choice

>> No.3467604

>same since 2014
I always considered 2016 the peak

>highschool doodles
We went to very different high schools

I’m right handed

agreed - /ic/ used to whine about only doing studies, but clearly there is a balance that must be maintained

It’s all just variations of: Penises, mechs, bugs, and girls

Sometimes it’s good to take a conscious break

That may be more of a presentation thing - The last few rows Ive been just making an uber collage

Couldn’t find the promo thread - blog here http://tableguyic.tumblr.com

>> No.3467939

>It’s all just variations of: Penises, mechs, bugs, and girls
At least you know what you're into and you draw the shit out of it. Your art inspires me man so I hope you don't give up.

>> No.3469047

Why are you wasting your time with studies when your strong suit is fosters home for imaginary friends/gravity falls style cartoons. You should be animating or making a webcomic.