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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3446709 No.3446709 [Reply] [Original]

I am looking for a beginner drawing tablet under a hundred dollars, but the reviews on amazon look a little bit shady, ranging from best tablet to absolute worst. I am leaning towards a Huion wireless one, but heard that problems with drivers happen quite frequently.
Do you own a cheap one that satisfied your needs?

>> No.3446724

Buy Huion. I can't believe that something may cause more issues with drivers than Jewcom trash. Giving money to Jewcom is like giving money to Apple, EA or Disney.

>> No.3446730

I've owned a huion h610 pro for several years now and it's served me well, any problems that have occurred would fix if I just pulled the cord out and put it back in.

>> No.3446736

I own a Cintiq 13HD, so here some review.
It's pretty good. Very sensitive and draw very well.
The down side are:
The screen too blurry, and noticeable. Switch to a big TV screen after drawing and you will be surprise.
The price is high compare to other tablets in the category.
I will upgrade to a bigger one in the future soon i hope.

>> No.3446739

I have the wacom intuos which I got for about $80. It's a pretty good intro to a tablet for the price and I'd recommend if you aren't too sure of if you want to continue with digital art.

>> No.3446816

wacom cintiq 24

>> No.3446851

don’t get wireless, it causes parallax

>> No.3446864

Use the industry standard: a Wacom pen display tablet

>> No.3446865

can't decide whether wacom fanboy, a shill, or someone false flagging as a shill

>> No.3446912

Buy a thousand sheets of copy paper and a few HB pencils, should be enough to get you started.
Why do you want to invest in digital already?

>> No.3447010
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>> No.3447017

the thumbnail looks like the creation of adam

>> No.3447142

alright then, buy a cheap wacom tablet. stay away from cheapo off brand tablets.

>> No.3447604
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You aren't giving up easily, huh?

>> No.3447607 [DELETED] 

I think the xp pen brand is nice, they're cheaper and larger than wacom. They have screen tablets too but most of the screen was are <$100

>> No.3447611 [DELETED] 

Oops I meant " They Gabe screen tablets too, but they're like 200+. Most of the screenless are <$100

>> No.3447618

I think the xp-pen brand is nice, they're larger and cheaper than Wacom tablets. The screenless ones are mostly less than $100 and the screen tablets are usually $200+

>> No.3447624
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>> No.3447794

I second this big time. I regret buying a wacom intous small when I've could have a xp pen medium tablet for 20 bucks more with a wheel to zoom in and out effortless.

>> No.3447802

Yeah the wheel seems like a gimmick but it's surprisingly a nice utility for zooming in the canvas or changing brush size

>> No.3447888

Ok I'll look for a huion tablet. Wacom seems too expensive for what it offers.

>> No.3447903

been looking at XPPEN, know anything about that 16 pro? i'm curious to try a tablet with a screen, so considering getting it.

>> No.3448765

From my experience, really just get Huion or similar if you're a beginner. Its your choice whether you want to get a very cheap standard tablet or the more expensive monitor tablets, but there is literally no reason for you to get Wacom, especially a Cintiq if your looking for even a decent tablet.

Sure the software can be a pain since some parts may be in chinese, But more often than not, driver problems you hear online for anyone other than Wacom are mostly less tech savvy people who don't know how their installs/drivers may interact with each other.

Invest in some Wacom tablet when you often want to finish high quality works.

>> No.3449944

Listen here you nigger, buying a screen tablet does not make you good. I make a lot of money in the oil field industry and with this money I bought 3 cinitqs, 2 that I gave away and my personal one that I broke on purpose because art gave me depression.

Buying fancy expensive equipment does not make you good but time, dedication, and hard work does. So stop jacking off, stop watching hentai(all anime is hentai), stop playing games, and stop procrastinating.

Pic related my cintiq that I broke because art broke my heart

>> No.3449945
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>> No.3449964
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>Invest heavily on materials based on a fictitious outcome of improving draftsmanship
>End up breaking the expensive utensils and equipment out of frustration from the inability to portray my waifu
>Commence to shitposting on a cryptographic alternative currency online forum
So this is the grandeur of /ic/'s unadulterated autism.

>> No.3449970

I did buy my shit to just draw waifus, I wanted to make a living off all kinds of art but instead i'm busting my ass in the oil field, I hate my lifie.

>> No.3449988

Don't you think everyone wants the same thing you're after? It is a hit or miss in this field of pandering to autists for their neetbucks, yes it is an emerging niche market but at the same time it is extremely fickle. Your chances are improved when you research what normies are circlejerking about from the latest movies or shows that have been released recently.

If you are lazy and just want to make a quick buck out of a cult following there are the horsefuckers, the furfags, the tumblrites, the /d/fags and the undercover FBI lolicons. If your work is passable in the eyes of normies and you pander enough with moderate levels of engagement with these fandoms you can make a generous amount of disposable income on the side.

>> No.3449992
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I don't want to draw porn, i want to make art like this, maybe I should just quit because i'm 24 now and ill never have the time because of my job

>> No.3450044
File: 33 KB, 611x179, did i make a mistake..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i make a mistake on buying this? was gonna get a GTX 1050ti but bought this instead. i have been using the wacom tablet for 5 years, new the the experience of trying a display tablet and very excited to try it. any pointers?

>> No.3450045

Get the new 300 iPad. If you don't like it you can always easily resell for most if the original value.

Don't get any Chinese knockoffs they're not worth it. Even the Wacom stuff is less appealing compared to the iPad now

>> No.3451123

When did I ever imply that I believe buying a tablet magically improves my skills you fuckwit?