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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 105 KB, 500x747, angel_of_resurrection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3447933 No.3447933 [Reply] [Original]

Circumstances in my life force me to participate in this challenge of mine, where I will try to become a decent artist in one year. I know that sounds exaggerated but it must be done.

As some people know, you can never be really "ready", you just start doing something and see where it takes you. I am pretty sure that most people won't give a fuck but I need to talk about it openly so I feel even more obligated to do this whole challenge. Maybe down the road I will inspire other people to do the same thing, hopefully. I have a strong feeling that this might be my last chance to shine in the art world, so it's now or never.

Anyway, if you are interested in this "legend in the making" kind of thing, join me on https://sadlawn.tumblr.com/ and see how far an undisciplined beginner can go. Today is my first day and I just woke up, so I will post stuff at the end of the day. As to what I am going to post, mostly studies but I also want to do assignments and bigger projects prepared by myself, so I can improve my imagination work greatly.

Alright, it's time to begin.

>> No.3447936

Good luck

>> No.3447938

what is your routine

>> No.3447939

Kekked at you.

t. got decent in half a year

>> No.3447940


>t. Dunning-Kruger

>> No.3447983
File: 54 KB, 500x425, 1496279164592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck, you're gonna need it.

>> No.3447989

it's another 'i'm not even creative but surely a career in art will be easy and fulfilling!' episode

>> No.3448032

Good luck man, i'll be following you

>> No.3448036

100% ain’t gunna happen

>> No.3448038

You'd have to be pretty damn exceptional to pull this off. If I were a betting man I'd bet you realize you underestimated the difficulty and either quit or extend your deadline a couple years.

>> No.3448040

Wait, this game is rigged.
>"decent" enough to make money drawing furry porn
good luck doing what needs to be done

>> No.3448104

First of all, I wish you good luck.

You can improve, but you will need to treat it like a job.... Put in those hours, do some dbz training!

>> No.3448115

You’ll get better at art faster if you stop being such a giant mincing drama queen.

>> No.3448124

just draw

>> No.3448134

starting from a complete beginner, if you put in 8 hrs a day of focussed, smart work for a year (or around 56 hours a week giving you a bit more freedom which days you put your time in if you're not NEET) it really would be possible. but anything less than that and OP is being completely delusional + ngmi in 1 year

>> No.3448153

define good

>> No.3448163

>it really would be possible. but anything less than that and OP is being completely delusional + ngmi in 1 year.
>it really would be possible.
No, no it wouldn't.

I don't care how many hours in a day you have you will not become "good" starting from zero in a single year. You'll make progress, but you won't be getting much work from it beyond private commissions, if even that. People fall for this "get gud, work 23 hours a day!" meme spread by artists trying to selling tutorials. Building up your skills takes years. You can find a few artists here or there who may have done it quicker but thats not a standard measure of how long it takes so I wouldn't be basing my goals around one in a million long shots.

Be ready for it to take a long time.

>> No.3448166

the nice thing about doing something over a long period of time is that you don't have to do very much as long as you do it consistently and you keep clear of bad habits

>> No.3448179

This but unironically.

>> No.3448186

Someone posts that git gud in one year guide from here

>> No.3448199

Never gonna happen OP. You posting on 4chan is proof that its never gonna happen.

>> No.3448203

t. post progress plz

>> No.3448208
File: 80 KB, 243x247, 1472557709768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Makes a post like this without having drawn

>> No.3448218
File: 832 KB, 732x742, CLIPStudioPaint_2018-05-28_10-54-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have summoned the spirit of pre-Vilppu soul absorption Steve Huston and Karl Gnass. Reply to this photo with a drawing or Vilppu will take your forms!

>> No.3448219

now i'm curious

>> No.3448224

I didn't follow your first thread because it looked cringy and this one does too
But hey I've got nothing better to do
I consider myelf to have a really clear idea of what the path to gitting gud is
Feel free to ask me any tips of what kind of work process you'd want to put in your day

>> No.3448284

>I consider myelf to have a really clear idea of what the path to gitting gud is
And let me guess. You haven't gotten gud?

>> No.3448292

correct, but not because I have the wrong information
because it takes a boatload of hard work

>> No.3448297

And because we're lazy

>> No.3448463

Still nothing on blog.

>> No.3448482


dunning kruger. if you haven't done it yourself, you have no idea

>> No.3448563
File: 256 KB, 875x915, angelsketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, day 1 is done. Hopefully you guys are going to stick around longer with me because I focus on real studying, meaning I am trying to improve very specific things, pic related is something I don't have time nor energy to finish and it's mostly to train my eye (proportions) etc. I see many issue in this picture alone but that's a good thing - I know what to tackle. More on https://sadlawn.tumblr.com/

>> No.3448566
File: 28 KB, 300x400, 1456976120137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine making a post this long to say "im going to start drawing"

stop wasting your time, everyone knows it. fishing is a better hobby

>> No.3448569

You need to be doing way more per day dude come on.

>> No.3448572

I know and I'll do better soon enough.

>> No.3448576

My man, If you are serious about this, I think you need to be aware of what you are doing right here, talk less and draw more

>Announcing your plans makes you less motivated to accomplish them

>> No.3448579

Forgot about that rule, I'll keep that in mind, thanks.

I feel pretty confident in this whole thing simply because I have to do this. More than anyone else here, I think. Sometimes extreme struggling produces impossible results and I believe in that, that is all. If anyone has any tips regarding improvement than I am happy to hear them.

>> No.3448583

then I*

>> No.3448585

This is what, an unfinished one minute sketch?

Try doing the class mode on this site for better practice, or at least try sticking to this pattern of training:

For 30 minutes of training, first 10 poses are only 30 seconds, so you just have to worry about getting the gestures, then 5 poses of 1 minute each, 2 of 5min, 1 of 10 min, and each time you can spend more time on smaller details.

>> No.3448590

>I'll do better soon enough
>calling it quits after a single attempt on the first day
Just so you know, the most energy you have for these projects is on the first day. It only goes downhill from there. If this is all you have to show for your level of effort on your first day, you won't "do better soon", you'll do even worse until you understand you don't have the discipline and mental endurance to succeed on this. You don't fix discipline and shitty work ethics in a year. If your parents did a shit job in training you properly, which I almost guarantee they did even if through sheer statistics, you can take 5+ years to fix the lazyness and bad habits, and that's me being generous with the time. I speak from experience btw.
It's fine though, there's no rush. But stop being delusional and thinking you're so special that you have to do it in a year. These unrealistic deadlines can only drag you down because it's a big hit to morale when you see time is running out and you're nowhere even near the level your delusioned self wish you were. Stop worrying about time and just do it.

>> No.3448596
File: 202 KB, 450x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice digits, kid. I believe in you.

Thread theme song: https://youtu.be/7yPj-rvLeFg

>> No.3448620

>I have to do this

Not only do you not have to do this, you are probably better off doing one of the many, many other things you could be doing instead.

>> No.3448624
File: 156 KB, 988x1581, rollchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-please don't eat my forms, I haven't even started to learn them yet

>> No.3448666

this is what i like to see

>> No.3448719

What did you do to fix your lazyness?

>> No.3448730

are you that guy that made that silly loomis head with anime eyes slapped on top

>> No.3448776
File: 612 KB, 720x752, 1520285278960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy but there's no magic method or quick fix for everybody. Just do your thing and it'll get better but don't expect that it's going to be this clearly demarcated tangible event, otherwise you're going nowhere.

>> No.3448778
File: 289 KB, 557x830, study 5-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets all study together

>> No.3448800

My trick was to make the work as fun as possible. I play music to keep me entertained. I practice fundies within pieces I want to actually draw, to keep me entertained. I stream, to have fun with friends but also to keep me accountable. I'm not going to faff around on the internet if I have people coming to watch me draw.

After that, it's habit. Draw at the same time, preferably in the same place. Have a setup. Have a special hat you wear. Have a specific drink or snack. Whatever you can do consistently to signal to your brain that it's time to work. You can train yourself to get into work mode as soon as you encounter the specific circumstances.

There's a similar concept called sleep hygeine, where you do everything in your power to facilitate sleep and train your brain to associate the time and place and bed and environment with sleep, and avoid things that are unrelated to sleep in that area. This lets you fall asleep more easily, because your brain gets the multiple signals to get tired and so goes "okay, it's bedtime."

You can do the same thing with work. Work hygeine, I guess you could call it. Regardless, if you do the same thing every day and build a habit, then it's going to be very hard to break. You'll feel more comfortable working, and feel weird when you don't. At that point, getting work done is easy.

t. t distracted as fuck ADHDer who used to never finish anything.

>> No.3448822


I like the hat idea. I have a crazy schedule, but I could at least keep that one thing consistent.

>> No.3448850

>Dorian Iten Accuracy Guide
>Perspective Made Easy by Norling

Download immediately.

>> No.3448863

>any tips regarding improvement than I am happy to hear them.

While it is good to "just shut up and draw", you should really think about how what you plan to draw will lead you to the end results you want. It's easy to fall into the trap of doing busy work and then burning out because you're not making any improvement.

Ultimately, you should choose some artists that you want to become like, copy their work as if you were creating it from scratch, and then do specific fundamental exercises that you can immediately apply to recreating those artists' works. The rest is drawing a lot consistently (which is harder than most people think) AND not doing anything mindlessly (which is especially important since you're aiming to get decent in only a year).

>> No.3449015
File: 482 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180529-002514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not op , but i'm trying to do the pic drawing, im in the middle of the lineart, any tips?

>> No.3449037

wheres today's work op?

>> No.3449123

Push the values of the shadows of the eyes, you made them look bulging.

>> No.3449207

I've been telling myself that for over 2 years.

>> No.3449355

i’ll keep that in mind for the next one. does anyone have the old pic op used in his last thread?

>> No.3449361

Different anon at work. Is accuracy guide any good?

>> No.3449365

"getting good" as a general thing makes no sense

what is your goal with art?
what exactly are you getting good at?

>> No.3449369

It's like a greatest hits compilation of how to draw from life. I've seen every bit of information there among different sources but it's all pretty basic

>> No.3449385

My goal with art (for now) is to get hired, one year should suffice.

>> No.3449387

hired for what?

game concept art?
children's book illustrations?
pornigraphic comissions?
video game art?
slot machine art?

People who hire look for specific things.

>> No.3449472 [DELETED] 

Illustration. Hard to tell what jobs I might be able to get once I get good so I am not really sure about specifics. Ideally I'd like to do character illustrations that bring out the best of them, if that makes sense. I don't want to be one trick pony (meaning I only do orcs and goblins).

I am following curriculum of Jeff Watts' online course, the first thing I have to do is draw a bunch of skulls, it's important in his opinion. https://www.wattsatelier.com/portrait-figure-artist-curriculum/ The whole course will take at least one year and I have to do even more stuff on the side.

>> No.3449476

Illustration. Hard to tell what jobs I might be able to get once I get good so I am not really sure about specifics. Ideally I'd like to do character illustrations that bring the best out of them, if that makes sense. I don't want to be one trick pony (meaning I only do orcs and goblins).

I am following curriculum of Jeff Watts' online course, the first thing I have to do is draw a bunch of skulls, it's important in his opinion. https://www.wattsatelier.com/portrait-figure-artist-curriculum/ The whole course will take at least one year and I have to do even more stuff on the side.

>> No.3449482
File: 52 KB, 676x960, 1527560522036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Git gud in one year
>Submit a portfolio to company
>Said company turns you down cause your style doesn't match the position they are looking for
>Re-work portfolio
>Submit it
>It may have been good enough, but we'll never know cause now all positions are filled for said company.

If your mindset is simply to get "good" enough to work at some random ass job for your artwork, prepare for this to happen a lot especially since you'll be 100% clueless as to how to approach. Also, don't forget that most people who review portfolios can easily tell if you're having fun or not. Even if you match the style, if the "fun" isn't show up, then you'll be turned down anyways. Your goal shouldn't be an office job doing art work, it should be about having fun.

>> No.3449506

Having a job doesn't mean having fun. Fun is when you feel good and have no obligations towards anything and having deadlines with strict orders is the opposite of fun. If I have to cry every time I draw, so be it, but I won't end up in a shitty job for shitty money with no future whatsoever. That is all.

>> No.3449510

>Missed the point completely

>> No.3449526

You are talking about idealized stuff. There is no way I can get good and have fun and become a god or whatever in one year but that is all the time I got. So I am trying to squeeze as much as I can from that and some things have to be sacrificed.

To put it into a perspective for you, I would really rather cry every single time I draw than live a life I live now. If you think about it, then you should get to the right conclusion. And if somehow it turns out that no one wants to hire me, then I wouldn't succeed in any other career anyway, because with drawing at least I kinda like it and it sticked with me in hard times (which are ever present but whatever).

>> No.3449527

>style doesn't match the position they are looking for
you do realize when they say style they dont mean style. its a nicer way of saying your technical ability is sub par.

>> No.3449528

You don’t even understand the industry you’re having this big pretentious spergout over. Relax, draw an anime tiddy between skull studies now and then.

>> No.3449537

Sure, and you as a seasoned industry veteran knows everything.

>> No.3449541

God, I want to fuck Steve, and I'm not even gay.

>> No.3449676
File: 518 KB, 1920x1080, research.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd I do?

>> No.3449953

Hey bud, where's the update? It's only day 2... slacking already?

>> No.3450006

>I consider myelf to have a really clear idea of what the path to gitting gud is
Please elaborate, I'm intrigued

>> No.3450092

It's there.

>> No.3450104

OP here, guys, let me know what do you think about the background of those drawing, what I mean by that is I don't really know if it's a good color or not, it feels too dark at the same time I don't want to draw on white background. If anyone have any suggestions for good colors then let me know.

>> No.3450136

Its fine, lots of people use nutral shades. White is too "offensive" to the eyes and what your using will help you when you do contrast excercises. Why not also try the Dad thread? They draw everyday too.

>> No.3450144

op already abandoned his thread

>> No.3450297


Lots of people think they'll have the drive to learn how to draw. Then as soon as it doesn't feel fun, they quit. Really improving requires the ability to practice even when you don't feel like it. Obviously OP overestimated his ability to self-motivate.

>> No.3450298

you can just check his tumblr if you want to see whether he's been keeping up

>> No.3450337

>two skulls and the same piece as yesterday
i know you're still starting but you gotta get that work per day way up soon

>> No.3450347

h-how can I make it look like I'm having fun-this scares me

>> No.3450351

Always tell others how fun drawing is and never complain.

>> No.3450360

Your skulls and angel are so badly off model because you’re skipping Drawing Fundamentals I and II. Do not do thaf.

>> No.3450637

I will, I'm just in the middle of my uni exams right now, sorry.

Well, you know, "decent" could mean pretty much anything.

>> No.3450666

>does 1 drawing
>done for today!
>something I don't have time nor energy to finish
All these red flags jesus fucking christ

>> No.3450668

No you really don't, unless somebody is holding a gun to your head to become an artist.
Not only do you not NEED to you do not WANT to. That much is apparant

>> No.3450671

>I won't end up in a shitty job for shitty money with no future whatsoever
Then literally why are you doing this then? This is not the road to a glamorous, high-paying career. You know who's more in-demand and also makes more money for less work? Photographers, graphic designers and 3D modelers just to name a few. Do you have any idea how this industry is like?

>> No.3450890

you need to draw more

>> No.3451292

Day 3 is there.

>> No.3451350

ill follow you though rss, but you need to draw more

>> No.3451364

Okay, I'll bite. What do you mean draw more? More 5 min sketches? More everything? More skulls? Because each of these skulls takes me roughly an hour and 30 min to complete and I still feel like I rush it. It isn't supposed to be fast, I follow Watts atelier course and its mentality is like any other fine arts mentality - careful, slow drawing.

Please explain me how can I draw more without completely butchering this shit with no thought. I mean, I can draw more but I am getting used to it and it still won't be that much more. It was 0-100 on day 1 and I want to make it bigger.

>> No.3451368

I do 15 studies a day and that's not even good enough...

>> No.3451370

Then you must suck so bad, haha holy shit.

>> No.3451374

how many do you do?

>> No.3451375

Draw try many different things, draw them and then draw them without looking from memory.
Do it until you get somehow barely good results, even if it will come out like shit its still a good practice next day will be better. Then repeat your drawing in the next day. Sooner or later you will have a huge visual memory
the main point is not to get stuck drawing 1 thing

>> No.3451380

It's not about how many you stupid fucker. It's about learning. You know? The thing studies are actually for? It's not a numbers game.

>> No.3451382

I got decent in 2 hours, but im in exams so I wont post sorry.

>> No.3451384

what im trying to say that drawing from memory is forcing you to see and understand what are you doing and at the same time you adding something to your visual memory later then you can draw something without reference

>> No.3451385

oh so it was you OP LOL actually I'm pretty good.
Your so absolutely delusional it's unreal. You can take a week for a skull study if you want my dude, meanwhile everybody else is doing 15-30 per day. Who the fuck do you think will learn faster? Your knowledge means jack shit without mileage. All your doing is trying to acquire knowledge while everybody else is doing both at the same time and a faster rate.
Have fun, can't wait to see your phat progress in a month

>> No.3451387

His students draw 10h a day btw

>> No.3451388


>> No.3451403
File: 2.05 MB, 1223x990, hyuna lee1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious now. how much can one actually progress in a year? bad to amazing is unlikely, but can you get from good to hireable?

he doesn't work there anymore. also some girl posted a while back saying all the drawing fucked up her elbow hardcore

>> No.3451409

Don't worry about it. Only worry about yourself and you'll see.

>> No.3451410

he's the owner of FZD and made the curriculum.
>some girl posted a while back saying all the drawing fucked up her elbow hardcore
git gud? literally on you to take care of yourself

>> No.3451438

why arent you guys STUDYING THIS REFERENCE

>> No.3451492

it's body week this week, saved it for face week

>> No.3451509
File: 80 KB, 900x1118, 26070179_142924236489201_8876308610271936512_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vilppu no help me feel the forms

>> No.3452470

that's nice, source?

>> No.3455555

Any crits or tips?

>> No.3455561

fuckin wasted.

>> No.3456414

just draw

>> No.3456434
File: 630 KB, 1280x1568, tumblr_p9ptyxzmbG1xufkqjo3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Legend in the making"

>> No.3456534

I am a beginner, that's the whole point you know.

>> No.3456546

How many hours will you draw per day?

>> No.3456547

Can you feed a family as a junior concept artist. What is the hourly rate on average?

>> No.3456551

A bunch of morons who don't work as artists in any industry, who are too lazy to even draw or paint stick figures telling other people what jobs pay and are in demand. It's obvious when people start talking in absolutes about "this type of work doesn't pay" or "these jobs are in demand" that you're a 16 y/o who doesn't know what the fuck you're talking about.

This thread is career AIDS.

You should study at least 2 - 4 hours a day, (probably more) then after that you should be making your own personal work. If you actually want to "get good" in a year you need to be putting in 10 - 12 hour workdays. Obviously within that 12 hours you need to work in time to eat, exorcise, take breaks, etc. But from 8am to 8pm is your "work day". The studies you do should be based around the subject matter in your personal work. Drawing a painting of Knights, Dragons, Trees, Spaceships? Then study images of figures in costume, metal/armor, reptiles, trees/foliage or machinery. Draw from photos or life, paint still lifes or study old masters paintings and drawings. Look at artists you like doing the kind of work you want to do and copy them, see how they make their images. See what sorts of studies they do if you can and try some.

I honestly don't believe you can get good enough to live off of in a year working traditional freelance jobs. Maybe carving out a niche selling prints online, taking private commissions or selling at conventions but you need to be working hard and pumping out a shit ton of work to improve. You should be setting a goal for at least one finished painting (personal work) a week on top of all your studying. The only way to improve is to make paintings. Have a clear goal in mind of the types of jobs you want to get so you at least have a destination in mind. That destination will change as your skills improve and you learn more about the industries, but for now it's a jumping off point.

>> No.3456557

I agree with this post but come on, you can fix laziness in a year for sure. What worked for me is scheduling. Just start scheduling stuff and do them NO MATTER WHAT. Before, I made a pledge to draw every day but that doesn't work because it isn't specific enough. So I started scheduling it and making it more specific - every day at 2pm I will do 30 minutes of the Loomis book. So I eliminated the vague "drawing" and replaced it with "30 minutes of the Loomis book", and I specified when I will do it. I highly recommend this.

>> No.3456560

Okay, that's a very good post, thanks. I wanted to do painting later but yeah, maybe I should do it along with other stuff now.

Also I've seen a certain trend a lot, which is about making self portraits every day/week. What is the exact purpose there? Why self portraits out of all things?

>> No.3456641

>Drawing a painting of Knights, Dragons, Trees, Spaceships? Then study images of figures in costume, metal/armor, reptiles, trees/foliage or machinery.
I'm glad you understand.

>> No.3456649

I know. It's just that your drawing seem so directionless, which is what every beginners work is, but when you go on a master's journey, the grind will usually look very different with more intent in it. My only thought is that currently, you are far too inexperienced to be able to get good 1 year. I'd say either get a teacher/mentor, or humble your expectations a bit, because you clearly need some more time to figure it out, before you can really grind.

>> No.3456653
File: 529 KB, 487x598, 1523509912324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That squares circles and hatching masturbation exercise

>> No.3456655

man, this stuff is pretty good compared to what i can do already

i truly am hopeless

>> No.3456656


>> No.3456773

It takes less than a month of practice to go from complete noob to that level. It's nothing impressive. So you're at most a month behind him, which is not that long honestly.

>> No.3457574

>Open it up
>Been drawing for years and he's already better than me in 7 days

I might as well just kill myself

>> No.3457593

pretty sure OP picked up a pencil before, anon, don't kys yet

>> No.3457606

>Learn photobashing.
>Download daz3d
This takes 2 months.

>> No.3457607

I suspect the same thing, I think this whole thread is more about validation and attention than it is honesty.

>> No.3459085

I wanna see how this guy commits suicide

>> No.3459097

Nice. What method did you use to draw? DId you measure or just copy sight size?

>> No.3459101

check out the the foundation videos by john park and practice that.

>> No.3459129
File: 111 KB, 778x584, angelo-oneto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for finding this angel, I'm mesmerized

>> No.3459130
File: 123 KB, 600x800, c50c085d2338b377a54a93eef53866d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely beautiful

>> No.3459131
File: 78 KB, 576x768, angelo_monteverde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3459133
File: 52 KB, 665x435, IW-Giulio-Monteverde-Tomba-Oneto-08-665x435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3459134
File: 233 KB, 683x1024, 15166762460_a24ec3fdb7_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3459136
File: 133 KB, 665x1004, IW-Giulio-Monteverde-Tomba-Oneto-04-665x1004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3459174

>already skipped a day
you were the chosen one ano

>> No.3459188

Better to go back into Planning Mode than mindlessly grinding lines and circles. He'll rise again even smarter and stronger than before. Just watch.

>> No.3459200
File: 530 KB, 2016x1512, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool. i followed you OP, i also wanted to git gud in a year but now that a year is almost up i think it's more realistic to shoot for 4.

i also started a tumblr to track my progress here:
i started grinding since july 2017, recently i've been going through the watts atelier videos, and i highly recommend giving those a look.

>> No.3459212
File: 37 KB, 500x738, 32c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The statue has been recently vandalized, with the fingers of the right hand and the shaft of the trumpet broken off
I hate people

>> No.3459216

You can actually see it in >>3459130
fucking Italians are garbage human beings

>> No.3459280


>I'm going to achieve in one year what normally takes people a decade to reach. It must be done!

>I don't have the time or energy to finish 1min drawing per day is enough I'm just 'training my eye'.

You don't have what it takes. What you want takes years of GRINDING to get to. You're setting yourself up for failure. You're probably one of those people who is 'super serious this time out my diet gaiz' and quits after the first week.

>> No.3459293

was probably an accident, that's exactly the sort of thing that will get broken off a statue eventually

>> No.3459295

that's a stupid way to put it, grinding, it's not like a video game or mead or some shit. you need to actively apply yourself, just doing it a lot isn't correct. 'training your eye' or whatever is less correct, but grinding is a poisonous attitude

>> No.3459299


By grinding I mean the amount of effort that must be put in, not the '1min is enough' attitude OP exhibits. I didn't think it needed to be specified that in terms of practicing and getting better, it's the quality of your learning that matters, not the amount of pieces you push out.

>> No.3459315

yeah, more a pet peeve of mine really. i just hate the idea. like grinding refers to milling right, you just crush the grain all day and all night, monotonous work that has to be done. it's not a good analogy for art practice at all, which is dynamic and involves all kinds of problem solving, creative thought, discovery and fun.

grinding makes me think of some poor idiot slavishly copying photos or something,

>> No.3459321


To be completely frank, I sometimes think this is the mindset that most people on /ic/ seem to have, that drawing circles and squares and grinding for that perfectly drawn line will make them the artist they dream of being. I'm not sure if this is a phase that all beginners go through (I don't recall having this) or just something /ic/ as a space imposes on itself.

>> No.3459349

What kind of artist do you want to become? Concept designer or illustrator?>>3447933

>> No.3459366

>was probably an accident
if you lean against the statue to take a selfie it's not an accident, it's vandalism

>> No.3459379

>it's not a good analogy for art practice at all
then you probably don't realize how soulless it all is. taking measurements for hours without chance for error

>> No.3459562

I wrote a post about deliberate practice, I think a lot of people have a problem with that here so I encourage you to read it and possibly leave a comment.


I don't know if I can format posts on Tumblr, let me know.

>> No.3459566

are you talking about milling or art?

>> No.3459574
File: 175 KB, 450x640, Moebius_Star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you did is circles? do a lot more studies. study nature, animals, plants, birds, bugs, clothing to build up your visual library and learn the dynamic sketching techniques. do like 5-10 studies a day, and change your subject every week. also check out the foundation patreon videos.

>> No.3459577

>he fell for the Peter Han meme

>> No.3459580

you need to look through drawabox or peter han's dynamic bible
the fact that you haven't at least brought up their methods is worrying

>> No.3459581

dynamic sketching was not invented by peter han, its way older than that its just viscom.

>> No.3459607

I spend a lot of time on thinking (and doing research) how to study before commiting to it on a larger scale. Makes sense if you don't want to waste entire days on nothing. So as my own teacher in a sense (the one who has to prepare the curriculum) I have to commit time to that aswell. You people seriously underestimate the effort and time needed to do that. The whole point is to not do brainless doodling which I was a victim of before.

I am sure a lot of good artists did the same thing but they don't talk about it too much, because it's a very personal thing. I talk about it because I am quite new and I want to share my experience and thoughts because maybe one day they will help somebody who has the same questions or problems as me.

>> No.3459632

Example? I've never seen anything before Han except his teacher.

>> No.3459658

Why do you think your experience and thoughts are worth sharing? If somebody else has the same issue you do, they would be better off doing a couple of structured courses instead of trying to invent all these ways of "smart" practice as a rationalization for doing fuck all.

It actually frustrates me how fucking moronic your practice has been (not to mention you fucking up even before day 10 and then spending the next day just drawing circles in squares trying to convince yourself that you've been productive)

If you don't want to do brainless doodling, go follow a course on the myriad of fundamentals that you are clearly lacking. You probably spend more time writing these inane blog posts than actually practicing and you feel ok about it by convincing yourself that it'll help somebody someday (it won't).

I was hoping by the first week you'd realize that you've spent it doing fuck all and you've only got 51 left. I guess we'll see how long it takes for it to actually dawn on you.

Good luck. I really do hope you'll actually commit yourself to getting better instead of going on lengths about learning the smart way while grinding (not even that many) low-effort circles.

>> No.3459667

You realize grinding circles and lines are part of fundamentals, right?

>> No.3459669

It's impossible. But you'll learn a lot. Not necessarily about art, but about yourself. That is if you actually do it. Please do though, it's worth it.

>> No.3459673

This. Go outside and draw what you see. It's as simple as that.

>> No.3459676

If you go to the rest of their blog there is more then just circles. The circles was just one of the things they did as an example.

>> No.3459682

you hear that boys? forget anatomy and perspective. time to do some fuckin' circles baby

>> No.3459684

I can't commit 100% of time to drawing, because I am doing literally everything on my own. If you can't understand this simple concept, then we don't have anything to talk about. By teaching I also learn a lot and I can't always show it but I know it for myself that I am getting better. Meta learning is a real thing and it will save me a lot of wasted time. Who is to show me what to do if I am the only person for that? I have to think for myself.

>> No.3459689

>cant draw lines or circles
>lets go painting people!

Basics first.

>> No.3459692

Drawing basic shapes is the simplest form of fundamentals required by every form of illustration. Anatomy is actually far more specific and totally pointless if you aren't drawing people which newsflash, not everyone wants to draw pin-ups like loomis.

>> No.3459694

There's no excuse for this after Peter Han was mentioned ten times already in the thread.

>> No.3459696

>I can't commit 100% of time to drawing
I suppose you might as well "teach" too then.

>By teaching I also learn a lot and I can't always show it but I know it for myself that I am getting better.
Well if you know it for yourself then I guess that's all that matters.

>Meta learning is a real thing and it will save me a lot of wasted time.
You could spend all that saved time on watching Tim Ferris videos. He'd be right up your alley.

I can't agree with you on any level but I wish you the best.

>> No.3459722

It makes sense to start learning "how to learn" before actually learning a specific skill, so I don't get your points people. When if not now? This is the thing I don't understand at all, for you it's either do stuff mindlessly or don't do anything at all.

>> No.3459731

wrong again, bucko. you have to learn how to learn how to learn first.

>> No.3459881

>10 000 hours to master the art
>a year has 8760 hours

>> No.3459885

He just wants to be decent, not in any way a master. How many hours to become decent?

>> No.3459917

3 hours max. if you're not decent by then, just give up.

>> No.3459923

Circles and lines are fine but that is a warm up man, you do that first and then get into your actual studies. You don't just do circles all day and get better

>> No.3459958

to be decent? At least half.
Even if you thin it to be "decent" at a third of that amount, a third it's 2920 hours. That's 8 hours a day of drawing, wich you aren't doing, not even close.
All those circles you (or that guy whatever) did in his tumblr, couldn't take him more than 1 hour to draw.

I really, really think it's possible to be a 0 and get to Decent Artist in one year. But I believe it would take AT LEAST, 4 hours of drawing. Without failing. Every. Single. Day.
Not counting time spent looking at curses or tutorials or anything. If it's in only your mind, it doesn't work.
What many, many artist fail to realize is that, just because you know how it is done, doesn't mean you can do it. Many wannabe writers have tons of great stories in their heads, and can even narrate them in person, but fail at translating everything to paper. Drawing is the same.

>> No.3459969

Feng Zhu warns against doing this, wasting too much time thinking about drawing or watching tutorials or whatever. I would trust his advice.

>> No.3459976

Where is the loomis? Did you skip the loomis?

>> No.3459982

Better then 70% of ic so far already.

>> No.3459984

>I really, really think it's possible to be a 0 and get to Decent Artist in one year.

Well, you'd be wrong. Too many of you only live in the internet world, never draw, never try to improve, never struggle doing work (because you don't make work) and just sit around watching the occasional tute and doodling a little bit. You theorize about what works, how to do things and how long growth takes without ever actually trying any of it yourself.

If "decent" means able to get enough work to live off of, hell even getting any regular work, you don't have a chance of going from nothing to entry level in 365 days. Every year the amount of time the average internet pleb thinks it takes to "get gud" goes down by half, soon it'll be 6 months.

>> No.3459990

There's also a thing called 'decision making budget' which depletes really quickly if you don't have shit prepared beforehand. It's better to know what you need to draw all the time.

>> No.3459991

Typical millennial underestimating the value of hard work.
If you work hard you can do just about anything. Thats why babyboomers are so succsessful.

>> No.3459994

That was just an example for my framework, I spent more time on thinking on it so I couldn't really draw more without resorting to cheap tricks. It's all about maximum effort work.

>> No.3460013

ur wasting time doing those circles. Draw stuff that will teach you something at the same time and your hand eye coordination and linework will improve naturally by itself

>> No.3460016

This senpai. I am beginning to think you are a troll.

>> No.3460027

How many fucking times do you idiots need it explained to you that the circle warmup is a standard warmup for multiple credible artists and studios?

>> No.3460047

Step one: be a total psychopath
Step two:practice

>> No.3460064
File: 567 KB, 2016x1512, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah another thing i should say is that the most important thing above everything else is to have fun and draw every day. if you get too tunnel visioned into one thing, it could hamper your artistic development as a whole. don't get stuck thinking about the short term stuff, art is gonna be a really long journey.

>> No.3460069

She looks a lot cuter in that middle drawing.

>> No.3460078

>He is not here, He has risen just as he said, b-baka

>> No.3460087

>never draw, never try to improve, never struggle doing work (because you don't make work)
way to fail at replying
next time try to read the whole damn post you reply to, because I suggested hard work to do it, or if you think 4 hours every day of drawing is lame work and not a struggle, you are clearly mental

>> No.3460094
File: 564 KB, 2016x1512, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks lol. i usually play around with stylizing so im not that great at realistic stuff

>> No.3460170
File: 304 KB, 2016x1512, 20180605_224340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had this mentality for "getting good in a year" "need to get into the industry asap" etc etc.

it was much easier said than done, most of my time spent was me being depressed and sorting through my problems which i still have.

however, during that time despite not me drawing every day, i was able to figure out what i should be doing instead of mindlessly grinding.

deliberate practice is key here along with discipline.

I've worked on getting rid of distractions and training my brain to only do things that promote me to draw.

I've thought about the whole documenting my progress thing and honestly, i'm not cut out for it. Earlier, i used to do twitch streams of me acutally drawing and posted it on here when asked about it, and just fell through it because i'm shy and felt way more comfortable just drawing without someone watching, but that's probably because i don't feel liable about it anymore, so that might be a bad thing but ugh we'll see.

I found it easier for me to just fucking DO IT. just draw, and basically manage my time effectively as possible, break my shell abit and try to stream again to have people on my fucking ass about it.

But what your doing? I don't know man. You are spending so much time on /ic/ typing away, even with your blog. There's too many words, I understand if your are enthusiastic but I just don't see how you can manage this without eating up all your time drawing.

Right now, I don't know but every single waking moment for me is art, like I'm seeing everything in perspective and boxes and everything is looking so beautiful to me as I try to slowly reconstruct it in my head, then my hand starts to shake and won't stop until I draw.

Maybe i'm turning insane but I feel alive, I think if you want to get good you need to acutally truly enjoy the act of drawing, everyone has their own reasons in art but if you want to get good.. You need to truly enjoy the process.

Anyway, done talking. Time to get back to work.

>> No.3460172
File: 41 KB, 993x861, Untitled-4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like i did an underdrawing for this in ms paint while under the influence. don't know why its a gif, maybe i was telling me to do an animation idk

>> No.3460175
File: 450 KB, 1000x1000, 1313714621002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the same plan.
If you need anything, you can find me in the Just Draw thread, I'm the dude that draws on a brown background.
Stay Strong!

>> No.3460192
File: 57 KB, 957x771, basically.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


damn dude

>> No.3460208
File: 292 KB, 2016x1512, 20180605_235236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i should probably start going there during coffee breaks, thanks dude.

this looks very useful, what software are you using this for this?

>> No.3460224

It's way too early for you to tackle most of those.

>> No.3460232

What's the correct order then?

>> No.3460268

Here I will give you homework for next week OP:

Do 30 animal drawings
Do 10 value studies (5 or less values)
Do 3 environment sketches, focusing on shapes and values, foreground middleground and background

>> No.3460290

It's never too early to study perspective.

>> No.3460484


Idea for OP's schedule:

This schedule focuses on efficiency, by doing versatile and deliberate studies.

8°° Wake up!
- shower/ breakfast/ etc.

9°°-10°° Warmup Exercise: (1 h)
-10min line practice
-10min circles/ ellipses
-10min boxes in perspective
-30min gesture/ anatomy class*
figures (monday)
heads (tuesday)
hands (wednesday)
feet (thursday)
animals (friday)

10°°-12°° Book Study: (2 h)
- 30min reading art book of choice**
(read thoroughly and take notes!)
- 30min replicate drawings in the art book
- 60min apply what you learned
(use reference websites or draw from life)

12°°-13°° Lunch Break

13°°-14°° Proportion Study (1h)
(or 2x 30 min)
- draw a subject accurately using a measuring method
(negative space, pendulum, thumb/ pencil, grid, etc.)

14°°-15°° Perspective/ Construction Study (1h)
(or 2 x 30 min)
- draw a subject using a construction method;
apply anatomy if subject is animal/ human

15°°-153° Break

153°-163° Value Study (1h)
(or 2x 30 min)
- draw/paint a subject using a limited amount of values;
concentrate on the most prominent shapes

163°-173° Master Study (1h)
a) copy a painting/drawing as exactly as possible
(don't rush, work on it for multiple sessions)
b) deconstruct a style you enjoy, do analytical sketches

173°-19°° Personal Work (1,5h)
- draw/ paint whatever you want from imagination;
(you studied from life/ reference all day, now it's time to replicate it and incorporate what you learned)

19°°-24°° Dinner & Recreational Time
(Use this to post progress and do something you enjoy as a reward for your hard work)

*use line-of-action, croquis café or new masters academy for 20-30 min figure drawing classes; l-o-a also has this for faces/ hands/ animals
**subject of choice. I recommend Scott Robertson's How to Draw and then following with How to Render (which builds up on HtD)
If you're more interested in Figure Drawing, I recommend Michael Hampton

>> No.3460510

Just a comment on the circles thing, I've never done as many cirlces as you're doing in one day, but you shouldn't really be getting hand fatigue should you? You should be using your shoulder, and holding your pen fairly relaxed.

>> No.3460515

>holding your pen fairly relaxed.
I sometimes forget about that and hold a grip too strong. It's something I have to improve by practice aswell.

>> No.3460519

don't worry it's a problem I have too, and someone even noticed it just by seeing a piece i drew. definitely work on it at all times.

>> No.3460538
File: 62 KB, 540x332, tumblr_p9m62rUW4G1xufkqjo2_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If "decent artist" you mean: become a pro artist...well, with this level of gesture - I'm sorry to tell you this man but you're ngmi. You need at least two years to get the basics down.

You're going to experience a lot of gains in one year if you draw everyday and grind the fundies, but not enough to make you a pro.

If "decent artist" you mean: make artwork that isn't cringey... well it's plausible to do that within one year.

Best of luck to you, and may zeus guide your path.

>> No.3460540

>with this level of gesture
not him but come on, that was his 4th day

literally 4 of 365

>> No.3460557

Show your work or stfu.
Progress is not measured in years you crabby.

>> No.3460561

That doesn't matter, I know how long it's gonna take to get a good understanding of gesture, and no amount of books is going to help OP with this. Gesture is something that you can only learn by grinding.

Even if OP had two years of experience, then that's just the basics. He can start making decent art at that point, but not enough to become a pro.

You first faggot, I'd like to rip you apart.

Let me guess, you're not going to reply and actually show your work? Though so, little dipshit.

>> No.3460563

But what if half way through the year he grinds gesture for 8 hours a day for weeks on end?

You're chatting shit. You can't judge how someone will do based on one image produced in his first 4 days.

>> No.3460570

>But what if half way through the year he grinds gesture for 8 hours a day for weeks on end?

That's what I expect him to do at the start. Not at the end.

If he only draws 4 hours a day then that's just hand exercises. The integral part of learning how to draw is embedding the neccessary information of how to draw into your sub conscious, and you can only do that with grinding.

Take gesture for example, no amount of books is going to help anyone's gesture, so how does one learn it? by repeating it over and over again and putting in that information into your sub conscious.

>You can't judge how someone will do based on one image produced in his first 4 days.

Yes, I can. By judging their gesture. From there I can extrapolate how long it's going to take them to get the hang of gesture.

>> No.3460580

You can't. You've looked at two gestures, over 4 days, you cannot in anyway from that judge how someone would progress. There are too many factors. You're just plain wrong.

>> No.3460584


There's only one factor for gesture: time.

Assuming that the person will draw for 8 hours a day everyday, then in one year they'll be decent.

>> No.3460592

>no amount of books is going to help anyone's gesture
Talk for yourself. Exercise is needed, but there is theory behind gesture.
If you don't understand the basic human structure and proportions, economy of line, landmarks, weight distribution and the principle of squash and stretch (tense vs relaxed) your gestures will be worse. Of course you can feel it out, but it is folly to asume book knowledge is useless when it comes to gesture. Post your work or piss off, you fucking dunning kruger.

>> No.3460598

You are also forgetting that this is done with 1px hard brush without erasing or ctrl+z, so every mistake had to stay.

That's my point aswell, I want to see my mistakes very clearly so I can know what to work on. I want you people to try that out and see for yourselves that it isn't really that easy.

>> No.3460600

If you want to make it, stop justifying yourself. Stop seeking validation. Stop spending more than 10 minutes a day in this board.

>> No.3460620

>I know how long it's gonna take to get a good understanding of gesture
a statement like that and not posting work? lmao

>> No.3460808
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>> No.3461003
File: 43 KB, 330x445, 81U+rm4qtwL._SY445_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's just google calendar. My therapist suggested that I keep one (with sleep and everything else included) and it became a useful habit.

>Circumstances in my life force me to participate in this challenge of mine

This attitude may be effective short-term but you'll want to have an internal locus of control to make drawing sustainable as a lifestyle choice.

Personally I need time to go to the gym and have a life outside of my creative pursuits. You could pick something fun that complements art. It's nice to have because you can maintain sanity and be more consistent with your effort.

If nothing else, eventually your art will become a reflection of your mentality and lifestyle. If you care about marketing it, think about what it'll mean to associate yourself with your image as an outsider.

>If "decent artist" you mean: become a pro artist...

By the same argument, you can make money off your art as soon as you have a compelling story to tell. It doesn't matter about the technical skill level -- he has enough now.

I'm not saying technical skill doesn't matter, but if your message is
>I woke up wrote code for twelve hours a day and went to bed

I mean I guess you're gonna spend a lot of hours describing your coffee to people. Even if you illustrate for trading cards you still decide part of the narrative. To make drawing a sustainable part of your lifestyle is gonna be the challenge, rather than getting good at x y z.


I agree with both of these.

>> No.3461007

doable i guess
if you have talent

>> No.3461008

>You could pick something fun that complements art

like yoga, for example, because a) it contrasts the competitive git gud mentality of drawing and b) you'll learn something new about gesture by doing it, versus sitting in a chair all day (also it's good for you, you chair sitter)

>> No.3461017

dont go into concept art its oversaturated go into something like toy design

>> No.3461127

Why do you say this? Are you a concept artist?

>> No.3461136

You know he's not and is just some lazy butthurt pleb repeating some incorrect shit some other butthurt pleb told him.

>> No.3461458

> it is folly to asume book knowledge is useless when it comes to gesture.

Those books are only secondary knowledge and they MIGHT help, but it depends on how much gesture a person would do.

>Post your work or piss off, you fucking dunning kruger.

Post your work first faggot, I'll fucking rip you apart by showing you how bad you are when we compare our work side by side.

But you're not going to do it because you're a stereotypical /ic/ faggot who can't draw shit.

It doesn't matter if you don't use ctrl+z or erasing. The fact that you drew the elbow so stiffly is enough for me to extrapolate how you're going progress in the next 12 months. Also I draw in digital as well and I know how hard it is. If you want to learn how to draw then I suggest pen and paper instead.

>a statement like that and not posting work?

I'm not going to post my work when you autists won't do the same.

>> No.3461466

>you can make money off your art as soon as you have a compelling story to tell.

It's possible if he wants to do tumblr web comics stuff. I don't think that's what he wants to do, and even if he did well there's only a small number of people who could pull this off and get famous. I'm not saying he can't pull this off, I'm just saying it's highly unlikely within one year.

>Even if you illustrate for trading cards you still decide part of the narrative.

Trading cards? like MTG or Hearthstone? There's no way he'll be good enough within one year to work in those.

>To make drawing a sustainable part of your lifestyle is gonna be the challenge

I don't think it's THE challenge, but it is A challenge which every artist has to overcome.

>> No.3461468

Let's agree on this one simple rule: the only results that matter are those that will occur after a full year. You can tell me that I am bad or circles are stupid but the only thing that really matters if I get good in a year. Time will tell, I have my own perception of learning and when the challenge is over, only then we can say who the real winner is. Sad that I have to even mention that but I guess it's /ic/ after all.

>> No.3461471

If that's the case. You don't need to post anymore from this point onwards.

>> No.3461478

>It doesn't matter if you don't use ctrl+z or erasing
But it does matter. If you live by ctr+z and erasing, your lines are sloppier because you can always fix them quickly. You don't think much in that regard is what I am trying to say. If you draw for decades then your linework will get better by itself but I am tackling that shit now so I won't have to bother with it ever again. Also it's basically a time saver if you place good lines so you don't have to fix almost anything at all.

>> No.3461484

OP makes content. You don’t. How about he keeps posting, and you’re the one who fucks off?

>> No.3461485


You're definitely going to get better in drawing if you do it everyday. I'd be surprised if you didn't.

>> No.3461587
File: 173 KB, 875x915, 15275401645742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like davinci

>> No.3461677

All this talk about learning and how to learn on your blog, but only draw circles in a premade template and call it a day.

Remember what Leonardo da Vinci said: "The supreme misfortune is when theory outstrips performance".

>> No.3461679

What does that mean?

>> No.3461726

We know that you absolute retard, its a fucking warm up but OP thinks its a "mentally/physically challenging exercise", read through his blog and you will see why most of us are starting to think he's a troll

>> No.3461776

>I'm not going to post my work when you autists won't do the same.
Gesture battle!!

>> No.3461794

I'm down, anyone want to step up?

>> No.3461800

post your fucking work you worthless faggot

you're the one making claims here

>> No.3461806


You first faggot, I'll destroy you once we compare our work.

>> No.3461814

>he wants others to post their work so he can hit and run
Hahaha fucking bitch boi, no balls

>> No.3461833
File: 92 KB, 756x1008, rsz_20180513_174328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you will, because I'm a beg and my work is shit. I'll claim that, while you claim your work is amazing and show nothing. Take a cool lizard.

>> No.3461847

why it blurry af

>> No.3461850

I like your kanban board.

>> No.3461898

>Plans to hit and run and tries to deflect lol

>> No.3462035
File: 1.94 MB, 2320x1600, gesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post your work first faggot, I'll fucking rip you apart by showing you how bad you are
I wouldn't consider myself particularily good, but you're obviously suffering from dunning kruger, so go ahead and show me how bad I am compared to you.
Also, you're a pussy for not backing up your claims and instead act like an offended kindergardener
>no you first uwu

>those books are only secondary knowledge and they MIGHT help
No. They DO help, unless you're literally braindead. I never claimed they would be a substitute for practice; They make it easier to review your drawings and fasten your learning process. Stop projecting your own retardation onto others.

>> No.3462054

did you go to sva?

>> No.3462148

No, I'm self taught.

>> No.3462404

good job anons, i’m proud of you

not quite sure what you mean- if you’re asking if i took measurements, yes i did. fucked up the eyes though

>> No.3462406

saved. thanks!

>> No.3462433

do it.
never give up.

>> No.3462434

also, dubs of truth.

>> No.3462581

What have you been studying for these figures? they are nice

>> No.3462864

>figure drawing skill singularity.jpg

>> No.3462868
File: 78 KB, 509x810, sdfsdfsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm the guy that you both are challenging. Kudos to both of you for having the guts to post your work, any hate you get is not from me.

Draw this figure and post it here, if you want I'll draw the same


You can throw me any figure that you want and I'll match you figure for figure. Your choice.

I'm looking forward to your reply.

>> No.3463153


Not those guys, but lol wtf. what point are you trying to make now?

>> No.3463161
File: 95 KB, 492x529, 1525575597469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I do that? This isn't a dick measuring contest, yet that's all you're treating this as. We just want to see your work. You are literally the reason the phrase post work exists. Get fucked coward.

>> No.3463290

Mainly Hampton. He explains the workings behind gesture quite well The rest was daily practice with line-of-action, NMA and Croquis Café on YT.

Dude, just no...

>> No.3463294

>o-okay, ill post my work this next time around!!

as pacman once said, "pussies!!!"

>> No.3463314

you read peak so you should know its all about mental representations/visual library.

>> No.3464027

Care to elaborate?

>> No.3464116


Draw it, post it, then I'll put you all in your place once we compare our works side by side.

This would be a good lesson on why you shouldn't talk shit on /ic/

>> No.3464247


>> No.3464410 [DELETED] 

eyes are weird but i like the whole thing
the eyes could be better

follow me on instagram if you want


>> No.3464435

Kek. A good lesson of why you don't talk shit? Get. Fucked. Coward.

>> No.3464445

How about you just admit your defeat, faggot?

If you want a dick measuring contest, at least post first. Else people are gonna asume you'll just not deliver again.

A friendly reminder of your own words
>I'm not going to post my work when you autists won't do the same

>> No.3464481
File: 66 KB, 450x568, 1505145330265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you get these pose refererences? Unless I'm mistaken it looks NMA, did the rest of the NMA images get uploaded? I'm looking for more images to practice off that don't look strange

>> No.3464488

Is the whistle for if she gets crushed and trapped in a cave?

>> No.3464492

Not them, but MiA is great if you like horror, the way these whistles are made is spoiler material.

>> No.3464493

That & it's a status symbol.
Watch/read Made in Abyss

>> No.3464509

awful show desu

>> No.3465308

Not that guy, but do you have resources about different paths an art career can go and maybe what skills would be needed.

>> No.3465818

not that guy but i have a folder of that specific model uploaded on my google drive.

also i think you should bring out the S curve in his left arm more and the C in his right. the bottom of his right leg could be more of a C curve too to make it more dynamic.

>> No.3465825

and i don't know if you can see the rest of my google drive but this folder is probably the only thing that's relevant to your interests unless you want to look through my accounting homework and D&D character sheet

>> No.3466650


>> No.3467036

you could cut back on wondering about the correct approach every day and use that time to draw more than just one page you know

>> No.3467056

You know guys, I'm not very good, but sometimes I look at shit like this on /ic/, and it makes me thing "Man, I'm glad I kind of know what I'm doing enough not to be as lost as this. Feels oddly good man, feels like I got my tires on the road, even if there's still a long way to go.

Any other /beg/s get this feeling?

>> No.3467061

> You need at least two years to get the basics down.
Why does /ic/ think they're kool kids if they blow everything out of proportion? Is it because you guys don't have friends irl, and feel the need to be hip and hardcore online?

>> No.3467155

Yeah but it's easy to get lost in mindless repetition and I don't have time for that. Hell, it's not even about having only one year, I had this problem before and I'd rather change my philosophy that often instead of sticking to one incorrect. Also it's about failing a lot, quickly, so I fail a lot, quickly. I can't commit to drawing the whole day if I don't believe in what I do, which is the issue now. Gotta wrap up that curriculum and move on.

>> No.3467167

>Be a moron on IC, dont make art, call someone retarded for giving more realistic estimates of how long it takes get good at a complex skill.

If it took only a single year to get good then how come in the 3+ years I've been coming here there are even less "skilled" anons now than back then? Only pleb morons spend their days fantasizing about how long it takes to get somewhere rather than just making artwork and realizing they'll be good when they're good. This board truly has become useless for anything other than keks and shitposting.

>> No.3467191

Except this guy isn't fantasising about how long it takes, he's literally just set his goal to be 1 year to get good. He's just attempting to do it. Whereas the guy who you're replying to is talking to is the one who's talking about how much time it's gonna take.

>> No.3467220

>I believe that 20 hours for each exercise is going to produce great results

Stop spending so much time on relatively useless exercises. This should be a warm up, 10 minutes top. You're wasting your precious time. At this pace you won't get good in a year.

>> No.3467389

If you want to improve something fast, you don't treat it as a warmup really. Like, warmup stuff is the last thing you improve when you compare that to the rest of the day.

>> No.3467400

What exactly are you trying to improve here, OP? Just be real and admit it's an exercise that's in your comfort zone and you deluded yourself into thinking it will somehow magically make you better. Repeating lines and circles is, while a sensible exercise, pretty mindless. Your linework will improve over time and you'll be getting more out of it, if you consistenly do some as a warmup. Use those extra 20 hours to apply these lines by working throgh How to Draw or some shit.

>> No.3467417

First and foremost I do different things to test them out and see if it's worth going on. When it comes to line exercises, I won't be doing them for longer than 2 hours, because they eat up too much resources (time, energy, whatever). I will probably cut them in half again soon, and after some time they will be just a warmup. I don't really know what should I do other than that to improve my hand dexterity. I really wanted to focus on that because my hand trembles or I draw just wrong lines in general and it makes me frustrated. Instead of focusing on a subject I got before me, I keep focusing on fixing mistakes that shouldn't happen. That was the whole reason I started doing those simple exercises. If I see something that needs to be fixed really badly, I have to stop and do that, especially when it's that basic.

TLDR; I can't draw lines for shit but I have to learn that before jumping into painting or any complex drawing

>> No.3467494

OP, you are a caricature of me. I read your blog everyday just to remind myself where I'm fucking up because it presents such a crystal clear case of what not to do.

Big respect if you're a mastermind troll. Big thanks if the blog genuinely reflects your thought process.

>> No.3467552

What part of "just draw" don't you understand?

>> No.3467605

Well, I am just transparent with my thoughts and process so thanks, I guess. The point is that if I find answers to my questions eventually and in time, someone else will learn from this aswell, I am sure I am not alone in this endeavor.
That part when I've been just drawing before creating this blog and I haven't improved almost at all.

>> No.3467609

How long have you been drawing?

>> No.3467612

Hard to tell, I've been drawing since at least 4 years but it was drawing for a month or two, then a big break, then again some drawing etc. so counting everything it would take maybe a full year. This blog was meant to help me streamlining the process and sticking to a schedule so I won't take breaks again (which are damaging). Maybe I am just mentally challenged and lazy.

>> No.3467634

>The point is that if I find answers to my questions eventually and in time, someone else will learn from this
Then let me tell you, I've done line exercises like an autist before and it did very, very little for me. But you are right in that everyone has to figure out stuff on their own.

>> No.3467644

So what would you recommend me to do if I want to improve my lines and overall hand dexterity?

>> No.3467840
File: 145 KB, 902x695, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would recommend that you spend ZERO time drawing lines, circles, boxes, accurate lines etc and all that shit pointless crap and load all that time onto line figure studies and gesture and hands etc. See what Algenplefger, or however you spell it, did it in his compilation images. You can begin with body parts if you find that too hard. Then move into rendering. You can start with cast if that's too hard there is a good guide on /ic/ that explains how to subdivide the planes of the face well. Then photo studies and shid. The only thing that algen lacks is a sense of style but you can do master studies to fill the void.

Now if you actually want to get gud in a whole year in every cheat method possible, you should refer to the FZD design notes posted by Iris on /ic/ and FZD design cinema

I should note that a lot of concept art fags just do realism and can literally photograph people and paint exactly, in one of the youtube videos not by FZD they mention that stylised art requires actual drawing skill.

If you are OP I think that you are not drawing accurately enough to the refs, obviously I cannot see the refs, I'd also recommend shading properly rather than crosshatching.

>> No.3468976
File: 322 KB, 762x430, angelbust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3468978
File: 128 KB, 762x430, angeleyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also drew it from another angle

>> No.3469267

Would you like feedback or what?

>> No.3469324
File: 29 KB, 300x450, 0PKH4IL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw "gesture" lines are only the first three or so lines made to indicate direction and dynamic movement. The entirety of /ic/ is mislead to believe that gesture is used to develop forms at all. mfw /ic/ pushes their stiff drawing and painting dogma, without any applied or academic experience in an attempt to draw Chinese cartoons. mfw the delicious irony of neets choosing to believe that their shallow attempts to commit to 'git'(ing) 'good' will turn into some successful career in the most masochistic, slow paced, work ethic oriented art discipline that's being phased out by CGI and poor taste. Nun Yall Finna Chieve.

>> No.3469328

Is this true?

>> No.3469342


>> No.3469354

It looks good but you will learn very little from this because it's not a proper render, you're just generally indicating where the shadows are. So starting with a lineart like this one, try adding the shades in now, in grayscale if you haven't done this exercise before.

I'm not sure how good you are at figuring out how dark the shades need to be. Especially the first few times you render you should render it properly - as in convert the drawing into a black and white image, then blocking out the image in black grey and white and then refining the edges and smoothing them out (of course this exercise is more easily done with white busts like the michaelangelo casts you can find via google).

In this way, you should copy the image out as precisely as possible. Then you can move onto black and white faces and then regular faces.

Yeah it takes a very long time unfortunately.

With regular drawing you should aim to make your lineart less sketchy but for painting it doesn't matter so much.

ALSO: Some parts of your drawing seem to be a bit inaccurate for example the amount of hair above the headband seems to be a bit more extensive and while the hair in the statue curves downwards yours kind of goes upwards and the eyes look a bit rounder in the image and the ratio of eyes to face might be greater in the original. You can pick these small problems out by overlaying the sketch over the original photo.

If you have accuracy problems like I do you can use tools like liquify to modify the drawing after it's been made and cutting pasting/resizing bits so it's not too bad but try and get it right the first time. If you try and add shades to an inaccurate drawing you may spend a long time trying to fix it - longer than if you had started out accurate.

>> No.3469474

Can you post an example of a good gesture drawing? I'm struggling with this because it seems like everyone has a different method.

>> No.3469659

newest update
>I am losing my edge and it’s sad

>> No.3469679

only 349 days left op

>> No.3469929

This piece is stuning, remind me of Blue Oyster Cults album "Fire of Unknown Origin"

>> No.3470241
File: 609 KB, 891x1024, 4796100256_37bb6ca07d_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will maybe start the same kind of challenge but will probably post on a weekly basis since I dont have a scanner or camera.

>> No.3470255

>this piece is stunning
kek, it's moebius dude, I hope you don't die from a heart attack when you see his full powers

>> No.3470356

Kek he's already getting depressed so early in the game

>> No.3470500


he ppent more time finding the right picture and writting that childish manifestó than actually drawing.

>> No.3470626

If you don't like my thoughts, just ignore this blog. Personally I would appreciate if someone shared his thoughts if he were on a journey so I do that myself. Also I write everything right before going to sleep so it doesn't take time from drawing. If I draw too little, it's the problem of drawing too little, not writing blog posts.

>> No.3470694

Delete your blog and get off /ic/ for your own good. You are overthinking everything far too much.

>> No.3471024
File: 713 KB, 557x838, Screen Shot 2018-06-14 at 1.18.24 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always get stuck D:

>> No.3471402
File: 223 KB, 390x578, 1527989706300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start out by using thick swathes of colour with either a square or a round brush without too much texture or a rectangular brush which is a biiiit top heavy like mine: if at all. You're focussing on the broad values (it's a lot like >>3464225 where you get the simplified values and then polish it up to get a flawless output and that exercise is good training in my opinion)

This exercise is much easier in black and white and in busts with lots of smooth transitions.

Here's my attempt.
Here are my 'steps' https://i.imgur.com/VoBTghl.jpg

>> No.3471406

and another thing is that if you get the super stuck the first times round try and pipette colours and put it right over the original and compare the differences. Do whatever you can to figure out what's wrong with it, even if you're tracing, flipping etc you won't always need it but it definitely helps the first couple of times

>> No.3471476

Make a new thread, OP. The advice here and the developments in your journey can help a lot of people.

>> No.3471625

Sure, I'll make one soon.

>> No.3472246
File: 54 KB, 878x875, 0 paint skill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this attempt by using my finger to draw on my tablet in microsoft paint. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.3472365

Using a tablet is 500 times easier than using your finger or your pen tool or your touchpad, you can't tell if you're going to make it until you get a tablet. Until then, I recommend you use pencil and paper.

>> No.3472365,1 [INTERNAL] 

whatever happened to this faggot?