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File: 96 KB, 678x960, Hi+trigger+mentionlist+gayandtrapthingstrigger+mentionlist+succbois_7739a9_6237180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3447179 No.3447179 [Reply] [Original]

How do I draw cute, short, fem/twinkish boys in porn without being accused of drawing shota?

I mean, I *want* them to look a little like jailbait, but not child-like. What is the secret to do this? What should the proportions be?

I could always add muscles but that defeats the point of drawing a cute femboy. I don't want to make them too lanky and tall, I like the size difference with the manly top guy.

Should I focus on the facial features? Maybe smaller eyes, a smaller head?

Help, I don't want to be banned or witch hunted to death.

>> No.3447183

You're a coward anon.
But it makes me happy that you realize that trap and femboy art is just shota with other name pasted on top.

>> No.3447184

Cartooning anything is the same across the board, anime esque or not. If you know how to adjust body proportions then you can draw your "jailbait" porn.

I think you know this but this is another covert "how do I" thread. sage.

>> No.3447191

define "short". as long as you don't make them child-like, then it should be fine. you could also make the environment a lot larger to portray the small physique of the subject.

if you want fem boys, then just add feminine features (like hips, smaller shoulder width, etc.). not too drastic but small hints here and there.

>smaller eyes, a smaller head
you like your characters with down syndrome? ;)

>> No.3447200

Look at people who do it successfully. Doxy, JJfrenchie and so on. You could always show that they're legal and then have them dressing up for age play or deliberately dressing like jailbait or something.

>> No.3447245

>I think you know this but this is another covert "how do I" thread. sage.
It's really not. For starters I am already an intermediate level artist who does commissions, not someone who draws once a month and posts "how do I" threads begging for some secret japanese technique to draw anime tiddies.

>define "short". as long as you don't make them child-like, then it should be fine
Short as in like, 5'4" bottom (comapared to a 5'9" top), for example.

>if you want fem boys, then just add feminine features (like hips, smaller shoulder width, etc.). not too drastic but small hints here and there.
To be honest, it's not even supposed to be that kind of "unrealistic" femboy, with the hips and whatnot. They can have a male frame, I mean just secondary sexual characteristics like soft hairless skin, rosy complexion, delicate nose, full eyes etc. Which always makes them end up looking pre-pubescent instead

>you like your characters with down syndrome? ;)
Come on, you know what I mean.

JJfrenchie would definitely be flagged as shota, though.

>> No.3447248

Also, the situation gets even muddier when it comes to drawing fanart of characters who are canonically underage, but I want to age them up a bit, without making them too manly.

On sites like Tumblr I could definitely be banned if someone flagged my blog and claimed I was drawing underage characters, even if they are supposed to be aged up

>> No.3447277

>JJfrenchie would definitely be flagged as shota, though.
Not all of his stuff, I meant the stuff where he has traps or characters who look legal age. OP could even go through his stuff and sort it into ones that are borderline and ones that are ok, and then figure out what differences there are.

>> No.3447284
File: 206 KB, 1280x1238, 1515277911.kupoklein_9pvu3zyviomerlbqwjrbhkttckurykwz8u6nsscbmatz1jgyomd2921jqcy_avi8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this look like shota?

>> No.3447285

Pro-tip; Draw what you want, autists will screech at you regardless.

>> No.3447288
File: 442 KB, 850x488, I GUESS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk I still wouldn't feel safe posting the first image

>> No.3447290

Yes anon, I don't *really* care about backlash, I mean, it is what it is, but I don't want to build a huge following on Tumblr or Hentai Foundry and then be banned for supposedly prohibited content.

>> No.3447292
File: 365 KB, 1000x964, notshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then put it in the risky pile
he has stuff which is more clearly fine and stuff which is borderline or obviously not, they can play things as safe as they want, or just use it as a tool to see what features make things more risky

>> No.3447297

wtf i love femboys now

>ywn slap your fag son then proceed to fuck him in the ass as "punishment"
why even live

>> No.3447349
File: 48 KB, 475x480, 005-morte-a-venezia-theredlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just draw flat girl with dick

>> No.3447354


>> No.3447454
File: 376 KB, 1300x727, 5f3299e29dbda95e26fefbb7d95ec7c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a time when you just gotta throw your shame outside of the window anon, just draw what you want. Who cares what they say and think, they're not your core audience anyway. Don't let the platform control you, instead control the platform! TAKE BACK THE POWER, YOUR POWER!!! VIVA REVOLUTION!

>> No.3447471
File: 626 KB, 350x200, oprah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all fine and cute until you lose your 5000+ follower base for commissions due to Tumblr considering your art shota :^)

>> No.3447488
File: 17 KB, 222x236, DeJKYzcX0AAZGfr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I don't want to build a huge following
Don't worry anon we both know it won't happen.

>> No.3447494

I had 800+ followers and was getting more each day. How many do YOU have, anon-kun?

>> No.3447592


>> No.3447627
File: 145 KB, 335x402, 1487579572599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, but why put all your cards on one site, why not have a Pixiv and Twitter too? I've noticed a lot of NSFW artist starting to move to Twitter and Pixiv of late. Your real followers (the ones who commission you) will be willing to follow you to other sites, you just got to let them know what others sites you're on, that way if your Tumblr dose go under they know where to find and contact you.

>> No.3447634

I did that, and will continue to. But Tumblr is still the most popular and friendly by a HUGE margin.

Twitter is not good for artists, there is no gallery format, no tagging, no real search function to find art.

And Pixiv you basically have to tag everything in japanese, and copy paste japanese tags to find good stuff

>> No.3447678

Yeah, shits annoying

>> No.3447700

Lately I've seen some asian artists using the Moments feature from twitter to create galleries from their posts
Don't give up anon.

>> No.3447737

ooh, that sounds neat!
I'll look into it, thanks anon

>> No.3448487
