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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 160 KB, 1535x1228, C21AB98D-BE78-4C9E-A3F0-C3248B8352EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3441273 No.3441273 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously fuck this fucking shit hole of a website

My entire customer base for commissions was there

What are some good sites to get that kind of following other than Twitter? It’s not very art friendly, even though basically all artists only operate there now...

Pixiv I is shit and japs don’t commission anyone.

>> No.3441275

Keep in mind I am obviously talking about NSFW content that sometimes involves loli-ish characters

>> No.3441278

well of course

>> No.3441280

haha get fucked faggot, maybe draw something other than lolis you shit stain of a human

>> No.3441283

You deserve it, degenerate pedo fuck.

>> No.3441284

You completely deserve it. Keep drawing pedo shit, sick piece of shit.

>> No.3441290

>draws pedoshit
>it's the websites fault when they terminate your account
good one

>> No.3441291

It makes me so sad that porn. and particularly degenerate porn at that, seems to be the only way to make money with art these days unless you're a god tier concept artist working for triple A studios. When I started I just wanted to make my own comics but the scenery is so sad

>> No.3441294 [DELETED] 
File: 286 KB, 1919x1493, 00142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep drawing lolis. Ignore /pol/fags and other newfags. But who in sane mind use tumblr for lolis?

>> No.3441298

Did you come here for an echo chamber? Get fucked.>>3441273

>> No.3441299

>doing commissions and not jobs

>> No.3441302

>actually posting lolis
enjoy your ban retard

>> No.3441303


>> No.3441304

>is too bad to get money for commissions
>lies to himself that commissions can't be a good job
kek, u mad

>> No.3441305 [DELETED] 
File: 290 KB, 1919x1493, 00187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao reddit

>> No.3441306

>I put all my spaghetti in one pocket and it all fell out
Multiple accounts in multiple sites dude. That way if one gets fucked people just find you on another

>> No.3441307


>> No.3441309

/ic/ really does have a ton of newfags and western piggu tumblrites

>> No.3441310

No but seriously we're all pretending to hate lolis here, right?

>> No.3441313

you do realize 4chan has global rules right?

>> No.3441314

me on the left

>> No.3441315

And spoonfeeding gone too far too. Reddit, tumbr, streamers from picarto using our /ic/ as book archive and torrent request site

>> No.3441317
File: 45 KB, 153x162, 1522588193366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3441319

enjoy your ban bucko

>> No.3441320

you'll just get reported every single time and your pics will get deleted.
you aren't making anybody mad either.
you are just proving our point that pedos are awful people.

>> No.3441322 [DELETED] 
File: 278 KB, 1919x1493, 00240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is number one thread in /ic/ right now.

>> No.3441324

>leftist crybabies need safespace

>> No.3441326

there aren't any options and tumblr is literally the most open for free expression. You have to understand that japanese twitter and western twitter are completely different, especially since prior to jp "twitter" becoming twitter, it was something else. And of course nip culture as it is. If you draw that shit as a westerner, well what do you expect, it's like you don't know what kind of groups review your content. Avoid trouble and post on dedicated nsfw sites like hentai foundry.

>> No.3441328


>> No.3441330

>western twitter
I know western artists who draw lolis without any problems. You're delusional.

>> No.3441332

What was jp "twitter" before twitter? What's so different about the two?

>> No.3441334

Did you claim all your characters were over the age of 18?

>> No.3441339

Is it true that DA deleting fanart of "underage" characters like Asuka/Rei even if they don't looks like underage?

>> No.3441340

I have FurAffinity and Twitter but aí only have like 300 and 70 followers on each respectively.

I had 800+ on Tumblr. Every artist that I know has thousands of followers on Tumblr only gets like 1/4 of it on Twitter. It’s just not as friendly. There’s no real searchability, there’s no tagging system.

FurAffinity is good f you occasionally draw anthropology/monster girls but they don’t allow underage content either.

>> No.3441343

Yes, on all posts.

Oops meant anthro

>> No.3441359

enjoy another deleted pic.
nope, just pedos need their assholes torn up in jail.

>> No.3441363

>Yes, on all posts.
You realize the "it's a 2000 y old dragon" claim doesn't hold water, right pedotard?

>> No.3441364

Fuck, I'm so happy when justice wins.
I hope every single one of your pedophile blogs and accounts gets destroyed.

>> No.3441369

4chan has changed. I don't know you people.

>> No.3441373
File: 62 KB, 602x607, 1526820002524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't trick us anymore. You just derailing attention so your kind can touch little boys in metro without problem. Tilting at windmills.

>> No.3441375
File: 776 KB, 1222x2845, 1526820513221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even need to remind you JP rape rates vs UK/US.

>> No.3441379

This is by far the best 4chan thread I've seen get off of the fucking internet pedos

>> No.3441382
File: 1.23 MB, 1491x1066, 68233277_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Momatards and their discord friends can't last long.

>> No.3441385

Is hating freedom of expression some kind of hot new subculture?

>> No.3441386

>1,289 / year
>Ranked 18th.

>Ranked 1st. 66 times more than Japan

Whoa. Though I find it hard to believe there are more rapes in the US than in actual third world countries, it's just that nobody reports them

>> No.3441387
File: 39 KB, 330x330, 1526593530764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's just that nobody reports them

>> No.3441395

If ur in the US Artist Alley is good money.>>3441339

>> No.3441396

>I was raped!
>Really? Mohammad, let's stone this woman right away!

>> No.3441397

If you get reported yes.

>> No.3441400

Average day in Europe.

>> No.3441401
File: 1.07 MB, 588x251, not yet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>public stonings

>> No.3441405

t. Ahmed

>> No.3441407

If you want to draw non-human (furry) loli then the place to be is Inkbunny.

>> No.3441429

Is there a formula to determine income based on how many modifiers of degeneracy you add to your art

>> No.3441434

hopefully you lot will leave and September will be over

>> No.3441436

pixiv is the only places that turns a blind eye to degenerates predators like you

>> No.3441474

>the faggot actually got banned
enjoying your ban bitch?
quote me and start a new thread when youre unbanned so that you can upload your degenerative content and ban you again.

>> No.3441481


Go fucking kill yourself, you fucking disgusted pig

>> No.3441485

kek at all the puritanism at this thread

what happened to 4chan? jfc

>> No.3441487

And nothing of value was lost. Get fucked OP :^)

>> No.3441496

there is a very good chance the only person in this thread that actually draws is OP

>> No.3441511

I’d bet you money that I am. Probably the onl6 one making money out of it too.

>> No.3441516
File: 192 KB, 360x512, sleepwontfix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I fucking hate normalfags. I hope this doesn't discourage you from drawing little girls, OP. Don't let the thought police make you feel bad.

>> No.3441520

It wasn't even lolis, it was twinkish looking guys. I could understand Tumblr's worries if I was drawing like literal children who looked six, but no. I guess Tumblr never met a twink.

>> No.3441522
File: 382 KB, 634x662, 1476819673325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what happened to 4chan? jfc
/ic/ in particular has a problem of it getting spread around in places like tumblr as some "regular" art community. These people don't know a thing about imageboard culture when they come here and think it'll be just like every other art forum full of PC faggotry. Otherwise, reddit infestation from the 2016 election and retarded mods like ABIB.
>it was twinkish looking guys
Funny, I've seen people get away with much more risque stuff. You should have expected this however, tumblr is garbage after all.

>> No.3441528

Hello. There's a lot of western people on pixiv, and its much easier to build a fanbase there than on tumblr. Set up pixiv, twitter and new tumblr, post only thumnbails or crops to tumlbr with links to pixiv, ask your artists friends to help you regain your fanbase on tumblr by reblogging your "I was banned" post etc. Good luck

>> No.3441539

Op, you risk yourself already drawing loli porn. You had this comming. If you still want to continue, i recomend you to post suggestive pieces as a portfolio of what you can do and open for commissions. Make them private and charge the double.

>> No.3441557

KEK good riddance pedo fag

>> No.3441560

Fucking Pedophiles. I'm glad the world started hunting you down. Feels good.

>> No.3441562

>seems to be the only way to make money with art these days unless you're a god tier concept artist working for triple A studios.
Concept monkeys make $54K, even the shittiest illustrators and animators make more.

>> No.3441567

35M people and more than half are fucked in the head.

>> No.3441572

This is not and was never /b/.

>> No.3441573
File: 136 KB, 978x751, 1264888090755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I stayed on 4chan long enough to see perverted fucks like you get lambasted like you deserve. I hope you never find another place to peddle that disgusting shit and I hope if you do you get scooped up by the feds.
Pedos and pedo sympathizers get absolutely FUCKED.

>> No.3441576

since when does art = reality?

do people that like horror movies get called murderes too? honest question

I'm not even attracted to the young boy / girls, I get off by pretending I AM them.

>> No.3441587

>muh thought crimes
You can think about whatever you want. The second you put those thoughts on canvas and distribute it to others encouraging them to engage in those thoughts with you that shit goes out the window.

>> No.3441589

thank you for bravely defending the rights of fictional characters against fictional abuse

>> No.3441604

It has nothing to do with the fictional characters and everything to do with the real people it affects in the real world. You can't be policed for thinking children are sexually attractive but you can be policed for distributing material saying as much, whether it's prose, drawings, or photos. It's all tangible material promoting a disturbing and dangerous idea and possibly driving those with weak impulse control to give in to their building urges. You might think it's wrong to do anything preventive but in a ""justice"" system that's so passive it literally lets people get away with murder they damn well should try some preventive measures. Just like distributing bomb manuals and materials or instructions on how to make drugs are illegal, this is illegal for the same reasons.

>> No.3441609

ah, the good ol' slippery slope non-argument

>possibly driving those with weak impulse control to give in to their building urges[
this is 100% percent bullshit
the case could be made for both this and the dea that drawings actualy help pedos cope with their impulses and get off without abusing children or financing CP, but the truth is that no drawing is going to make a difference on wether someone does act on their urges or not. It wont't help curb shit, and it won't make shit worse.

It's literally just drawings

>> No.3441613
File: 669 KB, 1386x612, 1515747202632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you see people lambasting artists for drawing loli, just picture the type of people in this image typing it out. You seriously do not belong on this site if you're a moralizing, pearl-clutching normalfag.
Even if there was evidence that erotic images of 2D lolis encourages real-life pedophiles assaulting kids (there is zero) I wouldn't stop drawing it or fapping to it anyway, and nobody on Earth can stop me.

>> No.3441616

>how to make drugs are illegal, this is illegal for the same reasons
I really hope you didn't just defend the government on the way it handles drugs. bash pedos all you want but you are walking into a whole different debate with that example.

>> No.3441618
File: 34 KB, 200x313, 200px-Rurouni_Kenshin_vol_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm glad the world started hunting you down
Right, it's not like a convicted pedo could get his job as a mangaka back in less than an year. Oh wait he actually can and you'll always be NGMI.

>> No.3441619
File: 2.23 MB, 1130x2356, 1444500722660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like to live as a slave, denying your natural and healthy impulses?

>> No.3441626

>I'm glad I stayed on 4chan long enough
I'm sure discovering 4chan has made this the best summer yet

>> No.3441628

>and nobody on Earth can stop me.

>> No.3441630
File: 436 KB, 640x480, あんたバカ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolicons are never leaving this website, ever. Enjoy your stay, tourist.

>> No.3441634

You pedo fucks can say whatever you want. You're too fucked up in the head to understand what is wrong with you and why it's wrong so I'm not going to waste any more of my time arguing with you. I'm glad this shit is finally getting cracked down on here, Tumblr and wherever the fuck else you sick bastards try to spread your disease and I hope it only gets harder and harder for you as time goes on until this blight is gone from humanity.

>> No.3441640

Look how fucking mad this dude is
You're honestly broken inside if you get this upset about people you've never met fapping to cute girls. Honestly you might just be gay or severely repressed if you can't understand why it's appealing

>> No.3441643
File: 2.52 MB, 640x360, you are this butthurt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3441644

waiting for someone to post something that proves this wrong

come on
do it

>> No.3441648
File: 31 KB, 276x389, 1510984228095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People that get THIS angry about loli grew up with (most likely religious) boomer parents who sucked down everything the TV told them. After the media circuses of the 70s and 80s pedos became a boogeyman second only to drugs and satanists. thankfully it's an attitude that's disappearing and eventually tumblrite puritans won't be able to stifle the flow of loli.

>> No.3441656

>Hurrr they're not obese and balding like me means they're prepubescent children pedos reeeeeeeeeeeee
Giving women the vote was a mistake.

>> No.3441663

in 100 years people will laugh at nowadays' puritanism, pretty much like we laugh at medieval attitudes towards religion

why couldn't i had born in a civilized society instead of this hypocritical, retarded, primitve one?

>> No.3441665
File: 70 KB, 720x559, tumblr_p8jniuMQEs1v5ev5uo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, okay
i'm not a big fan of loli but throwing THIS much of a hissy fit over Fictional content is stupid. where's the rage over noncon, people? rape is terrible :(
art isn't reality, and the argument that "creating this kinda content will only encourage people to act out their fantasies into the real world!!!1" is dumb. 99% of the time it doesn't make a difference between the man who jacks it to leedle anime girls and the man who legitimately has a urge to fuck a kid. if anything, it 'satisfies' the need without forcing the person to actually hurt a child to assuage their fetish.
>After the media circuses of the 70s and 80s pedos became a boogeyman second only to drugs and satanists.
legitimate pedophiles are pretty fucking bad though.

>> No.3441666

Is there a gelbooru-esque site for western loli art?

>> No.3441667
File: 92 KB, 386x567, 1525475935274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't a matter of puritanism, retard, it's a matter of artistic freedom. I think it's the opposite in fact, we'll have a return to puritanism in the future though I don't think art should be affected by it.
Pedophiles=/=child molesters.

>> No.3441669


>> No.3441671
File: 98 KB, 678x678, 4EF91E60-269B-4E13-9950-C0C595250A56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what happened to 4chan?

Unironically /pol/.

>> No.3441675

People who get this mad about loli are uggos who can't get laid and resent both the pedos and the kids for "breaking the rules" to get the sex they desire so desperately.

>> No.3441749
File: 42 KB, 399x322, 1520166085940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use pixiv as portfolio for your pedo shit and find clients through other social media.
Make dressed SFW edits of your pedo shit art and post on tumblr/DA/whatever.
Contact your former commissioners and followers to regain following.

Dude that's some tumblr janny's fuckup then. I would annoy their support to death if that shit happened to me.

>> No.3441758

Pedos are disgusting, but fuck let em draw their pedo shit. It's just drawings.
>muh it may trigger their pedo urges to rape children
There's a difference between realizing you are a disgusting pedo and actually going out touching kids.
I like women, I want to draw women, doesn't mean I'm out there grabbing them by their pussy.

>> No.3441767

>realizing you are a disgusting pedo
this is where you kys

>> No.3441776


>> No.3441824

Ironically /pol/ used to be more open when Christians were around. With the election came anti-Christian puritans from plebbit

>> No.3441828

christians are the biggest pedos

>> No.3441843

Shota traps are also pedo, anon.

>> No.3441909

You're an idiot OP. What did you think was gonna happen? There's no place for NSFW Loli art you dumb dumb. Next time only post SFW stuff and add in commission description that you also do NSFW. Make a twitter account and link it to your gallery and vise vesra. So when shit like this happens people can know where to find you so you don't lose your customers.

>> No.3441941

I already had a Twitter account and I regularly reminded people on Tumblr to also follow me there, like I said, less than 1/8 of them did, it’s just not as popular for art.

>> No.3441956

> What is consent?
> Children can't consent because they're dumb as hell
> Pedos want to diddle kids because they want someone they could easily manipulate
Eat shit, you degenerate.

>> No.3441962

l*terally this

>> No.3441968

this place has really become a tumblr colony, bet half of these posts are from unironic womyn

>> No.3441970

It's no mystery that /ic/ has always been full of women though.

>> No.3441973

dude what did you expect... if you break the website’s rules it’s completely justified for them to kick you out.

>> No.3441988
File: 390 KB, 905x1336, 1517885619456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pseudo lolis are best

>> No.3441993

I want to explode inside of Helena Blavatsky-chan!

>> No.3442025

No, they were exactly as retarded. /pol/ is wannabe counterculture. What was counter to pop culture was just different back then. If you look at /pol/ these days it is mostly just lemmings copying and pasting baseless opinions off eachother and getting upset at photoshopped tweets and headlines that don't actually exist. This is counterculture in the world of alternative facts.

>> No.3442552

This is your own fault. Everyone knows that stuff will get you banned.

>> No.3442581
File: 39 KB, 623x590, 550c32b01a1b316e85dba49166ba01f0d6a99dde9dc65e660d324b1d1160375b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we hate pedos so we will go after anime drawings
>but real pedos that hide among the herd of fags, trannys and the perverse is fine by me
Do-gooders screaming into the ether.

>> No.3442679

Children don't consent to spending 18 years of their life in school either, yet that is forced upon every single one in the developed world, so even if that did disprove anything in that image, which it does not, that is hardly a valid basis. If you have something that actually refutes what has been published in the scientific literature, you are welcome to present it.
To be clear, these are the facts you must refute:
1. Child pornography consumption is linked to lower child abuse incidences, child porn consumption is not a risk factor for child molestation
2. Psychological damage in child abuse comes from violence against unwilling children, forced secrecy and threats during and after the fact required to keep a child quiet, and trauma and guilt from interviews, not from sexual contact

>> No.3442680

>No, they were exactly as retarded.4chan is wannabe counterculture.

>> No.3442689

How can I report a blog I don’t like that always posts underage drawings?

>> No.3442732

Fuck off alinity

>> No.3442734

Link it to me and I'll handle it personally, i hate pedos haha little girls aren't sexy

>> No.3442751

Both aren't fine wtf

>> No.3442757

>another loli pedophilic cuntbag
>karma kicks in
serves you right, me thinks

>> No.3442765

karma does not exists, there are real pedophiles who go their whole life unpunished

or do people actually believe in reincarnation and afterlife? lmao

>> No.3442769

the negativity and pain you cause comes back like a boomerang, one way or another. not in a form you'd necessarily expect, but it will. that's just life, call it karma, call it esotericism, doesn't really matter how you name it. it's going to happen.

pedophiles are mentally challanged, sick people that will try to twist and turn themselves out of any reasoning with them like fucking eels.

>> No.3442775

>Believes in karma
>Trump is president

>> No.3442778

Nice try, pedo Christian. Tilting at windmills huh? >>3441373

>> No.3442779

what's more negative, appreciating the transcendent beauty of little girls or inventing a metaphysical reality in your head about how people who don't share your sexual propensities will be punished by the universe? honestly you just sound like a morally obsessed lunatic

>> No.3442785
File: 58 KB, 941x304, 123145365487686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pedophiles are mentally challanged, sick people that will try to twist and turn themselves out of any reasoning with them like fucking eels.
What the next part of your master plan?

>> No.3442786
File: 237 KB, 1707x535, 132143654876987987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic

>> No.3442789

>shows typical signs of defensiveness and spouts out sorry excuses for his longing to molest, abuse and ruin a child
yeah, i've seen this kind of behavior on here many times. i'm very very glad to hear that you've lost your account.

>> No.3442793

Reason and historically relevant arguments won't work on people like him who have no sense of any reality beyond their immediate surroundings and the current epoch. He was told early that attraction to people under 18 is a monstrosity and that conviction will likely follow him for the remainder of his life. I can only imagine the inevitable cognitive dissonance and mental damage.

>> No.3442796
File: 238 KB, 1704x482, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignoring historical facts
>still pushing agenda

>> No.3442798
File: 79 KB, 776x1119, marp_Namb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet he's in here
hi Nambo

>> No.3442803

Hey everyone! Just popping in to say WOW! I am SO proud of /ic/s powerful moral compass! Keep up the good work and keep that moral compass right!!! Tell them loliconvicts whats what!

>> No.3442992

make another tumblr and DONT tag your work

lolicons are unironically the most harmless creatures on this planet. i dont see why summeranons dont instead put their efforts towards hunting down real life child molesters. (ie- people who molest actual children. real, breathing, living kids. as in- not imaginary chinese cartoons)

>> No.3443016
File: 738 KB, 1268x1645, pol arguments lolicons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image is honestly better

>> No.3443057

So this is enlightenment

>> No.3443080

you are all the same. fag, tranny, anime pedos. you are all pedos, and thus better dead.

>> No.3443088

I swear anyone who posts like this is either a boomer, a roastie, or some third worlder from India or Malaysia or some shit, explains the broken english

>> No.3443096


Whenever the argument is made ”think of the children!”, those people actually dont care about children. Its just a lazy excuse to go after things that offend offend them while casually ignoring real world problems. We live in a society where the government defends muslim child murderers/rapists while attacking citizens who speak their minds or create artwork. Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Britain, practically all western states are turning into bigbrother.

>> No.3443100

Just like those gay Republicans who want to shut down gay marriage but get caught with make prostitutes or all those anti rape activists who turn out to be rapists themselves, the people who shout the loudest often are the ones indulging in it.

>> No.3443128

How does Japan just continually exceed my expectations.
God damn. Call me a weeb, whatever.

>> No.3443147


>> No.3443149

It is worse because it tries to take the logical angle on age laws but then it takes a big dump of retarded jewish conspiritard shit all over it.

>> No.3443158
File: 283 KB, 255x138, 8e30.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a conspiracy theory when it's a fact that the people who own the mainstream meteor are jews. Perhaps they don't have an insidious motive behind their constant undermining of the West, but their influence is still destructive. Make up your own mind.

>> No.3443199
File: 124 KB, 301x344, Lolicons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sucks OP I'm not the biggest fan of loli or shota but there is no reason you should be deleted off of a site for your fictional drawings. This poster's suggestion is pretty good I'm seconding it. >>3441749

>> No.3443212
File: 1.66 MB, 1080x1920, thinking japanese man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that the Girls Und Panzer creator said this to a BBC journalist's face so she removed any trace of him from the documentary.

>So Stacey asked me “Why don’t you Japanese just follow (adjust to, do) what we do in the UK?”, and I returned “Why don’t you British people just do what we Japanese do since we are more civilised and have lower crime rate?”

>> No.3443226

Back to your hole, conspiritard. Keep making embarrassing posts about how a tiny minority of the world acting in complete agreement with the way capitalism is designed to work is the reason why women don't want to sleep with you.

>> No.3443236
File: 344 KB, 896x523, infocus-in126x-hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3443247
File: 214 KB, 1063x1500, CsB8MjpWEAAiN7x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is real

>> No.3443251

Yeah, conspiritards are usually the demographic with such low comprehension of reality that they can't even use words like 'project' correctly. You seem to think it means 'no u', which is exactly the level of intellect I expected from you.

>> No.3443252
File: 29 KB, 400x450, 1526575952252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3443260

From one random, white noise one-word copypaste post to the next. Why not just put them all into one post for my convenience?

>> No.3443266

Now can those Jap fags explain to me why they pixelate genitals in porn?

>> No.3443274
File: 41 KB, 422x600, 1526335833989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically because of americans.

>> No.3443275
File: 21 KB, 398x370, images (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking thread /kek/
Reminds me of the sjw's that turn around and abuse women and hardline christians that diddle kids.
Fucks wrong with you people?
> Being this triggered over loli
> All this virtue signaling

>> No.3443292

Why are you so butthurt? Those posts aren't belligerent enough to get someone frothing.

>> No.3443302

It's ok when japan does it. No really though, it means there's no point in them doing those gross closeups, so it serves a valuable purpose. Yet another reason jav is the superior artform.

>> No.3443310 [DELETED] 

cishet. why are cishets like this i thought they just beat up 18 year old women and not 18-

>> No.3443315
File: 53 KB, 287x668, received_10160271334760697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if it's part of our culture.desu?

>> No.3443320

loli isn't even allowed on 4chan. every time there's a shad thread with one of his degenerate pedo drawings, the image gets removed. Lolicon isn't as idly accepted as you think.

>> No.3443322

Shad isn't loli and deserves to be deleted.

>> No.3443323

Isn't there loli on /b/?
And afaik it's not because of /muh morals/ but because the site will get taken down if it doesnt pretend it complies.

>> No.3443328
File: 214 KB, 543x407, 1526604550329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loli isn't even allowed on 4chan.
Moot point, hiro wouldn't mind creating a loli board on another domain. Besides there's plenty of sfw loli on /a/ and /v/ and nsfw loli on /b/.
His loli drawings are shit.

>> No.3443348

>japs don’t commission anyone.

4 u

>> No.3443353

it is the part of the culture you cishet

>> No.3443354

>His loli drawings are shit.
Wrong opinion, but it's okay to be retarded in 2008+10.

>> No.3443362
File: 907 KB, 400x224, Ofj1ZCA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which do you find more abhorrent and reprehensible? A clip of muslims slitting throats and cutting off heads, or an animated loli riding some D?
If you honestly say loli there's literally something wrong with you.
>inb4 "B-both are b-bad!"
Then why allow one and not the other on 4chan? Gif has plenty of gore and war.
These arguments follow the same logic as violence in video games cause violence and shoot shootings. Only if you're an autistic sperg who'd do it anyway. No punishment harsh enough for those knuckle draggers.
>You're missing the point!
No, i'm not. 4chin is and never has about pandering to moralfags. It's about the completely unadulterated expression of anonymous opinion from across the globe and memes, whether you're part of the kkk, black panther revivalists or a virtue signaling faggot.
Should he have been banned? Yes, he broke the ToS and deserves it for not thinking forward. Is loli worth sperging over this much? No.

>> No.3443365

>Shoot shootings

>> No.3443371

>hate loli
>go on a website with a loli mascot anyway

I didn’t know the reddit/tumblr takeover was this bad.

>> No.3443374

Fuck off shad, you're /beg/-tier.

>> No.3443547

How many times are you going to samefag? Get the fuck off this site and never come back, you aren't welcome here.

>> No.3443563

neither are you, that is why your loli garbage is confined under one specific board.

>> No.3443612


>> No.3443623
File: 63 KB, 944x152, Screenshot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not enough that you're a pedophile, you're also a retard.

>> No.3443654

you have that backwards. medieval attitudes were to fuck and marry a 13 year old. hot old chicks are the future

>> No.3443662

2D>3D you spaz.

>> No.3443663

>they masturbate from infancy
>it seems obvious that the physical contact isn't responsible for the emotional harm
Exactly, you masturbate too, so when Jamal and Tyrone will destroy your boipussy in jail, "physical contact" also won't be "responsible for the emotional harm". You'll like it, you slut.

>Regarding sex itself, children are perfectly capable of understanding it and thus giving informed consent.
Children also understand they're much, much smaller and weaker than the pedo, so they'll compromise to avoid even more harm. I'm sure Tyrone and Jamal will teach you a lot about giving consent. You'll give consent like crazy just so it hurts less.

>as the 'victim' grapples with the fact s/he was violated and used by someone who was supposed to love them
So you do understand? Great, that'll be 10 more years in jail for you.

>These feelings of betrayal are not inherent to the sexual act at all, they are socially constructed.
You know what else is socially constructed? Feelings of guilt after killing a man. As a part of breaking free of this awful social pressure I suggest public torture and lynching of kiddie diddlers.

>What's it like to live as a slave, denying your natural and healthy impulses?
I hope you won't be a meanie by trying to deny Tyrone's and Jamal's healthy impulses.

>> No.3443672
File: 66 KB, 1024x563, 28713A44-63D1-4829-9560-7472E600AABB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

>> No.3443696

Reminder to people with a stick up their ass about loli: yes it's disgusting and evil and that doesn't matter to the people who are banning it, they only want control and they will come for something you like soon enough. The enemy of your enemy is not your friend, they're just another enemy

>all underage girls are loli

Newfag doesn't even know what it means.

>> No.3443700

Tumblr is dead anyway. I got 1.5k followers and I none of my posts go beyond two or three likes, while they seem to explode on other platforms.

>> No.3443713

Once you stop caring about notes and just draw what you want (and tag it appropriately) you'll feel better

>> No.3443729

>muh fictional children

>> No.3443783

It's weird how this post is set up like it's making an argument but then you don't make one

>> No.3443793

He's clearly talking about yotsuba, not sachiko you double newfag

>> No.3443884

>/r9k/ retards, moralfags, /pol/edditors and LITERALLY TUMBLR ruins another thread
Can't you fucking retards even read? He wasn't even drawing lolicon.

>> No.3443887

There's no argument to be done. Pedos need to be gunned down and that's it.

>> No.3443890

The proper mindset.

>> No.3443897

He was, though. Instead of saying ‘this prepubescent girl is actually a 2000-year-old dragon’, his excuse was ‘this prepubescent girl is actually a 20-year-old man.’

>> No.3443898

It's funny how violent and vindictive your rhetoric is when it's obvious the only form these morals of yours will ever take is how they're manifesting right now: angry words on the internet. All you have is words, and even then you're getting blown the fuck out in this thread.

>> No.3443903 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 725x674, geso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hot old chicks are the future

>> No.3443909

what, you don't like milfs?

>> No.3443928
File: 77 KB, 725x674, geso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hot old chicks are the future
Nevermind that, your claim of marrying 13 year olds being a strictly medieval practice is completely wrong. Marrying young girls(marrying young in general) used to be the norm until feminism worked it's vile magic. Heck, my grandparents started dating when grandma was 13 and grandpa was 24 and they got married an year later, this was in the fucking 60s and nobody at the time would call it weird. Imagine if this had happened today, my grandfather would be seen as some twisted pedo when he's in fact just a regular guy that lead a much more virtuous life than all the people that would deride him as some sort of sicko for marrying a young girl.
Sorry for the rant but this shit really gets my blood boiling.

>> No.3443936
File: 37 KB, 464x428, 1521588654786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: There are some states where the age of consent is only 16 years, but you can go to jail for having pictures of your naked 16 yo wife.

>> No.3443939

You're exactly right. The strangest deception is how a lot of people who consider themselves upholders of important tradition when it comes to morality and gender roles have it completely backwards when it comes to age disparity in relationships. You'd think the same people who rant about degeneracy and wanting to lynch "pedos" would be the same people supporting traditional relationships where the man takes on a quasi-paternal role while simultaneously ensuring the female hasn't had numerous sexual relationships which will likely be the case for a 20 year old female in modern times. I suppose it has something to do with the attribution of pedophilia to homosexuals and/or Satanists?

>> No.3443940

Why don't you fuck off in some middle eastern shithole if you want to abuse a child so badly you subhuman sick fuck?

How can you be so fucking retarded to not understand that a 13 years old child is not mature enough to take such important decisions? You're just an insecure shit who picks on children because they are easier to control and manipulate.

>> No.3443941

If you like lolis you're a pedo and should go to jail
If you like traps or futa you're gay and should acknowledge it
If you like rape porn you're a closeted rapist and should seek a therapist
If you like bdsm you're a violence glorifier and should go to an anti aggression meet
If you like porn in public places you're a closeted exhibitionist and should stay away from schools, playgrounds and similar

This is you.

>> No.3443943

ofc only pedos like you would know that

>> No.3443944 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3443946

4chan is site for terrorists

>> No.3443949
File: 84 KB, 847x716, 1404754351879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. increasingly nervous roastie
Can't handle a bit of competition there, sweetie?

>> No.3443955

Obvious roastie or male feminist. You've been decieved and have become a deciever. Opinion discarded.
And you're just a pussy as deep as a puddle.

>> No.3443957
File: 548 KB, 2480x2245, 1526755996338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I suppose it has something to do with the attribution of pedophilia to homosexuals and/or Satanists?
Yep. Though plenty of people on /pol/ are redpilled on this. This kind of crap also comes from dregs of society like male feminists and roasties.
>Why don't you fuck off in some middle eastern shithole if you want to abuse a child so badly you subhuman sick fuck?
I don't have to, the age of consent is alredy 14 in my country.

>> No.3443959

Anon, I...

>> No.3443963

oh woops sorry mate i was too hasty with that second one, sorry, I'm on an onslaught

>> No.3443969

And yet you're still a kissless virgin with absolutely no friends. Again, the only reason why you are a sick pedo is that girls of your age are completely disgusted by you and the fact that you don't even understand that a children hasn't the same mental maturity of an adult proves that you are a complete sociopath.

>> No.3443977
File: 104 KB, 960x960, roastie postie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3443986

OP didn't even post his art so how do we know it's a case of ">Draw a girl, call it a boy"

>> No.3443988

I am laughing my ass off at how some people here are losing it over someones' not real, 2D dragon lolis prefrences.

Like these same people actually prefer 3D ones.

>> No.3443989
File: 279 KB, 1040x768, 1472156025020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this projecting
Not him, but if you really want a decent Man who is husband material to touch you without having to go through the embarrassment of him finding out you've taken a dicking sideways 50 different times by Tyrone and friends there is in fact a cosmetic surgery to "revirginize" your vile and used up cunt. Just know that in doing so you are a deceptive and a putrid cunt.

>> No.3443991

Hey, that's good.

>> No.3443993
File: 131 KB, 1264x471, 1445896715593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally you

>> No.3443997

my fuckin sides

>> No.3444001

>actually real, word for word

>> No.3444004

It is as the ancient saying goes:
He who smelt it, dealt it

>> No.3444009

the lazy town shirt is a nice touch

>> No.3444010
File: 294 KB, 1200x718, 132154365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like 3D too.

>> No.3444012

This guy works fast. Legendary.

>> No.3444013
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>> No.3444015

So are they majority of human beings. Why are you here gaying up this shit?

>> No.3444025
File: 93 KB, 1198x1200, Oshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3444028

who made this? I can find the site with more but i don't see any names

>> No.3444031


use iqdb man, come on

>> No.3444038


>> No.3444040

telling people how to find sauce in the future so they won't ask again is better than just telling them to fuck off

>> No.3444049

Yes yes thanks for spoonfeeding me anon

>> No.3444053

Fucking based Japanese low bullshit tolerance.

>> No.3444055

No. Spoonfeeding was against rules for decades here. It's bad. It's spreads cancer. Why do you think /ic/ full of tumblr right now? Because of artbook and torrent request threads. Look at this pic >>3444010 It literally has artist name on it. But who cares.

>> No.3444056

4chan is full of tumblr and reddit because of its mainstream exposure due to stuff like the fappening, not spoonfeeding

>> No.3444059

>Why do you think /ic/ full of tumblr right now? Because of artbook and torrent request threads.
There is literally a Tumblr thread that acts as the gateway for these buttravaged faggots to come here and start bitching and moaning about what they don't like using leftist rhetoric and buzzwords.

>> No.3444060


>> No.3444089

This is not /a/ you fucking subhumans, we aren't forced to accept your degenerate sick fetish like those shitty manchildren who spend their days watching cartoons about little girls eating cake and fingering each others. Go back to your shitholes and hopefully die of brain cancer.

>> No.3444091

tumblr pls go, the adults are talking

>> No.3444103

Gaia pls

>> No.3444104

Yeah that's what disgusts me, a bunch of adults who can't have normal human contacts so they try to rape children.

>> No.3444111
File: 103 KB, 592x758, 1347734970809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting or this girl will be dead.

>> No.3444113
File: 19 KB, 403x392, efd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill her

>> No.3444122

oh baby a triple

>> No.3444134
File: 296 KB, 552x10000, Tumblr_-_2018-05-24_20.23.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3444330

>little girls eating cake and fingering each other
im gonna go look for this RIGHT NOW
thanks tumblanon

>> No.3444367
File: 104 KB, 691x651, 1471297862228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You read it wrong, it said "fingering each others" with an s as in each other's cakes. You turned a cute and innocent little food play into a vulgar and perverted image you should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.3444379

Absolutely embarrassing post.

>> No.3444380
File: 76 KB, 500x693, 1509493041044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this pedo shit?

>> No.3444560

Didn't meant like that Anon.

I was just referring to "2D>3D/real life" waifu shtick.