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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 37 KB, 400x400, 1430171196538.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3439282 No.3439282 [Reply] [Original]

Show me your gains and dreams:
When you started drawing seriously, what was your skill like?
What is your skill now?
What's your inspiration for where you want to be in 3 years?

Let's make some gains:
How much do you spend actually drawing/practicing every day? Be honest with yourself.
How much can you increase your time practicing by? Double it, or add 10 minutes to it, whatever you can commit to. Do no more, no less for a week.
How well did you do?
Check in every day or every week if you want, whatever keeps you going. Don't be shy, post your shit. Face your fears, it'll make you stronger.

Take critiques like a man, know when to accept it gracefully and when it's just abuse and ignore that shit, move on. Become your better self.

Let's stop hoarding resources and start using them, no matter how much the process of getting better can hurt, it's better than being stuck in this mediocre hell.

Let's git gud

>> No.3439289

This would have been a great idea if it wasn't on /ic/. Maybe a discord or something.

>> No.3439314

I think we can do this on /ic/. But if you would all improve more on a discord rather than use it to procrastinate, I'll make one.

The main rule would be that if you guys do not check in with some kind of progress after 7 days, I'm going to kick you.
Life happens, that's fine. I get it. You can ask me for an invite again and return with progress but if the discord is full then it is full, sorry, keep checking back or make your own gains group.

Also if you join, you're joining it to work, not circle jerk. I will kick anyone who fucks around and distracts others instead of focusing on making gains.

>> No.3439316
File: 739 KB, 1652x1100, 1520031181196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Times spent drawing:
Friday: 1:30
Saturday: 1:43
Sunday: 3:04
Today: 0:50

NGMI with times like these ;_;

>> No.3439320
File: 661 KB, 3840x2160, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started 4 years ago and my ability to draw from imagination was nonexistent. I'm getting to the point of where if I want to draw something it kinda looks like what I want it to look like so I think the grind will get easier.

>> No.3439323

I drawing very sporadic a few hours here and there so something I am trying to focus on now is consistency.

>> No.3439327

Hobbyist scum on and off for years, I started drawing seriously a week ago, wanna see how far I can get before dropping like a sack of shit?

>> No.3439339

7 Hours and 7 minutes is your total for the week, and you only did it for 4 days so far.

You seem to linger comofrtably around an hour to an hour and a half of time spent drawing. Pick one you think you can do for the rest of the week.

If you finish off your week with 1:30 per day, no more and no less, then you'll end at 11 hours 37 minutes for the week. It may not be much now but you're going to work hard and make gains.

>> No.3439344

That is progress, good. If you feel you cannot keep it up just remember where you came from, the progress you have made from then to now, and how you can better yourself. Remember what you are striving for.

How many minutes or hours a day do you think you can realistically commit to doing every single day for a week? Even if you have a busy schedule you can find a good 15 minutes a day at least, right?

>> No.3439347

Yes. However if you fail, keep in mind where you want to be and find the strength to get right back up and try, no matter how much it hurts. I encourage everyone to be persistent.

I cannot say anything for your peers but I will not berate you for fucking up, you may get kicked, as long as there is room you can return.

Also, I am doing this exercise right along with you all. I have not drawn anything myself in a long time, and I think wasted time is wasted money. I am afraid of showing my work and being vulnerable, but I am so sick of wasting my time away, I am going to just deal with it.

>> No.3439348

How long can you draw for (or study and practice applying it as you take notes), what can you commit to for sure for 7 days?

>> No.3439363

So far I've been doing a consistent couple of hours a day of meaningful practice and study, with about 6 hours yesterday and it'll be a split 3 and 3 hour session before I go to bed tonight (days off), I'd say it's longer but I shitpost and get distracted now and then. Usually when I switch on my music I can actually start drawing.
I'll have about 4 full free days days to break in a graphics tablet at the start of June too, but for now pen and paper to try and get things right.
Oh I really don't mind harsh critiques, as long as they're actually critiques and not "U shit. Needs more Loomis." memes. "You dun fucked up X and X, do it again with a new image" is much better if I'm not seeing it, "Study Y's X chapter for X problem" is also good.

>> No.3439377

If you can do a consistent couple of hours, then do a couple of hours every day for a week, no more no less. If you want to draw more I can't stop you but just don't burn yourself out.

You're going to cut out distractions for a few hours a day, turn on the music, set a timer, and draw or study for the entire set time.

Pen and paper are usually better for beginners anyways. I'd recommend a good sketching pencil or mechanical pencil as well so you can practice value.

Harsh is allowed, toxic and pointless is not. I can't do anything about it here though so if it happens just ignore it.

>> No.3439403

Well, I'm going to continue practice, time to get started for today. If there ends up being a discord or sommat lemme know. I aim to get four hours daily (with maybe a days break), but normally the last part is me mucking around with something I *want* to draw. Drew a stupid image as a shitpost in another thread purely because I was suddenly motivated to do so by a dumb comment, but saw the mistakes made even there.

>> No.3439409

Pick how long you will study. Mucking about is on your own time afterwards, don't count it in your study time.

Good that you can see your own mistakes. It means you have acquired mental gains, now just turn them into something tangible.

>> No.3439412

your hatching is kind of flat, not necessarily wrong but you could wrap your lines around the form a bit better to create more convincing structure also nice progress meng

>> No.3439414

Alright guys, here's the discord link, it will last one day. Please read the rules before you post.


>> No.3439426
File: 2.81 MB, 2680x7796, Progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3439429
File: 1.01 MB, 1597x3234, Medusafate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the last serious thing I did.
It's not that good but it's way better than the first fullbody drawing on the top.

>> No.3439435
File: 492 KB, 3000x1954, ArtGainsIntroChart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something for you guys to mash all your pics into. Put your inspiration for where you want to end up in 3 years in the far right box.

When you post please remember to give information on how much time you seriously spend training every day.

>> No.3439457

this is very impressive progress!

>> No.3439471


You have definitely improved.

How many hours a day do you draw seriously?

>> No.3439499

Good stuff, anon. How comfortable are you with perspective? My hunch is that's what you have to work on.

You also make the forearms consistently too long. Disregard if you're consciously doing it as some sort of stylization.

>> No.3439602

Yeah I agree its just that straight lines feel better and I can do them faster. Spamming curved lines kinda gets me out of the zone.

>> No.3439659
File: 170 KB, 784x1056, 1526277282326.JPEG copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh, only one or two hours during the week and 30min/1hour. I don't draw much at all, I don't have a lot of time unfortunately.
A lot of people talked to me about how I handle perspective, is it that noticeable ? What's wrong and what/how can I study to fix it ?

>> No.3439705
File: 1.43 MB, 4439x2530, progress feb2may.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I started drawing seriously late February of this year. Before that I had drawn up until high school, but never knew about any fundamentals.

I'd say I practice 3+ hours daily, some days (like the last 2) much more than that, 8+. I'm a filthy NEET though so it's easy to find time for it.

These past couple days have been some of the most productive because I've really made it a point to simplify and thoroughly study anatomy (quality over quantity, spent 3-4 hours on one figure drawing, noting the proportions, angles, bumps, curves, etc. and establishing as many mnemonics/mental shortcuts as possible).

For now I'd like to get good enough to do well with commissions, but for that I need to learn color theory/how to paint (I suck). Reading up on Gurney's Color and Light between drawings and trying to do simple still life studies, keep getting sidetracked with anatomy though.

One inspiration is Inoue Kiyoshirou's god-tier linework.

>> No.3439780
File: 115 KB, 940x940, received_2097512280490438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, first time posting my work to /ic/. I started making art by selling abstract paintings that I would spend 5$ on and sell for 50$ to people I would meet out at the bar or friends that would be interested.

Last summer I made 500$ in total and it inspired me to continue to create but improve on what I was doing.

I havent really taught myself a ton but I've made it a goal to practice and improve every single day and these are my results.

Top row is all my older drawings from April/May last year.
A skeleton, some mushrooms, and an alien meeting a skeleton? (i was on a lot of drugs last year)

Middle row is an improved skeleton, not anatomically correct but done in my style as a sketch. Middle of middle row is the first abstract painting i sold and to the left of it is a mushroom.

Bottom row is a new style of work im working on.

>> No.3439860

People are seriously buying this?

>> No.3439864

>How much do you spend actually drawing/practicing every day? Be honest with yourself.
depends if i want to i can draw the whole day but mostly i don't do shit for weeks
>How much can you increase your time practicing by? Double it, or add 10 minutes to it, whatever you can commit to. Do no more, no less for a week.
i can't im a lazy fuck and i feel bad about it
>How well did you do?
not well still suck after 10 years of this shit
talent is a meme

>> No.3439885
File: 57 KB, 620x877, example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the same anon but i think the reason why people point out your perspective is because
of the way all your characters look. They all
look stiff and all standing on the same
perspective plane .Try drawing characters from different angles? Kind of like the example i found.
I'm not great at perspective myself so i can't give you any tips.

>> No.3439898
File: 95 KB, 293x308, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your straight-on poses and pic related reveals your weakness in perspective.

If you can stomach it, read Scott Robertson's How to Draw. He draws cars and shit in the book but the concepts will help your figure drawing.

Alternatively, you can draw boxes in perspective and try to fit body parts into them (Krenz does this).

There are all kinds of ways to improve when you know your weakness. Look at other images with dynamic camera angles and deconstruct them into boxes to see how they relate in perspective

Good luck, anon

>> No.3439900

Not trying to crab but people how did you convince ppl to buy this garbage? GL on improving

>> No.3439924

do it fag, I'll join
I like the idea

>> No.3439962

the middle painting sold for 50$, everything else ive made is just my personal collection

>> No.3439970

which ones do you consider garbage? i've sold absolute trash to people who ate it all up. sorry i didnt post a cute anime girl for you to touch yourself to anon

>> No.3440007

Here's the picture thing for you guys to fill out
And here's the discord link for anyone looking for it since it got buried:

>> No.3440064
File: 2.74 MB, 1546x2148, value and form.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, straight lines may be easier and faster but you need to convey form somehow. Drawing a 3D object with flat lines will make it flat.

Remember that a change in tone is a change in planes on a 3d object.

Straight lines may be your comfort zone but if you want to get anywhere you need to break out of that.

>> No.3440069
File: 2.32 MB, 1542x2109, value and form 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You shouldn't be "spamming" curved lines anyways. You can start a sketch with straight lines going across the planes and blend them all together slowly, but really it takes concentration and patience. If you work at it, you'll be able to shit out forms though and the feeling you get from that is worth putting in the hard work.

Don't let yourself be mediocre because it's easy.

>> No.3440086
File: 503 KB, 1254x885, 1354782231479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tbh, only one or two hours during the week and 30min/1hour. I don't draw much at all, I don't have a lot of time unfortunately.

Well the thing about busy people is when they want to get good at something they have to give something up to make time. Wake up a little earlier or stay up a little later, even if it's a consistent 15 minutes a day, at least you are getting daily practice. I made it work when I was working 12 hour shifts 6 days a week, I think you can too if you just make an effort to make the time for it.

Pic related on perspective. Just learn the basic forms that you can make a human up with and put them in perspective. Please practice gesture at bare minimum right now, you desperately need it.

>> No.3440098
File: 168 KB, 786x1017, 1425003750668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Set a time you're comfortable with doing consistently every day. No more, no less. You can work up to 8 hours a day if you want but right now it's about forming good habits.

Good progress, though I think you can practice more efficiently. You're making an effort to use perspective but it looks like you're having some trouble with value and forms. You're going to have to work on your pencil techniques so that you can define your values and forms better. Keep trying with the perspective, too.

One thing that I noticed consistently needs work is the hair. You mentioned Gurney's Color and Light, find the section where he's talking about hair and the ribbon method, it would really help you out with that. Hair isn't a bunch of little strands that are all defined all the time. Hair is just like anything else, it is chunks of value and lights. You only put detail in your midtones and a little bit in your highlights.

To learn how to paint, you first need to learn how to use a pencil and master values properly. Value is literally half of working in color (the other half is hue and saturation which rely heavily on value to work). I'd say put down color and light for a little while (except for the sections on hair and values) and focus on other fundamentals first. Gesture, value and form, perspective, and anatomy are what you need the most.

>> No.3440105

great book

>> No.3440119
File: 65 KB, 1334x728, 1430253829876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is good that you are so ambitious, and are interested in learning the business. However on the subject of learning a new style, you barely have a grasp on the fundamentals, and you do need to learn those in order to fully develop your own style. Gotta know the rules to break them efficiently. If you practice the fundamentals it will be hard at first but then you'll start seeing improvement that will blow you away, and you can start charging more for your art as it gets better. $50 a piece is lower tier, let's get you able to charge $300 a piece.

Don't let your focus on style hold you back from improving, though I'm not saying you can't play with it as you learn, it should not be your main focus. You will develop your style over time as you develop an understanding, and you'll have much more fun making stuff to sell.

How much time a day do you draw seriously (like studies or drawing to improve yourself)? How much time a day can you consistently commit to for a week?

>> No.3440124

>Scott Robertson's How to Draw
That book was a godsend for me. Highly recommend it for anyone needing perspective help. There are even companion videos that go along with the lessons in case you need to see it done to fully understand it.

>> No.3440125

The discord link is right here son


Let me know if it expires

>> No.3440137

I love that book. That's basically what is taught in atelier/art trade schools. Though in mine we were only allowed a kneaded eraser, a hard eraser, a set of pencil leads and a lead holder. It was much less forgiving than that book but I think we all learned some insane amount of control from that.

>> No.3440175
File: 1.15 MB, 1080x1920, received_2089918131249853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont spend as much time as i should, is there like a program or routine for drawings to improve? what a Starting Strength or 5x5 Stronglifts is to a /fit/izen, but for art?

>> No.3440183

Okay. Do an eye training exercise. Pick a black and white photo of a person or an animal, flip it upside down and draw it as accurately as possible. You can use a grid if you need to, but know that is a crutch you will have to get rid of when you've trained yourself to draw what you really see instead of what you think you see.

Good luck!

>> No.3440187

Woops hit post too early.

As far as routine, just make it your routine to draw every day for a set amount of time. No distractions, just sit down in your work space and hunker down until time is up. Making this habit is very important as you can then start increasing your time every week. The more you draw, the better you get. You have to get through a high volume of work to get good, so stick with it even when it's hard and in time you'll see the progress.

>> No.3440286

Well do you want to change that about yourself? Get into good habits and make progress? If you feel bad about it then why don't you stop procrastinating and wallowing in despair and just face the suffering head on?

It's up to you, man. But just remember you're in a hell of your own design and you can crawl out of it if you put in some effort. Even 15 minutes a day at first.

>> No.3440341 [DELETED] 
File: 2.72 MB, 774x2530, drawin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, I'll skip ahead to that section. And definitely going to keep figure/life drawing.

What do you think of this? That's the best I can render with pencil as of today. I don't know, I feel like I understand it well enough to at least get started with color.

It's just when color and digital brushes enter the equation, I feel like an idiot. Weirdly I don't have this problem spriting (which I've done a lot of). I think because it allows me to get obsessive with detail and is infinitely more forgiving of mistakes, which don't necessarily apply in painting.

>> No.3440345
File: 878 KB, 387x1265, drawin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, I'll skip ahead to that section. And definitely going to keep figure/life drawing.

What do you think of this? That's the best I can render with pencil as of today. I don't know, I feel like I understand it well enough to at least get started with color.

It's just when color and digital brushes enter the equation, I feel like an idiot. Weirdly I don't have this problem spriting (which I've done a lot of). I think because it allows me to get obsessive with detail and is infinitely more forgiving of mistakes, which don't necessarily apply in painting.

>> No.3440390
File: 1.45 MB, 4032x3024, 4433D87A-4E2D-4285-9D1C-D6DD7D92A646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a huge chance this will be upside down.

In any case, this is where I was about a year ago. I could draw really shitty heads but I was terrible at bodies and wanted to start making good progress. I drew a bit from reference and books for proportion but mostly I was focusing on construction and anatomy.

>> No.3440395
File: 1.99 MB, 4032x3024, 5EBE476D-C65B-4203-9836-2963DAA4018C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this really casually for a drawing game me and some friends do a few days ago.

I’d love to here what you guys think I should focus on next. A lot of the easy gains are over and I want to make sure I’m still progressing.

>> No.3440398
File: 1.71 MB, 4032x3024, 8A88CE47-D501-40D0-A97F-33FF9C2F3A85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shows a bit more of my limits.

>> No.3440444
File: 1.78 MB, 3000x1954, I Hope That's Progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to practice for at least an hour a day. Started doing so in the beginning of last December. The "where I started" pieces date back to 2016 when I wanted to start taking art seriously. Most of the "my skills now" pieces I've done since March. One or two may be a bit older.

>> No.3440574

If you feel you understand it well enough, do a still life in graphite and see how you feel afterwards. Is it easy for you to draw a pile of fruit and match the values properly? Or is it difficult for you? If it's hard then you need more time with values.

Since that's a stylized sketch that only has the most basic outlines of shading, I'm not so sure you're ready for color yet. I can't really tell from something rough like that.

>> No.3440575

Values, perspective, anatomy, gesture.

>> No.3440703

fucking fist bumping way way high for Low my dude. Story, is okay. Art is muy perfecto. Keep going, good improvement!

>> No.3440753

Good taste bro. Work on your line control, cleaning up your edges, and drawing cleanly, though. You also need to brush up on perspective and gesture/anatomy for where you want to be. I'd recommend trying to boost your time a little more if you're consistently doing an hour a day, see how you do with that.

Studying other artists is all fine and dandy but I think you need more focus on fundamentals too.

>> No.3440977

Nah I looked up more stuff on values/shading afterward and realized I'm weaker than I thought there, so I'm going to take your advice. Thank you, it's been very helpful.

>> No.3441051
File: 967 KB, 1200x971, gression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right. thanks, anon. One day Ill be able to break these dumpster procrastination habits.

>> No.3441083

Could you allow it for one more day? I really wanna join!

>> No.3441094

I'll try but I think I'll practice objects/forms in perspective before like >>3439898 said. I never grinded boxes like some of /ic/ does, but I think I might start now.
Yeah, that's what I'm doing. Right before going to sleep, tired or not, I take a bit of my time to draw figures/bodyparts and doodle a bit. When I'm on my way to school too. And when I'm at it as well. It's not much, that's why I progress very slowly I believe, but at least it works.
I will get it then, nice to see that this book helped other, I hope it'll help me as well !

>> No.3441102

It expired, could you make another one anon? I like the idea of this discord

>> No.3441300

Of course.

>> No.3441417

If you guys are going to join, please do it today. From now on I will have a set day of the week for people joining and being kicked.

>> No.3441452
File: 225 KB, 3000x2121, last week this week.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And for anyone following it in the thread instead of the discord, here's something for viewing progress after the week is up.

>> No.3441591

No problem. Good luck on your gains journey.

>> No.3441826

Thanks for the pointers, Anon. Off to grind some fundies then. Cheers.

>> No.3441977

Break them today.

>> No.3442010

I gave up

>> No.3442012


>> No.3442037

Aw well it is your choice but just know you're not doing yourself any good by giving up after 2 days. It's not healthy to let our fears control us. But you will do whatever you are going to do and I won't push you more than that.

>> No.3442040
File: 2.04 MB, 1700x1080, wipmaybefinal4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the first drawing I ever submitted to a contest, which I guess marked my "getting serious about it"

>> No.3442041

That's cool. Would like to see you improve.

>> No.3442042
File: 1.73 MB, 1080x1080, golden skull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is a recent study (yeah yeah noise and chromatic aberration but still)

>> No.3442067

That's good improvement. I don't think the fabric lays on the skull very well though, it's like it's resting on top of hair that isn't there at all, and it's in an odd perspective for where it is.

What do you want your work to look like?
How many hours a day do you study?
How much do you want to do every day for a week?

>> No.3442096 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 1280x1280, golden skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reference I used has the fabric laid in the same way.
I was just gonna do the skull but since not all of it was showing in the original I also did a simpler version of the hood to go with it, and ommitted some other details as well.

I'd like to be as versatile as someone like spacecoyote in terms of style, but have Murata's technical skill.
I balance it with college but an hour or two a day, something like that.
I'd like to dedicate 5h a day just to studying but that's unreasonable atm.

>> No.3442268

where are you going to post links to the discord?

I missed the join-date, but would like to participate. might be motivating enough to actually get serious..

>> No.3442342


this is the coolest shit ive seen all day

>> No.3442442

Thanks. The fabric is sort of like that in the original as well.

My goals are spacecoyote in versatility and Murata in technical skill.
I study 1-2 hours at least every day but ideally I would dedicate double that even with a job.

>> No.3442503

Every Tuesday I'll post it up in this thread or make a new one for it if it's dead.

>> No.3442849

Honestly I’d advise to do it on a weekend day since /ic/ is more active due to people not working and stuff. Also, I don’t know when you’re setting the weekly deadline to, but I think sunday night or monday would be best since people would have time to work on their drawings during the weekend.

Last thing: If you’re doing the weekly invite thing because of quality control and not wanting a huge influx of people, you could post your discord on here and have people pm you and post their work before allowing them to join, that way not too many people will join and you can have it available at any time. Hope your discord is doing well and won’t die out like the majority of other discords.

>> No.3443280

I think friday would be a better day, since people typically are unwinding from the work week.

>> No.3443319

if you mean server invite day then yeah, but if you mean submit day, people live in different timezones, and some people might have to rush to draw something right after they get back from work. I get that drawing can be a relaxing thing but I personally prefer to take a nap when I get home.

>> No.3443363

This along with contour drawing and silhouette are so important. You can't do construction alone and expect a good result. You need basic drawings skills to pull it off.

>> No.3443370

book name?

>> No.3443535

Ah, I see. I had set it that way because I'm usually working through the weekends, and am not able to be very present on those days. But if it messes with everyone too much I'll change it and do what I can in my free time, or get someone to help me moderate.

I don't really want to have to mess with people pming to join. The weekly invite thing is so that everyone is on the same schedule, new people are introduced in waves, and also it's the day after check-in so that if I've kicked someone for not working when something just came up with them, they can come right back. It's mostly just for making sure that only active users are in the discord though.

Ok so I've got votes for weekends / friday. I'll keep it in mind going forward. Anyone else have suggestions on submission day that seems to work for everyone?

This anon knows what's up

The name is in the bottom corners, Drawing Realistic Textures in Pencil by J.D. Hillberry. I snagged it off of /ic/ so I'm sure you can find it in a book thread around here somewhere.

>> No.3443773

Submission day is just submitting a progress sheet that has last week's drawing next to this week's. If you have been drawing every day like you're supposed to, there shouldn't be a need to rush and draw something for that. It's not like you have to submit a fully finished study every week, just something that shows your progress in the goal you set for the week or your most recent work/study.

>> No.3443842

Drawing humans feels daunting to me. I want to learn to draw people, but in a more "cartoony" style. Any suggestions for that?

>> No.3444606

I did not improve at all

Cancelled my schoolism membership, sold my tablet, and threw away all of my sketchbooks.

Such a waste of time. And for what? It's completely unnecessary and serves no purpose.
Art is not needed, especially in today's society where the intellect, personality, and face reigns supreme.

To be honest, the "artistic lifestyle" seems almost like a childish endeavour at this point, and I don't mean any disrespect, but it seems like the most serious artists (asides from guys who are legit conceptartists/illustrators/porn artists but they represent a very low % of dedicated lifters) are also the people with nothing else going on in their lives.
I know this was true with me, I was biggest and most serious about drawing when I was still in uni, working only 15 hours a week, and pretty much just plucking around all the time, going out, with no real life.
To all you kids out there who are getting sucked into the comerical art , try to stop yourself.
So long as you have and maintain decent facial aesthetics, you'll be fine.
Art just not worth it.


>> No.3444607

How are you supposed to do construction and contour/silhouettes?

>> No.3444765

I was meaning invite day. Also, I misread what I was replying to and yeah, monday or sunday is probably best for the deadline?

>> No.3444799

your post was very depressing anon. mostly because im feeling sorry for you, i feel sorry you couldn't see the joys of being an artist. what was the last straw, anon? please talk about it.

>> No.3444821

its pasta newfag

>> No.3444979

is this just /fit/ pasta? with the emphasis on height/face/frame and you forgetting to replace lifters and all

>> No.3445644

0/10 copy pasta bro. Pay more attention to the words you have to replace.

>> No.3445924

Landed on a red question mark and cursed for three turns now

>> No.3447028

bump for discord invite

>> No.3447404

Check back again soon, the link will be up Tuesday night/all day wednesday

>> No.3448049

what timezone do you live in?

>> No.3449154

Here you go, one of the discord members sent me this. This is the weekly check-in countdown, once it gets down to 0 I'll open up the discord for invites all day.


>> No.3449580

13 hours until the discord invite goes up!

For those of you who want to join, get this filled out and ready: >>3439435

>> No.3449597


>> No.3450267
File: 1.17 MB, 3840x2160, zasc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have I?

>> No.3450362
File: 2.61 MB, 4911x3198, why you don't draw anime trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the Juvenile shit, it's all I do
Starting pieces are from 2015 to 17, pieces now are all from this year.

>> No.3450385

hard to tell because the subject matter is so different, but I think the newer one looks better overall so I'd say so

>> No.3450388

Less than an hour left until the invite link is open

>> No.3450441

Discord invite link is here! It'll be open for 24 hours, and will not open again until this time next week.
Please read the rules, and post your day one stuff when you join.


>> No.3452572

Am I right in saying it's best to use construction to make sense of the silhouette you've made, rather than trying to develop a silhouette out of construction alone?

>> No.3452577

lol dude just do you

>> No.3452786
File: 572 KB, 1550x1004, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made my first progress pic today.

>> No.3452979

Don't apologize for your content, you insecure little fuck. You like drawing Dragon Ball? Cool, that's great. I like drawing fanart too. Don't be ashamed of what inspires you to draw.

>> No.3453082

Basically this. I enjoy my animu, no loomisfags will stop me drawing it. But then again, it doesn't mean I should ignore my fundies for animemes.

>> No.3453734
File: 816 KB, 1671x1109, progresso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where i started is right after two semesters of school going over fundamentals, before that I could barely draw anything.

>> No.3457011
File: 185 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled_Artwork 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the top left drawing was my first digital drawing. that was around start 2017, I was still to young to post on /ic/.
the top right one was maybe a few months later, this was when I drew loads of shitty sketches with horrible porportions. thats why I used the name.

bottom two are current WIP studies.

some weeks I dont draw at all other weeks I draw loads. Wish I could keep it consistent

>> No.3457016

Actually got better. I had no faith in you.

>> No.3457025

was scared I would be stuck drawing fucked up proportions all my life ;-;

>> No.3458894
File: 944 KB, 4200x1500, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres three landmarks from when i started getting serious on art, the last thing i drew in 2017, and the drawing i just finished.

>> No.3459355

You are what happens when sales people want to be artists. Go make some serious bucks in sales my friend, and draw on the side as a hobby

>> No.3459359

Honestly, no offense meant, you haven't improved a lot. How much have you been practicing per day?

>> No.3459469

Is a new discord link going up today?

>> No.3460209

Yes in an hour.

>> No.3460266


>> No.3460267

Nice, that's some great improvement.
Ditto, you got really good, you have good prospects if you're only about 18 now and this good. Don't get complacent though, keep on chugging.

>> No.3460281
File: 89 KB, 1024x988, 1509635442789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>122 posts

>> No.3460315

Thank you anon.

>> No.3460378

Whoops. Something must have been fucked up on my end then, because it was acting like it was autosaging. Sorry guys! Just let this one die