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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 526 KB, 565x718, 143531424535564476574678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3428230 No.3428230 [Reply] [Original]

>Based nip guy does better tumblr-tier art than actual westerners

Well /ic?

>> No.3428234

Well what? Looks like garbage, just like the western tumblr-tier art

>> No.3428236

Looks like a good ruan jia ripoff

>> No.3428237

What do you want me to say? I could state some neutral facts such as eastern societies are more rigid and disciplined than lax western culture, I could point out how that is simply a stylistic extension of "tumblr-tier art" where more realism is used compared to the cartoony style of tumblr, I could address how realism doesn't automatically equate to superior art.

But in the end you're just going to meme me with post your work, or crab, or simply resort to namecalling because this is literally the end result of every /ic/ thread. So what's the point? I just wasted 45 seconds typing this. Have a good day, OP.

>> No.3428239

traced from yoshinaris sketchbook

>> No.3428240


>> No.3428241

Doesn't surprise me at all. It's almost like he's worked harder, studied more and takes art more seriously than most people who draw fanart for that show.

that being said, there's something off with the hand, and I think the armpit could be a bit more defined. but he does know how to get that smooth skin look, and the refracted light from the gem is a nice touch. The crop is really weird and distracting though.

>> No.3428253

How long has he been out of japan? He forgot how to draw like a jap.

>> No.3428271
File: 156 KB, 792x792, yoshiyaki 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tumblr-tier art
whats so tumblr about it? a lot of people like that show, it's very popular. it looks like fairly generic fanart.

>> No.3428275


>> No.3428278

wow, that is real nice actually

>> No.3428280

That's a pretty solid drawing, you may hate the show or the fanbase but that's well executed.

>> No.3428282

Subculture war.

>> No.3428288
File: 192 KB, 480x782, 1442171011509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats so tumblr about it?
The social engineering and restructure of perception by "empowering" the lesser denizens of society with false and unrealistic scenarios that would otherwise be eradicated in the natural world from the character's own unfit disabilities.
>hurr fat people can move too!
Not without putting a massive strain on your skeletal system and joints which would automatically hinder you from performing most of whatever is portrayed in that cancerous SJW esque show.
>I-it's a cartoon! It's supposed to not be real life!
>Nobody takes it seriously it's for entertainment purposes only!
That is exactly what the Jewish elite wants you to think, they're telling you what they're doing open your fucking eyes there's a reason why it is called television PROGRAMMING.

>> No.3428291

Pretty good, not seeing the tumblr-ness on it.

>> No.3428292

wow, just wow

and you watch anime i assume, where people have the ability to take punches that would completely obliterate an entire mountain. yet you have an issue with fat people being about to move fast or whatever


>> No.3428293

I won't be surprised if the artist got flamed for giving her a slightly different shade of skin, just like what happened to gashi

>> No.3428298

why would ayano eat rum raisin instead of giving it to kyoko? that plus the crazy /pol/-posting make a horrible post desu

>> No.3428301

w-will anime protect me from the juden

>> No.3428316

>wow, just wow
unironically kill yourself.

>> No.3428322

i dont have the balls anon

>> No.3428336

Kids have gotten hurt from imitating superman, batman, wresttling, etc... You're not concerned for the well being of children or the unrealistic aspect of the cartoon. Your contempt is rooted on politics and racial bias.

>> No.3428343

>believes in bullshit conspiracies about Jews and aliens
>is a dweeb watching chinese cartoons for little girls
fucking end yourself please.

>> No.3428397

Indirectly telling you to imitate batman versus directly telling you to imitate an unhealthy lifestyle where the catchphrases are along the lines of "Fat positive" and "if it feels good, do it!" Batman would be the lesser of two evils.

>> No.3428399


>> No.3428413


Nah, the show is just shit, but there are actually rumors that Rebecca Sugar and her staff are slowly becoming pedophiles who insert their fetishes into the show.
Some autists on /co/ discovered "secret" tumblr accounts where some of the artists who work in the show ramble about how Sugar is a narcissistic pervert who secretly inserts her fetishes, like hebephilia and rape as allegories into the show.

Shit is damn crazy.

>> No.3428439

Obesity is a problem in America but the root cause is not a cartoon.

>> No.3428457
File: 52 KB, 591x591, tumblr_outr7c0vuT1vygwiuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's so tumblr about it
>literal epitome of a tumblr show

>> No.3428493

Fucking this, cartoons should promote positive values but it's not their job to educate the newer generations.

>> No.3428494
File: 67 KB, 706x720, 1515254978482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obesity is just one of the issues this show enables viewers to accept and embrace, the cartoon is a powerful medium used to indoctrinate the youth and alter the perception of young minds. The biggest issue here is not obesity acceptance, or Social Justice, or normalizing degeneracy it is the blatant ideological subversion that is passed off as a cartoon.

It's one thing to target a demographic with Adults who understand the limitations of their own bodies and that an Apple can never be an Orange even if it feels like an Orange but it's another thing to target a specific group that is vulnerable and not matured yet hence why we have a clusterfuck of mentally ill and unhealthy people brought up from an environment where they were enabled and taught to not obnly embrace these degenerates but practice them as well to the point we start relying more and more on a Totalitarian Government where you trade your freedoms for beans and being told what to do and when to do it derived from the (((programming))) at an early age to further push the agenda of a Communist Super State.

Do you fucking get it now?

>> No.3428498
File: 590 KB, 1000x1414, majinboobeebaa_by_yoshiyaki-dc8cxxf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy's art is pretty cool!

>> No.3428503


>> No.3428513

Oh no this drawing is promoting degeneracy and obesity. What did the (((japanese))) meant by this?

>> No.3428521

Now you're catching on, though the nips have another Agenda but it is backfiring on them at the moment with declining birthrates of their indigenous population.

>> No.3428528

Bullshit, it's the parents' job to educate their children and it's society's job to make things easier. If you're just gonna let your crying blob sit all day in front of the TV while you watch football games in the other room then it's your fault if your brat grows up unpredictably.

Also good job posting frames from a cartoon revolving about underaged lesbian girls while crying about degeneracy.

Also those conspiracy theories sound so fucking retarded that they might be bait, but /pol/cucks are a rare breed or autism so I don't know.

>> No.3428529


>> No.3428533

Either you're a troll and I'll give you credit for making me reply or you're a no fun dumbass.

>> No.3428534
File: 489 KB, 500x281, 1464380661757.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cartoon revolving about underaged lesbian girls
purest form of love desu

>> No.3428535

This is unironically true.

>> No.3428558

The irony is nobody noticed this guy has been living in Brazil for 10+ years.

>> No.3428566

I heard about the ed edd and eddy porn but her putting fetish in the seems fake I heard similar things for star vs.

>> No.3428575

How does that look better? Looks like shit, only the rendering is alright, but also not better than western artists. Fuck off weeb.

>> No.3428584
File: 504 KB, 1080x1080, hmmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post

>> No.3428620

>this /pol/ horseshit
how much anime do you actually fucking watch? probably not a lot, because most anime has all of these tropes. Instead, you're latching onto something you probably wouldn't care much about in order to show the Jews or some horseshit.

>> No.3428628

Used to browse /a/ and you can't even imagine how dumb and clueless weebs can be, many of them unironically believe that the left is all filled with SJWs trying to censor their anime tiddies and take away their lolis so they go full /pol/ fighting against "degeneracy". This is what happen when social outcasts who spend their days watching obscure asian cartoons feel the need to talk about serious matters.

>> No.3428630

As someone who has browsed /a/ for an extended period of time most of those people weren't on /a/ until recently. It's always been the most anti-west board (besides /jp/) but that extends to not wanting to talk about it at all if possible.

The recent wave of people trying to talk politics is only because of all of the people coming in from other places.

>> No.3428666

This is inherently contrary to tumblr art by trying to make the character's features as appealing as possible unlike tumblrtards who literally live to destroy beauty.

>> No.3428683

>nip guy

The funny thing is that this guy is actually Brazillian if any of you actually spent 5 seconds to check any of his art accounts. But there's also the possibility that you guys already knew that.

>> No.3428861

>already knew that
no one here bothers to do any research past the fucking headline, and it's already gotten worse.

>> No.3428873

>dumb generic 4chan political opinions
>accompanied by an anime picture

>> No.3429030

>the cancer killing /a/

>> No.3429217
File: 810 KB, 850x851, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gonna say something about how I agreed with most of your post up until the jew thing but then I realized
Holy shit. Fucking checked.

>> No.3429222
File: 286 KB, 720x693, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also mad fucking digits, Christ on a stick

>> No.3429257
File: 16 KB, 236x284, 1456869331661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open your fucking eyes there's a reason why it is called television PROGRAMMING

>> No.3429446


>> No.3429447

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.3429524
File: 8 KB, 228x252, 1519509822703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that easy to protect your children from shit taste and very few parents even remotely care about that.

>> No.3431358

It's funny because you know people like you that call every work of fiction that suports a narrative they don't like "programing" would be the firsts to create indoctrinating propaganda if they had the chance.

Bonus points for not wanting any work of fiction to have an opinion different than yours and at the same time complaining about Totalitarism.

>> No.3431384

looks like shit too

>> No.3431389

>there's also an Akari poster and a Brat poster
>but not the last yuru yuri
But why?

>> No.3432511

It's a fucking cartoon, one autistic idiot killing themselves over their favorite Chinese cartoon is not even close to enough evidence to substantiate your point.

>that would otherwise be eradicated in the natural world from the characters own unfit disabilities

wouldn't autists killing themselves over cartoons be what you want, anyway?

Yes, fat people have a tough time getting around, but if you think cartoons are a medium that's meant to portray realism in something that small is fucking retarded. Example, Rose Quartz is an extra terrestrial gem-thing made out of fucking light, who cares how fat she is, of course she can hop around like nothing. Regardless of whether or not people feel "empowered" by her, these "dregs of society" will remain dregs of society, they won't have the leg power to move anywhere or do anything of relevance.

>> No.3432516

Parents not caring about how their kid grows up is exactly the problem. And anyways, shit taste =/= living an unhealthy lifestyle or imitating said shit.

>> No.3432754
File: 21 KB, 640x480, 928463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting?

Fucking autist.

>> No.3432785
File: 34 KB, 480x480, 1525974946887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are completely missing the point, the fact of the matter is that these cartoons that exhibit ideological subversion by suggesting a false narrative that being overweight is "healthy" and sugar coat the health epidemic (no pun intended) with "fat positive" and "if it feels good, do it!" is extremely dangerous due to the warped perception of what a healthy lifestyle is.

Case in point, we used to name being fat with obesity and being overweight and unhealthy which is exactly what it is but now because people's fee-fee's get hurt we enable these fatties instead of smacking their wrist and telling them to put the goddamn fork down and stop shoving your gullet with junk food.

>muh genetics!
Bullshit, you see what the Jewish elite does? By portraying you as a victim you automatically blame everyone and everything else but yourself and with the added "fat positive" movement the issue with obesity now becomes a turmoil of what exactly is a healthy lifestyle for a young individual and the illnesses that come from obesity.

But keep earning those good goy points and keep your eyes plastered on that idiot box and always remember the six million you stupid goy.

>> No.3432808

that mouth scar will never look good no matter the style. genetic defects aren't normal. Don't pretend they are sexy.

>> No.3432895

You are simultaneously trying too hard and not hard enough.

>> No.3432929
File: 225 KB, 243x356, 1519113501580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go outside

>> No.3432982

Nice structure but I'd like to see more hue variation in the rendering, looks like he mostly just shaded with the same hues in different values. That kind of shading looks boring and unlifelike.

>> No.3433005

Clearly not but the cartoon strongly normalizes the unhealthy habits that made obesity an epidemic. It's very junk food centric... Everything the characters eat is ice cream, pizza, french fries, donuts, popcorn, potato chips, etc. Healthy food is practically nonexistant. To kids watching the show I think it would promote the idea that these foods are what people eat. You see the consequence of it in that the characters are fat, but you don't see the consequences of being fat. Steven is huge but you don't see him running out of breath or being picked on for his weight, he's an able fighter despite his physique, etc. Cartoons don't have to be paragons of perfect lifestyles but they could at least have Steven eat and enjoy a vegetable every once in a while. You know, remind kids that sugary & fatty processed foods aren't the only ones that exist.

>> No.3433979

The left is exactly like that tho

>> No.3433980

Its ok to have work with differents opinions, its just fucked up when they try to normalise something like being fat, you ever wondered why Cancer is at an all time high, the earth is offing people literally because we are consuming too mych, greed has taken over

>> No.3434011

Haven't watched that LGBTXYZ stretch mark orgy, but I don't think there's a kids show out there that depicted a normal diet besides VeggieTales, Sesame Street, and early Spongebob.

>> No.3434170

>whats so tumblr about it?
that blind religious belief that ugliness is beautiful because it would make someone sad to face reality.

>> No.3434171

>the root cause is not a cartoon.
Debatable when you can get hurt for disliking said cartoons that promote that way of life. Just look at this thread, anybody with a critical thing to say is called a liar, an unreasonable hatemonger, or a racist.