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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 142 KB, 709x493, las-potatoes_spaghetti-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3426196 No.3426196 [Reply] [Original]

Remember to keep drawing and submit everyday!

Last thread >>3421874


>Submit your artwork everyday (or your prefered frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)

Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. It helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. May it rest in pieces.

Lava who? What is w? who are lassies?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potientially dead by surgery. May he rest in peace.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. May he rest in pieces.
>Current dad: banana.

The official discord:


This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:


This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:


Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attention

>> No.3426221

Tonight I've dreamed with DAD, it had a solid comments system and its own forum. Looked pretty cool and comfy.

Friends, we have a problem,we have very few users in comparison with original LAS, and not all the ones who get eliminated come back. How can we grow? how can we get the site more crowded?

>> No.3426223

honestly i'm about to drop dead just so i get mentioned

>> No.3426224

>tfw the more I get mentioned the more I just want to quit

>> No.3426235

Give people badgers for recovering from a broken streak.

>> No.3426249

The site doesn't need to grow. You need to grow. Draw More Art Daily!

>> No.3426256

If we grow more the sense of community will water down more and more.

>> No.3426263

Make a new photo and shill in other ic threads when new season starts.

>> No.3426342
File: 32 KB, 450x450, depositphotos_191390200-stock-illustration-gopnik-hooligan-man-pop-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian anon here, I can try to post link to DAD on local board (2ch.hk, iichan.hk). I guess a few people will show up, do you guys want to see more gopniks in this thread?

>> No.3426348

no one wants russians anywhere

>> No.3426350

How can you speak for everyone?

>> No.3426352

idk, how does putin do it?

>> No.3426356
File: 46 KB, 626x571, 1458361445858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more channers
oh no

>> No.3426359
File: 69 KB, 844x1157, BEypTaK.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I know what's putin doing, I don't care about politics, but I guess better not post anything anywhere. Ok, got it.

>> No.3426361

Better than normal faggots dezu

>> No.3426362


>> No.3426364

Rip anon, don't get sad I like russians

>> No.3426368

don't encourage people to break their streaks for a badge

>> No.3426369


Good, I don't want no stinky commie ruskie's squatting the site up :^)

>> No.3426394

Hey guys, I made a challenge to draw a 1000 1-minute gesture drawings. Feel free to join ;^)

>> No.3426398

why only 1 minute?

>> No.3426399

son of a bitch

>> No.3426406

>16 hours and 40 minutes of non-stop gestures
R I P my working brothers

>> No.3426408

>the Cement Bad Habits challenge

>> No.3426409

>tfw last time I participated in a gesture battle it destroyed by hand
I... I don't know if I've recovered yet

>> No.3426416

>people cry through dab for the sake of completion
>this comes along and destroys that hope
>dab was for nothing
goodbye completionists

>> No.3426423

>challenge is 30 days
>1000 gestures each 1 minute
>at least 33 gestures a day, 33 minutes a day
pssh, ez

>> No.3426427

Oh I'm retarded this isn't actually that bad

>> No.3426431

>you only need one submission to earn the badge
easy peasy!

>> No.3426435

>the Hard Plateau challenge
>the Farewell to Gains challenge

>> No.3426436


>> No.3426438

Yeah a waste of good drawing time and hand shelf life

>> No.3426440

>he can't spare half of an hour/day for gesture drawings

>> No.3426441

>Streak based: No
lmao this should be easy

>> No.3426460

no point to that if it is not an involved focused exercise

>> No.3426463
File: 11 KB, 191x200, why____so____seriously__by_theredneb-d5d5a6z[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's gesture drawing you gollum, don't take yourself so seriously

>> No.3426472

Gesture drawing IS an focused exercise.
Seriously, go read some Vilppu.

>> No.3426487

Getting good at gesture is not only a matter of doing it all the time, but watching a professionals examples hundreds of times to pick up his/her stroke pattern and that can only be done in a class setting (or a close friend with too much time.)

>> No.3426500

>Getting good at gesture is not only a matter of doing it all the time, but watching a professionals examples hundreds of times to pick up his/her stroke pattern
I didn't know that - thanks for letting me know!

>and that can only be done in a class setting
Can't I just watch videos of pros doing gesture drawings?

>> No.3426504

>Can't I just watch videos of pros doing gesture drawings?

Yeah, that works.

>> No.3426521

You would only get the badge when, I dunno, another 50-day streak after you broke your streak.

>> No.3426523

This kills the completionist.

>> No.3426527

Exactly why we need it.

>> No.3426528

Y-You bastard!

>> No.3426532

Some notes for noobs. If you ask 5 people what gesture drawing is, you'll get 6 different answers because it's essentially visual note-taking and everyone takes notes a little differently. What it's not is a rushed figure drawing, and if you treat it that way you'll cement bad habits and have nothing but a blown out hand to show for it. It doesn't really matter if you prefer to rough out forms, look for lines of action, or jot down I, C, and S curves marking perspective of the body. But it's a lot harder to figure out what works for you if you jump from one to the next instantly, which lends itself to a mindless grind that I've gotten stuck in and seen plenty of other novices get stuck in. Do a few and then take a few minutes to evaluate them before continuing. Also do "slow gestures" where you give your brain more time to process whichever style you're aiming for before the actual 1-minute ones. I won't be taking part because 33 minutes a day for a month is way too long to stick to one time interval imo, but maybe not if you're drawing several hours a day.

>> No.3426535

post ur gestures tough guy

>> No.3426542
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>> No.3426543

good job on that cat, that's the best cat, I love that cat. I'm proud of you

>> No.3426552

Do it cyka!

>> No.3426560

Go be russians somewhere else.

>> No.3426562

If it's easy, then why didn't you join the challenge yet, Anons?

>> No.3426564

Kirikae, I like your submissions. Cool dragon.
beachpacket, yours is pleasant, too.
Will, love the cel-shading layout(?) thingy.
bento, nice puffy pussy :3

>> No.3426569
File: 473 KB, 1200x838, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me about your fears

>> No.3426574

>meme challenge

>> No.3426580

but anon, how are you going to git gud without challenging yourself?

>> No.3426582

1000 gestures in a month is about as challenging as filling a notebook with the same sentence

>> No.3426585

>not a single person has joined it

>> No.3426590

We have to TRIBUNAL these challenges
where is banaboi?

>> No.3426612

Now there will be no completionists. Dark conspiries of a long forgotten badge...rumoured to have never existed...

>> No.3426626


>> No.3426630
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>> No.3426631

Good post

>> No.3426641

I have a serious problem with 1 min gesture drawings and it's that I end up getting invested in them and I keep going and turn them into a 40 min study

>> No.3426642

Gotta learn to stop yourself, dump em and move on to the next

>> No.3426643
File: 33 KB, 764x874, 78415d90cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how good are lassies at remembering?

>> No.3426644

Stop making us do tests taylor!!

>> No.3426649

I'm not taylor!

>> No.3426656

nah no thanks

>> No.3426706

That only makes the badge more exclusive.

>> No.3426719
File: 2.12 MB, 3427x2072, brain-evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make challenge uniquely tailored to you and your situation so only you complete it and get your own badge

>> No.3426724

This has been the worst thing about challenges.

>> No.3426728

>waaah why are challenges hard?!
no pain no gain baby

>> No.3426729

join it laddie

>> No.3426761

>Do a 1000 1-minute (or longer) gesture drawings to get a badge.
>I asked "what should I do to draw as good cute girls as Dough"? And Dough told me to study Vilppu (especially his figure drawing DVDs) and Teal tutorials, so that's what I'm gonna do.
I'm sorry

>> No.3426773

a-aren't you happy, that I actually listened to your advice?

>> No.3426782
File: 10 KB, 549x353, weird symbols.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to do it, but I see weird rectangles instead of symbols and I don't know how to fix that.

>> No.3426783

remake the challenge

>> No.3426790

I'm just sorry for all the completionist out there

>> No.3426793

It's neither interesting nor challenging, even for a beginner.

Thank you, anon.

>> No.3426801

56, think that's ok. cba to try again, once is enough. What was the point of the questions after the flash cards tho..

>> No.3426804

>remake the challenge
To what?
I can't just ask people to study Vilppu - Banana said, that challenges that require you to buy/pirate stuff aren't welcomed on his site.

>> No.3426805

that's normal I think it's part of the thing

>> No.3426814

I just realized you don't have to do it daily or whatever, and you can just submit 1 submission with all 1000 gestures.
I guess if someone submits 1 thing and doesn't add up to 1000 gestures, then they'll get disqualified gentleman's agreement style like with the Mecha Challenge.

Although, who would bother counting up to 1000 lord knows how many times?

>> No.3426827

>It's neither interesting nor challenging, even for a beginner.
I think that sometimes gitting gud is about boring grinding.
After a while drawing from life becomes boring as well, but it doesn't mean that it's a waste of time. Same thing with learning how to draw straight lines from the shoulder.

But yeah, if you don't want an exclusive badge with a crab - uh, I meant Mr. Krabs - then sure, don't join it.

>> No.3426828

>250 boxe
>1000 gestures
c-can't wait to see what's next

>> No.3426830

>After a while drawing from life becomes boring as well
You lost me

>> No.3426832

>uniquely taylored
Hello plein air challenge

>> No.3426834


>> No.3426835


>> No.3426837

10000 portraits

>> No.3426842

To something less retarded than 1000 1 minute gestures? Maybe put two seconds of thought into it and make it about a gradual escalation from 1 minute to 1 hour. 1000 gestures doesn't even relate to Vilppu.
There is no way you're inbred enough to actually think doing 1000 gestures in a short time frame is reasonable, useful, fun or worthwhile in any way.

>> No.3426845

>1000 gestures in a short time frame
Anon. You have a month for it. Half of an hour of gestures per day are just a warm up.

>> No.3426852

Sun here
looking for critique on my shadows on my image, I think they're really muddy but I don't know what I'm doing wrong

>> No.3426853

Yes, it's still a stupid challenge.
Drawing 10000 cubes wouldn't be hard either, it would just be tedious.

>> No.3426856

Half an hour consisting of 10x 30 seconds, 5x 1 minute, 2x 5 minutes, and 1x 10 minutes is a far better use of your time. You can do your 33 minute-long ones a day if you want, but it’s just a word of caution to the completionists who won’t do much more than that.

>> No.3426859

a warm up to what tho? i agree with the anon above.
It should be gradual. Maybe a week of 1min(30gestures/day), a week of 2min(15gestures/day), a week of 5min(6lay-ins/day) and a week of 10 min(3 figure drawing/day)
Heck maybe we can leave the last couple of days for 1x30min figure drawing or maybe leave these for all the weekends.
Or maybe in the first weekend could be 10 min figure drawingx2
second weekend 30 min figure drawing
third weekend 1h figure drawing
and last weekend 2h figure drawing.
Just throwing some ideas
Oh and lastly, maybe only banana should post challenges that are prearranged in the thread so we dont have to constantly modify them

>> No.3426867


>> No.3426870

Scored 35 and I have mild autism according to that test from a few weeks ago. :(

>> No.3426875

ouch autistic and you don't even get the super powers

>> No.3426879




what's going on

>> No.3426881

There needs to be some rules for challenges.
DAB, plein air and 1000 gestures are all purely long term endurance challenges, nothing besides that is inherently challenging. It's fine to have challenges that drill a specific thing or stupid fun stuff like apple/Star Wars but take a second to consider if everyone can even participate in some of this stuff.
Some anons here probably have days where they don't get off work until it's already dark, how are they gonna do plein air for 30 days straight?

Long term challenges should either be result focused like the mecha challenge, allow for days off (like 20/30 for plein air for example) or cap out at 2 weeks max. We already have an endurance challenge in the form of DAD, we don't need "Do this specific thing I happen to be doing for 6 months" challenges.

>> No.3426894

I think challenges should be more akin to creative prompts than "do this exercise for a month"

>> No.3426911

You don’t have to do a bad challenge or one you don’t like, you dorks. Having mutually exclusive badges like for regaining a broken streak vs being flawless would be healthy for some of the nerds here.

>> No.3426913

B-But... my completionism

>> No.3426914

People are complaining about the latest challenge

>> No.3426915

44 wow I'm not good at this.

>> No.3426917

People should be encouraged to complete all or most challenges, otherwise challenges will gradually fade away until nobody does them anymore, like on DED.
DAD should be about learning to embrace any challenge in drawing, and for that purpose we must assure that all challenges are beneficial to the participants. More generally, challenging yourself is the core of getting better and feeling the need to participate in random prompts made by other people is a great way to do it.

>> No.3426921

The biggest flaw I see in this whole system is how a challenge is a passing event.

Why can't challenges be an archive people can attack whenever they want to. Maybe on a weekly basis, a challenge is manually chosen to be highlighted, so that many can participate it at the same time. There's literally no valid reason for challenges to be locked from day x to day y.

>> No.3426924

LAS challenges died because the site bugged out and 95% of people literally couldn’t make them anymore. I don’t even remember DED having challenges, if it did the community was already dried up and didn’t advertise them. The whole point of letting the community make challenges is to provide a marketplace of ideas you can pick and choose from to push areas you are interested in, not to force a least common denominator and make everyone join everything.

>> No.3426925

This is actually a fantastic idea.
The Hands Challenge could just always exist on the site and anyone who feels compelled to do it, can just submit whatever is required.

Some counterpoints:
This will not work for time-sensitive challenges such as Star Wars day.
It could detract from the feeling of everyone working on the same thing, although that might not be too bad judging by the DAB challenge. Some challenges may rely on everyone working at the same time, apple challenge had an optional requirement for drawing someone else's submission.

>> No.3426927

>otherwise challenges will gradually fade away until nobody does them anymore, like on DED.
same happened on LAS, it was the community that managed to get anons to bundle in, despite that, but there is no incentive otherwise

>> No.3426931

but then there will not be rare shiny badges D:

>> No.3426933
File: 32 KB, 509x258, 13-05-2018_20-07-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i a bigbrain?

>> No.3426940

how about some challenges are timed and some aren't
why is this so fucking hard

>> No.3426941

44, harder than expected

>> No.3426946

average is apparently 36.3, so yep!

>> No.3426955

Maybe challenges should get automatically deleted if they don't have at least 10 participants?

It would be a nice way for quality control.

>> No.3426958

The challenges should be like a bounty board filled with wanted posters.

>> No.3426959

But those 9 people want to do it...

>> No.3426971


My primary concern with that is that eventually, we'll have a massive list of various challenges that might prove overwhelming for participants who want to do something. We'd have a long list of things like:

> Draw automobiles for a week
> Draw 1000 gestures
> Draw 5 mechas and their pilots
> Draw outside for a month
> Do a perspective study
> Spend a week on a single piece
> Create a mural
> Draw a complex object from various angles
> Draw food
> Slice the banana diagonally to increase surface area of slices
> Make a quick caramel by letting sugar melt in a hot pan
> Place banana slices in the caramel
> Deglaze the pan with dark rum, and serve on ice cream
> Do a value study
> Do a dramatic chiaroscuro drawing
> Do a self portrait
> Make a sixty second animation

And then the site effectively becomes an achievement hunting game, one that becomes somewhat difficult to monitor as well.
Moreover, working in parallel in something helps build a sense of community. It's hard to feel connected with other people if challenges are timeless. A lot of people right now are obsessed with completing every single challenge for the badges, but they really should just focus on doing the ones that they are interested in, will serve some benefit to them, or push them outside of their comfort zone so they don't stagnate.

However, this is all up for discussion. A redesign or expansion of the challenge system would require significant discussion and will come sometime after Patch 1.0.

>> No.3426973

Well, right now 5 people want to draw a 1000 gesture drawings, and yet there's a shitstorm here.

>> No.3426974

brb banana ice cream

>> No.3426977
File: 393 KB, 1920x1080, 1479996502250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least the date could be pushed a little.

The way the future looks like now people will be drawing shitty fundies the next ten years without having a chanche to draw what they actually want kek.

>> No.3426978


Difficult near the end. It gets all fast and I couldn't use mnemonics because they were all types of weird symbols.

>> No.3426981

>> Slice the banana diagonally to increase surface area of slices
>> Make a quick caramel by letting sugar melt in a hot pan
>> Place banana slices in the caramel
>> Deglaze the pan with dark rum, and serve on ice cream
banana-kun revealing his stranger kinks

>> No.3426984

You could split them into (timed) challenges and (untimed) achievements. That way people can follow the achievements when they don't know what to do and challenges can be reserved for things that work better as challenges.
Album cover and mecha could be challenges, while plein air and gestures could be achievements.

I know this won't be possible until at least 1.1 or whatever, just a suggestion. There's a lot of challenges that have either appeared already or will be made in the future that are more predictable exercises everyone should do at some point, not really challenges. And if the site stays up for long enough, they will likely repeat at some point.
With an achievement system we can get those out of the way and force people to come up with more creative challenges that tackle both creativity and skill, challenges that people might now think to do on their own or specifically require community involvement. Maybe it's just me but "grind" type challenges are not really that challenging.

>> No.3426990

I think I looks ok, you can throw in some layers for lighting effects later and make it look even better. The head looks really detached though, it doesn't look 3d at all

>> No.3426993

Class option when?
>limited in size less than 15 people
>all focus on the same material
>only have to do it once or twice a week for 12-15 weeks.
>personal discussion group made for those in the challenge to discuss among themselves without bother from other DADs
>forced critique sheet for everyone to learn how to critique
>builds community and trust
>optional: project that is known at the beginning, but only has to be done by the end of the class to hone in all that application

>> No.3427004
File: 1.43 MB, 1600x791, dragon_quest_classes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Class option when?

Will we be limited to magic-user, thief, cleric, and fighter, or can we pick something more exotic?

>> No.3427011


>> No.3427013

come back komrade

>> No.3427022

Official tier list integrated into the site based on anonymous votes when? Active daddies only

>> No.3427026

No one would do it because it takes forever to do it.

>> No.3427027

Can we not? LAS has become so complicated for a website that's literally made just to get people to draw on a consistent basis.

>> No.3427038
File: 150 KB, 1081x641, firefox_2018-05-13_21-36-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still here, 4chan thinks I'm behind proxy\vpn for some reason.
Cкoлькo здecь pyccкoгoвopящих интepecнo (ecли oни ecть)?

>> No.3427040

I meant an automated system

>> No.3427042

Yeah, it would still take forever because each daddy would have to vote for each person and place them accordingly. Unless you mean, everyone vote who's the best in which case there will be a ton of zeros.

>> No.3427046

at some point I started feeling hungry

>> No.3427047

I'm an idiot. Yeah, I guess so, although you could limit it to flawless or 20+ streak and simplify the voting by rating each person individually rather than ranking them. Something as simple as pro/decent/beg (upvote, no vote, downvote) could be extrapolated into a ranking based on the number of votes, perhaps giving people the option to mark a few favourite daddies could also play into it

>> No.3427050


>> No.3427054
File: 196 KB, 282x309, football carry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about we prioritize quality-of-life updates to the site before jumping the gun on non-features?

just off the top of my head:
>tile-gallery view (banana confirms this is already underway)
>make the "submit" tab lead to the submit form, instead of the gallery, and a separate "gallery" button that leads to the gallery page.
>follow system - with follower counts hidden of course
>comments system
>ability to filter submissions of followed lasses to the top of the gallery

the second one is me being nit-picky, but i cant be the only one who's a little bothered by it

>> No.3427055
File: 124 KB, 500x553, 1525702803165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not like I knew what I wanted to draw anyways.

>> No.3427056


>> No.3427059

It encourages community. If you could just submit without viewing the gallery, then why ever look?

>> No.3427060


>> No.3427061

that didnt stop people from browsing the gallery on the ded site

>> No.3427063

But DED also had the most recent submissions on the front page

>> No.3427068

What does practicing gesture drawings even do for me if I want to draw something original?

>> No.3427072

It's a mindset of seeing and also capturing down a drawing very quickly. Like that fleeting thought you have of something cool, you have to jot it down before it disappears from your mind.

>> No.3427073

you could always propose it as an idea, though the badge announcements would need to be condensed a little bit to keep the front page from becoming more cluttered

>> No.3427076


>> No.3427078
File: 25 KB, 250x277, eabd3ef63235da4d4d92f2c46c0f5cd6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3427079

You are practicing gestures so you can more easily draw original poses. Long figure studies alone are not sufficient as you mostly learn how to draw a figure, not come up with a pose. You would need to do a lot more figure studies if you didn't do gestures to become really good, as opposed to doing both.

>> No.3427090

Flow, rhythm, energy, and all that, helps make your drawings less stiff, be it from reference or imagination.

Also helps build up a visual library of poses and get a better feel for the human range of motion.

>> No.3427092

guys i want to draw a comfy pic for my first /las draw, tell me what i should draw (its probably going to be a cute girl doing stuff, like sleeping or walking)

>> No.3427093

A cute girl doing stuff like sleeping or walking.

>> No.3427095

draw a cute girl doing stuff, like sleeping or walking

>> No.3427098

a cute girl doing stuff, like sleeping or walking

>> No.3427102

that makes no sense. basic functionality should be visible and available. and anybody that's into art would want to browse art in the first place. nobody's gonna "steal" views on a website used by 20.

>> No.3427103

thanks guys ill draw it now, thinking about is making my dick throb

>> No.3427104

maybe a cute girl sleeping ?

>> No.3427106

This. Or walking

>> No.3427108

Maybe sleep walking?

>> No.3427110

the guy was referencing a very old meme you retards

>> No.3427111

Only if it's a cute girl.

>> No.3427112

>not turning it into a new meme

>> No.3427113

>muh circlejerk culture
fuck it and fuck you

>> No.3427114


>> No.3427118


>> No.3427123

Remember to spread positivity.

>> No.3427124

You're a very old meme

>> No.3427130

i hate you

>> No.3427134

hey guys I just started my dad drawing, what did you draw today?

>> No.3427135

some geese at the nature preserve nearby me.

>> No.3427138

a cute girl doing stuff, like sleeping or walking

>> No.3427141

I don't draw today, I draw art daily.

>> No.3427142

I want to grab your wrist and roughly shove you into a wall.

>> No.3427143

nice mechs lately cath

>> No.3427144

hi Cath!

>> No.3427145

Don't do this.

>> No.3427146

Very cute whizzard

>> No.3427147

Hey guys, creator of 1000 gesture drawing challenge here.
I wasn't sure should I detele/redo that challenge or not and after thinking it over and reading your comments I've come to the conclusion that...

1000 gesture drawing challenge is here to stay.

The main reasons are:
- there are already 5 other guys who want to do this (I would delete it if nobody was interested in joining)
- yes, it's mostly an endurance thing, but I need to train exactly that
- there were people claiming that this challenge was in fact easy to do
- I don't see anything harmful in doing it
- bragging rights. Saying 'I did 200 gesture drawing' doesn't sound nearly as awesome as 'I did over a 1000 gesture drawings'

Your counterarguments were:
> it will create bad habits (>>3426408)
During the challenge you're supposed to study all Vilppu related materials that you have. Drawing gestures for 30 min/day is just a warm up followed by studying to make sure that doesn't happen.
> this kills the completionists (>>3426416)
Banana himself said that users shouldn't try to complete every single challenge there is (>>3426971), so I don't see a problem.
> it will destroy your hand (>>3426438)
I don't think it's a real issue. During the DAB challenge you were supposed to learn how to draw from your shoulder ;^)
> it isn't very challenging, interesting or creative (>>3426582, >>3426793, >>3426881, >>3426894)
Just because it's boring, doesn't mean it's a waste of time.
> it's not the best way to spend your time (>>3426856, >>3426859)
... I agree. After thinking it over and after reading your suggestions, I realize that's not the best, most efficient way to learn how to draw cute girls. But it simply wouldn't be right to tell those 5 other guys who want to do it, to forget about their exclusive badge.
I just hope that everyone who joins, will supplement those quick gestures with proper figure drawings.

>> No.3427148
File: 820 KB, 1068x1063, 1487438922268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great work on your submissions today everyone.
Please keep working hard and it will pay off in the end.
Even if you think you aren't getting better, surely with hard work better times will come.

>> No.3427150


>> No.3427151

>1000 gesture drawing challenge is here to stay.

>> No.3427152
File: 13 KB, 245x254, 1525789013228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you miss so many days, Thor, you were supposed to be here every single day.

>> No.3427154

>surely with hard work better times will come.

>> No.3427155

>being a completionist actually has real power

>> No.3427157
File: 234 KB, 886x798, おはようございます.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning anon!

>> No.3427158
File: 42 KB, 900x675, Mecha challenge-Step-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone pin point flaws in my mecha?

>> No.3427159
File: 357 KB, 1600x2480, good morning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3427161
File: 89 KB, 628x668, reasons to live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3427162

it's shit, next!

>> No.3427163

Damn that looks good. The hand is facing the wrong direction though. Time to wikihow this.

>> No.3427166

you ruined the joke oldfag

>> No.3427168

Good morning Clover.

>> No.3427172
File: 96 KB, 498x214, 1489128479720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am here every day, watching over the lassies.
But I don't do encouragements every day, it would get repetitive and I don't want it lassies to think I'm insincere.

>> No.3427175


>> No.3427177
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, jwhxw6f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3427178

>there are already 5 other guys who want to do this
>But it simply wouldn't be right to tell those 5 other guys who want to do it, to forget about their exclusive badge.
Don't come at me with that bullshit, you know joining is not an indication of "wanting" to do it or not, the allure of badgers is simply too strong, especially for the two completionists.

>> No.3427181

The badge is complete trash. Those two completionists should just give it up.

>> No.3427182

>the guy
We know it's you

>> No.3427186

It's fine. As long as they don't whine when 3 new challenges will spurt at the same time during their 1000 gestures.

>> No.3427188

Can we just have 3 new challenges now? Just fill it up so it's impossible for completionists to do it. Lets end it.

>> No.3427195

oh no no no no

>> No.3427196

>yfw badges were a mistake and Lava was right all along

>> No.3427203
File: 1.85 MB, 3691x2076, 1519084904871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you favourites of the:
>digital artists
>traditional artists
>anime daddies
>western daddies

>> No.3427204

pls, have mercy, i have family, i have children!

>> No.3427210


>> No.3427235

Brilliant idea. Bring some one shot challenges. start and end date tomorrow.

>> No.3427238

>start and end date tomorrow.
You can't do that for obvious reasons.

>> No.3427243

>(ecли oни ecть)?
Also why do you mix cyrillic and latin alphabet?

>> No.3427253
File: 258 KB, 811x474, Monikammmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to start a new game, daddies... this one was fucked from the beginning...

>> No.3427256


>> No.3427337
File: 931 KB, 500x281, 1525997605859.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I submitted my first /las piece, are you guys proud?

>> No.3427346
File: 35 KB, 595x243, Bethesda was too eager.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis went on to work at Bethesda guys

>> No.3427360

Needs more loomis.

>> No.3427365

Thank you!


>> No.3427368


>> No.3427376

cute girl, why isn't she walking?

>> No.3427380

Because shes already sleeping

>> No.3427384

( ꒡ ◡ ꒡ )

>> No.3427386


>> No.3427389

Read sticky.

>> No.3427396
File: 2 KB, 256x148, sleepin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3427399

I miss Stella.

>> No.3427402
File: 9 KB, 418x327, stella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all do

>> No.3427415


>> No.3427423

>lilramune doesn't come back

>> No.3427430
File: 484 KB, 200x149, tumblr_luqfpzIl501qzsyhx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to stretch regularly and stay hydrated lassos!

>> No.3427431

Thank you Echo.

>> No.3427434

Remember that drinking 1.3L of water a day is plenty, you'll get the rest from your food/fat.
There is such a thing as overhydratation, keep an eye on your potassium.

>> No.3427435
File: 1.62 MB, 371x371, tumblr_ogx4lpG35K1ugu0h6o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not Echo!

>> No.3427436


>> No.3427437

Technically it's named hyponatremia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyponatremia

>> No.3427455

underrated meme

>> No.3427456

>low sodium level
Yeah, good luck reaching that as a normal person

>> No.3427461
File: 1.77 MB, 274x202, ani_airplane_drinking_problem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


... and that, as much as anything else, lead to my drinking problem.

>> No.3427465

Drinking water still requires other minerals, while it probably won't cause some serious problem, they are wasted if you drink more than you need and can lead to mild deficiencies.

>> No.3427470

Give it to me straight, doc
How yellow should my pee be

>> No.3427473

>National Donut Day - celebrated in the United States
Why am I not surprised

>> No.3427477

Welcome aboard! I'd suggest a cute girl drawing a cute girl doing stuff

>> No.3427479

You should be because that's not a thing people care or know about. I didn't know about that. Don't even celebrate it either.

>> No.3427482

>tfw murican and ate 4 donuts yesterday

>> No.3427486

As yellow as your skkn

>> No.3427487

clearly tinted but barely.

>> No.3427489

I'm black tho

>> No.3427490

So before I join I want to clarify; this is one submission of 1000 gestures at any time during the month?

>> No.3427491

I'm white as snow

>> No.3427492

It's more like you can post your gestures any day as long as you reach 1000. It says you only have to post once because there's no known set number of submissions that could add up to 1000 gestures. It's based on the honor system that you finish. Not like anyone cares anyways.

>> No.3427493

uh oh

>> No.3427494

Doesn't matter, you can submit daily too, you just need to reach 1000 By June 30th

>> No.3427496
File: 257 KB, 591x716, why (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i force myself to draw

>> No.3427497

You don't. Ask yourself nicely to please help you draw then pick up a pencil and some paper. Once you've got your materials, get drawing.

>> No.3427498


>> No.3427500

Draw or I'll shove your pencil up your fngernail you little sSHIT.

>> No.3427502
File: 19 KB, 400x400, B-2QEylUEAAuEPJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no threatening lassies

>> No.3427504

I forced myself to draw everyday for several years. It's only fairly recently where I started to be ok with what i produce. it's not even a certain level of finish or technical skill that you need to achieve - its a feeling of being fully in control when you are drawing. When it's not there, it's barely rewarding at all.

Not saying you have to push through it - Just push through things if you're a masochist and like struggling. I certainly do.

>> No.3427506

Give me your DAD handle, I will berate you if you fail to draw
You're welcome

>> No.3427507

/las/ses are trembling in fear (◡ ◡ )

>> No.3427508
File: 129 KB, 934x846, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some anons here probably have days where they don't get off work until it's already dark, how are they gonna do plein air for 30 days straight?
1. See image.
2. Go draw or paint while you eat a sandwich during lunch.
3. Wake up earlier

>take a second to consider if everyone can even participate in some of this stuff.

Banana specifically made challenge levels to account for the fact that we are going to create things that are simply fun, or test you in certain ways. most everyone can participate in this, but some people will have to be more creative than others. I'm not into having days off for the plein air challenge, the challenge is in caring enough to break out your comfort zone and develop a stronger routine. I'll take those challenges over lax creative prompts anyday.

the latter gives you tools that make it so doing the former nets you an income.

>> No.3427510

ahh yes the situation of owning paper, drawing tools and the ability to walk outside the house with clothes on.

>> No.3427511

Add someone to discord as a friend. Call them up. Talk and draw. You will draw because you know that the other person is drawing too. Much less personal than screen sharing which is way weird.

>> No.3427513

I heard LAS had livestreams back then. Maybe we should start doing it again, it sounds like it could help with discipline

>> No.3427515

We did, we had a lot, but then discord

>> No.3427517

Quit the things you do instead of drawing.

>> No.3427519

Why would discord stop livestreams?

>> No.3427521

Having no days off doesn't add to the challenge, it just reduces tolerance for outside factors, which can severely affect your plein air plans.
I live in a big city. If this challenge was more lax on the posting, I would actually go out of my comfort zone and make trips to the parks, perhaps even work up the courage to go beyond a sketchbook.
As it stands, the length and daily requirement adds a significant amount of stress and commitment so I'll probably just draw whatever mundane shit I can see out of my apartment window.

>> No.3427522
File: 88 KB, 253x224, 1501178909424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there a pre-teen in the discord?

>> No.3427524

people chatted in the livestreams, it's what made them fun
people took those chats to the discord

>> No.3427525

How come we can't make challenges like Banana can? Hobbyist, weekend, every business day, etc. You still get the badge, just different tiers. This would be helpful since more people can join and proceed accordingly to their own schedules. So people could just do plein air on the weekend and still get the badge, while there can still be people who do it daily and get the badge too. This sounds like a good compromise not just for this challenge, but future challenges too. Especially people who don't post daily and in different intervals.

>> No.3427528
File: 740 KB, 3000x2000, AMOC-CCT-2013-155-505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having no days off does add to the challenge, the challenge is managing outside factors, days off can make you lazy. I live in a fairly big city as well, I'm not sure what is relevant about that here. People can make it nerve wrecking, sure- but I've found if you just put earbuds on most people ignore you. Also people tend not to care about just sitting on a bench with a sketchbook. It's far different when you've got a full easel out on a street corner though.

>If this challenge was more lax on the posting, I would actually go out of my comfort zone and make trips to the parks, perhaps even work up the courage to go beyond a sketchbook.
You know this challenge doesn't start for 2 or 3 weeks right? Why not try it right now? Why sign up? You've got quite a lot of time before it starts to figure out how you want to make this doable and fun for yourself.
> the length and daily requirement adds a significant amount of stress and commitment so I'll probably just draw whatever mundane shit I can see out of my apartment window.
It's not my job to account for your inability to push outside of your comfort zone.

>> No.3427529

the compromise can be "follow the challenge alongside because it sounds neat and post to Dad but don't get the specific badge for meeting the requirements of the challenge"

>> No.3427530

Damn that's a shame, they seem to have hangouts occasionally, but I'm too intimidated to join the community.

How do you guys set up your streaming back then?

>> No.3427535


>> No.3427538

/las/ses would start a stream, link here, and a dozen+ /las/ses would hop in, and watch/listen/chat with each other and the streaner+draw
it was fun, we even had lava in the chat chatting away a number of times too
one of the streamers would have a movie playing in the corner
they were nice times

>> No.3427552

we could just link the hangout here- it’s not like it changes

>> No.3427553

Make a new one that doesn't involve discordians who already have history together.

>> No.3427563

There are plenty of outside factors you can’t manage if you’re not a NEET. Days off can’t make you lazy when you still have a set amount of submissions to make.
I am not looking for advice or feedback from you, I was telling you why the current setup detracts from what could otherwise be a novel undertaking for a lot of users here.
There is no problem for me, there’s nothing stopping me from just going to a park once a week and spreading the submissions out over multiple days.
What irks me is the current trend of making challenges tedious homework. One person can shit out 30 minutes of low effort posts for a month and complete the challenge while another can spend hours of honest effort every day but fail the challenge because they had to do overtime at work one time. There’s absolutely n o t h i n g wrong with taking a day off a specific exercise when we’re all drawing daily anyway.

>> No.3427566

Yes I understand that is your opinion but you should also understand people do not share this opinion.

>There is no problem for me, there’s nothing stopping me from just going to a park once a week and spreading the submissions out over multiple days.
Feel free to break the rules of the challenge for your 20 pixel badge on a small subforum challenge website?

>> No.3427568


I did not implement notions of different "tiers" of badges. Having a custom challenged have tiers would be somewhat excessive, and would compromise the integrity of an already confusing and arguably misused prestige values.

If there is enough demand for it, I may expand challenge creation to accommodate multiple badges, but I think abstaining from it simplifies the site and prevents people from going too crazy with it. I could be persuaded otherwise.

However, this sort of discussion will have to come later after I get all the core stuff up and working to a satisfactory point (Patch 1.0).

>> No.3427612

>Go ahead and break the rules for a stupid badge that's just pixels in the end
>I'm just going to belittle your point and make it look like I don't care instead of having an actual conversation even though I was arguing as hard as you
Damn, not the other anon but challenges are useless if nobody wants to do them. Making them more accessible and improving involvement would lead to a steadier health than a mindset of
>Why not try it right now? Why sign up? You've got quite a lot of time before it starts to figure out how you want to make this doable and fun for yourself.
>It's not my job to account for your inability to push outside of your comfort zone.
The real rewards are the gains you get from a challenge, not the mark of completion. Just like the real gains from any art school are the skills and connections, not the piece of paper at the end.

>> No.3427667

I agree with you, but I'd suggest making challenges with your considerations in mind and let the community decide which is more worth their time. The one you guys are arguing about and the gesture one both took the frequency and duration out of the realm of "kicking people out of their box" and into punitive autism, but the solution is to just leave them be and let the neo-topic-challengers hang themselves.

>> No.3427671

I like you, anon. Thinking about dropping out of the plein air challenge now.

>> No.3427748

>The real rewards are the gains you get from a challenge
That's my point exactly man, I'm doing 30 days of plein air because It's literally the best possible thing for me to level up artistically the badge is whatever. The point is to keep people accountable for whatever.

you need to realize there are people who are dropping literally every waking moment of their free time into art, and some challenges are going to be more targeted towards the people actually trying to break into the industry.

There is room for fun challenges just as there is room for stuff meant to hold you accountable into developing a routine, or learning to crunch.

>> No.3427755




>> No.3427756

to add to this, you honestly sound like some angry completionist or something... like why does it mater to you? I'm pretty sure there's a few people who are excited to push themselves in this way, otherwise we wouldn't have 26 people signed up for the challenge.

All I want to see from people is for us to really push out the comfort of our bedrooms and force ourselves to get out and observe the world, If 2-3 of those who complete the challenge end up really enjoying the whole ordeal and put plein air/sketching from life into their regular practice, then I'll be extremely happy with the results of this challenge.

I agree that the challenge is somewhat exclusionary, hence adding the ability to simply just draw outside. You bring up the idea of people working too much, but I find that to be an entirely moot point because once again, if you care enough you WILL find a way to do it.

The biggest thing I'm disappointed about is the fact that June is not the most optimal time of the year to be outside depending on where you live.

If you don't like it? Don't sign up. If you want a more inclusive challenge? Make your own.

>> No.3427804

I can agree with you that it's needed, but I disagree with it based on the community as a whole and previous badges. Banana said before that there shouldn't be challenges made for paid content, no matter how easy it is to get, because it excludes people. With all or nothing challenges, if you run into even a little bump because you have to work late or something it could kill your streak and the incentive is no longer there.
I really like the idea of the plein air challenge, but if you look at it no matter how many people sign up about three will drop the first day and then half will drop about a week in. Usually after someone drops they don't get back into it. If we had tiered rewards, stupid as it sounds, I feel like it would keep more people in the challenges and keep the sense of community up. They don't even have to offer different prestige, you can just have the borders change color.
>You bring up the idea of people working too much, but I find that to be an entirely moot point because once again, if you care enough you WILL find a way to do it.
>If you don't like it? Don't sign up. If you want a more inclusive challenge? Make your own.
I don't think there's a need to divide the community even more between hobbyists and careerists. I mean you can already see it in the art who is probably getting paid and who isn't. I like the idea of a comfy DAD, where everyone casually follows the same studies every now and then and learns from others. When you have problems in one area, you can pull up a wealth of examples from similar people doing the same challenge which I like. I want the site to grow that way, not how it is where it's all or nothing and people never recover after their streak breaks. Comment getting too long so w/e I'll stop rambling

>> No.3427806

Why don't you ever? You never fucking do.

>> No.3427808

Underrated post.

>> No.3427840

no i love your comment and agree
just a lurker though
i've not joined any challenges at all because i know i'd try to invest enough time into them daily to get something out of them, in which case i'd be excluded time-wise from working on anything outside the challenges. in this way i'd almost be forced to lower my effectiveness because at whatever point i've peaked in my understanding of a particular area of study and found it time to move on i'd be forced into the rut of keeping grinding and keeping grinding at something that's no longer the most effective use of my time, maybe for weeks.

so yeah i wholeheartedly agree that if users had more options to personalize challenges to line up with their most growth-inducing level of commitment, and showcasing this through the levels/border changes would be really awesome and in keeping with helping out with the bottom line of this site, 'get good,' quickly

there couldn't be a better post to outline the best possible setup to me that takes care of everyone on both sides of this issue than this one. great thoughts

>> No.3427862

>shading with black

>> No.3427871

force yourself to force yourself to draw

>> No.3427879 [DELETED] 

where? haha
If its my last post It was almost entirely done with clone stamp, lassoing, and layer styles. If its the op image then yeee, my timer ran out before i was able to pull up the core shadows. I'm pretty awful at realistic rendering.
I don't really see that as a rule that must never be broken anyways.

>> No.3427881
File: 214 KB, 400x330, alcoholic_dog_in_heavy_depression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't submit anything because I can't spend 30 minutes on something

>> No.3427884
File: 513 KB, 1036x670, tumblr_otref8LF1P1r5hjdoo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where? haha
If its my last post It was almost entirely done with clone stamp, lassoing, and layer styles. If its the op image then yeee, my timer ran out before i was able to pull up the core shadows. I'm pretty awful at realistic rendering.
I don't really see that as a rule that must never be broken anyways.
Paintovers always appreciated!

>> No.3427890

>it excludes people.
This challenge is incredibly inclusive. Any argument made for this challenge can also be made to argue that "submitting daily to dad" is exclusionary? The only difference between the plein air challenge and submitting daily to dad, is that some people may have a harder time due to the weather, or because of anxiety.
>With all or nothing challenges, if you run into even a little bump because you have to work late or something it could kill your streak and the incentive is no longer there.
This is something that some people may feel but not everyone. I
>If we had tiered rewards,
I do think that's neat but that is a separate argument from the existence of this one challenge.
>where it's all or nothing and people never recover after their streak breaks.
all or nothing challenges are neat, I agree that they shouldn't be the only type of challenge but I disagree that they should never be a type of challenge.
> want the site to grow that way, not how it is where it's all or nothing and people never recover after their streak breaks
I would argue that the DAB challenge has offered far more companionship than the mech challenge

>forced into the rut of keeping grinding and keeping grinding at something that's no longer the most effective use of my time, maybe for weeks.
That's why we have the freedom to pick and chose what challenges we join.
>so yeah i wholeheartedly agree that if users had more options to personalize challenges to line up with their most growth-inducing level of commitment
This isn't something that needs to be automated though? That's just a normal practice that artists take to improve in their own direction. challenges are specific.

Its just a badge dudes! I could see these arguments having more substance if money or prizes were on the line.

>> No.3427897

Do you have a copy-pasta pastbin where you can find all those magic texts?

>> No.3427940

Slug was banned tho?

>> No.3427971


i'm >>3427840
>That's why we have the freedom to pick and chose what challenges we join.
>This isn't something that needs to be automated though? That's just a normal practice that artists take to improve in their own direction. challenges are specific.

i totally understand where you're at and am not sure there’s really any conflict between our preferences. because the main zone of contention i think you're feeling here is that for you to use the site best you work best with the extreme all-or-nothing method. other people seem to work better though with something a little more flexible, (so i think everyone in an ideal situation should be able to use the site as will best help them to improve the fastest, since we all have different learning styles, personal goals, life situations etc, you and me)
if we did have badge borders (you) could always exclusively mentally sign up for the top tier requirements for each badge as a goal-driven policy for example. simultaneously, others could feel free to set personal goals with an open setup that takes all levels into consideration to best suit their learning direction.

This is for the longer-haul challenges, like upwards of a week,
where badges lasting less than a week would be intuitively impossible or unnecessary to have split up into tiers, so would stand as is. it’d be great if we had the option to tier a badge on creation or not with the community in mind, (if for example its subject is specific to the creator’s own needs, and inflexible enough to ask too much grinding of one thing for those not as in need of the creator’s own dedication to their own specific goals.

>> No.3427974


as an aside/example, my reason for liking the idea of badge tiers isn’t a lack of dedication or even rl, it’s to best facilitate my learning efficiently. (while I'd like to join all the current challenges i mentioned, it would hold me back to invest so much time in something i already have pretty much down, but would benefit me if I could set myself a level of work that'd be a doable reinforcement to what i already know.
to expand a little, i did the draw a box lessons when i was younger and also a great number of gestures over the years, but more are always good, same with hands and plein air, but i'm hopeless in other things, (and can't make new badges for specifically my own blind spots because so many challenges are active now that any more'd swamp the people interested in collecting them.)
that is, current longer-range/serious badges are sharply focused on grinding specific things i’m pretty familiar with, so none of them would help me as they are since they’re set up ideally for someone at the stage of being unfamiliar with the subject (a point at which they might best be helped by such a default endless time of grinding.)

>> No.3427978

and so the age of completionists is coming to an end..

>> No.3427982
File: 71 KB, 1024x1024, rare_artifact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3427984

My counterpoint to this would just be that specifically the plein air challenge is so open ended you can likely find training for any fundamental while you're out and about. I could agree if it was all painting, but with the inclusion of just allowing drawings you would have to try pretty hard to not get anything relevant out of the activity. Can I ask what subjects you're looking to improve on that don't work in line with plein air studies? I'm actually super curious.
I hope there is a challenge you feel more willing to participate in!

>> No.3427992


>> No.3427999

Why did completionists scare people so much that they would go to these lengths to utterly eradicate them?

>> No.3428000

really makes you think

>> No.3428015
File: 304 KB, 900x678, 1526129542385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They thought they attained the highest prestige possible by being flawless day oners but then some anon made that "The Complete" picture.

>> No.3428017

>writing walls of text instead of drawing

>> No.3428019

the completionists raped my mommy and force my daddy into slavery

>> No.3428020

my biggest blindspots are the specifics of the muscular and skeletal systems / the ability to recreate, the technical knowledge, and the recognition by name of each muscle and bone in the body. I learned this once in my lifedrawing classes but it only went into my short term memory, so now I've lost it. it's almost worse actually since i remember only how much information there was, so am aware of just how much I don't remember.
That's actually what i was working on fixing before dad came along actually, and i got distracted drawing more ic and dad-friendly subjects.
it makes me realize if i sign up for something that'll last a month when i have a few glaring issues, if i'm honest with myself i'll be using my time ineffectively even if it's fun.
if you're the creator of the plein air badge, i 100% agree with you that you could make it loosely fit almost any subject. just for me though, it would be much more effective if i buckled down and learned the technical stuff, but it'd be fun to also participate around the edges if the badge allowed for this for a fun strengthening of my learning experiences so far, same with every badge i see there. i really want to do them all for fun. i wish humans didn't need to sleep.

>> No.3428021

FEEEEL the argument
FIND the Line of Reasoning

>> No.3428025

Oh neat, yeah those for sure seem to be one of the major areas this doesn't help. One question though:

Why do you feel you need to know the names of every muscle and bone in the human body? You can always print out a cheat sheet for that. I totally understand learning the benefits of learning to draw skeleton and muscle insertion points, but that type of specificity to memorize is an interesting goal.

>> No.3428029

Existence of girls on this board proven without posting tits.

>> No.3428031

slavery in the mines of DAB

>> No.3428042

It is widely known that the only other board with more girls is /cgl/

>> No.3428044

susi plz

>> No.3428046

susi doesnt browse the threads senpai

>> No.3428050


>> No.3428056

i wanna pound myself

>> No.3428059

i've heard a lot of experienced and old school pros candidly/casually mention a muscle here or a bone there that i only vaguely remember the names of, when doing longer critiques of young people's work. (i'd just flounder and point.) it seems the seriously seasoned pros have this tucked into their libraries along with all the other fundies. it feels like one of the least essential for the things i'd like to be able to paint, but since it's the thing i'm far and away the shakiest on, i know i've got to buckle down since i like realism.
the main thing about the names by the way is each name'd be like a mnemonic for remembering that that muscle exists there. then that'd recall its shape etc. they could as easily be numbered or alphabetized, but then i'd always be short if they came up in conversation, and the names themselves make it easier to remember where's what, like anterior posterior dorsal ventral and all the other latin bases.

>> No.3428060

jerry, please

>> No.3428062

who are your top 3 completely flawless?

>> No.3428063

my harem of bunnyburger, srion and jeremias

>> No.3428066

They are mostly all pretty lame. It's certainly due to the completely flawless syndrom.

>> No.3428070

e-except me right?

>> No.3428072

They're all pretty lame except for you, you're EXTREMELY lame.

>> No.3428075

Yes of course.
Don't read:
It's probably slug jelly.

>> No.3428078

Your mom is slug jelly.

>> No.3428090

Mom, stop coming to this chinese macrame image gallery. I'm ill-at-ease now.

>> No.3428093

You should stop playing with these kids, son, they're a bad influence.

>> No.3428112

Gib milkies

>> No.3428122


>> No.3428128

ohh, yeah that's an admirable goal then! Are you shooting to work in the industry?(or already working I should add)

>> No.3428143

Try lifting anon-kun, when I got into it I memorized most of the muscles because I was always looking up lifts to target places exrx.net has an exercise directory under muscles names

>> No.3428146

Maybe to please both sides we keep challenges in it's current state and add a category called "events" which are less for the challenge and more just a fun limited time theme. (like May the 4th) Then you could have "events" have the less strict submission rules, while keeping the challenge of challenges.

>> No.3428191

Holy, bump limit in one day

>> No.3428192

Thanks! I've done a bit of random freelancing for companies events and private individuals but I'd love to get safely tucked away somewhere more permanent, soon

Oh hey I listened to a documentary once where an excellent traditional painter who was really into fitness talked about exactly this. What a cool idea. Lifting's probably the only sort of exercise I haven't yet gotten into over the years, so guess I'm overdue. Thanks! I'll check out the link

>> No.3428193

jesus finlay take better pics

>> No.3428200
File: 514 KB, 680x916, 9b581393e8e8d605391b7c41333ad353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder you're

>> No.3428205

ngmi-chan a cute.

>> No.3428206


>> No.3428210

urgh, wtff, my gains... are disappearing!?

>> No.3428223

Actually I think this is the strongest I've ever felt. Clearly I am making it.

>> No.3428245
File: 86 KB, 600x600, masterbate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you guys hate it when you get a boner just when you are at your most productive?

>> No.3428249

a good 80% I ignore it and just keep drawing.

>> No.3428252
File: 8 KB, 229x220, Ultra+rare+smug+anime+girl+if+youre+reading+this+youve_56cff8_5818425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a penis

>> No.3428259
File: 1012 KB, 975x1040, __sonoda_umi_and_yazawa_nico_love_live_and_love_live_school_idol_project_drawn_by_shijimi_kozou__2933f030b512c1816681b8ef2912b4d2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll make it! And not only that, I'll bring you with me!

>> No.3428260

hidden end route, everyone makes it!

>> No.3428263

Thank you Santi!

>> No.3428266
File: 154 KB, 1286x1374, 1522336132269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not Santi!

>> No.3428268

What ever happened to santi?

>> No.3428273
File: 65 KB, 1170x653, K0KPgis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hold urge
>draw your submission
>grant yourself fap afterwards as a reward
good conditioning

>> No.3428274

She made it. Glorious Santi.

>> No.3428276

w-wait, but santi's a man

>> No.3428281
File: 49 KB, 540x434, bigbrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look forward to finishing so you can fap
>condition yourself to want to rush through drawing to masturbate
try this
>grant yourself draw afterwards as a reward

>> No.3428284

>hold urge
girl detected

>> No.3428285

>notices vistorf's submission
OwO whats this

(df is good game u have excellent taste)

>> No.3428287

You've been fooled by her selfportrait. Sorry, she will never cheat you again.

>> No.3428290


>> No.3428294
File: 27 KB, 443x247, 1517286768018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks daddo, feels good to be noticed.

>> No.3428297


>> No.3428319


>> No.3428323


>> No.3428329


>> No.3428339
File: 389 KB, 1280x1707, jojo_bohemian_rhapsody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3428376
File: 433 KB, 1007x740, Axalalal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Axalalal just rotated and copied his pathetic 2 pages of drawings to make it look like 4 pages?

Tribunal when?

>> No.3428377

n-nothing to see here off/ic/er!

>> No.3428379

top kek
good catch

>> No.3428384


>> No.3428385
File: 111 KB, 634x506, 2C6FB75B00000578-0-image-m-40_1443136414816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3428392

Excellent. She doesn't deserve to be tribunal'd.

>> No.3428396

That's so sad... I mean, it's okay if they were busy and didn't draw much, but making it look like it was more pages...

>> No.3428405


>> No.3428406
File: 2.89 MB, 200x200, jordanlaughing_zpsfa0b44e7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah the sad thing is that no one noticed so he had to out himself

>> No.3428409


>> No.3428417

I hope my qt girl gets a nice friend.

>> No.3428431

>qt girl
hmm? owo

>> No.3428460

I'll make it then draw you getting ripped apart by giant angry crabs

>> No.3428474


>> No.3428475
File: 92 KB, 831x960, undertale_filled_with_determination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope my qt girl gets a nice friend.

Will, you have inspired me. I will take up your challenge. Let's see what we can do together!

>> No.3428476

>not marrying her and raising a family together

>> No.3428478


>> No.3428491
File: 833 KB, 1006x931, battletech_king_crab_MWO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting ripped apart by giant angry crabs

... if he can survive the dual AC/20's, that is!

>> No.3428508

Cool tin can, already cropped, you are the best.
Stolen for the mecha challenge, thanks!

>> No.3428517
File: 833 KB, 721x925, Atlas_Battlemech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jump jets behind you, cores you
heh nothing personal kiddo

>> No.3428622

Hearts can deceive. Words can deceive. But eyes you should trust.
If your heart is broken, make art with the pieces.
Your studies are like big macs, it never looks like the ref picture.
Drawing is pretty simple:
You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works.
You do more of what works.
Do not order fries with your club sandwich.

>> No.3428625
File: 563 KB, 1280x1637, yoko_and_dougram_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cool tin can, already cropped, you are the best.
>Stolen for the mecha challenge, thanks!

If borrowing mechs and pilots were allowed (someone already shit all over me for that) in the challenge, my entire slate of entries would be nothing *but* homages.

>> No.3428632

(Not to be confused with Sknives)

>> No.3428633

Post blog of both (inspection day oblige).

>> No.3428636

>inspection day
oh no

>> No.3428640

Yes mate, it's exactly this day. Drop your pants and show your blog.

>> No.3428648

That reminds me, didn't someone say they were gonna post a list on the weekend?

>> No.3428650
File: 99 KB, 900x900, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knives doesn't have a blog.

Sknives is Agemo.

>> No.3428660
File: 101 KB, 659x480, 1519599110529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your getting good

>> No.3428662

That's true, but she doesn't deliver. It's OK we have a ranking for the flawless.

>> No.3428665

I don't know that feel

>> No.3428668

Post your cup of tea/coffee study!

>> No.3428674

Is everyone a girl now?

>> No.3428675
File: 710 KB, 928x1172, 1480693740843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are getting very good, anon.

>> No.3428681
File: 253 KB, 886x798, おはようございますます.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning anon!

>> No.3428685

noo i sleep for longer =3=

>> No.3428686

Good morning Clover.

>> No.3428688

Your stuff's pretty great mrpurin

>> No.3428694
File: 2.19 MB, 1520x2356, good morning morning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning!

>> No.3428695

5 more min dad

>> No.3428697


No, just the one who talked about the list but didn't deliver.

>> No.3428706

Those are not chests lolbuns D;

>> No.3428717

>all those big chests
real lack of flat chest representation

>> No.3428722

kek, lolbuns is creative.

>> No.3428729

Really like your 43rd chest lolbuns

>> No.3428732

I mean 42nd. I got confused by the labels.

>> No.3428740

This. Where is tHE LIST??

>> No.3428742
File: 56 KB, 313x254, 1481565174935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knives doesnt even draw
its just some toddler another lasso invited

>> No.3428750

we've been saved from the nightmare of lists! no more lists, forever!

>> No.3428752

if you have under 9 badges you are in the laughable tier.

>> No.3428756
File: 971 KB, 1990x2721, scott_pilgrim_definitely_worse_dude_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Knives doesnt even draw
>its just some toddler another lasso invited

She hasn't been the same since Scott broke up with her.

>> No.3428758

but there arent even 9 badgers ;_;

>> No.3428765

>Hey guys I'm depressed
>I want to draw today but I'm depressed
>Too depressed today to draw
the discord culture as a whole is pretty annoying. the thread culture kind of is too

>> No.3428766

Then do something about it instead of being a depressing faggot.

>> No.3428767

I'm excited to draw today! Oh boy, let's draw! Are you also excited!?

>> No.3428770

(this is loud, sound warning)

>> No.3428772


>> No.3428774

dragon dildo challenge when

>> No.3428775

>reference a comment about knives not doing art
>say stuff about being to depressed to do art
>obviously I'm talking about myself and not quoting Knives
>Me saying I hate the discord culture while quoting someone talking about someone on the Discord isn't a major clue
Hey guys we got a bigbrain over here a real Einstein a real PHD a real smart guy a tuff guy a brain guy

>> No.3428776

I'm so excited! Let's draw draw draw!

>> No.3428778


>> No.3428781

man ALIVE I love drawing the atmosphere is positively BRIMMING WITH EXCITEMENT!

>> No.3428789

It will come as an option with the van challenge.

>> No.3428790

kill me

>> No.3428791

I will try to do more of what works.

>> No.3428794

No! You have to stay alive so you can continue to draw with us!

>> No.3428796
File: 22 KB, 300x250, CqtD4kdRDD-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3428798

>tfw too depressed to change the thread culture

>> No.3428800

>man ALIVE I love drawing the atmosphere is positively BRIMMING WITH EXCITEMENT!

Ah! The Atmosphere! Aaaaah!


>> No.3428801

what should the thread culture be?

>> No.3428804

fucking kek

>> No.3428805


I would definitely commit sudoku if I submitted the same hot garbage you jist did. ;)

>> No.3428809

/dad/ is a bully free zone!

>> No.3428812

Stone cold.

>> No.3428814

How do I get my lines less wobbly?

>> No.3428815

Practice! And confidence! Believe in your lines!

>> No.3428816

Draw with a joint further up your arm (wrist -> elbow -> shoulder), it'll come out smoother but less accurate

>> No.3428817

DAB's first lesson literally focuses on this

>> No.3428818

wobble the paper at the same time as the pencil

>> No.3428822

I tried doing it but I still have issues with curved lines being wobbly.

>> No.3428828
File: 101 KB, 231x318, tumblr_ozhynnPvvM1t0wfado1_500~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you!

>> No.3428834

Thanks! Sadly it takes a lot of time to paint in color, so there won't be more chests like that.

I thought that doesn't really matter as long as the general shape is like a chest... but now it doesn't sound like a good argument. I'll draw more chest like chests.
Thanks for pointing that out!

>> No.3428835

Are we gonna finish the dab challenge on time?

>> No.3428838
File: 32 KB, 469x314, bun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you daddies!

>> No.3428839

Well, it's not like you can be early or late.

>> No.3428844


>> No.3428845

I don't know. Are we gonna finish the mech challenge?

>> No.3428848

I know I ain't

>> No.3428850

That's a definite no.

>> No.3428854

There's still plenty of time.

>> No.3428868


>> No.3428870

Week there's a lot of new people and I hadn't noticed, nice!

>> No.3428880

/dad/ needs to recognize the new people more rather than just the continuing ones.

>> No.3428887

I already gave up

>> No.3428896
File: 215 KB, 437x554, tumblr_nxboqbBdHh1r1x5b8o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genzai! you b-big nerd! draw earlier... idiot!!

>> No.3428906

tfw you've been here for 20 days yet you still don't get noticed...

>> No.3428911

cute porocora

>> No.3428913

That's because your name is really difficult to spell Aggretsuko.

>> No.3428916

seal you need to get better.

>> No.3428917

fresh meat!

>> No.3428918

I miss sasori

>> No.3428926
File: 52 KB, 270x383, Aggretsuko_Image004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huhhh,, m-maybe you're right...

>> No.3428928

I notice you and ship you with Sofie

>> No.3428933

Okayu definitely notices you.

>> No.3428941


>> No.3428942
File: 21 KB, 253x297, Screenshot_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-thanks I guess...?

>> No.3428943

rip okutain and tipsypaipai
They so young and had so much potential.
Okutain going through ellipse exercises, could have drawn perfect ellipses if Okutain kept on going.
Tipyspaipai had a very lovely drawing of a figure. Although, messy, I enjoyed it. We could have seen more art from Tipsypaipai, but unfortunately. That's not the case.

>> No.3428944

I felt the breath of death....

>> No.3428947

Wanna know what a cool statistic woulld be?
The sum of everyone's streaks and it's net change every day.
Today we lost 83 streak points for example.

>> No.3428948

Is this the new meta? Can I bet streak points on how much we're going to lose tomorrow?

>> No.3428949

View count when?
Download count w h e n?

>> No.3428950

Does anybody download this kinda thing...? I enjoy looking at them but I wouldn't download...

>> No.3428952


>> No.3428953

>both moirem and senpai_andre dead


>> No.3428956

Moirem, andre, noooooooo

>> No.3428977

24 hours silence for the dead.

>> No.3428980

Mrpurin's art is fucking great

>> No.3429023


>> No.3429027

nice colors! i like it a lot, feels very comfy
interesting design, maybe it's just me but something feels off about the balance of it though
really cute! the shading is very nice as well
i like the way you do the shading and stuff, feels professional to me. nice idea for a collab as well!
it's simple yet effective! the colors look nice
that rattata punk as heck, i like it!
i really like the presentation, it feels like something i'd see in a dream!
really nice form! i love the energy in it
your colors are always beautiful! looks great
nice designs, top one reminds me of master chief. are you numbering your boxes too? it's important!
very comfy, i like the colors as well. the pastel is nice!
>slug jelly
kek, i like you
i like the vibrant colors, really like the variance of them as well
cute, expressions are very nice as well!
make sure you focus on the form of the figure, and not only its outline!
your submissions are always interesting to me, kind of a mysterious feeling?
ha, i like the concept here. looks pretty furry to me friendo (-u-)
hi, i love this. a lot. very inspirational!
jerry-kun, try to have more confidence in your lines! nice chest though
love the lighting here! has some comfiness to it as well
i like how you did the clothes! looks very nice
your doodles are nice, i like the feeling they give! you should post more of them
love the expressions, also nice berserk nose goblin
interesting colors, gives an uncanny feeling but not in a bad way
like the pose! reminds me a bit of griffith too
really love the shading, looks professional

>> No.3429029

like the contrast! some parts looks a little flat (not just becaues of the landscape) but it's still very nice
nice angles! the design is really nice as well
really interesting piece, can't to wait to see it if you finish it!
i like the colors you used in the painting too, makes it interesting to look at
i don't see the explicit here, maybe you're setting it by instinct haha. relatable piece though, i like it
interesting angles on them chests, i also like the flowiness of the leaves
feels a little unnatural but i still like the flow with the legs, torso seems a little detached though
the master of DAB, looks very clean as always
really nice studying, love them eyes though lmao
really like how clean this looks, you used the darkness really well
looks a little crazy, but i like it! i feel like the trunk is a little stiff though?
really like the contrast, interesting to look at. nice animu lul
i like the expression, you could probably go darker in some places though
took me a bit to comprehend what it was, but it looks pretty good
nice designs! i like how you did the wood as well, very convincing
nice designs here as well, the coffin and the fridge were pretty neat twists
nice blending, the values are pretty good!
i like the clothes design! the pose is very nice too, great all around
interesting concept, colors are nice as well
cool design! pretty interesting too, not typical
comfy and cute as heck, color choice is really good

>> No.3429033

cute anime girls, actually pretty refreshing
some repetitious angles, but otherwise it's pretty neat. working on a clipboard is pretty smart!
pretty good, just feels like some of the areas on the dark side could be darker. interesting though
i like your hatching, looks nice! i don't know when it happened but i also see your avatar gif lady changed as well
i actually kind of like the seemingly absentminded sketching, gives a comfy feeling
the perspective piece looks pretty challenging as well, so good on you for going for it!
extremely lewd. delet. besides that your lines look pretty neat, should definitely finish it
wholesome and adorable. i love it.
i like the colors on the left lady but the face on the right lady looks a little off, nice overall though
unrelated but i really like your handwriting, also this looks like a nature encylopedia, definitely good!
good chests, your bugs looks very realistic as well, good job!
very cute and comfy, it's like a mix between an ocean and a blanket, gives a nice and warm feeling
very neat and professional, you're very skilled!
really nice colors and lighting! the design is cool as well
stiff yet a pretty intesting design. continue!
haha pretty cute, the colors/lighting is nice too
cute, really like how smooth the poses are
i like it, pretty interesting design! seems like a bit of a maze but in a good way
your lines are nice and neat, but a little hard to see. turn up the contrast!
ooh, very nice shading. i'll assume that this is a study and it's good, if it's from imagination then oof
this is lewd too! make sure to go lighter and darker in some places, but pretty good
the designs here are good too, the variance of shapes/angles make it interesting as well

sorry for the spam lads should've put this in a pastebin, eh?

>> No.3429034

this. Kuuhaku, Dough, and Echo got the gud too.
pls no

>> No.3429035

cute! the fluffy hair is really nice, the character looks like they have a nice personality!
nice studies, the expressions are pretty good, and the sketch style is really nice
cute! the clothes have a good design and the posing on that rabbit is really cool
you always have the best designs, and your use of shapes are always really interesting
cool colors, gives a bit of comfiness. the pose is nice too!
i chuckled. otherwise, pretty cute!
great studying, also nice background haha
you really look like you know what you're doing, the shading is very nice too
shading is really good, you use that texture in a really interesting way
i really like how you did the details on the plants, looks really good. cute cirno too!
cute pice, i haven't read the manga but i like the way you portrayed the characters

>> No.3429038

>tfw not skipped
Oh baby
Today is great

>> No.3429041
File: 246 KB, 500x564, jcJwItd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't deserve you, anon <3

>> No.3429049

>double submit
>refresh again and it's TRIPLE
Thanks, encouraging anon.
this is indeed nice.

>> No.3429055

I'm so sorry for you Will.

>> No.3429059

oh man, thanks anon
all of these- you're very nice

>> No.3429061

Thank you so much for the comment anon <3 <3 <3 dad doesn't deserve you, I bet this took a long time to write. <3

>> No.3429066
File: 997 KB, 160x160, 1445916867933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the kind words!

also, it took somewhere around an hour, but it was worth it

>> No.3429068


>> No.3429069

You are a beautiful individual thank you for taking the time to write this out.

>> No.3429107
File: 484 KB, 384x216, blushu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you so much!
You guys are so wonderful <3

>> No.3429201
File: 32 KB, 350x400, 1505721259115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3429206

Just remember /dad/dies that every day we're working harder and getting closer to making it, whatever making it means to you. Don't give up!

>> No.3429208

Yeah, lets all continue to work hard and get closer to whatever it means to each of us! Lets not give up just yet!

>> No.3429228

>not only can will draw like 10000 times better than me
>he's also good at animating
Fuck this guy and his skills desu >:0

>> No.3429229
File: 405 KB, 1280x964, selfie_girl_collab_WIP02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My first idea with the big tropical drink in a coconut shell ... didn't pan out. This mock-up is the other direction I thought this collab could go, but all I've done so far is the pencils - no inks or markers yet - it's nearly midnight, and I have a full day of work ahead of me tomorrow.

Will, if you stop by, I'd be absolutely delighted if we could work further on this together. Your style and methods seem a lot better suited to rapid progression (especially with layers I suspect you have set up) than mine are.

>> No.3429231
File: 37 KB, 463x242, star_wars_collin_higgins_impossible_even_for_a_computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's impossible, even for a computer!

>> No.3429232

>tfw I wanna collab with other daddies too

>> No.3429233

>tfw being 10000 times worse than someone
We've got a long way to go.

>> No.3429235

Porocora, I'm not sure what I'm looking at but I like it

>> No.3429250

Thank you! It's really cool of you to go through and crit everyone, must have taken a good while too. I really aprreciate it anon.

>> No.3429254

Makes me wonder if they are that spiderman anon, the critiques seem familiar in tone.

>> No.3429280

Eat him to get better!

>> No.3429285

> i actually kind of like the seemingly absentminded sketching, gives a comfy feeling

Thanks for the feedback, it's very kind. It's embarrassing but the sketching wasn't that absentminded, at times I was gritting my teeth trying to figure out how things should be constructed and realizing that I'm still pretty retarded at that.

But man, it... fucking hurt to do that. I didn't know why. And on the two hour drive back to my apartment, listening to my autistic high school playlist designed as the soundtrack for my modern fantasy self-insert daydream epic, I reflected on why it hurt so damn much.

I used to draw and create with reckless abandon in middle school. It was in the middle of the Flash era, where relentless creativity took precedence over professionalism and skill, though many were not lacking of it. It was a wonderful era of the internet, where individuality and whimsy ruled. I had made a shitty little game. Outside of that, I consistently made shitty little action comics every time I had a spare moment, showing them excitedly to my friend. My autistic scribblings even transferred over to some of my english projects, which were chock full of shitty MS Paint drawings, where my teacher encouraged and fanned the fire of a kid's creativity, regardless of how silly and irreverent it was (Thanks Mrs. S!).

Bottom-line is, there was a time when I could draw from imagination with such joy and reckless abandon. When did I close my heart? When did that fire die? When did I lose the euphoria of just... creating? And now I remember the exact moment when I sealed any love for myself as an artist, myself as a writer or any of my creations. It still hurts, even now. This is the first time I've ever cried while on my new antidepressants.

Apologies for the blog. My inhibitions are a bit weak, as it's late and I'm pretty tired. In the way of site-pertinent news, patch 1.0 is probably going to be delayed a little bit. Sorry about that, too.

I'm going to bed.

>> No.3429288

Absolutely blessed

>> No.3429294

we dont mind banan, take your time. Rest up!

>> No.3429299

Oh nooo he's starting to show blogging symptons! Quick, gag him before he breaks his legs and stabs a needle in his spine!

>> No.3429300

i relate completely and hope we both regain that whimsy in our work. we've still got more years to live through than those we've spent cut off from imagination, lots of new eras still waiting for us, likelihood is that down the line your future self is waving at you doodling new dragons freehand. stuff's cyclical, change is a given, hope you feel better banana.

>> No.3429315

we don't deserve you anon but thanks, i'll keep woking hard!

>> No.3429321

I'll collab with you bud

>> No.3429347
File: 94 KB, 355x457, qawerdtfyguhijkop.[.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you deserve a cake for writing all this stuff for everyone thank you

>> No.3429382
File: 842 KB, 1328x1000, selfieresize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice! Thanks for drawing, psiekier.
You're right, I usually blast out some light construction with a stupidly thick brush and then jump right into tiedown at the expense of better refining some forms.

Finish up your qt and I will drop her into the template, or I can do the cleanup for you as practice for myself if you want. Whichever you prefer.

>> No.3429416



>> No.3429423

your loomis needs more loomis

>> No.3429429


>> No.3429474

papa, what is this style called?

>> No.3429475


>> No.3429488

Aborted Vilppu.

>> No.3429515

dam son that is nice
not sure. cel shaded I guess

>> No.3429545

fuck man shit dog

>> No.3429572

>your lines are nice and neat, but a little hard to see. turn up the contrast!
Sorry, I "scan" the pictures with my phone under bad conditions, the lines are much darker on paper. I tried upping the contrast but then the lighter lines that aren't supposed to show up are too prominent.

>> No.3429593

>the master of DAB
>not me
I guess I'll have to step it up

>> No.3429595

and 50 pages later, my pen died.

>> No.3429598

I bought a pack of 12

>> No.3429600

Did you kill her?

>> No.3429612

Whoa thanks for doing this for the daddies, I shall finish the bj and dedicate it to you

>> No.3429617
File: 941 KB, 398x223, ani_el_dorado_both_is_good.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finish up your qt and I will drop her into the template, or I can do the cleanup for you as practice for myself if you want. Whichever you prefer.

How about both?

I intend to do mine in two stages: first with black ink, then afterward with markers; might take more than one day. I have a feeling you could lay something over my pencils faster than I could get to my own work so, if you're interested and have time, I'd like to see how you handle that.

>> No.3429639

Ok, I'll put my version on the site when I get a chance then. It will probably be some time tomorrow.

Sorry for shitting up the thread, dads.

>> No.3429643

it's fine famalamadingdong

>> No.3429645

thank you so much! I made that painting thinking about a place I like a lot, it's nice to walk around in there, and feels so comfy. I'm happy I could somehow share that feeling with you

>> No.3429680

Dad world cup challenge when?
With dads gathered by continent.

>> No.3429682

I unironically thought this today when I lost my bus. I hate you

>> No.3429683

>check the sticky
>monet STILL has his christmas hat
what the hell

>> No.3429695

>he doesn't have year round christmas where he lives

>> No.3429698


>> No.3429699

Your lines are so clean, it's awesome bunnyburger.

>> No.3429701

I learned this the hard way too my first time. I ended up finding cheaper pens that look identical though.

>> No.3429750


>> No.3429752

Based sleepy.

>> No.3429754
File: 40 KB, 640x596, 1520140994991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3429763

Thank you m8.


>> No.3429775

That's awesome stuff you've got going on beachpacket

>> No.3429786

leo everything you post is so bouncy and lively im obsessed blog where

>> No.3429791


>> No.3429792

i got so excited to draw every day that i just ended up being too excited and drawing too many things

>> No.3429795

Post one right here in the thread or else ur gay

>> No.3429798
File: 3.29 MB, 3860x2140, 0AlOh2I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To step up my chest game I looked up some examples of chests that were done by someone who already knows how to draw.

I think you could also learn from those examples, so here's link: https://imgur.com/a/cqj0Z

>> No.3429806

Holy shit.

>> No.3429825

Those studies made me hungry.

>> No.3429876
File: 929 KB, 1321x980, ughgkj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3429878

What's happened to your leg?

>> No.3429883

me on the left

>> No.3429885

me too

should we start a new /las/ thread, this one is autosaging

>> No.3429896


>> No.3429899


>> No.3429900

I dig your colours Menes.

>> No.3429907
File: 25 KB, 480x270, lando_and_nein_numb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>should we start a new /las/ thread, this one is autosaging

Shrineycat will have that new thread for us! We've got to give him more time!

>> No.3429913

>should we start a new /las/ thread, this one is autosaging
new threads get made when shrineycat wakes up and they reach page 10 or on the edge of page 9

>> No.3429918

The greenish one is my favorite, trips me out

>> No.3429920

I've been liking the dab challenge a lot but the animal lessons are shit, I don't know what to do?

>> No.3429922

It builds off of the texture challenge and organic forms which is likely you haven't got much experience with because it's soft body as opposed to hard body.

>> No.3429927

>tfw I can't be a NEET any longer
>tfw I'm starting my new entry-level job next Monday
>tfw I won't be able to put in more than 2 hours/day into drawing
>tfw I'll be too tired to use even those 2 hours properly
so that's how my dreams of becoming a pro artist end

>> No.3429930

maybe a tighter schedule will prompt you to use your remaining drawing time better :D

>> No.3429934

Yeah, now it's reality of becoming a pro artist. It's the real deal now, you're actually going to make it instead of just dreaming about making it.

>> No.3429935

i’m here for lassies, but normies that wander in looking for attention every day really annoy me

>> No.3429938

b- banana where’s your avatar

>> No.3429939

i never thought i would experience a warm and kind thread where the repliers are being gentle and make me want to draw more. thank you.

>> No.3429940

>have no free time
>really start to appreciate free time

>> No.3429942

It's more like.
>have free time
>appreciate but also begin to see other problems
>still don't use it

>> No.3429944

I'm so sorry anon, but it looks like you have a terminal case of NotGonnaMakeItitus, it's time to give up.

>> No.3429953

I've been working full time for 4 years now and I improved quite a lot, don't give up


>> No.3429963

New Official DAD poll!

>> No.3429966


>> No.3429969

I was just about to post the same thing.

>> No.3429974

All the FBI needs now is how much toothpaste we use to brush our teeth and our toenail lengths.

>> No.3429976

lol hivemind

>> No.3429978

>tfw do a really good page of solid studies
>also draw a gondola in pen with dicke and also balls
>have to draw a whole new pic so people don't think i'm a weirdo

>> No.3429979

There's a thing called white out.

>> No.3429980

now it'll be obvious as fuck though

>> No.3429981

>55-60 hours

>> No.3429982

Better than us seeing the drawing.

>> No.3429986

I thought the same too.

>> No.3429987

I already said I'd do a new page. Besides, I dont have any white out.

>> No.3429990

Just leave it, no one will mind

>> No.3429992

Then rip a piece of paper to cover it.

>> No.3429995

Still super obvious

>> No.3429997

Well congratulations, you've fucked yourself, now what's the next step of your master plan?

>> No.3429998

It woudn't be so obvious if you haven't come here to tell your dumb story

>> No.3430000

Draw a new page to submit, without the pennis gondola?

>> No.3430001

We're all gonna make it.

>> No.3430002

why do you guys always think I'm Jerry. So cruel!

>> No.3430012

the guy that keeps wanting to bang himself on the completionist photo?

>> No.3430026

>exactly 50:50 with the NEETs

>> No.3430029

Now I want to see that, post it yo

>> No.3430039
File: 205 KB, 900x675, 1461541969579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck i had to get this korea tier workplace just when the challenges got implemented. I need to sleep too. But i want to do them.

Oh well, at least i have money.

>> No.3430043

>Oh well, at least i have money.
What's the point if you don't have time to git gud?
Anyway, I'm in the same boat, away from home, 7 to 7 which makes me too tired to draw in the morning and often tired in the evening.
I try to see drawing as a reward, getting to draw at the end of a long day, a way to clear my mind. It's not easy but you got to hang in there.

>> No.3430052
File: 35 KB, 607x608, e96 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget.

>> No.3430057

wtf las has this many neets?
thought you guys were hard workers baka, trash

>> No.3430063

>implying they won't have made it in a year

>> No.3430074

it's not fair ;-;

>> No.3430079
File: 253 KB, 886x798, おはようございますますます.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning anon!

>> No.3430081

noo nooo =3=

>> No.3430086

Good morning Clover.

>> No.3430090

This new Octopath OST is some really nice background music fodder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZapM5MaMpc
Will never get to play the game though

>> No.3430092

And some really nice art. Feeling inspired. No switch though.

>> No.3430095
File: 1.91 MB, 1505x2333, good morning morning morning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning!

>> No.3430097
File: 62 KB, 1000x888, benis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing wrong with a nice gondola dick

>> No.3430098
File: 1.81 MB, 2013x2500, __houraisan_kaguya_and_reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou_drawn_by_kurosukey__18881116b216a1cb3a52e0f58457bce3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3430112

so when are the untimed challenges implemented

>> No.3430117

1.1, 3 months after 1.0, which itself will be in 2 months time when counting delays

>> No.3430128
File: 157 KB, 396x508, 1474924144713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now when i think about, what's even the point of timed challenges. I'ts fine for the streak and seasonal thing for sure, but for grindy fundie stuff doesn't it just encourage shitty learning?

>> No.3430131

so everyone's doing it together
especially helpful during events like (but not limited to) inktober, secret santa and celebration-days

>> No.3430132

>he thinks deadlines are a meme
Bet you never did your homework on time either

>> No.3430142
File: 447 KB, 899x581, bedridden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm really not feeling it

i haven't felt this low in a while

>> No.3430145

push through the lows!
either you find new exciting lows, or you go high again!

>> No.3430186
File: 2.39 MB, 2560x1440, 1315022292861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3430202

what is this?

>> No.3430208

Yeah, I'm struggling with mechas and still haven't started to draw the submission for today and I'm so sleepy fug

>> No.3430209

the end mate.

>> No.3430213
File: 1.81 MB, 500x281, let go.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at last

>> No.3430218

>tfw the only reason I finished watching zankyou no terror was for the qt girl

>> No.3430219

>not watching for the big payoff

>> No.3430222

Just came back from watching IW
Better than expected desu
This anon recommends it

>> No.3430223

Avengers IW fan art challenge when

>> No.3430224

I haven't even watched age of ultron yet ;_;

>> No.3430227

You don't really have to.

>> No.3430228

and now i feel embarrased about my shitty chests

>> No.3430229

But there's nothing to be embarrassed about.

>> No.3430231

It's okay Genzai.

>> No.3430233

d-do you like them?

>> No.3430234

Of course, I do! You gave them your best efforts! All your love and care into each one!

>> No.3430238
File: 2.05 MB, 2636x2531, Shario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LAS brings the best out of me :)

>> No.3430246

It's okay oneironaut

>> No.3430249


a real human bean :)

>> No.3430250

Do eet

>> No.3430254
File: 12 KB, 166x213, 1426835184071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submitting this late makes me nervous... how do some of you do it every time?

>> No.3430256

It's a necessity.

>> No.3430259

You don't even know what late is until it's 5 minutes to the deadline.

>> No.3430261
File: 650 KB, 320x480, 906d61263992beb3000e6beab2d860aa[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just yesterday, I submitted 5 seconds away from the deadline because my ShareX decided to crash for some reason. My hand was literally shaking a bit afterwards

>> No.3430267

Yeah, that adrenaline rush. Gets the blood pumping, the heart racing. True survival.

>> No.3430281
File: 51 KB, 177x198, Screenshot_32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you sweet anon

>> No.3430286

fujo I'm sorry for your loss

>> No.3430287

Ornitorrinco laying it out like money

>> No.3430289

>61+ hours, ouch

>> No.3430293

>not working 130 hours

>> No.3430294

If it makes you feel any better I noticed that sometimes Jeremias will go against what the lessons want in order to make it look better, so he sort of cheats a little.

>> No.3430298

There's always room for two masters in this place.

>> No.3430302

>not working 168 hours

>> No.3430321

rip tsubakacircuit

>> No.3430325

>tfw no cute girl doing things, like sleeping or walking

>> No.3430340

nope ( ._. )

>> No.3430345

>all these NEETS and you're all still on the lesser percentile of the better artists on DAD


>> No.3430346

You don't become a NEET for no reason.

>> No.3430348

nooo ;;

>> No.3430350
File: 588 KB, 600x338, 1484877953800.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's my comic slug

>> No.3430351

Hey slug do those figures in the background correspond to specific people?

>> No.3430379

Hey, you don't know who's what on DAD!

>> No.3430380


>> No.3430395

How to interact with other artists?

>> No.3430399

I say ask them questions about their art, or what are their inspirations.

>> No.3430404

Where do I go from there?

>> No.3430417

I'll walk and sleep on your lap anon :^)

>> No.3430418

i have your comic right here. *unzips dick*

those that I try to remember. It's been a while.

>> No.3430420

Based rumi

>> No.3430423

who's who? I want to know!

>> No.3430425
File: 143 KB, 1507x1080, day8corrected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry. They should've looked like attached. I draw right when I wake up, so sometimes I'm tired and make mistakes like this.

>> No.3430427
File: 207 KB, 1540x1080, day8seethrough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, here's them held against the light so you can see that they're two sided. I guess it doesn't prove that they weren't drawn after the fact, but I figure it's better than nothing.
I promise I'm not cheating! I'd rather break my meager streak.

>> No.3430431

I miss lil ramu chan :c

>> No.3430432

M-makes you wonder what happened to ramu-chan.

>> No.3430433


>> No.3430472

you keep doing that for awhile, and hopefully they respond and take interest in your art. Maybe try and find a hobby or thing you like and strike up conversation from there. If they stream, hop in their stream, that's a great way to chat.

>> No.3430574
File: 110 KB, 480x640, ac6473a5bd6685fa505e78eba6ba9519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mew thread >>3430573

>> No.3430786

o I thought this meant work... on art