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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3418746 No.3418746 [Reply] [Original]

Let’s see what the gender makeup of this board looks like.


>> No.3418763

From what I see in the bios of the special snowflakes on Twitter/Tumblr you're missing at least 50 extra genders.

>> No.3418767

You should stop being a snowflake too and stop politicizing everything

>> No.3418783

found the tumblrfag

>> No.3418784

no u

>> No.3418785

he's right tho you brought that shit up out of nowhere lmao

>> No.3418789

hey two more faggots

>> No.3418792

Green hair, fat, nigger looking motherfuckers who want to animu, add that shit to the list

>> No.3418794

i am a basedboy

>> No.3418797

reminder being a trap or wanting to be a female doesn't make you a female.

>> No.3418799

I legit don’t have a tumblr nor do I use it. The only place where I hear about this stuff is in 4chan. But whatevers I know this is an argument that I’ll never win.

>> No.3418822

post work

>> No.3418838

I am a girl(male) so i chose female. Fuck you.

>> No.3418839

what a garbage thread

>> No.3418847

I'm a demisexual transwoman who uses he/him pronouns, what do I fill in?

>> No.3418850

>Thought the results were interesting
>Read thread
>no longer credible
Disappointing to say the least

>> No.3418851

Only you can decide sweety. Dont let anyone tell you other.

>> No.3418867

Shemale who's pre-op. Put in that.

>> No.3418869

Thanks, mom. Good to see I can disappoint you too.

>> No.3418908

>there's wimminz here

oh shit lemme stop lurking to post this message

london etc. etc.

>> No.3418914

There are no girls on the Internet.

>> No.3418928

I'm a cis male myself but please add more genders.
> u Snowflake
> u Snowflake
> Fuck off you piece of tumblrfag shit die in a hole you getting triggered by people wanting to murder people and I get triggered for people being themselves in a harmless way so obv I'm the alpha male here so stfu

>> No.3418931

Gender = sex and there are only two of them.

>> No.3418934

The majority of people are cishets

>> No.3418940

I am a girl.

>> No.3418942

It still looks about right, male lurkers are a majority and there are more girls here than on other boards because of the subject matter

>> No.3418945
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>only 11 female posters
Where u girls at?

>> No.3419032

>He chose "Female, lurks" even though he's male

Wow this poll is incredibly accurate

>> No.3419036

This is why I hate polls

>> No.3419037

this tb h

>> No.3419104
File: 139 KB, 400x400, 1524228337050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DDLing random artbooks.
Reading a coding book.
Browsing /a/,

>> No.3419114


>> No.3419187

>browsing /a/
Into the trash you go

>> No.3419228

>on a mongolian cartoon weaving board

>> No.3420601

>all these girls

>> No.3420630

50% faggots pretending to be girls, 50% ugly fat bitches.

>> No.3420637

I feel insulted.

>> No.3420641

If you fit into either of those categories... good.

>> No.3420706

I have a vagina and I am too skinny for my height.
Should I leave this board?

>> No.3420709

You should stay lurking, and work on your art. If you're an actually decent-looking girl, you gain nothing from exposing your sex/appearance. Let your work speak for itself.

>> No.3420725

95% of the """women""" are trannies anyway

>> No.3420751
File: 53 KB, 512x502, 1510218501717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking roasties, in MY /ic/. You put any woman in a predominantly male environment and their ego skyrockets from all the orbiters and how 'unique' they think it makes them. They get wanked over so much it's impossible for them to not have dunning-kruger. They don't even realise they have it. Well, the ones that still do art anyway; most of them figure out that they're a lot more popular if they just post their (ugly) tits instead of their art.

You'll find most of the girls here in the meta threads like group study, tower girls, style meme, etc. but also in the discord circlejerk psuedo-threads, because they need to be doing the same thing as everyone else, or have everyone else do the same thing as them, or to be doing the same thing over and over - because women thrive on equality and consensus (and attention). I think fucking /beg/ is the only thread with a high population of actual 4chan users; the rest of the board is just infested with tumblrite trannies and their orbiters. Sad.

>> No.3420766

so you're saying that the girls are doing the things everybody else does here whilst only /beg/ is truly /ic/

>virgin /beg/ vs the chad towergirlgeneral

>> No.3420774

>girls are doing the things everybody else does
yes, they're simple creatures
isn't it funny how artists are overwhelmingly female, but good artists are overwhelmingly male? Even though they do what everyone else does...because they do what everyone else does...

>> No.3420802

This. Women and trannies ruin everything. They are constantly seeking attention even on anonymous image boards.

>> No.3420812

and noone has the delusion this board is full of elite artists, the average girl here is just as mediocre as the average male here. Don't defend yourself with the kind of person you aren't, because no matter what you do these people will never be the norm, male or female. so whether 99.999% of males and 99.9999% of females never achieve greatness is irrelevant, the community, /ic/ is the 99.99% not the exception, no matter how contrarian you are

>> No.3420827
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same incel? where does this pain come from?

>> No.3420831

It's 2018 and people still think every woman is the same immature mentally ill slutty cunt. Alright.

>> No.3420846

you're on 4chan.

>> No.3420847

Where is the option for non binary demisexual transexual and fequently shitposts?

>> No.3420850

Not "every" but most.

>> No.3420855

This cant be right.

>> No.3420883

>trying not to shit on people's art
>petting dogs

>> No.3420891
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>the average
>these people will never be the norm
>no matter how contrarian you are
See? Consensus; endless appeals to majority, enforcing norms

>It's 2018
Yes, it is the current year; you're making a presumption that makes you think this implies anything
>okay sweetie *sips tea*
women are always passive-aggressive like this because they're afraid of creating conflict in the group by actually offending people
and ultimately don't need to defend their beliefs themselves because of safety-in-numbers mentality
they neither do nor don't; it's absolute stagnation

>where does this pain come from?
from seeing it all before

Women do not innovate in art, penis envy just makes them shoehorn themselves into male things (like our sekrit club) for the sake of it

>> No.3420892

It was actually bretty funny
>create an /ic/ discord about a year ago
>join the voice chat
>five other people eventually join vc
>all female
>then a male joins
>"what the heck" he says.

Everyone was really nice to each other, and everyone found it funny how there were almost no males in vc at the beginning.

>> No.3420904

I have no interest in offending people and it's not meant aggressively. I'm just saying people and things improve over the years and we learn more and more things, we have so much knowledge how come the basic knowledge of every person being different is missing? It's something so obvious. How can people be so stupid as to thinking every man or woman is the same?

>> No.3420906

it's not an appeal to majority, it's simply the reality of the situation.
you're no better than them, you're a simple creature too, aren't you?
You're not one of the greats, so no matter how much you spit on women for their "apparent mediocrity" all you are doing is being a hypocrite.
Also women shoehorn themselves into art? I thought drawing is a traditionally girly thing to do.

>> No.3420908
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I dislike roasties and all, but this is just sad man.

>> No.3420913

I too remember that. No more mass vc these days.

>> No.3420941

>I have no interest in offending people and it's not meant aggressively.
lol you can't be that oblivious. your ott misogyny has been recognized in every post you've made, it's a bit late for you to backtrack that you weren't trying to be offensive.
>penis envy makes them shoehorn themselves into male things
>like fucking drawing

>> No.3420948
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>how come the basic knowledge of every person being different is missing?
we're all different but we're also all equal, any mindless platitude to keep the group cohesive
>How can people be so stupid
you're subconsciously directing these questions to the invisible crowd of people who agree with you and waiting for the nods of approval to validate your argument

>it's not an appeal to majority, it's simply the reality of the situation.
the assumption that your view of reality is infallbile
>you're no better than them, you're a simple creature too, aren't you?
when appeal to majority fails start a personal attack
>so no matter how much you spit on women
I only spat on trannies, orbiters and camwhores, not women as a whole
but you're conditioned to assume I am, and to call me, a woman-hater, to easily discredit my argument
like uh, this guy, who's witch-hunting for me just so he can slap the label on: >>3420941
>I thought drawing is a traditionally girly thing to do.
because you're taking for granted the comparatively recent and absolutely massive societal reforms in history that have allowed women to do art
painting has always been a male thing, a bit like voting

>I'm [x] but even I disagree with this [x] thing
subversion 101

>> No.3420959 [DELETED] 

so you acknowledge that women did not used to do art because they were not ALLOWED to (which is a fact, there were no females being taught art in the age of the great masters, they were kept uneducated, the better to control them and leave them with no choice but to be dependent on males, something still being done in parts of the middle east).

But yet you call painting a traditionally male thing, as if women are now doing it....to be like males?...not because of personal interest of their own desire? and you're not a woman-hater?

>> No.3420961

I can't have a normal discussion with you if you keep assuming random things that aren't true. That's not any better than calling someone ugly, it's just a false assumption you tell yourself to be true out of nowhere. Obviously everyone's personality is different and if you still don't know that you should socialize more.

>> No.3420967

I only made 2 posts. No I was not trying to be offensive and why would I bother pretending not to be? They're offensive and insulting anyway so they would deserve it, but I was trying to have a normal mature discussion. Apparently even on /ic/ this is impossible. Congratulations on being a second r9k

>> No.3420994

Now you are contradicting yourself, you said you do not attack the majority of women, yet you call them all out with lines like
"women are always passive-aggressive like this because they're afraid of creating conflict in the group by actually offending people
and ultimately don't need to defend their beliefs themselves because of safety-in-numbers mentality
they neither do nor don't; it's absolute stagnation" or "yes, they're simple creatures"

the simple creature thing isn't as much of a personal attack as it is a reflection of your statement or a "Tu quoque" kind of argument so if you are going to point out these pretentious argumentation flaws then atleast do it right.

lastly you talk about massive societal reform in a way that acknowledges that women are doing what they like because they can, not because they are seeking male affirmation. They didn't use to because they were not allowed to.

Also my view of reality might not be infallible, but It's pretty evident that this is not the hotbed of artistic genius, but rather an anonymous internet forum full of shitposters who are actually deceptively good at art despite all of that, even through all the shitposting and self depreciation

>> No.3421011

You forgot to take into account all of the "females".

Also, what the fuck is the point of lurking on /ic/?

>> No.3421018
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i don't think you grasp the meaning of the word tradition
>as if women are now doing it....to be like males?
>not because of personal interest of their own desire?
their personal interest and desire is to be like males
>and you're not a woman-hater
yes, how does that make me a woman-hater
oof, you blew your load early >>3420994
>you said you do not attack the majority of women, yet you call them all out with lines
attacks and observations are different things
"x does y in a simple manner" is quite different to "x is a cunt"
>women are doing what they like because they can, not because they are seeking male affirmation
they don't need male affirmation, because what they like to do, is be like men
>an anonymous internet forum full of shitposters
>not the hotbed of artistic genius
gosh /ic/ sucks so much I bet you wish we weren't keeping you here

>I can't have a normal discussion with you
I never expected you to be capable of it
>you should socialize more.
like, you just have to wrap it up with another appeal

>> No.3421021

guarantee at least half of the "females" are just mentally ill males

>> No.3421035

your "observation" is just an insult, not really an observation, it has no nuance whatsoever, or anything but your opinion behind it You said you don't dislike women as a whole before, yet you admit that this is your view of them apparently, you don't really make a distinction between "orbiters, camwhores and trannies" and women, you just admitted you ascribe all the negative attributes to all women, and you just framed it in a way that makes it sound like it's not really an insult but a reality, and then you call me out because maybe my worldview isn't absolute and perfect, even though you base your "factual observation" on your opinion?

maybe what they like to do, like men, is what they like to do? maybe, women don't get into art to be like men, but rather, for the same reason as men? Which makes them as equal as can be.
also this sort of "then leave" argument is a complete non sequitur, just because I said that this isn't the hotbed of artistic geniuses worlwide, doesn't mean I am not enjoying my time here. I even pointed out positive aspects of the apparent "shitposters", because I realize it's not all so simple.

>> No.3421040

>how does that make me a woman-hater
>misogyny: dislike of, contempt for, or **ingrained prejudice against women**.
like that?

>their personal interest and desire is to be like males
>they don't need male affirmation, because what they like to do, is be like men
do you get sexual gratification off the belief that women wish they were men?..asking for a friend

>> No.3421043

the guy is either trolling or too mentally unsound to reason with, so just stop.

>> No.3421060
File: 109 KB, 588x823, 1504723559293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the guy is trolling
you think the self-aware meme pics would make it obvious. Guess women aren't too smart after all, huh?

>> No.3421063

from being involuntarily celibate ayy lmao

>> No.3421067

>merely pretending

>> No.3421071

what, did you think my anonymous pride was at stake or something? Never.

>> No.3421075

I'm not the guy who is spamming this thread but since this is now incel general i'm going to drop spaghetti here.

It's tough being a man, ladies. The single biggest failure of a person I know who's a woman has 2 children. The biggest failure I know who is a man has 0.

If you're a woman you are innately valuable in the sexual marketplace.

>> No.3421077
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but what does that have to do with artwork and critique

>> No.3421091
File: 62 KB, 625x415, 544262c193a3390dad4f3a61e6b100af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>measuring a person's success in life with whether or not they have sex
just lower your standards anon. Mama June has 4 daughters from 4 different men. they're all hillbilly jailbird trash, but: doesn't matter, had sex. find a girl in your own league instead of looking for supermodel Stacy's and you too can have 4 kids by 4 different women.

>> No.3421109

Man I know I’m old but it’s sad that just 10 years ago if someone claimed there were more than two genders people would just ignore it as trolling

>> No.3421116

Wow cool replies totally got me XD
If you want to prove how men are better then you shouldn't make yourself sound so immature and incapable of having a discussion

>> No.3421121
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>> No.3421647


How many of these "funny retard man" faces do you have nigga?

Also good trolling