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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3417519 No.3417519 [Reply] [Original]

Vent about shit related to art.

>> No.3417522

My art is bad why isnt it better

>> No.3417526
File: 7 KB, 264x224, 1525379674819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>design a character for a comic
>want to design another character
>can't stop masturbating to the other character
Wat do.

>> No.3417544

I feel like I'm at the stage where my art is just good enough to not attract any criticism, but bad enough I can't make a living off of it.

>> No.3417556

Well you have two hands don't you

>> No.3417562

How the fuck am I supposed to stay focused for hours on end?

I get burnt out on what I'm doing within 20 minutes and inevitably get distracted, turning what should be a 2 hour session into an hour of actual on and off work. What the fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.3417566


>> No.3417584

Possible ADHD? Not a shitpost, ADHD is a bitch.

>> No.3417591

I hate all the anime content on /ic.
It shouldn't be allowed here and weeb-posters should fuck off to /i or /a

>> No.3417595

Why can't I bring myself to finish a full fucking art piece? I used to do fully colored and shaded works with backgrounds when I was younger. Now I can hardly finish a sketch, I just get too bored too quick.

>> No.3417599


Well, I was diagnosed with severe ADHD as a child. I don't know if medication is really the answer though, I've apparently gone into seizures because of certain meds.

Fuck, I just want to draw and be good at it.

>> No.3417618

I wholeheartedly wish that I didn't grow up around Christians. I have this weird residual guilt sometimes when I paint a naked person or do anything sexual both in art or in life. How am I supposed to learn anything about anatomy if every time I look at a naked person I have a guilt trip?

I'm tired of being ashamed of both my desires AND when i'm simply trying to study. Like i said it's only sometimes. I can hold off the feelings long enough to get in a couple hours of study and my projects completed but it's a real pain in the ass once it finally sets in.

The worst part is watching other artists who clearly aren't bothered by sexuality excel while i stumble along.

It's a weird thing to say but i wish i didn't have a conscience, atleast for at-related topics.

>> No.3417630

I'm assuming you also feel guilt about being a faggot since the christians don't like them. Man up you absolute fucking pussy

>> No.3417645

8 years at it and I still haven't done a single finished piece.

>> No.3417648

I'm in the highest percentile for ADD/ADHD

It sucks because I' know I'm smart, and I love art. But fuck man it's just difficult to sit down and study It, even if I'm having fun.

I still believe I can make it though

>> No.3417657

Joined an animation course about a year ago. Cost like a motherfucker. And guess what? They don't teach anything other than how to use the fucking software. One tool every fucking lecture. I already knew how to use the software, anyone can learn the shit, it's well documented. Why the fuck are they paying and promoting for this kind of garbage. Which is when I realized I'm surrounded by lazy fucks who want nothing but instant gratification and try nothing on their own. Their standards are low as fuck, anything passes. All they want is """realistic""" stuff. Everyone just sucks at what they're doing. Literally a waste of a lot of money. Then I start learning from other resources on my own. And now, I'm on a plateau. I can't finish my stuff because I think I'm not good enough and I hate my own rendering style. Depressing as fuck.

>> No.3417662
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>fapping to your own art

>> No.3417664

Same here, sometimes I only do less than half an hours worth of work in a 3-4 hour session.

>> No.3417668

post work

>> No.3417697

I wish my assburger acquaintance would actually start drawing instead of whining why other people's art are better than her. I want to punch her fat face.

>> No.3417703

I feel you lads. I'm undiagnosed (afraid to get diagnosed) but I'm probably on the same page too. I'm so easily distracted at work that I can only do about 30 min work in a 3-4 hr session.

>> No.3417706

you know that will never happen right :)

>> No.3417717
File: 28 KB, 480x354, 1525126522804-k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Self proclaimed genius

Everyone here crying about ADHD (a meme condition) needs discipline

>> No.3417727

Do you even know what a meme is, you stupid faggot?

>> No.3417742

Are we the same person?

>> No.3417754

Not him, but ADD/ADHD is overdiagnosed.
While I won't go as far as saying it doesn't exist, I think sometimes it really is just a lack of self discipline.
If you've been clinically diagnosed do you take Adderall?
Does it help even a little?

>> No.3417756
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>Be kid
>Drawing is fun
>Improve in okay pace cuz have clear goal of what I want to accomplish
>Enter other people telling me what real art is
>Lose my own goal because I feel guilt for not doing what I 'should' be doing
>Eventually hate drawing
>Stop improving
>Can't no longer grasp what kept me going back in the days

>> No.3417770

and ADHD is a meme condition
See >>3417754

100% you're just some faggot no brain media junkie that can't do anything without browsing internet every 5 minutes

>> No.3417778
File: 157 KB, 600x450, Lurking+_bb38f0b2b1ba3e00ffec07058ed69b78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the more media/art you consume the more glaring faults in your own works you find

>> No.3417784

>design character
>design setting
>can't think of any good writing interactions/dialogue between characters

well shit

>> No.3417801

>100% you're just some faggot no brain media junkie that can't do anything without browsing internet every 5 minutes
Anon, that's exactly the problem...

>> No.3417812

Really helped me out, you can just adjust the time to your attention span. So for you it seems like 20 minutes would work

>> No.3417813
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self control is learned, moron. time to wake up. some things in this life have to be earned. they can't be spoonfed to you. but it's ok to be trash if that's what you want. just don't blame it on psychologism memes. take ownership of your terrible mind.

>> No.3417894
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I'm a good christian boy too and sexy anime girls don't bother me in the slightest, as long as they're pure and beautiful. God hates whores anon, but the human body in on itself isn't a sin.

>> No.3417895

how often do you draw?

>> No.3417939

>muh notes
>muh followers
>this artist followed me I made it!!1

t. Someone who's too focused on trivial shit to make it

>> No.3417942

this but unironically

>> No.3418052
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>I' know I'm smart

>> No.3418069

Anime is art too. Stop bullying me you fine art nerds.

>> No.3418109

>I' know I'm smart

You're not.

>> No.3418145

I wouldn't say out loud that I have high IQ if I were you, because for some very odd reason it seems to trigger people and get them to react all defensive.
And don't listen to these >>3417717 >>3418052 >>3418109 faggots.

>> No.3418156

Everything is going fine, and I'm way ahead of where I ever thought I'd be. I just want to get there faster, even though I know it's not realistic in under a year.

>> No.3418235

The lower level classes in any subject teach you to use the tools before how to make anything with them. It's so they can make sure that in their program, people aren't all using different methods that they would have to offer different classes for.
Institutions also make deals with software/publishing companies to teach specifically on their software/books and one of the licencing conditions may be to teach a course on the materials they manufacture.
If there's a lot of young people in your class, 16-18, people around that age don't often have a clear idea of what they want to do so they flounder a bit and are not usually self motivated.
I understand that you can get dissatisfied with the way you're drawing things, but it's very hypocritical to call others lazy when it's very easy to make changes within yourself; especially when you take into consideration that you possess the ability to find resources elsewhere. Change up little things when you render, find things other artists have done and copy the little things you like from them. I'm sure you've been taught or informed on the power of observation. Making small changes may not seem like they'll make too much of a difference, but they can help you get out of any sort of rut.

>> No.3418324

>want to learn drawing
>brainlet brain can't process shadows
>honestly have no idea what kind of style I want
>drawing for 30 min+ is exhausting due to bad discipline
>can't even keep doing daily stuff since my will to draw rapidly decreases overtime due to how hard it is to git gud

I feel nothing but respect for people that draw everyday and practice a lot to get good results. All I want is to be like that

>> No.3418335

Troll or not, please get the fuck out of here and never come back, you fucking faggot.

>> No.3418358

What the fuck is all of this "art discipline" nonsense? What does it even mean?

You either draw or your don't.

>> No.3418475

I find writting harder than drawing too, i can describe places and shit well but cant do dialogue, my guess is cause i hardly talk to people in general.

>> No.3418507

just the get rich quick schemes repackaged
one year of 12 hours of drawing a day to make it, right? nah

>> No.3418515

>that gif
fuck you.

>> No.3418516

(Comment too long so I had to end the quote short)
>The lower level classes. . .
This might be true for other classes, but not for this one. We're already past Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel, Premiere and Animate and the course is about to end. You'd think that they will teach you workflows and theories but there's none of that. They just move on to the next software, and give students assignments to make things realistic, without tutoring any of them. As a result everyone sucks and since almost anything is passable due to their low standards, their assignments pass.
>Institutions also make deals with software/publishing companies to teach specifically on their software/books and one of the licencing conditions . . .
This one uses and distributes pirated software, so I don't think that's possible.
>If there's a lot of young people in your class, 16-18, people around that age don't often have a clear idea of what they want to do so they flounder a bit and are not usually self motivated.
Everyone's 21+. But yeah, I guess it's possible for people who're 21+, too.
>I understand that you can get dissatisfied with the way you're drawing things, but it's very hypocritical to call others lazy when it's very easy to make changes within yourself; especially when you take into consideration that you possess the ability to find resources elsewhere.
Well, they have access and ability to find resources just like I do, but they don't even try to find and utilize those. They'll be leaving with almost no actual tutoring, and losing a lot of money for things that they could learn themselves for free, and way faster.
>Change up little things when you render, find things other artists have done and copy the little things you like from them. I'm sure you've been taught or informed on the power of observation. Making small changes may not seem like they'll make too much of a difference, but they can help you get out of any sort of rut.
Thanks Anon, I'm on it.

>> No.3418519

>i can't handle the fact that i'm clinically retarded and lack discipline because i am delusional and believe myself to be smart so i'll self diagnose myself with a condition on webmd
>i'm also going to call people who are calling me out for what i'm subconsciously doing above as faggots because they're wrong and i'm right because i am very smart

>> No.3418520

Ha my school lacked in this regard. My first year we had a perspective class and the teacher was super into it and had a lot of passion in teaching perspective, but after that, it was never mentioned in any other classes. I graduated from that school not realizing just how imprtant perspective was and just thought it was just some small technique for if you wanted to do environments

>> No.3418527

I was only one of these posts, made no comment about my intelligence, but I am clinically diagnosed with ADHD and have actually gone through several-month periods of my life where drawing was literally the only thing I did and thought about all day (this is what they refer to as hyperfocus, a trait of people with ADHD), and I've had interest completely drop as fast as it came and I wouldn't even touch a pencil for months. Didn't matter that I was previously"disciplined".

Anyway I know you're just going to shitpost and you're not here to learn anything so I'm pretty much just telling this to the lurkers.

>> No.3418528

That sucks, is there any sort of prescription or treatment for this condition? Do you still have this problem?

>> No.3418541

Yeah, there's medication. I tried a few when I was younger but I quit because I didn't like how I felt. I don't even remember what it was exactly I felt, but I tried a friend's knockoff brand as an adult and while it did work pretty well, I felt like shit when it wore off and got terrible sleep. I also couldn't hold an erection, lol. There are types that are stimulants (amphetamines) and other types, I think. I had one of the stimulants.

I actually don't know a lot about medication though so someone can correct my bullshit on that last part. But coffee helps a little in the morning, but has diminishing returns for me throughout the day.

>> No.3418548

And yeah, my interests do complete 180s all the time. I actually broke my several month streak of art to get my real estate license, then dropped real estate after a week to become a bike messenger, then went back to art, then... Well, it would be tedious to keep going but yeah, it's integral to the personality of those with ADHD.

>> No.3418564

I draw some sexy ass girls, my dude.

>> No.3418582
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I don’t like this board.hardly anything here inspires me. And I have to dig thru feet of garbage to find a single inspirational image. I need to just leave. You don’t deserve me. Fuck other artists ur low self esteem low in fuckheads.

>> No.3418585

>you don't deserve me
the one who contributes nothing but bitching and complaining

>> No.3418596

I want to become an artist but i don't know where to start.

>> No.3418597

By asking yourself why you want to become an artist.

>> No.3418637

This is just a place to shoot the shit with other art enthusiasts, what gave you the notion that this was a place where you get inspiration from?

>> No.3418638
File: 70 KB, 750x903, ohgodohfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've started learning anatomy but after i'm done i can't recall how to draw most of it,

the part that gives me hell is the forearm. i don't have such a problem with the back muscles jesus christ i'm fucking stupid

>> No.3418640

how often do you draw/study anatomy?

>> No.3418643

i did it every day till like two or three weeks ago to focus on something else (painting) because i became so pissed off but maybe i should just go through it all over again

>> No.3418647

Are you using reference after you're studying?
Even when you're not studying you should be using reference, not just for accuracy but to really beat those shapes into your head.

One of the biggest mistakes I ever made was trying to make it without reference because I felt like if I couldn't draw something without reference then I can't call myself an artist. Months passed and I was so angry because it felt like I was getting worse. Turns out I just wasn't ready to take those training wheels off. Hell even the masters weren't, they used reference to make the shit society worships today.
Think of it like how a cook still uses something to measure cups or tablespoons of something, or how a mathematicians will still use a calculator for some things.

>> No.3418694

Everyone should use reference to save time and keep working, all the professionals do it when they are on schedule, the creative part could be how you interpret the reference, painters do that.

>> No.3418742
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>draw some lewds
>fap to it
>look at it a week later
>anatomy is fucked
>rendered like shit
>everything sucks
>tfw only absolute degenerate would touch himself to this
>tfw it's not even some sick fetish porn

>> No.3418768

Force yourself to study math and draw to procrastinate. Works for me

>> No.3418772

That's actually crazy enough to work

>> No.3418798

you know what, i think this is actually what i've been doing wrong + not studying it enough, i'll focus more on using reference from now on , thank you

>> No.3418854
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>slowly realizing the constant hustle of applying to grants, residencies, and shows i'm going to have to settle into the second i graduate in order to maybe make it as a fine artist
feels, uh, terrifying man

>> No.3418890
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Opinions masked as criticism
>Hey man she should have avengers logo on her shirt!
>Dude you should draw x-character in there too!
>Yo you should learn to take crits, man! You will never make it otherwise. Just tryin to help ya out man

>> No.3418895

not much of a vent as much as some thougth I have in the back of my mind.
I keep thinking to myself "How do I do to break inside the pony/furry market, specially the former after so many years of neglecting promoting myself, how do I make myself known? would it work make as much fetish art as I could in order to get a name and then move to more mild stuff after I gather an audience?

>> No.3418904

I'm dying to try out some of the color things I've been studying the past few days and I can't think of anything to paint. It's killing me.

>> No.3418991

Literally me

>> No.3419030

I fucking hate studying perspective. I can't freehand draw boxes for shit, it's demotivating and it's boring as hell. But I need to do it, it's so fundamental it comes in to account no matter what you're drawing, and I can't bring myself to do it for more than 15 minutes.

>> No.3419061

I have trouble doing loose poses. Much of my art is stiff. I try to work on it, using line of action and that sort of thing, and at first I think it looks pretty good. Then later I look at it with a fresh set of eyes and it's just as stiff as anything else. It's very frustrating.

>> No.3419067

do you use pencil/pen? Have you tried chalk or paint?

>> No.3419074

Digital, almost exclusively. Started out with pencil. I know using big soft brushes can be helpful to easily lay out the figure.

>> No.3419083

I have this habbit of judging myself and try and see where I am on the dunning kruger curve. I think I'm just past the valley of dispair?
I would draw something and think it's trash immediately and then finish it and work on it for hours until it looks okay.
Not bad, not good just okay so I can continue.
And I realized just how hard it is to make money or even get into a studio.
I will sit here for 10k hours more before I can feel like I've come close to any of my idols.

Is that normal?

>> No.3419088

10K hours is how long it takes to master something.

So yeah, you're just being realistic.

Dunning Kruger can be just as bad as being overly critical. I think I'm suffering from dunning kruger right now, I can't stop looking at the things I've drawn. Probably because everything before was utter trash and I'm just getting the hang of it though.

>> No.3419090

>And I realized just how hard it is to make money or even get into a studio.
>I will sit here for 10k hours more before I can feel like I've come close to any of my idols.
I can relate

>> No.3419145


>> No.3419157

Oh come on, anyone who actually thinks as soon as you hit 10,000 you've become a master is an idiot. But considering it's an average of how many hours of study it took for those to master a given field, it's still a decent guideline.

When a stat says something like " 3.4 people are injured by XXX every day" do you take it literally?

>> No.3419160

I feel guilty because I'm just drawing what I want and having fun instead practicing the fundamentals that I know would make my stuff better.

>> No.3419211

it's not 'a decent guide' it's not helpful at all. the only way you could use that information is a) burning yourself out by trying to work 15 hours a day to 'get it over with' or as a psychological tool to make yourself feel bad.

the only reason this bullshit is propagated is because normal people want to look at artists and surgeons and fighter pilots and say, 'well i'm just as good as them, all they did was spend 10,000 hours on it."

>> No.3419213
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How can doing what you love makes you miserable?

>> No.3419221

No, I actually see it as something to strive for. 10000 hours is a long fucking time, and if knowing that, I still have the motivation to try and get there, it's a good sign. But that's just me, sure I can't use it for anything, but it makes me respect the artists I love even more, knowing somewhat tangibly just how much work they've put in.

>> No.3419224

Whenever I wake up I’m scared I won’t be able to draw again.
It’s always something like “will I remember how to do it” even though it’s the only thing I’ve been doing the past year

Right now my worry is whether or not I should have a piece planned out in my head (for the most part) or just start drawing a circle and go from there. I’ve used both methods but never really thought about it too much, but now it’s bugging me for some reason

>> No.3419517
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>netflix took House off of their list
usually focusing any kind of emotional investment into anything will lead to that. All you can do is bear it, on the down days, and remember what made you happy about doing it in the first place. "This too shall pass" and all that.

>> No.3419673

Whenever I start drawing I quickly start building up tension until I get up and start pacing around the house. This especially when I tackle challenging shit like hair that I have trouble learning. It's starting to really chew away at the time I spend drawing, 'cause to relieve tension I end up taking a nap or doing something else

>> No.3419687

This is a legitimate fear though. I forget how to paint well if I don't paint for a while just as I forget to draw something correctly if I haven't drawn it in a while. I don't know how to balance it because I'm not that good at both, so I tend to focus on one.

>> No.3419696

Holy shit, same. I eventually realized that it's just frustration getting to me and procrastinating or evading the frustration as a result. It's a coping method. Only thing I've figured out that works is just pushing through it despite the pain because if you don't you burn time thinking about it and not doing it.

>> No.3419749

>fapping to other people's art

>> No.3420187

Oh man I thought I was the only one. I do this when I get frustrated about something in the drawing or when I did something well and I'm scared of screwing it.
Luckily I moved and now I have a very small room where I paint, so I can't walk as much lmao. I try to get up and do some stretching from time to time though.

>> No.3420199

>normal people want to look at artists and surgeons and fighter pilots and say, 'well i'm just as good as them, all they did was spend 10,000 hours on it."

But if they said that, they’d be right. Also, artists, surgeons, and fighter pilots are a kind of normal person.

>> No.3420201

I get the same way, relaxing and not holding the pencil so hard seems to help me. Also when I first started drawing, I would do 1-2 5 minute studies before I would need to get up and stretch. Now, I can do almost 5 10 minute studies before I need to get up.

>> No.3420326

>draw cartoony shit my whole life
>Get fed up with not being able to draw more realistically
>Sit in /beg/ grinding away at Keys
>Make myself a checklist of what I felt is most important
>Try to draw a face for practice
>Focus on the subject, get the big shapes in then the little shapes, draw in the enrichment shapes, etc
>Focus focus focus on the subject and not the canvas
>Show it to friend
>"Wow anon it looks great! You have a cool cartoony style"

I'm so fucking frustrated
I just want to draw something that looks good and not like a cartoon
I'm so fucking fed up

>> No.3420329

sounds like you have symbol drawings engraved into your brain. It is going to take a while to change intuition

>> No.3420345

Art Center is a joke of a school on its way to becoming similar to Art Institute. I'm glad I got out of there and didn't invest much there.

>> No.3420409
File: 16 KB, 480x360, freaked out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to do more life drawing on the streets because that's what i need to do
>bought a tiny sketchbook to draw stuff that interests me
>every time i try to draw someone they look at me like if i'm a creeper weirdo

also semi-related but backgrounds are a nightmare help

>> No.3420415

ya if ur in LA its better to just take some courses at brainstorm or concept design acad.

>> No.3420420

>try once
>whine because you failed

Try again until you get it right faggot.

>> No.3420460
File: 358 KB, 400x240, A0F103E9-97C7-4DE0-84A2-CC867C90616A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I try to design robots I feel like the most useless piece of shit in the world

I will spend 2 hours deciding on details and shit without even having a full rough draft

>> No.3420465

>tell friend I'm going to draw them a picture
>they get excited
>start drawing it
>eventually realize it looks like shit and cancel it
I always feel so bad when I do this. I just want to make something for my friends

>> No.3420471

>spend the last few days doing life drawing
>realize you're absolute shit and can't draw anything outside of your comfort zone

jesus fucking christ when does it get better
no wonder what i draw doesn't look like it does in my head, i can't even draw the shit in front of me

>> No.3420472

mech challenge?

>> No.3420481

What's that, anon?

>> No.3420530

I keep getting the feeling I'm always going to be a nobody in art. I've been posting my art online in various places since I was 13 and still, I've hardly gotten an audience. This is whiny and bitchy, but it makes me wonder what I'm doing wrong. Do I not post enough? Is my art worse than I think it is? Is my style actually ugly?

>> No.3420536

It's a /dad/ challenge where everyone who entered has to design 5 portfolio-quality pieces including mechs and their pilots.

>> No.3420613
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>too insecure to draw in public

>> No.3420653

>I've been posting my art online

do you post general fanart at all? people tend to gravitate towards that

mix in art of media you enjoy along with your own original concepts if you aren't already, helps to gather an audience

>> No.3420716

Not religious but go through allot of bible content.
The J man once said Any man who looks at a woman has sined through his thoughts.
There is a difference between looking and leering, To glance at a fat ass woman walking down the street is one thing, to continue to leer and manifest lewd thoughts projected onto the human form is another.

Stop looking at the nude with lewd intent and the problem will solve itself, The moment you start imagining acts you or others would do to the form you know you're heading down the wrong path and should take a step back and try again.

Guy below is close, I don't fap to real people anymore, feels wrong. 2D frees you from the sin of projection, looking onto another human being and lowering them to nothing but sex acts twists the heart and mind in a dark direction. Try it and see, Stop yourself from thinking lewd thoughts when looking at real women and do so with 2D, you'll feel a difference within days.

Who knew shut in otakus got it right on a religious level giving up on real women-porn, The ideal is to have a wife or woman you have strong feelings for, If there is no emotional connection you're better of sticking to 2D girls and dolls.

>> No.3420721

ouch, i feel you.

Perhaps conflict is the best place to start.

>> No.3420731

Cartoony is more appealing in general, Perhaps the subconcious is trying to tell you something.
Realistic isn't always better.

>> No.3420746

i want to draw cute characters fucking but i also want to write actual stories with actual meaning, and i'm too much of a pussy to do both so I end up doing neither out of anxiety. I'm pathetic.

>> No.3420747
File: 21 KB, 357x313, 14343243235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How am I supposed to learn anything about anatomy if every time I look at a naked person I have a guilt trip?

I wasn't raised Christian but I can definitely relate. I was mentally/verbally abused a lot as a child by my mother and would do whatever she said without question because of it and now I can't draw anything that I don't think she would approve of.

What I mean is, when I got to my teenage years like most teenagers I got tired of drawing cutesy stuff and realism and started drawing edgy stuff, comic book characters, monsters, etc., and she'd tell me that was wrong so I'd either stop completely or I'd incorporate some weird humor into it i.e I'd make the monster do something cute. It's weird and hard to explain, I know that doesn't sound so bad but she was this weird new-ager type who'd told me my whole life that whatever I was "sending out into the universe" would have consequences, for example when I was a kid, whenever I'd draw monsters or snakes she'd tell me I'd literally manifest that somehow, or whenever watch an action movie/horror movie she'd tell me that I'd have literal serial killers coming after me. Whenever something bad happened in her life, even really small shit like losing her keys or dropping some money, she'd yell at and punish me for somehow doing it because I was "a negative thinker", I remember this one time when I was 8 I kept asking for a guinea pig in the weeks leading up to my next birthday and in that time frame a rat ran into our house so she killed it, showed me the carcass and then screamed at me for hours that I had done it and I genuinely thought I did.

I'm 20 now and I still can only very occasionally draw things I like without greatly altering it in some way to soften the image and I fucking hate this weird Pavlovian mindfuck shit so damn much. I mean it's not as bad as the weird delusions I get sometimes that I can inadvertently control the universe with my mind but this is the worst art feel of mine

>> No.3420757

I'm falling out of practice, haven't done a finished piece in around a year and everything else that happens in my life ends with me having less and less time to draw.
I feel like I started taking art seriously too late, and now that I've only got a fraction of the time I used to have to work on it it's going to be that much harder to develop as a skill. My day job's fucking exhausting, too.

>> No.3420768

>want to be a comic artist for years
>every time I draw a muscular/handsome guy my brain tells me that I'm being faggy and I stop
>tfw openly bisexual and this is still somehow an issue for me

when will it end

>> No.3420859

Man, I've kept every single one of the doodles my friends had give me and filled up about three folders worth of them. Digital versions, I keep them in folders on comp and back them up. Varying quality for all of them. And they probably don't even remember half the shit they drew for me.

Your friends will appreciate you drew their character or fanart of their waifu or even just a little silly thing because you made it for them personally. It really is the thought that counts.

>> No.3420898

When you guzzle on cocks instead of just fapping online. Then, when your brain tells you you're faggy, you're just going to tell it "I'm a queen, bitch" and draw those pecs a little bigger.

>> No.3420966

Thank you anon for this excellent advice, I will try it.

>> No.3420987
File: 63 KB, 1223x1240, 1455172020843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wasnt raised a christian, even though both my parents were but they really just didnt give much of a shit in their adult lives about religion

point is their christain values still rubbed off on me i guess because im a bit of a prude and i dont like drawing naked people and shit, i dont feel as strongly about it as you do but i dont think i will ever make smut shit, its just not in me

>> No.3421023

Every time I learn one thing i forget something else. I swear i haven't improved for the past 5 years and I literally draw every single day I am fucking suicidal at this point. I hate every single one of you fucking talented cunts who never give good advice and are always vague about everything. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE BY ACTUALLY GIVING USEFUL ADVICE OTHER THAN "U JUSS GOTS TO DRAW BRO LOL PUT IN DA WERK"

I've wasted 5 years of my life following this retarded advice and it's gotten me nowhere. FUCK WORK.

>> No.3421103

talent isnt useful to think about because if it exists there's no point asking yourself if you have it because by the time it has manifested you would have put in enough work that you're past the point of no return anyway

yes, if you dont like the work dont think about getting good, I'm sorry no one told you this before

>> No.3421108

>says he worked for five years
>doesn’t have five years’ worth of work to prove it

Really gets the noggin joggin’

>> No.3421127

This is solid life advice in general desu, going hard on some dick cured my anxiety and depression.

>> No.3421190

Post work. I'm legitimately curious how bad you could be with that much effort.

>> No.3421212

I peaked in High School.

>> No.3421228

>Don't want to learn perspective, proportion or anatomy
>unless it's anime- perspective, proportion or anatomy
I-I can't... Just can't take any more of these peoples absolute horse shit about anime this and anime that.

>> No.3421232

I'm getting old, it's too late for me

>> No.3421233

Fuck off. You're not 80.

>> No.3421236

To be fair, there is anime perspective, proportion and anatomy, but that doesn't mean you can ignore those same things from reality.

>> No.3421292

Tfw I would love to do this but I end up with the exact opposite

autism is a fate worse than death

>> No.3421355
File: 1.78 MB, 720x2127, MuhGrind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been following this and am currently on day 5 of 4 hours of dedicated practice.

Decided to start off on Drawing the Head and Hands since drawing people is my biggest weakness. Enjoying it so far, and it's certainly better than the fun with a pencil loomis book.

>> No.3421977

Literally how Robert Crumb got good

>> No.3422002

Why don't I just draw comics for fun instead of trying to get good at "serious art" like painting and realism? I get so bogged down in how much I have to learn I don't practice what I know.

>> No.3422007

Because you'll begin drawing your comic for fun and run into stops where you don't know how to do something and will suggest studying seriously to yourself which will take you time so you never get back to the comic.

>> No.3422008

Close, it was mommy issues.
Probably chicken and egg.

>> No.3422013

Or I would run into a stop, try my best to solve it, and either learn how to fix it or mark it down as a weakness and leave it and continue on having fun with the rest of the comic. It's more giving myself a tangible art goal instead of trying to study everything at once without direction.

>> No.3423244
File: 20 KB, 460x288, MariellaFrostrup_1697396c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Painted a little after waiting for previous painting to dry for a week total waste of time scraped it all off I need to get it right in one go then.

>> No.3423270
File: 1.86 MB, 228x170, 1502693477230.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that sketching something awful makes me believe I can't draw. But when I take my time and something great comes out, I feel like I've been holding myself back. So I sketch something, but it comes out awful.But then I take my time and it comes out great. But then I sketch and...

>> No.3423273

I feel exactly the same. Is it a never ending loop for us

>> No.3423363

>see bad artists with 100k followers
>tfw draw better than then and not even 100 followers

How do I solve this?

>> No.3423377

Don't be the type of person who says this.
Art is very subjective.
Different groups of people like different things, and it's inevitable that some people will happen to like art that you consider bad.
Most people on social media who are extremely popular, have been around for a very long time, post often to this day, draw fanart, and like what they draw.
While an artist doesn't have to have all of these qualities, they certainly help.
The best way is to not care about followers, and draw what you like.

>> No.3423417

I'm not a asshole but I cant help but be critic.
And I been drawing what I like but I still want a following and get money out of it.
Slowly I get people watching my stuff but I feel like artists who doesnt put as much effort get way more.

>> No.3423422

>want to draw simple artoon shit because 'muh inspiration'
>every time I try get demotivated because I suck
>do my best when aping other, better artists so I can see how they do it
>have fun
>then get even more demotivated because I'm not doing anything original
Fibonacci sequence of fuck my ass.

>> No.3423423

There is a tradeoff.
You have to market yourself, and it's likely that you'll have to change what you draw because of that.
Effort means almost nothing in the art world.
People have to just like what you draw.
Sometimes you can predict it.

Personally I'm not really keen on doing art as anything other than a hobby.
The idea of a people constantly telling me I'm lucky to receive commissions, or exposure is a thing seems like torture.
In a couple of months, I'm just going to go on a California farm, and pick cherries for about $14 an hour.
The simple life is always better.

>> No.3423437

>In a couple of months, I'm just going to go on a California farm, and pick cherries for about $14 an hour.
I wish to do this too.

>> No.3423445

Border control is actually opening a lot of jobs for people.
The only caveat is that no one wants them.
The good news is this only drives the price of labor up.
Maybe destroying local farms.
Who knows.

>> No.3423461

I feel like I'm art retarded. Like I see the stuff I draw differently than everyone else.

Some days I draw something I'm really proud of but it gets no responses.
Other times I'll draw something I absolutely hate and see a million things wrong with but it gets a bunch of really positive feedback.

I just don't understand why I see my work so differently than everyone else.
It's started giving me anxiety about posting my work because I just don't know whether I can trust how I feel about the stuff I draw. I really hate it, it's making art hard for me to find enjoyment in nowadays.

>> No.3423462
File: 791 B, 195x195, not even 1kb of fucks given.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropping some redpills here:
>Training is a meme. Improvement through practice is a lie.
>You can't abandon art because of how much money and mainly time you already spent on it. It would be like admitting the last few (or many) years of your life and who knows how many thousands of dollars were pissed away on a hopeless endeavor. It's the truth, but you don't want to admit it.
>If you didn't start drawing seriously and methodically as a kid, it's too late.
>Artists that make it vastly outnumber those who don't. You have deluded yourself into thinking you have "something special" that the fallen ones didn't have, but somehow you also don't believe in talent.

>> No.3423475

>You have deluded yourself into thinking you have "something special"

It’s called a work ethic.

>> No.3423487

>Improvement through practice is a lie.
For certain things it might be better to make work your practice.
>You can't abandon art because of how much money
This is only true for the people that thought it would ever be a career.>>3423462
>didn't start drawing seriously and methodically as a kid
Kids are kids.
You have something wrong with you if you need approval this badly early on.
>Artists that make it vastly outnumber those who don't.
If you consider any career making it, then no.
The shear demand that would need to exist for that to be true refutes it.
Though the something special meme is a lot more common.

>> No.3423509
File: 137 KB, 1279x1284, crab bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a lot of people have that problem, even artists like Mullins have complained about it before. People, and clients especially, will like the stuff you're not really happy with, and feel neutral on the stuff you're really proud of. What matters is you still make stuff you like, audience approval will rise and fall, you can't do anything about that.

s n i b

>> No.3423564

I had a really damn good feelsgoodman on free comic book day this year, let me tell you. I'm still riding this high almost a week later. Shit made me so happy. It's kind of long but I don't mind typing it out if you don't mind reading it.

>get gig at local comic shop doing free sketches but allowed to advertise and sell original art and prints too
>everything before this point has been backwater events with normies who don't really "get" weeb and comic book shit so I usually barely break even
>this is my target audience, expecting a good day but not a miracle
>get to the shop, see the 2 usual guest artists
>1 is good old friend of mine with a very Disney style
>other is a dude who I thought was complete shit last year but he's making solid respectable progress. Clearly studying fundies.
>get my stuff set up, store will open in 10 minutes or so
>owner says we're expecting one more artist
>about 5 minutes later the dude shows up
>it's this dude who has gotten tables at the last 2 cons I tried, meanwhile I didn't get a table
>this guy is absolutely fucking horrendous, even for /beg/ standards
>friends of mine have told me about how tightly knit he is with con staff so he gets tables basically for free
>back on topic, we all get set up and have everything ready to go. Shop opens.
>make 2 sales on originals in the first 30 minutes. Feelsgoodman.
>about an hour later, big burly typical biker dude walks over to look at my stuff
>has 2 little boys with him, clearly his kids
>biker wants a free sketch from my friend, tells his older kid to talk to me so they don't hold up any one line too much
>kid asks me for an Iron Man
>fuck yeah, Iron Man is my second favorite
>start to draw

>> No.3423567

>the shitter beside me starts prying the kid for info
>kid ends up telling him that his favorite hero is the Hulk
>shitter starts mumbling about how he doesn't really do comic characters, he's more into video games and anime stuff... "BUT SURE! I can do a Hulk for you no prob! You want the regular Hulk or a RED Hulk? Did you know there's a RED Hulk?!"
>talking to this kid like he's stupid or something, kinda made me laugh a little. Kind of twisted the kid's arm about the red hulk though which made me kinda salty
>about 10 minutes later I'm finished with the Iron Man, hand it to kid.
>He thanks me and scurries off to find his dad. Clearly not super social though so he basically y-you too'd the fuck out of there
>few minutes later, the shitter waves the kid back over and hands over the red hulk
>I catch a glimpse
>I am not exaggerating at all when I say, I have literally never seen anything as bad as this Red Hulk. Anyone who ever made a genuine effort and posted in /beg/ is better than this Hulk.
>shitter seems so proud of it
>kid says nothing, scurries off again
>about 5 minutes later, biker comes back over to me
>"I'll take this Hulk picture please."
>pays me $30 for my god-tier (purely by comparison) green Hulk
>my brain tells me that, basically, that red hulk sketch was so shitty that the dad had to buy the good Hulk to make up for it
And to make things even better, the shitter did end up selling some stickers to this older woman shopping for her kid who couldn't be there, and he made $8. But he ended up buying 2 pages out of my tiny sketchbook that I was offering for $5 each. And I got $25 in store credit for participating. Just a really fucking great day overall since I can't stand this dude. It was a good slap in the dick. I hope he realized that he's actually shit and he only gets tables at cons because of strings he can get pulled, but out in real life he's got no future as an artist. Yeah I'm still mad about that, just let me have this.

>> No.3423701

imagine having this low IQ

>> No.3424725

my old art was better

>> No.3424759

I have lost all motivation to even begin drawing at this point. I wish I could get it back.

>> No.3424762
File: 135 KB, 500x440, 1525556699958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want to be good at art but have zero motivation or aspiration to be an artist.
I dunno why I'm even here. I have natural talent for writing and I'm scared that it will go away if I try to use it.

>> No.3424763

Wish granted.

>> No.3424766


Seems like no matter how hard I try; I can't seems to gain the audience I want with my work.

I feel its too varied. Like I don't have a style.

>> No.3424767

Stop jo'ing and you will get it back

>> No.3424769

Same, I'm hoping that the more studies I do, the more it will refine my style into something more consistent and recognizable

>> No.3424773


Yeah, that's all one can really do, isn't it?

>> No.3424778

Where is the front

>> No.3424799

i want to improve and get better but i have no idea how, im never happy with my art style/anatomy/colouring/etc im not sure how to get out of this rut?

>> No.3424802

Be more specific. What aren't you happy with about your style? Your anatomy, your colouring? What would make you happy? What makes you happy to look at? Figure those out, keep them as goals and work towards them.

>> No.3424803

i'm finally in a position where i can devote myself to art more than ever before, but i just had to finish a bunch of assignments for a project and procrastinated so. much.

if this is my attitude towards assignments that i'm not as passionate about, what the hell am I going to do?

>> No.3424806

Do something about it. Change your attitude.

>> No.3424809

Honestly i do look at tons of styles and colouring styles and aim to have something like them- mostly from art bros but i just cant wrap my head around how they get the result (i keep getting caught up in wanting a painted/realistic style and a more cartoony/cel shaded style oof) i do watch tutorials and videos, but its like no matter what it makes me unhappy/i cant achieve anything close to the style

>> No.3424814

You have to realize it'll take time to get closer and closer to the style. If you keep changing what you're trying to achieve, then it's almost like starting over each time. You have to focus and believe that even if you're unhappy now, you will gradually become more happy. The result may seem vague and that's true, it will. If you keep working towards it, the answer will gradually reveal itself more. Realistic or cel shaded, it has to do with the fundamentals of lighting. Play with a combination between the two. Try them in different lighting situations. See what you enjoy better. Looking and watching is just the beginning, the next step is to do, and fail. Fail a ton. You will fail over and over. It feels wrong, but it's not. Do not give up and keep trying. Remember to review what went wrong and what could be done better to get closer to that goal.

>> No.3424832

> As good if not better than most artists I share a fetish with, whose work I've fapped to for many years
> Still can't fap to my own work
I feel like my only course in life is to become a render monkey so that my work is so far beyond anything else available it suddenly becomes fappable

>> No.3424840

De/a/l with /i/t.

>> No.3424843

im fucking up my whole life

>> No.3424844

Lifedrawing class my dude

>> No.3424855
File: 32 KB, 400x601, IMG_6904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sustained a physically traumatic injury almost a year ago and stopped drawing as a result. I recently got the ok from my doctor & physical therapist to start drawing again and I finally feel physically well enough to. I tried today and just couldn't get my brain to connect to my arm. My head felt empty and I just found myself scribbling circles over and over again hoping they'd start looking like something. I didn't just forget how to draw, I've forgotten what to draw. It's incredibly frustrating. I am doing my best to push through it. Can anyone recommend any exercises or warm ups? This is bumming me out, I'm worried that I've somehow lost all ability since I took a break.

>> No.3424858

There's a priest reaming out an eight year old boy in the back of a church at any given moment! Get over it, even if your form of worship is real nobody is doing it right so they can't tell you anything! The cross is a symbol of a Mesopotamian god so christianity is already behind the loop of real worship of God wants no other "gods against his face". Don't feel bad, kiddo!

>> No.3424870

i fucking hate how much art schools focus on abstraction.
>there's no right or wrong
then how can you tell that your students are learning anything? why would you choose to teach your students nothing??

>> No.3424886

Fuck em dude
Just study hard n draw from life.
Pretty soon you'll be better than them.

>> No.3424894
File: 123 KB, 710x594, ascended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking ingenious. Ever since I left school two years ago I've had trouble scheduling myself and putting aside time just to do nothing except draw for hours due to issues with focusing and then I realized that the reason why I suddenly had all these problems was because I was used to drawing in school all day for pretty much my whole life. It affected my creativity/the content of my drawings too because every time I was drawing these days I felt like I was putting myself on the spot and like it was some special time where I had to think of something great which cramped my style and was killing a lot of ideas whereas while I was at school things would just flow out of me because I'd let them and because I was always mindlessly doodling.

If anyone else is coming out of that kind of habit just make your home/drawing area a more school-like environment. Put on math videos from YouTube while you draw and that should have you on task.

>> No.3424978
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>why would you choose to teach your students nothing??
That's what earns them the most money.

>> No.3425251
File: 210 KB, 522x747, 1494312931145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be always drawing, my am I not drawing anymore? Am I just tired of not being at the level I want to be? How do I get back into practice when I'm so awfully burned out? It's hard for me to even pick up a pencil although I'm constantly itching to draw

>> No.3425365

Its an anime board sperg, go to a different board or something idk the internet’s a big place

>> No.3425452
File: 60 KB, 800x815, 1512964706638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to help you. Just be cause it's not "Anime Perspective Made Easy" but just plain old boring "Perspective Made Easy", does it not mean it won't apply to your crooked ass guessing game, that you call drawing your waifu.

>> No.3425558

Despite this being bait, it's actually sad some people do believe these things.

>> No.3425585

>tfw you slowly came to believing this and are about to quit
drawing is too hard for me senpai

>> No.3425586

>Artists that make it vastly outnumber those who don't. You have deluded yourself into thinking you have "something special" that the fallen ones didn't have, but somehow you also don't believe in talent.
This is the only one I don't get.

>> No.3425592

>have a bit over a hundred followers
>lost one yesterday
>lost another one today
It makes me feel so terrible that someone would willingly go out of their way to find my name and deliberately unfollow.

>> No.3425594

What frustrates me the most is that there's no actual goal to be reached, it's all so fucking fuzzy. I used to play an instrument and music was pretty fucking straightforward: you put the hours in, you could play that cool jazz funk song. You tried and tried and tried until you memorized the phrases and your hands would work their way on the fretboard correctly.

Drawing? Drawing is fucking nothing like that. It's all incredibly vague and I just simply cannot understand what the fuck am I supposed to do to improve. I'm drawing the same head 120343015 times trying to get it right, I simply don't. I know what I'm supposed to do, what the proportions should be, what steps I'm supposed to do in what order, what the anatomy is, but I simply can't put that on paper correctly. Drawing makes me feel powerless and stupid, it's become from a pleasurable activity to something that makes me angry as hell and makes me want to punch a wall

>> No.3425601

Drawing is exactly like music. You don't draw aka do the same things wrong and expect it to be right even if you're trying to get it right. Proportions are easy, you just look at what you're drawing and measure. Keys to Drawing techniques. Legit non-meme book. Steps even included. Mid-point, plumb lines, etc. Anatomy is memorization just like whatever else in music. It's largely not that important if you lack the ability to observe and draw correctly. This skill trumps all the knowledge you could have. You can know an animal has four legs, but if you don't know how those four legs are supposed to look like as lines, then it's going to look wrong. Frankly, I'm not so sure why some people can do music, sports, and other things that are the same as drawing, but they can't approach drawing the same way.

>> No.3425609

>I'm not so sure why some people can do music, sports, and other things that are the same as drawing, but they can't approach drawing the same way.
I don't understand it either but here I am. I even had a pretty easy time with music and what bothers me the most is that I enjoyed the work I put into it thoroughly, so I KNOW for a fact that I'm not lazy and I'm capable of bashing my head against really hard shit (I played prog metal and jazz).

But nonetheless I'm starting to hate drawing when I'm just intermediate, it's so incredibly frustrating that things aren't coming out the way I want and even if I take a very long time correcting the mistakes I see it always feels like I'm fumbling in the dark when I'm actually putting the lines down. And the final result is always ugly and lacking in composition and harmony (something that so far I haven't managed to crack even superficially)

>> No.3425647

>I’m not so sure why some people can do music, sports, and other things that are the same as drawing, but they can't approach drawing the same way

They can, they just don’t bother. They already have their accomplishments in music and sports and other things, so when drawing turns out to be a lot of work, they feel less bad about quitting.

>> No.3425765


I'm unironically recommending you see a therapist. That's pretty fucked up and it's affecting your process and day to day thoughts.

If therapy's not in the cards, your therapist probably will work with you on setting up a CBT routine. They're pretty much the secret weapon of modern psychology for dealing with fucked up things in your past and present, and studies are finding the effectiveness levels are insane, I encourage you to take a look because you can do it at home.

>> No.3425786

>Just a really fucking great day overall since I can't stand this dude.

I'm not saying that he isn't a real shitburger, but you sound super bitter.

It's hard as hell to make a living in art, being this judgmental just makes us all look bad.

>> No.3425798

There's too many posts by people that just make shit up I'm half entertained and half frustrated by them

>> No.3425812
File: 304 KB, 469x493, 1299235335110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Co-worker tells me Aaron Brothers is going out of business
>Figure now is a good time as any to jump into traditional media
>Print out a basic materials guide and start shopping
>Shelves are already half empty, so I have to substitute and improvise on a lot of stuff
>End up leaving the store with a bunch of art supplies I have no idea what to do with

I know art is all about trial and error, but is it really realistic/practical to self-teach yourself traditional media, or did I just waste my money?

>> No.3425814


Spending money on things you neither know how to use nor have any need for is, almost by definition, wasting your money

>> No.3425816

Obviously, anon. Do you think the cavemen just have knowledge magically thrown upon them?

>> No.3425822

I sure hope you got materials that go together, and didn’t just grab oil paints and watercolor paper and encaustic brushes or some nonsense.

Anyway, if you didn’t make that kind of fuckup, sure, you can learn to paint or colored pencil or whatever traditional media it is you got. There are lots of books and video courses about all kinds of media, just follow along.

>> No.3425945

Everytime I look at other peoples work I get pissed that I'm not good rather than get inspired to be like them

>> No.3425949

Be the change you want to be

>> No.3425950


>> No.3425961

lol, what a loser.

>> No.3425992
File: 64 KB, 827x700, 1bf7r5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks to only draw characters all your life, and then realize you didn't ever draw backgrounds. Moreover, college takes away a lot of time that you could use practicing, or expanding visual library.Also, you get depressed for not drawing.

>> No.3425998

tons of christian art is nude, the human body is gods wonderful creation, just dont view it in a sexual way

>> No.3426127

Hot girls are cool and all but
It's annoying that they have a built-in advantage in which they can use their own bodies and image to draw attention to their art in social media.

>> No.3426128

i havent drawn in two months

>> No.3426366
File: 448 KB, 1068x1424, Draken1275257823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3426429

>character design assignment
>haven't touched digital in months
>pull several 3 day, no sleep, crunches to learn as much as possible given our very short time frame
>body is literally degenerating. I swear I killed a couple years from my life expectancy
>finished, looks nice. Not the best but not bad either
>hand it in
>month later, results are back
>got a shit grade
>meanwhile everyone else is getting great grades, even the tard that used a mouse and mirrored half of his got a better grade

I don't know what to do, this pretty much killed all my motivation to draw. Should I talk to my teacher/lecturer about it? Fyi; i didn't draw anime or furshit.

>> No.3426711
File: 78 KB, 550x550, 1525517839103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have drawn multiple heads at high angles
>still don't have a concrete way of envisioning them
How do I get visualization gains, bros?

>> No.3426716

Might as well, if at least to understand the situation.

>> No.3426732
File: 794 KB, 826x1000, 1523361991614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exams coming up
>drawing less and less, mostly studying
>still feel like I'm not studying enough
>smashed most my exams but at the expense of spending months just studying
>constant assignments and fucking lab reports
>Lab reports and write ups and lab reports

>Older sister is a very popular artist and I'm proud of her, but she'll never earn enough money for the household
>next youngest after me is a 7 year difference
>I'm the only one in the family who has potential to provide once my parents are gone so I can't fuck this up

God I fucking hate this
I'm just in the 1st year of my Engineering degree and I can already barely find time to draw. I don't hate maths/Engi, it's super interesting, but thinking that I'm going to have to spend 3 more years barely drawing in a day drives me fucking insane

>> No.3426733

>very popular
>not rich

>> No.3426737

i've seen shitty work get higher grades simply because they met the assignment's objectives. did you follow instructions? it won't hurt to ask the teacher if they can explain the grade. or just post it here for the cold hard truth.

in the end grades don't mean anything. what's more important is if you yourself like your work. it sounds like you did, at least before you got your grade.

>> No.3426745

literally what do you mean by this?

>> No.3426748

post art and grade

>> No.3426753

I'm on the 3rd year of my translation degree, and I can't hold it anymore. I cry every time I think of the time that I could spend drawing. Not even in studies, just drawing. I could just draw, and fail at college. The depression would go away, but I would fuck up my life for sure.

>> No.3426769

Try getting rid of your distractions, i had the same issue until i blocked all non-constructive websites when i am supposed to be drawing. Of course this won't instantly fix your problems, but it helps.

>> No.3426772

I've been there too, it feels like hell. But in the end you'll be glad to have the degree. Don't give up, you're not any less of an artist for having a job that pays the bills.

You're gonna have to deliberately block out time for drawing. It's hard and feels impossible to do, but if it means that much to you, you can power through it.

>> No.3426779

don't give up anon. It's better imo to have a separate full time job than your drawing hobby. Things will eventually work out for you and you'll find enough time to draw
>t. some guy who works in IT

>> No.3426784

Pull through. I was one who dropped asian languages to pursue drawing, and half a decade later I'm nowhere

>> No.3426855
File: 7 KB, 249x202, tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post to social media
>Get a bunch of likes
>No one retweets it
>tfw my art isn't complete shit but it's not good enough for people to actually want to put it on their time line for other people to see

Literally the worst stage of art

>> No.3426882

>tfw just thinking about trying to draw a hand sucks out all your motivation

>> No.3426886

Not a lot of people like to retweet things.

>> No.3426944

I cater to ppl in fandoms and they retweet shit a lot, so it's saying something when I can't get even fujos to retweet shit

>> No.3426951

When is a good day to commit suicide?

>> No.3426956

>I can't get even fujos to retweet shit
oh that is saying something

>I cater to ppl
that's your problem right there. if your heart's not in it, it shows in your art. i'm not saying force yourself to like something, but just draw what you already like. keep doing that and your audience will find you

>> No.3427259

should i pursue a career in character design (if that's a thing) or do it as my hobby and get a real job?

>> No.3427287

Character design is a thing but it's really competitive. From my experience there's a relatively small pool of character designers in the industry (I'm assuming you're talking about animation) that get hired over and over. Very little new blood. Not saying you shouldn't strive for it but have a backup plan

>> No.3427289

Why didn't you make friends with him so you could make friends with his con friends and then dump his ass?

>> No.3427294

is it possible to just do 2d designs and not do 3d work? I hate modelling.

>> No.3427326

>want to create art
>buy art supplies
>can't think of anything to do
>don't want to waste art supplies on work I don't believe in

>> No.3427427

I have a crippling fear of going blind before I even reach my mid 20's, I'll put a bullet into my brain as soon as it happens.

>> No.3427544
File: 54 KB, 540x472, 1452995203890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haven't been able to draw consistently for almost 2 months now
>actually a decent artist and have a following, but feel like I'm failing everyone because I haven't been uploading art as much

>> No.3427705

God I fucking hate when one day I can draw anything almost perfectly and the next I can't even shit out a decent doodle.
Why does this have to be so fucking inconsistent and unreliable? Any other skill you learn stays with you. You don't just randomly unlearn it day to day or week to week.

>> No.3427712

They don't really care if you upload frequently anyways. Looking at your post probably only takes a minute out of their day. You think you really matter just because they hit that follow button? They probably have followed a thousand other artists too. They probably don't even notice you're gone.

>> No.3427716

Shut your pincers, asshole. People notice when artists they like stop drawing.

>> No.3427728

you keep comparing yourself to other artists so instead of enjoyung the process, you make yourelf worse at drawing by adding all this negativity into your art.

thats what request threads are for. You can pick and choose whatever it is someone else wishes they could draw. Even though its mostly cringy porn.

I have a problem with people asking me to draw their OCs with objectively terrible anatomy.

>her boobs dont have gravity.They float! do it like in the ref i gave you!

Im never gonna do a DA request ever again.

>> No.3427734

>you keep comparing yourself to other artists so instead of enjoyung the process, you make yourelf worse at drawing by adding all this negativity into your art.
What's the solution then?

>> No.3427745

I didn't exactly compare myself to any other artists today or yesterday but yesterday I was drawing fine and today I wasn't. You might be onto something with the negativity thing though. I did have a couple of things foul up my mood today while yesterday I didn't.

>> No.3427819

Absolutely, every design starts out as a drawing.

>> No.3427855

That or your yesterday was shit too, you just couldn't see it. Now you can see it. Or both are shit because you just aren't good enough. Consistency comes with practice.

>> No.3429290

buy some cheap pencils nigga

>> No.3429421

brother, it's the complete opposite. you will do nothing but improve if you write and make use of your natural talent.

>> No.3429631
File: 621 KB, 440x247, 1524455188628.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Upload arts here
>Noone give a shit
>Not even a "Look good"

>> No.3429637

says who?

>> No.3429641
File: 94 KB, 700x700, 1232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fat fucking piece of shit at 6'1375 lbs and my hands always go numb after drawing for just a little bit. Just the act of 'cupping' my hand eventually produces that numb feeling.

I wonder if losing all the weight down to 175 would even fix the issue. I just want to draw a lot.

>> No.3429642

post her work or not real

>> No.3429646

I'm fat too and don't have this problem.

>> No.3429651


lucky you

>> No.3429667

Skilled enough to work at the best studio around here, a third world county
Not skilled enough to get hired overseas by a bigger studio and flee this unstable shithole

>> No.3429670

i get intimidated really fast and just thinking about doing a study SLOWLY (Which would help me immensely) gives me anxiety and makes me feel not in the mood at all

>> No.3429673
File: 401 KB, 1440x1340, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna go fast

>> No.3429984

HI there! This happened to me as well. I got through it getting used to draw with a pen on paper. The point is doing your best while not being able to erase, and accepting that mistakes are okay and shouldn't be a cause for anxiety! It's really hard (I would freeze after doing a single line at times) but it's really helpful.

>> No.3430023

>Frankly, I'm not so sure why some people can do music, sports, and other things that are the same as drawing, but they can't approach drawing the same way.
There's more structure to musical knowledge, education, and canon than art. There are many, many reasons why music is "easier" than art but the main one is likely the constraint of your instrument compared to lack of limits in visual art. Music is linear and art is more iterative.

>> No.3430050
File: 244 KB, 1000x995, 1506406821538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm flunking all my subjects and throwing my life away because I like drawing anime girls
I'm sure I'll regret it when(if) I find a reason to live

>> No.3430051

Post some of your anime girls. It must have been worth it.

>> No.3430061
File: 1.03 MB, 2000x1414, 1507088124362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It must have been worth it.
lol wrong

>> No.3430062

It sucks that I suck, I know this probably happens to everyone, but my drawing folder would be at least 3 times bigger if I saved all of my drawings, but whenever I dont feel happy about a drawing I just erase it completely and start again, and this wouldnt happen I think if I wasnt so ashamed of my drawings, even when I know it isnt as bad as I think it is.
Also, fuck coloring, why does it have to be so hard to look good, Ive been trying for an 2 hours to color light reflection on metal and I have once again erased the layer because I wasnt happy with it.

>> No.3430064

You've made good progress. Just keep on chugging and you'll be proud of it in no time.

>> No.3430582
File: 93 KB, 564x564, 166196B9-2A13-4560-9A0F-C704C7470060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had another panic attack today about a variety stupid shit. It impacts my art, or at least my attitude going into it, negatively. It’s my birthday in 3 days and I feel terrible

>> No.3430640

It must be because I'm 25 but I get completely lost in wathever I'm doing. Sometimes I go to bed and I could swear I just woke up

>> No.3430689

are you a cat?
that's probably your problem

>> No.3431045

>had to install linux bc poorfag & windows 10 seemed like a waste
>pc is old as hell ( like, 4gb ram 2013 hp pavilion type old )
>install krita
>it crashes after a certain amount of time always
scattered post but it sucks

>> No.3431100

I hate my birthday too

>> No.3431153

>>3417522 >>3424799
actually STUDY. from life, from books and also from other artists

get enough sleep, go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day and EXERCISE regularly, especially cardio. has positive effects on focus, memory, motivation, but also on mood, depression and many many other benefits https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurobiological_effects_of_physical_exercise

Drawing Lessons from The Great Masters by Hale.

you might have to draw each muscle group many many times before it sticks. Don't just do one study of a forearm, but 20.

line of action is meme, dont use it

>Training is a meme. Improvement through practice is a lie.

nice joke. literally not true, read the work of anders ericsson

>> No.3431679

i wish my pea brain didnt have such a hard time figuring out form and foreshortening and perspective
i wish that every time i try to draw from imagination i wasn't instantly reminded why i spend most of my time studying
i wish that every time i think im finally improving i wouldn't immediately draw something that crushes that thought entirely
i wish that i would have become obsessed with sports or financing or some other bullshit as a kid instead of wanting to make stupid fucking drawings

>> No.3431689

What do you want to draw anon

>> No.3431698

characters specifically, i dont have much of an interest in environments or anything else. i just want to be able to come up with interesting characters and give them life through drawings, tell stories with them, make other people happy by drawing their characters. just feels like my brain is hardwired to be shit at drawing and yet its all i want to be good at, to the point where it would take all my strength not to off myself if i lost the ability to draw.

>> No.3431899
File: 19 KB, 611x240, books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying to work through these artbooks for a while. Is what I'm doing even right? I've gotten halfway through the first one but I'm so sick of perspective that it's killing me. Should I just go back to figure drawing now that I at least have some basic knowledge of perspective? Should I keep going through these or are there specific ones I should just skip to?

>> No.3431902

I don't remember the image telling you to skip anything.

>> No.3431905

I don't even know if the image is right is my issue. I've seen like 4 or 5 different variations of "grind all these books for success" images with different books on /ic/ alone.

>> No.3431910

You have to believe it's right if you're going to follow it. You believe what the teacher tells you until proven otherwise.

>> No.3431913

Guess I was just trying to prove otherwise. I'm frustrated and trying to find an easy way out because I'm a little bitch.

>> No.3431923

Sometimes I think that my artstyle is too generic.

>> No.3432226

I don't want to give up but I don't know if it's worth it to keep trying anymore.

I love drawing. I just can't stand what I draw.

I don't have the creativity I had when I was younger, but maybe I wasn't creative when I was younger, maybe I just was more derivative.

I should study more. But I don't want to study, I just want to do something else and feel sorry for myself.

I should practice more. I will practice more. But will I ever make the thing that I really want to make? Or will I just be another nobody who doesn't influence anyone's life? I just want to make something that people enjoy and changes their life for the better. But maybe I'm not smart enough to make something that's worth wiping my ass with.

>> No.3432233

Are you me? Asking myself these same questions right now.

>> No.3432235

A combination of 1, 2, 5, and 7 should be your priorities. Find what you like and specialize in it after that. Keep drawing, don't slavishly work through one book at a time. You can only realistically retain so much new information at a time so when you start getting full or bored then go to a different book or draw from reference then imagination.

>> No.3432243
File: 308 KB, 1920x1080, tom-norman-wallace-v005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone happen to know what kind of style this is?

>> No.3432244

3D render?

>> No.3432247

Anon, if you're anything like me you'll get something done. You will. I know you will. I'm not just saying that because I want to toot my own horn. I haven't accomplished anything. The only thing I did today was go to work and make that post, and you replying gave me some serotonin. I want to accomplish something with art and I know I will. I know you're better than me. I know you'll succeed. I know that because I want to succeed. I believe in you. We don't have to be famous, we just have to make something that people love. That's all I want. I just want to make something good. I will, and you will make something better.

>> No.3432248
File: 70 KB, 2880x1208, v5jnyrwuu7biozxj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art is 3D render but is it a minimalism type or brutalist, etc. ?

>> No.3432250

is dat from braderunner

>> No.3432252


>> No.3432253


>> No.3432272


Holy fucking shit, engineering at undergraduate level is easy as fuck in America, how much of a brainlet can you be

>> No.3432273
File: 103 KB, 1200x833, IMG_20170807_120250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really know what to do with my art at the moment.

Well, I know I have goals and projects. I want to reach a pro level and be able to draw like the mangaka and doujinshi artist who make my favorite comics. I have a handfull of different comics I'd like to make.
But I can't find the energy to actually work on comics. I still don't know how to storyboard, and even if I manage to sketch some pages, inking them is so intimidating and labor intensive I burn out halfway through.

Maybe I'll try becoming a commission slave over the summer instead of torturing myself over not being able to make progress on comics every week.
I haven't made anything "finished" in weeks so for the next couple weeks maybe I'll practice my coloring and inking more and forget about comics again for the time being.

>> No.3432288

not him but no u

>> No.3432318

go digital if you find traditional to task consuming.
Mangaka works endlessly to achieve their goal, if that is the level you want to get to then I suggest you make peace with yourself and strengthen your resolve if you are willing to or not.

If you are afraid then start out as illustrator to test the water until you are experienced enough you can move on to comic.

>> No.3432349

fuck yeah I'm bitter, did you not read my entire post? He's "making it" by his own "standards" even though I'm way better comparatively and I'm sitting here bitching about it on /ic/. I'm not exaggerating at all in my post about how bad he is. I can go find the red hulk if you want just to prove my point.

I was blinded by rage and honestly wish I had went this route instead. But I've given him no reason to dislike me so if I see him again I'll still have just as much of a shot I guess. Biggest issue is that the biggest con in my area is before FCBD so by the next time I see him it'll be at the con I want in at. Taking your way now is a 2 year investment and if I'm not good enough on my own merits to get in by then, then I'll just hang myself or something (not being serious but you know how I mean it)

>> No.3432364

its like i’m looking into the past
>older sister went to RISD got some kind of art degree
>I went to MIT got some engineering degree
>sister can’t make it as an artist, gives up, marries rich, lives in a mansion
>I sell out, work in tech, easy life, trying to save up
>sister hates life wants to go back to school and get engineering degree for real job
>job is unfulfilling, don’t remember what I am saving money for, want to quit and become artist
>The grass is always greener

When you get a job you’ll have so much money and free time compared to uni you will question what you are doing with your life.

>> No.3432380

fuck female faces. i dont understand them in any way. ive been trying to draw female heads and faces for about 6 months now and its like ive made no progress. what shape is their eyes even supposed to be?

>> No.3432872


>> No.3432890


>> No.3432975

My favorite medium is sculpture, specifically metal sculpture, but the tools, materials and workspace requirement is huge and actually selling it is even harder. If I could just sell a couple of them, even one of them, I could justify the expense of making them but they just don't sell. I know they're good, at least some of them, and I'm not asking a ridiculous price for them, but nobody wants to spend that kind of money on art even though it's worth it.

>> No.3432992
File: 258 KB, 1000x1000, sultry kobold wip v2..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Younger me drew like shit
>could finish some projects and draw unfunny cartoon strips
>have improved (not alot) and can't finish anything
>can't produce anything remotely close to a finished piece
>fee llike im not good enough to make a finished piece so i just need to grind more endlessly.

The most finished piece ive made in awhile.

>> No.3432993
File: 33 KB, 162x371, 1363899755654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Finally get to my weekend
"YES, FINALLY!" Time to put on an audiobook and draw all the things I want to my heart's content! This Thursday is gonna be nothing but me doing nothing but do all the work I want in my new Mix Media sketchbook! NO MORE WASTED WEEKENDS! This time, I will do nothing but sleep, eat, and DRAW!"
>Wednesday afternoon, try to draw, barely make any doodles.
>7:30 PM, try to go to bed relatively early because I don't want to fuck up my sleep schedule.
>Get a genius idea to make a list of things I want to draw when I wake up, most of it being pretty lewd.
>Out of bed at 8 AM after catching up on sleep, have two bananas, ready to work!
>Sit down, open my laptop, play an audiobook, pencil in hand, sketchbook in lap, READY TO GO!
>Despite attempts at doodling, nothing of note comes out.

The worst part? They're all lewds, too! I just want to make THICC women, muscleTHICC Amazon women, hairy bara men and disgusting furfaggotry.

Maybe I should just join the Navy. It would be four years of boredom or hell, but at least I'll have free health insurance for life.

>> No.3433004

I know that feel. I love seeing my family up north, but I'm almost 27 and I have this existential crisis around getting older, especially in regards to my lack of accomplishments. It doesn't help that I've been having this since I was 18.

I mean, fuck, I thought this only happened to middle-aged women, former athletes and former A-List actors. My twenties are supposed to be this time when I'm blissful and dumb.

>> No.3433019

Your problem is you're trying to draw in your "freetime", not your drawing time. nobody wants to do anything during freetime, that's what freetime means.

To try and explain, you're thinking of "THE WEEKEND" freetime, time off work, no responsibilities, you've planned out the whole time to be free time. You defined that concept in your mind first, THEN you defined the next concept. "I will draw in my free time". But it's too late, that's too many steps to take. Art is not something that will come easy to you when you feel like you can do anything, because art is only one of the things you could be doing, and even if you do nothing it'll still be okay because remember, it's your FREE TIME.

you gotta have drawtime. Create a situation where you have to be drawing. For me, I made somewhat of a bad habit and I don't recommend you copy me exactly, but I can always draw when I go out to a cafe because to me, going to a cafe is drawing time. Now I have trouble drawing at home, that sucks, but the important part that you CAN copy, is creating in your mind the concept of times you HAVE to draw. And it can't just be you thinking to yourself "I should draw". conscious thought isn't strong enough to overturn subconscious, only action is strong enough to overthrow that. So you have to make drawing a part of a process that you can do at will. For me, getting on my bike, going to the cafe, getting a coffee. Those are the first steps of drawing time, I can't NOT draw after getting halfway through the process of drawtime.

At first it'll be easier for you if you back yourself into a corner, for me it's because I'm literally stranding myself away from nice comfortable leisurely home by going outside to a cafe. For you I'd recommend something less stringent, just a few simple things to not only get yourself ready, but affect your environment. Make a drink, turn off electronics, move to a place that isn't exactly where you want to chill.

>> No.3433026
File: 335 KB, 2156x1294, sick dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's check the damage, anon!

>> No.3433035
File: 200 KB, 540x483, 53.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to have artist bf
>he could draw like REALLY fucking good
>felt a bit ashamed of my own art when seeing his ngl all I drew was gay anime shit
>didn't like many people watching him draw, including myself
>always would erase it out of flusteredness
>pretty cute
>eventually becomes more comfortable to draw with me present
>decide to ask if he'd ever try drawing some animu
>he isn't really a weeb but can appreciate cute animu shit
>"eheh u-uh I don't know I've never really-"
>proceeds to draw the cutest fucking anime face I've ever seen
>like really fucking cute
>like pinchable cheeks kind of cute
>before he even gets to adding hair or anything he erases it out of embarrassment
>"e-eh I cant really draw anime haha"
>sit there in awe, how the fuck does he know how to do it
>are the memes about learning realism before you can draw anime real
>find out on the next episode of dbz

>> No.3433049

I don't believe that you only had 3 days to not only do the assignment but also learn how to do the assignment. I think you had a lot more time and put it off, in which case you deserve your grade, because whether or not you think it looked "nice" what it probably looked was rushed, and unimaginative.

>> No.3433054

show us some of his work otherwise why would i care

>> No.3433058

Brutalism is more about being raw and functional without flourish than just not having features. What you're showing looks like a place that was painstakingly designed and polished for the purpose of aesthetics, not function. I don't know if it's minimalist, I don't know much about that, but I know it's categorically unbrutalist.

>> No.3433118

Just finished my junior year of art school. This last semester was all classes in art history, critical theory, grant and contract writing, and running an LLC. No fucking studio time, no art making. I feel like I'm getting a fucking MBA. I'm seriously considering dropping out since I'm on a full scholarship and hasn't cost me a dime.

>> No.3433122

>people call art schools shit when they don't teach you this stuff
>this person is complaining
The absolute state of ngmi.

>> No.3433125

what art school? I go to an art school (architecture) and all we fucking do is draw and model. No papers, no essays, no writing or reading at all. I kinda miss the theoretical stuff actually.

what he said

I'm about to drop out and switch to furniture design or industrial design though. Buildings suck.

>> No.3433136

You took all the shit classes at once, if you're on a free ride, finish the fucking ride dude. As much shit as art school gets, you'll probably never be in another place with as relevant resources available to you. I'm talking about physical tools and spaces, I'm talking about teachers and instructors, but I'm also talking about meaningful contacts, people willing to help you, collaborate with you, people interested in shit you're doing or doing shit you're interested.

I'm not saying it's impossible to find peers and connections outside of art school, but the only place you'll ever find that dense a concentration of people willing or even able to help you with what you want to be doing is where you're at now. If you REALLY hate the classes, then you'd still be better off going to them, blowing off the lecture, and making friends with classmates. As an artist, you're better off slacking off but making connections in art school than you would be dropping out and realizing that nobody in the god damn world knows shit about art or has any interest in what you're doing because all the people who DO are already doing it and don't have time for you.

>> No.3433430

I haven’t drawn in months despite my work being (or at least used to be) my biggest passion. I have wasted so much time just sitting idly browsing or staring at a wall day after day for months. I started a retail job and it’s soul crushing, I’m so tired by the time I finish my shifts to do anything. My medication has helped depression a little but I just feel so out of it

I just need to force myself to work, I know I can make it to a professional level if I just keep at it and make myself work, I just feel like that drive is missing for some reason, it’s always been there since I was a kid but it’s disappeared. How do I get myself back? Tomorrow I am going to draw something, anything,I’m going to force myself to draw every day, no more excuses. I’m 22 at the end of this month, tell me it’s not too late. I go back to University in September, I need to get better

>> No.3433434

What do you draw?

>> No.3433462

I dunno anon, 61,200 lbs is a lot of weight to lose. You could even die. But I believe in you!

>> No.3433478

My favourite things to draw are characters, monsters, creatures, dinosaurs,aliens, animals, sometimes environments. Fairly versatile in my subject matter but those are the things I really enjoy

>> No.3434999
File: 125 KB, 894x356, 1525532204211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit anon, thanks for this guy

>> No.3435479
File: 425 KB, 1161x826, 090845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to find someone who you can work with as an artist? Together to create something? Or is it that as a creative person your ideas are so unique and personal it's impossible to find people to work along side to create specific things?