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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 53 KB, 500x333, artclass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3416373 No.3416373 [Reply] [Original]

What was the worst thing you experienced in art class?

>That kid who drew his fursona for his final and had to do a small presentation on it in front of the whole class

>> No.3416383

one lady in my class freaked out when the teacher gave her some very mild criticism, she smashed it and walked out, i think she might have even quit entirely. it was sad because she made interesting stuff

>> No.3416386

Nothing ever embarrassing or bad ever happened in my classes, the closest thing was some people not taking crit well and even then never as bad as in the post above.

>> No.3416425

That's good. You should be proud of yourself and your classmates. Good job anon!

>> No.3416441

wasnt in my class but at the seniorexpo for the animation department. all of their concept work was traced from well known anime like flcl and naruto, voice clips for their animation were so unbalanced you could hear it on the other side of the room through the headphones, it was an embarrassment to the school

>> No.3416446

Can i make it without artclass?

>> No.3416450

to be fair, FLCL is an obscure anime only known to the most die-hard of japanese cartoon enthusiasts
I don't think any of those plebs at the expo would have been able to tell

>> No.3416454

its as well known as cowboy bebop. its one of the few anime normal people know about. you got it backwards anon. it was on adult swim

>> No.3416456

yes. find a local life drawing class for fundies (usually $5-10 a class) and learn the rest through youtube and books

>> No.3416457

I was being sarcastic...

>> No.3416488

you dont know how to sarcasm through text

>> No.3416588

We had a really weird guy as our drawing model, and he would walk around and inspect our paintings and get angry if we didn't draw the penis or if we drew it too small

>> No.3416602

lol post his work

>> No.3416633

Are you kidding, I am a complete stranger to anime and I know of flcl, it's some sort of cult everyone knows about

>> No.3416639

> someone drew swastikas on all of the erasers
learned nothing from that art class too.

>> No.3416730

making the final artwork peice bringing it in and whole class critquing the work, but not remembering to bring in the CD even though i painstakingly put it together and failing the final even though the artwork was very good.

>> No.3416734

i passed the class though ofc

>> No.3416775
File: 54 KB, 860x924, 1419108126499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had a kid in our class who wore these huge headphones and the same outfit every day. Mexican kid with a generic Mexican name but he called himself 'Quote'. He would only draw in mechanical pencil and only drew super stylized cartoons, even when it was supposed to be a study. Didn't challenge himself at all. The teacher embarrassed him a lot, which I think is the reason he started skipping a lot. I honestly wanted to help him but he seemed super against having anyone demand anything more of him artistically than he was already putting out.
She forbade listening to music on headphones, and when on the third day of class asked him to put his headphones away (they were on his ears) he showed her he wasn't playing anything from them. They hung around his neck for the rest of the semester.

>> No.3418518

One thing I hate about college in general is that it sort of prepares you for prepackaged employment.
He shouldn't have been in art school if he didn't want to show his fundamentals.
Not saying he was a bad artist, it's just he probably would have been better as a hobbyist until he could make money doing it.

>> No.3418532
File: 29 KB, 600x600, 1512333494400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doing line exercises, drawing circles and playing with a ruler boredly
>Kid sitting next to me grabs my notebook, stands up and lifts it in the air yelling "THIS ISN'T ART!"

>> No.3418538

That’s funny, I feel like I heard the exact same thing somewhere else, I think some YouTube artist also mentioned she had a male life drawing model who did that. Probably the same guy kek

>> No.3418559

One time this fat kid with a fedora addicentally disconnected his headphones from his laptop and everyone in class heard his anime music and laughed at him and somebody called him a nerd.

>> No.3418584

It was you wasn't it

>> No.3418586

No i pretend to be a normie and listen to stupid ass rap grabage when i am in public even though i hate all of it.. Would die of emberassment if this happened to me.

>> No.3418646

>Not telling normies your favorite album is something like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG1y3KyaoaU&list=PLcIdnv51xBkVGxMlyvabzVrb2ABWwOOuY and telling them to look it up to assert dominance.

>> No.3418676

You actually have a better chance at making it.

>> No.3418679

please tell me this was highschool

>> No.3418680

Yep. I kinda miss high school autism.

>> No.3418698

Yeah he probably will end up being a hobbyist with a job in the family, as most Mexicans here do. Lucky bastards.

>> No.3418714

funnily enough the opposite happened to me, my phone went off in class and the ring tone happened to be the same as one of the girls

i think it was that song help i'm alive by metric, not sure

>> No.3418722

>tfw I did this but with an oc

>> No.3419884

I cant focus when cute females are in art classes.

>> No.3419894

I am taking an illustration class where we are supposed to develop a personal project for the year.
One guy wanted to make his own 3d, open world game (despite the focus of the course being illustration ). Not only that, he wanted to make his own engine from scratch.
His final presentation was some /beg/ tier drawings of the characters on printing paper, and a video of a 3d teapot rotating on the screen.
I felt really bad during the whole thing

>> No.3420043

the entire thing, back in high school at least.
sat with a juggalo and some hackers younger brother, we talked about how shitty the school was and how we wished someone would come in and just kill of us. repeat for an entire semester.

managed to argue that conversation was an art-form, and the teacher passed us with a B

>> No.3420854

We had a mature student in my college class, about 65 years old. There were only about five painters in the class and I was thought to be the best (I wasn't particularly great but the best of a bad bunch).
So she asked me for a critique. I didn't want to say anything cruel so I just picked something innocuous like the background and said it was unfocused and a bit messy.
Anyway, she tried hard to hold herself together but her face immediatly turned red and after a minute she began to cry and had to leave the room. So I became the guy who made the old lady cry.

>> No.3420857

Holy fuck anon :(

>> No.3420867

We had a 55-60 ish old lady who had zero skill and did terribly all the time, but she was so sweet and so nice that you liked her anyway.

>> No.3420869

>when the boomer artist meets reality

>> No.3420873

Im a big fan for half a decade and ive never heard of it

>> No.3420876

I see myself in him as if I was looking in the mirror

>> No.3420889

You couldn't just compliment her anon? Christ man. /ic/ really getting to you.

>> No.3420938

>ask for critique
>get critique
>cry because i got critique

>> No.3420940

>65 year old granny

>> No.3420954

Art classes art great for building connections and important if you want an actual job. If you just want to get good at art they are not as important.

>> No.3420955

Being ambitious is a good thing, but yeah... One step at a time, anon.
He could have made a simple game, designed better characters... but at the end, he just wasted a whole year.

>> No.3420969

>plateauing at probably the only thing she does with her time because shes not getting critique

would surely be equally as heartbreaking at the old age of 65, if not more, considering she's getting close to the final years of her life

she was a lost cause

>> No.3421137

Critique is not only finding what's wrong. You can also identify what's good.

>> No.3421655

All that you can do in a day. Wow

>> No.3422063

>That kid who drew his fursona for his final and had to do a small presentation on it in front of the whole class

Did we take the same class? Someone did that in mines too

>> No.3422086
File: 114 KB, 720x960, 1510848651997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>model comes in is a regular
>teacher always goes for this one middle aged and overweight jewish woman with giant breasts
>been there for an hour already and she begins developing a sheen
>wipes herself off with a towel and sprawls out on her back with her crotch facing my direction
>teach sets up a fan to blow on her
>5 minutes later I begin smelling what appeared to be a mixture of what silverware and an armpit smells like
>mfw I realized the fan was blowing my direction

>> No.3422194

there is now a big sign in the printmaking department that reads "NO WORKING OF THE PRINTING MACHINES UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL OR MARIJUANA"

im the reason that sign is there now lmao.

>> No.3422199

That's nothing, I once saw a guy stick a firecracker up one of our models butthole while the professor wasn't looking and his ass went everywhere all over our sketch books, and then when professor finally came back he had no fucking face, WHAT THE FUCK. At this point all the students were laughing but not at the model, but at me because I was so confused and just instinctively cried on the spot.

>> No.3422204

what did you just say to me you little bitch?

>> No.3422208

Lets just say I came prepared next time to say the least ;)

>> No.3422214
File: 212 KB, 299x505, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Class Stacy gets mad because we never got any naked models instead we had to draw our friends
>I, being the autist I am, decide to raise my voice to talk
>"I-I know a website that you can see naked bodies from different poses for re-
>"OMG You look at naked bodies what a fucking faggot watching porn and shit hahaha
>"N-No It's not-"
>class continued laughing at me for looking at naked bodies even though I tried to explain it was for art
>tfw we all were 14
>Teacher asked me to talk with her in private

>> No.3422216

Stacey totally set you up man, she wasn't really mad it was planned bro

>> No.3422243


I got played like a damn fiddle!

>> No.3422382 [DELETED] 

>Fat chick claiming photography was on the same artistic level and authenticity as an actual artist compared to painters or drawers or a traditional artists, claimed photography was just artistic with all that implies
>SJWs basedboys and their fat or annoying feminist masters being commie nazis in an art class with their word policing, and artistic virtual-signalling and brown nosing the teacher
>Tranny tries hitting on me, sit the fuck away
>Feminists mother brings boy toddler that she dresses him in a skirt and girl clothes with her to nude figure drawing sessions

>> No.3422836
File: 52 KB, 794x517, 1441644225546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stroybording class
>day of finals
>we were suppose to create an original storyboard with original characters.
>classmate makes a storyboard based off some mmo he plays.
>teacher tells him that he's failed because it was supposed to be original.
>back and forth arguing starts
>student leaves the room
>room now has a awkward, depressing and somewhat hostile atmosphere
>whelp your next anon, get up there!

>> No.3422838

Did you fail too

>> No.3422854

No, I passed. Shit scared me though.

>> No.3422869

I drew artistically naked figures (like, from the back, no genitals etc.) while idling during a graphic design class, was that inappropriate?

>> No.3422935

holy kek

>> No.3422937

>whole class takes turns drawing one student
>fat kid's turn
>too caught up in drawing what I see to care about kid's feelings
>teacher compliments my drawing and gives me critique, other people really like it
>he sees my drawing after class
>"am I really that fat?"
>"I mean. That's what you look like."
>he drops the class