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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3415787 No.3415787 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a way to make art a less lonely endeavor?

>> No.3415788

Draw while talking with other people.

>> No.3415791
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>eat a bite of rice
>look up
>already a response
This is the fastest I've ever been replied to, thank you

>> No.3415793

not op but this doesnt work for me it just distracts me from drawing. what i found is that its easier to draw while drawing with other artists but no one in real life does that and no one online stays for long :(

>> No.3415796

what are you eating that rice with?

>> No.3415798

Go to some collage, I don't mean attend or pay for any classes but just literally drive there and lurk around and find the cafeteria or library and just draw with your sketchbook. It'll be weird the first day but you will get over it and maybe you will make friends

>> No.3415801

I usually just draw while talking to friends in my gaming discord channels

>> No.3415802

Ive never tried actively drawing with another person, kinda feel it'd be distracting. That said, develop something you can complete in 30-45 minutes? Or exquisite corpses? Or better yet, get gud at caricature.

>> No.3415810

You will know how once you get a job.

>> No.3415813

>find people who like art
>don't make them miserable with your presence

>> No.3415831

Yeah this anon has a decent idea

>> No.3415838

This is basically it.
Some things that have helped me in the past:
Arrange art jams- get a friend to host, host yourself, or find a public place that won't kick you out
Get people together and draw at the zoo/park/etc
Go to gallery shows/local markets/craft fairs, talk to people and network (or network online, met a bunch of local artist friends that way)
Don't be afraid to talk to people. Don't isolate yourself. I know how easy it can be to do so.
Good luck, OP.

>> No.3415841

google hangout with other artists
anything real life related
even the draw every day and las threads here

>> No.3415842

thas the best fuckin part

u dont even needa go to college

>> No.3415845

Find a rival. Someone of your level that helps you push yourself to your limit (and vice versa). Unfortunately you won't find them on 4chan since everyone here is to some extent socially maladjusted and can't hold a conversation. But if you find that person it helps immensely.

>> No.3415867

It's really not that lonely, not any more lonely than life already was anyway. I try to go out at some point every day, helps.

>> No.3415870

Coffee shops, libraries, parks, all also good options.

>> No.3415880

Join an Art Discord

>> No.3415881
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>don't make them miserable with your presence
you're gonna need to elaborate on this part

>> No.3415908

You can find a shared office. You pay to rent a table where other people work, and you can socialize or at least not be lonely while you work. Also, if there aren't any artists there, they may get interested in your work.

>> No.3415916

Anon. No..

>> No.3415923
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>> No.3416118

unironically talk to your art

>> No.3416119


>> No.3416125
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>Draw while participating in distractions

>> No.3416134

This. Let go of your sense of reality a little bit and it'll eventually soothe you.

>> No.3416158

Move in with your S.O. and work from home. You can draw all day while simultaneously hanging out with your best friend.

>> No.3416179

Put on an audio book or a podcaat while you work, see friends and loved ones a few times a week, message them on your breaks, make phone calls in the evenings, that's how I do it.

>> No.3416186

Your problem might be more a result of isolation in your personal life.
My suggestion would be to set time to do things with friends.
If you don't have friends, go to church, volunteer, find meetups, go to conventions, etc.
If you're just bored while working, audiobooks and podcasts have helped me simulate human contact.
Though be mindful that it doesn't distract you.
Good luck.

>> No.3416255

Yeah, stop asking online how to get out of loneliness.

>> No.3416258

don't be alone so often

for me it only takes a few doses of not being alone per week to for me to not only endure but enjoy solo activities.

>> No.3416267
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You could try livestreaming but as others have already said it might become nothing more than a distraction. Give it a shot if your computer can handle it

>> No.3416269
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This this this

>> No.3416271


>> No.3416277

Where to find people to stream with

>> No.3416284


>> No.3416323

actually very dangerous advice wtf guys

>> No.3416353

>not already mentally ill
come on. its like youre not even trying to make it

>> No.3416365
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>> No.3416366

But multistreaming is paid right? And people who do have premium are usually already popular artists with their own established circles

>> No.3416374

Make some friends nigga.

>> No.3416924
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>lol just be urself just have friends
Why are there so many normgroids on /ic/?

>> No.3417404

Because '''artists''' are usually just pretentious tumblr shit

>> No.3417406

Start a youtube channel and record yourself drawing/ talk to yourself. I tried it before thinking people would hate my voice but my content was overly positive.

>> No.3417425

I think it's more dangerous to just suffer of the loneliness without inventing coping mechanisms. It's similar to talking to yourself, which is common and not a sign of mental illness. It's all fine and dandy unless the drawing starts talking back.
>inb4 lol if loneliness is a prob go out and get friends
What are you doing here

>> No.3417989

Its supposed to be, problem is you are lonely outside of artistic endeavors.
I honestly couldn't draw until I had my life fixed first. Now its slowly coming back.
Get out, talk to people, have a good day, come back artistically inspired.

>> No.3418031

>wanting to be around other people
The main benefit of being an artist is that you can do the job totally alone. Now that amazon delivers food I don't even have to go grocery shopping. I have not seen another human in three or four weeks

>> No.3418897

where did you find local artists? any sites in particular?

>> No.3419423

stream, even couple of viewers is still somethning if you're that lonely

try it with mustard and tuna

and when you get talking with someone who actually goes to school there and they ask you what classes you take?
you would come out creepy as fuck
>i dont go to school here
>just lurk around and draw people

if you do that down the road you will start talking to yourself when alone and later escalate into talking to yourself when in public
thats how mental ilneses start

>> No.3419834

>find people who like art
struggling with this part. no local meetups or figure drawing classes that i can find.

>> No.3420333
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make a tulpa

>> No.3420392

>Be me
>Talk to my own art
>make comics and stories
>get depression
>get comforted by art

>> No.3420393

What's a tulpa

>> No.3420407
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Has anyone else gotten used to loneliness? I used to fantasize about having friends and going outside, which I think was the most painful part. At some point I forgot I was lonely, and a stoic calm descended upon me. As a NEET I spend most of the day drawing and reading, both of which give me more and more pleasure. I've attained hermithood and its breddy comfy

>> No.3420418
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the whole school is built off loose morals and touching strangers with your feelings

>> No.3420419

Yeah, it's Stockholm syndrome isn't it?

>> No.3420423

I love the solitude. One of the reasons I'm so into art is because I want to create my own friends and world. That might sound kinda gay but whatever. I also don't hate the real world or real people I just have no interest.

>> No.3420426

I was once in an art group online when we'd just shoot the breeze while drawing, sometimes sharescreening livedrawings in a group call. Also had days when we'd pick a photo and do 30 minute studies of it then critique eachother when we were done.

I miss it bros.

>> No.3420427

What happened

>> No.3420429

you guys are gay lol haha

*secretly cries

>> No.3420435

Talk shit with other artists on social media

>> No.3420440

I never thought of it as lonely. Most people are very interested in your art if you have it displayed or talk about it. However the idea is sad for certain artist. Just look at all these internet porn artist nowadays. 99% of them will never have a gf or friends, or anything because they draw gross shit for autistic losers.

>> No.3420443

they actually may have a lot of friends because their interests are pretty niche and all people who are into that particular stuff tend to get in touch with each other.

>> No.3420453

I thought you could do a couple of multistreams without it being paid, right? Just to have more at once needs the host to be premium.

>> No.3420454

What is wrong with solitude? It is good for you. I know it is hard but it is only one reason more to do it.

>> No.3420455

what kind of stuff do you talk about?

>> No.3420482


>> No.3420490

why not make a group with people from here who can post yor artwork and chill?

>> No.3420491

I can start a group, where would it be at? I draw in the mornings at around nine or ten, but I can switch to evenings. I just do studies from online still lifes

>> No.3421065

Just general loss of interest from people, a lot of them weren't great artists, just in it as a sidehobby. Once we had a few sessions of the critiques people started to drop off.

>> No.3422895

we do drawing meet ups, i never get invited but then im a white guy so theres that fact

>> No.3422913

Yes. Don't be a loner.

Translation: Your problem isn't art related.

>> No.3422916

don't let this post derail the thread: critiques too much taken as judgments, i feel like artists could do that for their own work after looking at other works, uniformity of style isn't the goal, we get better with practice, critques taken hard heartedly discourages continued practice i kinda believe due to the fact every artist has their own stage or level of practice, good work deserves love.

>> No.3422919

Wich ones do you guys know about? I'd like to join some new ones, preferably ones with more experienced people

>> No.3422965

But why would more experienced people want to be in an art group with you? Your strategy is to just ask publicly while hiding your identity. If any good groups exists then they are not going to invite any random strangers.

>> No.3422980

>and when you get talking with someone who actually goes to school there and they ask you what classes you take?
you would come out creepy as fuck

>unironically caring about what some pseudo intellectual lgbt's think
>literally doesn't know how to answer with "I do art, thanks"

>> No.3422986
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>unironically wanting edgy 15 year old faggots as friends

>> No.3423641

I used to do this in my teens. We had 'artjams' a few times with art students and musicians. Problem with arty crowds irl is there's usually drugs involved which can really affect your judgement. Instant dunning kruger.

>> No.3424447

OP I have an art friend We hang two to three times a week get high and draw all night. You should do the same.

>> No.3424465

There are tons of art discords out there, all with their own personalities. Browse and see which ones you like.







>> No.3424469

Can you at least give the name of each one?

>> No.3424470

You're not such a bad person after all ChineseCartoons.

>> No.3424473

Oh sorry, lack of foresight. (From top to bottom)

>Art Bloc
>Draw Party
>Last Artist Standing
>Church of Sinix
>Art Bullies
>Artist Hub

>> No.3424491

Nope. Even drawing with other people does very little to stave off the loneliness as it usually just kills the art process because someone is talking too much or asking too many questions, and neither you nor the other artist will ever be at the same skill level thus you will have nothing relatable to discuss beyond basic art rhetoric like "what pens do you use?", "Who's your favorite artist?", or "do you draw hentai in your spare time too?"

>> No.3424513

Or you could have regular convos about life like a normal person.

>> No.3424519

At which point you stop drawing or lose focus and your art suffers for it. Not to say its impossible to carry a good conversation while drawing proficiently, but very few people if anyone can do both at the same time.

>> No.3424829

You can multistream with 2 (or 3 now maybe) others. Start your stream and have something up that looks good hat you're already working on. Lurk around for premium members in the same/similar category as you and type in their chat. "Hey, how's it going?" "What your drawing is really cool." "Would you be interested in multistreaming together?" If not say "thank you anyway." give them a follow and leave the video paused so you still appear like you're watching for at least 5-10 minutes afterwards and move on to the next person.
It's common curtsy for the person with premium to be asking, but my boyfriend who has premium gets people asking if they could stream with him either way. Also the site is so shittily ran you might not even have to pay for it.

>> No.3424836

damn it sounds like you suck at drawing and socializing as this is not the case for me at all. I have drawn with people who have pointed out glaring errors in my work and things that they like. While you may not be excelling in the way you would normally do while grinding alone, at least with people you get that human reaction from people seeing your art which in some ways is more helpful than the number of likes it gets on sm