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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 888 KB, 1440x1440, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3415038 No.3415038 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the Drawthread with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.


>screenshot the image and post that instead

>change camera capture settings to something smaller

>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

→ →
There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.


>> No.3415040
File: 1.35 MB, 1271x7339, 96e2feea6bbf8e7ce6646fcc04456d29a49408d92007e7d7876ea20d518b1f62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Links to many art books including as Keys to Drawing (Dodson), Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (Edwards), Perspective Made Easy (Norling), Color and Light (Gurney), The Vilppu Drawing Manual (Vilppu) and How to Draw (Robertson).

A website dedicated to understanding the basics and process of digital painting, based in Adobe Photoshop. Library of over 200 free videos.

Free pose library to practice drawing the human figure (as well as a portrait library). Draw at your own pace or set a timer for quick gesture drawings.

Instructional how-to videos covering mostly portrait and figure drawing from fine artist Stanislav Prokopenko.

Croquis Cafe - Timed model poses.

Controversial yet helpful introductory course on the fundamentals of drawing with a focus on understanding the concept of form and thinking in a 3-dimensional mindset while you draw.

>Your local life drawing class
Life drawing is an indispensable tool in your art career. Do not be intimidated based on your skill level - there will always be someone worse than you and someone better than you. Use this opportunity to meet new artists for learning, critique, and growth.

>> No.3415052
File: 416 KB, 867x576, chinpo_yumiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3415090

For some reason, I'm really good at drawing a line horizontal, but when I try to draw it vertically, it comes out all wobbly.

Should I just turn my paper, or should I work on being able to draw a straight line no matter how I move my arm/wrist?

>> No.3415177
File: 496 KB, 1942x1280, 674758634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is finally clicking with me and i am very happy. however my drawings always look so messy. how am i supposed to be cleaning this up?

>> No.3415231

Fuck, does anyone have a good tip for measuring proportions? I keep fucking it up.

>> No.3415285
File: 543 KB, 932x310, poopity scoop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I doing it right? (the number of attempts it took is written under each head)

>> No.3415311

show work desu

>> No.3415312

That's what the entirety of KtD is about.

>> No.3415326
File: 34 KB, 723x685, test_bg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it feel too empty? Thinking of adding graffiti to walls
but this is for a game and I don't want it cluttered
Any other tips appreciated

>> No.3415332

Graffiti wouldn't clutter it, it'd add character

>> No.3415349
File: 111 KB, 748x742, 1616565346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucked is my anatomy?

>> No.3415356

its fucked but that's ok, its not something you can fix overnight.

There's a decent sense of form on some parts and some decent gesture. Just remember to think 3d and you'll be fine, drawing more contours helps, establish if a form is going forward is back. especially for limbs which you tend to flatten.

You'll be alright if you continue and keep thinking in 3d forms. You aint bad.

>> No.3415357



are you going to post it?

>> No.3415359

Absolutely nothing wrong with flipping the paper if possible.

An overhand grip on the pencil helps alittle if you really want to not have to flip the paper for some reason. Also drawing from the shoulder while keeping your wrist locked is essential for straight lines if you're not already doing that.

>> No.3415360
File: 24 KB, 462x358, WIN_20180506_00_32_09_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man wasn't meant to draw hands. I don't believe there are real people, who can draw hands.

ALL critique welcome

and sorry for shit quality.

>> No.3415365

fucking imbecile i am, cant even upload a fucking picture right. Mods please remove my post and ban me.

>> No.3415370

Anyone got tips for shading semi-realistic faces? I do great with all the textures and majority of body parts, but faces always end up flat when i draw them.
General face shading tips would be nice, too.

>> No.3415381
File: 136 KB, 864x592, 1616565346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3415383

Turn the page you mingus

>> No.3415385

Post what you can already do.

>> No.3415386

study loomis deconstruction of heads it got me understanding how to draw faces and helped me better understand and see stylized faces past their symbols

>> No.3415402

Yea, I'd like to see it too...

>> No.3415403
File: 39 KB, 665x690, test_bg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like it's made the fact that the rest of the building is a flat solid color more noticeable
I am glad I added the graffiti though

>> No.3415408
File: 37 KB, 1000x471, ellipse_construction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I construct (not guess) an ellipse that fits the front of this box? I have the minor axis plotted out perpendicular to the center line and I have the four points the ellipse is supposed to intersect

>> No.3415421

add odd bricks and some water stains at the end f ledges. also maybe night city skyline in the blue

>> No.3415422
File: 44 KB, 1000x471, constructellipse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3415425

also, make shirt of black woman darker or lighter, it is too close to skin color

>> No.3415429

a lot of good pixel art is choosing the right colors and having a better understanding of color theory. I would also start off with adopting a sprite/tile mentality akin to the nes/gameboy to really get that good pixel feel and then loosen the restrains once you start getting better

>> No.3415431
File: 656 KB, 1000x1000, Kitty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3415434
File: 62 KB, 1115x539, new_ellipse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very funny. so does projecting an already constructed ellipse parallel to you work? scott only talked about mirroring curves, so I'm not sure this conforms to perspective rules

>> No.3415447
File: 44 KB, 414x343, 1525561907616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ellipses always come to a tangent with the edge of the box, never to a sharp point.
And anon... if that's how you're gonna draw you should spare yourself and just use blender or something. You might be confused but you're not supposed to draw the vanishing points, and i have no idea what you're doing with the blue dots all over the place.
This kind of thing should be a freehand thing, there shouldn't be any construction to do, and as far as i can tell you're "drawing" with the pen tool, that's doubly bad.
Whatever you're doing, stop, you'll just regress.
Try drawabox maybe.

>> No.3415448
File: 42 KB, 696x679, test_bg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I added some wear and tear to the walls, not sure if it looks good though
the color is supposed to be the default windows 95 background color
she's a playable character, so I'll have to edit her sprites later
I'm not going for the nes/retro feel

thanks for the tips tho amigos

>> No.3415453

to add to
These techniques are for getting perfect mirrors of complex curves in 3d space, not for an ellipse, you're just wasting your time.
How to draw is not a book to get you started, its advanced perspective, if you can't freehand an ellipse on a plane doing it mathematically won't save you.

>> No.3415456

I'm reading through How to Draw by Scott Robertson because I find playing around with perspective fun. Relax, any bullshit I do with my mouse and GeoGebra won't give me bad habits.
Now does >>3415434 look right?

>> No.3415458

>I'm reading through How to Draw by Scott Robertson because I find playing around with perspective fun
But you should know how a fucking ellipse looks first, so you don't make an idiot by asking retarded questions.

>> No.3415459

That's because you can't read and keep freehanding the ellipse when that's not even what I asked.

>> No.3415478
File: 619 KB, 1280x720, donkeeee_resized_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started drawing form life practice, here's my 1st attempt. Is there any hope for me?

I can already see some perspective mistakes I've made (the barrel shapes don't align properly), but maybe you anons can help me with avoiding them in the future. Any tips?

Ref pic will follow.

>> No.3415481
File: 353 KB, 1000x690, IMG_20180506_0155102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ref pic for this, just bear in mind it's not the exact same perspective, cause I've been drawing it from life, not from the photo.

>> No.3415486

When I do still pencil drawings, I convert the color photos to black and white and it helps me see mistakes easier

>> No.3415487


that's a shitty construction. not anatomy. know the difference fuck head.

>> No.3415493
File: 373 KB, 768x1024, rose_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoulders too broad?

>> No.3415496

No those look great.

>> No.3415506

for accuracy, block in everything first, check for negative shapes, check proportions of shapes relative to each other, then shade
also, figuring out perspective for an asymmetrical donkey is futile. just apply what you can to the head and barrel and copy the rest by sight

>> No.3415547
File: 720 KB, 748x954, wake me up inside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3415549

k, thx for the advice

>> No.3415558
File: 64 KB, 542x917, sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lil shortstack from imagination.

>> No.3415567

scratchy :(

>> No.3415594
File: 373 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180506-073828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt to draw a car. Do you guys think it could turn out well if i clean it up? And how do i fix the fucked up rear?

>> No.3415598

front intake looks off, or the left side is off. but I think it's the intake. I swear it just needs to be moved to the left. or the side fixed. I don't know. something is just off.
I like your choice of car though my friend

>> No.3415599

you could always make the rear wheel bigger (it doesn't align with the bottom of the side window anyway)
maybe even lengthen the car so it doesn't look like you put a spoiler on a budget sedan

>> No.3415607
File: 556 KB, 1350x1464, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m so fucking frustrated.
Wtf I’m missing
Is it because I can’t control the edges? Maybe because I’m using custom brushes ?
Am I missing a fundamental rule

It looks so unappealing.

>> No.3415608

Maybe the cast shadow is on a different plane? Perspective?
The edges are shit

>> No.3415609

if it's really bugging you, pen and eraser
your copying isn't perfect, but maybe you weren't going for that

>> No.3415620
File: 211 KB, 966x1282, Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at 10.59.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3415625

just look at this faggot.

>> No.3415628
File: 432 KB, 750x465, nipple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been working on this on and off for a few months. thoughts?

>> No.3415629

shows potential, but as it is right now, it's too dark and unappealing. I imagine you're going to fix that with more rendering and lighting effects though

>> No.3415630

First off, fix calf on the left leg
and second, learn anatomy, or at least use observation instead of guessing and eyeballing

>> No.3415634


>> No.3415636


>> No.3415638
File: 243 KB, 966x1282, magical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3415649
File: 478 KB, 800x1422, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learning shading and its hard as fuck. don't know what to go to next after?. How do i make my eyes more realistic guys a

>> No.3415653

it's shit

>> No.3415654


>> No.3415655

your welcome

>> No.3415659

damn really? i had issues with that earlier but thought i fixed it. the value ranges from 8-30 in the dark area. oh well. ive found the metal areas hard to render, i jist dont have any exerience. oh well guess ill have to study a while and come back to it later.

>> No.3415671
File: 88 KB, 1673x776, test_bg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could benefit a lot from beginner books
check out the general from catalog

the right side isn't complete, but I'd love some comments on current progress
i realize my street lights are too small, and the background is something i'm still playing with

>> No.3415676

jesus fucking christ hes clearly still a beginner, he didnt know better. you act like he murdered your dog, dont be such a cunt about it

>> No.3415683

oh nevermind then

>> No.3415690
File: 1.18 MB, 1146x1161, Untitled_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw ilya do it. Had to give it a shot.

>> No.3415712

i like it

>> No.3415713
File: 44 KB, 400x245, 6284075681_e83c027d8d_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain this 2 me

>> No.3415746

pump up the core shadow. your cast shadow is occupying the wrong direction if the top-left near side of the sphere is the brightest. the reflected light on the sphere looks wrong too.

>> No.3415750
File: 146 KB, 1080x1080, 5a28ae4e14b198eb0c10f1d38075150d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want to avoid continuous lines or lines meeting at a similar place. overlapping helps the illusion of depth and makes your drawing better.

>> No.3415754
File: 203 KB, 625x800, cutelady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to draw a cute woman, how is this looking so far?

>> No.3415755

looks like its gonna be a cute girl(male) anon, keep going

>> No.3415766

ok i c the background convergence

>> No.3415768
File: 29 KB, 473x130, 78657785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that why people ink? i hadn't actually considered that, thank you

as long as you break the pieces into shapes it shouldn't be too important to replicate, pic related. i wouldn't spend too much time on any one exercise because loomis is going to teach you a new method soon which might make drawing faces even easier. actually i even recommend you go back to the first exercises in the book, briefly, and try drawing the characters at an extremely different pose, with the same features, just so you understand he is teaching a method and not perfectionism. i had to do this before i could progress, redoing images seems out of the spirit and i definitely started having more fun when i didn't strive for downright perfection. the only thing you should really cut down on is the chicken scratching, i think having a more careless approach will fix this

>> No.3415770
File: 673 KB, 1023x1673, djafl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3415774

I picked up a tablet a few days ago and I have to ask, how much shame is there in using a sketchy brush style to mask wobbly linework? I just can't seem to consistently get a satisfying, clean line. I dunno if it's me, my tablet, my settings, or my PC, but it's just not happening

>> No.3415775

It's you. You won't be able to hide poor skill no matter what you do.

>> No.3415777

A good exercise for clean lines is try drawing a perfect circle as quick as you can with one stroke and try to get the ends to line up perfectly without overlap. For straight lines place two random dots on the paper and try and draw a line between the dots as quick as you can with the line ends being exactly on the dots. If you do a bunch of these you will start to make more confident lines. It's best to do this on cheap Xerox paper as well and also good to fill a page up of these for wam ups

>> No.3415779

aphex twin

>> No.3415800

i like your style but the emotion is ambiguous. he seems angry but his brow isn't furled enough. a mix of worry and fury. if that is what you were going for it is believable, i just think the eyes should be as exaggerated as the mouth

>> No.3415809

Use some straight lines as guidelines

>> No.3415828

keep practicing, you'll get your lines down. it takes time (even more time on digital) stick with the default hard round for at least a year

>> No.3415832

Try a large and semi transparent brush.

>> No.3415862

You're digital nigger, turn that layer down to 40% opacity and draw clean lines over it

>> No.3415865

It's you. If you could draw clean lines traditionally you'd already know it wasn't you.

>> No.3415886

>how much shame is there in using a sketchy brush style to mask wobbly linework?
A LOT. It just looks fucking gross
Get medibang, set correction to 7+, thank me.

>> No.3415900
File: 99 KB, 1000x412, IMG_1770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think doing some thing like this with it after ur done would look cool.

also watch out for tangents(especialy with the car, the light and the store)

>> No.3416006
File: 98 KB, 625x853, darth talons fine ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is figure? obviously the foreshortened hand can use a little work but how is it overall?

>> No.3416015

Should I buy Keys to Drawing? I sort of understand the concept of drawing what you see, not what you perceive but I haven't got much practice and my line accuracy is still pretty bad.

>> No.3416020

You should work on your line quality (making them cleaner). Her left hand looks like its giving you some struggle, and a possible start on the solution is to erase the upper line representing her wrist, where it connects to the lightsaber. I don't have enough expertise to talk about figure and proportions lol

>> No.3416022

>critique thread
>cant handle critique

>> No.3416030

wow that looks good
and i had no idea about the tangents thing, thanks for the eye opener anon

>> No.3416034

read the intro of draw 50 animals and you'll see it's good enough for a golden age disney artist

>> No.3416040

Weak pose and lazy leg cut off.

>> No.3416041

yeah my lines are bad, and i started with too thick of lines and erased them away. and that other hand is bad too. hopefully someone who knows about figure can chime in on the rest. thanks

>> No.3416042

its the pose i want and the composition i want. is the anatomy and proportions okay?

>> No.3416043

np dawg.

>> No.3416048

Looks good! Maybe add some gradient to the sky?

>> No.3416050


>> No.3416057

>is the anatomy and proportions okay?
Well it's the "anatomy and proportions" you wanted so you tell me.

>> No.3416062

i said the pose and composition were what i wanted. i didnt say i knew if there are or arent any issues with the anatomy and proportions. you know, like gesture describes the pose, but can aso be out of proportion. i feel like all the major proportins are correct but obviously theres issues with the hands, possibly the shoulders and the head might sit a little too literally straight on.

>> No.3416065

if i buy a posebook from japan will the cunnys be censored?

>> No.3416067

I’m not sure I’ve seen any kind of progress in the last 6 months, when studying should I be trying to memorize things? I just try to copy the muscles and stuff but honestly i just don’t know if anything I’m doing is working.

>> No.3416070

Are you able to do muscles and stuff from imagination by now?

>> No.3416073

Hmm well everything that’s before the forearm and the calf I can do but I do look at reference for flexing and compression stuff

>> No.3416076

And were you able to do that 6 months ago?

>> No.3416078



>> No.3416081

Damn I had a lengthy post typed out and it didn’t go through ok long story short I dropped “drawing what I see” in favor of anatomy construction proportions etc. so my work has suffered a lot since I’m no longer laser focused on just replicating. My question is, is this normal or should I jus go back to copying again

>> No.3416092

copying is a skill, construction is a skill, everything builds on everything, work on what you suck at

>> No.3416193
File: 485 KB, 800x820, C3-B - 5 May 2018 resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still trying to get the hang of measurements.
I missed some really good lines like the bottom of the jacket touching the floor lines up with her right foot, and should've checked better her left shoulder lining up with her left knee better.

>> No.3416208

also good advice, thx mangs

>> No.3416212

Where to go after keys?

>> No.3416214

thank you

>> No.3416216

Don't be afraid to look at other fantasy paintings for inspiration.

>> No.3416226

What the FUCK is the torso
Jumping from book to book, vid to vid, skeleton pic from skeleton pic, it seems to vary between a box and rectangle, egg and oval, tilting forward or staying vertical during construction
Could anyone explain to me which is which and which they consider easier for construction with the reasons for it so I can start building mannequins without needing to trace skeletons, thank you
I'm bad at recognizing dead threads

>> No.3416263
File: 541 KB, 1018x725, bent1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im trying colors and shadows with this picture. I get pretty demotivated with my own creations, I never bother to finish anything. Thought I'd just copy something and practice on that instead.

>> No.3416266

what look are you going for? like a fully rendered thing or cell shading or what?

>> No.3416274

Well, I actually have no idea what Im going for. For me this is pretty much a finished picture. I believe this is my second or third colored digital picture and Im pretty lost.

>> No.3416275

you'd be more motivated if you focused on copying accurately

>> No.3416276

loomis says a trapezoidal prism, tucking in at the bottom if its a guy, flaring out if its a girl
I then proceed to ignore and always draw flaring out because I only draw qt grils

>> No.3416281

sticky (drawabox, but remember it's a BEGINNER resource and you will stagnate if you treat it like a bible)

>> No.3416346
File: 315 KB, 750x1000, 20180506_180416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to focus on measuring (mid points, proportions etc.) and shading, reading keys

>> No.3416349
File: 99 KB, 653x980, b67140a2ff213208620e6a34814975c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3416367

Draw bigger

>> No.3416369

Running out of paper, shops are closed.

>> No.3416372
File: 610 KB, 2700x2000, fabricstudies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried the fabric diagram from the first thread + life drawing.

left 2 blue fabrics are from life and the right 2 fabrics are from imagination, but i used my shirtsleeve to reference some of the folds.
i have no idea where to place highlights on fabric or even when to.
the red fabrics are from imagination.

>> No.3416402

get over it, buy large newsprint

>> No.3416404
File: 385 KB, 768x1024, rose_wip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi I'm the anon who posted >>3415493.

Trying to get the shading down but don't really know what I'm doing.

Here's a rough start, how does this look?

>> No.3416415

I forgot the place where you can watch Peter Han's dynamic sketching videos for free

>> No.3416416


>> No.3416422

What do you mean get over it bro? I don't want to have to stop drawing anytime soon, so I'm being conservative with my paper for now.

>> No.3416426
File: 356 KB, 750x1000, afaceman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty wrong here, mostly perspective. I do think I'm improving though.

>> No.3416428
File: 105 KB, 796x1168, Statue-Man-Looking-Afar-LR1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3416433
File: 738 KB, 1000x778, somehelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done in paint, i hope it helps a but
i like the shading

>> No.3416472
File: 89 KB, 697x1080, Escultura-torso-Venus-CSD-OD787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can some one give me advice on how to shade soft places on the body like where there would be a bit of fat or bone. iv been using a tablet and i can grasp the consept or the tools i should use. any good books on this? pic related as its the soft feeling im afters

>> No.3416476

Thank you anon.

>> No.3416479

I would start drawing boxes and learning perspective.
The one i drew>>3416433
is not 100% right (done in MS Paint and as fast as i could)

>> No.3416497

First Make a clear separation between light and dark in two tones, squint your eyes or make the pciture smaller to see the plane changes and how they the lightning affects them.
After you've separated them then add the cast shadows, theese gives depth and will add balance to the overall figure towards the end, remember cast shadows have hard edges so you wont have to do much blending on those.
then focus on the details inside of the lights/shadows and zoom a lot if you wanna get more detail, begin with a large brush and get progressively smaller, dont rush and take your time, dont jump straight ahead to details nor use a small hard brush from the beginning.
Something to note is that to achieve the softness you want, the value changes in between light and shadows are VERY subtle, even if they sometimes seem like a single batch of value its in actuallity, two values that blended seamlessly in the big picture

>> No.3416498

Any recommended videos on the subject of gesture drawings? I'm going through Prokos videos and while good, it be foolish to just learn from one source.

>> No.3416501
File: 1.18 MB, 695x1282, bigboi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just started drawing muscles, so i drew this big guy.

>> No.3416508


>> No.3416526


>> No.3416527

i dont have a blog.

>> No.3416534

he's insulting you

>> No.3416543
File: 729 KB, 1161x881, devil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi. It has been a couple months since I started to follow the thread, but I improved. I'm still wasting much time polishing lineart from shit.Tried doing something with half tones, was easier than I thought.

>> No.3416557

The right horn is growing out of the side of the head it seems.

>> No.3416564 [DELETED] 


>> No.3416578
File: 1009 KB, 2057x1800, MorphoProko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I tried a few things I've been recommended like exaggerating the pose, adding arms (the neck too) and drawing over the model to see if I got the things right.

The torsos with 1 above them are the one where I tried to copy the model and the one with 2 are a bit more exaggerated/stylised. So once again, if I did some mistake, please tell me what's wrong.

>> No.3416632

The lines and half-tones look bretty good apart from light direction inconsistencies and the shoulder feathers/fure looking flat. As for the subject matter, there are things that could use improving:
Eyebrows don't grow on top of the hair. I understand it's a popular way of stylization among anime/manga, but that doesn't mean it looks good.
Also the lips are off the face's center line and too low compared to the nose placement. They look very uncomfortable as they are. The lips are still being drawn as a symbol.
The neck is too thin and the clavicles are too high.
The hair looks a little paper-ey as well, as though it's still just a block in.
Seconding other anons comments on the horn drifting off to the side too.

While it's important to step back and draw the things that interest you, never forget that you still have a lot to learn, and always keep reference handy as not only will it help you keep things accurate but you'll learn by observing it.

>> No.3416634 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 512x512, profile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it look like shit from 2005 Deviantart?

Why am I so fucking bad?

>> No.3416635

At least you're aware. Please look into the sticky.

>> No.3416638
File: 102 KB, 512x512, profile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it look like 2005 Deviantart shit?

Why am I so fucking bad?

>> No.3416644

anon, you arent THAT bad.

>> No.3416648

It really is. Pretty sure seppuku is the only option.

>> No.3416650


>> No.3416654

is this some kind of a joke?
How is this /beg/ tier?

>> No.3416655

ebig trole is the new meme in this thread

>> No.3416671
File: 98 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20180506_221659_172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grinding today. Need to work on eyes and hair a lot. She also kinda looks like a guy.

>> No.3416673


>> No.3416677

i'm reading keys to drawing and i have no clue how to apply the proportion lesson to drawing from a reference (an image ref on my computer)

i've been at it for around an hour and i can't get the proportions correct. my hand naturally has a wee little quiver so it's impossible for me to keep my pencil straight and i have to move back and forth from the image to actually be able to draw it. i don't know how to do this and it's really frustrating ):

>> No.3416693

Thanks for the input anons, I I did some fixes and it looks better now.
I could post my previous gesture stuff which is laughable due to how incredible shitty it is, it's not even deviantart tier. This time I just overcompensated by speeding an retarded amount of time polishing turd.

>> No.3416695


my main question i guess is how do i apply the measurement i get from my pencil onto my paper? i have the top and bottom points but i cannot put the middle point i discern on my pencil into my piece of paper. it always ends up too low

>> No.3416696

Hey man, it's a good attempt but looks like you're taking a bit too big of a bite to chew. See if you can do some studies on specific facial features (especially the ones you're having trouble with) until you feel somewhat comfortable with them, enough that you stop symbol drawing.

>> No.3416703

Appreciated but I don't think taking too big of a bite to chew makes sense. Its all a learning process. I want to draw portraits very well eventually and I think any effort in that direction is probably well spent.

I was about to start on eye studies though, I think the nose, ears and mouth aren't too bad right?

>> No.3416717

I'm giving up, /beg/. I'm too much of a shitter and I'm too old to start doing this, obviously.

I love you. I'm sorry for letting you down.

>> No.3416719
File: 314 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled_Artwork-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I had a scanner, these look so much less crisp than they do irl.

Used refs on all these doodles.

>> No.3416726

Nothing ?

>> No.3416742

That's more than fair, as long as you're drawing and you have the mindset to improve, you're free to exercise anything. Relatively speaking, the other facial features are fine for now, but you definitely should get to those eyes.

>> No.3416746

You're beating yourself up too much over this. Studies are studies, there's no need to reach a point of "perfection" as long as you're learning. The only major thing I'd work on based on this is line confidence but that will come in time.

>> No.3416749
File: 45 KB, 710x690, wtfsnip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help please shitters need not respond.

>> No.3416766

>shitters need not respond.

>> No.3416769


can you post a screenshot from that page? i'm too lazy to look it up.

>> No.3416778



stop drawing.

>> No.3416797
File: 338 KB, 778x1950, here it is champ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here it is

also, is getting the outline that you drew and comparing it through uploading your pic to your reference cheating? i've been doing this to see where i messed up but idk if it's a bad thing to do. i'm not tracing, but just trying to tell where i made mistakes.

>> No.3416798

That's some really nice crosshatching on that backside doodle.

Pretty good stuff overall.

>> No.3416799

>too old
So you're like what, 90 or something?

>> No.3416801


even doing what i described there hasn't helped me get an accurate image :\ so idk what to do

>> No.3416819
File: 369 KB, 1029x475, knight_helmet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, first time posting here. I'm trying to learn digital drawing but I don't know if I should go back to basics on paper or whatever and continue to practice on my tablet. I've downloaded every book on /ic/ and I feel like I'm too stupid to get what the author intended to teach me, should I give it another try or ignore that stuff?

I'm 27 and I'm just getting back to drawing now, I don't do anything else with my life so I have enough time to practice, I just feel so lost...

>> No.3416825
File: 245 KB, 1280x1586, 3e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get better at viewing/drawing objects in a three dimensional sense? All of my drawings feel really flat, what exercises, studies, and books can help me with this? I know the key to good art is being able to portray dimension in a 2D space but how do I get there?

>> No.3416828

21 :^)

>> No.3416830

eyes and nose are fucked
why would you color in the first place? the lines alone should've clued you in

>> No.3416832

jus draw boxes bro

>> No.3416840

So what is your problem?
I'm 26 and I started 3 days ago. So what?

>> No.3416857

How the fuck do I study Loomis without getting overwhelmed? I swear his drawings are too stylized to even learn something

>> No.3416863

I learned all of my anatomy by just copying Bridgman drawings until it clicked.

>> No.3416865

Well I'm actually leaning something, that's why I'm doing it. Trying with anatomy then style. How do you study ? Is there a better method ?

>> No.3416869

how do you apply the methods of measuring shown by proko and in keys to drawing to drawing from a digital reference?

>> No.3416875

That doesn't sound like a good idea

>> No.3416880

>Is there a better method ?
Not really. Different strokes for different folks.

>> No.3416881

Maybe, just saying that there are a lot of different ways to learn. Loomis didn't do shit for me, so it might be helpful to look at some other methods to see if they work better for you.

>> No.3416913

I have aphantasia.

>> No.3416919

Does Keys to Drawing actually teach you how to draw or only how to copy? Why is it considered the a better book to start on than drawing on the right side.

>> No.3416926

It teaches you both.

>> No.3416927
File: 109 KB, 1000x522, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at 7.57.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little confused on foreground and background perspective. Is this city in the right perspective?

>> No.3416937

after reading a few pages of right side, you'll get why
>USING the RIGHT side of the BRAIN is SCIENTIFICALLY proven to increase your confidence, line control, creativity, and sex life! CHANNEL your CHAKRA

>> No.3416956

>Andrew Loomis HATES her
>Betty Edwards is drawing drawing great pics with this one brain trick, click here to find out more

>> No.3416961
File: 54 KB, 747x1000, B428DFB3-3493-4245-B8A3-8574BBDACCA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know anything about color or layer modes what do I do now
Also, can I get some opinions on how hard it is to learn rendering as opposed to form/anatomy? I’ve been putting it off because it seems really intimidating...

Right side has a ton of pseudoscience, but its a good book if you ignore it and just do the exercises. Although I will say that I have read neither books because I am a lazy fuck, tried to do keys but gave up after the second exercise because I got bored (and also because I saw that you eventually had to draw people and who am I going to find to pose for me). I probably suck at observational drawing from life, although I wouldn’t know since I rarely do it anyway.

d-did you draw that or are you just putting it as an example?? just clarifiying...

Cheer up anon, you’ll get better, and head to the pixel art thread, I’m too lazy to link it (sorry!), so just go to the catalog and search.

>> No.3416965

Add shadows and highlights. Rendering is learning about light and shadows. Just look up the word on YouTube. Spheres are the basis usually.

>> No.3416968

There's too little to tell whats even going on.
The buildings are all rectangles, not even cubes.
They don't have perspective, its just a flat shape, same with the hills(?), people, and road(?).

>> No.3416990

I know it's really rough. I was wondering about the wall around the city though

>> No.3416998

guys i have asked the following a hefty # of times not but since it's a LARGE problem i must press on looking for an answer!


>> No.3417004

Since it’s flat and close to you, just eye it, you’ll get better at doing that eventually. If you want to you can do the pencil thing too, I don’t see why it’s any different.

>> No.3417012


alright yeah i'll try that thanks. i don't know if the pencil thing is any different but my main problem is figuring out how to put what i gauge from the pencil onto the paper. sure, i can see that the head is that portion of my pencil, but how do i then put that onto paper?

>> No.3417016

yo chill bro take some steps back and draw rocks or something first

>> No.3417021

drawabox unironically teaches this (and the draw boxes meme is only the first couple lessons then you draw real shit)

>> No.3417042

it's simple
There's the reading part and the doing exercises part. If you know the topic of the book is a weak point for you, do the exercises, otherwise, just read so you know what's in the book.

>> No.3417045
File: 103 KB, 747x1000, paintover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


idk why i did this sorry

>> No.3417047


>> No.3417064
File: 150 KB, 478x585, New Bitmap Image (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do with myself now

>> No.3417065
File: 132 KB, 491x752, New Bitmap Image (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3417067
File: 257 KB, 555x814, New Bitmap Image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3417074
File: 974 KB, 1000x772, 1241113414241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spent like half an hour on this one. i know the proportions are inaccurate but i'm not sure how to improve on that except by just doing lots and lots of person studies.

also idk how to make a nice looking face unless it's the focus of a drawing (even then it's not nice because i am not good at drawing!)

>> No.3417075
File: 945 KB, 1000x669, 1241113414241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3417085

ok, I will see if I can find some stuff on youtube

you put the tip of the pencil against one end of whatever line/object you’re measuring, put the nail of your thumb on the other end, then put the pencil onto paper where you want to make the line/mark without moving your thumb, Memorize where the tip of the pencil and your thumb is, and pick up the pencil and draw two marks where the tip and your thumb just was. Then draw a line to connect them. Or you can make the marks to define the height of the head, and so on. Sorry if that was confusing, I’m a bit autismo when it comes to explaining things

thanks anon, do you have any recommendations on books that help rendering? I’ve heard mixed opinions about color and light (especially whether or not it’s good for digital artists), and i have a copy of How to Render but scott says stuff about needing to read How to Draw first and I haven’t. I should probably just shut up and try one of them ahahah

wow oh my god thank you so much anon, this is so much better than anything I could possibly do, thank you for taking some of your time to do this. I love how you did the hair and eyes, and the rendering on the face too, and the blue thingies. (which by the way were supposed to be white but I’m changing my mind because it looks so great blue) Do you have a blog or something? I’d love to see the rest of your stuff. Sorry if I’m being too clingy

>> No.3417088

not too bad, use the eraser to get rid of unwanted lines and get a cleaner sketch

oh and whatever is on the face of the last one looks kind of interesting

>> No.3417097

your explanation made sense. but for the putting the pencil onto paper part, do you mean like putting it so your pencil covers the drawing in a similar way that it did the ref?

>> No.3417101


Glad you like it, my instagram is @bestabcna


I don't really draw anime usually so that's why I wanted to try painting this one lol

>> No.3417104

Those vehicle designs are super cool.

>> No.3417108
File: 348 KB, 925x645, major_axis_problems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm getting is that the T is useful for seeing the angle of the major axis so your ellipse doesn't look lopsided, but doesn't tell where the major axis actually is. Is this correct?

>> No.3417117

I like to read a book before trying the exercises, like how I'd read over an origami diagram before touching the paper.

>> No.3417122
File: 105 KB, 1000x647, I'M READING MY LOOMIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started reading "Fun with a pencil" today so I'm getting used to all the starting exercises.

Anything I'm fucking up real bad on so far that I can try to fix as I keep going?
Or maybe some other stuff I can try on the side?

>> No.3417138
File: 274 KB, 900x590, minaxis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out minor axis matching up with vanishing point is just an industry rule of thumb that doesn't actually reflect reality.

>> No.3417143

really good to know

>> No.3417145
File: 3.17 MB, 2327x2404, Frogboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew a muppet

>> No.3417170
File: 211 KB, 935x993, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me your blog. im serious.
pic related so you know im the real nose.

Actually. just add me on discord


>> No.3417172

What did NoseBro mean by this?

>> No.3417176
File: 847 KB, 1272x1256, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean what i said.

>> No.3417181

I think keys of drawing is a way better starting point imo, then loomis hands and head if you wanna do faces. I really didn't like fun with pencil.

>> No.3417192

You really don't have to choose between them. You could do digital if you feel like it, but imo it just feels better doing studies on construction on paper. Don't be too intimidated by the books. They are catered to beginners. They're gonna help you a lot.

>> No.3417210 [DELETED] 
File: 1.44 MB, 2822x3895, cutelady2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Little update

>> No.3417215
File: 228 KB, 800x1104, cutelady2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


little update

>> No.3417224
File: 868 KB, 4092x2893, Akkosf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3417225
File: 941 KB, 4092x2893, Susysf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3417227
File: 1.51 MB, 4092x2893, Lottesf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3417256

Learn how to see.

>> No.3417267 [DELETED] 
File: 3.38 MB, 2328x1549, shitty beg doodls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.3417270
File: 53 KB, 618x464, 1514632563539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have aphantasia.
This is what constant bombardment of stimulation does to your mind.

>> No.3417274

How do you fix it?

>> No.3417277
File: 841 KB, 772x513, shitty beg doodls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.3417283

By thinking for yourself.

>> No.3417286

stop rendering like the shit you do in your IG and do more stuff like >>3417045

>> No.3417299

I don't really like drawing anime tho :/

>> No.3417319
File: 521 KB, 809x701, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3417323

nightmare material

>> No.3417326

lmao post your work

>> No.3417329

Draw some circles (just circles)
And post them please

>> No.3417333

My crit for you would be to learn perspective.
Draw boxes and learn some basic anatomy for the face.
Like the eyes are meant to be in the middle.
Your linework is pretty good. and your shading is goof for the beginning.
The eyes are heavily symbol drawing tier.
I would reco. you this

>> No.3417350

funny, thats what I tried to do for framed perspective, then the guy mentioned something about exercises midway, at which point I realized I was supposed to follow along with the examples. I told myself I would restart the book and actually do the exercises, then ended up not touching it again. I'll probably get back into it this summer though.

w-what do you want... I don't really have a blog


really expressive, I like it

>> No.3417355
File: 45 KB, 770x304, Image001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A small wacom ended up falling into my hands, decided to try and do some of the Loomis stuff.

Is using layers a crutch? I think if I were to make this a hobby I'd always focus on cartoony/goofy stuff so this book is kinda nice.

>> No.3417360

>Is using layers a crutch?
Only if your going overboard with it.

>> No.3417363
File: 17 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20180506_221659_171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the perspective is why the eye placement is wrong? Idk, either way I hated fun with pencil and I'm reading keys and perspective made easy with a bit of head and hands.

Lmao I guess it's worse than I thought. I still learned a lot.

>> No.3417365
File: 94 KB, 1296x735, aylmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very good, technically sound.

>> No.3417367

very good. Technically sound

>> No.3417376

I'm going to begin every crit with "It looks good, on paper. "

>> No.3417412

Recently I can't get over this feeling of drawing better than I am
Like, every morning I wake up with this sort of panic sort of resignation that yesterday was a fluke and I won't be able to replicate it again for months
Once I actually get to drawing I forget it again, but damn, when I can't draw for a while I feel genuinely nauseous

>> No.3417419
File: 107 KB, 1095x685, roundVScornery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im trying lineart. Which one is more appealing?

I like the legs and upper body more in the right version, but butt is better in the left one.

>> No.3417423

the lines on the right look a lot more wobbly/scratchy.

The left just loks cleaner.

>> No.3417427

This angular kind of linework only works if you know your anatomy
Warning: knowing one muscle per limb is not knowing your anatomy

>> No.3417446

Thank you for the feedback.

>> No.3417482
File: 827 KB, 1152x1955, drawan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking marker ejaculated and fucked one up.

>> No.3417494
File: 1.35 MB, 1543x2873, lass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3417517
File: 321 KB, 732x1000, megara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3417523
File: 393 KB, 1432x1488, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at 11.04.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3417560
File: 242 KB, 640x1088, IMG_6995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I practice to get this good at drawing cyberpunk/mecha?

>> No.3417571

Does anyone itt do digital 3d art? I'm curious on it

>> No.3417572

Perspective, anatomy, shading, the basics pretty much. Then practice drawing complex machinery.

>> No.3417593

Try making your light source more defined.
The top shading implies the light is coming from in front of her slightly from the left, whereas the shading on her butt is coming from behind her.

>> No.3417658
File: 50 KB, 756x1008, rsz_20180507_161352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting better, I think. The very top one is the latest.

>> No.3417709

Okay? But where's the rest of the head?

>> No.3417720

>hurr why isn't he drawing everything when he's studying eyes

>> No.3417722

Torso too short, left lower arm should "overlap" with the upper arm more (draw in the upper arm covered by the lower arm, you can't without making it absurdly wide/curved)
I'd ask what you were going for with the cloth on her upper left, but it seems you don't know either.
Right lower arm too short (presumably a mismeasurement due to your short torso)
Hair successfully reminded me of those old cartoons in ancient greece

>> No.3417726

You don't want to see me drawing an entire head at this point anon. Trust me.

>> No.3417807

Hey, thanks!

>> No.3417810
File: 53 KB, 300x221, deerfromref1 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3417837

Look up Charles Burgue plates on eyes and do a master study on them.

What you will learn there will improve your eyes ten fold.

>> No.3417849

Not that anon, but what does "master study" imply?

>> No.3417858

It's a study of a master's work.

I'm on it, thank you. Looks promising.

>> No.3417868

Mostlly a 1:1 recreation of a master's work, trying to understand the mindset as hard as you can.

The plates I'm talking about will teach you what lines are most important for drawing the eye and more importantly for me; what lines are NOT important. I used to draw too many lines and no matter what I did my eyes looked god awful, then I tried removing some lines like I saw in Charles plates and it clicked.

I'm not very good, I'm still in /beg/ for a reason but there was improvement.

>> No.3417883

I know an artist that was mostly self taught for decades who draws beautifully but has that same feeling. It's because a lot of what he does is based on intuition and instinct instead of precise foundations that he can refer to. It's never failed him when he begins drawing, but he always dreads starting, just in case he can't do it again.

>> No.3417889

does key to drawing help with copying things i see or am i just wasting my time and should go to another book. I have a problem were i can't copy stuff 100% o even 10%

>> No.3417892

Just do this entire course starting from this video.

>> No.3417896


>> No.3417899

that's exactly what I needed anon, thanks for spending your time for this feedback. Yeah, I completely fucked up the cloth on the upper left.
thanks a lot

>> No.3417905
File: 167 KB, 1954x3039, IMG_0540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the 4th time i've ever drawn in my life, please rate it and suggest improvements.

>> No.3417932

you didn't think when you did this but made it in randomness. learn loomis and go to sticky and learn/ get the free books

>> No.3418024

Where the fuck do I start? Every single "beginner" book I've tried throws you in at the deep end.

>> No.3418038

keys to drawing. idk what books you've tried but they're usually pretty good.

>> No.3418042

explain. which ones did you do? how did you feel overwhelmed? imo they’re pretty self explanatory for the most part

>> No.3418063

i had this book for a year and never opened it. I always wanted to know what made this book so good and useful so why not ask now. What does this book teach you and will it let me copy pictures realistically or something

>> No.3418067

I wouldn't exactly call a work that tells you to produce a new drawing in a master's style in the second chapter to be really aimed at beginners.

>> No.3418071

You're a fucking retard

>> No.3418077

It literally teaching you the most basic fundamentals of drawing. I've used it from being an absolute beginner and I'm enjoying it.

The idea behind emulating a master is to get in to the mind of one, even beginners can learn something from emulating masters. It's absolutely a beginners book, it begins by teaching you LITERALLY how to draw any basic object. No perspective, no shading, no bullshit, just what you should be thinking about when drawing lines.

Just read it for fuck sake.

>> No.3418079
File: 263 KB, 1000x1000, BEG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3418081

Do you have examples of your work before reading Keys? I'm interested to see what you consider an "absolute beginner".

>> No.3418086
File: 15 KB, 240x304, 1oUtI1n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are going to make it, just keep practicing and get frustrated then overcome that frustration! That is the real talent.

>> No.3418089
File: 219 KB, 756x1008, rsz_20180507_203639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do you one better. Here's my shitty attempt at emulating a master's style, as asked by the project in keys.

The aim isn't to produce a good looking work, it's to try and think how a master would, and to get you trying to study masters, because it's a well known way to improve.

Go read the damn book.

>> No.3418095

i'm intrusted in seeing more work from your time with keys to drawing if you don't mind. i am invested in this and looking at art is making me want to read it too

>> No.3418097

whats your artwork look like after keys and why does your art from far away look like a female version of I Know That Feel Bro meme

>> No.3418100

connection error...

>> No.3418102 [DELETED] 
File: 2.06 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_20180507_180831_680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't finished it. im in /beg/ for a reason. i just know that it's helped me. i wouldnt defend it if i didn't find the first chapter so enlightening from the perspective of someone who's never drawn much. if you read and apply what he says, and if you enjoy drawing you'll get something from it. im not about to post everything ive ever drawn.

>> No.3418108
File: 2.06 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_20180507_180831_680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't finished it. im in /beg/ for a reason. i just know that it's helped me. i wouldnt defend it if i didn't find the first chapter so enlightening from the perspective of someone who's never drawn much. if you read and apply what he says, and if you enjoy drawing you'll get something from it. im not about to post everything ive ever drawn.

>> No.3418111

Can you please tell this to me too ? >>3416578

>> No.3418117

>never drawn much
And that's the problem. As someone who pretty much hasn't drawn a single thing since they were around 7, it's like being thrown completely in the deep end.

>> No.3418119

learn perspective will yuh

>> No.3418121

I hadn't drawn since I was like 9 years old. Can you hurry up and get over yourself, you're going to draw like shit. Same as I did. Just do it. I'm done trying to convince you at this point. You're never gonna make it, stop sulking and start drawing.

>> No.3418124

Then fucking draw for 2 hours and catch up to all those supreme shitters you're so jealous of.

>> No.3418129
File: 113 KB, 898x1200, DHZXt42U0AAsQkG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga just draw. Books won't teach you how to draw, only putting pen to paper will. It's 90% drawing, 10% other shit (like books).

>> No.3418155
File: 54 KB, 228x300, deerfromref2 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3418170

what the hell is going on with all these lines?

>> No.3418175
File: 122 KB, 984x1124, 2018-05-07-222156_984x1124_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3418189
File: 186 KB, 560x568, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this page a whore?

>> No.3418192

im trying to measure properly but im retarded, the lines are to mark out measurements.

>> No.3418239

Ok, I see that now. If it helps you that's cool, but you should get rid of some of the lines before posting the the drawing.

It's hard to pick up any mistakes with all them lines around. And it's equally hard to see all the good parts.

>> No.3418284
File: 1.85 MB, 1280x1280, Girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's it lookin anons

>> No.3418330

Nigga. Make a blog. I told you to make a blog. Where is the blog?

>> No.3418365

not too good anon

>> No.3418372

help :(

>> No.3418377




>> No.3418428

That is the good-good.

>> No.3419247

Any other books other than perspective made easy made on that topic? got really interested in perspective and would like to broaden my knowledge. Other books including Mechanical perspective and other methods to render objects in different ways appreciated too.

>> No.3419647

I like this a lot.
Obviously it's very rough, but the style is something dreamlike and fluid, symbolic, meaning heavy.

>> No.3419695

scott robertson how to draw

>> No.3420538
File: 1.66 MB, 3264x2448, CD45D9C8-E77A-4AF4-8C0B-F80A3ACE063B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it better to sketch anatomy and learn from sketching or learn the exact details and then try tim sketch? It’s took me 45 mins I draw these basic forms and they’re not correct I already know that so should i learn details and then sketch?

>> No.3420922
File: 86 KB, 945x520, aaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone please tell me of some way to figure out the perspective? my art starts looking god awful whenever i try to make it more dynamic by adding perspective, and i have no idea how to learn this.

>> No.3421203


>> No.3421254

Goddamn my construction is complete trash
I don't know where to even begin on a page
this is driving me fucking crazy, why is this so infuriating?