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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 433 KB, 903x1196, 1525012190645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3406877 No.3406877 [Reply] [Original]

Remember to keep drawing and submit everyday!

Last thread >>3402811


>Submit your artwork everyday (or your prefered frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)

Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. It helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. May it rest in pieces.

Lava who? What is w? who are lassies?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potientially dead by surgery. May he rest in peace.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. May he rest in pieces.
>Current dad: banana.

The official discord:


This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:


This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:


Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attention

>> No.3406885


>> No.3406892


>> No.3406896
File: 16 KB, 350x350, FortheCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good cat.

>> No.3406898

mama i want a second cat

>> No.3406904

I just want to put this out there.

I know I'm an awful artist, and I'm not a great developer either (pretty sure it's not imposter syndrome).

Thus, if anyone does create a clearly superior alternative to my site, I am fully willing to step down. You deserve the best.

But unless that happens, I'll do my best to make sure DAD is as good as it can be. This project has always meant a lot to me.

>> No.3406908

Don't step down if someone makes another site, otherwise we'll get a W Lava situation, just keep it up regardless.
You're a good banana, and shriney is a good cat, it's going good now.

>> No.3406917


>> No.3406918


> w and lava situation

Could you elaborate? I was gone from las for a 6 month stretch. By the time I was back, DED was the only site.

>> No.3406924
File: 1.45 MB, 1800x2550, LAS Calendar 2018-04-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A situation when W setup DED while Lava was AWOL, Lava came back, then DED was shutdown and Lava's return was used as a reason to not bother bringing DED back up, then Lava went AWOL again soon after anyway, bring us back to square one.
(Refer to pic related, 2016 October to November)

>> No.3406937

Why do we draw? There are so many amazing artists out there, and we are but a drop in a lake, while the greats are in the clouds. There are many out there more capable than you, but that's not the point. What matters is that you're doing it, and they aren't. You draw to realize what's in your mind. Getting good is only part of the journey. Same thing with developing the site. It's a small community project that a professional can pull off effortlessly. But none came forth to do it for such a small community, with little to no recognition in for it. Some may complain, heck, even I complained, but know that very few of us have the courage to sacrifice our time and effort for the betterment of the community.

It's a selfless and sometimes thankless endeavor, but know that it impacts the lives of others in small but meaningful ways. DAD has reinvigorated my passion for art. You have my sincere thanks.

>> No.3406940

For a piece of fruit, you have so much heart Banana. Thank you for the site, don't let the crabs get you down.

>> No.3406946
File: 1.08 MB, 320x240, 565654634677346346.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your doing great banana keep it up

>> No.3406959

You never gave me shit for furshit so I vote you everytime OwO

>> No.3406965

Thanks, everyone.

I'm going to rest up today and get some good shit in development for you tomorrow.

>> No.3406968

thanks banana

>> No.3406996

Man, FUCK these boxes!

>> No.3406997

can I stop drawing boxes yet daddy??

>> No.3407015

MAMA i want to go draw boxes. peeing.

>> No.3407060

It was just one guy shitposting, you're doing great honestly and I'm sure everyone here does appreciate.

>> No.3407075

You can rest when you'll finish your submission.

>> No.3407139

I've finished registering all the territories for the risk map, and there's 1371 in total, which means the map has been almost conquered twice over if I tell the expansion function to seek out unclaimed land if it's available. Some users might end up constantly try to take each other's land though if I don't, so I think there's gonna be plenty of space left over after I run in the 2000 submissions we have so far.

What do you guys think - when a user expands to nearby land, should they prioritize unclaimed land, claimed land or be unbiased? Potentially this could be set per user, either as a setting in dad or saying so in thread.

Also, if someone want to start a specific place in the world or have a specific color, reply to this message with it and your name and I'll save that for you. Everyone else will be assigned a random location and a random unique color. If you lose all your land, you'll start again somewhere unclaimed randomly (if there's any unclaimed left, if there's not, you'll just be placed somewhere at random). The map I'm using: https://a.pomf.cat/ktyjej.png 4chan didn't let me upload it for some reason. The area between Europe and America is Atlantis.

Currently I'm linking the land together, so that they know what their borders are, which they can expand to. I'm done with north and south america so far (There's 321 territories there with 860 borders).

>> No.3407145

Just wait until we get to the part where we are drawing things INSIDE the boxes.

>> No.3407149

can you post somewhere how this all works/how you gain territories etc

>> No.3407150

oh noooooooooo

>> No.3407151


>> No.3407154

It's gonna be pretty simple. Every time you post on dad.gallery, you gain 1 territory. Eventually I'll add option for people to group together into houses if there's interest, but same deal, just post on dad and this goes automatic. It's retroactive, so everything you post now before it's done will also count.

>> No.3407157

I want atlantis

>> No.3407160

I just tried to post a random image, I think image uploading is broken at the moment

>> No.3407161

Is there even space for everyone?

>> No.3407162

How do I get niche on my side?

>> No.3407163

>1371 territories
>less than 100 users
might be

>> No.3407165

>The area between Europe and America is Atlantis.
Lol, did you really need to explain that?

>> No.3407167

>1371 territories
>over 2400 submissions
probably not

>> No.3407168

what side is your side

>> No.3407169

Anyone else feel like they're stuck? I don't have much time to draw, but this feeling of not improving at all is driving me crazy.
And every time I try to just concentrate on getting better at one thing (perspective, anatomy, animals etc.) I end up panicking because I feel like I should get better at everything at the same time.

>> No.3407170

how do I get niche to be my gf?

>> No.3407171

Not really, no.

>> No.3407172

Isn't that kind of a bad idea? It just encourages spamming submissions rather than editing them into one submission to avoid clutter.

>> No.3407175

Could be limited to your streak, so once per day. Probably will to avoid people posting and deleting anyways.

>> No.3407176


>> No.3407189

What's the point then?

There needs to be a system where people can "win" more than others, else I don't see the value in it.

Otherwise it would just be very static.

>> No.3407191

b urself

>> No.3407193

Well, the only other option is for people to submit how many hours they spend on their submissions.

It could be that the idea just sucks, but we'll find out. I'm just trying things out.

>> No.3407194

Co-ordinate attempts to conquer other people's claimed territories
Co-ordinate attempts to defend territories
I dunno, as to how that'll actually happen, maybe group random people into houses, and people that are actually active in the threads can make the decision of which house they join themselves, and of each house whoever's active ITTs can co-ordinate the efforts of the entire house while users than don't actively participate in the game ITTs will just be on autopilot following the whims of whoever's in charge of the house

>> No.3407196


>> No.3407201


>> No.3407203


>> No.3407209


>> No.3407210


>> No.3407216
File: 34 KB, 465x399, moecry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W took down the site- on purpose- TWICE. It doesn't matter if we get someone as skilled as he was to make a better site. It all means shit when they up and leave. We trust YOU, banana

>> No.3407217


>> No.3407224

Who is this qt pa2t

>> No.3407226

it's a boy, do you still want to know?

>> No.3407228

it's how anon looks irl, it's their self-portrait

>> No.3407229

I was drawing every day for a couple weeks with no issue, and now i cant draw anything all of a sudden. i just keep thinking about how i dont want to go to work tomorrow, i hate it. i hate working at a desk all day only to come home and sit for a few more hours- even if its to do something i love. ive been more and more distracted at my job lately, getting less done. every sunday night im trapped in despair

>> No.3407231


Nice, wish I was 2d

>> No.3407232

having a job sounds horrible

>> No.3407237

remember you have your job because youre not good enough to make it in art yet. Without your hustle you cannot support your side hustle. Both are important.

>> No.3407260


>> No.3407265

>on the feet all day job or sit down at a desk all day job

>> No.3407272


>> No.3407273


>> No.3407279

A cubicle desk job was the only job that broke me mentally and made me cry and it was only for 4 months co-op. Legit it was terrible, I feel for you.

>> No.3407289


>> No.3407291

Glad I didn't join the isis challenge.
Been drawing some heads and I'm having a lot of fun.

Though I'm still too anxious to draw my own head.

Keep it up guys!

>> No.3407295

these boxes are spanking my ass

>> No.3407299

>all these people who joined the mech challenge but can't do box rotations

>> No.3407301


>> No.3407341

my copic multiliner ran out of ink on day 3 of isis fuk

>> No.3407343

i have made a terrible mistake

>> No.3407347

I just wanted to get out of my comfort zone I'm sorry ;_;

>> No.3407349

My cunt looks completely deformed

>> No.3407357

It's in pen and the way he describes how to do it sets you up for failure. If I used pencil, ballpoint or digital it would be easy to do. Pen only sucks because if you eyeball it wrong or accidentally curve your line it fucks it all up.

>> No.3407358

BE MY IRL GF!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3407365

I want to strangle ISIS

>> No.3407367


>> No.3407375

I want to become one with the box

>> No.3407377
File: 35 KB, 500x370, be the box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3407379


>> No.3407380

>tfw Squidward was actually a crab all along

>> No.3407381

>not having a draw full of extras

ish allah

>> No.3407401

dab was a mistake

>> No.3407403

get out of my house

>> No.3407429

I've created a monster

>> No.3407440

I may hate drawabox from the bottom of my heart, but if you think I'm gonna let him win...

>> No.3407450

>tfw ISIS literally JUST FUCKed MY SHIT UP

>> No.3407453


>> No.3407454

my stuff looks like dogshit, guess I gotta do 2-3 more hours of isis practice or I'm gonna fail

>> No.3407457

>2-3 hours
You mean a hundred more hours.

>> No.3407459

Do do the challenges (250 box challenge etc.) for the DrawABox Challenge?

>> No.3407460

for this particular one part, prob gonna keep doing each part again along with each days new one

>> No.3407461

Do we do*?

>> No.3407463

yes...space yourself and dont kys and you'll do fine.

>> No.3407466

Should we omit the treasure chest challenge?

>> No.3407467

I want to drop this dab bs but I don't want to miss the badge, I want to die

>> No.3407470

I'm dreading that challenge ;____________________; hnoly shit who thought this was a good idea

>> No.3407471

N-niche n-no...

>> No.3407473


>> No.3407474

This person.
"This is really for myself" challenge
Trying to get himself a free badge.

>> No.3407477

It isn't free if you have to work for it.

>> No.3407478

>tsukubacircuit is back

>> No.3407481

Do we ban people from getting the badge if they don't do the challenges? I don't want to make this a super tryhard thing, but at the same time I don't want to do everything and get the badge but also have someone that just submitted to the challenge every day also get the badge.

>> No.3407484

Challenges are super tryhard things. It's impossible to collect all the badges. If you challenge yourself too much. It's inevitable to fail eventually.

>> No.3407486

What a happy day!

>> No.3407487

>The goal is to do every lesson on draw a box (except part four). That includes the challenge lessons.

Badge description:
>The artist has completed all the lessons on the Draw-A-Box website.

>> No.3407494

Just do it. It's not worth it.

>> No.3407500

holy fucking shit hirofucker stop fucking up the fucking website

>> No.3407501

I don't get it. What happened?

>> No.3407505

>we are only 1/10th the way through
>this was only the baby lesson
come on guys

>> No.3407506

The more that drop the rarer the badge. Is this your master plan?

>> No.3407507

>tfw most people don't even get passed 1/10th of DAB and then complain about how bad it is

>> No.3407508

try to post an image

>> No.3407510

I fucked up my submission, can I delete the extra one?

>> No.3407513

No. You have to admit though. It's surprising there haven't been many mess ups in the past. Nearly 2500 submissions and probably less than ten.

>> No.3407517

not yet, you can post your name here and banana will probably notice it when he checks the thread, or you can email him or message him on discord

>> No.3407520

[topic hell PTSD flashback sequence]

>> No.3407521

I'm Menes. Posted my self portrait without checking the challenge box, and had to upload it again.

>> No.3407522

watch your back, someone's been killing flawless daddies and you're likely next on their list

>> No.3407533

nice rack

>> No.3407538

The later stuff is fine, it's just this early bs. Dynamic sketching had a good format and pacing, no need for DAB to add 250 box "challenges" and stuff like that ruining the flow and killing motivation before you actually draw stuff. In Dynamic Sketching the idea was by following the method you naturally improve your fundamentals, rather than grinding stuff before you actually use it so none of it really sticks and you don't see how it applies.

>> No.3407540

Forgive me if this has been discussed before...
But what do you guys think of comments on the site, enabling you to leave comments on individual submissions?
Do you think it's a good idea, or do you think that rather it's better for people to comment on individual submissions within the threads?

>> No.3407543

within threads seemed to be the general consensus

>> No.3407544

I used to think it would be nice, but now I don't really care.

>> No.3407553

I guess it could be useful to prevent excess dicksucking on the thread. Papa is back and all...

>> No.3407562

get to work lads
>This exercise is best done between lessons 1 and 2.

>> No.3407580

what is a box

>> No.3407582

A miserable little pile of torture.

>> No.3407583

>250 box challenge
>inside of the Draw A Box challenge
>challenge within another challenge
Why do you do this?

>> No.3407584

>yfw 2 apple challenges easily makes up the prestige for 1 dab challenge

>> No.3407585

Petition to bump up dab challenge prestige when?

>> No.3407587

no no no, anons signed up for this hell knowing what rewards they'd get from it, now revel in it

>> No.3407589

>1. Lesson 1
>2. 250 Box Challenge
>3. Advanced Box Exercises
>4. 250 Cylinder Challenge
>5. Lesson 2
This is all the stuff you're supposed to do before lesson 2. Then after lesson 2, you do the 100 treasure chest challenge.

>> No.3407592

Yeah ok I'm gonna die

>> No.3407598

I wanna fuck that box

>> No.3407600

Which? The 145th box or the 176th one?

>> No.3407604


>> No.3407605

>We are temporarily not accepting image uploads while the image server repairs itself. In the meantime, we are a BBS!
This board is now kill. What do, /dad/.

>> No.3407609

I'm going to sleep to prepare my body for tomorrow so I don't feel too much pain getting boxes shoved up my ass

>> No.3407613

Since the requirements are somewhat vague, I think it's best to assume everyone is required to complete every challenge and make an honest effort to study the material beyond that.

I've seen some people skip lesson 1 completely and I don't think it's necessary to force people to repeat subject matter they don't feel will benefit them.

For future reference, I think making a challenge out of an entire "course" is a bad idea. You'd have to specifically outline a course plan for every day if you want to make it work.

>> No.3407618

I thought it was an okay idea. If you have nothing else to do and want to do a challenge, then this was it. You get exposure to something you may not be used to and don't even need to complete all of them. Just to try them all out and get a feel. You also aren't locked to anything each day and can go at your own pace. This challenge isn't really something you should go beyond though, it's one in which you should stay close to what it strictly teaches you or else you'll end up burning time very quickly.

>> No.3407622

yeah I just assumed 1 exercise per day and one offs, but I doubt I can manage both 250 challenges so I can do lesson 2 exercise 1 by tomorrows submit, maybe I can manage the boxes but not the cylinders, got work/gym

>> No.3407624

Do you all ever stop and think about how awesome it is that we can alll be connected, and working hard together? I’m super excited to look back on these times 10 years from now and learn which of us are workin together, and how awesome some of your art is going to be. We’ve all got to keep doing our best to be the next generation of artists that younger people idolize. I finish my drawings with a smile on my face knowing that as long as we keep working hard, everything will turn out okay, no doubt about it.

>> No.3407627
File: 329 KB, 1920x1080, 261d9a9161e549c2d0e29458ba33ba85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone please explain me how this works?

>> No.3407630

The 250 challenges are the easiest part. It sounds like a lot, but it really isn't. You'll likely need less time to draw 250 boxes than one of the later exercises.

>> No.3407637

I'll try my best and stay up then, I've been struggling tho

>> No.3407641
File: 2.09 MB, 1512x1512, happy at last.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless you and your optimism anon. I only look at the future with trepidation, but I suppose you're right. After all, Mullins and Jaime Jones and all used to post together on Sijun, Algenpfleger and Dave Rapoza and everyone on ConceptArt.org. Maybe in 5 or 10 years time, some of us will be giants, only time will tell.

The picture, or LAS/DAD?

>> No.3407659

Strength through adversity. The strongest steel is forged by the fires of boxes.

>> No.3407662


>> No.3407719
File: 766 KB, 974x968, 41 flawless dads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor niche. Anons trying to make her their gf were too distracting to draw.

>> No.3407733

Don't forget to do an selfcritiqe before you start doing a 250 box challenge:

>> No.3407748

is it too autistic to grid out my pages for the 250 boxes?

>> No.3407751

No, but it'll take a long time. An extra 5 minute at the very least.

>> No.3407819

Not sure if helpful but u can do a dark grid underneath the page and it might show through

>> No.3407822

cylinders isn't required now, just before lesson 6, stayed up for nothing aaaaaaaaa

>> No.3407823

The whole DaD experience please.

>> No.3407867

>tfw struggling with getting boxes exactly right
>feels like moving on from this point is useless if can't even get a simple box right
This challenge is quite a burden on your self-esteem, but this probably isn't any simple box. It's a box that's straightness has to be free handed and has to fit in perspective by successfully estimating out the vanishing points by eye.

>> No.3407882

We can all make it

>> No.3407889

>Papa is back wwwwwwwwwwwwwee

>> No.3407892

rip, also I swear niche was a dude

>> No.3407896

nah niche is a girl

>> No.3407898

A dead girl

>> No.3407899

What a good news!
Am i happy because i wag my tail?
Or do i wag my tail because i'm happy?

>> No.3407919

It’s useful for any skill level, so don’t sweat it

>> No.3407927
File: 605 KB, 485x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw finally done with lesson 1

>> No.3407929

my own relief was quickly snuffed out by the 250 box challenge

>> No.3407939

>half of participants have yet to post their selfies
you better post em

>> No.3407973

I'm trying to grow out my neckbeard first just for you

>> No.3407975

I did some drawabox in the past, should I redo it?

>> No.3407999

tsubaki when are you going to share your "ref" folder wink wink

>> No.3408018


>> No.3408032
File: 151 KB, 500x592, 1524895257316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love your thumbnails Bandit

>> No.3408055
File: 40 KB, 533x276, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3408070

Wait so do we have to do the 250 boxes or no?

>> No.3408072


>> No.3408115
File: 113 KB, 640x480, loomis laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completionists stuck in dabbing hell

>> No.3408120

If everyone quits, no one gets the badge or has to dab anymore. Mass elimination when??

>> No.3408133

When you ask yourself if your drawing is okay, it’s just a reminder that it is not.
A head is not drawn until you can feel the unseen side.
Know thy self, know thy enemies taste. A thousand artworks, a thousand victories.
Photography is an immediate reaction, drawing is a meditation.
Your whole drawing skill shows in your face and you should be proud of that.

>> No.3408157
File: 118 KB, 450x262, IMG_9843.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stay strong box-chans, if you don't believe in yourself, who will believe in you?

>> No.3408191

my boxes are IMPROVING

>> No.3408203
File: 96 KB, 600x592, dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3408207
File: 128 KB, 230x211, 1504899138013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mond you a qt be my gf

>> No.3408208


>> No.3408214

that's really fuckin cute femmipoo damn

>> No.3408217


>> No.3408221

>gf begging

Portrait challenge was a mistake

>> No.3408223

>tfw no qt daddy gf uhh

>> No.3408228

Please lets all an hero from this hell

>> No.3408233

dab on them haters

>> No.3408234

manual eliminations if you don't submit the 250 boxes today hype?

>> No.3408235
File: 71 KB, 700x700, Sad Lulu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw noone asks you to be their gf

>> No.3408238

oh no no non on on nooo

>> No.3408252

How long does it take you to draw 1 box in the 250 boxes challenge?

>> No.3408257

I did but she said I was much too tall

>> No.3408258

*éjacule dans le fil*

>> No.3408259

I've never drawn before the past week aside scribbles in middleschool, first one took 2 mins, down to about 45 seconds now at #40 90% of that is trying to imagine the vp's

>> No.3408268
File: 110 KB, 396x469, 1459730264707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw your traditional lines have gotten shitty because you have used tablet too long.

>> No.3408269

you have until the 31st...chill or youll end up getting eliminated by fatigue.

>> No.3408270

niche is a dude, he’s posted his manly chest before

>> No.3408272
File: 39 KB, 360x350, 412BC7E0-6EE7-47E8-B828-61275B84CBCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for saying it anon

>> No.3408274

Hey you!
(for forza)


>> No.3408277

noooo wtf its not fair 23:30 club bros

>> No.3408278
File: 33 KB, 500x333, 55f987d85844aa447127b30fd54c3535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vote housecats

>> No.3408280

23:30 was eliminated. we forza now

>> No.3408294

Are you cute?

>> No.3408314

What is this?

>> No.3408317

are people on some sekkrit dab schedule from the discord? is no one starting lesson 2 today?

>> No.3408318

someone from the discord was a smallbrain smoothbrain and posted the strawpoll for our house challenge in the thread for whatever reason, ignore it

>> No.3408321

why did u die?

>> No.3408322

Please be my sweet animeposting gf

>> No.3408324

I drew but forgot to post it cause i started doin homework for college and lost track of time

i'll be back

>> No.3408348

I'd gladly have you as my gf, i-if you're into girls

>> No.3408351


>> No.3408353
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3408354


>> No.3408355


>> No.3408356
File: 78 KB, 483x589, 1486508457040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just dm me on discord and be a comfy person

>> No.3408358

>tfw no qt lesbian gf

>> No.3408387

I'm not on discord but my general plan was this:

>lesson 1
>250 boxes
>lesson 2
>texture challenge

Then what ever. Just made sense to put all the box stuff together.

>> No.3408388

dab suggests doing 250 box before lesson 2

>> No.3408393

I'm drawing boxes in the bus stop. This is starting to affect me

>> No.3408394

Papa is back???? what timeline is this

>> No.3408398

Papa unmasked. Good to see you gain.

>> No.3408402

>been drawing boxes non-stop for 4 hours
>barely over 100 done
fuck my life

>> No.3408405

Draw box until it is perfect, then draw the next box. One perfect box leads to another. If you can see flaws, do not count the box.

>> No.3408409


Only the prophet uncomfortable can judge what a perfect box is.

>> No.3408417

this box challenge is bullshit. i dont feel i learned anything

>> No.3408421

huh forgot the trip. what a failure.

>> No.3408426

This box challenge is great. I feel that I learned a lot.

>> No.3408428

We need to stop ISIS.

>> No.3408437

I'm gay.

>> No.3408438

i'm sleepy

>> No.3408450

A perfect box has equidistant lengths in any perspective.

A perfect box lives outside the boundaries of our awareness

All hail box

>> No.3408452 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 600x800, 1376834952723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you guys joined the challenge? why did you thought drawing fucking boxes non-stop would be useful?

>> No.3408453


>> No.3408454
File: 177 KB, 500x400, 1441823038901.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you guys joined the challenge? why did you thought drawing fucking boxes non-stop would be useful?

>> No.3408456

Why did you upload the wrong picture and delete your post?

>> No.3408464


>design an ISIS training camp
>choose where to put the buildings, the sleeping quarters for trainees, the supply stores and vehicles
>much fun
>winners get their design created in real life afghanistan

>> No.3408469


>> No.3408475

why did you leave hellcat you were the chosen one

>> No.3408492
File: 102 KB, 800x450, 9BEC1B65-A483-4C6D-B4E0-3FF3813B6EFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..why’d you have to do it

>> No.3408493

Boxes always useful!

>> No.3408499

>be a comfy person

>> No.3408503

>tfw now you think niche is kuro

>> No.3408530

>be bad at drawing
wtf why

>> No.3408532

kringlefkr, what's a kringle and why are you a fucker of it?

>> No.3408559

So I can be good.

>> No.3408565
File: 106 KB, 650x450, 03138_3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a homestuck reference. "Kringlefucker" is the name of this shitty christmas tree. i think kringle is like, one of the versions of the name of santa claus, "chris kringle"

and i don't know why im the fucker of it, honestly this all started out as a joke but its been going on for so long i don't remember how it started.

>> No.3408566

I joined the draw a box challenge to get better at drawing for the mecha challenge.

>> No.3408568

The badge is one of the coolest ones there are so far. What the challenge had to do with was of no importance.

>> No.3408569

are you stealing my art gains?
y-you monster...

>> No.3408571
File: 53 KB, 728x546, aid610834-v4-728px-Vomit-While-Driving-Step-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3408572
File: 380 KB, 499x349, brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3408574

that's some interesting lore!

>> No.3408618


>> No.3408631

fucking kek

>> No.3408658

i think i hit my limit
can't keep this up anymore
i-i'm out...

>> No.3408665

how can i be ur gf, when i dont know your name, ah-nah-nih-mus

>> No.3408668

n g m i

>> No.3408676
File: 343 KB, 700x700, 1482001229334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3408698
File: 87 KB, 394x358, ズッキューン.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3408699

You fucking retard now a bunch of idiots that aren't even in it will vote.

>> No.3408703

French wine is like piss you give to your mother after you tell her you're leaving her at the adult day care to go boxing with your DAD bros.

>> No.3408709


>> No.3408729

>tfw will never have a qt daddy gf lay with me in bed, turn to me and whisper this in my ear

>> No.3408745
File: 112 KB, 1920x1200, 1311709866864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3408749

>when you see it

>> No.3408753

damn dab is really fucking jerry up ;_;

>> No.3408767

hey man really good work with the site. I really like it and sice joining my motivation and discipline has been getting better. Thank you so much. BTW, I don't mean to sound rude, but what if you practice more drawing on paper? Doing pretty lines in PS or even MS Paint as you use it is such a hassle and it makes me so angry, maybe paper will be more confortable with smoother lines. Your color pencil stuff looks very nice as well.

>> No.3408773


Thanks for the support, mate.

Honestly, don't read too much into my practice at this point. It's mostly 30 min - hour stuff to preserve my streak, since the site is taking up most of my attention, but the effort in it is sincere.
Once patch v1.0 hits, I'll be freed up to go ham on my work. And that'll involve the continuation of my perspective lessons with a pivot into life drawing and how to actually use digital.

>> No.3408802

In hungry. I want to eat but I have to finish this damn dab.

>> No.3408803

>tfw niche did a drawing and a personal message along with it

>> No.3408807

In the mean time, Jeremias is absolutely destroying it like he always does.

>> No.3408809

yeah, he's gone above and beyond what it's asked

>> No.3408811

I'm getting confused between jeremias and jerry

>> No.3408816

Yes this holy shit you're so good

>> No.3408846
File: 56 KB, 407x575, man with gun in mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3408851

>being this weak
Can't wait until there's an even more difficult challenge. Design challenges are usually always the most difficult ones though.

>> No.3408853

>draw entire book in 24 hours
thing would've killed a few completionists.

>> No.3408855

no eliminations? good job daddies!

>> No.3408856


>> No.3408857

>all those eliminations
>every flawless also got the new badge

>> No.3408858


>> No.3408861

It's been almost a month. The eliminations are now coming in.

>> No.3408865

There's 5 people eliminated tho?

>> No.3408872

That's no challenge. That's a blatant lie.

>> No.3408877
File: 15 KB, 225x225, anna spray bottle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agemonogatari managed to post so early on the next day that it enacted a bug in the script where he would not have his next submission counted.

I know why the bug happens, and am working on fixing it. For now, I have manually intervened so that he doesn't get fucked out of his next point.

>> No.3408881

Isn't paper collage just a bunch of flat colors together, menes

>> No.3408912

thank you banana!

>> No.3408913

>2 more dead flawless
RIP Nile and Finlay

>> No.3408983

Ohh, I see, it's okay. Hopefully everything will go well with the site and you won't get too many bugs! Good job, and thanks again.

>> No.3409077

Someone update the group pic pls

>> No.3409092

Thank you anon, I'm glad you like it!

>> No.3409109


But doctor ... I *am* Pagliacci!

>> No.3409141

Nile and Finlay got killed by ISIS.
They didn't last even a month and thus, they've lost their status of a「FLAWLESS DADDY」

When you have a shitty internet connection, avatars don't show up and it looks like nobody got eliminated.

>> No.3409142
File: 769 KB, 974x968, 39 flawless dads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, forgot pic

>> No.3409145

Now that's a lot of crosses.

>> No.3409147

Eventually I may be able to surpass the flawless.

>> No.3409166
File: 128 KB, 1366x768, end_of_evangelion_instrumentality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now that's a lot of crosses.

Anywhere can be paradise if you have the will to live.

>> No.3409170

I don't think it was getting better at boxes, I just understood how to use a pen for straight lines. Everything is a lie

>> No.3409175

I understood it. By drawing boxes you begin to realize that depending on where the vanishing point is, you draw more converging lines where as if it's a far vanishing point, they're near parallel. You begin to see the patterns and limitations of the box. How far you can push it to the extreme with a close vanishing point and how to normalize it by placing it far, but not too far that you can't ghost back to the original starting point. All of this doesn't look good if you don't properly learn the techniques to freehand a straight line in the beginning. Ghosting is the most important, then the other is just being able to ghost three lines to the same imaginary point.

>> No.3409176

Did you watched his videos about boxes and read self-critique checklist to the lesson 1?

>> No.3409181

I have no idea of what he is saying on the video, but you can see how he does it:

>> No.3409187

Christ it's a god damn slaughter

>> No.3409188

What's the anti-flawless?

>> No.3409193

yeah the inaccuracy of my vp's were fine from box 1, just my lineweight and straightness have improved though so far

>> No.3409220

>yeah the inaccuracy of my vp's were fine from box 1
You do realize that Draw a Box is for beginners, right? For people like me, who struggled with drawing a box with consistent vp's just by eyeballing it, drawing 250 was a very good exercise.

>> No.3409224

what pen are you using? I can't vary it much with the staedtler pigment liner

>> No.3409230

copic multiliner sp 0.5

>> No.3409238

I just finished my 100th box! Woohoo!

>> No.3409239


>> No.3409241

Good job anon!

>> No.3409253

thanks guys :D

>> No.3409256

Thank you guys, I will do my best in the future.

>> No.3409260

In the C shaped comp is that really fine hatching lines or marker? Hard to tell from the image quality.

>> No.3409265

That is marker. Sorry, I will take better pictures, with better lighting today.

>> No.3409267

No problem dude, I thought it was marker but since the rest were done with hatching I wasn't sure! the pictures are fine. :)

>> No.3409300

Majestic drawings. When will you do some tutorials?

>> No.3409308

where is the level 3 gang yoo

>> No.3409322

are boxes real?

>> No.3409323

how can boxes be real when ISIS isn't real

>> No.3409373

Ah, hello boxes my old friends.

>> No.3409378
File: 146 KB, 605x345, 1488810782468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one and only

>> No.3409382
File: 32 KB, 637x356, NICHE PLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3409384

tell him your name

>> No.3409423

what is this meme? did niche submitted some cute self-portrait? i dont see it

>> No.3409425

niche is guy, anon is homo, that's all.

>> No.3409426

I havent been staying awake at my normal hours to submit lately. I hope im not losing spark and its just the lack of not having my coffee machine.

>> No.3409427

>tfw never drank coffee my entire life

>> No.3409434

I'm starting to see boxes everywhere.
This morning I took my box shaped toast bread out of my box shaped fridge and sit down by the box shaped table on a box shaped stool. While I was eating my box shaped sandwich I looked out of window (that was in a box shaped frame) and I saw box shaped trucks, box shaped houses and box shaped hedges. I took out my box shaped phone and took a selfie. My face was a box.

>> No.3409436

and this is only day 5...

>> No.3409459
File: 193 KB, 853x480, i-dont-even-see-tits-anymore-all-i-see-is-boxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3409475

So this is the power of ISIS.

>> No.3409537
File: 80 KB, 680x698, tumbling_down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all returns to nothing...

>> No.3409538

okay anon, we're together now, where are you taking me for our date?

my self portrait is my current profile pic on /dad/, doing another one for the self portrait challenge though

>> No.3409542

so watts atelier full course badge after isis badge is over right?

>> No.3409546

only if you upload the entire thing somewhere for everyone to download for free

>> No.3409550

did it get taken down on cgp? been sitting on that 300gb of shit for a year waiting to do it

>> No.3409557

Oh yeah I forgot about that, I even downloaded it myself when it first went up there
Holy shit, 300GB and still up there, it'll take us AGES to get through it

>> No.3409567

banana, for exercise based challenges, can a schedule system be implemented that has to be filled in by the challenge maker? I feel like people will be paced behind schedule for things like drawabox and will have to do multiple lessons a day at the end because they're spending multiple days on the 250 box challenge

>> No.3409580

Holy shit, that is about 1000 individual files.
T-that would take years to get through

>> No.3409586

the site dies before the challenge ends, beautiful

>> No.3409587

fucking kek

>> No.3409628

I am planning to do watts anyway but I am rusty on observation so Im doing keys first. Probably watts would be broken down in a 1 year plan, weekly submission. The badges will be copper for 1 year, silver for 2 gold for 3, and plat for 4 as an idea.

But you guys would have to invest in the supplies. I'll make it if there is a demand for such a challenge.

>> No.3409632


Can you elaborate by what you mean by that?

>> No.3409638

imagine the prestige

>> No.3409664

The challenge isn't to just do dab, it's to complete it. Some people aren't going to keep pace at this rate because they don't have a full sense of how much they should be completing each day. some people are doing 50 boxes, others 100, it's just setting people up for failure when they're not even halfway done by the time the challenge is completed. So a schedule or a no end date setting (so people can go at their own pace but still have to submit something) would be nice

>> No.3409668

I'd unironically be up for watts, but hopefully only one big challenge would be up at a time for badge collectors

>> No.3409673

Almost everyone's taken 3 days on lesson 1, and quite a few have taken longer, if everyone keeps up the pace of 3 days on each lesson/challenge then people might just bullseye the deadline, but that's pushing it, and the later lessons may just take far longer than the first ones.

>> No.3409686
File: 41 KB, 270x170, thinking-man-png-files-33563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30+ day challenge that takes several hours a day to complete only gives 1 badger and 2 prestige
>baby challenges that only needs 1 submission and can be done in half an hour gives 1 badge and 1 prestige
People should just spam out tons of small challenges.

>> No.3409689


I can implement something like that, but the difficulty is in enforcing which would still require manual intervention.
Even if you did put a schedule in place, someone might just hit the 30 submission requirement that doesn't actually meet the schedule.

>> No.3409695

Unless it literally gives 100+ prestige, it's not worth it.

>> No.3409730

I'm just thinking in the future about exercise based challenges that have a time limit. Without a schedule it's hard for people to know if they're on pace. People can submit each day but still not fufill the challenge goal right now with how it is.

>> No.3409743
File: 93 KB, 400x399, 1359768557822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psiekier's pilot
you have to create a character, dude

>> No.3409756

she is called rai, dude

>> No.3409758

Okay, I think it's time DADdies voted on this.

DABbers, and people that have been watching the DABbers, check out the following two polls:


>> No.3409760

I would do it too. (Started it already actually, but been slacking) Supplies make me mad though, I'm going to go through it with my 1$ pencil. I'm broke and where I live I can't get stuff shipped overseas.

>> No.3409763

this box challenge is bullshit. what a fucking meme

>> No.3409764
File: 60 KB, 660x440, monalisadab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for the dab meme

>> No.3409766

all the conte b 2271's I sharpened broke in my drawer by now, 40 bucks for a 12 pack is hell

>> No.3409767

it's not a matter of if it's enough time, just knowing how much daily time needs to be put in

>> No.3409768
File: 125 KB, 168x225, hungry banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Going to chime in on this one.
Prestige 2 still seems appropriate for me. For instance, note that:

> A lot of people are doing 30 min - 1 hour of DAB in lieu of an actual submission
> It's only a month of work.
> It doesn't require any deliberate design decisions on the participants, you are literally following a set of instructions to complete a few exercises, some of which are fairly rudimentary.
> People are already complaining, but it's just been 5 days

I might meditate on prestige 3, but likely not. Do note that prestige 1, 2 and 3 has a very sizeable gap. 4 and 5 are on a whole other level (mech challenge for instance, is 2 months of design and meditation, and the final product should be as close to professional as possible). Prestige 1 embodies most "fun challenges", and basic prompts. DAB would sit at the middle-upper edge of prestige 2. If it were something more than just "work through these tutorials", it would probably be prestige 3.

>> No.3409773

>> A lot of people are doing 30 min - 1 hour of DAB in lieu of an actual submission
Anyone only doing only 30-60mins will never finish the dab challenge in time

>> No.3409784

Can someone explain what prestige is for anyway?

>> No.3409786

each lassie has a prestige point cost if you want them to be your gf

>> No.3409788

bragging rights. banana set up the site so that even if you dropped from the flawless you would still be on top. its all a phyop to keep your e peen wet, watch people make a new meme with the 27 streak group

>> No.3409789

whenever your mom asks you if wha tyou do has any value, you say it's prestige 2 mom!

>> No.3409791

How much does Niche cost??

>> No.3409792


>> No.3409796
File: 550 KB, 499x307, 23e6107b4c09eb526388dc18e3956833.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3409798

hmm i wonder..

>> No.3409799

why are you worrying about others pace anyway? I will guarantee finish it.

>> No.3409820

looking for true love wherever you go?
I guess in the end it's your own responsibility to keep pace, just nice to have everyone on the same page on the actual workload

>> No.3409830
File: 254 KB, 1280x1151, battletech_raven_litchi04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to create a character, dude

I was thinking that'd be so boring, as this challenge seemed like the perfect opportunity to marry fan art to mecha drawing (pic related), but perhaps I'm looking at it the wrong way.

I guess I have five more submissions to do, then.

>> No.3409836
File: 30 KB, 648x536, dab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a difference between goals and requirements. The system requirement to get the badge is to submit something DAB related everyday for a month.

If some slowass daddy doesn't finish DAB in time they should personally strive to complete it or else they are only failing and depriving themselves of learning. If someone finished early, they are so awesome they wouldn't mind doing more DAB lessons until the month is over, more gains for them!

>> No.3409842


Basically, this.
Badge stays at prestige 2.

>> No.3409845

>just have to submit something dab related every day to get the badge
lmao, piss easy

>> No.3409849

Yes but your goal should be to aim to finish the entire thing within the timeframe. Otherwise it's your gains not mine.

>> No.3409852

That's bullshit.
I DEMAND a new golden cube badge for those of us that aren't filthy hobbyists and will finish all lessons and challenges. And more prestige.

>> No.3409853

I definitely didn't look at the wording that closely, pretty low standards then I guess

>> No.3409854

isnt that a blaz blue character?

>> No.3409855

I bet you 10,000 badgers now that NO ONE finishes all the dab lessons and challenges before this challenge ends.

>> No.3409856

Extremely, if that interpretation of the wording is correct, the you could technically just submit half an hour of lines a day for 31 days and get the badge, compared to finishing all of DAB it's world's apart.

>> No.3409860

Descriptions to submissions when?

>> No.3409861

>get cube badge
>didn't actually progress far enough to start drawing boxes

>> No.3409863

I accept your challenge.

>> No.3409864

Well then theyll have the badge but everytime they look at it in their minds they know they truly dont deserve it. Or we could have banana remove the badge if the user does not complete the lessons.

>> No.3409866

fucking madman

>> No.3409867

or code some kind of tribunal for badges idk

>> No.3409868

i think this would be a good idea as well, but at your own pace nanners

>> No.3409869


I'd much prefer to operate off of the "honor system", or if push comes to shove, community tribunal.

Besides, since the description itself indicates that you just need to submit something DAB related each day to earn it, so as long as that's achieved, they get the badge.

>> No.3409870
File: 65 KB, 566x480, 1397762652447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people assblasted by the drawabox challenge because they can't fucking read
ISIS wins again

>> No.3409874
File: 463 KB, 1070x601, 1432847736231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3409877

all these losers self destructed for isis. Meanwhile I only have to cut off my pinky to get my 72 virgins

>> No.3409878

uggo virgins here i gooooooooooooo

>> No.3409880
File: 117 KB, 478x422, ani_litchi_faye-ling04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isnt that a blaz blue character?

Sharp eye, m8!

>> No.3409889
File: 941 KB, 4956x2152, risk_status.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to worry about the API banana, guess you got other stuff to do. I ended up just scraping the site for submissions.

Status per today attached.
If I'm gonna put it up online I think I should reset the map so that it's easier to follow from the start, or keep status?

If someone wants to organize and establish houses for people to join, feel free to. I can throw people into houses and then their land is given the house's color.
I also plan on showing people's avatar instead of their name on the map.

>> No.3409899

>kenya not in kenya
you had one job

>> No.3409901

Everyone's just placed at random, the map's automatic.

>> No.3409903

how does this game work

>> No.3409904
File: 24 KB, 640x400, 74606-dune-ii-the-building-of-a-dynasty-dos-screenshot-emperor-of.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If someone wants to organize and establish houses for people to join, feel free to.

The House that produces the most spice will control Dune. There are no set territories, and no rules of engagement!

>> No.3409905

noice, thanks a lot Anon!
The idea that I could destroy someone with my next submission is very motivating!

>> No.3409916

post on dad, gain a territory.

>> No.3409921

>east coast USA

i hate you i hate you i hate you

>> No.3409922
File: 64 KB, 750x991, Crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crabulon says everyone must get back in the bucket or face him in combat

>> No.3409924

>tfw jerrybreem had the highest IQ of them all

>> No.3409927

I apparently own large tracts of land in... Arizona?
What the fuck is in Arizona?

>> No.3409929

you control sight seeing in the grand canyon

>> No.3409932
File: 28 KB, 493x493, DUNE_PUMPKIN_SPICE_MUST_FLOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck is in Arizona?


>> No.3409934
File: 17 KB, 497x311, I hate it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this
I hate this

>> No.3409935

what happens if you lose all your territory if your neighbors gangbang you?

>> No.3409941

that's kind of hot

>> No.3409943

You just start over from a random location.

>> No.3409944

>if your neighbors gangbang you
Get it right boyo
we call it cultural enrichment now

>> No.3409946

you could randomly pop up in the heart of someone's land?

>> No.3409952

Only if there's no more unclaimed land available.

>> No.3409953

>all the african territories join together in a house and proceed to conquer europe
echo will spearhead the invasion

>> No.3409958
File: 35 KB, 205x205, the-spice-must-flow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3409959

maybe I'm just a brainlet, but I'm having a lot of trouble differentiating the territories from eachother

>> No.3409961

show people's avatars too please

>> No.3409962

>some of our daddies are colourblind
ngmi :^(

>> No.3409964
File: 364 KB, 998x1345, wormsign_we_have_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3409965

oh yea, fuuck

>> No.3409978
File: 404 KB, 1263x800, chad hogarth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jerry gets Chad

>> No.3409983

i'm up for watts but fuck traditional


>> No.3409987

>making challenges based on books and courses
This should not be a thing.

>> No.3409988

Why not?
Especially if said books are easy to pirate?

>> No.3409989

Why not?

>> No.3409991


I agree in the case that it is paid content.

There's an issue with accessibility of the content, as not everyone is willing to torrent or pay for it.
Moreover, links to illegal copies need to stay out of the challenge descriptions to prevent legal liability.

DAB is fine since it's all free and accessible. LAS also had some challenges that dealt with free online resources.

>> No.3410001
File: 660 KB, 2000x870, JEBrrybreem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow and steady jerrybreem for King of DAD!

>> No.3410004

heck ye

>> No.3410005

man, when jerry makes it, he'll make it big

>> No.3410014

Absolutely love your stuff Will. How long did you have to work to get to that skill level?

>> No.3410016

dd nka get all of australia?

>> No.3410019

Nah, menes has half of it, just very similar color, and his name is placed in south america since he has 1 territory there as well

>> No.3410022

ohh, doh

>> No.3410042

>tfw in Africa
WWK or WakaForeve

>> No.3410069

I think vistorf is a furry guys

>> No.3410073
File: 47 KB, 750x743, 25443320_1776363462382974_4775146739418007576_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please dont do this

>> No.3410089
File: 50 KB, 588x644, CFCafrhWoAANCnD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys! Mr Peniston here ready to make some comments! how are you?

That's a buff drowzee

I know you can do better than this, no time today?

Seems like you forgot to check the "draw a box" challenge!

What's this? does it have its mouth opened or is just a weird shape in the hair?

Great work on the upper right!

Nice work with the values!

Why is Vusta's drawing over there?

very nice! great anatomy

your thumbnails are great, can't wait to see your mechas

Very good work, great composition

This is coming out awesome! keep going

Don't be scared of faces, One, they are more scared of you.

You need to improve your rendering a lot, what if you follow some tutorials?

Nice light and contrast!

What were you trying to do? practice values? anatomy? doesn't seem like you manage to learn something anyway...

>> No.3410091

>that bulge
definitely a gay furry

>> No.3410093

I missed you peniston

>> No.3410096


>> No.3410124

>why is Vusta's drawing over there?
We were drawpilin'

>> No.3410125

Ugh. Drawing boxes from the shoulder suck.
Is there any reason why drawing from shoulder is better than drawing from the elbow?

>> No.3410127

>falling for the drawing from the shoulder meme

>> No.3410128
File: 223 KB, 1200x1600, 1200px-Beijing_bouddhist_monk_2009_IMG_1486 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't mention me again, thank you

>> No.3410129

It depends how big your canvas is.
You are not going to do much shoulder on a small tablet or paper.

>> No.3410135

So when I'm doing the 250 box challenge on a printer paper, I shouldn't lock my wrist and elbow and draw from the shoulder?

>> No.3410142

depends how big your boxes are, but I find I mostly draw from my elbom on a4 paper

>> No.3410147

ok, thanks

>> No.3410154
File: 48 KB, 406x487, 676EBACE-8009-4F58-A4CB-661BA45F3BCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when your territory looks really big even though its the same number of territories as everyone else

feels good man

>> No.3410158

Is Moirem the King of Canada?

>> No.3410161

salem an seffy will eat them up like tumors

>> No.3410178

Hey Jeremias.
You do know that you should draw through your boxes, right?
Your 250 box challenge is invalid, do it again.

>> No.3410185

How many daddos have finished 250 box challenge anyway?

>> No.3410190

>tfw want to befriend daddies but too much of a pussy to talk outside of the threads
M-maybe one day...

>> No.3410193

We understand.
Social anxiety is common among autists.

>> No.3410194

talk to me daddy

>> No.3410201

thank you! i've never really thought about doing tutorials. for what exactly do you mean?

>> No.3410211

How long did it take you to draw all those pages jeremias holy shit

>> No.3410218

Wtf how many of you are NEET?

>> No.3410223

I think jeremias has a very long commute cause he did a lot of people's heads while on the bus or something back in LAS

>> No.3410242
File: 141 KB, 1076x1146, 1519279337008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's rude to make assumptions like that.

But how do I get over autism?

>> No.3410243

Find a daddy you like and talk to them!

>> No.3410245

Like 51ip? They didn't answered my message. Help!

>> No.3410247

Check the archives - few threads ago we did some online autism tests, and most of daddies turned out to be autistic.

>> No.3410250
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1512400516710s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes i'm a level 5 dad, what about it?

>> No.3410259

After finishing 250box challenge should I move to lesson 2 or to the 250 cylinder challenge?

I want to work on the same things that others do to compare our work.

>> No.3410261

Ah, I see, I'm sorry anon but sometimes when the autism levels are too high no daddies will respond to you, my condolences.

>> No.3410265
File: 1.20 MB, 4956x2152, indexed_map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna reset the map and have users prefer unclaimed land if it exists. I noticed 50% of occupations have been overrun, while a lot of land is left untouched. Many users got instantly eaten up too. This was a good test run though, I found some bugs, like where people could expand from territories they previously controlled, so people were suddenly taking control of land they couldn't reach.

If you want to start somewhere specific, now would be the time to tell me. I will clean-slate the map in about 24h, so you have until then. I'll add all previous submissions again like last map. Pic related are all the IDs for the territories, either tell me an ID or just the name of the country / general area.

>> No.3410266

Why do you ask

>> No.3410267

a couple are doing the cylinder so you can do that (what about a bit of both?)

>> No.3410269

I'm moving on to lesson two while also doing the challenges at the same time. Original Dynamic Sketching philosophy was more constant improvement over time rather than focusing on one thing, perfect it, move on, perfect the next thing, etc. The way dynamic sketching works is that you're constantly getting practice on the earlier topics so there's no need to grind them at the beginning.

Plus, doing challenge after challenge is hella boring and reduces your gains if you do nothing but that because you get bored and focus less/stick to familiar boxes.

>> No.3410270

now's your chance to place kenya correctly

>> No.3410271

I'll make sure of it.

>> No.3410273

Give Atlantis

>> No.3410277

North Korea

>> No.3410279
File: 35 KB, 463x667, boy13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night, lassos

>> No.3410281

u got it

but who are you anon

>> No.3410282


>> No.3410286

Give Canada and Alaska.

>> No.3410293


Give Greenland

>> No.3410294


>> No.3410296


Whizzard btw, seems like my phone fucks the name option on 4chan

>> No.3410297

Switzerland pls

>> No.3410302
File: 195 KB, 481x700, Nioh_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Give me Europe again

>> No.3410303

Genzai, I was comfy before so somewhere in Europe please

>> No.3410312
File: 742 KB, 1203x1004, 1521172923137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we have sigils for houses? If so I want it to be this

>> No.3410314
File: 1.30 MB, 340x188, ani_robot_jox_tex_conway_clobberin_time.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fighting for Alaska

"Soil" is just dirt. All the rest of the team is dead!

>> No.3410317

>>3410286 >>3410293 >>3410296
>>3410297 >>3410302 >>3410303

There aren't any houses for now, but yeah the houses will have sigils / avatars like users will when they get made. Dunno how we'd go about forming houses.
If you make it your avatar it'll show up on the map now though.

>> No.3410334

this triggered my gag reflex

>> No.3410338

I want to join this house.

>> No.3410357

That be some nice stuff you got there nicnac

>> No.3410372

How do you make dreams come true, /dad/?

>> No.3410375 [DELETED] 

Where the fuck is New Zealand?

Also give Syria, and/or United Arab Emirates.

>> No.3410376

Where the fuck is New Zealand?

Also give Syria, and/or United Arab Emirates.

>> No.3410384

But what does it mean to live?

>> No.3410397

Would you guys mind if I came back as a new user, just to participate in the map? (I'd left.) Will the map be a long standing thing for the site, or is it just playing around for now? I love my real life location very, very much, and so could be interested in coming back just to show my appreciation for it by submitting the minimum to maintain it digitally here (though I really shouldn't come back since I need to focus on other things,) if this'll be a longstanding facet of dad.

>> No.3410398

Yes you can come back Kenya.

>> No.3410399

why not, jump right in

>> No.3410401

What compels someone to ask anonymous users for permission to do something?

>> No.3410404

No, I won't allow you.

>> No.3410408

thanks mates
a few personal things, mostly just wondering whether the map's a temporary idea

>> No.3410413

I want to die lol.

>> No.3410421

stay strong daddies, you're doing well!

>> No.3410422

super cute tsubakacircuit

>> No.3410425

Give Eastern US, #67 area

>> No.3410426

But we love you!

>> No.3410428

>did the submission glitch again
S-sorry banana...

>> No.3410430

no flawless deaths, gj flawless

>> No.3410432

>tfw the streak chart for the flawless is perfectly balanced

>> No.3410433



>> No.3410443

don't ever namedrop me here again

>> No.3410446

Post your name so I know who to not namedrop, kenya.

>> No.3410453

Please delete my double post (dough), I didn't realize it's already the next day and I thought I forgot to submit

>> No.3410454
File: 45 KB, 816x568, 1485374690745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silvemis, 1121

>> No.3410482

good night friends and family!

>> No.3410485

Good night

>> No.3410489

1358 please

>> No.3410507

ornitorrinco, 294 pls

>> No.3410528

hard work!

>> No.3410552

Anonymous, west coastal states-127
thank you

>> No.3410561

don't ever reply to me again

>> No.3410569

>papa eliminated from dad
It's like poetry

>> No.3410586

>Seems like you forgot to check the "draw a box" challenge!

>> No.3410589

Aggretsuko here! I don't understand much about this, but maybe Argentina pls?

>> No.3410594

I just noticed there's no Malvinas wtf, this is important

>> No.3410598

I noticed! but it's not a big deal, most islands aren't included anyway.

>> No.3410602

Mrpurin, 1277

>> No.3410619

h-hey anon, we're a bunch of comfy lassos, come talk to us, you're talking to me RIGHT NOW!

>> No.3410621

he's the gf poster, don't be fooled!

>> No.3410622

phew, good looks anon

>> No.3410624

>Ian died
B-but I was enjoying his stuff...

>> No.3410678

Thank you mr Peniston.
Thought it was not a hard rule, as it was on the "tips" part.
I did them through out the day, so saying a specific time is hard. Like 3-4h? Cylinders are a lot faster to draw, so the bulk of the time was spend on them boxes.

>> No.3410690

T-Thanks mister

>> No.3410755

Can I have some of MOTHER RUSSIA?

>> No.3410768

I want Marseille, no one would ever try and invade me.

>> No.3410772

Fixed! Thank you mr Peniston.

>> No.3410774


>> No.3410842

so sleepy =3=

>> No.3410848

me too

>> No.3410852


>> No.3410854
File: 106 KB, 421x338, __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_drawn_by_shangguan_feiying__0644568c8f08e37eba6d357f13d4d286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3410855
File: 122 KB, 328x474, __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_drawn_by_shangguan_feiying__71ddfd44fc8ca09dfd4e404b3f228af4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3410856
File: 52 KB, 462x480, __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_drawn_by_shangguan_feiying__718bfeff9e1d8c8e5fefa9e7425aef34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3410860

yes thanks

>> No.3410865
File: 497 KB, 472x357, 1446434857540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3410867

honestly i thought these boxes challenge would be harder

>> No.3410869

They are fucking boxes.

>> No.3410871
File: 30 KB, 177x144, fear2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are fucking boxes

>> No.3410879

new thread when?

>> No.3410881

on page 9/10/whenevershrineycatfeelslikeit

>> No.3410885
File: 74 KB, 801x834, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3410887

You're so fucking lucky! I'm kinda envious..

>> No.3410888

Niche might be your gf but he is my best friend!

>> No.3410889
File: 87 KB, 502x433, 1457197026067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-it's fine if you're a girl...

>> No.3410900

A step by step?
About how you apprehend colour?
How do you comes with a particular color scheme and what the logic behind?
How comes even when you use pastels your image keep an impact while in most cases pastel drawings are barely readable?
I guess a tutorial about whatever you want might help other lasso (and you, while doing it).

>> No.3410906

niche also agreed to be my gf, on the condition that her ex can watch. Weird coincidence!

>> No.3410911 [DELETED] 
File: 432 KB, 500x375, ehhhhhto0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3410919


>> No.3410944

Adopt me?

>> No.3410955

>tfw just realized what this was

>> No.3410994

Okay, so say the map gets full. People just start losing land and invadind each other? New posters will just invade my shit?
What is the point? Someone explain to me

>> No.3411050
File: 247 KB, 1280x1645, 036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shh, don't tell the rest of /ic/! This is just between us daddies <3

>> No.3411053

mr peniston rate my boxes

>> No.3411054

thanks for the link nonetheless

>> No.3411056

what was it

>> No.3411057

Yeah, no one's bothered to translate it

>> No.3411058

guess it's finally time to learn to speak the moon tongue
a loli relieving herself

>> No.3411060


>> No.3411062

oh damn urine is my fetish

>> No.3411063

a "mommy i got to go pee pee" post with pic

>> No.3411065

I need new pencils :0

>> No.3411073
File: 24 KB, 881x345, C85C222E-2DF8-433E-9945-024FDE6CFC42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you’re tracking your progress, right anon?

>> No.3411079

uh, yeah totally

>> No.3411082

what software is that¿

>> No.3411084

i mean that construction method is literally just loomis

>> No.3411089

just looks like a regular spreadsheet..

>> No.3411091
File: 42 KB, 1187x792, 0382f34642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. I'm not that happy with it, but I'm tracking it. I'll do better this month.

>> No.3411099

daddy what are spreadsheets and how do they work?

>> No.3411102

You'll find out when you're older sonny.

>> No.3411118
File: 471 KB, 1698x1012, michaels_60_off_today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need new pencils

Go to Michaels today. This is the most they ever give on things people actually want.

>> No.3411122

I don't live in America, sorry.

>> No.3411129

does this apply online to???
ive got classes today, and theres no blick stores nearby so theyll all be fucking closed before i get there

>> No.3411145

>does this apply online to???

Yes. Online promo code is "60MAKE5218".

Keep in mind that there are a lot of exclusions. The biggest one is that you can't apply it to something that's already on sale, so you can't, for example, use it to buy Canson paper pads or Copic markers online right now because those things are on sale.

However, you *can* buy something that is not on sale for in-store pickup (like Strathmore paper pads), then go down to the store to pick it up and use your coupon in person to buy a Copic marker, which is *not* on sakle in the store (only online).

>> No.3411149
File: 95 KB, 400x400, sssh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr Peniston is sleeping...

>> No.3411196

yours looks way comfier than mine, what app are you using?

>> No.3411200

toggl, it is pretty comfy

>> No.3411221

thank you anon, your a lifesaver

>> No.3411233
File: 28 KB, 574x430, 1523066225661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will probs let you down.

>> No.3411241

ill choose an avatar when its complete

>> No.3411253

Is this only today? Or is there another tomorrow?

>> No.3411263

>Is this only today? Or is there another tomorrow?

This particular coupon is only for today. Tomorrow it will probably go back down to the 40% they normally offer on one item... but you never can tell!

That being said, if you are ordering online, there's a different code they sent on a postcard via snail-mail if you're a rewards member: "R50APRDM" is food through May 6th (this Sunday) for 50% off any one regular price item (usual exclusions apply).

>> No.3411286

i tried it for about 5 minutes before dropping it- maybe i’ll give it another chance

>> No.3411291

why'd you drop it? you can make it quite small and show your total hours for the day, and use a hotkey to start/stop the timer

>> No.3411307

the extra functionality is intimidating when essentially all i want is a timer

>> No.3411315

Rescuetime does things automatically, will track how long you have different programs open if you wan't to track your PS or CSP time or something.

>> No.3411316

Sorry I'm taking a while on the next update blokes.

I'll make sure to get it in before the self portrait challenge ends.

>> No.3411334

No worries banana.

>> No.3411358
File: 336 KB, 650x720, 1520267237981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

godspeed bene

>> No.3411377

It's ok banana, thanks for hard work!

>> No.3411392
File: 515 KB, 1481x822, vand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watts pls, i just want to get good

>> No.3411394

Thanks, Embarrassingly enough I have been drawing for more than 10 years now.

>> No.3411416

I'm sick of boxes

>> No.3411425
File: 461 KB, 1301x1784, 1503373226833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sick of your complaining.
When are you going to go all in and devote yourself to art anon?
When are you going to become the artist you have the potential to be, if you only do what's needed?

>> No.3411428

i cry everytiem

>> No.3411448

don't ever reply to my retarded son again

>> No.3411449


>> No.3411458
File: 99 KB, 1126x492, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw Loomis keeps giving you pneumonia to try and kill your streak

>> No.3411460

I'm sick

>> No.3411471
File: 125 KB, 1200x799, DQp5etVU8AEXi60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3411478
File: 841 KB, 1102x1600, 1520700510637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make shitty drawings
>nothing else to submit
>don't want to ruin streak

Please stop the suffering!

>> No.3411485

when you make gudder drawings you and everyone that looks at you will really be able to appreciate the progress you've made

>> No.3411495
File: 80 KB, 700x683, day-136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope.
Though I keep having these off-days where it seems harder to draw and the drawings seem worse than what I did earlier.
It's super annoying.

>> No.3411504

do you guys like my boxes?

>> No.3411506

They're shit, NEXT!

>> No.3411516

same. dad has given me the realization than my practice and learning is all over the place... I wish I could be organized, somehow.

>> No.3411517

What about mine?

>> No.3411520


>> No.3411521

and mine?

>> No.3411522

actually not bad

>> No.3411550


>> No.3411577

Doing so many freehand boxes made me realize that the further the vanishing points are, the more difficult it is to get the horizon line straight.

>> No.3411620


>> No.3411627

Damn. The killer went on a rampage this week.

>> No.3411631

I loved cdblue's work. Shame.

>> No.3411651
File: 186 KB, 512x512, BA34C617-C36B-418A-AC22-C55A28E8879C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I passed out while studying for final exams, woke up like 5 minutes ago to the terrible news. Not a big deal, kinda glad it’s over. I can go back to doing commission work not having to worry about drawing an autistic amount of cubes and cylinders everyday. I’m not cut out for the dad life.
Good luck to the rest of you.

>> No.3411661
File: 439 KB, 202x180, 1501298057438.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3411665

>draw 2 days in a row
>streak reset
Oh, it's the site timer. ffffffffffffffffff

>> No.3411684


>> No.3411686

This is perfect, literallly my dab experience right now

>> No.3411708

Reminder if you don't apply the box principles to actual drawings with perspective, it's might as well be

>> No.3411736

I had an eureka moment while drawing box #234. I guess in the end it was worth it

>> No.3411748

Remember Lads, today is the last day to join the Star Wars challenge!


>> No.3411749

share us your eureka moment

>> No.3411755

Link to see some commsion work?

>> No.3411826

REminder that there's only 3 days left to submit your mug to the fb- i mean selfportrait challenge!

>> No.3411831


>> No.3411859
File: 110 KB, 480x640, ac6473a5bd6685fa505e78eba6ba9519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mew thread >>3411858