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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3403954 No.3403954 [Reply] [Original]

is this the greatest art community on the planet?

>> No.3403958

Overall, no. The best ones are in companies that use a lot of art.
In terms of public access, probably yes, if only because we are honest.

>> No.3403996
File: 166 KB, 750x1024, Артбук_скан_29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone care to add to this discussion? im trying to explain to my mommy and daddy that this is a good community for me to become a pro concept artist but they dont like the idea that their 40 yr old son is just starting to learn something that probay wont even make any money. they called me a bum and i said "shhh. im a stay at home son until i make it big" S.A.H.S. for life bros.

>> No.3404024

get in r9k bro

>> No.3404144

/ic/ is a toxic board for an abundance of reasons.

the main reasons being:
- unwarranted elitist behavior
- ignorant spread of misinformation
- willful spread of misinformation
- meme culture of (post) irony
- slow board + non existent moderation
- disencouraging aggressive atmosphere

most regulars can be descrined with
- egocentric worldview
- high expectations on themselves
- overestimates their own knowledge
- prefers structured learning approach
- low self esteem
- low stress tolerance

the life cycle of a typical d/ic/k would be your average YA who starts drawing or gets back to it and wants to be spoonfed by the oldfags, who, unknownst to the newbie, are mostly bitter mid 20s who think they figured it all out. after all, they put so much energy in unenjoyable exercises. they wonder why they didn't get better as much as they thought they would. if they only had (insert excuse), they would be able ti make it! in truth, they already gave up. they look for distractions and excuses and thus end up posting on this very board. the few who are not dragging /beg/inners down are likely to still give advise of questionable quality, for they have never allowed themself to experiment and experience art.

tl;dr /ic/ is a toxic wastland, the aspie version of mad max

>> No.3404172

>- unwarranted elitist behavior
This is a pro, not a con. It must be elitist or how you tumblrfucks put it "ableist"

- willful spread of misinformation
This is another pro. Any non amateur can see through the deception easily. It only affects scrubs. Keeps them at bay.

>- slow board
This is an issue, but its only because of the elitist nature. We have to live with the fact that we arent many. And thats a good thing!

>+ non existent moderation
>Oh noes he was racis and shit, mods ban him!!

>disencouraging aggressive atmosphere
Another pro. Older, more skilled people are not affected, only scrubs are.

>most regulars can be descrined with
- high expectations on themselves
- overestimates their own knowledge
- low self esteem
This are literally an oxymoron. Might as well shut your fucking mouth.

>prefers structured learning approach
>Not grinding the fundamentals

I will play the role of the armchair psychologist and say that you are just a butthurt newbie that cant sail through the carefully placed disinfo. Also the fact you hate "unenjoyable exercises and structured learning approach" reveals you as one of those shitters with a gimmicky artstyle that gets his feelings hurt every fucking time we call you for your lacks of skill and knowledge.

Go away, you wont be missed.

>> No.3404180
File: 223 KB, 629x747, 240E5AA2-C9DE-49FA-8A12-4162804ECC0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prefers structured learning approach

what- but.. that’s literally how you learn anything new

>> No.3404184

Post your work

>> No.3404189

stopped reading right there

>> No.3404197

They prefer to blame the "toxicity" of the people rather than just sitting down and grinding fundamentals.

They have little IQ brains that cannot process anything else than instant gratification. Thats why they skip fundamentals, because they cant find instant gratification due the repetitive nature of it.

my nigga

You dont deserve my work, faggot

>> No.3404213

or maybe the reason why 14yr old tumblrites are more skilled than you is because they aren't afraid of failing and trying out things, instead of celebrating their own superiorness and doing the same exercises over and over again.

it's not my intention to sound preachy, but if those are your actual opinions, you might want to reevaluate. i'm letting you in on a secret: you can study through robertson, bridgman and co and still give yourself the freedom to try out things in your sketchbook, do mindless doodles or polish turds. failure is what makes you stronger, not a false sense of pride or repetitive grinding.

in the end we all make our own decisions and experiences. i would argue that it is in fact necessary to have a 'grinding' phase to overcome certain obstacles, but grinding alone will neither make you happy, nor a good artist.

take everything i say with a grain of salt, like you should on this board, but i've been around for a while and at some point had a very similar mindset. in the end it's how you approach art. if you feel like you're making process and spending yout time well, grind all you want. there is nothing inherently bad about it, as long as it moves you forward

>> No.3404215

recovering social media addict here
this is a legitimate problem that prevented me from hunkering down to do fundies. i want those likes, those retweets, those (you)s. and you don’t get them by posting loomis day after day- not even on here. but i’m learning to let go of the bad habits that lead to instant gratification, and surely enough, i’m seeing major improvement in my art for the first time in ~3 years

>> No.3404218

inb4 “but if you can post art that gets likes, why stop?”
because after the initial high wears off, i am ultimately unhappy. so, so unhappy

>> No.3404220

I don't even hate /ic/, but on the PLANET? fuck no. not even close.

>> No.3404221

>they aren't afraid of failing and trying out things
Why would I fall and wait to discover fundamental shit by myself when all that shit was said and done literally 500 years before I was born? lmao

Better to just use the notes and knowledge of people who wasted decades trying to discover that shit.

>Imagine if a kid thats going into maths tried to discover everything from zero haha, no dont teach me anything, I will start from scratch by myself! math books? why? just do it yourself!

You would think he is utterly retarded, the same as I think you are.

Also I havent seen a single 14 years old tumblrite more skilled than me. There are probably one or two, sure, but they are clearly not the norm and they most probably studied fundamentals.

>> No.3404224

Good for you bro. Instant gratification is for poor and talentless people.

>> No.3404228

Good on you, had the same issue when you first start from scratch as a beginner and quickly get addicted to the DA praise, attention, asspats and those likes and favorites but luckily /ic/ was there to help nip that faggotry early and on its bud.

Looking back now I can't believe how cancerous social media really is and its only usefulness is for you to have a chance at the possibility of getting some Shekels out from those normies.

>> No.3404244

it's a 'how to draw' community, art is rejected upon contact.

>> No.3404253

good luck, anon.

if you read my post you should know that i personally encourage studying. but while you can and should study from life, books and the artists you admire, you need to put these things into practice. knowledge is a tool, it does not make up for experience. and before you get me wrong, yes you can learn and apply without trying out things on your own, but you will limit yourself. learning is not as linear as you think. getting proficient at a craft is NOT the same as leveling up in an mmorpg. it's irregular by nature. leasure in idea, deliberacy in concept and execution.

i sincerly hope you don't approach inatructional artbooks like you do your posts. you show a great lack in processing basic information due to your strong biases.

while having a strong opinion on a subject is a positive thing in my regard, violently disregarding any other opinion will make you miss out on discovering new approaches or improving on your own.

i mean, i'm amused, because you appear to be just the type i discribed. maybe that's why you're acting so salty.

>> No.3404271

No salt here champ. While I have higher goals for my art, I cant say Im dissatisfied right now with it.

And I will give you shit next time you post your horrendous niggers with red noses and pastel colors.

Enjoy your stay here.

>> No.3404279

I've met some cool people, mainly through las and now dad though.

wish this place was more like the fabled conceptart forums or crimsondaggers. everyone trying to git gud and tryharding, instead of all the crying and crabbing.

>> No.3404314
File: 362 KB, 1053x1080, 1524689819097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ is the greatest art community there ever was and I really mean that

>> No.3404658
File: 2.68 MB, 1512x2016, biggo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna put muh opinion in the thread too!

i also feel like /ic/ is too negative most of the time. one of the things jeff watts said in his videos is that students need both the negative and the positive. the video series of his book review of "mastery" by george leonard was particularly helpful for me to see the problems with /ic/.

while i think competition is a healthy thing, i also know that i'm not in direct competition with other artists at my level or beyond my level. i personally want to study and do character designs and concept art stuff, so my portfolio would be up against the pros who already work in the industry. i think many beginner artists like me feel that every single artist out there is a direct competitor, but I don't think that's true. this kind of mindset can create some pretty negative thinking and make you waste time arguing with someone who wants to work in a completely different field than you do.

i think /las/ has a nice atmosphere of pushing each other to draw everyday and improve, but i feel like it's a little too laid back for me. i want to draw a lot and do it as a job, but not every artist on this site wants that and i think that's fine. the problem with discussion on this board is that many users assume other users to have the same mindset as themselves and that their own methods of studying should work best for everyone. so hobbyists look down on artists who try to get into the industry, and vice versa because their mindsets are different.

i'm not gonna lie and say i mesh with every personality type on the board, but i think everyone here could probably communicate better.

muh work:

>> No.3404672


>> No.3405115
File: 294 KB, 768x960, 1520122551989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay at home son. new acro I made up.

>> No.3405125

>is this the greatest art community on the planet?

It's the last one left. /ic/ is like a post-apocalyptic village built of rusty aluminum siding and old tires on the ruins of a once great megalopolis (CA.org). the age of forums has passed; we're just wasteland scavengers.

>> No.3405138

This thread is beautiful. Really showcases what /ic/ truly is.

>> No.3405154
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>the quality of this post

>> No.3405160

If it wasn't for the resource dumps, it'd probably be the worst.

>> No.3405195

/ic/ is a pretty good springboard to realize how shit you are but that's about it. Lurk around so you can leech off the free art books and other resources related to your goals but get your critique somewhere else because if you're a beginner especially you're more likely to be led astray by some well-intention'd ignorance and shitposting that's going to end up giving you unnecessary baggage.

>> No.3405324

based, as a NEET i like it

>> No.3405329

Isn't the conceptart forum dead? Most social media only care if you drew really good fanart of a popular thing and shower you with too much likes with no critiques. Where the hell do I go for advice if /ic/ is not good enough?

>> No.3405353

I'd like to know as well. I'm also in several art discord servers but it's full of people who don't really take art seriously. I like staying there to give feedback to the few who do care about art, but other than that the feedback I'd get is pretty pitiful compared to the kind I get on /ic/.

>> No.3405476

>unwarranted elitist behavior
who cares
>ignorant spread of misinformation
>willful spread of misinformation
Misinformation facilitates individual thinking
>slow board + non existent moderation
valid point. People hardly get crits anymore.
>disencouraging aggressive atmosphere
This used to be a good thing when there were skilled people in here. Nowadays there are too many nu-channers. I suspect they are from reddit and believe 4chan is where you go to be angry.

most regulars can be descrined with
>egocentric worldview
not a problem
>high expectations on themselves
>overestimates their own knowledge
which leads to discussions and meticulous fact checking
>prefers structured learning approach
good, but not for everyone. me included
>low self esteem
>low stress tolerance

>> No.3406124

No, it can never be in this timeline
>tfw you will never hang out with /ic/ in an 1800s Russian pub during autumn, discussing your art studies, bickering and laughing until morning light as you tell the feisty 20 year old barmaid the group would be crashing there the entire day to sleep

>> No.3406141
File: 186 KB, 640x400, 1519948200495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the greatest art community
We're the pungent feces festering on top of the sopping pile of ejected tampons that is the art world
so yes, we're the greatest

>> No.3407319

I think /ic/ is comfy after all. I get support when I'm frustrated with my art and I get critique when I post my work. I just don't like certain individuals who make assumptions on other people, or give you shit without showing their work

>> No.3410021

Not really, no. There's a difference between being honest and acerbic, and given the number of times I've seen flat out incorrect redlines and criticism, more often than not /ic/ is generally needlessly combative and woefully incompetent under the guise of helping to "thicken" someone's skin, but I've yet to see or hear how vague and uninformed nitpicking helps anyone.

>> No.3410028

>is this the greatest art community on the planet?
it is the most vile, narcissistic, degenerate, outsider community i came across so far. that's for sure.

>> No.3410030

i'm only here for pics like this

>> No.3410476


now kys

>> No.3410500
