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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 74 KB, 1200x1200, 1523419384188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3399047 No.3399047 [Reply] [Original]

Why do 2D breasts look better than 3D?
You can't find such softness in real ones.

Post your best findings for 2D>3D; bonus points for moon tutorials

>> No.3399077

You're just a weeb

>> No.3399079

Because 3D breasts can only be as soft as breasts can be and 2D breasts can be as soft as you can imagine them be.

>> No.3399086

So what does OP imagine them to be as soft as?

>> No.3399089

The breasts push back so little that they pull you in

>> No.3399105

>Why do 2D breasts look better than 3D?

form and function
2d tiddies exist to excite the eyes while 3d have the dual (laughing) purpose of the feeding of children and sagging and existing

yeah i am also a guy woah do i type like i am on tumblr or what

didnt i blow your mind this time

didnt i do it baby


>> No.3399123
File: 22 KB, 525x575, 18f92cbfaa497fe832bcf0097b6be852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3399133

Becase they are 2D. That's your best and only explanation.
3D is fucking shit always.

>> No.3399157
File: 58 KB, 828x1200, 53A33299-C938-408B-806F-41314EE372EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up source
>Artist is a woman
Lesbians really are the best

>> No.3399158
File: 82 KB, 895x960, 89AA5B2B-0039-48A2-8757-D3A55C9854EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3399168

she is certainly a "bisexual" as they say, which every women is because of their nature
real lesbians are dont have any feminine features including in art

>> No.3399170

>which every human is because of their nature

Fixed it

>> No.3399183


>> No.3399191

2d is the ideal, the ultimate form that may only exist in 2d hence why 3d cannot and never exist in the two dimensional form.

>> No.3399201

Straight women do hentai as well anon.

>> No.3399230

Anyone else super jealous of lesbians?

>> No.3399272

Because real life skin at adult hood has worn down from age (unhealthy foods, stress on the body, etc). What you see there is the body of a baby aged up to an adult female form. If you haven't noticed why 99% of hentai looks like fictional child porn, that's why. Youth = hot.

This is why 2D has become questionable to sjws. It unfortunately painted a bad image of a form real women cannot live in themselves, which men lust after.

>> No.3399294

nah. rather be a futa lesbian, also known as a curvy straight guy with boobs.

>> No.3399297

>Youth = hot.
false. RETAINED youth is hot. A 12 year old is a bony, flat-chested, annoying little shit. A 30 year old woman with the skin of a 12 year old clearly has some hella genes.

>> No.3399299

it's almost like anime titty monsters are idealized

>> No.3399320
File: 306 KB, 659x800, ec8653338ad17a724f159fb7aa386e93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My professor was friends with Dean Yeager (who supports himself off of his Mandy character) and according to him Girly Art had switched from being a male endeavor to seeing women excelling in the field. "Women are better at Girly Art now, they're many of the top artists".

While an exaggerated sentiment I see where he is coming from. Women can get better at depicting female figures faster because they can use their own bodies for reference and because they can take a more detached view of the image. Guys are too busy getting hard and putting shit tons of detail into the tits and pussy that they don't realize how unbalanced it looks against the rest of the image (details -> big picture) while women tend to have more balanced composition and detail (big picture -> details).

>> No.3399358 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, snail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A 12 year old is a bony, flat-chested, annoying little shit
Amerifat trash detected. By the way, ~15 is easily the best age for a woman to have babies and start a family. Eat shit old hag.

>> No.3399364
File: 15 KB, 397x455, 1474251904087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A 30 year old woman with
stopped reading right there.

>> No.3399399

Eat shit pedo fag

>> No.3399401

dried eggs

>> No.3399402

Legal in my country. Suck it loser.

>> No.3399408
File: 54 KB, 417x417, 1515540750094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but he's right you know. You may not like it, but a 15 YO is in the prime and perfectly capable of bearing a child and yes they're sexually active - yes that's right your supposed pure and innocent little daughter of yours is probably burning coal with Tyrone and Jamal from the hormones telling her to be a promiscuous cumdumpster RIGHT NOW. 18 isn't a magical number where one all of the sudden is capable of having sex, the truth is that same mouth that used to give you kisses probably already had several dicks just think about that for a second before you give your next good night kiss.

>> No.3399415

lol animecuck projection

get a fucking life

>> No.3399416

this artist definitely has inverted nips. hot as fuck

>> No.3399417

15 year olds are actually quite prone to difficult pregnancies/labors. It really isn't the best age to start having kids, 18 is actually about perfect.

You guys are missing the point. If she is 30 with skin that great it implies that she is going to continue aging well and has very good genetics on her side at least as far as skin goes. People who look much younger than their age are actually aging slower. This is an interesting albeit kind of depressing article about it: https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/life/70017732/People-who-look-younger-really-are-ageing-slower-study-shows

tldr: some 30 year olds are biologically a bit younger than same-aged counter-parts. I guess this means I should chase after baby-faced guys to produce vampirically aging children.

>> No.3399418
File: 167 KB, 500x382, 1519169358872.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone's bi

>> No.3399421

>Women are overgrown children and don't know what they want.
More at 11.

>> No.3399423

>jealous of not having bepis
trap cult d*scord is ->>> that way

>> No.3399425

There is also a major lack of classical art training as compared to the past. With an additional incestual outcome in art today as artists aren’t going back further than a generation for inspiration and study of other artists.

>> No.3399437

So am I really the only one here bothered by how shiny those breasts are? They look like amphibian skin, not a natural human gloss like sweat or saliva would create.

>> No.3399449

you may be gay

>> No.3399455
File: 31 KB, 730x392, breast-enlargement-before-after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is true too, sadly

I assume they are supposed to be sweaty. Sometimes breasts can look like that even when not sweaty or lotioned up. I don't think the artist intended this but breasts with recent implants placed in can look shiny for some reason. It is actually a well known and fairly common side effect. Pretty noticeable in this pic.

>> No.3399532
File: 146 KB, 1068x1600, 1524419070854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can 3D even compete?

>> No.3399535

>yeah i am also a guy woah do i type like i am on tumblr or what


>> No.3399538

hmm not quite, I like some hot middle-aged animu waifus

>> No.3399540

>confirmed oriental virgin faggot

>> No.3399541

chicks with large areolas looks so fucking hot. May it be anime waifu or irl chicks.

>> No.3399542

sauce? name of the artist?

>> No.3399544

yes the skin is more stretched and thinned out, and the form turns more spherical which enhances the effect of highlights

>> No.3399547

n-nice. moar pls

>> No.3399556


>> No.3399580

I tried searching for more of her art and pics online. I can't find a recent one, what I see are dated back to 2010, can you please reply back a link anon? Sorry if I keep asking, thanks for the reply btw, much appreciated!

>> No.3399626

What the fuck are those fucking goat eyes where her nipples should be? Fucking creepy.

>> No.3399673

Breast are soft to anon. The only pair I ever touched was; but it's easier to draw more appealing breast than real life one

>> No.3399710


>> No.3399717
File: 79 KB, 723x814, 1524452358549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye aye captain

>> No.3399738

not even joking those tits look like my ex's
her tits were pretty soft

>> No.3399749

moar of her please

>> No.3399762

what anime waifu was that?

>> No.3399763
File: 412 KB, 1280x1046, tumblr_p6sy6jjOlT1sgdqdjo2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more figurine milkies pls

>> No.3399764
File: 110 KB, 1500x1106, 71OFFI4WTDL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3399778

I'm a baby faced guy, from a family with at least 3 people who lived to 90.

>> No.3399857 [DELETED] 


The thing is that art can be more beautifull than real life, by not being 100% realistic it can become even more

>> No.3399863
File: 2.31 MB, 2480x3507, __nishikino_maki_love_live_and_love_live_school_idol_project_drawn_by_jidan_hua__70b633c96bc1e8e502fa72d6a83ea4d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3399047 (OP)

The thing is that art can be more beautifull than real life, by not being 100% realistic it can become even more

>> No.3399890

we know you're projecting.

>> No.3399927
File: 29 KB, 679x679, 1524187197148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3399957
File: 107 KB, 633x705, 1524337795220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can western piggus compete ?

>> No.3399964

delete this go to /r you fag

>> No.3399983

>Muh male maturity

>> No.3400104

Where do i look online for classical art training?

>> No.3400158

The good thing is that 'aging slower' also refers to your brain so you've potentially got many more years of healthy brain function.

Knowing that being baby faced can be a pain you might find additional solace in the implication that people who were early bloomers are actually aging faster.

Remember to wear your sunscreen!

>> No.3400162

Any classical art school's page.

>> No.3400173

I meant is there some kind of comprehensive guide for all of this online? I don't want to go to school.

>> No.3400228
File: 225 KB, 243x356, 1519113501580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 years is prime

that's not how it works you dumb fuck

younger girls are way more delicate as they are not developed well enough physically and mentally to carry a baby, let alone give birth at that age, you dipshit

there's a reason why younger girls that get pregnant have to take special care, because they are more delicate than a 20 or 30 year old pregnant woman, you fucking imbecile

also nobody cares about your third world legal age of consent you gargantuan pedophile moron

>> No.3400237
File: 122 KB, 1280x550, roast beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3400251 [DELETED] 

Then explain why we're capable of sex and bearing a child at that age?
Protip: You can't.

>> No.3400259

guys don't get pregnant so they never care to actually look up what happens to a body in pregnancy. Teens have all sorts of complications, the pelvic inlet (interior part of the hips) isn't developed enough so they are more prone to cephalopelvic disproportion (baby's head too big to fit through birth canal). Visual analysis of the hips is poor indication.

>> No.3400261

2D >>>>> 3DPD

>> No.3400264

they are more likely to die in childbirth actually

>> No.3400266

Some are capable of bearing a child at the age of 11. Doesn't mean it's a good thing.

>> No.3400274
File: 120 KB, 1242x1205, you're welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Puberty was entered at 16-17 or older before 18th century. Abnormal civilizational conditions result in abnormal puberty in present times. Common knowledge, its in Wikipedia even.

Also consider evolutionary pressures on humans, who developed as stick wielding savages living among cave hyenas and whatnot. Even if something is not ready better too early than never. SO A 17 year old who isn't at her peak might as well have that kid because she might be dead before she hits, say, 21 or whenever her muscle mass would peak, which I guess would make for the safest pregnancy and birth.

There, your daft nonsense about "prime" 12-15 y/o vags is dismantled. No need to thank me.

>> No.3400282

Proportionally a lot more maternal deaths happen to women aged 20-34.

>> No.3400285


Why not count from 20 to 98? lel

>> No.3400286

Despite that fact it still does not explain why we are capable hence why jewish run media actively seeks, exploits and targets teens and brainwashes them to seek and breed with niggers



>> No.3400287

Worth noting that a teen that is able to deliver a baby without both dying then and there may still fail to properly pass her genes on if pregnancy and labor caused sufficient complications as to kill her. She could die of blood loss or sepsis a few days later, may have developed fistulas that get her ostracized from the community, or could have her hips dislocated or suffer debilitating back pains. All things that could lead to her belated death and subsequent death of the child.

tldr pregnancy is horrific and you don't want to put teens through it. Besides she'll lose her cute teen body right after lol. Nice pic btw.

>> No.3400290

In return the chances of the babby being born a retard increases increases continually after age 20

>> No.3400292

>Yet equity considerations suggest that efforts also be directed toward those most at risk, i.e., older women and adolescents.

If you read as far as the conclusion there are more maternal deaths in 20+ year olds simply because there are more 20+ y/o women getting pregnant than teens.

>> No.3400302

Geeze guys time to start growing babies in factories, don't wanna harm the mother

>> No.3400303
File: 21 KB, 505x273, xbc-diastasis-recti-logo_wide.png,qwidth=505.pagespeed.ic.s3H-uUkTSV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is now dedicated to pregnancy complications so you may better be able to properly depict uncomfortable pregnant women.

diastisis recti: where the abs literally get split apart from the interior pressure of the growing baby. Mild cases may resolve on their own but many women will need physical therapy and often times it can not be fixed without surgery. Larger degrees of abdominal separation are noted with larger babies and smaller mothers.

>> No.3400305

>mfw i like smol grils

>> No.3400310

imo that would be excellent, could be safer for the baby too (less chances of car accidents or contact with harmful materials be it BPA from can lining, xenoestrogens in plastics, polluted air etc).

It isn't fear mongering really (sadly). Thankfully we have medical technology that can help repair the damage from pregnancy but our ancestors did not have that benefit and young teenaged mothers faced more risk.

>> No.3400315

Why do you care? This is the pain that every mother goes through. It's important that it happens for both the baby and the mother, especially for the mother since childbirth releases a bunch of chemicals in her brain to actually make her bond to the child.
See above, it's why you always want to avoid a c-section. Growing them in a bunch of plastic bags would be even worse.

>> No.3400317

It doesn't HAVE to be debilitating or a death sentence for a petite figure but you need to prep for it ahead of time. A lot of women don't even know this is a thing that can happen to them.

> Keeping your weight low (none of this 'eating for two business' when the fetus is the size of a plum)

> planning on physical therapy instead of blindly exercising in ways that make it worse (many 'stomach tightening exercises are only meant for women who have never been pregnant, women with DR need special exercises)

> Wearing girdles and corsets after pregnancy helps heal the abdominals better and helps tuck in lower ribs (which usually end up flared out in pregnancy due to a hormone called relaxin that makes the waist look bigger)

> save up for tummy tuck surgeries that stitch up the abs and cut off all the loos excess belly skin

>> No.3400327

Just because something is traditional doesn't mean it is better. All sorts of pain is natural, doesn't mean we don't try to treat or to alleviate the pain. If plastic bag babies have better health outcomes parents will opt for it. There's tons of shit that can go wrong during pregnancy to hurt a kid, nature isn't perfect.

Father's don't birth their children and yet end up loving their kids too. It will be fine.

>> No.3400333

>Father's don't birth their children and yet end up loving their kids too
It's almost as if men are different from women hmmm

>> No.3400339

are you saying they don't love their kids?

IME what I've heard is more often that the father takes a bit more time to feel affectionate for the baby than mothers do but very many women aren't overwhelmed by immediate love either . . . which depressingly might just be a holdover from an evolutionary history where infant mortality was very common.

>> No.3400342


It only starts to ramp up significantly in the late 20s

Most shit is like that. Eyesight starts to degrade in one aspect at 4 years of age but also stops developing in another aspect at 22. Evolution ain't engineering, shit doesn't get patched properly. Still, 12 y/o preggo is an outlier that was never anticipated for, just like 600 lbs landwhales were never meant to be, yet here we are.

>> No.3400349

who cares idiot

just becase you can doesn't mean you should.

stop trying to look for excuses for your shit taste and get some help guy

>> No.3400351
File: 32 KB, 450x470, stock-photo-concept-or-conceptual-d-fat-overweight-vs-slim-fit-with-muscles-young-man-on-diet-reflecting-in-222984001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 600 pounders are is a good comparison. I can just imagine taking one into the past and showing them off to cavemen.

>> No.3400352
File: 26 KB, 450x358, stock-photo-concept-or-conceptual-d-fat-overweight-vs-slim-fit-with-muscles-young-man-on-diet-reflecting-in-a-355987178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stock art is a relevant addition to the thread

>> No.3400373

Conclusion: We don't need more babies. Stop having babies. We don't need more faggots on /ic/ trying to master loomis boxes

>> No.3400377
File: 5 KB, 250x240, 1519391773863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but did you really just reply and acknowledge you're a roastie? So you view younger Women as competition and loathe at the thought of an older Man being with younger Women than you. We get it. Do you also want and seek other Women's Men and when you can't have it your way do you blame everyone else but yourself and will never admit your own faults?

>> No.3400382

Nah fuck that I'm having at least 5 white children and they will learn loomis at age seven

>> No.3400395

>who cares idiot
You apparently, stop envying the young just because your hole no longer has any serviciable parts

>> No.3400396

The absolute madman!

>> No.3400402
File: 58 KB, 579x567, 1519248834361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admits to be a roastie cunt
>was promiscuous and a whorebag during her adolescence
>experienced her youth and her prime and was a viable asset and generally wanted
>fast forward 15 years later
>blames other men for her insecurities
>just because you can doesn't mean you should!

>> No.3400417

How to get as good as Rustle?

>> No.3400419

>Why do 2D breasts look better than 3D?
Idealization, dumbass.

>> No.3400420

Just draw cute girls doing cute things.

>> No.3400464

Asian babies learn faster though

China will be genetically engineering master artist babies within the decade.

>> No.3401220

And anon, you are a savage.